Everyone has their favorite superheroine story and I found mine right here on Mr. X’s site by the author Seraoni. Who without encouragement, guidance, and a generous portion of time, this story would have never been written. Thank you Seraoni You’re STILL the best!

e-mail Fappa_8@hotmail.com




by Fappa


For centuries, the planet Krypton lived in peace and prosperity. Their people were happy and content. They traded openly and fairly with other planets and often shared their technology freely. They were a planet with more scientists than soldiers and thrived in the existence they carved out for themselves.

But theirs was a planet lacking in many natural resources which were needed and so trade was necessary. One such resource was an uninhabited planet in their solar system and that planet’s single red moon. For many years they had freely mined in these areas and profited greatly using the technology they developed to make this possible. But in time, another planet discovered the existence of this uninhabited planet and moon, and claimed it for their own. This planet was called Syntar and it’s people were different than those of Krypton. They were a war-loving people who spent much of their wealth on war machines and the military.

Kryptonian people are much like those of earth. In both appearance and reproduction. The Syntarian people, while identical in appearance to the Kryptonians, were physiologically different in their reproductive manner. Males produced an egg, the females produced the sperm (usually a little less than a quart at a time). Sperm was collected and an egg would be fertilized outside the womb and in a reproductive facility. Where a few days later, the growing fetus was placed back in the mother’s womb for an otherwise normal birth. Thousands of years of wars with other peoples and the use of radioactive weapons had caused such genetic changes in the reproductive process of the Syntars. But they adapted and life went on.

There were numerous broken treaties over these mining rights between the Kryptonians and the Syntarians. There never seemed to be a way of compromise that was suitable to both planets. The Kryptonians tried harder because they were the more peaceful race. And gave up much more ground than the Syntarians in negotiations. But it seemed the Syntarians were never satisfied and would only really be if they had sole rights.

War was soon the only option the Syntarians would consider. And of this way of life, they were very experienced. The scientists of Krypton sensed this. And led by the two brothers Jor-el and Zor-el, they were able to develop the technology needed to erect protective shields around major population areas. Attacks would prove pointless under such shields. But this was the only way of life the Syntar people knew, and so they attacked. Wave after wave of missiles were directed to the planet Krypton. Warships were dispatched in alarming numbers. An embargo was set up around the planet. While the people were safe under their protective shields, the planet itself took massive punishment form the increase in radioactivity caused by the bombs.

The scientists of Krypton knew of the increases levels of radiation hitting the planet. Their instruments recorded the rise daily. They were aware that the planet was trapped under it’s own shields and because they had used their wealth to develop technology instead of weapons, they had no force available to call upon to counter the Syntarian attacks.

But they were a race of scientists and they secretly went to work under their protective shields. While they didn’t have as many war ships as the Syntarians had, they still had some. And each was fitted with a modification of the city shields and sent out loaded with what they had in weaponry. The effects that these modified ships had proved devastating to the Syntarians. Nearly every Syntar war ship was destroyed and only with minor casualties on the Kryptonian side. The ships were then dispatched to the planet Syntar itself and there too, the battle proved one sided. Syntar became as a desert. The population of which became nearly extinct.

The returning Kryptonian ships were as walking dead themselves. The planet Krypton had absorbed so much radiation from the Syntarian attack that the planet itself became a ticking time bomb. Unable to save an entire population, the Kryptonians prepared bravely for the coming doom. But the scientist Zor-el took the only chance he could his small family. His daughter Kar Zor-el was placed on a deep space transporter and sent to Earth to live out her life with the inhabitants there.

Years have passed now since she has joined us. We know her as Supergirl and we know through the many stories that have been written about her. Of how she has saved the world many times over and lived anonymously amongst us while so doing. Of how she has powers beyond compare and without equal in the universe as we know it. How we’ve come to love and cherish her and feel safe and secure in her protective arms from any foe that befalls us. A heroine who never loses and always prevails.


Years now have passed since Krypton’s destruction. And somewhere from a distant galaxy we have not seen yet, A Syntarian spaceship approaches the planet Earth.....


Kara woke up Saturday morning and turned on the television as she was accustomed to doing each and every morning first thing. As always, the first thing she saw was a commercial advertisement which always seems to run at 50 decibels louder than regular programming, so she turned down the volume a little and left the room to fix herself the morning coffee.

Her sensitive hearing just made out the word “hostages” through the spit and sputter of the coffee maker and she ran back to the tv in time to catch the rest of the headline.

“As we mentioned earlier, 51 hostages have been taken by a group of several armed men early this morning off a city bus. The bus was commandeered by three men who drove the bus to the Twin Pines Theater, where they are being held. The bus driver was killed instantly when he tried to resist. A city SWAT team has the theater surrounded and the group of kidnappers has demanded to see Supergirl. No other demands have been stated, but a deadline of 8:30 am has been set and unless Supergirl arrives by then, the killing will start. One each five minutes thereafter till those initial demands are met. No word yet as to the whereabouts of Supergirl but a city wide alert has been placed to locate her”

She looked at her watch. It was 8:27 and she was silently cursing herself for having slept in. Why hadn’t she gotten up earlier this morning? Why was this morning the one morning of all mornings she chose to sleep in? She wished at that moment that someone, somewhere would have known that Linda Danvers was also known as Supergirl and knew where to find her in such an emergency.

Twin Pines Theater was not a movie theater, but a stage theater for the local actors and actresses to perform in. It was closed on Saturday mornings so at least there weren’t staff and assistants and stage crews there to make additional hostages. Supergirl arrived just in time to hear one gunshot. Then to see one of the hostages taken and dumped outside the front door. Dead as promised as it was now exactly 8:30 am. Horror set in as everyone now knew that these were not your run of the mill kidnappers. They said what they meant and they meant what they said.

From inside the theater, one of the kidnappers was in constant communication with the police commander by phone. A woman, by the tone of her voice. The only demand so far had been for Supergirl’s arrival. Now that it she had arrived, a new demand that the news crews that were covering the event would be allowed to follow her inside. In fact, it was a requirement. Police were reluctant to allow other people to enter and become targets or additional hostages at first, but Supergirl promised no one would be hurt while she was there. Her promise of protection was all the commander needed to convince him of their safety. She had never let them down before.

Supergirl entered the building first. Followed by several reporters, cameramen, sound men, and a few technical staff assistants to keep all the equipment running smoothly. Entering the front doors, there was another set of doors they had to get through to reach the auditorium and stage area. Once inside, they found the hostages all seated with gunmen positioned at the exits. Down the main aisle walked Supergirl followed by all the news people and their assistants towards the lit stage where a young woman was seated and waving them forward. All the hostages were seated at the very front as if there to watch a production.

The young woman seated on stage seemed to be around twenty four years old. Close enough to Supergirl’s age to not know the difference. She had long brown hair pulled back into a pony tail and big brown eyes. Men and women both would be struck by her attractiveness. Every bit as pretty as Supergirl and taken together, a man wouldn’t have known who to undress first.

While her appearance was striking, it was what she wore that stood out too. A costume very similar to what Supergirl wore. except that instead of the red, yellow and blue colors, they were red, yellow and green. Her cape was yellow and so were her boots. Most of her costume was green, but her belt was red and the logo was a large “C” of the colors red and yellow.

“Welcome, Supergirl! I see you brought the reporters,” said the woman. “Excellent. I’m so sorry you arrived late. And so was the woman who we had to terminate. But, deadlines are deadlines and the show must go on as they say.”

“I’m afraid the only show you’re going to see the rest of your life will be in a prison theater now that I’m here,” responded Supergirl.

The seated woman stood and started to grin. “Well then, Supergirl. You may be right and you may be wrong. I’m willing to bet you’re wrong there. In fact, I’m willing to bet my life on that. And everyone else's here too,” said the woman as she walked closer.

Supergirl jumped up on the stage to face the woman as the reporters and cameramen took their positions and recorded live, softly describing the events leading up to this moment while the two women exchanged words.

Taking on the woman would be no problem for Supergirl, but the gunmen positioned around would pose a threat to the hostages. Looking around at them, the woman in front of Supergirl started to laugh as she read her mind.

“Oh, Supergirl, you’re so naive. Pretty, but naive. Stupid and naive. I’m not really interested in these idiots sitting around. This is between you and me. I’m just using them as witnesses.”

Supergirl glared at the woman, then reached out to grab her. But her hand was brushed aside at that very instant and Supergirl was sent straight to her ass with a quick punch to her chin.

To this point in her life, Supergirl had never been hit hard enough to stun her, let alone drop her. She looked up at the woman with surprise in her eyes and saw the look of hatred staring back.

“First things first, Supergirl. Introductions are in order. I’ll tell you my name if you tell me yours. Your real name. Your secret identity name here on this prehistoric little insignificant planet they call Earth,” said the woman.

Supergirl’s eyes widened at the thought that this was no human after all. But it really didn’t matter to her. She would defeat this, this, whatever she was, and fly her to prison herself if she had to. She got back up on her feet resolved to end this quickly.

“I am Supergirl to you and all others, and you’re about to find out why they call me that,” said the Maid of Might.

One more attempt to take the woman and Supergirl suddenly found herself spun around, her arm pulled up and the woman holding her there from behind.

“I wasn’t through with the introduction phase, and you aren’t either,” the woman said calmly. “I am called by several names. Just as you. My given name is Chyroon, but Mistress will do for you. As you might have guessed already, I’m not exactly from around here. I’m from the planet Syntar,” said the brown haired woman through her teeth. And then whispered into Supergirl’s ear, “Ever hear of it?” And with that she pulled up on Supergirl’s arm causing her to cry out. “I could introduce you to my guests myself, but I’d really prefer you to do that. It’s much more polite. I’m sure you don’t want to be rude now, do you?” She then released Supergirl and pushed her away a few feet.

Supergirl was indeed aware of the planet. She was well versed in Kryptonian history and the war that ended in her planet’s destruction. She felt an intense and almost instinctive hatred for this woman now. She thought of her family and her people and how the Syntarians were responsible for their deaths. She no longer was bent on bringing this woman to the justice she deserved on this planet, but for the justice she deserved on Krypton. Prison would never do now. Chyroon would pay for being a Syntarian.

Supergirl ignored Chyroon’s taunts to reveal her identity. If this woman truly knew of Linda Danvers than it was just another good reason to destroy her. She ran at Chyroon and hit her. Not once but five times. Chyroon was not prepared and the five punches hurt her. Supergirl sensed this and stepped back to measure her enemy.

Chyroon was indeed hurt. The punches were the hardest Supergirl had ever thrown in battle before at any time. Any one of which would have killed instantly a human. But Chyroon was not human and had powers similar to Supergirl’s. So while they didn’t kill her, they certainly hurt. She staggered and then fell to one knee. Several people cheered from the auditorium, and even the reporters joined in.

Chyroon looked up at Supergirl and saw a woman a bit too confident and full of herself. What was needed was something that would give Supergirl doubts. Something that would be used against her later on. Chyroon slowly stood up, still bent over but now up on her feet and acting hurt worse than she really was. Supergirl approached again but this time, Chyroon hit Supergirl with a massive punch of her own. The punch came from low and found it’s mark and immediately Supergirl fell flat on her back.

“OOOOHHHH,” she cried out, and the cheering suddenly stopped. She lay for a second. Hurt by the blow but her pride suffered just as much. If Supergirl’s punches would have killed a human, certainly this punch would have killed an elephant. But then again, Chyroon was angry now and this worked to her advantage. It was her opinion that anger would not work to Supergirl’s advantage. She would make mistakes. Making mistakes and creating doubt were two things Chyroon hoped to use to her advantage.

Now it was Chyroon’s turn to gloat as she swaggered over to the fallen woman and mocked her.

Supergirl waited until Chyroon was within reach. Then reached out and grabbed the woman’s left foot as it was swinging towards her in a kick. Chyroon screamed as Supergirl stood up still holding the Syntarian’s foot. Then gave a heave straight over her head and then down the other side where Chyroon’s head found the floor and embedded itself.

There was a muffled moan from the hole and then Chyroon’s body moved, pulling her head out of the hole and gleaming at the smirking Supergirl.

“Here, let me help you up,” said Supergirl. And with that, took Chyroon by an arm and launched her toward the opposite side of the stage, where her face impaled a new wall. The heroine was nearly there in time to meet her and sent two Supergirl sized punches into the kidneys of Chyroon who remained rooted in the wall.

There were more cheers from the auditorium as it seemed Supergirl had the upper hand. She smiled for her fans and again approached Chyroon who was desperately trying to remove herself from the hiding hold Supergirl had placed her. Finally managing, she turned around, and the first thing she saw was the fist coming straight at her face. The impact of which drove her head right back into that same hole she had just left. And she hung there motionlessly. Supergirl took advantage of the position and sent a thundering punch to the girls abdomen which was powerful enough to dislodge the gasping woman who dropped to her ass coughing and spitting up blood.

Grateful to finally find herself out of holes, but still embarrassed by the position she found herself in, Chyroon sat there for a moment in stunned silence and looked up at the insolent Supergirl looking back at her. The cheering was louder now and it only sensed to enrage the Syntarian woman. Supergirl was fighting on home turf and she got inspiration from the cheers. She even posed in her familiar power stance over the fallen woman, knowing the cameras were recording.

Chyroon got to her feet with fire in her eyes. Supergirl was only inches away and Chyroon grabbed the woman in a bear hug and picked her up off her feet while running to the other side of the stage. Supergirl was unable to break free before suddenly finding herself thrown through the wall, Chyroon holding on. Releasing her hug, she grabbed hold of Supergirl’s hair and rammed her head back into another portion of the wall, and then immediately down to meet a rising knee.

“OOOMPH,” came the sound from Supergirl upon impact with the knee as she dropped to her own.

It was Supergirl’s turn to bleed now as her soft lips came between a hardened knee bone one one side and her own teeth on the other. Chyroon kept a tight hold on her hair while the stunned blonde struggled to break free.

When Chyroon finally let go, Supergirl pressed the attack. Both women traded punches and jabs and circled each other like tigers. Screaming when launching punches and screaming when getting hit. Each looking for an advantage. It seemed though that Supergirl landed the most and once even had Chyroon legs wobbling from a particularly heavy punch to the girls face. Chyroon clutched and hung as if she were super glued to Supergirl until her weakness passed and strength returned. Then backed up for another round.

In the following exchange, Supergirl caught Chyroon with a straight jab that sent her head backwards. Not enough to cause much damage but did provide an opening for something greater. While Chyroon tried to shake it off, Supergirl’s next punch found Chyroon’s upper abdomen. She took it full force and it lifted her off her feet. She came in a crash, and curled up on the floor holding her stomach.

If Supergirl had pressed the advantage here, she would have ended this contest quickly. But Supergirl never had the killer instinct in a match. She’d never been tested like this and she just assumed the woman would finally give.

She adjusted her costume which was now stretched out of shape and smiled again for the cameras while her opponent took the precious seconds needed to recover.

Both women were sweating and breathing heavily now. If Chyroon was the weaker, she was only slightly so. Supergirl seemed just a bit quicker on the draw and so Chyroon changed tactics. Instead of attempting another punch, Chyroon charged Supergirl and the two were soon grappling. Two by four studs snapped like toothpicks as each woman took turns slinging the other into the stage wall on the right while holding on to each other’s hair, arms and costume. They fell to the floor together and rolled. First one direction and then another. Each desperately looking for any sign of weakness from the other to press into an advantage. This tangled mass of arms and legs and capes tossed and tussled for several minutes, each taking turns on the top and the bottom. Sweat made hands slip and hair stick, not only to their own faces, but to that of the other. Finally at one of the time’s that Chyroon found herself on top, she sent a hard knee between Supergirl’s legs and up into her pussy. Then another before Supergirl could react.

“AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEE, “ yelled Supergirl and she desperately grabbed her pussy.

Chyroon stood up and delivered a solid kick to the same place, the impact only slightly deadened by the hands that were in the way now.

Chyroon left Supergirl writhing in pain in the center of the stage so that the cameramen could have unimpeded access to the sight. An evil grin appeared on her face as she realized she had found a weakness to Supergirl’s defenses.

“There, there my pretty little super bitch,” said the Syntarian, “ I hope you’re okay. We don’t want to disappoint anyone if you’re not able to continue.”

Supergirl looked up and saw that the cameras were filming her lying there and realized her skirt had ridden up, revealing a perfect shot of her aching pussy clutched by her hands. She pulled her skirt down and removed her hands and struggled to her feet. She had not counted on Chyroon using what she considered dirty tactics. But this was a death struggle now and she was soon to realize it.


Supergirl was angry now and Chyroon was happy she had goaded her into it. She was hoping to use this against her now.

Supergirl charged. The first time she had done so, she had surprised Chyroon with the five well placed punches. There would be no holding back now. Tunnel vision set in and she was one sided in her thoughts. She wouldn’t stop hitting till Chyroon stopped moving. There was hate and anger now in Supergirl’s eyes as she quickly approached the stationary woman.

Just at the last second before Supergirl was upon her, Chyroon planted herself and kicked. It was a particularly viscous kick, well place on Supergirl’s stomach. A visual demonstration of an irresistible force meeting an immovable object.

The impact of this kick on a charging Supergirl was a moment frozen in time for the cameras. There, Supergirl stood motionless like she was frozen in time. Her mouth agape, but nothing came out. Then finally “UUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMPPPPPPHHHH”, and our irresistible force fell face down in a CRASH.

Immediately, she was upon her. Jumping on her back, Chyroon belted the back and sides of the fallen woman’s head with lefts and rights. Then she pulled up and twisted Supergirl’s head till her neck nearly broke.


Chyroon let go and resumed the punching. She pulled Supergirl’s head up and then slammed it into the floor. Not once, but several times. Each time Supergirl screamed when her head was yanked backwards, and again when it impacted the floor. She desperately tried to remove Chyroon's hand from her head and when she did this the villainess took hold of Supergirl’s left hand and elbow while ferociously pulling. Screams came from the defenseless girl as her arm was nearly broken in two.

Chyroon suddenly released her grip and rolled the woman over. She saw not just fear, but terror in Supergirl’s eyes now and straddled her by lying on her chest. Supergirl’s left arm, while not broken was numb and hung uselessly from her shoulder. Her good right arm still fought back but was easily immobilized by both of Chyroon’s. Then forced behind her back where Chyroon’s right leg held it securely. The same was done to Supergirl’s left arm which offered no resistance at all. And it was stuffed behind her as well.

“WHAT’S THE NAME OF YOUR SECRET IDENTITY?” yelled Chyroon as she held the wildly kicking Supergirl securely pinned beneath her.

Supergirl continued to kick and buck but ignored the question.

Chyroon balled her free hands up into fists and everyone knew what was coming. There were four solid belts before Supergirl cried out. She tried to move her head but this only provided new targets. The screams became muffled and soon there were only incoherent sounds coming out of Supergirl’s mouth.

The kicks became less frantic and the bucking finally stopped. There were several cuts on her face now. Blood mixed with spittle ran out her mouth and down it’s side. Two teeth were missing and several were loose. One eye was nearly shut and there was visible swelling on both cheekbones and jaw.

Chyroon got up but Supergirl stayed down. Minutes passed before she even tried to move her arms which still rested behind her back as if invisibly pinned. Her skirt was folded up over her belt revealing only the thin fabric which now barely covered her womanhood, but Supergirl was either unaware of this or hadn’t the strength to correct it. While she had amazing recuperative powers, her body was unable to keep up with the onslaught.

Supergirl needed a miracle but Chyroon only a breather and once she got that she dragged the prone super heroine closer to the cameras and took and ankle in each hand. A weakened and horrified Supergirl looked up to see her gorgeously muscular and tanned legs being raised and spread wide by her assailant who grinned down at while saying, “This is REALLY going to hurt!”

Someone counted 12 kicks, but another witness counted 13. Which ever it was, each was massive and deadly accurate and placed right into Supergirl’s pussy. The whole time of Chyroon’s rest period, the only sounds coming from Supergirl had been moans. Now at least she was screaming again. Each powerful kick was met by an equally powerful scream. Until Supergirl was yet bleeding from another place on her body. The final kick was not actually a kick, but a stomp, which raised Supergirl’s head and shoulders when delivered.

at this point who desperately clutched what was left of her vagina with both hands. There was a pause in the action and it was Chyroon that preened and posed and smiled for the cameras now. The reporters in the background were giving an account of the live action and most of the hostages were now silent after moments ago gasping and flinching with each kick.

Almost unbearable pain ravaged Supergirl’s pussy as she continued screaming and crying and rocking from one side to the other with her hands clasped between her legs.


Chyroon bent over the ruined Supergirl and asked if she was now ready now to tell everyone her name.

“You’ve b-b-beaten me Chyroon, p-p-please stop,” Supergirl begged between sobs.

“I’m n-n-not able to continue,” she continued. “I don’t want to die like this, I b-b-beg you, please let me live.”

There was a strange silence in the theater now. Except for the sobbing of Supergirl, everything was deathly still. The hostages looked on in disbelief. So did the reporters and cameramen. No one could believe that the mighty Supergirl would be lying on the floor of the theater stage begging for her life and pleading for mercy.

“You still haven’t answered my question, bitch,” answered the Syntarian. “WHAT IS YOUR TRUE IDENTITY?”

“Please, Chyroon don’t make me reveal that. I-I-I’ll do anything. Just don’t ask me to do that. Please don’t,” begged Supergirl.

Chyroon’s eyes twitched and squinted with even more hatred. She would make Supergirl reveal her identity no matter what. She grabbed Supergirl by her cape and dragged her across the floor and up against a wall which had not yet been damaged by the fight. There Supergirl stood and Chyroon proceed to remove Supergirl’s belt.

“Wh-what are you d-doing?” Supergirl sobbed. “Please don’t”

Chyroon ignored her and continued, tossing the belt aside. Then systematically, Supergirl’s costume was shredded while she stood there. She deliberately left the Supergirl logo in tact, but anything else was fair game. The fabric covering her pussy was all that covered her there now but even that was ripped and torn. Her skirt shredded but hung to her side. There was an evil grin on Chyroon’s face while she did this, and she chuckled at Supergirl’s new humiliation. Both arms were bare now from the shoulder down. Supergirl was roughly pushed around to face the wall and her cape was torn, where it hung but by a single thread. The crying Supergirl was roughly repositioned to face her opponent once more, and the costume across her magnificently toned abdomen was ripped to the side also. Her right breast was nearly bared but her left still had most of the costume covering it. Finally, Chyroon took hold of the top of her costume on each side of the big red “S”, and slowly ripped down the middle. The emblem that represented all that Supergirl stood for was torn by her challenger right down the middle. Each breast now could be seen through the tatters of what little costume still hung to her like some fabric vertical blind.

The screaming that followed was probably the loudest yet from Supergirl as Chyroon took hold of a breast in each hand and squeezed, her nails digging into Supergirl’s flesh. Chyroon’s hands were like some pneumatic vise that never seemed to stop squeezing. Supergirl did everything she could to remove Chyroon’s hands but they were locked and when she finally released her breasts, it was not because Supergirl had succeeded in forcing them off, but because her hands were quite nearly closed.

Immediately Supergirl grabbed her damaged breasts as the screaming continued. Chyroon punched two holes in the wall directly above Supergirl’s head and ran the severed red cape through both holes. Then tied it around Supergirl’s neck to keep her upright. This she would need to finish her off. With Supergirl’s hands preoccupied on her once shapely breasts, Chyroon moved lower. The first three punches to Supergirl’s abdomen were minimally effective as Supergirl tightened her stomach muscles. With each proceeding punch, however the muscles tired and softened.

Unable to fall or bend forward, the young Supergirl took punch after punch after punch. When she moved her arms to cover her stomach, Chyroon pounded her breasts. Supergirl would move her arms up to protect these and her stomach would be attacked again. Supergirl was coughing and spitting and making noises never heard before but you could still make out some pleading mixed in. There were three loud SNAPS that echoed throughout the theater during the assault when ribs were broken, but otherwise it was a rhythmic thudding and slapping when the punches connected on bare skin until finally there was little air left in Supergirl’s lungs to make additional sounds.

Chyroon untied the cape and Supergirl fell to the floor in a heap. Clutching her stomach and curled up into fetal position. Finally when air started to return to her lungs, Supergirl started to gasp. Then to cough. And finally to cry. Softly at first and louder and louder as she was able to breathe. She pleaded not to live now, but for a merciful death. Chyroon laughed and let her cry. Her punishment would be worse than death.

She stayed down for some time. Her body was broken and her spirit was shattered. When Chyroon determined that Supergirl had recovered enough to walk, she made her stand and pushed her to the front of the stage. She was wobbly from the beating but somehow stood on her feet. There the nearly naked Supergirl stood embarrassed and humiliated in front of the hostages, news people and cameras. Chyroon marched down to the group of reporters and grabbed a microphone, then walked back and shoved it under the trembling girl’s mouth.

“LOOK AT ME,” Chyroon barked at the crushed Supergirl, who looked up at her through watery eyes. “TELL US US ALL NOW, WHAT IS YOUR SECRET IDENTITY?”

With tears streaming down her face, Supergirl started and stopped three times. It would prove the hardest four words she had ever uttered. But when she considered her fate had she even some strength to resist longer, in a deathly still theater she finally revealed to Chyroon, the hostages, the reporters, and the cameras who she was.

“I...........am...........Linda..........Danvers,” was the caption next to the photograph of a demoralized woman wearing the frayed remnant of a Supergirl costume on the front page of newspapers across the world the next day.


Then,standing with her hands to her sides as instructed by her enemy, what was left of her costume was ripped off her body and thrown to the floor. And for the first time in her life, Supergirl stood naked in front of strangers.

Her once fabulous body now visibly testified to the old fashioned ass kicking she had just been given. The proud Chryoon smiled and stared at her masterpiece, then moved to the side so everyone else could see. Supergirl’s breasts were now beginning to fill back out again after Chyroon’s squeeze assault, but were still badly bruised and obviously sore. Below that and all the way down to her pubic hair, there were purple, red and black marks evident where her torso had been pulverized. The blonde hair covering her pussy was not thick or dark enough to hide Chyroon’s autograph she left from the kicks and stomps.

Supergirl only had two arms and did the best she could to cover herself. But Chyroon batted these away and directed her to keep them at her sides. The humiliation was more than she could bare so Chyroon moved behind the shamed woman and forced her head up. She took several questions from reporters at this time and answered each one while holding up Supergirl’s head by it’s hair like some trophy.

The story of the evil planet Krypton and their barbaric ways was headline news for several days. The story of Chyroon and her valiant trip to Earth to take vengeance on the Kryptonian was in every newspaper, magazine and tv newscast around the world.

“There is one small gift I must give you as a remembrance of this occasion,” said Chyroon turning her attention back to the once proud Supergirl when the reporters stopped asking questions. And with that, Chyroon removed her own costume to reveal an even more perfect body than Supergirl’s. One not nearly as damaged or bruised. Supergirl began to cry again when Chyroon ordered the girl to get down on her knees and eat her pussy. All eyes in the theater, of both men and women alike, sat transfixed to the sight of Supergirl’s face buried into the thick dark brown hair of Chyroon’s pussy as she was forced to lick and suck her new mistress.

After such a battle, it was refreshing for Chyroon to have her pussy washed like this. She was ordered to keep her hands on Chyroon’s ass while she worked her tongue, lips, and mouth on the woman's cunt. While she did so, Chyroon told her the story of having lost the husband she was to have in the Krypto-Syn war. The egg he would have given would have soon been her son or daughter. But because of the Kryptonians, this would never happen.

Chyroon had taken a vow of celibacy after the death of her fiancee, and forcing Supergirl to service her now was only adding to her pleasure. Chyroon took Supergirl by the back of her head and held her there when the waves of ecstasy came over her. There would be no pulling away for Supergirl now as she was held in place and ordered to swallow all that Chyroon had to offer. Supergirl did her best to keep up with the flow but Chyroon’s vow of abstinence coupled with the sight of her defeated foe forced into such submission resulted in the largest orgasm she had ever experienced, resulting in well over a quart of sperm.

Coughing and gurgling and spitting between swallows, Supergirl took what she could but a good portion ran down her face and onto the floor. When Chyroon came to her senses, Supergirl had pulled away. Tears streamed down Supergirl’s face and her mouth and throat burnt with the bitter taste of the Syntarian sperm. It attacked her taste buds and lingered and over the next week, everything she would consume would have this flavor. Her face covered in it, Chyroon scooped up what was drooling down Supergirl’s face and fed it back to her.

She left Supergirl for a moment still kneeling on the floor in order to retrieve a small bag she had strategically placed in a safe corner of the stage. Then returned and took out what appeared to most, a type of suction baster like you might use to baste a turkey with. Using a spoon she scooped up a portion of the thick creamy cum and filled the baster tube. Then reattached the suction portion and shoved Supergirl back down in a thump so that she was on her back. Grabbing Supergirl’s pussy by the hair, Chyroon lifted her so that her ass was off the floor and her body angled upward.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH,” the blonde cried out.

At this time, Chyroon roughly inserted the baster into Supergirl’s pussy deeply and squeezed the suction ball several times to dispense the cum fully into her pussy before withdrawing it.

“You may continue now,” said Chyroon as she pointed to the puddle of cum Supergirl had not been able to swallow on the floor. With that she let go of Supergirl’s pussy and her ass hit the floor in another thump.

Tears streamed down Supergirl’s cheeks. “What have you done to me?” she got out between sobs. The burning sensation in her mouth, throat and stomach was now joined by an even more powerful burn inside her pussy. While she may have asked this, the answer was obvious to all who had witnessed it. Supergirl had been impregnated.

She continued to cry and beg and pleaded not to have to finish the task. The cum not only burnt and left a bitter and foul taste, but it was thick and hard to swallow. However, Chyroon had no sympathy for the fallen heroine, and Supergirl was soon lapping up the remainder, while the reporters continued to describe the scene in their microphones.

.Syntarian sperm poisoning would ravage Supergirl’s body over the next month. Her superpowers would temporarily be lost over that time while her body recuperated.

Chyroon looked down and spat on Supergirl’s face while dressing back into her costume. “I’ll be back to visit with you in a couple days,” she told her, loud enough for all to hear. “Until then, you’ll be my incubator. The egg BETTER be alive when I retrieve it for my own womb,” she continued, “or I’ll finish this little chat we had today and leave you in pieces like your silly little costume is now.”

“STAND UP AND LOOK AT ME,” she commanded the girl. And Supergirl wearily did.

“Kiss me goodbye now,” Chyroon said as she pulled Supergirl to her lips and locked her head in place. It was a full minute that she was held there by the sadistic alien woman who’s tight embrace paid no heed to the broken ribs and bruises. Supergirl reluctantly stood there and kissed her conqueror in agony.

After the kiss, Chyroon proved her superpowers weren’t limited to strength and fighting skill alone by flying out of the theater through a hole she crashed through in the roof on her way out.

The SWAT team rushed the theater when the hostages ran out moments later. Whatever had happened to the gunmen, no one ever knew. None of the hostages had tried to escape during the fight and the secret tunnel from the basement to the sewer system wasn’t found until hours later.

Outside the theater, the large crowd of curious spectators that had gathered was met by the scene of a broken Supergirl being wheeled out through the door in a stretcher and into an awaiting ambulance.