The Scarlet Dove  Issue Two – Bait

Chapter One

Warden City was a metropolis in decline.  Set on the banks of the mighty Montgomery River, it had once been a thriving river town.  The city had grown on the strength of its port, becoming something of a central hub for trade and import in the region.  As it grew Warden City continued to thrive, becoming an industrial hotbed as the river traffic made the city a natural place to establish factories, warehouses, and shops of all kinds.  Of course the booming commerce also made the port city fertile ground for an insidious criminal element.  During the prohibition era that element laid down a strong, virile root system.  Over the decades, as the city continued to grow, so too did that criminal element, and as the industry began to waver with the onset of the new millennium, it became increasingly more difficult to draw the lines between honest industry and the city’s seedy underbelly.  As is the way, the rich grew richer, the poor grew poorer, the corrupt became brazen, and the powerful maintained their power by any means necessary.


“…But that’s nothing new, now is it?” Police Chief Maddox smirked.  “We hold these truths to be self-evident, money is the root of all evil, and power corrupts…so what is the real question?”  He left the statement hanging in the air, for dramatic effect.


Across the desk from him, the pretty young reporter finished scribbling in her notepad and looked up at him expectantly.  Her vibrant green eyes beamed, standing out among soft features, which gave her face a youthful, girlish quality.  Her skin was as smooth and pale as porcelain, which contrasted nicely with the candy apple red mane that fell around her shoulders in thick lustrous waves.  She was wearing a very low cut, teal blouse, which was probably displaying more cleavage than was appropriate for an interview with the chief of police. 


Not that Chief Maddox was going to complain, as he had spent the majority of the interview enjoying the view.  No stranger to the game, he had fed her tons of quotable lines to keep her eyes focused on her notepad, so his could stay focused on her voluptuous D-cups.


“What is the real question, Chief Maddox?” she prompted, after a moment had passed.


“Who then will protect the poor, and honest folk of Warden City?”


“I suppose that’d be you?”  There was an unmistakable note of skepticism in her tone.  “You and the WCPD?”


Chief Maddox scratched his head absently.  “Actually I believe it’s up to them to protect themselves.  We just do our best to provide them the structure, and safety to do so.”


The young woman smiled, seeming a bit surprised by his answer.  “I might not disagree with that, exactly.”  It seemed like she wanted to say more, but she didn’t, instead switching topics.  “Some people might say there is someone else in Warden City, who is attempting to provide that protection to the poor, honest citizens…the Scarlet Dove?”


“Of course, the would-be superheroine,” Chief Maddox rolled his eyes.  “She’s becoming quite the sensation, I guess I should’a known she’d come up.  Officially my statement is that vigilantism is a crime like any other, and when we catch the Scarlet Dove, she’ll be prosecuted according to her due rights.”  He gave her a moment to finish writing before adding.  “Off the record I’d say that Warden City PD don’t like anyone doing our job for us!”  Then he visibly softened, adding, “But mostly I’d just hate to see her get hurt, it’s a dangerous world she’s playing in, and I wonder if she’s given full consideration to the potential risks.”


“I’m sure she has,” the pretty reporter replied a little too quickly.  “After all…I believe she was largely responsible for the recent arrest of around 8 members of the infamous Scarpone family over the last two months?  Including the notorious Creole Creed…  As well as exposing a series of laboratory robberies, a pattern which your offices had not picked upon...”


“Yet.” Maddox grumbled cutting her off.  “I can see someone’s a fan,” he went on.  “My department has had a longstanding investigation in regards to organized crime in Warden City.”


“Hm, and yet her assistance seems to have had an immediate impact?”  the red head pressed.  “Seems tough to argue with results like that.”


“You have my official statement.”


“Of course, excuse me,” the young woman stammered.  “I didn’t mean to be rude, I just get excited some times.”


“It’s quite alright,” Maddox waved her off, everyone seemed overly excited since the appearance of the so-called superheroine.  “Will that be all, miss…I’m sorry, what was it again?”


“Chase,” she replied.  “Starling Chase.”


The buxom reporter stood and reached across the desk to shake his hand, leaning forward to do so she inadvertently gave Maddox an explicit final look down the front of her blouse.  He shook her hand, his eyes eagerly devouring the sight of the white lace peeking out from beneath her revealing neckline.   


“Oh, there was one other thing,” she said, still standing.


He nodded for her to go ahead.


“My sources have been mentioning a certain name recently,” she said.  “I was wondering if it was involved in the Scarpone investigation?”


“What’s the name?”


“Tom Danvers.”


The chief’s eyes snapped up to her face.  There was definitely something behind them, anger, alarm, it was tough to read. 


“Tom Danvers is an urban legend,” Maddox said after a moment.  “A famous outlaw type, like Bonnie and Clyde or Babyface Nelson.  He got famous in the 50’s for robbing banks so even if he were involved…”


“He’d be pretty old,” Starling laughed.


“Ancient,” he confirmed.  “Of course, even if he were involved I couldn’t share any details of an ongoing investigation, Miss Chase.”


“Not even for me,” she chuckled, batting her eyelashes coyly.


The chief grinned.  “Afraid not.” 


“Thank you ever so much for your time, Chief Maddox.”


He watched her turn to leave, the very picture of modern femininity.  She was wearing a light grey, pencil skirt which perfectly outlined her heart shaped bottom.  She was average height for a woman, with an hourglass figure sporting all the right curves.  He was almost mesmerized by the sultry sway of her hips, amplified by the yellow pumps at the end of her mile-long stems.  Truly the young reporter was a rare beauty, and the chief of police was not above taking a moment to entertain several lewd thoughts in her regard.  Certainly he would have to remember the name, Starling Chase.


Chapter Two

Starling left the chief’s office, not entirely certain that he was an official on the take, but certain that he knew more than he was sharing.  Especially in regards to Tom Danvers. 


When he had gone to the restroom, she had taken full advantage of the time to riffle through his desk.  Admittedly there was not much in the way of a paper trail, however his rolodex had contained several numbers with suspiciously nondescript names, and absolutely no other information.  She had copied them down quickly, returning to her seat only a split second before he returned, and would have caught her snooping. 


Outside she jotted a few more notes in regards to her suspicions, before tucking the note pad back into her clutch purse.  Habitually, she took out her compact to check her make up in the small mirror while absently hailing a cab.  The downtown street was bustling with midday foot traffic.  As with most women of her dimensions, Starling had no trouble getting a cab as one almost instantly pulled over for her.  As she slid into the back seat, her iPhone began to ring.


“River Run offices, please,” she said, before answering.  “Hello?”


The driver gave her a curt nod, subtly adjusting his mirror to get a better view of her chest.  The River Run was a struggling publication, but it had its roots deep in the city’s past.  Starling had only been there for the last several months, since she had come to Warden City.


“Star, it’s you know who,” buzzed a voice on the other end of her call.  The young reporter winced, she actually hated being called “Star.”  The voice belonged to one of her regular sources, a low level drug dealer who called himself Baker.  He’d been asking around for her in regards to Tom Danvers.  Of course he thought she was researching for an article.


“What have you got for me?” she asked eagerly.


“Well, it ain’t much, Danvers’s been a ghost story for the last twenty years or so,” the source responded.  “Everybody knows something, but don’t nobody know anything, y’know?”


“I think I get what you mean,” Starling replied.  “But you did find something, didn’t you?” 


“Yeah, I got something,” he went on.  “I found out about this new group operating out of the old Synodyne warehouse out on the east end.  They’re seriously legit, supposed to be more soldier than street, but don’t nobody know what they’re up to or why, cuz they’re good about not talking.”


“And?” Starling pressed.


“Supposedly, the ones that do talk, when they talk, claim to be either working for, or working with the legendary Tom Danvers.”


Starling felt butterflies in her chest.  “Are you sure?”


“Can’t be too sure, I ain’t talked to ‘em,” Baker replied.  “But that’s the word I heard, from more than one place too.”


“Thanks, Ba-erm, thank you!”  He had a thing about not saying his name over the phone.


“Don’t say it, pay it,” he replied quickly.  “Oh, and watch that cute ass of yours, these guys are seriously legit.”


“Thanks, I’ll be careful,” the young reporter replied.  “And I’ll send your fee off in the morning as usual.”


“Don’t be a stranger, you should bring it by in pers-” she hung up before he could finish.


Not likely, Starling thought.  While Baker had his uses, he was a rather unpleasant individual.  He had been one of the first contacts she’d made when she arrived in Warden City.  He had remained one of her more consistent informants, perhaps not in quality but definitely in quantity, and he made no bones about the fact that was mainly due to his unrequited lust for her.  She paid him for his info, but preferred to keep their interactions as distant as possible.


Still this was good, her first lead on Danvers.  The young reporter sighed leaning back, green eyes intent on her phone as she pulled up and began to scroll through her emails.  Looked like she was in for a long afternoon, and perhaps an even longer night.



Chapter Three

“Chase! My office!”


No sooner had Starling arrived back at the River Run, then her editor was already yelling at her.  Her shoulders slumped as she dropped her purse on her desk and heading into his glass walled office. 


“Yeah, boss?” she asked timidly.


“Shut the door behind ya!” he barked.  “Sit.”


The young reporter did as she was told.  The top of Ed’s desk was a mess and he rooted around for a few moments without even looking at her.  Finally, he sat back sticking a half chewed cigar in his mouth and leveled his gaze her way.   “Where the hell ya been all morning?”


“I had an interview with Police Chief Maddox,” she responded quickly. 


“I didn’t assign that,” the editor scratched his chin.  “What for?”


Starling thought quickly.  “I’ve been working on a crime-related story that I thought he could give me some insight on…”


“What Story?” Ed went on.  “You know Keith Johnson is my major crimes guy.”


“This is nothing like that,” Starling went on.  “It’s, um, like a historical piece…the Legend of Tom Danvers.”


“That’s a shit title,” Ed said.  “What’s yer pitch?”


This wasn’t exactly what Starling had intended.  The truth was she just wanted to use her press connections to see if WCPD was investigating the Scarlet Dove, and to gauge Chief Maddox’s over all trust worthiness.


“Well, as you know, Tom Danvers is practically a folk hero here in Warden City,” she began. 


“Yeah yeah, a real Robin Hood type,” Ed groaned.  “Union activist turned criminal, robbed Warden City Bank & Trust, right?  Gave all the money back to the people so when he went to trial no witnesses would identify him.”


“Not only that but over two hundred private citizens came forward to claim they saw him at various bars, restaurants, stores, and sporting events at the exact time of the robbery.”


“Peh, idiots!”


“Well what hasn’t made it into the legends,” Starling went on.  “Is that millions of dollars’ worth of land deeds were also stolen that same night.  Due to the lack of paperwork, over the next several years, several other banks were able to acquire those plots for pennies on the dollar of what they were worth.  Eventually this forced the closure of WCB&T, which meant debts had to be transferred, which meant that interest rates could be re-evaluated, usually raised, and so on.”


“So you think Danvers was working for these other banks?” Ed was nodding, even took his cigar out for a moment.


“Well he certainly doesn’t seem to be the modern Robin Hood everybody thinks he is,” the reporter replied.


“Hm, and with this Scarlet Dove out there flying around it’s a great time to remind the excitable naïve saps in this city that everyone’s got an agenda!” he popped the cigar back in his mouth and banged on his desk. “I love it!”


Starling’s mouth dropped open, that wasn’t exactly the reaction she’d had in mind. 


“I’ve been looking for the right angle to come at that vigilante!  This is great,” Ed rambled on, holding his hands up and picturing a headline.  “HERO OR VILLAIN!  Learning from the past…This is great, I want a draft by the end of the week!”


Starling left Ed’s office a little bewildered.  The real reason she was interested in Tom Danvers was his possible link to her father’s murder.  Now she was going to have to write an article on him?  And one centered on discrediting her own crime-fighting alter-ego.  This was going to get tricky.


By the time Starling had made it home, and taken a hot shower, she had cleared her mind and felt ready to deal with whatever she might encounter that evening.  Tossing her towel on the bed, she reached into the secret compartment in her armoire, where she kept her uniform.  Her transformation began with putting on a pair of pure white, bikini style briefs.  She slid them up her long legs, where they fit skintight on her shapely hips and butt.  Next was a matching bustier, which fastened up the middle of her back and had a golden dove symbol emblazoned over her right breast.  She tucked her boobs into the form fitting garment, it took a little adjusting to get them properly secured.  The two piece uniform left a generous portion of her trim stomach visible, her golden utility belt covered part of that, as for the rest…luckily Starling was not too shy.  She donned a pair of golden calf length boots next, as well as two golden bracelets. 


The bracelets she had had to have specially made.  One had the triggering device for her dove shaped tazer pins, which she kept in one of the pockets of her belt.  The other had a LED flashlight built into it.  Those had been especially tricky to procure, but she had a connection left over from her modeling days, a fashion designer who could pull off just about anything named Brianna le Croix.  She was an eccentric woman who had always taken particular care of Starling.  She’d actually helped design the entire outfit, affirming that the sexier it was the harder it’d be for any adversaries to focus on the fight!  She was the only one who knew Starling’s secret.


The final touch was a white, feathered eye mask, which would protect her secret identity.  Giving herself a once over in the mirror, the young woman couldn’t help but smile.  Once she was in uniform, Starling always felt a surge of excitement and a swell of confidence…she became The Scarlet Dove!


Chapter Four

Stakeouts were the worst.


Starling had to wait most of the night on the roof of a building adjacent to the abandoned warehouse.  Her scant uniform offered little protection against the elements, and though the temperature was not terribly low, the cold wind thoroughly chilled her slender body.  She waited until well past midnight, hugging herself and shivering miserably. In addition, patience was decidedly not one of her virtues, and after several hours of frigid misery her determination began to wane. 


However just as she was entertaining thoughts of flying over to Baker’s place and pummeling him senseless for giving her bad information, something did happen.  A dark colored suburban pulled up at the warehouse.  Actually, it pulled past the warehouse, suspiciously slow.  It turned down an alley half a block over and then approached from the rear.  Starling felt a thrill of excitement; this had to be the crew Baker had told her about!


She leapt into the air, gliding across the street and alighting on the roof.  A rush of adrenaline warmed her bones, as she moved slowly, careful to stifle the noise of her high heeled boots.  Starling crept to the edge near where the van had parked, and crouched down peering over the side.  She did not want to alert them to her presence until the right time.  She could hear them speaking in harsh whispers but couldn’t really make anything out.  They were all wearing black, so she could only see shadowy figures.  It was tough to be certain at a distance, but there only seemed to be three of them.  She stepped up onto the ledge, adjusted her bustier and hopped over gliding down to make a dramatic landing on the roof of the suburban.


“Evening, boys!” she shouted, assuming a cocky pose with fists on hips.  “Seems a little late for a delivery.” 


The three thugs whirled to face her.  They were dressed in all black, each wearing the same boots, fatigues, flack jacket and gloves.  Starling was more than a little dismayed to notice none of them looked old enough to be Tom Danvers.  Their eyes bulged under their masks, devouring her beautiful legs and delicious curves in that skintight uniform.


“Who the hell are you?” the tallest asked. 


“Haven’t you heard?” she beamed.  “I’m the Scarlet Dove!”


“You supposed to be some kind of comic book hero?” scoffed another.


“No no, wait,” said the third.  “Don’t tell me… WCPD is outsourcing to the Cat’s Meow these days.”


They all laughed.  The Cat’s Meow was a gentlemen’s club in the old dock district.  Blushing, Starling scowled.  They’d learn better than to mock her.


The Scarlet Dove leapt into the air, gaining a little height before dive bombing the group.  Turning gracefully as she made her pass, the heroine lashed out punching and kicking, scoring hits on all three!  One of them was knocked down by her blows, and the other two were sent scattering.  Calmly she flew back to the roof of the vehicle, glaring down at the criminals smugly.


Her increased quickness and agility made the lithesome superheroine surprisingly formidable.  However, as she still only possessed the strength and physical fortitude of an average, if fit, young woman, she used her flying abilities to implement hit and run tactics.  So far she had not been disappointed in the results.


“You stupid bitch!” one of the thugs shouted.  “Come down here and fight!”


“Are you sure?” she laughed.  “Cause I’m pretty sure I just did, and you all didn’t do so well!”


“Cocky little bitch,” grumbled one of the others.


“It’s hard not to be when you look this good!” the heroine giggled, shifting her pose to thrust her boobs forward.


The three men had moved out towards the middle of the alley.  They gathered together, cracking their knuckles and continuing to call her a “bitch” while attaching various adjectives. 


“Sounds like you guys need another lesson!”


The Scarlet Dove sprang once again!  She pulled up short this time, easily avoiding their clumsy attacks.  Then she surged forward, punching the first across the jaw.  Whirling gracefully in midair, she whipped one of her long, silken gams around in a high kick that floored another.  Then she dropped to the ground, easily ducking a wide looping punch thrown by the middle thug, while quickly planting one of her dove pins on his vest.  Suddenly his knee slammed into her, knocking the heroine back on her butt with a gasp! 


He loomed over her, malicious intent clear in his eyes.  She quickly activated the pin, and he jerked upright, trembling from the voltage before pitching sideways.  Starling rolled backwards to her feet, leaping into a picturesque back flip and landing nimbly at a safe distance between them and the warehouse. 


“Ready to give up yet?” the Dove blustered, supremely confident.


Two of the men regrouped slowly, while the third lay on the ground groaning and twitching.  She could tell the two standing were grinning, which triggered a flash of anger in the impetuous young heroine. 


“I’m going to give you guys one more chance to surr…”


She was interrupted by the sound of the big bay door sliding open behind her.  The young woman whirled around confused as four more black clad thugs stepped out from the warehouse.  A nervous feeling danced up the heroine’s spine, realizing this was a drastic shift in numbers.  Perhaps they were as “seriously legit” as Baker warned her.


“Ahh, welcome to the party boys,” she tried to maintain her confidence, turning back to face the rest of the crew.  “And here I thought it was going to be a quiet night!”


“I can already tell you’re the mouthy type,” came a hoarse chuckle, as an eighth man stepped out of the warehouse.  “Doubt there’s too many quiet nights when you’re around, little birdy.”


Starling’s mouth dropped open in shock, as she instantly recognized the newcomer as Tom Danvers.  Short, unkempt salt and pepper hair, rugged features, dominated by a thick walrusy mustache, he looked exactly like the pictures she had found while researching him…which was exactly what was so shocking.  The only pictures she had ever been able to find were press pictures taken during his arrest and trial after the robbery of Warden City Bank & Trust…which had been over seventy years earlier! 


“You…you’re…”  the scarlet haired heroine was stammering, trying to figure out what she was seeing.  A trick of the lighting maybe?


“Tom Danvers,” he confirmed, his voice beset by an old timey rasp.  “But then something tells me you already knew that.”


“But you should be…I mean you’re,” Starling was still searching for her composure.  “You look so young!”


Danvers’s bushy mustache lifted in a smirk.  “Hell of a thing ain’t it!”


The Scarlet Dove suddenly realized that the seven men had moved in surrounding her.  Dive bombing three lowlifes was one thing, but this had suddenly become a full on gang to contend with.  She didn’t like those odds.  That thought led the young heroine to another realization… this was a trap!  As that dawned on her, it must have played plainly across her pretty face, because Danvers began to laugh.


“You’re a pretty little thing but you ain’t too smart,” he grinned, showing crooked teeth.  “Guess you gonna have to be more careful what rumors you listen to.”


Starling felt like a fool.  “You’ve been circulating rumors of your whereabouts on purpose! Trying to draw me in… but why?  Why me?  Why you?”


“Cuz I’m the kinda guy who gets things done,” he replied.  “When some kind of super powered bitch starts flying around, fuckin’ up business for my associates… I’m the one they call to take care of it!”


The goons were gradually inching closer, and Starling sensed she did not have much time before they pounced.  Her mind was reeling.  How could she have walked into a trap like this?  It must have been the Scarpones, she had nearly crippled their organization in the last couple months since her ordeal at Warden City Diagnostics.  She had suspected they had some connection to Danvers after that night, but how come he hadn’t seemed to age over the last fifty years?  She wasn’t about to get answers tonight, she couldn’t take on seven men at once, she hated the idea of running away but she had to get out of there!


“We’ll meet again, Danvers!”  she growled, leaping into the air.


The Scarlet Dove soared straight up into the air like a rocket.  She would have to go after Danvers on her own terms.  Suddenly a net dropped over the distracted heroine!  It was too late to evade, the thick roping ensnared her. 


In her periphery she noted two more figures standing on top of the roof, almost right where she had crouched moments earlier.  Had they been there the whole time?


She twist and turned in midair, trying to cast off the snare.  The thick rope was like webbing, and the more she tried to free herself, the more tightly it seemed to wrap around her!  The net was also weighted, and so it began to drag her back towards the ground as she couldn’t fly carrying much more than her own bodyweight. 


“Oh no!” Starling cried out in distress. 


The young heroine felt her chest beginning to tighten, and the more frantic she became the harder it was to focus on keeping herself in the air.  Before she even realized it, she was within reach of the men on the ground.  They quickly grabbed the netting, and dragged her all the way down!  Hopelessly entangled in the thick roping, her enhanced agility was effectively negated and the seven rugged men easily overpowered her.  She struggled, thrashing and writhing desperately, but to no avail. 


“Let me go!” she wailed.  “Get off me!”


This can’t be happening, she thought in desperation.  But it was, the Scarlet Dove was utterly helpless.


They wrapped the net around her tightly, tying off the loose ends and securing her in a tight little package.  The seven goons carried her over to Tom Danvers, and dropped the squirming girl at his feet.  Starling looked up him, feeling small and inferior.  Here was this man she had been hunting, and researching for years, and yet with just a few weeks planning he had found her, played her, outsmarted her, and captured her. 


As if reading her thoughts, he smirked and reiterated, “pretty little thing, but not too smart.”


Maybe he was right?


“Put her in the van, boys,” Danvers instructed.  “Lock this place back up and let’s get out of here!”


This time it was only the three thugs she had fought with who stepped forward.  Two of them picked her up almost as if she was weightless, making the captured girl feel totally insubstantial.  They stood her up, to face the third, the one she’d zapped with her pin.


“Let’s hear that smart mouth now, bitch!” he growled.


“You’ll never get away with this!” she spat through the netting. 


He produced a pistol from somewhere, she was too panicked to pay too close of attention.  He grabbed her web-like binding, and smashed the butt of the gun into the back of her head!  Instantly the world began to spin sickeningly around Starling and she fell into the darkness of unconsciousness. 


The thug cocked back his arm to hit her again, intent on punishing her for the nasty little zap she’d given him.  Suddenly a steel grip seized his wrist.


“What the hell are you doing?”  Tom Danvers growled, tightening his hold on the man’s wrists.


“Uh, nuthin’?” he said dumbly.


“Nothing?” Danvers snapped.  “Cuz it looks an awful lot like you were going to pistol whip her…”


“That’s right,” he said growing a bit more brazen.  “Bitch deserv-OULPH!”


Tom Danvers slugged the man, knocking him out cold instantly.  Then he turned to the other two, who threw up their hands up defensively.  “Do you know why I meticulously laid out the plan to capture her without violence?”


“Um, uh, um,” one stammered stupidly.  “Cuz she’s a lady?”


“No not cuz she’s a fucking lady!” Danvers snarled.  “Because Dominion wanted her alive!”


“Why?” the other blurted, he caught himself instantly, bracing for a punch of his own.


“Why…?” Danvers chuckled instead.  “Well when he arrives you can ask him, how’d that be?”


The man turned ashen white.  “N-no, I’m sorry I asked…I just…I’m just… I’m sorry, sorry!”


“Not as sorry as we’ll be if she’s got any permanent brain damage,” Danvers promised, turning back to the rest of his crew.  “Get her in the suburban and let’s get out of here!  And for gawd-sake be careful with her, let’s try not to make things worse!”


The remaining men fell on her as a group.  Tom almost laughed to see how gentle they were being with her now, even if for good reason.  He didn’t know why his boss wanted her unharmed, but Tom knew better than to disappoint the man called Dominion.


As they loaded her into the back of the SUV, the two other cars concealed in the warehouse were starting up.  He could see the young heroine in the headlights, she was so limp and helpless…deliciously vulnerable…Tom thought he had never seen anything so sexy in his entire long life.  Suddenly her head lolled in just the right way that a portion of her bright red hair fell through the netting, the headlights from the cars shone through the errant tresses lighting up like fireworks!


An unexpected sense of familiarity rolled through Tom, for the first time really noticing that lustrous scarlet mane.  He starred hard, trying to remember more clearly but he could not quite put his finger on it. 


As the suburban pulled off, he climbed into one of the other cars.  They were taking her to his remote hideout outside the city, where they would await Dominion’s arrival.  However, as Tom Danvers continued to contemplate that strangely familiar crimson mop, perhaps he would get some answers while they waited.


Chapter Five

The sun shone so brightly!  It flooded through the window, stabbing her eyes and making her achy head begin to throb.  What time was it?  She didn’t remember hearing her alarm.  Her editor would have a fit if she were late for morning check in again.  What time was it?


Starling tried to roll over to check her iPhone, but she couldn’t move.  She must not be quite awake yet.  That made sense, she did feel insanely groggy.  After a moment, she tried again, it seemed like her body was moving but… she couldn’t… quite….


Starling opened her eyes, peering through the blinding sunlight at the arm that wouldn’t seem to move.  As her eyes adjusted, she realized her wrist was tied to the bed post.  Odd… She turned to look at the other side.  That wrist was also tied to the bed post!  And now she realized it was not even her bed post.  Panicking, Starling thrashed about, quickly realizing her ankles were also bound.  She was tied spread-eagle to some strange bed!


Terror-stricken the young woman glanced all around, as her eyes adjusted to the strange room surrounding her.  She also realized she was wearing her white superheroine uniform, and that realization brought everything crashing back down on her.  A sudden rush of memories filled her aching mind, as she remembered being captured, the confusion, the helplessness, the fear.  The flood of emotions momentarily overwhelmed Starling, and she began to cry.


“Oh gawd,” she sobbed, even as she tested her bindings.  “Oh gawd, this can’t be happening.”


The ropes encircling her wrists and ankles were strong, and cinched tight, there was no point.  Starling slumped onto the bed, unable to stifle her tears.  She sobbed for several long moments, before finally regaining any measure of composure.  Afterward she felt a bit better, if in no less pain.  Sometimes it just takes a good cry to clear a woman’s head.


Now Starling was able to take an inventory of the situation.  Fortunately, she was still wearing her mask, but her bracelets were gone.  Her belt too, and feeling the cool air on her dainty pedicured toes, she realized her boots had been removed.  Thankfully she was still wearing her bustier, and bottoms…although without her accessories she realized how close this ensemble really was to simply being lingerie.  Although perhaps that had something to do with her predicament as well.


She was laying on a comfortable, but strange bed.  Her arms were stretched out to either side, and bound tightly enough she couldn’t flex or move more than an inch or so.  Her legs were splayed wide open, leaving her feeling a particularly feminine vulnerability, and bound so tightly there was no hope of adjusting that degrading spread.  The roping looked smooth and new, but it was so tight and biting it had already begun to rub her wrists and ankles raw. 


The bed posts were simple, blocky and wooden.  She could tell just from tugging on her bindings they were strong and solid.  The rest of the room was sparse.  Lots of old, finished wood.  There was a dresser pushed up against the far wall.  To her great relief, Starling noticed that her bracelets and belt were lying on top of that dresser.  Well, that was something.


“Not that I’ll be able to reach them,” she sighed to herself.


Tugging fruitlessly at the ropes binding her wrists once more, a daunting sense of helplessness washed over the captive woman.  She sank onto the bed and stared out the window, feeling tears brimming in her emerald eyes once again.  Noticing the sun was rising, she wondered how long she had been unconscious, for hours? Or days?  What would her captors do with her next? 


Totally cowed by her predicament, Starling found herself assaulted by a string of dreadful thoughts.  Feeling herself beginning to cry again, Starling grit her teeth and willfully steeled her nerves.  “Get it together, girl!”


She had to figure out a way to get loose.


Just then the door to the room opened, and in walked Tom Danvers.  His hazel eyes, slithered over her spread-eagled figure and grinned lewdly.  Seeing him again gave her almost instant focus.  Anger and excitement flared, in a potent mixture all but erasing the despair she’d been lost in just a moment earlier.


“Glad to see you’re awake,” Danvers said, sitting on the bed beside her.  “I trust your accommodations are…comfy?” 


He put his hand on her thigh.  Instantly his touch sent a tingling charge racing down her leg.  It was an oddly exhilarating sensation, making Starling squirm.


“Get your hands off me!” the bound heroine croaked, thrashing but unable to move.


Danvers only grinned, caressing her hip before resting his hand on her bare stomach.  His touch made her flesh tingle warmly.


“Why are you holding me here?” Starling demanded, glaring up at him.  “Release me this instant!”


He leaned forward and clamped his hand over her mouth, silencing the young heroine.  “Chirp all you want, little birdy…You’re going to be here awhile.”


“You’ll never get away with this!” she spat once he removed his hand.


“Thirsty?” Danvers held up a bottle of water.


Suddenly every part of her wanted that water.  She felt absolutely parched.  Grudgingly Starling nodded, and he opened the bottle and placed it to her lips.  Each time he gave her a drink, he would lock eyes with her first, holding her gaze for a moment.  At first Starling felt as though she were being nursed like an infant, which could only have been more humiliating if he put a rubber nipple on the bottle.  Gradually she became more comfortable with the arrangement, and Tom worked up to pouring her bigger drinks.


“How are you feeling?” he asked, his voice sounded rich and smooth flowing into her ears and filling up her whole head.


“Warm,” she answered honestly.  Her whole body suddenly felt flushed and hot.


Danvers lifted the bottle to her ruby lips again, Starling fixed her green eyes on his and took a small drink, or intended to but he dumped an almost stifling amount down her throat.  Starling struggled to swallow, coughing and sputtering on the liquid. 


“Hey, what’s the big idea?” she coughed.


Danvers only grinned and lifted the bottle back to her mouth.  A dreadful realization twisted Starling’s stomach; poison!  Or some kind of drug, why hadn’t she seen it sooner?  She turned her head but her captor grabbed her by the chin and forced her delicate jaw open.  He dumped the remaining contents of the bottle into her mouth and try as she might to spit it out, she ended up swallowing most of it.


“Wha-what did you give me?” she sputtered.


“Give you?” Danvers stroked his mustache.  “Why, nothing at all?”


“Liar!” Starling gasped.  “Tell me the truth!”


“You want the truth?” he chuckled.  “The truth is I was called in to deal with you because dealing with troublesome women happens to be a specialty of mine,” Danvers explained.  “A delicate, precious thing like you, your natural state is submission.”  He reached back and touched her thigh as he had before, this time causing an eruption of tingles dancing up and down her leg, and all across her hips, making her squirm and suck in sharply.  “Torture is a man’s game, tough guys gritting out the pain right?  Well did you know that women actually have a higher threshold for pain?  Makes the game much more messy, it takes a more domineering touch to unlock a woman’s mouth, a method I’ve made something of a hobby.”


He slowly began to run his hands all over her body, up and down her long, silken legs.  Over her shoulders, and all along her slender arms.  Caressing her smooth stomach.  Everywhere he touched her creamy flesh sizzled with sensual energy!  She squirmed, tugging and pulling against the binding rope, but was unable to so much as turn away, much less escape his roving hands.  Starling gasped audibly as Tom ran his hands over the underside of her outstretched arms, and down the sides of her rib cage.  She could not believe how good it felt, his very touch seeming to electrify her porcelain skin. 


“Stop,” she gasped as his hands continued over the curve of her hips and down her legs, rough thumbs dragging along the extra sensitive inner thighs making her knees tremble.  After that, thankfully he did stop, removing his hands from her body.  It made little difference, as poor Starling continued to squirm in her bonds.  Her heart thumped between her breasts, she felt light headed and aroused, and he hadn’t even touched any of her erogenous zones.


“Now do you understand, Dove?”


“No,” she mewled.  “What are you doing to me?”


“It’s time you learned your place in this world,” Danvers responded.  “You think you’re some kind of superheroine?”


“Yes! I am the Scarlet Dove!” she declared defiantly.  “And you’ll never get away with this!”


In response, Tom reached out and grabbed her right breast.  He gave it a nice gentle squeeze, sending warm electricity arching through her torso.  Starling gasped, and looked up at him pleadingly.


“Stop this!” she whimpered.  “How…?”


It must be the drug he’d dosed her with!  Every time he touched her she got more turned on.  If he kept this up not only would her girlish brain be too scrambled to escape but she might lose control altogether! 


“You’re just a girl!” Danvers declared sternly.  “Why play at being a superheroine?”


The captive bit delicately at her lower lip to keep it from trembling.  Danvers continued to grope and fondle her chest, filling her body with warm desire.  She looked up at her captor, hating to give him any measure of satisfaction and swallowed a moan.


“I want to bring justice to Warden City,” she gasped.  “These people deserve better than you and your kind, and the corrupt politicians that run the city!”


Danvers seemed insulted.  “A child like you, what do you even know of this city or its people?” 


Starling made no reply, only met his gaze evenly.   Moving his hands over her chest, he gripped the top of her bustier and yanked downward, exposing her plump breasts!


“No!” Starling whined as her luscious D-cups sprang forth.  Humiliation flooded through the captured heroine as she looked down at her soft pink nipples, now on full display.


Danvers smiled, taking in the sight as the mortified heroine writhed pointlessly in her bindings once more.  Pulling desperately against the ropes only caused her succulent melons to shake and quiver as she struggled.


“You’re no superheroine!”  he snapped.  “You can’t even keep your tits covered, you’re just a little tramp like all the other girls of this generation!”


“You’d better let me go,” the young heroine found the fortitude to say.  “I’m going to make you pay, Danvers!” 


Her protests and threats quickly became a throaty moan when her captor gabbed her naked tits with both hands.  His powerful grip engulfed her fleshy orbs, squeezing firmly, with just a slight twist.  Starling’s mouth gaped open as she was assaulted by a wave of arousal.  Her chest and neck flushed hotly, her boobs tingled in his grip, and her sweet little nipples stiffened so intensely and so suddenly, she thought they were going to burst!


“What do you know about my employer?” Danvers asked, continuing to knead her sensitive breasts.


“I know the Scarpones have been on the chopping block ever since Don Tony took over,” Starling moaned.  “I’m going to help them along…”


“You don’t really think I work for the Scarpones,” Danvers cut her off.  “Do you?”


Those big hands mashed her juicy melons, flicking his broad thumbs over her stiff little nubs.  The helpless heroine trembled, squirming in her bonds with no real intent to escape now.  The erotic energy coursing through her body, rolled up her spine and invaded her feminine mind.  Starling was actually beginning to find herself wanting Tom Danvers!


“Of course,” she gasped, dizzy with arousal.  “Who else?”


Danvers released her breasts, and Starling drew in a ragged breath.  She had never been so aroused just from being fondled.  Drugged or not, it seemed Tom knew just how to handle her body, knew just how to handle her…wait, no… she had to get a grip on herself.  This wasn’t foreplay, she was being molested!  She wasn’t being seduced, she was being tortured!  She had been drugged, these submissive desires had nothing to do with her “natural state”…did they?


“You’re beginning to want me, aren’t you?” Tom asked her.


“No,” the young heroine lied.


The truth was Starling was becoming more and more attracted to Tom by the minute.  He was a ruggedly handsome man, although she still could not fathom how he looked so young!  He exuded a classic masculinity, as if he were some kind of throwback to when men were men… not like the metro pretty boys her own age, which she so often dated.

“Cuz it sure seems like you want something,” Danvers said reaching between her wide spread legs and touching the damp crotch of her white bikini bottoms.


Shame flooded through the young red head.  She had been defeated, captured and now lost control even of her own body.  Here she was being interrogated and molested, and as Tom began to tug aside her sodden bottoms, all she wanted was for him to touch her more intimately.  Wrapping his fingers around the thin strip of spandex running between her legs, Danvers yanked aggressively, twisting her bottoms to one side, exposing her prim, hairless slit. 


“Nnnnnnno,” Starling whined, her tone lacking conviction.


Tom stared at her exposed pussy, murmuring in appreciation.  “A nicely shaven cunt, that might be the one thing I do appreciate about your generation!”  


He ran his thumb along the length of her slit, finding it absolutely soaking wet.  Starling whimpered, trembling at even that light touch.  Her dripping snatch quivered with anticipation, as she felt herself wanting Danvers more than ever. 


“Tell me what you know about Dominion,” Tom demanded, his thumb stroking her soft spot.


“Who?” she stared up at him, green eyes big as dinner plates.  “I don’t…I don’t know anything.”


Starling moaned, feeling Tom spread her pussy lips and rub his fingers over her clit.  He continued to rub there, firmly, sending wave after wave of sexual energy rolling up her abdomen and chest, turning her brain into soft pink mush!  She could feel her clit swelling, turning white hot as he played with it, toying with her.  The young woman moaned pleadingly.


“You must know something!” he demanded.  “Why else would you be here?”


He grabbed her left breast with his free hand, squeezing and twisting.  At almost the same moment he slipped one thick digit inside her tight little hole, all while his thumb continued to tease her engorged clit.  Starling cried out, soaking his hand with her girlish juices and straining against her binding ropes so intensely, the bed posts creaked.  He played her body perfectly, bringing the helpless girl to the very edge of orgasm and holding her there.  All resistance or will power vanished in the blink of an eye, she was his.


“I don’t…uungh!...know anything about anyone called Dominion,” Starling moaned.  “I know you…I’ve been looking for you!”


Tom was clearly taken aback.  “What?”


Starling writhed in her bonds, she was so near to orgasm she couldn’t stand it.  She wanted him, needed him, she would do anything for him.


“Yes,” she whimpered.  “You’re the one I’ve been looking for!”




As he continued fingering her, Starling almost couldn’t think straight.  Somewhere in the back of her head, she knew she shouldn’t tell him but her subjugated mind was totally submissive.  Completely open.


“Because I think you were involved in the death of my father,” Starling admitted.  “Or at least that you know who was…”


Danvers expression was now totally confused.  “Who was your father?”


“J-jack Kane.”


He released her almost immediately.  His hand snapped forward like a viper, snatching the feathery mask off her face.  The cowed Starling looked up at him expectantly, but he had gone ashen pale. 


“My gawd,” he muttered.  “Sara…”


That statement at least cut through the overwhelming fog of her arousal. 


“You…you knew my mother?” she gasped.


Tom was already backing away from the bed, muttering to himself.  “I should’ve known…but it can’t be…But I should’ve…but how…?”


He paused a moment, looking at her mask in his hand.  To her surprise he came back and replaced it on her face, but then he practically ran out of the room, leaving the door open behind him.


Bewildered, Starling slumped back onto the bed.  She hung wretchedly on the edge of orgasm.  Her clit was so swollen it ached, and her already sopping pussy continued to quiver needily.  Every inch of her porcelain skin felt electrified.  Her heart pounded between her breasts, which were so hot and flushed she could hardly breathe.  And her sweet, rosy nipples were so taut, they felt as if they could blow right off at any moment.  Her addled mind could not fully process Tom’s reaction to seeing her face, nor even the fact that Tom Danvers had removed her mask at all.  All she could do was lay there totally helpless and mind numbingly horny.


Chapter Six

 Starling had no idea how long she lay there trembling.  Long enough for the sun to move past her little window.  Eventually, her arousal seemed to subside.  As her mind cleared, she began to process the situation a bit further.  Not only was she still being held captive, but she had been unmasked!  Tom Danvers had seemed to recognize her, at least in some capacity… but then why had he replaced her mask?  And what did he mean by “I should’ve known”?


If I’m going to figure any of this out, I have to get out here first! That thought was like an epiphany, the first bit of determination she felt since that net had fallen over her.  It felt good. 


“That’s right, girl, you’re a superheroine!” she whispered to herself.  “You can’t just give up…You’re the Scarlet Dove!”


Steeling her nerves, and willing a measure of confidence, Starling began to clear her mind.  About that time, she heard someone approaching her door.  She had no other options, it was time to use a skill no magic statue needed to bestow…only nature!


“Hello?” she cooed towards the door.  Outside the door, the footsteps stopped. 


“Hello?” she called again.


After a nervous moment, a man stepped into the room.  It was one of the other men who had been present for her capture.  He was still wearing the black fatigues and boots, but had swapped the flack jacket for a charcoal colored tank top.  He was beefy, with cropped brown hair and a flat face.  His expression was inquisitive at first, but his face quickly changed as he looked her over.


Suddenly Starling became keenly aware that her bustier was still bunched around her ribs, leaving her naked tits totally exposed.  Worse, her pussy was still hanging out of her skewed bottoms, and being bound spread-eagle provided an unhindered view of her hairless slit.


Blushing fiercely, but unable to do anything about it, Starling put on her best puppy dog eyes.  “Won’t you please help me?”


“Yeah, right babe,” he said.  “Like I’m gonna fall for that…” he started to turn away.


“Wait, please wait,” the captive red head put a desperate little throb in her voice.  “I-I know you won’t let me go.”


The man paused, turning back to her curiously.  “No?  What then?”


“I was…well, you probably know he drugged me…” she explained.  “Oh please, you must help me, I’m so…so....”


“Look, babe, I can’t do nothing for you…”


“…so horny!”


His eyes flared wide as dinner plates.


“I can barely stand it,” she went on, feeling the heat rising in her soft cheeks.  “Whatever he gave me…well if you could just, I mean…I would do anything, I just need to finish.”


Starling couldn’t believe she had said that, but then again what man could resist such an offer; a beautiful, half naked woman begging for sex?


“Please,” she forced herself to continue.  “I’ll do anything you want as long as I get off too…”


Even if it was meant as subterfuge, her words brought a rush of embarrassment.  She was supposed to be a superheroine!


“I suppose you want me to untie you for it?”  He shifted his footing the way men do when they’re aroused. 


Starling bit her lip, he was no dummy.  “Maybe,” she began.  “Maybe just my legs?  Come on, baby I want to fuck you back!”


Try as he might, he could not repress a grin.  “Fine, but no tricks.”


Starling shook her head eagerly, arching her hips suggestively.  The thug immediately went to the foot of the bed and began to undo her bindings.  The heroine smirked, as soon as her legs were free she’d be able to kick him senseless and maneuver herself into a position to get…


“Uhhnn!” An involuntary moan burst from the heroine’s throat as his fingers touched the skin of her ankles.  Immediately warm tingles shot up her leg, making her pussy quiver.


Oh no! she realized.  I must still be under the effects of…!


“Hold on, honey,” he said, moving to her next leg.  “Daddy’s almost finished…”


Starling knew she would have to act fast, if he was able to get his hands on her… there was no telling how susceptible she might still be!  As soon as her left leg was free, she cocked her right to strike.  Her strength for the attack immediately drained away as his hands slid up her leg slowly, setting off fireworks in its wake.  She squirmed, holding back a sensuous moan as her heart fluttered under her jiggling breasts.


Arousal flooded her brain, replacing her will to fight with a lustful yearning.  His big hands stroked up and down her silky thighs, driving her wild as a wave of desire rolled up her taut abdomen.  He grabbed the waistband of her white spandex bottoms, and tugged them off, Starling even lifted her heart shaped ass to accommodate their removal. 


He fumbled open his pants, unleashing his long stiff hardon!  A sensuous quiver danced along the girl’s hairless seam at the sight of it. 


I want him so badly, she thought to herself.  I know I shouldn’t but…but…


“Come on baby!” she gasped, spreading her sexy stems for him.


He leaned over her, plunging his erect cock into her hot wet cooz!  Starling moaned loudly feeling his penetration, and wrapped her legs around his waist pulling him into her even more deeply.  He thrust eagerly, and she began to roll her shapely hips against him.  Starling’s heart was racing, she could feel his rod sliding back and forth inside her, sending bolts of warm electricity arching through her entire body. 


The young heroine couldn’t believe this was happening.  Giving herself to a strange man, one of her captors no less, and she was so turned on she was practically panting!  She assured herself it was just the drugs, their effects were almost completely an involuntary chemical reaction.


She let out another throaty moan, his cock continuing to pump inside her, making her head spin in pre-orgasmic bliss.  Above her, the man echoed her moans, increasing his tempo and pistoning her tight submissive cunt.


“Ohhhh fuck, yeah!” he groaned.  “I’ve been dreaming of this since I saw you in that alley!”


Starling moaned, gazing up at him with her big green eyes.  “Please baby, my hands?  I wanna touch you!”


“Call me ‘daddy’,” he groaned, thrusting sharply on each word.


“Uhn…Uhn…Unnohh yes, Daddy!” Starling moaned under him.  “Please Daddy, untie me Daddy!”


He nodded dazedly, and paused to unbind her wrists.  His thick, warm cock stayed lodged inside her, the feeling of it stiff, warm and not moving drove her wild in anticipation.  The instant her hands were free, she grabbed his neck and pulled his face down to hers, kissing him hungrily and arching her back to press the fullness of her naked breasts against his brawny chest.  She moaned into his mouth, her entire body quivering against him as his member once again began to move inside her.


A wave of submissive desire washed through the scarlet haired girl as her velvety tongue slipped into his hot mouth.  She savored the pleasure of having him inside her, his masculine energy surging through her body.  Starling clung to his broad torso, gasping and moaning, running her hands all over his muscular back.  His rock hard tool plowed deep into her tight wet box, again and again until she was lost in the erotic sensation.  Pulling herself against him tightly, she stretched her legs out as far as she could allowing him to plunge as deeply as possible! 


Groaning noisily, he arched his back and shoved his cock all the way into her, making the girl yelp and shudder in surprise.  He pulled out suddenly, unleashing a geyser of hot sticky semen all over her nubile young body. 


Starling winced in revulsion, as the slimy cum sprayed her lips and cheek, then onto her quivering naked tits.  She reached up trying to wipe the viscous substance from her face.  Her stomach twisted as it only seemed to smear, stringing thickly between her fingers.


He looked down at her chuckling, and rage boiled in the pit of her stomach.  How could he finish without letting her…


Pull it together girl, she quickly admonished herself. You’re FREE!


“We all figured you for the high and mighty self-righteous virginal type,” he said, beginning to tuck his cock back into his pants.  “Wait till I tell them guys you fuck like a-OULPH!!”


Starling cut him off by driving her heel into his cheek bone!  His head snapped to the side, even as she was rolling to her feet.  Nimbly the young woman whipped one long leg around, catching him on the bridge of his nose with a second kick.  He fell back onto the bed, gushing blood and seemingly unconscious. 


Groaning in disgrace, Starling wiped herself off on the bed sheets.  She hurried across the room to the dresser, awkwardly tucking her defiled boobs back into her bustier as she went.  The young heroine grabbed her belt and pulled out two of the composite zip ties.  She quickly strapped the man’s wrists together, then zipped them to the bed, so he could not present further problems. 


She then grabbed her white bottoms and pulled them back on.  Spying her golden boots at the foot of the bed, she quickly put them on as well, followed by her belt and bracelets.  Being back in uniform, the young heroine began to feel like herself again, even though she was still buzzing with unsatisfied lust.  She began to sense that Danver’s had been telling the truth, this wasn’t the effect of some drug.  What then?  What if it were something permanent?  What had he done to her??


Forcing herself to focus, the gorgeous red head moved toward the door.    


Starling knew she should be taking this opportunity to escape.  She was clearly in over her head here, with who knows how many ruthless thugs in the house.  Not to mention Tom Danvers who seemed dangerous enough by himself.  However, she had not come this far, and endured what she had already, only to leave with more questions than she came with.


She crept to the door, wincing at the noisy, hollow thump of her heels on the wooden floors.  Peaking outside, she did not see anyone around.  The young heroine inched out into the hallway, cautiously.  She was on the second floor of a rustic, old-styled wood cabin.  Directly to her left was the staircase heading down to the main level.  The hallway extended down to her right, past a couple of other rooms before dead ending at a closed door.  She assumed one was Danvers’s office, but had no way to know which.  She would have to check them all, being careful not to alert anyone else to her escape.


Unfortunately, her heels were not designed for stealth, and they continued to click noisily on the wooden floor boards, no matter how cautious she was.  With few other options, Starling continued down the hallway.  She reached the first door, finding no one inside.  The room was furnished with a few sets of bunk beds.  She backed out, and as soon as she turned towards the next, one of the other men stepped into the hallway. 


The Scarlet Dove launched herself towards him!  Using all her enhanced agility and quickness she rolled into a cartwheel, kicking the surprised man with both feet in rapid succession.  She came out of the cartwheel gracefully, ready for more fight but the man was already slumped against the door jam.  He slid down the wall slowly, a stupefied expression frozen on his face. 


Smirking, the spunky red head quickly dragged him back into that room.  He was heavy and it took her longer than she wanted but she managed it.  Using another of her composite zip ties, she bound his ankles.  Glancing around she confirmed this was another bunk room before stepping back into the hallway, shutting the door behind her. 


One door left, if it wasn’t Danvers’s office, she might have to abandon her search for answers.  No doubt downstairs the odds wouldn’t be worth the risk.  Starling turned to the final door.  It was time to face Tom Danvers, once more, this time on even footing… or so she hoped!


Chapter Seven

The door burst open and the Scarlet Dove marched brazenly through it!


Tom Danvers looked up in obvious surprise, quickly fumbled something that looked like a file folder back into his desk drawer and started to stand.  Before he could the heroine had dashed across the room, sprang onto his desk and planted one of her golden heels square in the middle of his chest.  Tom grunted as he was pressed back into his chair.  He wasn’t happy, but as he looked up the statuesque length of her silken leg, over the gentle curve of her hip, and past her buxom chest (he certainly couldn’t complain about the view) to return the intense glare on her beautiful face.   


“How did you get free?” the man snarled.


“You should never underestimate a red head!” Starling replied confidently.


“More likely I should never underestimate a woman’s ability to manipulate foolish men!”


“However you need to phrase it,” she scowled, rolling her eyes.  “Now I’ve got some questions for you, Danvers!”


“Be careful, little birdy,” he replied.  “Some answers are more difficult once they’re known.”


“Back in the other room,” Starling proceeded unhindered.  “You said a name, Sara, who is that?  And how do you know her?”


“Oh I think you know very well who that is, miss Kane.”


Starling reeled, how much did he really know?


Her hesitation was all the opportunity Danvers needed.  He grabbed her ankle and yanked her leg out to one side.  In the same lightening movement, he lunged forward grabbing her crotch!  The Scarlet Dove moaned instantly as a wave of arousal rolled out from between her legs, so intensely it made her head spin.  What was he doing and how had he moved so fast?  The Dove’s powers magnified her reflexes, yet he had struck before she was even fully able to register his movements.  The scarlet haired beauty grabbed his wrist to pry his hand free, when suddenly something else began to happen...she suddenly felt as if her were drawing energy through her into his hand!


It wasn’t unpleasant exactly, in fact it was kind of arousing, but it was an alarming sensation!  The superheroine sank to her knees on the desk, moaning, feeling as if her very essence was being drained of energy.


“What is this?  Wha-what are you doing?” Starling whimpered, trembling.


Danvers reached out with his free hand and grabbed a handful of her candied mane.  She yelped as he yanked on it, pulling her face up towards his. 


“You silly little twit,” he said.  “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into!”


Starling found the focus to push and wrench herself free of his grip, tumbling backwards off the desk as she did.  “I won’t stop until I’ve gotten the truth!” 


“You want the truth?” Danvers scoffed.  “Yes, Starling…isn’t it? …I knew your mother…and your father…I did not kill your father, but lord knows I wanted to at times.”


The superheroine pushed herself up on her elbows.  Bewildered as the alarming sensation started to subside.  “But you know who did…and I’ll bet you know why!”


“I-I might,” he replied, and Starling thought she detected a hint of sadness behind his eyes.


“Tell me!” she demanded.


Tom frowned.  “I can’t.”


The Scarlet Dove lunged forward!  She vaulted nimbly over the desk, catching Danvers in face with vicious kick.  He groaned and stumbled backwards.  The heroine grabbed the man by the front of his shirt and shoved him against the wall with surprising ferocity!


“You have to tell me!” she took one of her tazer pins from her belt and fixed it to his chest.  “This little pin can light you up like a Christmas tree!”


“I won’t…” he stammered uncharacteristically.  “I can’t!”


“If you won’t tell me,” Starling said, reaching for the button on her bracelet.  “I’ll make you…!”


Before she could push it, Danvers batted her hands apart and grabbed her breasts!  She gasped lividly, feeling his firm grip as he squeezed the fleshy orbs, and she could not suppress a sensuous moan as the draining sensation returned.  Immediately her cheeks and upper chest flushed warmly, she pulled away glancing down to see her stiffening nipples clearly visible through her skintight bustier. 


What is happening? she wondered in alarm, wrapping her arms defensively around her chest.  If I let him keep touching me, I’ll turn right back into putty in his hands!


Danvers realized this as well!  Moving too fast for even her super reflexes, he pounced grabbing her narrow shoulders.


“No…” she whined as he picked her up and spun her against the wall!


The Dove kept her arms protectively over her ample bust so Tom went low.  He reached between her legs and grabbed her prim mound, massaging her through the thin white spandex of her bottoms.  Feeling tendrils of warmth beginning to snake up her torso, Starling reluctantly reached for the button to activate her pin, with him touching her she would likely be shocked as well but she had to get him off!  Before she had the chance though, Danvers grabbed her arm with his free hand and pinned it to the wall!   


“No, don’t! You can’t!”  Starling mewled, grabbing his wrist and trying to push his hand away. 


Clearly weakened from the draining, the superheroine was trapped and helpless.  Danvers ignored her feeble, one handed resistance, pressing in and rubbing her pussy insistently as the draining began again!  Undeniably now, somehow Danvers’s very touch was draining her strength and energy.  On top of that, a sudden wave of submissiveness rolled through her.  It came from deep inside her but seemed not of her own mind.  Still, the hapless heroine moaned, gushing warmly between her creamy thighs, and compulsively spread her legs to give him better access.  Her assailant took full advantage, reaching into her bottoms and wrapping his fingers around her hot, wet pussy.  Starling’s emerald eyes locked on his, her mouth gaping open exhaling moan after breathy moan, even as it seemed her very life force was being drawn from her!


“Don’t…please…Ohhh!” she begged between moans.  “What…!  NNNGH!  What are you doing to me? Agh…”


“I’m draining your life force,” Danvers drank in her deliciously helpless pleas.  “My own paternal legacy…”


Overwhelmed, Starling felt her will to resist drain completely away, he had her!  Danvers sensed it too, grabbing her by the hair again and shoving her down to the floor on her hands and knees.  The submissive heroine assumed the position instinctively, her gorgeous face disappearing behind a curtain of bright red silk as her head drooped in shame and defeat.  He savored the view for a long moment, pure white bottoms curving over her alluring heart-shaped ass, wrapping around to cover her prim mound, demurely visible between her shapely thighs, which were already streaked with her dripping juices.


“What are you going to do to me?” the defeated heroine whimpered, trembling with a mix of fear, and submissive eagerness.


“I told you troublesome women were my specialty,” he said, looking down at her.  “The closer you get to orgasm the more I’m able to drain you, and the more you’ll want me too!”


The Scarlet Dove did not understand it, but she knew it was true, could feel it already.  Whatever power he had, she was completely under its thrall, a part of her even wanted to be drained completely, to be consumed by this man.


Tom knelt next to her, pulling down her spandex briefs.  Then he reached under her chest, pushing down her bustier and freeing her dangling D-cups.  He grabbed one of her breasts, and began to fondle it once more, sending a tremor down her curved spine.  Then he reached over and around her ass, grabbing her tight little pussy and penetrated her with his thumb!


“Ohhhh gawd!” Starling moaned, arching against the hands violating her from seemingly every side!  “How…UHN…how is this possible?”


Danvers quickly, efficiently brought her back to the verge of orgasm, her body responding even more rapidly.  He continued to syphon her energies, and all the helpless heroine could do was gasp, moan, and whimper at his every touch, squeeze or twist.  She became a finely tuned instrument, which he played with a master’s skill.


“You wondered how I seemed so young,” Tom explained, even as he continued to molest her.  “You see, I’m only half human…my father was an incubus.”


“A what?” Starling moaned.


“A sex demon, essentially,” Danvers explained.  “They lay with women, drain them, corrupt them, enslave them, you can imagine, I’m sure.”  He went on, wringing a moan from the helpless red head in his hands.


“Th-that’s impossible,” she gasped.


Her statement more disbelief than denial, Starling could feel it was true.  Her yearning for the building orgasm was undeniable.  She could feel the tautness of her clit swelling once more, her nipples tingled intensely, even as her boobs grew sensitive and achy.  Yet it was much more than a physical sensation.  She was swept with an utter submissiveness, beyond simple subservience this was an intense desire to be taken, to be absorbed, to give herself completely to HIM.


The Scarlet Dove looked back at Tom, shaking her strawberry locks out of her face.  It was so difficult to think…yet she found the very last vestige of her will power and forced her hand to touch the button on her bracelet!


The voltage coursed through Tom, jumping into her through his touch and they both cried out in pain.  Tom stumbled back, releasing her breast and pulling his thumb all the way out of her dripping cunt, making an embarrassing little slurp noise.  The weakened heroine melted onto her side, almost immediately her will power began to return, though her head remained foggy, clouded with arousal and pain.  Still she had to move, to escape, to get out of there…but she felt so weak, drained.


Danvers was on his hands and knees, fumbling about in a daze.  Starling’s cobwebs were beginning to clear, and she realized there was a window on the other side of the desk.  Was she even strong enough to fly?


Suddenly there was shouting in the hallway, and what sounded like a stampede coming towards the office.  The men she’d taken down must have been discovered!  This was enough to snap the young woman from her stupor.  Starling scrambled to the desk, using it to help her stand.  Quickly pulled her bottoms back up, and lurched to the window throwing it open.


“Starling wait!” Tom gasped, reaching unsteadily towards her.


Glancing back, only a moment’s hesitation, the Scarlet Dove dove out the window and soared up into the sky!


She flew only a short distance before she began to feel too weak to continue.  Looking for some cover, she dropped into a concealing thicket of trees.  Unable to even stand the heroine sank to her knees.  Assaulted by a legion of emotions, her green eyes were brimming with tears, even as she tucked her boobs back into her slinky white bustier.  Overwhelmed and nearly exhausted, Starling sank to her butt, leaning against the nearest tree and began to sob.  She hugged her legs against her chest and dropped her forehead onto her knees as the fear and shame of her ordeal boiled over. 


The answers she had found had indeed only led to further questions.


After a short time, the Scarlet Dove began to regain her strength and composure, forcing herself to stand, however unsteadily.  Was she ready to carry on?  Whoever this Dominion was, he could not bode well for Warden City!  No matter what perils she might yet face, the Scarlet Dove’s mission was far from over!


To Be Continued…


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