Worlds Combine #10-

Toad’s Knot

By Karaokecowboy76


I am Uatu, a member of a cosmically powered group known as the Watchers.

There are few in the many and varied universes that can match my power,

But though I can intercede in the events you are about to hear of, such is not my place.

Mine is but to watch and record, but never to interfere…

I am the Watcher



Somewhere in Upstate New Yark….

              “Reed, what do we have?”  Steve asked, stepping up next to the brilliant scientist and leader of the Fantastic Four, the exquisitely beautiful Amazon Princess Diana, better known as Wonder Woman in this and her own dimension, standing by his side.  People were starting to take notice that the two patriotically attired heroes were seldom apart.  In truth, they had been lovers for some time now, though they weren’t advertising it.  That didn’t mean it was a secret, of course.

              Reed Richards face was troubled as he tapped on the screen of a tablet he carried in one hand.  “This… rift, or portal or whatever we’re calling them… appeared on our systems at Four Freedoms Plaza two days ago.  We didn’t dispatch anyone to check on it because it seems every time we do that we lose someone through one of them.  Or it disappears by the time anyone gets there.  This morning, when I realized it was still here, and that it seemed to be growing, I thought it wise to investigate.”

              Captain America’s brows rose slightly at that proclamation, but it was Diana who replied with, “I’m sorry, did you say it’s growing?”

              “Indeed, I did Princess.”  Reed said grimly, tapping at a few more spots on his screen.  He looked up and the other two followed his gaze to where his brother-in-law, Johnny Storm was flying around with some sort of electronic apparatus in hand.  Both heroes were familiar enough with this sort of thing to understand that he was taking measurements of some kind.     

              “Can you elaborate?”  Cap asked the scientist, a little annoyed at his clipped answers.  “What does it growing mean for the rest of us?”

              Suddenly Reed’s wife Susan descended next to the three of them, having been hovering above their heads upon an invisible platform she created with her force-field creation powers.  She too had been directing some form of sensor at the anomaly.  Now she stepped up and said, “I’ll take this one Reed.”

              He nodded, “Thank you dear.” 

              Steve and Diana turned to the pretty blonde woman, neither of them offended at Reed’s attitude.  They had both worked with big brains like him before, indeed Steve had worked with Reed himself many times, so they understood it often wasn’t a good idea to distract his train of thought.  “The readings we’re detecting,” Susan said, her pretty face set in a grim expression of its own, “are vibrations from multiple different dimensions, all converging in this one anomaly.”  Steve and Diana both looked at her blankly.  “We think they’re merging.”

              “Merging?”  Diana repeated, turning her head to glance at the massive rift.  It was fully two hundred feet across and seemed to be expanding outward at a rather slow pace.  She realized then that it was also expanding toward her, which meant it was spreading three dimensionally!  “You mean all of the dimensions that you’re detecting here are… combining into one?”  Sue nodded seriously.

              “What does that mean for us… and the people of those other dimensions?”  Cap asked with concern.

              “Nothing good.”  Reed commented from off to one side.

              Sue glanced at him then back at the other two and nodded.  “To be perfectly honest, we aren’t entirely sure what to expect, this is unprecedented.  We’ve never dealt with anything like it before.”

              “I can make a few suppositions, based on what I’ve calculated.”  Reed said, entering the conversation again.

              “We’re listening.”  Diana told him.

              The scientist lowered his pad, turning his head to look at them… turning his head a lot, one hundred and eighty degrees in fact!  Diana shuddered slightly; it was rather disconcerting to have his body facing forward but his head facing them!  “Near as we can tell, and we have some proof on which to base this, most of these alternate dimensions are largely the same.  You’ve said yourself you have places like New York and Chicago in your dimension.”  Diana nodded, listening carefully.  “However, you’ve mentioned cities like Gotham, Metropolis, Star City… places like that.  They don’t exist in this dimension, so the world will have to… alter itself for those places to exist along with the ones that already do.  Your New York and ours will likely just meld, becoming one, as with any other places that exist in both dimensions.  The same can be said of such places in dimensions we aren’t familiar with yet.  But for places that don’t exist in every dimension, the world will get… bigger, I expect.  Room will have to be made for these new cities.”

              “Are you sure they won’t just be destroyed Reed?”  Captain America asked.

              The scientist shrugged and shook his head.  “How can I be sure Steve?  Like Sue said, this is unprecedented.  We’ve never seen anything like it before.”  He sighed.  “And then there’s the effect that the planet randomly enlarging will likely have on the atmosphere.  Of course, the various dimensions don’t just consist of Earths, it’s their whole universes that are merging, so the end result will be… a larger universe I suspect.  We may not experience any ill effects since it will likely grow to compensate for the larger space, or… the entire merger might destroy all of the dimensions at once… though I don’t really think that will happen.”

              “So… worst case scenario is universal destruction.”  Cap said with a surprisingly light tone.  He glanced at the sexy amazon warrior next to him, “In other words… a Monday.”

              She smiled, full red lips turning up at the corners, “I’ve always hated Mondays.”

              Steve, Diana, Susan and Reed all frowned then as slight chirping noises went off in their ears, signs that a message was coming through.  “Hey Steve, you copy?”  Tony Stark asked over their communication devices.

              Cap glanced at Diana, “Looks like we’ve managed to beat the interference these portals usually cause with our comms.”  She nodded as he reached up and tapped the small device inside his ear.  “I’m here Tony, along with Diana, Sue and Reed.”

              “We just got several reports of violence breaking out in multiple locations across the country.  Three of them near you two in New York.  I’m heading across to the West Coast to deal with something over there.  Think you and Diana can look into what’s near you?”  Iron Man asked.

              “Can you give us more details Tony?”  Cap asked.

              “You should be able to see the footage on Reed’s tablet.”  The scientist tapped a couple of spots on the tablet and pulled up video footage, Steve, Diana and Susan crowding around him to look.  The tablet’s screen had been split into three different views, the one on the top left showing a massive, muscle bound man in black leather with a mask that might have been mistaken for something used in an S&M situation.  He had a number of metallic hoses crisscrossing his shoulders and back.  As they watched the screen, he grabbed a pedestrian who was running by in one hand, lifting the man by the throat and then tossing him away as though he weighed next to nothing.

              Pointing to that spot on the screen Diana said, “That’s Bane.  He’s from my dimension.”  She paused, then placed her hand on Steve’s broad, well-muscled shoulder.  “He’s an enemy of my friend Batman, best suited to your skill set Steve, I would think.”  He nodded, trusting her judgement on the matter.  They shifted their gazes to the other two sections of the screen displaying activity, but none of them recognized the people on those screens.  One was a woman who seemed to be an albino, very shapely and scantily clad in black leather with a long cloak and wielding what looked like an elaborate sword of some kind.  From what they could see, she was commanding a small force of what looked like demons. 

              “I’ll take that one,” Sue commented off-handedly, “my force fields are good at containing crowds like that.”  Reed glanced at her with concern, but no one argued the logic of it.  That left the third screen which Diana focused on, realizing she was probably going to have to investigate it.  That section of the screen showed a massive human, at least she assumed he was human but so obese that it was amazing he was able to move as swiftly as he could.  Folds of fat jiggled and wobbled as he moved, Diana’s eyes widening as she watched him upend and fling a car at a cluster of police officers not far away.

              “He’s actually one of ours.”  Cap said and the two members of the Fantastic Four nodded.  “The Blob.  Usually one of the X-Men’s villains, but we haven’t heard from them lately so… yeah, maybe you should handle it.  His strength is pretty high and he’s nearly invulnerable so… you’re probably best suited to it.” 

              Diana nodded, but shuddered with unconcealed revulsion at the appearance of the super villain on Reed’s screen.  “If I must.”  Her smile was strained, but as always, she was game.  “Where is that?”

              Reed tapped the screen and over the quadrant that showed the Blob’s rampage coordinates appeared.  He scowled and shook his head.  “A town in Vermont, some place I’ve never heard of.  Looks like its called, fittingly enough, Killington.”

              Nodding at the group, Diana said, “I’m on my way.”

              “As are we.”  Cap said to Sue, who nodded and followed him toward a pair of vehicles parked in the distance.  One an Avenger’s Quinjet and the other long ago dubbed the Fantasticar.

              “Take it easy Stretch,” said Ben Grimm, the member of the Fantastic Four known as the Thing, placing a hand constructed of orange brick on his close friend’s shoulder, “I’ll go with her, watch her back.”  Reed, who had been watching with concern after Sue, nodded gratefully at his friend.  The Thing turned his baby blues on Diana, ran them over her in a way that actually made the Amazon Princess blush slightly, and said, “See you later tits.”

              Diana rolled her eyes, but she smiled slightly.  Grimm was a little rough around the edges, but he was a good sort and she actually liked him.  With nothing further to say or do there, she took to the skies and headed South and slightly West.


              Diana found Killington quickly enough, and as she approached the small mountain town that made a small fortune in the winter seasons with its skiing resorts, she had to dodge what looked like an enclosed ski lift conveyance as it hurtled toward her, giving her a bird’s eye view of the most likely place where the Blob could be found.  As she zeroed in on that, she started to hear distant screams and shouts as well as gunshots.  She dove toward the distant buildings, leveling out at about twenty feet above the ground, swooping through town at roughly the level of building roofs.  She picked up speed as she went, thinking to put a great deal of momentum behind her initial attack and hopefully end this encounter quickly.  She heard the gasps of surprise as people noted her passage, one officer commenting as she streaked by overhead, “Hey, it’s that Wonder Woman chick!”

              Fred Dukes, as she had learned his true name to be, having been updated on his background and known powers on her way here via an automated computer system of Stark’s invention, was at the center of the small-town square.  He was surrounded by rubble, having destroyed a number of police vehicles and she saw several unconscious bodies lying around as well.  The very ground around his copious form was cracked and in some places cratered from heavy impacts.  Diana soared in, one shapely leg bent beneath her, the fist she kept thrust forward in flight cocking backward now as she prepared to land a punch she hoped very much would knock him cold.

              “Watch it Fred!  Here she comes!”  Diana’s exquisitely beautiful face contorted in a scowl at the sound of the voice, familiar to her ear and sending a shiver of trepidation down her spine for she could not, at first, place it but it brought her gaze snapping around in the direction it had come from.  She saw no one at first, but it had served to distract her enough for Dukes to turn, see her coming and lash out with a backhanded blow that caught her in mid-air, the fist about the size and hardness of a frozen turkey as it caught her on her shoulder.  She cried out in surprise as she was sent careening away from him, slamming into the ground about fifty feet away, rebounding back up into the air and spinning only to slam back down… then up again… and back down… skipping across the surface of the town square for many yards before she ended finally in an uncontrolled tumble that halted, violently, as she slammed into the broad trunk of an ancient tree and slumped there, momentarily stunned and taken by surprise at the level of power in that one punch.  The briefing she had received from Stark’s computer hadn’t done his strength justice.

              ‘Suffering Sappho,’ she thought to herself with a moan as she pushed herself up into a sitting position and leaned back against the tree, it’s rough bark scraping against the smooth skin of her upper back, over the low cut top of her armored torso, ‘that one hits hard.’

              She shook her head to clear the dizziness of his blow, blinking her eyes and lifting her head to look toward the enemy, still trying to place the voice she had heard, its words intimating that she had been expected.  Diana leaned forward, thinking to get to her feet to meet any threat she knew must be coming, but before she could someone dropped from above, likely from the branches of the tree behind her and was suddenly straddling her lap, facing her.  She blinked again, this time in surprise and then her sapphire blue eyes widened in horror as she matched, finally, the voice to the man who had spoken.  He was facing her now, oddly egg-shaped head sitting sideways on a too thin neck, extremely wide mouth smiling knowingly as his bulbous eyes played over her bustline eagerly.  “Hello beautiful.”  Said the Toad.

              ‘Goddess no…’ Diana thought, even as her heartrate quickened and her temperature spiked, the long-forgotten command left in her subconscious mind at the end of their first meeting now taking a grip on her psyche.

              “Remember me?”  He leaned in, his scrawny torso pressing against her, her full breasts flattening against his chest, his face mere inches from hers.  “Show me you remember ol’ Mort.  Kiss me.”
              Diana is an Amazonian warrior of the highest caliber, a woman of exceptional skill in combat and there are few in the multiverse that can match her will… but Toad’s subconscious command had been set deep and right after a physical trauma that had laid several cracks in her mental protections and with that subconscious command so firmly in place, even the willful amazon princess could not resist the arousal his close proximity was raising within her.  She still had some control of her faculties though, and even as she leaned in to acquiesce to his command, she growled, “Bastard…”

              Then her soft, full red lips were on his, which were broad and rubbery and repulsive and she moaned in reaction to her body’s sudden spike in endorphins.  Toad’s arms moved forward, caressing the sides of her incredible breasts before sliding beneath her arms and around her torso, pulling her more firmly to him even as he pushed her back against the tree.  He moaned as well, her luscious body causing sensations within him that Toad was unaccustomed to but remembered well from his first coupling with this amazing female.  As his tongue pushed forward eagerly, desperate to assume a more direct control of her, Diana responded instinctively, parting her lips and then stiffening slightly as his slimy, elastic like tongue suddenly filled her mouth.  As his slimy saliva mixed with her own her eyes widened, aware of her willpower slipping away and her pupils dilated and she was fully his… a puppet to do with as he pleased for as long as he pleased, so long as he maintained that control.

              Toad broke the kiss then, his flabby, gross lips moving to the side of her face, his gray, slimy tongue extending and licking up the side of it, leaving a trail of slime like a slug might and she moaned slightly, more in revulsion and denial than anything else, but unable now to resist him even though somewhere deep inside, the rebellious princess very much wanted to.  The ground trembled beneath them then as Mortimer’s oldest friend Fred, otherwise known as the Immovable Blob, finally approached from where he had first struck Diana moments before.  As he got close he took note of his scrawny friend still straddling the shapely woman’s lap, her head rolled back in apparent delight as he kissed and licked the long, slender column of her neck.

              “I’ll be damned.”  Blob said, diction slurred and his voice making him sound dimwitted, which he was not, though certainly he was no scientist.  “Sorry I didn’t believe you Mort… hard to imagine someone like us being able to take control of someone like her.”

              At the arrival of his best friend Toad reluctantly climbed off of the gorgeous amazon and took her by the hand, pulling her to her feet.  Diana stood there, docile, awaiting the command of her master.  “So?”  Toad regarded the massively obese villain, gesturing at the sexy woman before them.  “Now that I’ve proven it to you, do you want to join my Knot?” A Knot, in the way he was meaning, referred to a group of toads and Mortimer, after his initial meeting with Diana, had had the idea of starting his own team and using her as his proof that he was a viable leader for it.  Not only that, but now that he had her, her powers would make them all but unstoppable!

              The Blob regarded the woman, his beady brown eyes, nearly lost in the folds of fat around his cheeks and drooping off his forehead, playing over her lustfully.  “How much control you got over her Mort?”

              The Toad smiled knowingly, recognizing that look in his friends eyes.  It was the same look they had both had more than once in their long villainous careers when they thought they had the likes of Jean Grey or Rogue at their mercy.  Blob was hungry, and his hunger had nothing to do with food for once.  “You want a piece of her sexy ass bud?  She’s all yours… all you gotta do is agree to join my team.  I figure I’ll offer her up as incentive to all the guys I’m thinking of offering a spot to.”

              “I’m in.”  Dukes commented gruffly, his eyes dancing over Diana.  Somewhere deep in her psyche she was horrified at what she was hearing but was powerless to help herself.

              “Good man.”  Mort said with a wide grin.  “I already found us an HQ… let’s go there and we can have us a little party to celebrate our partnership.”  He turned to Diana, who turned to face him in response.  “From now on beautiful, the only person more important to you than him,” he pointed at Fred, “is me.”  He pointed at himself.  “You understand?”

              “I understand.”  Diana assured him.

              “So, if Fred tells you he wants you to do something, as long as I haven’t told you something different, you do it.  Got it?”  he reiterated.

              “I understand.”  She repeated.

              “Good.  Let’s go.”  He turned and started off across the town square, Blob and Diana following in his wake.  In the distance, the citizens of Killington watched and wondered.


              The place he had chosen for the Headquarters of Toad’s Knot was one of the ski resorts outside of Killington Vermont.  It was the off season currently, but winter was fast approaching and the staff would be arriving in a few weeks to set up for their rush.  Therefore, this place was only temporary, but it served his purposes for now and there was no one around for miles.  A maintenance guy came around once a week, but Mort had been paying him off with the money he had scored in the bank robbery when he had first met and raped Wonder Woman.  Now he and Fred were here, Mortimer lounging in a comfortable easy chair by a fire he had instructed Diana to make when they arrived.  Fred, who was entirely too large for any of the furniture in this place, just sat on the floor.

              “So who else were you thinking of trying to recruit Mort?”  Fred asked from where he sat a few yards away.  He was watching Diana avidly as the amazon princess skillfully fellated Toad. She was kneeling between Mort’s spread thighs, her left hand cradling his scrotum gently while her right encircled the base of his rod.  Her soft red lips were pursed erotically around his shaft, saliva drooling from between her lips as they slid up and down his rod, quelching noisily, drool dripping down into her cleavage and running between her boobs.  Mort’s head leaned against the backrest languidly, a wide smile on his impossibly ugly face, one hand resting lightly on the top of her head the other eagerly kneading her left breast.  Her armor lay on the floor near the fireplace, where he had told her to place it after instructing her to strip all but her tiara, boots and bracers off.

              “Not too sure man.”  Mort replied after a heartfelt sigh of delight… Diana really was quite good at that!  “You were the first man I thought of. We’ve got kind of a bad history with team ups, usually we’re the ones getting recruited and always by people like Erik or Raven.”  Usually, the team they wound up on was led by someone like Magneto or Mystique and traditionally the two men wound up in some way abused by their leadership.  Mort intended to change all that now, his mind-control powers still a fairly new thing but he was fairly confident he had learned to master them.  Evidence of that kneeling in front of him, skillfully slobbing his knob.  “We don’t want anybody who thinks they’re smarter than us.”

              “Or anybody who actually is.”  Blob added.  He had always been the sort to think little of himself, which was actually one of the reasons Mort had chosen him.  They were actually friends, but Mort understood the fat man better than most and figured he could keep him under control easiest.

              “World’s filling up with people who fit that bill.”  Mort said, his voice growing louder by the moment and once he had finished speaking her thrust his hips up out of his chair and howled at the ceiling, flooding Diana’s mouth with semen.  Some of that, too, escaped her mouth and splashed onto her tits, but she managed to swallow the majority of it.  “Damn she’s got a talented mouth!”  He said with a laugh as Diana leaned back away from him, placidly reaching up and wiping his jizz and her own saliva from her plump lips.

              Fred rolled his tremendous bulk forward and started to rise, his gaze still fastened on the mostly nude heroine.  “My turn.”  It wasn’t a request; he was demanding what he was promised for joining with his friend.

              “Yeah… you bet man.  Take her and have some fun while I ponder the answer to that question of yours.”  He looked at Diana, who had gotten gracefully to her feet.  “Come here babe.”  She stepped closer to him and he licked her stomach without even shifting forward, the tongue shooting out from his mouth, its tips sliding up the sleek, toned belly of the amazon warrior and leaving the familiar slimy coating in its wake.  “That will keep her enslaved for a few more hours.  Take your time with her.”  Fred grinned, grabbed the shapely amazon by the arm and turned away, leading her from the room.  Toad watched them go, grinning slyly, fully aware of how much Fred was going to enjoy her.


              Since most of the furniture in the resort would have collapsed under his immense weight Fred didn’t take his new toy to a bedroom like most men might have.  Because of his immense size he had to think outside the box when it came to women, not that he had a lot of experience in that regard.  The only ones he had ever been with he had either forced or paid.  He was looking forward to such a beautiful, willing partner.  Or at least, in his mind she was willing.

              He took her to the lodge’s large dining room, a mahogany table taking up most of the space, stretching about fifteen feet at the room’s center and surrounded by chairs.  The walls were covered in hunting lodge memorabilia, though this was a ski lodge.  Heads of deer, bears and other animals were mounted on the walls, but neither of them was interested in those.  He had eyes only for the amazon, and she seemed unfocused on much of anything.

              “This’ll do nicely.”  He said, glancing at the table, figuring it could maybe handle what he had in mind for it.  He started to strip out of the dark blue with yellow lining costume he always wore during his adventures.  It had always reminded him of a high school wrestling uniform, worn because of its simplicity and the difficulty he usually had in getting dressed and undressed.  “You’re gonna blow me woman, just like you did for Mort, you hear?”

              “I understand.”  Diana said, turning to face him.  He moved to the table and turned his back to it, then just sort of… rolled up onto the surface of the object, it’s sturdy construction still groaning under his weight.  He paused a moment to ensure it wasn’t going to collapse, and then when he was satisfied he motioned Diana forward.  Wonder Woman approached the Blob where he lay on the table, her blue eyes playing over his bulk.  Deep in her mind she was repulsed by what she saw, a literal blob of flesh lying on the table, folds of skin spread across the surface of it and rolling obscenely down the sides of his prone form.  She tilted her head to the side, her eyes moving down over his naked stomach, noting his navel much lower down than it should have been, altered by the way the skin sagged off him.  The rolls of fat descending down off his stomach covered his manhood as well so she couldn’t see it, which Diana’s inner thoughts considered a good thing, but of course she had to do as she was instructed so….

              Fred trembled excitedly at her touch, the folds of flesh before her rippling like the surface of a pond that has had a rock thrown in it, as she started to gently lift the folds of skin away from his crotch, pushing them up.  It took a while, there was a lot of it blocking her from her intended target but finally she had a veritable ocean of fat and skin held up by one hand and her other extended to caress his tumescent rod.  A long, shuddering sigh escaped him as her limber fingers caressed his length, he scrotum hanging many inches beneath his shaft.  He wasn’t just large in the way of obesity, he was an incredibly well-endowed man as well and in the pit of her stomach she felt something like a lead weight settle as she set about the task he had given her. 

              Diana crouched between his sagging thighs, feeling the folds o his skin pressed against her shoulders as she positioned herself.  She kept one hand elevated, holding back the folds of skin and fat as she leaned in, using her other hand to lower his rod so that it pointed away from the rest of him and was easier to get to.  The stench radiating off of him, where sweat and grime and settled into the folds his skin and festered, leaving rashes and stains she didn’t want to think about made her stomach churn with revulsion.  She railed inwardly against her helplessness, trying to will herself to stop but instead she leaned in and kissed the thick head of his massive rod.

              “Oh yeah baby… use those lips.”  He groaned with delight.

              Diana lowered her head, sucked one of his pubic hair covered testicles into her mouth and let it pop loose with an audible sound from her sexy lips, then she raised her face slowly, the tip of her tongue extending and trailing lightly up the underside of his phallus.  Blob groaned and squirmed lightly on the tabletop, his fat face splitting in a pleased smile as the luscious amazon worked him.  As her tongue reached the tip of his fat member flicked his frenulum playfully and he jumped, the many folds of his fat rippling once again from the sudden jerky movement.  Then she circled him once, trice and finally thrice with her tongue, playing it lightly over the urethra at the tip and he gulped, suddenly wondering if he could withstand her skill for very long.  When at last she lowered her head and attempted to take him in, her full lips pursed around the thick head of it, her mouth open as wide as she could get it, the soft lips stretched taut across his length.  She took him in slowly, half an inch or so at a time, his full eleven inch length  eventually disappearing into her mouth, her nose nestled into his pubic hair and her forehead pushed against a fold of fat she was unable to keep from sagging down in front of her. 

              He filled not only her mouth, but her throat as well and Diana struggled mightily against her gag reflex, taking a moment to allow her mouth and throat to adjust to his massive girth.  “God damn,” he grunted in amazement, “you deep throated the whole thing!”  Not that she would ever tell him, though she had shared it with Captain America, but her skill as a lover was part of the blessing of Aphrodite she had been originally created with. 

              Once her mouth and throat had adjusted to him adequately, she withdrew slightly, her cheeks hollowing out as she sucked him hard.  He gasped, his neck and shoulders arching slightly off the tabletop and his eyes widening in their tiny sockets.  As she lowered her head again, taking him once more fully into her mouth she slid her tongue back and forth along his girth till her pert nose was once more buried in his short and curlies.  She kept that up for a long while, slowly increasing her tempo till her head was moving up and down with the speed of a jackhammer, the swiftness of Hermes coming into play as loud slurping noises started to emit from her mouth and saliva went flying, splattering her face and his thighs.  She felt his legs moving around her, the cushion of his fat thighs squeezing around her shoulders and his calves closing around her back, the sexy amazon trapped within the folds of fat that enclosed his legs and then he squeezed, forcing her to him, shifting himself downward as much as his great bulk would let him, driving his manhood down her throat as he exploded into her mouth.  Diana did gag then, she couldn’t help it as his semen flooded back up, filling her mouth and spilling out the sides of it and backing up her nasal cavity to spill out of her nose as well.  He jerked and bucked on the table as his orgasm took him, the folds of fat sliding and slapping against the tabletop as he moved. 

              Diana tried to pull away but he held her in place, her airways blocked by his penis and the semen now flooding her.  She choked and gagged, flailing mightily against him but he was strong enough to hold her since she was forbidden by earlier commands of Toad to use her full strength against them.  She nearly passed out and would have if he hadn’t finally released her and she lurched backward, his fleshy log sliding from her mouth and a final spray of jizz splattering across her lovely face.  Diana sprawled on the floor of the dining room, coughing and hacking, spitting out his love juice as he pushed himself upright and grinned down at her.

              “Your mouth is amazing woman.”  He slid off the table and motioned her to stand up, which she did slowly, her movement graceful even though she felt humiliated deep down.  “I’m looking forward to seeing what your other holes feel like.”  Fred reached out and placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch making her shudder with revulsion, but if he noticed he didn’t say anything.  Moving that hand to the back of her head he forced her to bend forward across the end of the table and then moved up behind her.  Diana braced herself with her hands against the top of the table, turning her head to look at him, her face an expressionless mask.  He reached down and lifted the massive bulk of his stomach and then stepped forward and lowered it across her hips, pinning her to the table.  He reached between them then, felt around till he found his manhood and slid it up between the crack of her ass.  Diana tensed slightly as she felt his massive head pressing against her anus and she wanted to deny him this but was powerless to do so.  Grinning lecherously at her he moved his hands up, caressing her sides and making her shudder once more, filled his hands with her breasts and used them to force her upright, making her display remarkable agility as her spine bowed, molding her back to the massive swell of his belly. He kneaded her breasts eagerly, enjoying their heft and firmness mingled with a softness that only a woman’s breasts can possess. 

              When he thrust forward, driving himself into her ass with a powerful thrust her eyes nearly popped from her head and her gorgeous mouth dropped open as she gasped out, “Goddess!”  Blob started to thrust with abandon, driving into her ass repeatedly, the table sliding and bucking against them as he drove the front of her thighs against it over and over.  ”Hera, give me strength!” she said, sounding almost like a sob and when he threw his head back and roared, spewing his seed into her for the second time, this time into her tight asshole he also thrust his fists at the ceiling in triumph and she slumped forward once more, bent over the dining table.


Hours later….

              Diana was astride Mortimer, his manhood buried deep inside of her, the amazon’s hips rolling sensuously as she rode him expertly.  She was leaned forward slightly, her hands braced on his narrow chest, her nails lightly scraping his green tinted flesh, her sexy mouth open as she gasped and panted.  They were both fully naked now and he had spent the last two hours working her through her paces, and experimenting with his mind control, making her swallow his saliva as much as possible and reinforcing within her the idea that she was his slave, he her master and that she must do everything he tells her from then on… even when his mind controlling saliva is no longer in her system.  He had seen the success of this once before, when he had implanted the suggestion into her subconscious mind that when next she saw him she would be overwhelmed with desire for him.  It had worked then, but that had been a rather simple, brief command.  Permanently enslaving her, he felt, was something that would take much longer to accomplish.  But spending time with her was something he would never complain about.

              He sat up, his hands gliding up her sleek thighs and took one of her large nipples in his eager mouth.  She gasped out with delight, her own hands sliding up his chest and encircling his neck as she threw her head back and smiled.  She was fully with him here… even the defiance deep in her psyche had been removed and as far as Diana, Princess of Themyscira was concerned she belonged, body and soul, to Mortimer Toynbee. “Tell me you love me.”  He instructed her.

              “I do love you master.”  She gasped out, a thin sheen of perspiration making her flawless bronzed skin seem to glow in the bedroom’s faint light, filtering in from the full moon outside. 

              “Will you do anything for me?”  He asked her, already knowing the answer.

              “Yes… yes anything.”  Her orgasm took her suddenly in a wave, the amazon warrior crying out as her back arched, shoulders back and breasts thrust at him in an entirely erotic display that delighted him to his core.  “Goddess!”

              He gave her a few moments to recover, then he rolled her onto her back so that he was on top now, still buried deep within her.  He had learned an hour or so before that part of her “blessing of Aphrodite” included the ability to keep her lovers hard for as long as she wanted.  He had told her to do that to him, like a divine viagra and so when he had her on her back he started thrusting.  Diana smiled, closing her eyes and rolling her head back on the pillow, enjoying the feeling of him inside her.  He kept on with his brainwashing.  “Soon Diana, I will release you to return to your allies among the heroes.”  She frowned, not wanting to leave him.  “It is important that you stay with them, that you pretend nothing has changed for you, do you understand?”  She nodded, sucking her plump lower lip into her mouth and chewing on it sensually in response to his thrusts.  “I need you to spy for me Diana, to tell me what they’re planning and provide me information about anything they’re doing.”

              “I can do that master.”  She told him.

              “Also, if we encounter each other again, but you’re with the heroes, you have to pretend we don’t know each other.  They can never know about us, do you understand that?”  He asked of her, filling his hands with her magnificent breasts and squeezing them together as he kneaded them between his long fingers.

              “I do master!” she gasped, squirming in delight beneath him.

              “Good girl.”  He said with a smile and kissed her, shoving his long, prehensile tongue down her throat as he hooked her knees over his shoulders and started pushing with his legs, driving into her so deeply and powerfully that the bed beneath them started to rock, the headboard slamming against the wall above them.  As he came, grunting in delight as what little seed he had left jettisoned into her lissome body, a knock sounded at the door.  After a moment that he used to recover from his umpteenth climax he rolled off her and Diana whimpered unhappily.  “Yeah!”  He called.

              The door opened and Fred stood in the doorway, too wide to fit through it without a lot of effort.  “The others you sent for are here Mort.”

              “Thanks Fred, I’ll be right down.”  The Blob nodded and turned away, his gaze lingering for a moment on the nude form of Diana next to the Toad.  When his friend and teammate had gone, Mortimer turned to address her.  “Put your costume on and come downstairs, I need you to… incentivize these men into joining my team.”

              She smiled and nodded, making to stand up and find her heroine costume which was scattered around the room.  “Sounds like fun master.”

              He smiled as he, too rose and started to dress.  He thought about some of the horrible, sadistic bastards awaiting them downstairs and what they were likely to do to her before he let her go back to the heroes.  “It will be for someone.”  He said with a widening smile.


To be continued….