Trial of Supergirl

Chapter 4


Athena awoke suddenly; looking around puzzled she waited for her brain to catch up with what she was seeing. She looked down at herself, she was still dressed in her bath robe and lying on her sofa.


The television on her wall was still on but the press conference was over, only a scrolling emergency feed ran from left to right at the bottom of screen, recapping the top stories with ‘Supergirl wanted for questioning’ trailing along.


Suddenly she heard the door bell and a hurried pounding at the entrance. She stood, shaking her head a bit; something seemed a bit odd about her place. Athena looked around, but everything seemed in place, everything look usual in her apartment. She hurried to the door and opened it to find a worried Ada on the other end.


“Athena, are you ok??” she bolted in looking over her friend. “You wouldn’t answer over the phone and I rushed over to check on you. We were talking and then all of a sudden you weren’t there anymore.”


“Yeah I think I passed out or something.” Athena brushed her hair, trying to avoid the up close examination from her friend. “I’m fine now, really.” I thought crossed her mind. “How long ago was it we were talking?”


“About an hour ago.” Ada replied, “After I didn’t hear from you, I rushed over.”


Athena led her into the living room and Ada dropped her designer handbag and keys in the usual spot, noticing the uneaten toast still on the table she helped herself to a bite.


    Athena sat on the couch for a moment, her head trying to piece together what had happened to her to cause her to suddenly pass out for an hour. She thought about the last things she had done, starting breakfast, the shower, the tea.


    “The tea!” She thought suddenly. Had someone been inside her apartment and she hadn’t noticed? Did they dope her tea? She was so preoccupied with the news conference that it may have slipped right past her.”


    “Ada, I…” she looked behind her but Ada wasn’t in the room. Athena rushed into the kitchen and saw her girlfriend had already made herself a cup of the tea. “Wait, don’t!” She pulled the cup from Ada’s mouth and drops of it spilled on the girls pressed white blouse.


    “Hey! Calm down crazy!” Her friend brushed the stains on her shirt. “There’s plenty still left in the pot!”


    Athena froze, watching Ada as she examined the stains. She was fine. Athena knew that any drug that would have knocked her out would have been extremely potent, just a sip would have taken Ada off her feet instantly.


    “The tea is fine.” She said puzzled.

    “Yeah, a little stronger than usual, and cold.” Ada laughed giving up on the now ruined piece of clothing. “Wow, you’re really stressed out today, I didn’t know you were such a big fan of Supergirls.” She teased.


    “Oh no, that’s not it.” Athena laughed, noticing the stains on Ada ruined shirt almost made a happy face. “I guess the last few days of being up all night are just catching up to me. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to…”


    “It’s ok’” Ada shook her hands politely. “Its Jane’s, I’ll just return it to her now.” The two laughed. “but now I’m going to have to borrow something of yours, because I cant go shopping like this.”


    “Shopping?” Athena had forgotten. “Oh yeah, sure. Help yourself, you know where my closet is.” She said as Ada began undoing the buttons on the stained shirt and headed towards Athena’s bedroom.


    “Find something nice, just stay away from any of your other narcotic tea throwing friends while wearing my things!” she laughed, shouting behind her as Athena clicked to warm the tea.


    “Hey, I didn’t know you had two closets!” Ada’s voice shouted from the bedroom. “What’s this little hidden one here for? Is this where you keep the good stuff from your friends?”


    Athena’s eye grew wide and she bolted into the bedroom after her. Ada had discovered the hidden door at the back of her closet where she kept her Supergirl costume.


    “How do you turn on the light in this one?” Ada called back just as Athena arrived.


    “Here take this one, you’ve always admired it.” Athena tossed a radiant blue top over Ada’s head and pulled her from the closet.


    “Hey!” Ada stumbled towards the bed pulling the shirt from over her head. “This one? Oh my god, I thought you’d never let me borrow this!”


    Athena only heard a few of her words as she examined the opening of the secret closet. She peeked inside and clicked on the hidden light switch while Ada was pre occupied. She looked around the room, everything seemed in place. Had she just been so tired the night before that she didn’t close the door completely? How careless!


    She pulled the hidden door shut and joined her friend again who was already wearing the small blue number.


‘A major sacrifice to keep my secret’ Athena thought as Ada modeled the top.

“So what do you keep in there?” Ada asked.


“Oh just some boxes and things, its like a storage space for things you don’t use, its very messy right now, I was just a little embarrassed.”


“Well I look killer!” Ada smiled. “Come on, put something on and let’s go. If we hurry we can probably see some of that wacko Kingsley kid’s release.”


“Release???!” Athena asked shocked.


“Yeah he made bail. 10 million dollars, which is like pocket change to them I guess.” Ada still admiring her form in the mirror. “They said he was going to speak just in front of the police station after his release. And get this; they’re not going to prosecute him until after they sort the Supergirl trial out. Isn’t that insane, I swear this city is turning into one big……”


“Ada, I just remembered I have a shoot this week out of country, I completely forgot, my assistant told me at the last minute.” Athena hurried her friend to the living room.


“You do?” Ada asked as she was being pushed.

“Yeah sorry, and I’m late to meet with the clients.”

“Oh no problem.” Ada grabbed her bag and keys and picked up the ragged remains of Jane’s top. “Ok, take care of yourself, don’t worry, I’ll find someone to shop with today.” She laughed heading to the front door. "And I’ll take good care of the top."


“It’s yours.” Athena replied as a giddy Ada closed the door behind her.