The Test –a prequel by Comix_Fana

The X-Files, Mulder and Scully are the brainchild of Chris Carter and a registered trademark of 20th Century Fox. No copyright infringement is intended and no profit will be made. Brenda Wade and Sara Kraft are the creation of Mr. X. All other characters mentioned in this story were created by yours truly.

Comments? Feedback? Drop me a line at



Small studio apartment, Quantico Virginia, many years ago


“If only all physiotherapy sessions were this pleasant!” The rookie FBI agent thought, staring at the ceiling, smiling.

He turned his head and cast his therapist an admiring look, as she stood in front of the mirrored closet door near the bed. Dressed in nothing more than her birthday suit, she was busy fixing her wavy brown hair with a subtle smirk on her lips. So petite and dainty, with hands so deceptively strong and breasts that seemed much too large for her small frame, the diminutive physiotherapist had proven to be a vigorous lover.

Scorching hot…reminds me of you know who, only shorter…proportionally similar mind you…” He thought with a sigh, the stray memory of his ex-girlfriend ruining his pleasant mood.

He shook his head, as if it would help him clear his mind.

“Damn it, did I have to think of the ice queen when there’s a hottie in my apartment?” He thought, returning his attention to his nubile therapist with a mischievous grin.

He sat up in bed, wondering what was going through her mind at that very moment.

“Yeah, she’s my physiotherapist and this ‘clandestine romance’ is wrong on a whole bunch of levels…but fuck it, I really do like her!” He thought.

He got out of bed and walked behind her. She looked at him through the mirror and smiled.

“Is it okay if I hold you? I mean, ours is a professional relationship after all…” He asked, tongue in cheek, his voice deep and mellow.

Giggling, she leaned against him; teasingly grinding her firm ass in his crotch as he wrapped his muscular arms around her body, resting his hands on her abdomen.

“Professional indeed, we just fucked like horny rabbits for the past 45 minutes, let alone the past few weeks! You don’t need my permission to put your arms around me big boy; in fact I’d appreciate it if you did…it’d give me the illusion that this was a bit more than meaningless sex.” She said.

He frowned, shocked that she would think of their secret romance as nothing more than meaningless sex.

“Seriously? Is that all this has been to you? Well let me tell you, it’s been much more than meaningless sex to me Lucy, in fact, I’ve needed this from the moment you first laid your talented hands on me; the intimacy, the tenderness…and I have a hunch you needed it too.” He said.

Her eyes widened, surprised by his reaction.

“Oh I definitely needed it, perhaps more; but you known what I mean!” She replied, eyebrows arched.

He sighed and nodded. No matter how close he felt to her, the fact remained that she was still a married woman; never mind the fact that her husband was an abusive bastard.

“Yeah, I do know what you mean. I guess by that comment that you decided go back to that abusive asshole.” He said, surprised with his own disappointment.

Her hands firmly gripped his wrists, feeling guilty.

Perhaps she had used him out of a sense of self-preservation; her involvement with the rookie FBI agent had provided her with a powerful ally against her abusive husband.   She could have argued that the sex was compensation for his bodyguard services and moral support; but that would have been a bold faced lie.

“Who am I kidding? Quentin makes me feel safe, and wanted. The repeated in-home physio sessions were my idea; a sorry excuse to get laid by a patient that makes me feel safe…but I’m not in love with him, this whole situation is unfair to him.” She thought, privately.

“That’s where you’re wrong Quentin; your moving me to that safe house was the best thing to ever happen to me. I’m not going back to him; ever. In fact, you’ve given me the courage to go ahead with divorce proceedings, and you’ve made it clear to him that if he so much as looks at me the wrong way, you’ll see to it personally that he eats through a straw for the rest of his life.” She said, her hazel eyes probing his through the mirror.

“So what’s preventing us to pursue a relationship then Lucy? The neck and shoulder are almost fully healed, don’t you have the right to date who you please on your own time?” He said, hating the desperate tone his voice had taken.

“I’m attracted to you Quentin, make no mistake about that, and you’re hot in the sack…” She said.

“But?” He said, eyebrows arched.

She sighed.

“Oh for the love of God, do I need to spell it out for you? I may be attracted to you, but I’m not in love with you. Soon you’ll be moving to Washington and I have a career here, with a reputable Clinic; are you suggesting I drop everything and follow you? Especially when deep inside, you’re not in love with me either Quentin Sullivan, don’t deny it, deep inside, you know you’re still in love with that Brenda Wade chick.” She said, dryly.

“Now wait just a minute…” He protested.

Unfortunately, Lucy was having none of it, cutting him off.

“In fact my dear Quentin, I’d venture to say that you’re still so much in love with her that a romantic relationship between us would be doomed to failure; am I right?” She said, her voice taking an annoyed edge.

He nodded slowly, releasing his embrace. He knew she was right, but it didn’t make things any easier.

“I could argue with you that I’ve been over Brenda Wade since long before moving to Quantico but…forget it. If I’ve learned anything from that relationship, it’s that once a woman has her mind made up, Armageddon won’t change it. So this is goodbye then?” He asked, looking away from the mirror.

She turned around to face him, putting her hands on his muscular shoulders, giving him what she hoped would be a comforting smile.

“It doesn’t have to be, not until you move anyway; as long as you need treatment I’ll be there for you…professionally. You have a big heart Quentin, but face it, we’re not right for each other.” She said, giving his lips a gentle kiss.

He shrugged and they made their way back to the bed. He sat down on the edge of the bed as she quietly got dressed, neither one of them sure of what else to say under the circumstance. Fortunately, the phone rang breaking the awkward silence. He stood up and picked up the phone.

“Sullivan here.” He answered.

“Gear up, pack your bags and report to Turner Field probie; we got an emergency X-file case out of Bayou County. You’ll be briefed on the way.” His senior officer, Robert Baxter said.

“On my way.” He replied, terminating the call.

“Must be one hell of an emergency if they call me while I’m still officially on the injured list…” He mumbled.

Still naked, he grabbed a suitcase and tossed in his toiletries bag, clean underwear and a few clean T-shirts. He opened the mirrored closet door and picked out a clean shirt, a red tie and his standard-issue suit.

“I’ve never seen you in a suit, I bet it makes you look quite handsome!” Lucy Said, smiling, almost fully dressed.

“Meh, a pain in the ass to wear, especially the tie…how good are you at tying ties?” He asked.

“Pretty good! My you are a quick dresser!” She said, glad that the awkward silence was broken and that he wasn’t mad at her.

“Comes with the job…you need to be ready at the drop of a hat, 24/7.” He said, socks on his feet, shirt fully buttoned up and suit pants on.

“Going commando must be quite the time saver too!” She said, teasingly.

He handed her the tie, which she slipped under his shirt’s collar and tied it in a full Windsor knot.

“Well done, those hands of yours aren’t just great at massaging, they knot up a neat tie!” He said, looking at himself in the mirrored closet door and slipping on his leather holster.

And they give a mean hand job!” Lucy said a la Groucho Marx, grinning.

“Got that right!” He said, chuckling, clipping his FBI ID to his belt.

He opened his lock box and pulled out his standard issue Glock 22, and placed it in his holster.

“I know you’re a trained professional, but those make me feel uneasy.” Lucy said, as he slipped on his jacket.

He picked a pair of glossy black steel toe cap loafers from the closet and sat on the edge of his bed to slip them on.

“My fondest wish is that I’ll never need to use it; but if the situation calls for it…I can, and will. Come Lucy, I’ll walk you to your car.” He said, picking up his suitcase as he stood up.


Swamp Fever

“…so Sheriff Beauregard is trying to keep a lid on things; his deputies are bed-ridden with a rare case of Swamp Fever and he’s convinced that the perpetrator they have in custody has placed a hex on them. He sounded a bit freaked out when he contacted the Bureau, he wants the X-file department to handle things from this point on.” Special Agent Carla Montoya said, unable to repress a smirk.

She was Sullivan’s senior by five years, an attractive divorcée of Paraguayan descent who had shot down the advances of every fellow agent, save for Sullivan who hadn’t even bothered to try.

“Rare case indeed, the last Swamp Fever pandemic in the area dates back to 1852 with a few sporadic cases since, all of them properly treated by modern medicine, except for those deputies…but true cases witchcraft are also quite rare…any specifics on the perp?” Special Agent Robert Baxter asked.

“Her name is Réjeanne Boudreau, other than moonshining, there’s nothing of major impact in her file. A few love potions here and there, medicinal herbs and such.” Montoya said.

Baxter nodded thoughtfully and turned his attention to Sullivan who was absent-mindedly looking out the window.

“Say probie, are we boring you? How about you keep your private life at home? Your constant brooding over the sluts who cut your balls off…” Baxter began.

“Baxter, come on, that’s way out of line!” Montoya interjected, shocked by Baxter’s callus tirade.

“…is counter-productive and I need you to focus. If I’m pissing you off, I can give you a free shot at me once this case is solved, and then we can all go out for beers. Until then, pay fucking attention!” Baxter said, ignoring Montoya and gauging Sullivan’s reactions.

Montoya observed anxiously as Sullivan clenched his fists until his knuckles turned white. She let out a sigh of relief as he smirked and unclenched his fists.

“Y’know, you did piss me off, but you’re right; those bitches aren’t worth the constant brooding.   Now Montoya, I’m not saying all women are bitches…” Sullivan said.

“Oh I know I can be one!” Montoya said, smirking.

“Never to me you haven’t! But I’ve been making myself miserable wondering what I’ve done wrong; so it’s time I stopped, screw them. By the way Baxter, the last guy I popped in the mug ended up with his jaws wired shut…so let’s just skip to the beer part once the case is closed, shall we? You have my apologies and my full attention.” Sullivan said.

Baxter smiled, nodding.

“I like your style probie, that’s one of the reasons I asked you on this mission.” Baxter said.

“And the other reasons?” Sullivan asked.

“I’ve read up on your file, I saw that you’re familiar with the locals?” Baxter asked.

“When I was a kid I’ve spent quite a few summers on my Uncle Ian’s farm a few miles from Saint Marc. I’ve attended my fair share of Zydeco festivals and learned the Cajun patois on the fly…that’s kind of what inspired me to learn French in Senior High; which led to an education in arts and literature…” Sullivan said.

“And athletics?   According to your file you nearly made the US Olympic weightlifting team…” Baxter said.

“And didn’t make it because that bitch Brenda Wade broke my heart…” Sullivan thought, privately.

“The athletics were a means to an end, a way to get a scholarship. At the end of the day, an Olympic medal can only do so much to put a roof over your head and food on your plate. A few endorsements perhaps if you’re lucky, a spokesperson position for a sportswear company if your really lucky…ultimately, I took a cue from my sister Isabella and looked into law enforcement instead.” Sullivan said, glad that he could answer without bringing his ex into the mix.

“Muscles and a brain, I’m impressed Sully!” Montoya said, smiling.

Sully…I like that!” Sullivan said.

“That’s the reason I requested you join this team probie; something tells me that us ‘fancy-dressed big city cops’ might offend some of the locals. Having someone on the team they can relate to will be a major asset.” Baxter said.

“What do you mean? We’re coming at the Sheriff’s request, to investigate the ‘mean old witch’….” Montoya said, confused.

“Small town mentality, tightly-knit community. To them, we’re outsiders meddling in their private affairs. Something tells me that Sheriff Beauregard’s decision to call the Feds to the rescue wasn’t exactly the most popular one.” Sullivan said.

“Makes sense…” Montoya said.

“Told you the kid was good!” Baxter said.

“Ah shucks, you’re far too kind! Also, you said that the perp was a moonshiner and dealt in love potions and medicinal herbs Montoya…seems to me that said perp, that Miss Réjeanne, would actually be pretty damn popular in Bayou County, and that the local authorities must have royally pissed off the locals when they arrested her.” Sullivan said, eyebrows arched.

“Makes a whole heap of sense, but if we do accept that Réjeanne Boudreau has any occult powers and that she has indeed hexed the deputies, what was her motivation? As you pointed out, the locals are likely on her side and demanding her release.   Agreed, the Sheriff ain’t likely to share that part of the story with us; but if the hex was about her arrest, why only hex the deputies and not the Sheriff too?” Baxter wondered aloud.

“Until we’ve gained the trust of the locals, they’re not likely to be very talkative. However…what if we were to ask for a few minutes alone with Miss Boudreau, tell the Sheriff in front of her that she isn’t going anywhere until we have her side of the story…” Sullivan said, his voice trailing off.

“Then it’ll be obvious to her that we’re not taking the Sheriff’s version of the facts at face value and she might confide in us…you’re right Baxter the kid is good!” Montoya said, impressed.


Bayou County


Saint Marc, the main hub of Bayou County, a throwback of its French Heritage. Bayou County was a forgotten piece of land by most, squeezed in between the States of Mississippi and Louisiana.

As anticipated, the reception for the FBI team as their car neared the Sheriff’s Office was all but welcoming, as ten to twelve men of ages ranging from 18 to 67 were gathered in the building’s outdoor parking with their arms crossed, scowling.

“Go home macaques!” the eldest one shouted as the rental car pulled into a parking space.

“Oué go home! You no wanted here!” a younger one, likely his son, chimed in as the car’s doors opened.

A loud “go home” chant started as Baxter and Sullivan got out of the rental car.

“Look at la Gaienne! Prudy little thing ain’t she?” another man interjected, as Montoya exited the car, and straightened her skirt before following Baxter and Sullivan to the Sheriff’s Office.

“Oué, she be real purdy! Drop da skirt Gaienne!” another man called, as the others whistled and chuckled.

“Oué, drop da blouse too!” he chimed in again, joined in by his friends

Montoya clenched her jaws, trying to keep her anger in check, but unable to conceal the angry blush on her cheeks as the “Drop da skirt! Drop da blouse!” chant grew louder.

Sullivan stopped, and looked over his shoulder.

“Sullivan, what do you think you’re doing?” Baxter mumbled, as Sullivan took a few steps towards the reception committee.

“Just gonna have a few friendly words with them.” Sullivan said, removing his Ray Ban’s.

“Oooh looky here, da macaque he be mad!” the eldest one said, chuckling.

“He gonna defend her honor eh?” His son said, with a derisive smirk.

Sullivan treated them to a cold gin, sarcastically applauding them.

“Bra-vo! Bunch of grand beede’s acting tough! Yo’ beloved Miss Réjeanne, you really think she approve you acting like a bunch of peeshwank saleau?” Sullivan said, in his best Cajun patois.

A hush came over the angry group. Sullivan shook his head, taking a few steps closer.

“We be here fo’ da facts. If Miss Réjeanne she be innocent, she go free. Da Sheriff he say she be a moonshiner, dat true?” Sullivan asked.

The small mob looked at each other nervously.

“I reckon dat be a yes. And moonshining is a Federal offense so…go home. Still has to be proven in a Court of Law and Sheriff Beauregard ain’t pressed any official charges yet…he be juss’ in a big hurry to pass her onto da Bureau…and we be here to find out why.” Sullivan said.

“So you really be here fo’ da truth?” the eldest asked, his voice now taking a nervous edge.

“If you know somethin’ we don’t, let’s hear it.” Baxter said, now standing next to Sullivan.

“Well, those saleau’s Miss Réjeanne hexed; they be filthy pigs, they…” the eldest man’s son began, in a shaky voice.

The sound of a gunshot interrupted him, startling everybody.

“Now you bunch o’ grand beede’s scat! Leave da Feds be! Robertson, Thibodeau, Newman; take yer kin and git outta here! Da next one to bothuh ’em gets an arseful o’ buckshot!” Sheriff Beauregard shouted, the barrel of his shotgun still smoking from the warning shot.

A burly man with a bad knee and fond of cheap cigars and cheaper Whisky, Sheriff Edward Beauregard enjoyed the power trip that his Office provided him. More upset that frightened, the small mob dispersed, mumbling.

“I apologize for da heated reception, da locals can be a bit protective o’ their own. Right this way.” Sheriff Beauregard said, limping back to his office.

“Gotta love how Beauregard stepped in just as we were about to get some key info…I’m curious to meet that Réjeanne Boudreau.” Sullivan said in a low voice, with Baxter and Montoya nodding in agreement.

“Sheriff, give us a quick minute? I don’t think the Motel 6 receptionist quite made out my Queens lingo, I’d like my subordinates to straighten out our sleep over arrangements.” Baxter said aloud.

“Subordinates?” Montoya mumbled in disbelief, as Sullivan chuckled.

“What’s dat? You mean you ain’t taking the prisoner over today?” Sheriff Beauregard said, looking pale.

Due process Sheriff, we need a full copy of her arrest’s report, statements from the arresting officers…” Baxter said, enjoying the anxious look the Sheriff was giving them.

“They all be hexed!” Sheriff Beauregard said, his voice taking a nervous falsetto.

“Are you saying they arrested her without taking any statements or making any official report? That’s very sloppy work! Any witness testimonies? How about the perp, what’s her testimony? What exactly what was she arrested for? I hardly think it was for witchcraft.” Baxter continued, keeping a straight face in spite of his urge to laugh.

Beauregard took a few painful steps towards Baxter, seemingly insulted.

“Now looky here, I dunno how you big city folks do business but dis be mah backyahd! We handle thangs our way, informally.” Sheriff Beauregard stammered, his face beet red.

Baxter took a few steps towards Beauregard, close enough to smell the cheap cigar and corn Whiskey off his breath.

“No, you looky here Eddie-boy, you’re the one who called the Bureau for help. We’re here, so now we’re gonna do our job by the book, formally. Or if you prefer, we could just leave; if us doing our job inconveniences you.” Baxter said, staring Beauregard straight in the eyes.

“Now Agent Baxter, let’s not be hasty…” Sheriff Beauregard said, his voice taking its comical nervous falsetto again.

Special Agent Baxter, if you please.” Baxter said, dryly.

“Of cou’se, Special Agent Baxter, please…Saint Marc’s Sheriff Depa’tment be in over its head…I’ll cooperate best I can…” Sheriff Beauregard stammered, sweating profusely.

“I’ll join you in your office, give us a minute.” Baxter said.

Beauregard nodded and waddled his way back to his office.

“Okay, now that Sheriff Humpty Dumpty is out of listening range, I need you two to do some fact checking; chances are he’s gonna stall and serve me some bullshit double-talk. First check out Saint Marc General, see what you can find out about those Deputies, if they’re in talking condition see what they have to say.” Baxter said.

“Aren’t they contagious?” Montoya asked.

“There would be a whole protocol of wearing hospital gowns, latex gloves and surgical masks for protection, but if a hex caused the Swamp Fever, it would be as a means of revenge. We weren’t the offenders so we’d be quite safe.” Sullivan said.

Both Baxter and Montoya stared at him gape-mouthed.

“What? I did a lot of homework in preparation for my X-Files assignment.” Sullivan said, shrugging.

“Like I said before, muscles and a brain…that kid’s going to be an asset to the department!” Montoya said, smiling.

“Told ya! After the Hospital, spend some time in town, see if you can’t find the kid who was about to confide in you Sullivan. Here Montoya…” Baxter said, tossing the rental car keys to Montoya.

“Buzz my cell if you come across anything relevant.” Baxter concluded.

“Will do.” Sullivan said.

“On it.” Montoya said.

Montoya smiled at Sullivan as Baxter made his way to Beauregard’s Office. She tossed him the keys.

“Here Sully, you drive. We’ll cover more ground if we split up, drop me off at the Hospital and you go downtown. You know the lingo better than I do anyway.” She said, winking at him.

“Oh God don’t tell me she’s flirting with me…that’s all I need, complications from a work place romance…” He thought privately, as he unlocked the doors and politely opened the passenger door for her.

“That’s a great idea Montoya.” He said, as he climbed in the driver’s seat.

“Carla, my friends call me Carla Sully!” Montoya said, buckling up.

“Then Carla it is!” Sullivan said, also buckling up.

“Come on Quentin, be mature about this. She’s probably just being friendly, don’t read too much into it…after all she turned down pretty much every guy in the department! Mind you, I can think of worse things than having sex with her; she’s one hot mamacita!” He thought, as he turned the key in the ignition; trying to ignore the budding involuntary erection growing uncomfortable in his pants.


The Facts


Sheriff Beauregard put his shotgun back in its rack and sat down behind his desk with an audible grunt. A freshly opened bottle of Whiskey unashamedly sat on his desk, flanked by a glass with melting ice cubes and an ashtray with a recently put out cigar. Baxter exhaled quietly in masked disgust.

“Have a seat Special Agent Baxter…you gotta unnerstand, dat Miss Réjeanne, she be real powe’ful…thi’d o’ fifth generation Hoodoo priestess, she be real dangerous-like…” Sheriff Beauregard said.

Baxter sat down.

“Dangerous how exactly? That mob that greeted us were hardly demanding her to be burned at the stake; in fact they seemed quite upset that she was in custody.” Baxter said, observing Beauregard’s body language.

He was sweating profusely, his hands were shaking, desperately wanting to pour himself another drink but not daring to do so in front of a Federal Agent.

“Bunch o’ superstitious fools…they figure that rootin’ for her will put ’em in her good graces…here’s the arrest report.” Beauregard said, handing the file over to Baxter.

Baxter read the file with a slight frown, shaking his head in disbelief at certain passages.

“So let me get this straight, after several complaints from anonymous sources reporting moonshine trafficking, your deputies went to bring her in for questioning. She refused to cooperate and became rambunctious resulting in your deputies forcibly restraining her; a woman who as per your report is all of 4 foot 10, and weighs all of 108 pounds?” Baxter said, eyebrows arched.

“She be no run o’ da mill week ole lady believe you me. She refused any medical treatment and asked for young Roland Thibodeau to bring her some of her medicinal herbs…we neve’ had a chance to interrogate her, mah boys got hexed wit’ Swamp Fever dat same night.” Sheriff Beauregard said.

Baxter leaned forward and gave Beauregard a hard stare that made him flinch.

“If your report is accurate, you’ll be lucky if your men don’t face charges for police brutality! As you know that’s a felony in this great Country of ours!” Baxter said.

Meanwhile, at Saint Marc General Hospital, Special Agent Carla Montoya spoke with the Physician on duty, a Doctor Noel Copeland.

“It baffles the mind Agent Montoya, since the day they were admitted their temperatures have been a steady 102 Fahrenheit, no higher, no lower. They’re unresponsive to medication, seem permanently semi comatose, and are on constant IV to keep them hydrated.” He said.

“Any anomalies? By that, I mean any seemingly unrelated cuts or abrasions that could have been the method of infection?” Montoya asked.

Doctor Copeland scratched his head, frowning.

“Anomalies…well, all three men had blood alcohol levels well over .08%, not that it would be a means of infection, the alcohol would have killed the virus, but…” Doctor Copeland began.

“…but Ms Boudreau is a moonshiner…” Montoya said.

“Indeed…as far as bumps, bruises and abrasions go, Deputy Pete Leroux was admitted with a shattered cheek bone; Sheriff Beauregard claimed that it occurred because Ms Boudreau resisted arrest…” Doctor Copeland said, rolling his eyes.

“You don’t sound convinced.” Montoya said.

Doctor Copeland sighed.

“Ms Boudreau can come off as gruff and stand-off-ish, but I’ve known her for many years. That woman wouldn’t hurt a fly…unless provoked. Even then, hitting a Deputy Sheriff in the face with a blunt object…the poor woman must have been in fear for her life.” Doctor Copeland said, looking at Montoya with his eyebrows arched.

“So you think she was assaulted?” Montoya asked.

“I would need to examine her to be sure, but she’s refused any medical treatment. And let’s not forget the other injuries: Deputy Dan Marchand’s right hand knuckles looked bruised, as if he’d punched someone in the face, hard. Deputy Clovis Wright has bruises on his left shoulder that look an awful lot like teeth marks…” Doctor Copeland said.

“And the Sheriff says Miss Réjeanne Boudreau hexed them…” Montoya said.

“I’m a Doctor and I believe in science…but I have no scientific explanation for these men’s current condition.” Doctor Copeland said, with a shrug.

“Let us postulate for a moment that the deputies helped themselves to Ms Boudreau’s moonshine; and then decided to help themselves to Ms Boudreau as well…” Montoya started.

“I’ve been entertaining the same theory…but that’s all I have, a theory. As long as Ms Boudreau won’t allow me to examine her, I can’t prove a thing.” Doctor Copeland said.

Montoya frowned pensively.

“It’s a working theory at least, thanks Doctor.” Montoya said, making her way to the elevator.

“Any time, I’ll keep you posted if their condition changes.” Doctor Copeland said, as Montoya entered the elevator cab.

She pulled her cell phone out of her jacket pocket and typed a quick text message to the attention of Baxter and Sullivan.

“Hex confirmed, motive likely revenge, possible sexual assault at time of arrest-need to get Ms Boudreau’s side of the story.”


While Baxter went over Sheriff Beauregard’s report and Montoya questioned Doctor Copeland, Sullivan had driven around town a few times in hopes of running into some members of the reception committee. After a third pass, he recognized the young man who was about to confide in him sitting on a park bench, speaking with his father and another man who stood on crutches. He parked the car and walked towards them.

“Ohé p’pa! Is da FBI man!” the young man, one Roland Thibodeau exclaimed, smiling.

“Sweet baby Jesus, thank God you came lookin’ fo’ us! Beauregard be coverin’ his arse, Miss Réjeanne be da victim I tell ya!” his father, René Thibodeau said.

“Like I said, we be here for da truth, rien que la vérité! Sheriff Beauregard rudely interrupted us, so what da scoop?” Sullivan asked.

“Mah cousin Guy, he tell you, he saw everything!” Roland said, pointing his thumb at the young man on crutches.

Guy Thibodeau hesitated, seemingly frightened to talk.

“I must apologize, we never were properly introduced…I’m Special Agent Quentin Sullivan.” Sullivan said, smiling.

“Sullivan…any relation to old Ian and Stephanie Sullivan?” René Thibodeau asked.

“My Uncle and Aunt. I be a City Slicker but I spent many a summer on my Uncle’s farm.” Sullivan said.

“Da Sullivan be honorable people, you can trust him Guy. Mah name be René Thibodeau, dat be mah son Roland and ya already know mah nephew Guy.” René Thibodeau said.

Guy Thibodeau sighed.

“Well…I was on mah way to buy some ‘shine off Miss Réjeanne…gotta use a hovercraft to make it to her shack y’see…I noticed her rowboat was gone so I figured she’s gone to town to make her rounds…I purdy much know her route so I went after her…” he said, taking a pause to catch his breath.

“I made it to the other shore and moored mah hovercraft near Miss Réjeanne’s rowboat. I saw dat a few ‘shine bottles were missin’ from da box…so I walked a few yahds in da woods and heard some laughin’…Deputies Leroux, Marchand and Wright were drunk like skunks, helped themselves to miss Réjeanne’s ‘shine. Miss Réjeanne be purdy mad too, asked ’em to pay fo’ what they took…” Guy continued, breathing fast, almost sobbing.

“They juss laughed at her, tellin’ her shit like ‘Cops never pay’, s’pecially not a half-breed bitch like her…dat it was their ‘fee fo’ lookin’ the other way’…Leroux he shove her down. Miss Réjeanne she snap…grab a empty ‘shine bottle and took a swing at Leroux…Leroux went down screamin’ like a girl…Marchand he punched her in da face…ah tried to scream but mah voice got stuck in mah throat… “Guy Thibodeau said, sobbing.

“They pinned her down and tore her shorts off…ah managed to scream a weak ‘leave her alone’…Deputy Wright pulled a gun on me, shot me in da leg…ah fell over and hit mah head on an ole tree limb. Ah guess they figure they let me bleed to death…ah feel like such a cowa’d…I crawled my way back to the hovercraft, all da time hearing them taking turns raping poor Miss Réjeanne…” Guy Thibodeau finished, tears coursing down his face.

“You lived to fight another day mon frère. Had you tried to help her, they surely would have killed you, and still raped her.” Sullivan said.

“He’s right you know.” René Thibodeau said.

“Ah went into hiding. Uncle René pulled da slug from mah leg and stitched me up. Then I hear dat Cousin Rollie, he brought some mojo powder to Miss Réjeanne in jail…” Guy Thibodeau said, sniffling but mustering a smile.

“Miss Réjeanne she use da powder to heal her wounds…right after she used it to hex da deputies, using da filthy cum they left in her pussy!” Roland Thibodeau said; with a cold grin.

Sullivan nodded.

“It explains why Sheriff Beauregard wasn’t hexed and why he hasn’t laid any charges yet: his deputies are rapists…it also explains why he’s so eager to push her back to the Bureau, it’s a massive cover-up operation. Gotta wonder what excuse they used to bring her in custody…” Sullivan wondered.

“Moonshining, resisting arrest and aggravated assault…Beauregard done everything to cover his boys’ arses, they still be hexed like da sons o’ bitches they are.” René Thibodeau said.

“Okay, I’ll try to help, but you need to speak up Guy, testify. Sheriff Beauregard won’t dare touch you after what happened to his deputies. Miss Boudreau’s freedom may depend on your testimony.” Sullivan said.

“You said you felt like a cowa’d Guy, here’s yo’ chance to do well by Miss Réjeanne.” Roland Thibodeau said.

Guy Thibodeau nodded quietly as Sullivan’s cell phone chimed with an incoming text message.

“Excuse me…” Sullivan said, reading the incoming text.

From Montoya “Hex confirmed, motive likely revenge, possible sexual assault at time of arrest-need to get Ms Boudreau’s side of the story.”


“No kidding…” he mumbled.

“Motive indeed confirmed, sexual assault verified; found an eyewitness willing to testify. Agree on interviewing Ms Boudreau.” He typed.

“Here Agent Sullivan, mah phone number; you can reach mah nephew here.” René Thibodeau said, handing Sullivan a small piece of paper with his number.

Merci Monsieur Thibodeau…we be talkin’ to Miss Boudreau next.” Sullivan said, taking his leave.

At the Sheriff’s Office, Special Agent Baxter took a gander at the incoming text messages.

“Interesting…” Baxter said, grinning.

“What up?” Beauregard asked.

“Next step in the procedure Sheriff, taking a statement from the alleged perpetrator.” Baxter said.

“What d’ya mean ‘alleged’?” Beauregard protested.

Ignoring him, Baxter typed a reply.

“Meet up at the Saint Marc County Jail. Good Work.”


Saint Marc County Jail


“Standard procedure or not let da record show I’m allowin’ dis under protest!” Sheriff Beauregard grumbled, as he guided the FBI team to the holding cells.

“Duly noted.” Special Agent Baxter said, in a bored tone of voice.

“Fancy-ass big city coppers thinking they can show me how to do my job, undermining mah authority…” Beauregard continued, unlocking the door that led to the holding cells area.

“Like I told you before Sheriff, we can still turn back. This muggy weather don’t agree with me, and there are plenty of other cases for us to handle if you feel we’re undermining your authority.” Baxter snapped back, seriously annoyed with Baxter’s antics.

“What’s this I hear Eddie? Can’t handle things no mo’, y’need outside help?” A female voice asked mockingly from the holding cells area.

Sheriff Beauregard let out a frustrated grunt.

“Right this way, she be all yers; ah’ll be at da front desk if ya need me.” Beauregard mumbled, limping his way back towards the front desk area.

“Dat right Eddie-boy, be quiet an’ let da grownups talk!” The mocking voice or Réjeanne Boudreau chimed in again from the holding cells area.

Baxter, Montoya and Sullivan looked at each other, repressing a chuckle. They entered the holding cell area, which stank of feces and stale urine. The neon lights flickered and hummed in the background.

“You can’t tell me the custodian’s been hexed too; this place reeks!” Montoya said, with a disgusted wince.

“Nope siste’ no hex…ole Eddie he figure dat it teaches criminals a lesson…ya break da law you don’t deserve clean cells or workin’ lights.” Réjeanne Boudreau said, sitting on her cot.

Dressed in a County jail jumpsuit, the attractive mulatta cast her visitors an appraising glance. Her pretty face still showed signs of fading bruises, in spite of her healing spell.

“It would seem that the good Sheriff bends the rules to his liking…from what I’ve seen of him so far, the shoddy conditions come as no surprise.” Baxter said; shaking his head.

Réjeanne Boudreau chuckled quietly, nodding in agreement.

“I am Special Agent Robert Baxter, my partners are Special Agents Carla Montoya and Quentin Sullivan of the FBI.” Baxter said, smiling.

Réjeanne Boudreau sighed, her expression becoming morose.

“I be Réjeanne Boudreau, but y’all already know dat… I reckon ole Eddie brought y’all here to make da mean Hoodoo Priestess go away…” She said, her voice trailing off.

“Not quite Miss Boudreau, we’re actually here for your version of the facts. You see, the only arrestable offence we could book you on is moonshining…but the Sheriff has pressed no official charges yet, believe it or not.” Montoya said, eyebrows arched.

“Ha! Ha! Ha! Big surprise! Eddie-boy always been big on firing his guns but not much for thinkin’ things through!” Réjeanne Boudreau said, laughing.

“What Sheriff Beauregard doesn’t seem to grasp, is that the moment he called us in to ‘handle your case’, that put us in charge. We call the shots from this point on whether he likes it or not.” Baxter added.

“We got an eyewitness with an entirely different version of the facts than what Sheriff Beauregard claims in his report. The deputies are facing charges of rape, assault and battery and abuse of power. And Sheriff Beauregard is looking at perjury, filing a false report and withholding evidence…” Sullivan said, with a satisfied smirk.

“Oh no hansom’; no witness!” Réjeanne Boudreau said, looking agitated.

“But it could put those bastards in prison, boot Beauregard out of the Sheriff’s chair…” Montoya reasoned.

“No honey, you dunno them people; Bayou County got mostly good folk, but them deputies…they be good ole boys in da worst sense, they know people; dangerous peopleanybody testifiyn’ against ’em be a sure way to die in a horrible accident if ya get mah drift. What happen’ to me is a small sample of what they be capable of!” Réjeanne Boudreau said, breathing rapidly.

“Damn…getting the Hate Crimes Task Force involved is gonna take time; and there’s no guarantee the witness and his loved ones will be kept safe…” Baxter said, scratching his head.

“Unless…what ifI could get a confession out of them? Would it be possible for you to render them conscious long enough for me to interrogate them?” Sullivan asked.

Baxter and Montoya looked at him with a curious frown.

“Well if they confess…I doubt they will, but yeah, I could make ’em conscious fo’ few hours.” Réjeanne Boudreau said.

“As Special Agent Montoya said, the only arrestable offence we could book you on is moonshining, and the Sheriff has pressed no official charges yet. If you were to…unofficially give up the moonshining business, then we would have nothing. And if we have nothing, Sheriff Beauregard has no other choice than to release you.” Sullivan said, smirking.

“And if Special Agent Sullivan gets that confession, I will see to it personally that the deputies are put behind bars, for a long, long time.” Baxter said.

“Personally, I know a few reporters who would love to hear about a Sheriff covering up a case of assault, battery and rape by his subordinates, and how the victim was incarcerated in a County Jail unfit for farm animals, let alone a human being!” Montoya said, with a grin.

Réjeanne Boudreau nodded thoughtfully.

“Okay, da bastids be in talkin’ condition tomorrow mornin’…say 9am ’til noon, then da hex back on full. Say hansom’, can I have a private word with you?” Réjeanne Boudreau said with a mischievous smirk, moving closer to the bars.

Sullivan looked at Baxter and Montoya with a shrug.

“Go ahead probie, we’ll be waiting for you at the front desk.” Baxter said.

“If she discloses anything pertinent to the case, be sure to share.” He added in a low voice.

Sullivan nodded, Special Agents Baxter and Montoya took their leave, wondering what was so important to tell Agent Sullivan privately. He took a few steps closer to Réjeanne Boudreau’s cell, who scrutinized him with an intense stare.

“What’s up pretty lady? Is my fly open or something?” Sullivan joked.

She chuckled charmingly.

“Ah like you hansom’, there be many excitin’ things in sto’ fo’ you…y’see Ms Réjeanne she got a gift…ah can read people…fo’ instance, I can tell you been goin’ from one woman to anothe’ desperately tryin’ to replace dat special one dat got away an’ broke yo’ heartan’ lyin’ to yo’self about it too, am I right?” She asked with a smug smirk.

Sullivan took in a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

“Well…it would be fair to say I’ve been trying hard to forget the past and live the present… moping about how ‘dat special one’ broke my heart would be pointless…” Sullivan said, trying to keep a steady voice.

“Fo’get da past eh? Seems to me dat yo’ been cultivatin’ yo’ anger, and throwin’ yo’self into one meaningless affair afte’ anothe’ to make you fo’get, pas vrai?” She said, left eyebrow arched, with that same teasing, smug smirk that was beginning to annoy Sullivan.

“Look, is this going anywhere? If there’s a point you’d like to make, make it now; I’m kinda tired right now.” Sullivan said, dryly.

“Ho there hansom’, simmeh down, ah meant no offence…mah point be, things’ll fall into place eventually…thar be a few mo’ meanin’less affai’s in da between…but you will find dat special one again ah promise you dat…You will find true love, but fi’st you need to relax…juss enjoy da ride until it happens.” She said, smiling.

Sullivan chuckled in disbelief.

A few more affairs huh? Care to elucidate?” Sullivan asked.

“Ya doubt me eh? I tell ya what, da way dat attractive Gaienne Montoya been undressin’ you with her eyes da whole time you guys been here; wouldn’t take much convincin’ for you two to be doin’ da horizontal boogie before long! And ah get da feelin’ you wouldn’t mind it either!” Réjeanne Boudreau said.

Sullivan looked down blushing, hoping that Special Agent Montoya hadn’t overheard this.

“So…if ah be you, ah’d loosen up Sully, y’ juss need a bit o’ faith.” Réjeanne Boudreau concluded with a wink.

Sullivan looked up blankly at her, trying to hide how freaked out he felt and failing miserably.

“Montoya nicknamed me Sully earlier today; how in God’s name could you…” Sullivan said, looking unusually pale.

“Da same way I knew ’bout yo’ broken heart and attempts at romantic affai’s…relax big boy, I told you ah read people, don’t pass out on me now!” Réjeanne Boudreau said, giggling.

“Ah…I…I’ll be fine…see you tomorrow, hopefully with a confession and your release.” Sully said, absent-mindedly turning around to take his leave.

“Ah ‘preciate dat…Say Sully? Thanks. You an’ yer crew you be good people, Miss Réjeanne she be no ingrate.” Réjeanne Boudreau said, with a comforting smile.

Sullivan turned to face her and returned her smile with a nod.

“We’ll see to it that justice be done; I can guarantee you that much.” Sullivan said; taking his leave.

He made his way back to the front desk where Baxter, Montoya and Beauregard were waiting for him. Baxter approached him with a curious frown, but it was Montoya who spoke first.

“So, what was that all about Sully?” She asked.

“Ms. Réjeanne saw it fit to give me a demonstration of her gift…I got my fortune told.” Sullivan said, with a dismissive shrug.

“Anything exciting probie?” Baxter asked, with a grin.

“Time will tell Baxter; time will tell.” Sullivan said, casting Montoya a cryptical look.

Motel 6 later that evening

“I guess my prognosis of the neck and shoulder being fully healed was premature…I never was officially cleared by the Doctor; and after that last conversation I had with Lucy, having her treat me again is gonna be damn awkward.Sullivan thought, performing the stretches that his former lover and physiotherapist had taught him; sitting on the floor, dressed in his briefs.

A gentle knock at the door got his attention.

“Just a sec!” he said, standing up.

He opened the door, casting his visitor a curious glance.

“Carla, what’s up?” Sullivan asked.

“I can’t sleep…mind if I come in?” She asked in a soft voice, dressed in a worn blue and white football jersey several sizes too large, which she used as a makeshift night-gown.

“Jersey’s so large her cleavage’s exposed…oh my God, that bronze complexion of hers…yowza…” Sullivan thought, privately.

Her feet and legs were bare, making Sullivan wonder if she wore any panties underneath her jersey.

“Sure Carla come in, I couldn’t sleep either. Dinner isn’t agreeing with me, and since Baxter drafted me before I was officially cleared for duty by the Doctor, well…the neck and shoulder are flaring up something fierce from the stress.” He said, ignoring the appreciative glance Montoya was giving his muscular, naked upper body.

“I know what you mean about dinner, that jambalaya was something else…I love spicy food but that was overdoing it; in fact I was wondering if you have any antacids? Baxter’s snoring and I’d rather not wake him up.” Montoya said; forcing her eyes on Sullivan’s face and away from his muscular upper body.

Sullivan nodded, trying himself not to stare at Montoya’s cleavage or shapely legs.

“Though looking at her pretty face ain’t half-bad either…” He privately thought.

“Yeah, I found some generic Zantac and some mineral water at the convenience store across the street…” He said, walking towards his room’s night table.

“Awesome, you’re a life saver Sully!” Montoya said, smiling.

“No worries, I needed it: like a moron I forgot my muscle relaxant prescription at home, so I ended up substituting with Ibuprofen.” Sullivan said, rubbing his stomach with his right hand.

“Uh oh, with the amount of hot sauce that chef put in the jambalaya, the Ibuprofen must be burning a hole through your stomach!” Montoya said, looking concerned.

Sullivan pulled two antacid tablets from the box and uncapped the bottle of mineral water for her.

“You ain’t kidding! So I took two of those and a big gulp of mineral water…let out a big belch and then got busy with the stretches…if I could just get rid of that knot near the left shoulder blade and relieve the pins and needles in my left hand fingers…” Sully said, handing the open bottle and the antacid tablets to Montoya.

“Thanks Sully…maybe I can help with your sore shoulder? When I was a teenager I lived in Japan, my Dad worked for a software multinational so we travelled a lot…anyway, while in Japan I learned Ashiatsu, back-walking massage. Not as painful as it sounds, though we might want to reconvene in the bathroom so I can use the shower curtain pole for balance.” Montoya said, before washing down the antacids with a sip of mineral water.

Sullivan cast Montoya an incredulous look, wondering if she was kidding. He then smiled and nodded.

“I’m game Carla…and if I’m not being too presumptuous…I feel privileged. I’ve seen so many agents hovering around you like vultures only to be shot down…yet here we are, on a first name basis and me, about to get my own personal Ashiatsu session from the attractive Special Agent Montoya…makes me feel special.” Sullivan said, grinning.

Montoya snickered, giving Sullivan a playful swat on the shoulder.

“Oh stop it! I’m human just like you! Vultures indeed, most of them married men or chauvinistic pigs who thought I fucked my way up the ladder and thus would be an ‘easy lay’…” Montoya said, rolling her pretty brown eyes.

“Not all of us men fall into that category!” Sullivan said, eyebrows arched.

Montoya smiled charmingly, moving closer to him, looking into his eyes.

“Indeed not, Baxter definitely knows how to treat female agents with respect, and the new recruits – yourself, Townshend, Carter and Robinson have been acting aloof around me and the other female agents…but tell me, if you find me attractive, why haven’t you ever made a move on me?” Montoya asked, with a mischievous smirk.

“And stoop to the level of those disgusting pricks who thought you’d be an easy lay? No thanks. Besides, I like to think that even as a rookie I can show more professional decorum than those idiots.” Sullivan said, sounding defensive in spite of himself.

To his surprise, Montoya smiled, moving a bit closer, the fabric of her jersey being the only barrier separating her firm breasts from his upper body.

“Easy Tiger, that’s why I like you so much: you have principles. And you are special.” She said, her voice taking a seductive, breathy quality that gave him goose bumps.

“I am attracted to you Carla, and it scares the crap out of me…we barely know each other and romantic relationships between co-workers have a tendency of ending badly…could even wreck our careers…” Sullivan said, tentatively putting his hands on Montoya’s waist.

She put her hands on his muscular chest, flashing him a lustful look.

“Don’t over think this Sully, I’m fully aware that this is nothing more than a passing fling to satisfy our carnal needs as it were…it doesn’t mean we can’t be friends once we’re done with this mission does it? Good God, you’re so warm…” She said, in a near whisper.

She went on her tiptoes, bringing her lips to Sullivan’s kissing him. Sullivan pulled her in closer, kissing her back, their tongues sensually meeting. After a few moments, Montoya pulled back, panting.

“Wow Sully, you’re one hell of a good kisser! Never mind Ashiatsu, let’s make this a full body Nuru massage…too bad we don’t have the massage gel for full effect!” Montoya said, pulling her jersey over her head.

Sullivan observed gape-mouthed as the lovely Carla Montoya undressed before him. She was indeed not wearing panties underneath the football jersey, which made Sullivan smirk as he stared in awe. And for once, the urge to compare his conquest to be to his ex Brenda was the farthest thing from his mind.

juss enjoy da ride until it happens…okay Miss Réjeanne, you talked me into it!” Sullivan thought, dropping his briefs.

“Room service seems to have missed a big bottle of bath oil from the prior customer; will that do?” Sullivan said, his mouth feeling awfully dry.

“Yeah, it’ll do! Nuru starts with a hot shower with plenty of soap…we’ll need to layer a few bath towels on the bed so we don’t stain it too badly with bath oil; you need a mattress for Nuru! Right this way young man, your masseuse Carla will take good care of you!” Montoya said, taking his hard cock in her smooth right hand with a gentle, but firm grip; leading him to the bathroom.

She flipped the bathroom’s light switch with her left hand, and let go of Sullivan’s cock as she turned the taps for a hot shower. She put her arms around him, hugging him sensually as the shower reached the appropriate temperature.

“Right this way please…” She said with a teasing smirk, pointing at the shower.

Sullivan stepped into the tub, followed by Montoya. They drew the shower curtain and let the hot, steamy water wash over their bodies. She grabbed the bar of soap and began lathering Sullivan’s shoulders.

“Say, I don’t mean to pry but, what did Baxter mean by that crack about the ‘sluts who cut your balls off’? You looked like you were about to rip his head off and spit in it. I mean if you’d rather not talk about it, it’s okay but…” Montoya said, now lathering his chest.

Sullivan sighed.

“Beats me how he found out but…let’s just say that there was more to my explanation of why I didn’t make the Olympic weightlifting team than I let on…it kinda goes like this, ‘there once was a girl named Brenda, who captured the heart of this fella; just before the tryouts, the cold bitch skipped out, leaving this poor fella heart-broken’.” Sullivan said, as Montoya lathered his abdomen.

“Talk about rotten timing!” Montoya said, carefully lathering his groin area, paying particular attention to his erect cock, making his gasp out of surprise.

“Easy there Carla…yeah, rotten timing. Miss Ice Queen told me that ‘it had been fun but she had a destiny to pursue’ and that her plans didn’t include me. Then, to really piss me off, she added ‘you have my permission to find yourself a new fuck pal‘…I swear my ears were ringing, I felt like I was on the verge of throwing up… she sneaked out just before I punched a hole the size of Texas in my dorm room’s wall with my fist.” Sullivan said, his face looking grim in spite of the soapy hand job he was receiving.

“What a cold-hearted, stuck up bitch…” Montoya said, now carefully lathering his scrotum and inner thighs.

“Oh baby that’s nice…anyway, I was so angry that I went on a beer bender, missed the weightlifting team tryouts from being too hung over; nearly flunked my finals from brooding over her…thank God my sister Isabella talked some sense into me.” Sullivan said, as Montoya lathered his thighs.

“Man that was a close call, you nearly threw your future away over a broken heart!” Montoya said, moving down to his shins.

“Thing is, I was genuinely in love with Brenda you know, and I believed she was also in love with me. Crap, to this day I’m still convinced she was in love with me! It’s almost like she had an evil twin: the woman who broke my heart was condescending, contemptuous and frigid. A far cry from the Brenda I fell in love with. Anyway, she was the first ball-cutter.” Sullivan said, as Montoya rinsed the suds off his body with the hand held showerhead.

The first, how many were there? Turn around so I can do your back.” Montoya said, in a gentle tone of voice.

Sullivan nodded and turned around.

“Only one more. As you probably heard, I hurt my neck and shoulder during hand-to-hand combat training. My weight-lifting background didn’t exactly make me agile or flexible, I mean it’s improved a great deal, but I’m not quite cat-like. I took a bad fall after a routine throw, and next thing you know I’m on the injured list and getting physiotherapy. Hmm, the way you rub that soap bar on my left shoulder blade feels real nice Carla.” Sullivan said, as Montoya lathered his upper back.

“Was your therapist that cute curly haired brunette who’s assigned to the department’s aches and pains clinic? I hear her husband’s a real piece of work.” Montoya said, working her way down Sullivan’s back.

“The one and same…at first there was some innocent flirting, you know, nothing serious; we kept things strictly professional and within the clinic. A few sessions later, the first accidental boner happened…we just laughed it off and left it at that. A few sessions after that…her husband decided to show up drunk and belligerent at work. Lucy had a bruised cheek she tried to conceal with makeup, but was still visible.” Sullivan said, as Montoya lathered the small of his back.

“That son of a bitch… wait a minute, are you saying that she was the one who…” Montoya said, lathering his buttocks.

“Yeah, she’s the second ball-cutter. Anyway, he was raising a raucous in the reception, demanding to see his slut wife; threatening to harm the receptionist if she touched the phone to call security. I told Lucy to relax, that I’d handle this. Dressed in nothing more than my boxer briefs, I went to the reception and told him to follow me, that I’d show him were Lucy was…lured him to the men’s locker room. I pinned him against the wall until his feet no longer touched the ground and asked him what it felt like to be a helpless victim.” Sully said, as Montoya lathered his hamstrings and calves.

Montoya laughed, as she put the bar of soap on its recessed shelf. She reached around Sullivan’s waist and proceeded to gently jerk him off, slowly rubbing her firm breasts against his soapy back.

“Serves him right! What did he say?” Montoya asked, varying the cadence of her hand job.

“Easy there Carla, I don’t want to shoot my load too soon! He didn’t say a whole lot at first, though he did manage to stutter ‘who do you think you are, I know people, I’ll find out where you live’…I just laughed at that. I told him to knock himself out, and see how going after a Federal Agent works out for him…he nearly pissed his pants. Then I told him that his wife was done with the punching bag gig, that she was under my protection, and that if he so much as looked at her the wrong way, that I’d see to it personally that he eats through a straw for the rest of his life. Then I let him go and he stumbled his way out of the clinic.” Sullivan said, interrupting the hand job and turning around, wanting to face Montoya, the shower stream rinsing his broad back.

“Sully, what are you…oh!” She said, smiling as she understood what he had in mind.

She resumed her slow hand job and kissed him.

“When I returned to the treatment room, I told Lucy that I’d escort her back to her place so she could gather some personal effects and then to a safe house…next thing you know we were fucking like rabbits on that massage table, excuse my French. The following treatments were house calls… don’t get me wrong, we’d do physio, but after the physio, more sex. Then, just before Baxter called me for this mission, I got the old I’m not the one for you speech.” Sullivan said, his eyes going from Montoya’s pretty face to her shapely breasts, then to her hand jerking him off and then back up to her face.

“Tough break! After all you’ve done for her to get away from her asshole husband!” Montoya said, squeezing his cock a bit harder, and cupping his balls with her other hand, making him gasp.

“At least she’s gasp she’s following through with divorce hmm di…divorce proceedings, I get some gasp satisfaction knowing she’s s…s…safe…oh my God Carla slow down, you’re gonna make me cum!” Sullivan said, breathing heavily.

“Ah, ah, not so fast big boy! Finish rinsing off and shut those taps, I’ll grab those towels and the bottle of bath oil. I’ll get the bed ready!” Montoya said, letting go of his boner and opening the shower curtain.

She got out of the tub, water running down her sexy bronze body.

“Damn you’re sexy…and making a mess on the floor!” Sullivan said with a grin, watching her walk out of the bathroom leaving wet footprints behind her as he rinsed the remaining soap from his back, buttocks, hamstrings and calves.

“Thanks, you’re pretty hot yourself! Don’t worry about the mess, I’ll help you tidy up once we’re done!” She said, from the room.

Sullivan sighed and shrugged as he turned the taps off.

“When in Rome…” He thought, getting out of the tub, taking care not to slip.

He held his breath, drinking in the sight of her as she rubbed bath oil all over her body, arms, shoulders, breasts, stomach, legs, feet and buttocks.

“Here Sully, stop staring with your mouth wide open and rub oil on my back. Nuru massage involves the hands, feet, forearms, boobs, butt…the masseuse uses her entire body to massage the recipient, so both our bodies need to be thoroughly oiled up.” She said with a wink, handing him the bottle of bath oil.

She turned her back to him with a mischievous smirk. He poured bath oil in the palm of his left hand and clumsily splattering it across her upper back.

“Gentle with the ham hands there! Gen-tle, more palm; nice and smooth Sully, smooth!” She said, snickering.

“Sorry, I’m not exactly an expert at this…here, is that better?” He replied, pouring a bit more bath oil in the palm of his left hand and now oiling up the small or her back with a smooth, open handed stroke.

“Much better, like a smooth caress Sully! Rub more oil on my butt please?” She said, anticipating the feel of his strong hands on her ass cheeks.

“Careful what you ask for, a guy could get carried away with that gorgeous ass of yours!” He replied in a husky voice.

He poured more oil in the palm of his left hand and put the bottle on the floor next to the bed so he could use both hands.

“My Agent Sullivan how you do carry on! Gasp…and what strong hands you have…getting a good feel are we? Not that I’m complaining…” Montoya said, as Sullivan fondled her firm buttocks, slick with bath oil.

He sensually slid his hands to the front of her body, caressing her abdomen, moving up to her firm, C-cup breasts, giving them a firm squeeze and then sliding down her body all the way to her pubis, giving her labia a gentle rub, making her coo with pleasure.

“Ooh, how I missed the feel of manly hands all over me…you’re distracting me you naughty boy, who’s massaging who?” Montoya said, in a pleasured moan.

Sullivan chuckled, letting her go.

“All yours pretty lady, should I lie down so you can oil me up?” Sullivan said, grinning.

“Yeah, on your stomach; I’ll oil you up and rub you down!” She said, giving his butt a playful swat.

Sullivan laid face first in bed, wincing a bit at the scent of bleach emanating from the towels. She climbed in bed next to him and liberally applied bath oil over his back, buttocks, hamstrings and calves.   She put the bottle on the night table and proceeded to smooth the bath oil on his body, using her hands and forearms. Grinning, she straddled Sullivan’s ass, distributing her weight on her hands and feet and began sliding her firm ass up and down Sullivan’s back.

“Whoa, that’s intense!” He gasped, the sensation of Montoya’s shapely ass massaging his back making his balls ache with desire.

“You ain’t seen nothing yet lover boy!” Montoya said, pushing herself up from Sullivan’s body and changing her stance, still straddling him, but on her knees.

She slid down, lying down on top of him, and began sliding her oil slick body up and down his, her firm breasts moving from the small of his back up to his shoulder blades and back; breathing down his neck every time she slid upwards.

“My, my, Sully, you are shaking!” Montoya said, teasingly.

“I’ve had tantric sex before – sex was great with the Ice Queen in the beginning I’ll give her that – but this sensual teasing of yours…damn I’m gonna cum buckets!” Sullivan groaned.

Montoya snickered.

“Why thanks…I think! Let’s focus on those knots on your upper back…” She said, putting the palms of her hands on his shoulder blades and pushing herself up, applying moderate pressure; taking care not to slip.

A muffled cracking sound was heard.

“Whoa, I think you just straightened my spine Carla! You may have just fixed me up!” Sullivan said.

“That’s great! Now the front, flip over big boy!” She said, first kneeling up, then sitting next to him in bed.

Sullivan turned over, lying on his back.

“Big boy indeed, you were hard at first but wow!” Montoya said, licking her lips.

“Flattery will get you everywhere you gorgeous…” Sullivan started, his voice trailing off.

Cat-like, she climbed on top of him, exhaling through the mouth in a soft hiss. She began rubbing her slick breasts onto his muscular chest.

“You…you forgot to rub the bath oil on my front…” He said, his voice sounding hoarse.

She looked him in the eyes with a passionate, piercing stare. Without warning, she slid her body down, impaling herself on his hard cock.

“HUUH! Oh God your pussy’s so HOT!” Sullivan grunted out of combined surprise and pleasure.

“Still think you need oil?” She said, smiling mischievously.

“Oh hell no, you’re already so damn wet! Just gimme a sec, to compose myself…I’m on the verge of cumming, I don’t wanna cum just yet.” Sullivan said, taking slow, deep breaths.

“Okay Sully, I’ll keep very still!” Montoya said, quietly enjoying the throb of Sullivan’s cock within her tight, moist core.

He reached around her, grabbing onto her firm oil-slick buttocks. Tentatively, she squeezed his cock tightly with her vaginal muscles and began gyrating her hips, rubbing her firm breasts against his upper body at the same time.

“Oh yeah Carla that feels awesome!” He said, kneading her buttocks with his strong hands.

Breathing heavily, Montoya let out a surprised “OH!” as Sullivan began to gently massage her anus with the tip of his right hand’s middle finger.

“Is that sore?” Sullivan asked.

“No actually, I…I like it…just don’t stick it in okay? And pump that cock into me Sully, do me!” Montoya said, still gyrating her hips and rubbing her breasts against his upper body.

“You asked for it!” Sullivan said, thrusting his pelvis back and forth, trying to ignore the sensory overload that the beautiful Carla Montoya was giving him.

“Oh yeah…OH YEAH…like that Sully don’t stop!” She grunted, using every ounce of self-restraint not to scream out loud.

“Let’s get a bit more leverage…” Sullivan said, holding her against him and rolling on top of her.

“WHOA!” She yelped out of surprise.

He distributed his weight onto his hands and knees and she spread her legs open. Using the mattress for extra momentum by pushing down with his arms as he pulled his hips away and releasing the mattress as he pushed back in.

“Oh…OH…OH…GOD! So-in-tense-so-good-so-HARD! Gon-na-make-me-cum-gon-na-make me cuh…cuh…HMMMMMMYEAAAAAAH!” Montoya shouted, grabbing the pillow next to her head and covering her face with it to muffle her screams.

Sullivan kept still, waiting for Montoya’s orgasm afterglow to taper down. Panting, she moved the pillow from her face and gave him a curious frown.

“Didn’t…didn’t you cum yet? I thought you said you were about to fire your load?” Montoya said.

“Nope, not yet, I’m in the zone now…doggy style! Go on your hands and knees Carla!” Sullivan said, his voice cool and in control.

“Are you serious? You still have the stamina to go…whoa!” Montoya said, as Sullivan slid out of her and used his upper body strength to flip her over, as he felt she was taking too long.

She giggled, assuming doggy position.

“What do you think? After all the teasing and turn-ons, you bet your firm, tanned ass I’m serious!” He said, grabbing her hips and kneeling behind her.

“Yeah, I’ve been a bad, bad chica, teasing poor Sully until he cracked! Punish me Sully! Fuck my pussy, spank me! Fuh…huuuuuuuhhh…” She said, moaning loudly as Sully slid into her, slowly and deliberately.

“How’s that?” Sullivan asked.

Deep, feels so good…you’re in control Sully, fuck me hard, just don’t stick it in my ass okay?” Montoya replied, taking deep breaths.

“I promise Carla, tell me if I’m going too hard though.” Sullivan said, thrusting his cock within her moist core with increasing speed, giving her firm right buttock a playful swat.

“OH! Yeah…yeaaah…Yeaaah…oh God!” She moaned, reaching once again for the pillow and burying her face into it to muffle her increasingly loud screams of pleasure.

“Yeah baby, yeah! You’re so damn hot I can’t get enough!” Sullivan said, teeth clenched, pumping into her like an out of control locomotive.

Breathing hard, Montoya raised her face from the pillow.

“Oh God Sully stop…stop, stop, stop; please…wow…I’m getting sore down there, is it okay if I make you cum with my mouth?” She asked, secretly wondering what she’d gotten herself into.

Feeling a bit disappointed, Sullivan stopped his pounding and pulled out of her pussy.

“Sorry about that Carla, don’t know my own strength! Go for it babe, that sounds scorching hot!” He said, pulling out of her and lying on his back next to her.

Babe…I like that! But don’t let it slip in front of Baxter, it could land us in a heap of trouble!” She said, smiling as she knelt next to him.

He observed in awe, as the gorgeous, sultry Carla Montoya, her bronzed skin glistening with oil, bent over to engulf his hard cock in her pretty mouth. She cupped his balls in her left hand, jerked him off with her right hand and focused her mouth on the head of his dick, bobbing her head up and down increasingly faster.

“Oh yeah that’s good…hmm don’t stop Carla, faster…faster…I’m gonna cum! I’m GONNA CUM!” He grunted, firing his load in her mouth, taking her by surprise.

“HMM! HMM! HMM!” She whimpered at each salvo, trying not to choke on his cum.

Sullivan squirmed as her tongue still caressed his glans and her hands still slowly stroked his shaft and rubbed his scrotum; his cock rendered overly sensitive from his orgasm.

“Oh Carla…gasp…stop, too…gasp… sensitive!” He said, breathless.

Once she was sure the gusher had stopped, she sat up, letting go of his cock and balls. She grabbed one of the towels she had laid flat on the bed and brought it to her mouth, discretely spitting out his semen.

“Whoa, when you said I’d make you cum buckets you weren’t kidding!” She said.

“The credit’s all yours Carla, you’re one seriously hot woman!” Sullivan said, sitting up.

He put his arms around her, pulling her closer. She chuckled charmingly.

“That’s sweet Sully, normally I’d love to lie down and cuddle after sex; but I’d better get back to my room before I’m spotted here and Baxter finds out…” Montoya said.

“Yeah, it could cost us our careers…mind you I’d have no regrets!” He said.

She kissed him.

“You are quite the charmer…anyway, let me help you tidy up; then we better hit the sack; we have a busy day tomorrow!” She said.

They got out of bed and began cleaning up the mess they made.

The next morning

Still in that zone between slumber and awareness, Special Agent Sullivan was making sweet passionate love to a woman whose features morphed from those of the vivacious Brenda Wade to those of the sensual Lucy Morris and again to those of the sultry Carla Montoya; only to settle into a composite of all three, with tan lines on her breasts and ass that struck him as impossibly sexy.

A sound, persistent and annoying was slowly but surely pulling him away from his sweet, sensuous dream.

“Siren…police car…no…Fire truck…no…Ambulance…” Sullivan thought, slightly annoyed at being awakened.

He got out of bed, dressed in his briefs. He opened his room’s door and took a peek.

“Son of a bitch, the paramedics are right next door…that’s …that’s Baxter’s room!” Sullivan thought, rushing back into his room to slip his pants on.

He ran back out, barefoot and bare chested. Montoya was escorting the paramedics as they wheeled Baxter out in a gurney.

“Oh Sully, thank God you’re up, Baxter called 911 early this morning complaining of nausea, chills and a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, they think it may be appendicitis. I’ll go with them; you handle the deputies Sully.” Montoya said, keeping a calm front.

“Wait, what…protocol dictates that…” Sullivan said, still processing what was happening.

To hell with protocol Sully, the plan was yours anyway; get that confession and keep me posted by text…I’ll keep you posted on Baxter’s condition. Snap out of it, get dressed and go! I’ll ride with him in the ambulance.” She said, tossing the rental car keys to Sullivan.

“You got it.” Sullivan said, turning around.

He returned to his room, closing the door behind him. He looked at his watch and saw it was 7:30 am. He grabbed his toiletries bag from his open suitcase and made his way to the bathroom.

“Okay…Miss Réjeanne said the deputies would be in talking condition between 9 am and noon, shower, shave and get dressed…I’ll grab me a coffee at the Hospital’s cafeteria…” Sullivan thought, dropping pants and briefs to the floor as he entered the bathroom.

He turned the taps for a hot shower, grabbed the bottle of hair and body wash from his toiletries bag and stepped in.

“Videotape…I’ll need all the evidence I can get; I think there’s a camcorder in the evidence collection kit Baxter left in the trunk of the car…there’s been so much hoopla in Court cases about statements taken under duress, videotaping the statement should clear any doubts, though I’ll have to be extra careful with my questions…” Sullivan thought, lathering up from head to toes.

He rinsed off the suds and turned off the taps. He reached for a towel and began toweling off.

“What the…damn, the bath oil from last night! Thank God I didn’t pick the towel Carla used to spit out my cum…at least this one’s sort of dry…” He mumbled, trying to towel dry his hair and skin the best he could with the slightly damp towel.

He returned the bottle of hair and body wash to his toiletries bag and pulled out a small can of shaving cream, a razor and a bottle of after-shave. He distractedly massaged his facial hair with shaving cream.

“After discussing the ‘official police report’ over dinner, and based on what Guy Thibodeau told me yesterday, Sheriff Humpty Dumpty is committing major perjury to cover up Miss Boudreau’s rape. I hope those Deputies have fun with the inmates…” He ruminated, as he absent-mindedly shaved.

He wiped off the excess shaving cream with a face cloth and splashed on some lotion. He returned the razor, shaving cream and after-shave lotion to the toiletries bag and zipped it shut.

“Get dressed, then…ShowTime.” He mumbled to himself.

Ten minutes later, he was out the door and on his way to Saint Marc General Hospital. He absent-mindedly turned on the radio as he drove, settling on a news station.

“…’the Navajo Nation Council has voted unanimously to enlist the services of renowned archeologist Sara Kraft to investigate the artefacts recently found near our burial grounds. None appear to be of Navajo origin and her expertise will be welcome. As far as the rumors of a chupacabra-like creature running amok in our villages go, they are unfounded and rather insulting’. That was Navajo Nation representative Don Peters, speaking on behalf of the Navajo Nation Council regarding the recent events which were reported to have occurred on Navajo territory…”


“Chupacabra…I’m surprised no one contacted the Bureau’s X files division to investigate!” Sullivan chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

“…in other news, the recently founded Wade foundation has created a Help Centre for abused women in Delta City, providing legal assistance, counseling, medical treatment and safe haven for women victims of domestic abuse…”


“Hallelujah, about sweet time private investors would lend a hand to women in the same situation Lucy was in…” Sullivan exclaimed.

“…Wade foundation CEO Brenda Wade declared in a press conference that ‘the buck stopped there’ for male chauvinistic pigs who treat their wives and girlfriends like property…”


“OH HELL NO…” Sullivan growled, shutting the radio off; feeling his left shoulder tightening up.

“Breathe Sully… breathe…she ain’t worth the tension headache or the shoulder pain…so that’s what your so-called destiny was you cold-hearted bitch? Leave a man who truly loved you to become a full-fledged feminist extremist and paint all men as abusive pigs?” He thought, livid.

In spite of his anger, common sense slowly began to take over.

“Oh sure, I was fine with the idea until I realized it was Brenda behind it; double-standards much Quentin? Is rescuing abused women my privilege only? The heroic Quentin Sullivan can’t stand the competition?” he reasoned silently, calming down.

Then, he giggled uncontrollably.

“Yeah, I’m over her alright! Sounds like Lucy and Ms. Boudreau are onto something…okay, focus…it’s a few minutes past 8, very little traffic. I should make it to Saint Marc General pretty soon…” he mumbled to himself.

A few blocks away from the Hospital, he noticed a Wendy’s with drive-thru service. He pulled in and ordered a sausage and egg burrito and a coffee.

“That’ll save me time, I still need to figure out what floor those bastards’ room is at…” He thought, pulling out of the drive-through and taking a sip of coffee.

“Sweet caffeine come to my rescue…” he mumbled with a smile, carefully putting the cup down in the cup holder.

At a red light, he opened up his burrito’s wrapper and took a big bite.

“Not bad…likely loaded with saturated fat and sodium I bet, but once won’t hurt…” he thought, pulling into the Hospital’s visitors parking lot.

He parked, and finished breakfast in the car putting the empty coffee cup and burrito wrapper in the paper bag it came in. He got out and opened the trunk, grabbing the evidence collection kit duffle bag. He pulled the zipper open and took out the camcorder. He shut the trunk and locked up the car. He made his way to the visitors’ entrance, camcorder in one hand and paper bag in the other. The glass doors slid open, letting him in.

“Garbage can…oh there…” he thought, spotting a garbage can in the lobby, and tossing the paper bag that had contained his breakfast into it.

He walked to the front desk.

“Pardon me ma’am, in what room are Deputies Leroux, Marchand and Wright?” He asked, presenting his FBI ID to avoid lengthy arguments.

“Why you people are relentless ain’t you? Fi’st da Gaienne yeste’day now you?” the receptionist said, with an accusatory look on her face.

“Yeah, how dare we ask questions and seek the truth?” he thought, privately.

“We didn’t ask to come here, you got yo’ own Sheriff to thank fo’ that. Now we be here and doin’ our job. If them deputies have a praye’ of a chance of beatin’ dat swamp feve’; they need to talk to me.” Sullivan said, calmly.

The receptionist rolled her eyes and shrugged in exaggerated frustration.

Fahn…fifth floo’ room 24 C…cousin’ Eddie neve’ been none too bright anyway…” She said, mumbling the last part.

“Thank ya kindly ma’am!” Sullivan said, flashing her a charming smile that left her feeling confused and mad.

“Uppity powe’-trippin’ city-slicke’…does he have to be so cute?” She ruminated as he waited for the elevator.

As the elevator made its way to the fifth floor, an idea popped into his head, making him smile.

“Saint Marc still has a large Roman Catholic community…I bet this Hospital has a Chaplain!” He thought, his plan concretizing.

The elevator doors opened and he stepped out, taking a look at his watch. The Hospital PA crackled.

“Dr. Copeland to room 5-24C, Dr. Copeland to room 5-24C.” The feminine voice announced.

“9am, on the dot, impressive Ms. Boudreau!” He thought, unable to repress a chuckle.

He leisurely made his way to room 24C, which was at the very end of the corridor, to allow the Doctor and nurses to examine the Deputies.

“She said they’d be in talking, condition, not fully cured; which plays right into my plan…” He thought, as he walked.

He finally made it to the doorway of room 24C, eavesdropping on the conversation between the Doctor and the Nurse, as Deputies Leroux, Marchand and Wright mumbled indistinctly in a moaning voice.

“Gentlemen, the fact that you’re out of your coma is a small miracle in itself; but you’re hardly out of the woods, the fever hasn’t broken and you’re still not responding to treatment.” Doctor Copeland said, with a concerned frown.

Sullivan walked in, camcorder in his left hand and FBI ID in his right hand.

“Yeah, that Swamp Feve’ be a nasty piece o’ business ain’t it? Seems to me that these men be dyin’ slowly…in fact it’d be a good idea to call the Chaplain while they’re in talking condition.” Sullivan said, discreetly showing his ID to the Doctor, breaking in and out of the Cajun jargon.

Doctor Copeland noticed the FBI ID and nodded with a subtle smile.

“Nurse Harris, please fetch Padre DaSilva?” He asked the Nurse.

“Right away Doctor.” She replied, casting Sullivan a curious glance as she left the room.

“Wha…what d’ya mean we be dyin’?” Deputy Pete Leroux asked in a whiney voice that conveyed the fear he felt.

“You men have been comatose for several weeks now; with a steady 102 Fahrenheit temperature, which as I already told you, hasn’t yet broken. You have been and still are unresponsive to treatment need to be on constant IV to keep hydrated…so yes, Agent Sullivan here is right; you are slowly dying.” Doctor Copeland said.

Agent Sullivan…what fo’ you here?” Deputy Dan Marchand mumbled.

“Investigating a nasty cover-up. Oh your boss did try very hard to cover your asses; but that report of his is so full of holes that we ain’t buying it. I presume you are all God-fearing men?” Sullivan said, dropping the Cajun jargon completely.

“Yeah, Church every Sunday; what of it? Deputy Clovis Wright replied, breathing hard.

“Confession is good for the soul, gentlemen. The way things are going now, I’d take advantage of the fact that you’re in speaking condition to clear your consciences while you still can. You never know when you’ll be comatose again.” Sullivan said, setting up the camcorder on a small table facing the beds.

“While I agree with you young man, confession should be kept private…you shouldn’t be present my son, neither should the Doctor or that camera.” Father DaSilva said, as he walked in.

A gentleman well into his seventies, sporting a long grey beard and thick horn-rimmed glasses, Father Leon DaSilva was a man who spoke with authority and commanded respect.

“While I agree with you Padre, those men have already broken the 9th commandment as well as several others that would take much too long to enumerate. Right now, an innocent woman is sitting in a prison cell unfit to keep rats because of what they did. Their confession isn’t only the key to their own salvation, it’s the key to justice for an innocent woman.” Sullivan said.

DaSilva looked at Sullivan, Doctor Copeland, Nurse Harris and then at Leroux, Marchand and Wright, scratching his beard; frowning. He sighed and nodded.

“Yes, I’ve heard the rumors of what happened to Ms. Boudreau…while I don’t agree with her lifestyle, if the rumors are true, she did not deserve her current fate…and while I do not believe in hexes or curses, these men’s current condition speaks for itself.” Father DaSilva said pensively, repressing a shiver and doing the sign of the cross.

“In my line of business, you learn to keep an open mind the hard way Padre.” Sullivan said.

“Indeed…at any rate, I have taken confession from them before, and I must admit that many a time I have struggled with the Seal of Confession after dealing with those power-abusing alcoholics…” Father DaSilva said, casting a disgusted look at the Deputies’ pasty, sweaty faces.

Deputy Clovis Wright cast Father DaSilva an angry stare, trying to look intimidating but failing miserably.

“What’s this Clovis? Still defiant while facing your impending demise? That settles it; I’m sure God will gladly make an exception in this case. Hit that record button my son. Gentlemen…let us have your confession…if you care about your salvation at all.” Father DaSilva said, in that familiar authoritative tone of voice that commanded respect.

“Just give me a quick second Padre…” Sullivan said, discretely pulling his smartphone from his jacket pocket.

“I’d like to see the look on their faces when Ms. Boudreau gets her release and they’re miraculously cured…all the way to prison!” Sullivan thought, smirking.

He texted Montoya.

“The Stooges are about to confess; all being recorded on video. Let me know how Baxter’s doing as soon as you have an update. BTW, what are the names and numbers of those reporters you mentioned? I want to make sure Sheriff Beauregard gets his come-uppance along with his Deputies.” He typed, and then hit the send button.

Leroux, Marchand and Wright exchanged a tired look, wondering who would speak first. Sullivan walked to the camcorder and hit the record button.

“Ready when you are Padre.” Sullivan said.

“Well then, which one of you wretches wants to clear his conscience first? I believe in this case we can dispose of the religious platitudes and get to the point.” Father DaSilva said, with a stern expression on his face that made him look like an old Owl.

Dan Marchand drew in a deep, labored breath.

“Well, ain’t no big secret that us three enjoy da booze a whole lot…” Marchand began, his voice trailing off.

48 hours later

“In what has quickly become a media circus, the small town of Saint Marc has been brought to the forefront as a massive cover-up has been exposed by the FBI. Deputy Sheriffs Peter Leroux, Dan Marchand and Clovis Wright have confessed to have physically and sexually assaulted a local woman named Réjeanne Boudreau; implicating Sheriff Edward Beauregard as the mastermind behind the cover-up. The States of Mississippi and Louisiana have volunteered State troopers to keep the peace in Bayou County until a new Sheriff is elected. Charges will be laid…”


Montoya switched off the radio and cast Sullivan an appreciative glance as they drove to the Hospital.

“That was some solid work there Sully; Beauregard had to step down to face charges, while Leroux, Marchand and Wright pretty much walked straight to prison after confessing to what they did!” She said, smiling charmingly.

“Marchand’s reaction when the hex was lifted actually surprised me, he behaved like the Good Thief from the Gospel!” Sullivan said.

“We deserve what’s coming to us tenfold; when you live like a bastard, you end up like one…” Montoya said, paraphrasing former Deputy Dan Marchand.

“I just wish Baxter had been there to see it.” Sullivan said.

“He’s seen the tape as he recovers; so he knows! The Doctor wants to make sure he is stable before moving him to a D.C. Hospital; looks like the jambalaya we had a few nights ago triggered the appendicitis. He’s out of the woods but he’s still in serious condition.” Montoya said, looking worried.

“Speaking of D.C., are you ready for the big move? I never understood why they kept the X-Files department in Quantico in the first place.” Sullivan said, with a frown as he slowed down to a full stop at a red light.

Montoya shrugged.

“No thanks to a certain TV show and its spin-off movies, our department became the target of many a conspiracy theory and whistle-blower wannabes. Hell, even within the Bureau we became the butt of many jokes; Mulder and Scully indeed…the higher-ups believed that keeping our department separate would avoid a lot of internal grief, but that’s been causing a lot of financial woes. So they’re moving us back to D.C., spending a lot of cash to save some!” Montoya said, rolling her eyes.

“Not that I’m complaining, the new one bedroom apartment I have my sights on will definitely be a welcome improvement! I just need to pack up though, with the injury and physio treatments, time’s been scarce.” Sullivan said, smiling.

“Officially, we’ll be known as Special Ops, though I have a feeling the X-Files, X- department, X-division label is going to follow us for years to come…”Montoya said, as they neared the Hospital.

They pulled into a parking spot and got out of the car. Sullivan locked it up and they walked towards the visitors’ entrance. They entered and walked past reception. Sullivan noticed the receptionist, former Sheriff Beauregard’s cousin, giving them the evil eye, which made her look rather comical, like a scrawny cartoonish hen in her white uniform.

They made their way to the elevators, Sullivan clenching his jaws, using every ounce of self-restraint not to burst out laughing.

Montoya cast him a curious frown as they entered the elevator. She pressed the button to the top floor.

“Care to share Sully? What’s so funny?” She asked, smiling.

“That receptionist, ex-Sheriff Humpty Dumpty’s cousin…the dirty look she just gave us made her look like that cartoon hen, Miss Prissy…” He said chuckling uncontrollably.

“That’s awful!” She said, giving his shoulder a playful swat, laughing along.

“Hey, you’re laughing too! Say Carla, you don’t have to answer if it’s too personal, but since you know the sordid details of my love life and since we’re like real close…what about your love life?” Sullivan asked, casting her a quizzical glance.

Montoya smiled and nodded.

“Agreed, fair’s fair after all…as you already know, I’m divorced. My ex and I were just two people with nothing in common other than physical attraction and decent sex, nothing spectacular, but not awful either. If relationships were swimming pools, ours was wading pool…shallow, with no depth or substance. The day I found him in bed with another woman…I should have been furious, but instead, I felt this odd sense of relief.   My lawyer contacted his, now here we are. To be honest, I kind of enjoy having my pick of the litter and being able to have sex with whom I please.” She said, with a wink.

The elevator doors opened.

“I’d call you a cougar, but you’re much too young!” Sullivan said with a smirk, as they exited the elevator.

“Oh that’s so sweet!” Montoya said, going on her tip-toes to give him a peck on the cheek.

“I have my moments! Which way to Baxter’s room?” Sullivan asked.

“This way, sixth room on the left. I meant to ask you, how are the neck and shoulder feeling?” Montoya said, pointing towards the West corridor.

Sullivan tilted his head to the right, then to the left, making his neck crack as they walked.

“God I hate that sound…” Montoya said, shivering.

“Sorry…but I can honestly say that the Nuru massage did the trick – in more ways than one – since the pain was triggered by stress, that massage and the…after massage treatment, made me feel like a new man!” Sullivan said; smiling.

“Would you say…as good as Lucy?” Montoya asked, with a mischievous smirk.

Sullivan’s smile widened.

“Definitely on par; different technique but equally mind-blowing results.” Sullivan said, with a wink.

“Aw shucks! Speaking of which, are you thinking of taking one last ride with Lucy before our move to Washington? Just for old time’s sake?” Montoya asked, teasingly.

“It’d be damn awkward, but I certainly wouldn’t complain if we did.” Sullivan said, smiling subtly at the thought.

They arrived at Baxter’s room. To their surprise, Baxter was sitting up, immersed into a deep philosophical discussion with Réjeanne Boudreau.

“So we can agree dat, fate brought us all togethe’; I needed you guys to bring me justice…” Réjeanne Boudreau said, holding Baxter’s hand in a friendly manner.

“Agreed Réjeanne, and I needed you to heal; that herbal tea you’ve been bringing me since your release has done more for my health than the antibiotics and other crap they’ve been pumping into me.” Baxter said, casting her an admiring look.

“Don’t be too ha’d on the Docs Robert, dey do good wo’k. Sometimes, mode’n medicine needs a bit a help from Mothe’ Natu’e fo’ best results!” She said, smiling.

Robert? You should feel privileged Ms. Boudreau, Special Agent Baxter doesn’t let a lot of people call him by his first name!” Montoya said, chuckling.

Baxter smiled and nodded as Réjeanne walked towards Sullivan and Montoya with open arms.

“Hey, thanks to her potions I feel better than I have in years, let alone since the surgery; she’s earned the right to call me Robert!” Baxter said, looking at his teammates with pride.

“Great work…the perfect choices for the Special Ops Carte Blanche project…perfect! Baxter thought, privately.

“My Bons Samaritains! A deal’s a deal, Ms. Réjeanne’s officially givin’ up moonshinin’!” She said, hugging Sullivan and then kissing him on the cheek, and then doing the same with Montoya.

“All in a day’s work ma’am!” Sullivan said, smiling.

“And the credit goes to Sully, it was his plan!” Montoya said, also smiling.

“Ah oué, but them journalists, dey be yo’ acquaintances yes? Dat be yo’ idea Carla, I was there when you said it!” Réjeanne Boudreau said, eyebrows arched.

“So it was, wasn’t it?” Montoya said, looking sheepish.

“A true team effort and I couldn’t be prouder of my teammates…” Baxter said.

Réjeanne turned her head to look at him, an excited gleam in her eyes.

“You tell ‘em now yes Robert?” She asked.

“Indeed Réjeanne! This mission was a test, you see, Washington has requested that the Bureau pick a select few candidates who can work without supervision; have initiative and a good cool head on their shoulders.” Baxter said, assessing Sullivan and Montoya’s reactions.

A test you say? Are you saying you got sick on purpose? To see how we’d react under that type of pressure?” Montoya said, baffled.

“No, that was just shitty luck. I was to let you take the reins of the investigation and observe…I didn’t even have to ask. You both jumped in without being prompted.” Baxter said, with a satisfied smile.

“Ah say t’was fate Robert…meant to happen dat way.” Réjeanne Boudreau said.

“Indeed…at any rate, the selected agents will be granted full carte blanche on missions. I’ve personally requested you both. My gut tells me you’d be perfect for the job. The both of you are my picks for the Special Ops Carte Blanche project.” Baxter said.

Montoya and Sullivan looked at each other gape-mouthed and back at Baxter, speechless.

“Looks like dey be speechless Robert!” Réjeanne Boudreau said, giggling.

“God…wow…that’s the type of opportunity you can only dream about!” Sullivan said.

“No kidding! Man, the rumor mill was already pretty busy, bullshitting that I fucked my way to my current position, I can only imagine what garbage will be said now…” Montoya said, smiling and rolling her eyes.

“Carte Blanche would give you the right to kick the asses of the bullshitters Montoya; and you wouldn’t be bothered afterwards.” Baxter said, smirking.

“I think I could learn to like that!” Montoya said, grinning.

“The only drawback is that you may be reassigned to various field offices; so hold off signing any leases in Washington, month to month agreements only until you get a permanent field office assignment. You’re the newly dubbed Special Ops Elite; my personal picks. Give ‘em hell!” Baxter said.

“You made a friend fo’ life with Ms. Réjeanne mah friends. If any of you eve’ need mah help, come fetch me, you be welcome in mah shack in da swamp. ‘til  then, a gift fo’ you…” Réjeanne Boudreau said, picking up her hemp bag from the floor.

She pulled out three small pouches which smelled of incense and candle wax. She handed one to Baxter, Sullivan and Montoya.

“Mojo powde’. Don’t worry, no dead rodents or scary stuff in it; juss somethin’ to keep mah new friends safe. Juss keep da pouch with ya; keep bad mojo away.” She said.

They looked at the small pouches, smiling.

“You know, not so long ago I would have made a sarcastic comment. But after what I’ve seen during this mission…thanks Ms. Boudreau.” Sullivan said.

“Réjeanne, please, we be friends now!” Réjeanne Boudreau said.

“Thanks Réjeanne; and you can bet I’ll be looking you up if I ever deal with the occult in the future!” Sullivan said, opening his arms to hug her.

She smiled, accepting the hug. Montoya and Baxter followed suite, each hugging her in turn.


Arizona bound airplane, a few weeks later

“’Chupacabra…I’m surprised no one contacted the Bureau’s X files division to investigate!’ I had to say! Karma much Quentin?” Sullivan wondered, sipping on a bourbon on the rocks, turning the pages of the complimentary newspaper.

“All personal effects packed and sent to storage courtesy of the Bureau, until I get a permanent Field Office assignment…got to love the perks though: full Carte Blanche, nice Hotels and First Class treatment…my Assistant DA sister would approve! And I get to do away with the damn suit and tie…leather and denim for me!” He thought, with a smirk.

He turned the page of his newspaper to the article he was looking for.

“World-renowned Archeologist Sara Kraft reported missing. Navajo Nation requesting assistance from the authorities to investigate her disappearance.”

His eyes focused on her photo.

“Very pretty…I’d even venture to say sexy as hell. Yeah, the authorities have been called indeed; ‘the authorities’ is me! God I hope she’s okay!” he ruminated.

The End…?