Miss Americana vs The Horned God

by Soul in Shadow



Chapter 1 - Awakening of the Beast



A great sudder passed through the sealed chamber, the first movement the ancient space had felt in at least seven hundred years. Dirt and dust shook loose from the mat of old roots that cascaded from the high domed ceiling. A second vibration, stronger than the first, sent clay offering jars crashing from their pedestals, where they shattered on the hard dirt floor. In the center of the vast circular chamber, curled upon an ancient bed that had long since decayed into tattered silk and frayed cloth, a great form, after an age locked in slumber, began to stir.


The beast shifted. A third tremor rocked the chamber, and suddenly the creature rose. Chorded muscle, dormant for centuries, cracked and stretched in the impenetrable dark. Clawed hands pushed it up from the bed, until massive cloven hooves swung out to land upon the undisturbed floor.


It opened its eyes, green felfire casting a new, hellish illumination into the burial chamber, and took a flaring, deep breath. The air was stale, old, and rife with the scent of the deep earth, yet still new vigor rushed through his limbs. Casting off the veil of its long hibernation, it yearned for the open fields and mist-cloaked hills, and of the vast, deep wood that was his domain.


An instant later, pangs of a hunger so aching it was a wild beast unto itself, rocked his being. He had been asleep far too long. Where were his servants? His disciples? Why had he been neglected for so long, left to rot in this chamber of rejuvenation?


How much time had passed?


In three great strides he descended the dias and reached the sealed door to the tomb. Stone slabs that would have taken eight men each to move were shoved open with barely a break in stride, and the monster entered the stygian hallway and followed it up, up, out from the deep earth where his temple lay.


With cold familiarity he followed the ancient, worn path, until he came to a dead end where the exit used to be. Massive boulders had crushed the path, sealing him in. When had the cave in occurred? Even so massive a disaster as this would not have deterred his followers; they would have cleared the path, reinforced the corridor, all in preparation for when their lord would once again awake.


The only explanation, then, was the simplest: all his followers must be dead.


If the beast cared at all, it was only in the passing annoyance of one who acknowledged that old conveniences would no longer be available. He had little love for his devotees; they worshiped him because it was his right to be worshipped. He was strength, virility, power and rage. They were weak, easily cowed, fawning supplicants who brought him food and drink and who begged for supplication.


They would be replaced.


But for now, satiating his hunger was paramount. He could eat a bear, a herd of deer, a pack of wolves, perhaps all three before his hunger would abate. He would drink from the mountain rivers and slake the thirst of centuries. And then...


Another hunger stirred, deeper, primal. He had been alseep far too long. Swaying between thick, dark furred thighs, the mark of his godhood began to ache.


The Horned God was famished. He needed to feed.


Then, he swore, a fanged grin creasing his face, he would breed.


With his hunger, and his lust, now propelling him forward, the beast drove his claws into the pitiless rock, and began to dig.




Days Later


"Maxine! Time to come in!"


Sandra Howlett, Sandy to her friends, peered out into the night-shrouded backyard, trying to catch a glimpse of Maxine, her pomeranian, to no avail. She cupped her hands to her mouth, and called again. Normally, the little animal would come bounding back inside as soon as she opened the door; the little thing wasn't all that fond of the outdoors, much less the expansive woods that lay at the edge of her property. But instead of Maxine's yipping little bark, all Sandy heard in response was the droning of summer cicadas.


"That damn dog," she muttered to herself, stepping out onto her deck and sliding the glass door shut behind her. Despite it being the middle of August, the nights could get a little chilly this far in the valley, and Sandy was poorly dressed for the temperature. Letting Maxine out was usually the last thing she did before going to bed, and she had already slipped on a silk pajama shirt, sans pants. So now, she stood out on her deck, beneath a clear sky, in only her night shirt and a pair of socks. She called again.


The full moon overhead was one of the biggest and brightest she could remember, hanging in the still summer sky like a great silver lamp. The backyard was clearly illuminated, and nowhere could she see the white furry form of her wayward dog. A quick glance at the gate beside the house confirmed that it was still safely shut. A fence boxed in her backyard, extending far back until it reached the thick trees. Maxine hated the woods, and never would have left the yard, so where--


Suddenly, a yip. Distant, but distinct. Sandy snapped her head up at the sound. It had come from, of all places, the damn woods. What the hell was her dog doing in the woods?


Annoyed, worried, Sandy slipped on a pair of sandals she kept by the door and made her way down to the tree line.


As she approached the woods, the heavy canopy blocked out the moonlight, so that a deeper darkness suffused the backmost part of her property. She slowed, wary, trying to listen for her dog. The dumb thing had probably caught sight of a squirrel or chipmunk, and in a spur of out of character adventurism chased it into the woods. Maxine had probably bounded only a few meters in before she realized what she'd done, and now the little coward was sitting there, begging for rescue.


Sandy glanced as best she could between the thick trees, but she could see nothing. A worm of fear had begun to coil in her stomach, for though she knew that the local fracking operation had driven away all of the wild game, the news had been all alight the last few days with the most sensational headlines.


A herd of deer had been found a few counties away, utterly ripped to shreds, strewn across nearly an acre of farmland. Not just once, but almost three times; a nightly occurrence that started nearly a week ago. Local rangers offered up precious little intelligent commentary: they assumed a pack of wolves or coyotes, likely fleeing the blast mining operations, was passing through the area. Still...the news was very explicit about how violent the acts had been, how much of the deer had been left alone, as if some had been killed simply for pleasure.


But that was nonsense. Wolves didn't kill for pleasure. And that was counties away. Her woods were here, safe, and all she had to do was find her damn dog.


Another pathetic yelp, much closer this time, drew her attention back to the woods. But even with all her rationalizing, still the impenetrable dark seemed imposing. Her heart hammered just a little faster as she bit her lip and plunged into the woods, following the sound.


A few steps in and another yelp greeted her, closer still. Maxine could only be twenty feet or so away, but it was so dim, she couldn't make her out. "Maxine!" Sandy hissed, and the tremor in her voice surprised her. Why was she suddenly nervous about making noise?


That dog was going to catch holy hell when she found her.


Another yip. Barely a bark. This time to her right, behind a copse of trees. Sandy edged her way around them, careful not to trip on the heavy roots, and came upon a small clearing.


At the center of which, sitting hip deep in a pile of leaves, was her dog.


Sandy exhaled, suddenly relieved to have found her. "Oh Maxine," she admonished, stooping down to the little animal, "what in the world are you doing out here?"


Suddenly, she noticed that Maxine wasn't just sitting in the leaves--she was visibly trembling. The poor dog was panting, her dark little eyes fixed on Sandy.


She was clearly terrified.


Lost in the woods, Sandy thought to herself, you are such a pathetic little animal.


But then Sandy noticed that Maxine wasn't looking at her. Instead, the dog's eyes were fixed on a spot just behind her, back in the dark of the woods. Puzzled, Sandy began to turn around, and then the forest itself seemed to move.


A shrill bark from Maxine was the only warning she got. In a blur, a hulking thing, the size of a bear, charged out of the woods and was upon her. Sandy only caught the briefest of glimpses of it in the shadows--the massive torso, the way it loped forward on two legs, the rack of horns--before she felt huge hands grab her about the waist and pull her forward.


She made to scream, but as she opened her mouth to pull in air, the creature bellowed forth a thick, green mist from its gaping maw. It enveloped her, even as she pulled it deep into her lungs, and suddenly the scream choked in her throat. An instant lethargy claimed her, her limbs felt like lead, her head swam. She tried to push away from it, but her hands only found the unrelenting swells of its massively muscled arms. Her vision began to dim, her head falling back, and the last thing she saw before darkness claimed her was the beasts eyes, glowing green and hungry.


Sandy swooned, and passed out, helpless in the beasts' grasp. Effortlessly it threw her over a shoulder and disappeared back into the woods.




When she awoke, it was to the sound of distant dripping, water falling into a pool. She lay upon a heap of leaves and pine needles, the ground patched with thick moss. She blinked, and tried to raise herself up, but her head still felt heavy, her limbs like they pushed through sand.


A cave. She was in a cave. But how...


In a sudden flash, she remembered what had happened, and fear shocked through her. Desperately she looked about the cave for the thing that had attacked her, and when she saw it hunched against the far wall, a scream broke from her beleaguered lungs.


Except it was barely a scream, more a whimper, but it was enough to get the thing's attention. It looked up from what it was doing, its green eyes burning in the dim. It had been eating, she thought in horror, seeing the haunch of meat it dropped at the sound of her voice. It rose up, horns grazing the roof of the cave, and loped toward her.


She recoiled, tried to backpedal away, but her body wouldn't move. She felt drunk, disoriented. It was upon her in a moment, and gathered her wrists in one massive pawed hand before raising her arms helplessly above her head. It was three times her size, the size of a bear, and looming over her it filled her field of vision.


Oh God, she wept, tears streaming from wide, terrified eyes, Oh God it's going to eat me next!


But the creature didn't tear out her throat, didn't rip into her flesh. It barely moved at all, she noticed; it just hung there, hulking over her, watching her.


Tasting her with his eyes, she thought. God, those eyes. They burned like green flames, dimly, but in the scarce lighting of the cave (was there a fire somewhere? the walls flickered with shadows...) they were undeniably bright...and hungry.


"P-please," she begged, struggling with the word, "Please don't hurt me. Let me go."


She could see him cock his head, as if her language were familiar but the pronunciation wrong. Slowly he seemed to recognize what she was saying, and chuckled in response. When it spoke, it surprised her so much that she gasped aloud. She'd been holding her breath.


"Do not worry, female," the creature intoned, the rumble of its voice sounded like a distantly falling tree, "I did not bring you here as food."


It could speak. She was shocked. Staring up at it, as he eyes adjusted to the dark, she took in her first close look at the monster. It had the countenance of a man, but bestial; the horns that curled up from his forehead, the long curve of its ears, the fang-filled mouth, all lent a monstrous favor to otherwise human features. He was massive, hulking shoulders and barrel chested. His arms were chorded muscle. A mane of dark fur cascaded from its head and melded with the fur mantle about its upper chest, where sparser fur continued until its waist. From there, it had two furred, goat-like legs. She could see one massive black hoof beside her.


And the eyes. Like a lion's eyes, they shone in the dark, but green, not gold, and seemingly illuminated from within by some infernal flame.


They regarded her as a tiger might regard a doe, with palpable hunger, but if not for food, then...?


She was terrified, but with no way out, she couldn't simply stay quiet. He was probably going to kill her anyway. She hazarded a question, "Then...Why did you bring me here?"


A grin spread across his face. and once more she saw the gleam of razor teeth, but instead of answering her, he rose up, carrying her by her arms like a doll and moving purposefully across the cave. He reached an alcove, a natural pocket in the rock that created a large basin in the floor. This, the beast had filled with leaves, moss, grass.


It was a bed, she realized. This was the creature's nest.


He lowered her to the packed foliage, once again pinning her arms over her head. Suddenly she knew the answer to her own question, and a moment later, he confirmed it in reply.


"It has been far too long since I sampled mortal flesh," he grinned. "You my dear, will be my first."


"Like hell I will!" she snapped, struggling, trying to twist her arms free, but his grip was like stone. Her bare legs flailed in the nesting, but he was too close, and she still too weak, so none of her kicks did more than glance against him. He chuckled at her, cruelly.


"A fighter I see. Good. I am pleased that women of this time still have some fire in their bellies, even if your clothing has become...strange."


The sight of his other hand moving toward her, talon extended, stilled her movements. She cried out as it flashed forward, she felt it graze against her neck before tearing down, and the resulting sound of tearing cloth pulled her eyes down to her chest. In a single swipe the monster had hewn through the buttons of her nightshirt, ripping it to shreds, so that it fell apart in tatters. Her naked breasts heaved before his lascviscious gaze.


"Very nice," he breathed, tracing the back of one clawed finger up the generous slope of one breast, and the other. She began struggling again, painfully aware of how sharp that claw was, as the beast began tracing circles across the flat expanse of her stomach. "I will enjoy seeing you submit to me."


"L-like hell!" she yelled at him, "You're sick! Let me go! This is rape!"


He paused at the word, turning his head. "Rape? But you are confused, my dear. It will not be rape; you will beg me to take you!"


With that, the beast opened his mouth, and a cascade of that same thick, green mist poured into the bower.


"What do you mean, what are you...do...doing...what....ohh..." her voice trailed off, as the green mist once more enveloped her. It clung to her flesh, caressed her skin, her belly, her breasts. A heady musk filled her nose, the scent of deep earth, and of....male. It was the heavy, thick scent of pure male beast. As in the clearing, she suddenly felt her limbs grow heavy, her eyes swam. It was hard to focus on anything...except the bright glow of the monster's eyes as they bored into hers. Bright. Inviting. Hypnotic.


The beast grinned, watching the helpless human drown in his breath. He watched as her breathing deepened, drawing more of the poison into her body. Her eyes glazed over, fixed on his own; drawn like a moth to flame.


"That's it," he said, "Breathe in my essence. Feel it suffuse you, fill you. Your body feels as if its floating in warm, still water."


Now his hand resumed tracing lazy circles on her skin, dipping into her belly button, making her gasp as what had only just filled her with dread, now suddenly caused her belly to tingle, her skin to warm. He continued speaking to her as he caressed her flesh, barely grazing her with his claw. His voice was like honey in her ear.


"There is no reason to fear. You are a woman, a woman with needs, primal needs. I can feel them. They sing to me."


The claw began to trace again up the slope of her breast, but this time, her body did not flinch away. She stared at it as it drew careless lines across her soft, white tit flesh, a deep, hot glow beginning to grow in the tormented breast. Slowly, it zeroed in on her areola, and her nipple burst to torrid attention. It ached to be touched. Still the claw circled, unrelenting, close but never touching the turrid nub.


"Your body seeks pleasure. Even now...it yearns to be touched." Now the beast pressed the pads of its fingers against her tit, spreading across, until her nipple pressed into the rough palm and lurid excitement coursed through her. He squeezed. She moaned, utterly involutarily, her back arching to push more of her breast into his conquering hand.


It was diabolical. Her body felt lethargic, warm, her mind felt drugged. Drugged! That was it! He had drugged her somehow, and was trying to lull her...seduce her!


"I--no..no!" she fought, clawing back through the heady fog that filled her mind with lurid thoughts. "I don't want that! I don't want you! Let me go!"


At this he seemed genuinely amused. "You are strong! Your mind resists even as your body succumbs. Still, I wonder if you can resist...this."


He sat up, straddling her prone body, and thrust his hips forward. What she saw made her gasp.


Between his thick thighs, rising out of its furred sheath, was the largest cock she'd ever seen in her life.


It grew before her rapt attention, growing and filling until it curved over her body, dark red and lined with thick, pulsing veins. It was easily a foot long, and that was only the part she could see extending from his sheath. The head was as big as a baseball bat, the shaft imposing, long and thick. It hung over her imperiously. She was agape. She'd never seen something so...so...


"No female can resist my cock," the beast breathed. "Stare at it. Imagine it pressed against your body. Imagine tasting it with your mouth. Imagine spreading for me. Imagine watching as I enter you, deeper, deeper, deeper than any man ever has touched."


His voice was mesmerizing. As hard as she tried, she couldn't tear her eyes away from that magnificent organ. The warmth that had started in her breasts had spread outward, lower, and now she could feel it in her pussy. She could feel the hot wetness fill the core of her being, could feel it soaking into her panties. Her clit seemed to swell in time to that massive cock, until it ached with every pulse of that veiny shaft.


God...she wanted to...she wanted to...


"Touch it," he commanded, and suddenly released her wrists. Her hands were free, but rather than pulling herself up, rather than trying to run away, they moved, as if by their own volition, to wrap themselves around his heated shaft. She gasped as the burning flesh slid beneath her fingers, smooth, but rigid, steel wrapped in the softest leather. Before she knew what she was doing, her hands had begun a slow, deliberate stroking, from his furry base to the raging head. Even with both hands, still he spilled out from her grasp, and he was so thick, she could barely get her fingers around him.


"No...no..." she begged, still fighting, desperately, even as her hands began moving faster. A thick stream of precum had bubbled out from the head, and as it fell onto her breasts, she sighed. Wicked images began to form in her mind, of her hands moving faster, faster, caressing the head, squeezing that potent shaft of male flesh until finally it exploded, enourmously, all over her face, her breasts, her open, waiting mouth...she shook her head, vainly trying to force them away. "I musn't...I..."


"You want this inside you," the beast whispered, undermining her resolve, "Feel your body as it aches for me. You are so empty. Your pussy is so...hungry. My cock can fill you. Only my cock will satisfy you. "


His claw reached down, and with the smallest of tugs, ripped her panties clean off. A thick strand of her fluid pulled away as he removed the garment, but Sandy barely noticed. She was fixed, hypnotized, by the movement of her hands as they slid up and down the massive shaft. The stream of precum had thickened, grown, until now a steady rivulet of him poured onto her chest, oozing down to her neck. So much precum...so much...!


Her tongue licked across her lips, her mind going blank. The scent of his cock was overwhelming, like the mist, only so much stronger. Then, slowly, the cock began to descend, but whether it was because of him or her own trecherous hands, she couldn't know. The drooling head lowered until it pressed against the smooth valley between her panting breasts, smearing into the puddle of precum it had spilled and surging yet more out. Slowly, tantilizingly, it began to glide forward, the slick monster trailing thick, viscous lubricant to ease its passage between her aching breasts. Her hands held that heated shaft of manflesh against her body as his cock moved toward her open, gaping mouth.


"N-no, I won't, I---mmmfph!" the protest was cut off as that massive glans suddenly surged forward, and filled her mouth with its devastating size. Her lips kissed against the impossibly soft flesh, her jaw flexing, he was so big that the head barely fit. The gushing precum poured into her mouth, the taste intoxicating. Her tongue moved forward, trying perhaps to dislodge him, but as soon as it came into contact with his invading cock, it forgot its resistance. He tasted...so good! He felt the velvety caress of her tongue as it moved across the tip of his cock. He watched as her eyes slowly rolled back, as they closed, and felt the soft tremble as she began to mewl in desire. Her hands gripped him tighter, stroking faster, urging more precum to flow into her now sucking mouth.


He leered down at his conquest, at the woman helplessly overcome by his cock. Just like all the others. He enjoyed the worshiping of her mouth for a moment more, then pulled himself back, popping out of her even as she gasped at the loss. Her tongue chased after him, but he pulled out of her reach.


"Beg for it," the beast whispered, eyes narrowing creully.


She looked up at him then, jarred out of her sense of loss, and her eyes found his, captured by those burning coals. She fell into their green depths.


"P-please don't make me," she pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes, even as her hands continued their long, milking strokes. "It's wrong, I musn't...AH!"


She gasped. His claw began tracing up and down her labia, circling her clit, making her ache with need. She looked up at him, beseeching, wishing he would just end her torment. Rape was terrible enough, but this...making her want him...need him...making her body betray her so thoroughly...


He stared into her eyes. "Beg."


she tried to fight him, tried to muster whatever will she had left to deny what he had done to her, whatever will hadn't been captured by his eyes, his voice, his magnificent cock...and lost.


"P-please..." she whispered, stroking him faster, "Please---I need it...I'm begging you..."


"What do you want me to do?" he asked. His claw began dipping into her pussy, gently, only so deep as to cause her need to spill out onto the mossy bed. "Do you wish to taste me again? Do you wish for me to spill into your mouth, to drown you in my seed until you choke, until you have slaked your thirst for my cock?"


She hesitated, but shook her head. God it sounded awful, terrible...wonderful. She did want him back in her mouth. It watered, even now, as that beautiful, male organ hung just out of reach. How much could she take, she wondered? Could she swallow him all?


But that's not what she wanted most. Her body was on fire, her legs had fallen open, obscenely, but she was beyond caring. Her hips thrust upwards against her will. The hunger he has stoked in her was irresistable. And she felt weak...so, so weak...and he was so strong, so...potent. Slowly, the last of her resistance crumbling, she began pushing on his cock, guiding him lower...lower...


The drooling cockhead traced a path of submission down, between her breasts, down her stomach, grazing through her short cropped triangle of pubic hair as it crested her mons. It left a thick, shimmering trail of fluid behind, the mingling of her saliva and his delectable seed. She shuddered in exquisite agony as it passed her clit, crushing her beneath its imposing weight, until finally he came against the trembling opening of her vagina. Her labia split against his massive size, kissing him, just as her mouth had done only moments ago. Any further reluctance vanished as that tool ground against her, pressing in, pulling back, weakening her defenses, but staying maddeningly still. It promised fulfillment, satisfaction, an end to the hell she was enduring, but he wouldn't take her...not until she gave him what he wanted.


"Please..." she begged, pulling the massive head against her soaked pussy, her heart hammering with shame, lust, and fear, "please...fuck me...!"


He had never heard this word before, but the meaning was clear. With a grin, the beast leaned into her, grabbing her hips with his massive hands, and slowly drove in.


"Oh....Oh. My. GOD!" Sandy screamed, throwing her head back, arching her back as the head spread her apart and drove inside. It was the greatest feeling she'd ever experienced as that massive cockhead barreled past her vainly resisting pussy. He filled her, driving in deeper than anyone ever had before, until the massive thing was burried inside. He was stopped halfway in, and even then it was more than she'd ever taken before. Her pussy spasmed, gripping him, gushing wetness and begging for more. He withdrew slowly, drawing out her torment, and drove in again, deeper. Back and forth, plundering further and further into her womanhood with every turn of his bestial hips, until her head tossed back and forth, her mouth agape and eyes screwed tight at the hopeless pleasure of it all. Finally, after an eternity, it seemed that all of him was finally burried inside her. The head bulled against her cervix, crushing it, pushing deep into her belly. She cried out as she came then, harder than she'd ever had before. Her hands clutched at her tits, squeezing them, as she raised her hips off the soft mossy bed and offered herself, totally, to her monstrous conqueror.


Nothing could compare to this. She was filled, maximally. She could feel every ridge of every vein as it throbbed inside her, as that taming cock made her his. Having tasted of it, she would never be able to live without it now, never be able to deny him. Her body would crave submission, would eagerly beg to be serviced by that magnificent organ, again and again. She opened her hooded eyes, looked up into his cruel, glowing orbs...and surrendered completely.


"Please, more, please don't stop, I need more...neeed...moooOOOHHH!!!"


He pulled back, and drove back in. Harder. Faster. Like the sex puppet she now was, urged her master's silent command, her hands rose to clutch and squeeze the quivering flesh of her breasts, her fingers tormented her own nipples. She moaned in ecstacy, playing with herself, losing herself in the sex trance that he'd snared her in. Now the true fucking began.


He pushed her knees up alongside her breasts, spreading her totally for him, while he plowed his king's cock in and out of her desperate pussy. Her eyes were shut, her head tossed back and forth as waves of pleasure sealed her fate. She was his now, totally and forever, and there, in the dark, she began her supplication.


"Oh yes! YES! Oh fuck me! Fuck me! OH GOD! OHH!"


The beast enjoyed feeling her explode around his cock, relished her surrender. He was in no hurry. He would fuck her slowly, quickly, however he wanted until he was satisfied. He would fuck her mindless, fuck her until she was nothing but his eager sex slave, his first disciple in this new and strange world.


Her orgasms echoed through the cave, and would continue to...all through the long, humid night.