

By Barnabus



(M/F, romance, Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor, first time)


Wonder woman faces a dilemma. Either she must have sex with a man or she will die.



This is an adult story, containing sensitive material of a sexual nature, including graphic descriptions of consensual, "vanilla" sex. If you find such material offensive or are underage, do not read further, but please bypass this story for one more suitable for you.

Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor are copyrighted, trademarked, and owned by DC Comics. I am simply borrowing them for a while to allow them to have a sex life. This is a work of fan-fiction. This story is written for enjoyment and entertainment purposes only, and no commercial profit is expected to be made from it. It may be copied for personal use or for posting on other sites, provided the sites are free sites . . . it may NOT be posted on any site that requires a "membership fee" of any kind. Posting is permitted on an "Adultcheck" type site (which might cost a few dollars a year for access to many sites) but not on an "Adultcheck Gold" site, which requires much more money.

Like most stories of this ilk, at the end of the story, (unless there is a sequel) the characters are magically returned to their original condition, undamaged, unharmed, and unchanged in any way with no memory of the events that have taken place . . . It is as if the story had never happened, because, after all, it never really did.

The story is set in the 1940's, approximately World War II.

The inspiration for this story came from a request on

http://greyarchive.greyarchive.org/request1.html which read,

"A supervillian gets a hold of some of the original mix of Passion Fever Dust. This was the creation of an ancient pervert/martial artist/halfdemon/sorcerer who created it as a way of trying to make women semi-voluntarily sleep with him. Basically if this golden dust is inhaled, consumed, or just touched by a woman, she will become increasingly horny, ultimately dying by sunrise unless she has sex with a man, which will counteract the dust, mostly.

"Anyway Wonder Women takes a facefull of the dust while capturing a bad guy, and after he explains what it is and what it does, Steve Trevor convinces her to spend the night at his place so that if a proper cure can't be found, and there's signs of terminal effects building, he'll be available to help her."


I've told the story that I planned to tell. I don't know if there will be any further chapters. It seems that this story could go in a number of different directions from here. For the moment, however, I'm content to leave our two lovers simply being happy and in love.

Condoms or other forms of birth control are not used in this story, indeed, they cannot be used. But, of course, in 'real life' every reasonable adult should know that he or she should behave responsibly when participating in sexual activities and he or she wishes to avoid unwanted conception and the spread of disease.

Oh, and Vaseline is NOT a good choice for a lubricant! But in the 1950's, Steve didn't know that.

Feedback is welcome at barnabus329@hotmail.com.






Chapter 1 - Wonder Woman's exposure

Steve Trevor turned the key and unlocked the door to his house. He held the door open and permitted Wonder Woman to enter before him. Nervously, she entered his home and stood near the door looking around. It was obviously a bachelors place with a definite masculine feeling, but it was well kept and organized in a typical military fashion. Locking the door behind him, Steve pocketed the key and gestured for Wonder woman to sit on either the over-stuffed chair or the sofa in the living room. He moved to the thermostat and raised the setting a few degrees. (Wonder Woman never complained of the cold, but in her abbreviated costume, Steve wanted to be sure the temperature in his house would be comfortable for her.) Diana moved to the chair, but walked around it, tracing her fingers over the material. Then she went to a photograph on the wall and examined it with unseeing eyes. She wasn't comfortable being here and would rather be somewhere else.

"Can I get you something? A drink? A snack?" Steve asked solicitously. Diana shook her head, still examining the picture. Then she changed her mind.

"Yes, maybe." She turned to Steve. "Do you have any whiskey?"

Steve had never seen Diana drink anything alcoholic before, but he chose to ignore that. "Bourbon?" Steve asked.

"Anything," Diana answered turning to the next picture on the wall. A few moments later, Steve was at her side with two Bourbons and water. She took the highball and sipped, making a face as the brownish liquid burned its way down her throat. It was the first time Steve had ever seen her drink anything alcoholic.

"Do people really like this stuff?" she asked.

"I guess so," Steve answered, sitting on the sofa. "Some people just like the way it makes them feel."

Diana took another sip, then moved to the sofa putting the drink on the coffee table. Steve noticed that her hand was shaking.

That was only to be expected, thought Steve as he reviewed the day's events in his mind.

Steve and Wonder Woman had started the day at a press conference on 'museum row' on Fifth Avenue. When the conference was over, they talked for a few minutes as the crowd disbursed. It was Wonder Woman who noticed the police cars converging on another museum across the street. When she and Steve had inquired, they learned that a silent alarm had been tripped in one of the research cubicles in the basement. The police allowed her to 'take point', and she found a janitor had entered a store room and broken open a sarcophagus hoping to find some gold artifacts that he could sell to make a few extra dollars. When Wonder Woman spoke, he panicked and grabbed the nearest thing he could find, an old leather sack in the coffin, and threw it at Wonder Woman as he attempted to escape. The sack hit her squarely in the chest and burst open, surrounding her with a stale, putrid smelling dust that had her coughing uncontrollably as she snagged the miscreant trying to pass her.

Still coughing from the dust she had inhaled, Diana dragged the janitor to the hallway to turn him over to the police, when the museum curator saw the dust and asked where it had come from. Wonder woman explained, and suddenly the curator pulled out a handkerchief which he put over his face and ordered everyone to back away from Wonder Woman and her prisoner. He then ordered the doors closed and the area sealed. He produced a special vacuum cleaner and began vacuuming the dust from the air, the floor, and the dust residue from Diana's bustier and from her skin. Normally she would have objected, but the urgency of his actions left her somewhat subdued. His concentration on vacuuming all of the dust was so complete that he would only respond to questions with grunts or monosyllabic answers.

When the vacuuming was done to the curator's satisfaction, he sent Wonder Woman into an employee dressing room instructing her to take a thorough shower, wash her hair, and thoroughly wash her costume before coming out. He refused to answer any questions from either Steve or Wonder Woman, but commanded that his instructions be carried out to the letter. Somehow he produced a pair of coveralls for Wonder Woman to wear while her uniform was drying.

Dressed in coveralls, Wonder Woman and Steve were ushered into his office, a small, cramped, messy cubicle where they were met by a younger man who carried a black bag. Without introductions, the curator quickly briefed the other man as to the chain of events. Both Steve and Wonder Woman saw the younger man blanch as he heard that Wonder Woman had inhaled the dust. Immediately, the younger man opened his bag, a doctor's bag, and pulled out a few instruments and without asking permission, began a brief but complete examination of Wonder Woman, listening to her heart, checking her pulse, checking her blood pressure . . . the works.

Finally, Steve became furious at being ignored, and the treatment of Wonder Woman. He blew up, demanding an explanation, and ordering Wonder Woman not to cooperate until an explanation had been given.

Suddenly obsequious, the curator apologized profusely for his rudeness and became the perfect gentleman, albeit an extremely nervous and frightened gentlemen. He introduced the younger man, a medical doctor who had completed medical school at his parents insistence and had even successfully practiced medicine for several years before giving it up to return to school to study his true passion: Ancient Egyptology. The opened sarcophagus was part of his research for his doctoral thesis, more specifically, the inhabitant of the sepulcher opened by the Janitor.

Chapter 2 - The researcher's explanation.

The Mummy in the opened sepulcher was that of a high priest, sorcerer, magician, and advisor to his pharaoh, an individual of unrivaled power, feared by all of Egypt. The writings concerning this sorcerer were so frightening, that the researcher had decided NOT to open his casket until he had completely deciphered and translated all of the writings available about the man.

The sorcerer's greatest weapon seemed to be a powder he had developed the name of which was 'Passion Fever Dust'.

"It's a terrible translation," the researcher apologized, "but it's as close as I could come in the English language until I have had more time to research it." The doctor was warming to his tale.

"The sorcerer would blow some of the dust into his victim's face, usually an influential woman in pharaoh's court, or the wife of a very important man, and . . . . " The researcher took a quick glance at Wonder Woman and faltered, his voice trailing off to nothing.

"Go ahead, doctor," Steve prodded. "What was the effect of the powder on the victim?"

Self consciously, the researcher cleared his throat as he dropped his eyes. "She died."

Chapter 3 - An antidote?

The silence in the room was deafening.

"Would you say that again, please?" Wonder Woman whispered.

Afraid to lift his eyes from his nervous hands, the doctor said, "Before the sun would rise on the next morning, she would be dead.

"However, there seemed to be some exceptions!" he quickly added. "If the woman was married, she might live for several days, but usually would die anyway. If she was not married, she would die overnight . . . . unless . . . . "

". . . . unless . . . " Steve and Wonder Woman said in unison.

"Unless she was treated by the sorcerer. If she received the sorcerer's treatment, she would be fully recovered the next morning and would live out a normal life expectancy.

They were all caught up in his story. "What was the difference? Why did some women recover completely, and others live a few days, and others simply die?" Wonder Woman demanded.

"I don't know," the doctor replied, his complexion turning red and his nervousness visibly increasing as he glanced self-consciously at Wonder Woman, allowing his eyes to pass over her bosom and the rest of her body before dropping to his hands again. "The texts aren't clear, and I still need more time to refine the translations. That's part of the reason I refused to allow the coffin to be opened . . . I didn't want to take any chances until I was satisfied that I had the answer to those questions."

The curator, who had been silent during the doctor's narrative, cleared his throat and entered the discussion. "It is true, you do not have all the answers to your satisfaction yet," the curator inserted. "But you have developed certain theories, haven't you?"

The self-conscious doctor turned an even deeper shade of crimson and stole another glance at Wonder Woman, as if he was trying to imagine her body under the coveralls she was wearing. He actually began stammering. "My theory is that if the woman had sexual intercourse, she would live," he whispered.

"You're joking!" Steve burst out. Wonder Woman turned white as she heard the doctor's opinion.

"No, sir," the doctor replied, meeting Steve's eyes with a steady gaze. "The reports indicate that some of the women who lived became pregnant and bore a child shortly afterwards. Since this happened with women that the sorcerer 'treated', unmarried women, that is, it is my guess that his treatment must have included . . . something that must have caused their impregnation."

Wonder Woman, still pale, entered the conversation. "You said some women lived a few days, some lived a normal lifetime. But apparently all of the women who were 'treated' by the sorcerer lived full lives. How can you explain that?"

The doctor glanced at her, but quickly dropped his eyes again. "I can only give you my best guess, Wonder Woman." His blush became so red that Diana wondered if he would burst a blood vessel. The doctor continued, self-conscious and stammering. "It is my guess that there is an enzyme in semen which slows the action of the dust. Thus, if a victim receives male semen, the action of the dust is slowed down. My next guess is that there is a second enzyme in . . . " The doctor's embarrassment was so great he could barely get out the next words. ". . . It is my guess that a second enzyme is present in - - - in the fluids generated by a woman during her orgasm that, acting with the male enzyme, totally counteracts the effect of the dust."

Chapter 4 - Back in Steve's House

Seated on the sofa next to Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor sipped his bourbon.

He remembered the doctor's disclaimers, suggesting that there was no assurance that the dust that Wonder Woman had inhaled was in fact 'Passion Fever Dust'. And even if it was, there was no reason to believe it would still be effective after all these years. The doctor had promised to spend the next 24 hours in non-stop translation of the inscriptions in hopes of learning more. Then both the doctor and the curator had invited Wonder Woman to spend the night at their homes in case there's as sign of terminal effects building, someone would be available to help her.

With tears streaming down her face, she had thanked them both for their considerate offers. Knowing the only 'help' she would need, she had turned to Steve and asked him to take her home.

Steve had prepared supper for them. A salad was all that Wonder Woman wanted, but she only picked at her meal. They had watched a beautiful sunset through the picture window in his living room. As it grew darker outside, Wonder Woman's discomfort began to increase. She turned to Steve.

"Amazon law forbids me - - - from being - - - ", she had trouble with the words, "- - - intimate with any man. It is a good law. It's designed to keep an Amazon from succumbing to the influences of Man's world.

"The penalties for breaking this law are rather severe." Steve had heard rumors about what would happen if an Amazon willingly gave herself to a man.

"The severity of the penalty is so great that yielding to lustful desires has never been a consideration to me. If I yield and have sexual intercourse with ANY man, I will probably never be able to resume my role as Wonder Woman in the world, and the world needs Wonder Woman. My obligation to my duty is so strong that I would never willingly consider turning away from my duties for personal gratification.

"Now, it seems, I have to choose. If I insist on maintaining my chastity, - - - " she moaned and doubled over as pain raged through her abdomen. Gasping, she drew herself up again. "If I maintain my chastity, I will probably die."

She took Steve's hands and raised them to her lips, kissing them gently. "I love you, Steve. I have loved you since the day I met you. If what the doctor says is true, and if I have sexual intercourse with you, I may live. If he is wrong, I will probably die anyway. In either case, I believe my life as Wonder Woman is over.

"And if I am about to die, I want to have sexual intercourse with you at least once before I die." She took a deep breath, wincing at the pain she felt, and she pressed Steve's hands again. Then Princess Diana, Princess of the Amazons, spoke.

"I offer you my honor, Steve. Please make love to me."

The ritual implications of her last sentence coursed through Steve. Ever since he had met Wonder Woman, he had wanted to get into her pants. Now he was acutely aware of the seriousness of what was happening. This was not a lustful event. It was not simply a passionate moment to be forgotten in the morning. It wasn't even a marriage commitment. But Steve still felt commitment creep into his mind. He answered her:

"I honor your offer, Diana."


Chapter 5 - the first step.

Steve went to his dresser and reached for a box of condoms. He actually had them in his hand before he realized that he couldn't use them tonight. Leaving the box in the drawer, he picked up the jar of Vaseline and returned to the bed.

Wonder Woman was lying naked on her back. Steve had gently removed her belt, bustier and panties and left them on a chair near the bed. There was fear in her eyes, her hands forming fists, lay palm up beside her shoulders, trembling ever so slightly. Taking his place beside her, Steve kissed her and ran his hands over her, caressing her breasts, circling her nipples. Leaning over her, he took one nipple in his mouth, noticing her gasp as he began to suckle her. Her back arched into him slightly, but that was her only physical response. As he sucked, he allowed his hand to move lower, finding her mound and exploring her nether lips.

Although Steve had never been married, he had had girlfriends, most of them before he met Wonder Woman. Since he had met Diana, his experience had been limited to an occasional one-night-stand, or the use of prostitutes. Although not a virgin at age 36, he was an adequate, but certainly not a proficient or experienced lover. Finding that Diana was dry, he liberally spread Vaseline his limp member, trying unsuccessfully to stimulate himself to erection as he did so.

His body wouldn't cooperate.

"Can you help me?" he asked with a slight crimson coloring his cheeks.

"What can I do?"

"Touch me." He brought her hand to his limp member. Almost as soon as he felt her hand, his body responded. She wrapped her fingers around his growing member, feeling it expand under her touch. Gradually it became larger than she thought a penis should be.

His hand returned to her mound, separating her lips and finding her clitoris. She gave almost no response to his ministrations.

He moved over her and she led him to her opening. She was still dry, but the Vaseline helped. She gasped as he moved slowly to enter her. Wonder Woman's hymen had been gone for years as a result of her athletic life style. There was little response from her has he began pumping other than soft grunts.

"Put your arms around me," he suggested. She raised her arms to his sides and kept them there.

The knowledge that he was actually inside Wonder Woman, combined with the anticipation that had been building all day brought Steve quickly to a climax, filling her with warm fluid. Some of it ran out around his softening penis. With no response from her, it wasn't a very satisfying experience.



<If needed, the title to the second section might be, "How may I serve you?">



CHAPTER 6 - "How may I serve you?"

A new relationship.

Wonder Woman remained unmoving lying beneath him. When he looked at her, Steve saw her color was improving.

"Are you all right?" He asked, rolling off of her.

She nodded. "I'm feeling better already. Apparently what the doctor said was true." She turned her face toward him and asked, "How may I serve you?"

"Serve me?" A little confused at the tenor of the question, Steve flippantly responded, "Well, you can wash the dishes."

Immediately, Diana rolled out of the bed and headed toward the kitchen.

"Wait! Where are you going? Come back here!" Steve shouted after her. Steve sat up on the side of the bed. She stopped and turned back to him and returned, kneeling at his feet with her head bowed.

"Yes, Master," she said humbly.

"Master?" Steve asked incredulously.

"Yes, master," she responded, and explained, "I have willingly given myself to a man, to you, and we have had sexual intercourse. I am powerless before you. And I must obey your every command. I am yours now in every way."

Steve gazed at Diana, jaw hanging open, unable to speak. So it was true after all! But he still couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"How may I serve you, Master? Do you still want me to wash the dishes?"

His reasoning beginning to return to him, Steve decided it was time that he fully understood the rules.

"I gave you an order to wash the dishes, correct?"

Diana nodded, her eyes still looking at her knees.

"Am I allowed to countermand that order or change it or cancel it?"

Diana nodded again. "You are the Master. You can do whatever you wish."

"Then forget about the dishes for now."

"As you wish, Master."

"And don't call me Master!" Steve commanded. "You are to address me the same way that you always have, calling me Steve, or Major, or sir, or whatever else is appropriate for the occasion."

"As you wish, Steve."

"Get up off your knees and sit beside me here. And look at me, dammit!"

"But this is the proper posture for a slave," Diana responded, not moving, eyes still down.

Feeling frustrated, Steve paused for a moment to gather his wits. He needed more information.

"Diana, I have heard rumors about the Amazon rules and laws. But are they literally true? Can they be changed?

"They are literally true, and cannot be changed. I am absolutely bound by them."

Steve pondered, and an idea came to him.

"But I am the master?"

"Yes, Steve."

"And you must obey my every wish?

"Yes, Steve."

"Then you are no longer required to kneel before me, and you are no longer required or expected to drop your eyes before me. Your behavior, both in public and private is to be the same as what it was before - - - uuhhh - - - before I became your master."

Still kneeling with downcast eyes, Diana replied, "But that would not be the proper . . . "


Wonder Woman cringed at his tone of voice. "Yes, Master --- er ---- Steve," she whispered. Steve saw her shoulders relax, and slowly she raised her eyes to his. Still kneeling, a smile slowly crossed her face. "Thank you, Steve. It will be as you . . . " Steve raised his eyebrows and Diana paused. "Your suggestions are noted. And I will comply."

Steve held out his hand. After a moment's hesitation, Diana took it and he raised her to her feet and she sat beside him on the bed.

Steve decided to cover his bets, just to be on the safe side. "Diana," he began. "You are never to act like a slave again, in my presence or in anyone else's presence." Steve's imagination briefly ran wild. In a flash he amended his instructions, "Unless I, and only I, say the words, 'Steve Trevor Commands Wonder Woman.' Then and only then will you behave - - - uh - - - - in the traditional slave fashion. Is that understood?"

Diana nodded, then she looked at him sideways with a playful look on her face.

"Yes, Master," she teased. Steve turned to her, ready to chastise her but paused as he saw the teasing in her eyes. Diana, seeing his expression, dropped here eyes and raised a hand to forestall his chastisement.

"You said my behavior was to be the same as it was before. I used to tease you sometimes. Is that still allowed, or . . . "

"Yes," he interrupted. Your behavior is to be the same as before. Including the teasing." Steve broke into a smile and took her into his arms. She responded in kind.

"May I ask a question?" Wonder Woman whispered in his ear. He nodded without releasing his embrace.

"You said, our relationship is to be as it was before. Our relationship before tonight never included sexual intercourse."

Oops, thought Steve. He'll have to keep in mind that apparently she will respond literally to anything she believes is an 'order' from her 'master'.

"You were right to ask that question. Thank you." Steve knew he'd better encourage this type of questions. Then he went on to answer.

"Relationships can grow, change. Our relationship, yours and mine, has grown to include sex, at least for tonight."

Steve rose and went to the closet, returning with two bathrobes. Handing one to Diana, he said, "Here. Put this on."

Stopping short, he asked: "Do you still have your Amazon strength and powers?"

"I never have Amazon powers without my magic belt." She stood and put on the bathrobe, tying it around her waist.

Steve found her belt lying over the back of a chair. He handed it to her. "Put it on." Putting on his bathrobe, Steve looked around the room. He saw a set of weights that he used to work out. He took the weights off of the bar and handed the bar to Wonder Woman. "Can you bend this?" She flexed her muscles and bent the bar with the same ease one would have with a coat hanger.

"Look at that!" she exclaimed. "I always thought I would lose my Amazon powers if I had sexual intercourse with a man. Apparently that's not true."

CHAPTER 7 - Redefinition of a relationship

Steve took the bent bar from her and continued his instructions as he returned the bent bar to it's place. "We will be together tonight. In the morning, you are to return to your old life, as if there has been no change. You will resume your duties as Wonder Woman, continuing to protect the country and upholding the law. If I give you any orders that are not proper, or are inappropriate, you are to call them to my attention, just as you always have."

Wonder Woman dropped her eyes. She was obviously uncomfortable whenever she had to point out things to Steve that might not be in accordance with my wishes. "Uuuhh, Steve, it is not proper for a slave to dress the way Wonder Woman does. And it is not proper for a slave to act as she does. And it is also not proper for a slave to defeat men in battle."

Steve sighed. "That may be true for slaves in general. However, YOUR master will decide what is proper for you and how you are to behave."

Steve paused as he sat beside Diana. "Is there any way to change this 'master/slave' relationship?"

Wonder woman dropped her eyes. "It cannot change. It became permanent when we made love."


A sudden awareness flooded over Steve.

" --- Uh - - - Wonder Woman - - - Diana - - -" He whispered the next questions. "Can you get pregnant?" Steve had never heard of a pregnant Amazon, but that wasn't surprising since Amazons kept away from men.

"Of course. I can get pregnant just like any other girl."

"We had sex a little while ago. Are you likely to be pregnant now?"

Diana shook her head. "This is not my fertile period." Raising her eyes to him she asked, "Do you want me to be pregnant?"

"No, no! At least not right now." Her matter of fact response reminded Steve that regardless of how they might act as a result of his instructions to her, he still held enormous power over her and her life. He would have to learn to be extremely cautious about what he said to her . . . lest he might inadvertently give her an order without realizing it.

"But, in the event we are about to engage in sex, and it is - - - your 'fertile period', . . . " Steve was embarrassed to have to put these thought into a set of instructions, "you are to tell me. THIS master, your master, does not wish you to become pregnant without his knowledge beforehand. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Steve." Steve was getting annoyed with this constant 'Yes, Steve!'

Steve remembered that to completely counteract the effects of the 'Passion Fever Dust', both of them would have to orgasm, possibly together. At minimum, Diana would need to orgasm by herself, and possibly the sperm that was still lingering within her would combine with her - - - fluids - - - .

"When we had sex before, you didn't climax, did you?"

Diana shook her head.

"Did you enjoy it when I touched you?"

Diana blushed and dropped her eyes with a smile.

"But you didn't respond to my touch. Why not?"

Diana lowered her eyes and her head tipped in a subservient fashion.

"Steve, your instructions have placed me in a difficult position. I'm supposed to behave the same as before, but to answer that question, I have to be a slave responding to her master. I don't know how to be both at the same time." She began trembling at the conflict she was experiencing.

"Diana, relax." Steve ordered. She immediately did so, and Steve remembered the awesome power he held over her. He thought for a moment.

"First, let's change the word from slave to servant, and when we're talking about the 'master/slave' relationship, let's call it the - - - " Steve thought for a moment, " - - - the 'servant/employer' relationship.

"When you have to explain something to me about - - - the 'servant/employer' relationship, say something like 'it's a servant's tale', and then explain to me what I need to know just the same as you have always explained things to me. Can you do that?"

Diana smiled at him, and nodded her head. "Of course, Steve. And thank you again!"

She continued, "To answer your question, 'it is a servant's tale'. A servant exists only to please her master. Her feelings are unimportant." Steve frowned at what he was hearing. Diana continued, "In order to please the master, the servant's response is insignificant. There is no need for her to respond, unless that is her master's wish. There is no necessity for her to experience or display pleasure, since that might distract the master from his pleasure. It is only necessary for the master to be pleased."

Worry suddenly crossed her face. "I DID please you, didn't I?"

"Yes, very much!" Steve was quick to answer. Relief flooded over Wonder Woman's face.

Questioning further, Steve asked, "If it pleased a master, me, to know that his servant, you, was enjoying something, and if I gave you permission to respond as you felt, could you do it?"

"I think so."

Taking her face between my hands, I gently kissed her lips. "Diana, nothing would please me more than knowing that you enjoyed having sex with me. It would please me to see and feel and hear you being stimulated in your own right, enjoying being touched, touching me back. Knowing that you were experiencing pleasure would give me the greatest pleasure of all."

"My pleasure would give YOU pleasure?" she asked, somewhat confused by what appeared to be a non sequitur.

"It would give me enormous pleasure!"

"How strange!" she answered. "I'll do my best, but as you know, I've never done this before. It may take me a while to learn. Are you willing to teach me?"

"I am extremely willing!"

She gazed into my eyes, as if trying to discern some hidden truth. "Are you REALLY interested in ME experiencing pleasure?"

"I am!" Steve said folding her in his arms. Her warmth and submission was intoxicating. "And now, I think I'd like to make love with you again."

She sat upright, her hand moving to the fastening of her magic power belt. "It will be as you . . . ."

"Stop it!" She froze looking at Steve with a blank expression. She tried again.

"Steve, you know I will do whatever you. . . "

"Stop it!"

Diana was having trouble speaking.

"Wonder Woman - - - Diana - - - I'm just not comfortable with this, uuuhhh, master/slave thing." Steve stammered, hoping the words would come out the way he wanted them to. "Let's see if I've got this straight. You MUST obey any order I give you, is that correct?

Diana nodded.

"And there is no way to change that?"

"No, Steve. That relationship cannot be changed for as long as we both are alive."

"Then, I'm going to give you a 'general order' that will always remain in place until I change it. Can I do that?"

"Yes, a - - - an 'employer' can do whatever he wants."

CHAPTER 8 - Steve issues his 'general order'

"And this 'general order' will establish a framework for all orders or suggestions I give you. Can I do that?"

She thought for a few moments, then nodded her head.

"Then this is my first 'general order'. As your master, I command that whenever I specify that I am giving you an **order** or a **command**, you will treat it as such. Do you understand?

"Yes, of course."

"If I do not specify that it is an order or command, then you are not to consider it an ORDER that you are obligated to obey, but rather a request made between friends. You are not obligated to 'obey' a request, but may do so if you wish. You are permitted to question a request, if you feel that is appropriate. You are always encouraged to think independently and share your opinions in an appropriate manner - - - that is a manner that is appropriate between friends, and not as is appropriate between a master and slave. Can you do that?"

She pondered for a long time, apparently integrating this 'general order' into her thought process. Finally, she nodded. Her smile grew, and she caressed his cheek with her fingers.

"That is the end of my first 'general order'," Steve concluded.

Steve pondered. Had he covered everything? No, he knew he had to deal with her literal response to everything he said.

"My second 'general order' authorizes you to request clarification if you feel there may be a conflict within my orders, or if you find some confusion between various orders I gave you.

"Do you have any questions?" Wonder Woman shook her head.

"And now, I have several requests."

Diana listened attentively.

"I want to know what you are thinking. I want to know what you're feeling, what pleases you, what you want to do, what you like or don't like, what you would prefer not to do. That is a request of course."

Wonder Woman nodded.

"And when I said a few minutes ago that I would like to make love with you again, that was a request, not an order."

"And you've given me permission to either accept or reject a request?" asked Wonder Woman

Ouch, Steve thought. But he knew this was a moment of truth. Either he meant what he had just said, and he would accept Wonder Woman as an independent personality, or he would make her his slave. As much as he wanted to f__k Wonder Woman, he had to give her free will.

"That is correct," Steve replied.

"I think there has never been a 'servant' who has had as good an 'employer' as I have!" sighed Diana.

"When I first met you, Steve, I was uncomfortable being near you because I was so attracted to you. My attraction was so strong, I almost refused the assignment to get away from you. I even talked with my mother about it."

"And . . . . "

Diana sighed and continued. "She told me that I was an Amazon Champion, and I had to control my feelings and emotions. I was forbidden from allowing my feelings toward you to interfere with my duties, and I was to simply ignore my feelings of attraction toward you.

"And I did just that.

"But somewhere, in the dark recesses of my mind, I knew that I continued lusting after you, a lust that I was sure would never be fulfilled.

"Now you have become my - - - 'employer'. And you are 'requesting' me to acknowledge my feelings, to let them go, even to express them."

Steve nodded.

"More than anything, Steve, I want very much to make love with you. I've wanted that from almost as soon as I met you. I want to make love with your right now!"

Steve released a deep sigh of relief.



<If needed, the title to the second section might be, " Completing the cure"


She moved her hand to the fastener on the Magic Belt. "I must remove this belt. Otherwise my Amazon strength might injure you." Steve nodded, and she removed the belt dropping it to the floor beside the bed. "Would you like me to take off the bathrobe, also?"

"No," Steve answered. "I'll do it."

Wonder Woman smiled up at Steve. "I'm looking forward to this! I've wanted to do this ever since we met. It will be my pleasure to serve under you."

Smiling at her pun, Steve drew her into an embrace and kissed her forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, cheekbones, nose, eyes. As their lips finally met, their arms encircled each other as they sank back on the bed, both of them began to breathe faster. Steve slipped his hand inside her bathrobe to cup her breast, and she faltered, feeling guilty at the pleasure she was experiencing.

"Does that please you?" Steve asked.

A puzzled look crossed her face. " I don't know. It's something that . . . . oh!!!!!!" Steve had gently gripped her nipple between his thumb and forefinger. "Oooohhh! Oohhh, my! Mmmmm ...mmmm. Mmmmyy --- - " Steve was rolling her nipple between his fingers. Diana was so distracted she couldn't put words together.

She began squirming, and suddenly placed her hand over his. When he continued to roll her nipple between his fingers, she gasped and her fingers closed over his, stopping his action. "Please, Master, wait!" She gasped out, sitting bolt upright in the bed, panting and she crossed her legs.

"I'm - - - I'm sorry, Master, - - -but"

"Steve," he corrected sitting up beside her.

She looked at him, looking for an indication of disapproval. Seeing none, she pressed her face into his shoulder while pressing the palm of his hand against her breast. "I'm sorry, Steve. The stimulation was so great! I've never felt anything like that before. You were only touching my breast, but I felt it all over. I'm sorry, Steve! It won't happen again!"

"I hope it DOES!" was his whispered reply. What a great sense of responsibility lay on Steve's shoulders. Diana was even more of a virgin that he had realized. She was as delicate and dainty as a butterfly's wing, and his wanted to help her learn to spread those wings - - - and other things, perhaps - - - as she learned to fly.

"I hope it does," he repeated, noting her unmoving posture as she waited for his explanation.

"If you become stimulated as we make love, I want to know it. I want to feel it, hear it, touch it. If you enjoy something, I want to know. If you don't like something, I want to know - - - "

She raised her face, "But Steve, my feelings - - - "

"Ssshhh!" he quieted her. "Your feelings are important to me and I want to know them. If you don't like something, I want to know it." She started to say something, but he cut her off. "THAT is what I want!"

She contemplated, working hard to integrate what he was saying into her thoughts. "I'll do my best, Steve."

Steve lay her back on the bed, and, their eyes locked, his hand moved to the knot on her belt. He knew that introducing this butterfly to the joys of love would take time and probably a lot of time. But there was no hurry.

Apparently the doctor had been right so far. If he was right in everything he said, Steve knew that Wonder Woman had to experience an orgasm as they made love together to completely neutralize the effects of the 'Passion Fever Dust'. But suddenly, she had become so sensitive to stimulation, he wasn't sure how to proceed.

The bathrobe knot came lose in his hand and he gently pushed the robe aside. Steve looked down, surveying her glorious body. Steve wanted to tell her how much he enjoyed looking at her body, but if he did, he was afraid she would parade around nude before him, possibly at inappropriate times.

His hand traced its way to her mons, and he began a gentle, rhythmic manipulation. She responded immediately, closing her eyes and moaning slightly, apparently enjoying the sensation. He continued his caresses, allowing his fingers to move lower, but stopping before he moved between her labia. Breathing faster, she uncrossed her legs and began moving her hips in time with his touch. Steve kissed her breasts and she gasped and started panting. Her hip action increased. She trembled when he took her nipple into his mouth and as he began to suck, she cried out, thrashing her hips as a wild orgasm engulfed her. Steve continued his stimulation hoping to prolong her climax as long as possible.

Gradually, her heartbeat slowed and she began to relax. She was staring glassy eyed at the ceiling, transfixed.

A look of concern crossed her face. With a worried expression, she looked at Steve. "But I must satisfy you! You have not yet been satisfied!"

"Ssshhh, little one," Steve whispered, placing his fingers over her lips. "It pleases me to see you being pleasured."

"But I have not served . . ."

"Hush, Diana. Watching you has given me great pleasure. My time will come soon. Please don't deny me the joy of watching you!"

"But, how - - - "

"Your pleasure gives me pleasure. Remember?"

Wonder Woman was puzzled. She looked at Steve. "You're sure?"

"I'm sure!"

She watched him carefully, looking for any indication that he wasn't telling the truth. Finding none, she relaxed and lay back.

"I'm not sure I'll ever understand." She sighed.

"You don't HAVE to understand, Little One," Steve cajoled. "Just take my word for it."

"I'll try, - - - mmmmmmmmmm!" She closed her eyes as Steve resumed his ministrations. "Again?" she asked.

Steve smiled. "More!" and again, his touch began to raise her toward a climax. As her body was moving toward orgasm, her mind was struggling, trying to gain control over her reflexes.

"Let it go, Diana. Relax. Let your body take you where it wants. Don't fight it. Don't try to control it.

"But I should be doing more for you - - - "

"I want you to let it go, to let your body do what it wants to do."

Relaxing and letting her head drop back bed, she relaxed, allowing her hips to begin moving reflexively in time with his touch. She began to moan, and Steve shifted to reposition himself between her legs. Still caressing her he slid his knees under hers, raising her knees and opening her as he nudged himself between her lips. She was still shifting her hips in time to his touch and he gradually withdrew his hand as he moved into her, synchronizing his moves with the shifting of her hips.

"Mmmmmmmmmmm!" she purred. "Is that you?"

"That's me," Steve murmured, and he moved to fully possess her. Her hips rose to meet his movements as she sighed deeply as their hips met each other. The dance of love began between the two long time lovers who were just now bringing their love to full fruition. Her arms pulled him against her and she brought her heels together behind his thighs, pulling him deeper into her with every movement.

Steve may not have been the most proficient lover who ever lived, but he had learned the technique of stimulating a woman's clitoris as they made love. He made love with her carefully, looking forward to his own orgasm but knowing that it was essential for her to orgasm also. Wonder Woman's eyes were closed, but she had an angelic smile of contentment on her face. The perspiration began to bead on her forehead and her grunting increased and her movements became less coordinated, more instinctive and demanding.

Diana faltered. "Uuuhhh - - - Steve - - - - uuuhhh - - - "

Panting himself, Steve gasped out the words, "Let it go! Let your body do what it wants to do."

Immediately reassured, she responded, "Yes, Steve!" Their rhythm grew in intensity. Diana locked her legs behind his back and their rhythms fell completely into synch. She found her flesh caressing and squeezing him as she felt him growing even larger inside her. "Steevvveeee!!!" she screamed, as she climaxed. He roared as his semen exploded into her body, filling her with his seed. Gasping and moaning, their mutual climaxes locked them in each other's arms and they struggled to extend their orgasms, and then to maintain contact with each other as long as possible afterwards.

Epilog: Back to 'the real world'.

Diana acknowledged that the effects of the 'Passion Fever Dust' were completely gone after this session of lovemaking.

However, they made love twice again, in keeping with the sayings of the old Scotsman: "To be sure, to be sure!" With a satiated smile, Diana advised Steve that she felt even better. But she quickly admitted that the way she felt had nothing to do with the 'Passion Fever Dust'. Then the two lovers slipped into an exhausted slumber which lasted until 5:00 in the morning when Steve's alarm clock went off. They made love once more, quickly. Then after making a date 'for dinner' at Steve's the following weekend, Steve prepared to send Diana home, after reminding her that their relationship, both in public and private was to appear to be the same as what it was before.

"May I ask a question?" Diana asked, feeling very bold to request a clarification of his instructions. "You said, our relationship is to be as it was before. Our relationship before tonight never included sexual intercourse."

"Relationships can grow, change. Our relationship, yours and mine, has grown to include sex. And for the time being, even though our relationship to every one else will appear the same, when we are together alone, sex is permitted as part of our relationship."

Wonder woman accepted this clarification. "I'm glad. I think I like sex, so, I'm looking forward to our new relationship, even though it is to appear the same to 'outsiders'."

After a long kiss, Wonder Woman left. Steve headed to the bathroom to prepare for another day at the office where everything would be 'the same as before."

The End.