Supergirl - Enslaved on Feminax


Tom diCentauri

1967 Mar 17 (Friday)

Rain fell lightly on the campus of Stanhope College on this last day before Easter break and Linda Danvers was loving it. She was wearing her transparent-blue plastic raincoat over a soft, white, floral print dress and was luxuriating in the feel of the limp, skin-smooth plastic of the pixie-style hood rubbing against her cheeks. She liked rainy days because she could leave her raincoat draped over her chair in her room at the Alpha Lambda sorority house without anyone commenting and she could simply slip out of bed late at night and put it on her naked body to enjoy the feel of it and of the warm quivery feelings it aroused inside her.

She often fantasized during those sessions, daydreamed of wearing only her raincoat on her naked body on her wedding night. She hope-dreamed of marrying Dick Malvern, the young man she had known since she had first arrived at the Midvale orphanage in that long-ago summer of 1959. She knew that he liked her raincoat, though he had not said so: no, she knew because every time he saw her in it she heard his heart beat harder and faster, heard his breathing deepen slightly, and felt extra heat radiating off his body. Yes, she would wear nothing but her raincoat, come to him with a soft swish, and then, when she had got him good and hard, take off her brown wig to show him that he had actually married Supergirl. It would be the perfect ta-da moment and she got hot just thinking about it.

She was drawn out of her reverie by the sound of people shouting. Turning her attention toward the commotion, she saw people looking up and pointing at something in the sky. She looked where they were pointing and saw an incandescent globe, perhaps a foot wide, flying over the campus.

It seemed to leap at her as she stared at it just so and it went transparent in stages. Then it shifted colors as she examined it in all the wavelengths of the electromagnetic spectrum. She got hints of some internal structure, but she couldn't figure out whether they were mechanical or organic. There was only one thing for her to do.

Since she was already almost there, she went quickly into Jensen Hall, put her books and purse into her locker, and then headed for a currently empty corridor. A soft whrup, the sound of a dozen towels being snapped, emanated from her as she removed her Linda clothes and wig at superspeed. A burst of ultraviolet light flashed in the corridor as she compressed the clothing and wig into a palm-wide discus that she slid into the pocket behind the emblem on her red cape. She folded her raincoat and slid it down the back of her blue minidress. The semi-animate fabric of her costume kneaded it to flatten it and protect it from the buffeting that it would otherwise receive from her flight. She went out the door at the end of the corridor and stood for a fraction of a second at the top of the steps leading down onto the quad.

Her wish and her will brought forth from the spooky realm where it resides an aetherial immanence that filled her and lifted her. She saw the building and the campus fall away from her and felt a wind begin to blow over her. She raised her hands over her head, put them into the wind, and turned them to pitch and roll herself. As she pitched down to pursue the strange ball of plasma the forcefog that filled her body shifted and both supported and propelled her in level flight. She heard her cape snap and flutter in the wind, felt her skirt rippling across her thighs, and luxuriated in the sensation of rapidly moving air combing her hair out behind her and stroking her body from head to toe. From below her she heard people's shouting about the luminescent ball change into cheers.

As she approached her target it moved away from her, as if leading her on a chase. It executed a wide sweeping turn to the right and she rolled herself to the right and then pitched and yawed her way through the turn. The ball straightened out its flight path and headed for the coast and Supergirl followed, idly watching the waves breaking on the beach a thousand feet below her as she crossed the coastline.

She followed the ball out to sea and several miles off the coast saw the ball approach a boat and vanish into thin air, as ball lightning is supposed to do. She looked again at the boat and saw that it was not like any boat that she had ever seen before: it was round as if it were the top half of a floating ball. Now she looked with intent and the water became clear for her. She saw that what she had taken to be a boat was actually the end of a large cylinder to which six other cylinders were attached. She saw what looked like fins and things that didn't look familiar at all. This was no boat, she understood then; it was a spaceship.

She then saw that a small balcony jutted from the side of the ship's hull about thirty feet above the water and that three women were standing on it looking up at her. She saw a raven-haired woman moving her hands around what looked like a theramin attached to a television set. Two other women, one who had her bright red hair tied back in a ponytail and one whose blond hair was arrayed in a halo of curls around her head, stood by her. Each woman wore a simple white blouse and slacks with a sleeveless overdress made of limp transparent plastic over them. Floral and birdlike patterns livened the otherwise featureless, skin-smooth transparent-white plastic. The women were beckoning to her, so she executed a forward half somersault, came out of it descending feet first, and exerted her thrust to decelerate her fall. She felt her cape jerk against her and her skirt fly up and tickle her breasts. Then the wind flowing around her slackened and died as she landed lightly on the balcony.

"Hello, Supergirl," the redheaded woman said in a thick alien accent. "I am Rann Kaur and my companions are Tiem p'Rah, " she added as she pointed to the blond-haired woman, "and Lattora, " she continued, pointing to the raven-tressed woman. "We are a delegation from the planet Feminax. Perhaps you have heard of it?"

"Yes," Supergirl said. "It's a planet inhabited only by women." She knew of it from conversations she had held with her cousin after he had been chased away from it.

"Correct," Rann Kaur said. "We have no men and we allow none to come to us. Only female is good and superfemale is best."

She put her hand on Supergirl's shoulder and Supergirl thought that she felt a strange delicious warmth emanate from the women's plastic dresses. Linda would look good in such an outfit, she thought, and she would certainly feel good.

"We come as representatives of all Feminax," Tiem p'Rah said. "We wish to give you honor as finest expression of feminine power. We invite you to come to Feminax with us for grand ceremony. You will be gone four Earth days. You will come, yes?"

"I'm guessing that I can't bring my boyfriend along," Supergirl said in jest.

Tiem p'Rah shook her head. "Our law is very strict. No male."

The other two women also failed to get the joke. Supergirl remembered when she had first heard of Feminax she had wondered who the women played with in bed. The obvious answer had made her giggle and feel a quivery warmth suffuse her body when she tried to image a naked woman's body pressing against hers.

"Yes," Supergirl said in answer to Tiem p'Rah's invitation, "I will go with you." She recalled that she had no business in Stanhope that could not wait a week, so she said, "I can leave immediately."

That statement delighted the women and Lattora pressed a button that made the balcony retract back into the ship's hull. Rann Kaur led her and the other women up a spiral staircase to a cylindrical room near the top of the ship and pointed out a deeply padded couch that she could use. Then the three Feminaxians strapped themselves into their acceleration couches and chanted the ritual of the preflight checklist. With the ritual complete Rann Kaur pressed a button on the panel before her.

Lighting off with a booming thud, the rocket motor lifted the ship out of the water. Balancing atop an ultraviolet column of thermonuclear hellfury, the ship rose into the sky, gaining speed and adding the boom of ruptured air to the screaming roar of the rocket motor. Rann Kaur, Tiem p'Rah, and Lattora lay in their acceleration couches, their faces pulled into death's head grimaces by their skins' resistance to the ship's acceleration. Meanwhile, Supergirl leaned casually against the railing at the observation window and marveled at the sight of Earth dropping away, her only concession to acceleration being that the thick curl that usually hung just above her neck was now pulled out straight.

Tiem p'Rah had instructed the ship's autopilot to activate the star drive as soon as the ship cleared Earth's ionosphere. Supergirl watched in awe as space seemed to ripple, making the stars and Earth writhe in a jittery little dance, and then open itself into utter blackness. Earth and the stars simply vanished. The engine ran for a time longer and then shut down. The women floated weightless for the four-hour passage to Feminax.

An Earth-like world illuminated by a G-class main sequence dwarf came into view as the decelerating rocketship broke out of hyperspace. With Rann Kaur piloting it directly, the ship sped eastward over an ocean and approached a stubby, hilly peninsula that looked like it might once have been an island until material eroded from the Himalayan-tall mountains to the east brought the land to it. One of the hills on the thickly forested peninsula had been leveled and converted into a landing field.

Supergirl saw other rocketships standing on launch pads and then saw spread around the field what looked like a large village. Long barns or assembly sheds covered a wide area in a valley just outside the village. On a hill overlooking the barns, she saw, stood a large building that looked like it might be a mansion or a palace. In the distance, perhaps twenty miles away, the buildings of a major city rose against the backdrop of the mountains.

Nozzles shot streams of water across the flame pit as the ship descended. Steam rushed in clouds from the outlet at the edge of the landing field. The ship came down onto the pad with a slight bump and then Rann Kaur shut down the engine. Silence once more reigned over the peninsula.

They emerged from the ship and took the pad's elevator down to a waiting car. It was open and Supergirl was invited to sit on the elevated rear seat. The driver steered the car out of the spaceport and through the village toward the mansion. As they passed through the narrow streets women and girls waved and cheered. Supergirl smiled and waved back.

At the mansion Rann Kaur and her companions led Supergirl into an audience chamber where a woman with lightly graying black hair sat on a throne with a lap robe over her legs. She also wore the white blouse and plastic dress combination that all of the other women and girls Supergirl had seen wore. Supergirl stood before the throne with Tiem p'Rah and Lattora beside her while Rann Kaur went to retrieve a leaded box from a table.

"Greetings, Supergirl. Welcome to Feminax!" the woman on the throne said. "I am Ravenne, Vozhald of this realm."

She gestured at the woman standing next to her throne and the woman reached over and briskly whipped the lap robe off of her. Supergirl felt an all-too-familiar burning-cold stinging sensation fill her body, felt the world seem to close in on her as her superpowers retreated back into the spooky realm where they resided. She felt weak and at first was glad to feel Tiem p'Rah and Lattora grabbing her arms as if to support her. She heard a swish of plastic sliding over plastic as Ravenne stood up and she saw the source of her misery: Ravenne was wearing an ankle length serving apron made of metallic-green plastic. The color must come from kryptonite dispersed within the plastic, Supergirl realized.

"Please," she said to Ravenne, "put your apron back under your lap robe. It has kryptonite in it and it will kill me."

"No, it won't," Ravenne said. "You won't be exposed long enough. Once we have you properly restrained, I will put it away."

Supergirl understood then that Lattora and Tiem p'Rah were not supporting her; they were restraining her. She saw that Rann Kaur had taken from the box a pair of kryptonite handcuffs. Now the women forced her arms behind her back and Rann Kaur put the handcuffs on her. Meanwhile Ravenne had taken off her apron and folded it up. Once Supergirl was cuffed she handed it to her attendant, who put it into a leaded case.

Supergirl felt an immediate diminution in the stinging in her body, but was still weak. She saw Rann Kaur come around in front of her, look her over, and then punch her in the belly. She bent over nearly double from the force of the blow and from the pain that blossomed inside her. Rann Kaur took hold of her right arm to give Tiem p'Rah her turn to punch their prisoner. Then Lattora took her turn.

"Enough!" Ravenne said. "We must give her the tour."

She led the way out of the audience chamber and Supergirl, half dragged by her captresses, followed, still hunched over from the pain in her belly. They took a different car for this trip. Ravenne sat on the elevated chair in back and Supergirl was made to kneel on the little platform in front of it. Rann Kaur drove, while Tiem p'Rah and Lattora sat in the seats on either side of Supergirl and waved to the women and girls they passed. Rann Kaur drove the car to a part of the village that Supergirl had not seen on the way in and stopped in front of a store whose sign identified it as "The Supergirl Shoppe".

The four Feminaxian women dismounted from the car and dragged Supergirl with them. Stumbling a bit, she went into the shop and immediately confronted an inflated punching bag that bore a life-sized image of her on its soft, smooth opaque-lilac plastic. The figure was standing with head bowed, hair slightly disheveled, and with wrists and ankles bound with kryptonite shackles and chains. Supergirl, the real one, felt a strange quivery sensation in her stomach at the sight.

"Come along, girls!" Ravenne said cheerfully as she led the way into the shop.

The little shopping party went deeper into the store, past display racks holding what Supergirl thought was an inordinate amount of green plastic. From a shelf along one wall Ravenne took a box and handed it to Lattora. Supergirl caught a glimpse of the Supergirl-in-Chains picture on the box and knew that the box contained a deflated copy of the punching bag that she had seen in the front of the store.

"I think you'll enjoy playing with this," Ravenne commented to her. "You may be my prisoner, but that's no reason you can't have a little fun."

Something caught Ravenne's attention and she went to a nearby rack and took from it a hanger on which an apron hung. It was an ankle-length full apron made of metallic-green plastic. Ravenne held it up to herself and Supergirl saw another life-sized image of herself printed on the skirt. This image depicted her kneeling with her hands bound behind her back with kryptonite handcuffs. It gave the impression that she was kissing Ravenne's crotch. The impression was confirmed when Ravenne turned the apron around and Supergirl saw another image of herself kneeling, looking up with her lips pursed in a kiss.

"This is for me," Ravenne said as she gave the apron to Lattora.

Next they came to a rack carrying raincapes. Ravenne selected a long cape made of light transparent-green plastic and held it up to Supergirl. The cape fell to Supergirl's ankles and she felt a strange warmth rise within her as the limp, skin-smooth plastic brushed against her neck.

"What do you think?" Ravenne asked.

"It's not my favorite color," Supergirl commented. She grunted when Rann Kaur jabbed her waist.

Ravenne looked around. "We don't seem to have a wide selection with regards to color," she commented. "But otherwise, what do you think?"

Wary of being punched again, Supergirl said, "It's nice. I... I think that I would like to wear something like that in the rain. It would certainly get the men interested...." She gasped as Rann Kaur gave her a vicious rabbit punch.

Ravenne draped the raincape over Lattora's outstretched arm and then shook her finger in Supergirl's face. "We do not mention that other sex here. It is obscene. Nonetheless, I will get you your sexy raincape."

"You really don't have to," Supergirl groaned.

"Nonsense," Ravenne said as she led the way to another array of racks. "It's the least I can do for my new little supercow."

Supergirl felt a shudder pass through her at being called a supercow. Then she saw that Ravenne had led her and the other women to racks of green plastic dresses, green versions of the sleeveless overdresses that the women she had seen so far were wearing.

Ravenne took a dress from the rack and held it by its hanger against Supergirl to judge its fit. The dress was made of soft, smooth, pale transparent-green plastic. It had her emblem printed in opaque red and yellow on its bodice and that had a green square enclosing vertical green stripes superimposed upon it.

"I just love this Supergirl Caged theme," Ravenne enthused. She selected an identical dress and gave the two dresses to Lattora to carry. She then led her party to another part of the shop and paused at a display of shower curtains.

Supergirl saw that the curtains were made of smooth opaque-white plastic upon which various tableaus had been printed. One depicted her, with her hands bound behind her back, sitting on the floor with her legs tucked under her and looking up with a pleading expression on her face. Another depicted her standing in a kryptonite cage, her hands gripping the bars and a forlorn look on her face. Yet another bore the ever-popular image of her standing in kryptonite shackles and chains. But the one that made her blush was the one that depicted her standing naked, her costume lying discarded at her feet, with her belly swollen in a late stage of pregnancy. The picture showed her holding her left hand under the bulge and resting her right hand on top of it. It also showed her wearing a knee-length plastic serving apron that had the word 'slut' printed on it in red-and-yellow letters in the comet-tail style often associated with her name.

After showing her the shower curtain art, Ravenne led her and the other women to another array of shelves and took down a box to hand to Lattora. Before handing it off, though, she showed Supergirl the picture of the product inside. It was an inflatable cylinder made of blue and red plastic. It had a rendition of her head, also inflatable, jutting up above one of the end caps and below her neck her emblem was emblazoned across the end cap.

"Girls just love their Supergirl pool ponies," Ravenne said, "and I'm sure you will too."

They went then to the sales desk to have the items Lattora carried debited to Ravenne's account and put into a large bag. Then they got back into the car, with Supergirl crouching in front of Ravenne, and left. Now Rann Kaur drove to a building outside the village, one that looked like a modern laboratory of some kind. Supergirl saw that it was connected by an enclosed corridor to the complex of barns.

They entered the building and the woman at the reception desk placed a call to someone to announce their arrival. Ravenne led her party through a door and through a maze of corridors. They went through another door into a narrow room that had a glass wall and a row of chairs facing it. Ravenne sat in the chair farthest from the door and Rann Kaur sat Supergirl in the chair next to Ravenne before sitting down next to her.

"Now," Ravenne said, "you will see what we do here and you will begin to understand why we have targeted you for this special abuse."

"I was kinda wondering about that," Supergirl commented.

She looked through the glass and saw a small room occupied by a large, familiar-looking plant. It resembled a six-foot tall erect penis with an array of vines curled around its base and she had seen plants just like it several years before.

Before she could recall the memories she saw a door open and two woman wearing plastic body suits with clear plastic helmets came in dragging a naked woman who had her hands tied behind her back. The women in plastic gave their prisoner a shove, quickly retreated from the room, and closed the door. The prisoner got to her feet and looked around the room in bewilderment and then looked at the plant.

"No," Supergirl whispered in horror, "don't go near it." The sight of Rann Kaur's fist appearing suddenly in front of her nose silenced her.

As Supergirl watched, the vines at the plant's base began to move. The bound woman seemed oblivious to the danger until one vine lashed out suddenly and grabbed her ankle. The woman let out a shriek of shock, then began screaming in terror as she saw the plant's other tentacles reaching for her, grabbing her by her arms and legs, and pulling her toward the plant itself. She struggled, kicking and writhing, trying desperately to get away from the hideous thing that was now beginning to bend, as if losing its erection. Her screams took on an even more desperate tone when she saw something that resembled a bluish snake slither out of what looked like the plant's urethra. The snakelike thing probed her, running over her legs, then the insides of her thighs, and then began to caress her crotch.

Supergirl felt hot tears run down her cheeks as she watched the plant manipulate its victim. She remembered that a dozen such plants had been discovered in a forest about one hundred miles from Stanhope when a local woman had been attacked and her companions had gone for help after she had been released. She recognized it as the strange mutant plant that Professor Naelaird had named Inseminoidea impudens. It was an improvement over the vulgar name of penis plant that the people in the area had given it, but it was still inaccurate: the plant was actually an ovipositor plant. It was harmless to men, but whenever it sensed the presence of a woman, it attacked, grabbing her with its tentacles and implanting its seed in her womb. Most sinister of all, the seed exuded a drug that sent the victim into an ecstasy that left her unable to move, eventually to die of starvation and provide fertilizer for the growth of the germinated seed.

Now the plant's ovipositor slid into the panic-stricken woman's vagina and over the next few minutes the woman calmed down and began to emit quavery squeals of sexual delight. She writhed in ecstasy as a lump came down the ovipositor's length. With peristaltic motions the ovipositor pushed the lump into the woman and then slid back out of her in a gush of sticky white fluid.

Supergirl remembered how the woman who had been attacked in the forest had required hospitalization after the attack, had needed to have the seed removed surgically. She herself had been attacked when she investigated, but the plant was no match for her superpower. Once she had determined that the plant was not an intelligent, if misguided, being, she had fried it with a massive burst of x-rays and then she had gone and destroyed the others as well.

Now she saw the women in plastic return and drag the woman out of the room. She sniffled.

"Don't panic, my dear," Ravenne said as she put her hand on Supergirl's knee. "We won't be giving you to the plant for some time. We want to play with you first and have you help us with a very special project."

"I've seen these plants before," Supergirl said.

"Yes, you little fool," Rann Kaur said, "those were ours. You interfered with our plans to establish our system on your Earth, but now you will make up for your mischief. You cost us, so you will pay."

Ravenne got up from her chair and her henchwomen followed her example. Supergirl started to get up slowly but Rann Kaur grabbed her arm and yanked her to her feet. They left the little observation room then and went down a long corridor, coming out in what was clearly the barn nearest the laboratory.

Inside the barn Supergirl saw rows of beds with women lying on them, apparently asleep and enjoying sweet dreams. Each woman had a feeding tube running into her nose and a pair of tubes running into her vagina. Other tubes were positioned to remove body wastes.

"The beds provide massage and electric stimulation of the muscles," Rann Kaur said. "It's worth it to keep our cows in good health."

Supergirl saw the women in plastic bring the freshly inseminated woman into the barn. She was barely conscious and couldn't walk. Her guards half carried her to an empty bed and another woman untied her hands and began to attach the various tubes.

Each woman, Rann Kaur explained, had an inseminoid seed in her womb and was producing the drug, which they call Sexanol, for Ravenne's corporation (though Supergirl thought of it more as a gang). It was sales of the drug throughout the star systems around Feminax that had enriched Ravenne and her henchwomen and Earth had been intended as the site of an alternate production facility, the planet's low technology level making it easier for the Feminaxians to provide appropriate security.

"Unfortunately," Rann Kaur snarled, "the planet seems to be infested with superheroes. Unfortunately for you, you volunteered to help us solve that problem."

Then Supergirl saw an empty bed and saw the sign above it that read "Reserved for Supergirl". She felt her legs go weak and she began to cry.

"No," she said to Ravenne. "No, you can't. It won't work on me. I'm not human."

Ravenne cupped Supergirl's chin in her hand and lifted her head. "Pray that you are human enough," she said. "Because if you are correct in your assessment of your productivity, then I will give you to Rann Kaur to do with as she sees fit."

"It was my project you destroyed," Rann Kaur hissed in her ear. "And I do not take small revenge."

They took Supergirl back to the mansion then. They took her to Ravenne's private apartments and left her there. A woman came with a tray of food and fed her like a baby, spooning or forking the food into her mouth for her. When she thanked the woman, the woman had simply sneered at her and told her that she had been ordered to keep her clean.

"Otherwise," the woman said, "I would have shoved this food up your snotty little nose."

Supergirl soon figured that the women who were able to speak English were members of the team that Rann Kaur had been assembling to establish her drug production facility on Earth, hence the extra hostility.

Darkness had fallen when Ravenne returned. She beckoned to Supergirl to follow her and led her into her bedroom. She pushed Supergirl down to sit on her bed.

"Stay!" she said as she would to a dog.

She went into her bathroom and emerged an hour later wearing her satiny green bathrobe and her transparent-lilac plastic shower cap. Now she went to her dressing table and opened a box that was lying on it. From the box she took a baby-doll nightie made of limp, skin-smooth transparent-white plastic that had a faint pearlescent sheen and held it up for Supergirl to see.

Supergirl felt the stinging in her body intensify slightly and quickly discerned that the pearlescence in the plastic came from a thin dispersal of kryptonite dust in the vinyl. She watched as Ravenne brought the nightie to her and laid it on the bed. She allowed Ravenne to stand her up and stood patiently as she removed the kryptonite handcuffs.

"Your nightie will keep you weak for me, so I can put these away," Ravenne said, holding up the handcuffs. "Now get undressed and ready for bed!" She put the handcuffs in their leaded box, also sitting on her dressing table, then took off her robe and shower cap.

Supergirl took off her clothes, folded them neatly, and set them on a chair near the bed. Then she put on the nightie, luxuriating in the sensation of its plastic sliding over her bare skin. Although the kryptonite was sufficient to keep her depowered and weak, the stinging sensation was not as bad as that from the handcuffs. This was more... well, more spicy, she thought, more like the "hot" flavor of plikmatu soup. If she ever got out of this situation, she told herself, she would have to take this nightie with her and wear it for Dick Malvern.

While Supergirl prepared herself for bed Ravenne put on her nightcap. It looked like a swim cap made of soft, smooth transparent-white plastic. Supergirl thought that she could see little sparkles of light flash within the plastic. Ravenne smoothed the chin flaps under her chin so that the magnetic patches in them would adhere to each other. Then she tucked the rest of her hair under it.

"Put on your nightcap!" Ravenne commanded. It looked like a swim cap made of soft, smooth transparent-black plastic. She thought she saw faint anti-sparkles, little flickers of deeper black in the plastic. It seemed to be like a photographic negative of Ravenne's nightcap. She put it on and smoothed the chin flaps under her chin so that the magnetic patches in them would adhere to each other. Then she tucked the rest of her hair under it. She felt dazed when she completed the task.

"Let night fall and let the shadows rise to greet her," Ravenne intoned. Then she used a silken cord to tie Supergirl's hands behind her back and pushed her into bed, rolling her onto her back and pulling the covers up over her.

Supergirl felt her bonds, trying to figure how she might free herself from them, but she could not find the knot or even the ends of the cord. She was distracted from her exploration by the sensation of the bed moving. She saw Ravenne, completely naked getting into bed to lie next to her. Ravenne spoke a single word and the lights went out. Now Supergirl could see the faint green glow from her plastic nightie. She was distracted from her study of the glow by Ravenne rolling over onto her.

"Now, at last, mighty Supergirl," Ravenne gloated, "you are my pleasure slave."

"No, Ravenne," Supergirl pleaded. "Please don't!"

Ravenne simply pressed her lips against Supergirl's mouth to silence her. Supergirl tried to turn her head away, but Ravenne followed her movements, pushing her head into the pillow and intensifying the kiss. As Supergirl struggled against Ravenne's kiss, Ravenne mounted her, sliding herself up onto her and pushing her right leg between Supergirl's thighs.

Supergirl could only utter nasal grunts in protest. She was quivering inside as she felt the firm flesh of Ravenne's ample breasts come down soft and hot on hers. She was filled with sexual warmth as she felt Ravenne's belly pressing heat into hers through the plastic of her nightie in time with Ravenne's breathing, which had become deeper and more rapid. She began breathing heavily as she felt Ravenne's thigh press her nightie's plastic hot and rubbery against her labia and felt the pressure in her crotch rise, blowing up her clitoris and sending it out of its sheath as if it were eager to kiss Ravenne's leg.

Ravenne took her lips off Supergirl's mouth and kissed Supergirl's left cheek. "Don't spoil this for me, Slavegirl!" she whispered.

She slid her arms around Supergirl and began to move. She slid her extended clitoris against Supergirl's right thigh, pressing it against the plastic of Supergirl's nightie. At the same time her thigh pressed rhythmically against Supergirl's labia and clitoris. Her breasts and her belly moved on Supergirl and made Supergirl all the more aware of the softness and heat that they were pressing on her through her nightie. The limp, skin-smooth plastic of her nightie became Ravenne for her.

Supergirl felt the sexual heat within her grow hotter, her excitement intensify until she was trembling all over, and the pressure in her clitoris rise beyond anything she had felt before. She felt Ravenne's panting breath on her left ear and grew hotter. She heard Ravenne's quavery grunts and squeals and grew even hotter. Then Ravenne let out desperate-sounding groans and shuddered. Supergirl felt superheat explode from her clitoris in great pulsing waves that filled her body. She arched her back, she bucked and squirmed, and she quaked and cried out with long tremulous "Oh!"s.

Then the passion-storm was over. Supergirl and Ravenne lay together, breathing with long quavery breaths. Supergirl felt herself blush and then felt a gentle flash of heat emanate from Ravenne's body as Ravenne released her post-coital blush. Slowly then Supergirl sank into a deep sleep.

The next morning Ravenne played with Supergirl again. This time Supergirl didn't resist. This time she welcomed Ravenne's mounting of her. Her lips welcomed Ravenne's kisses and she begged to be taken again. Her heart pounded, her breath came in quavery gasps and moans as Ravenne embraced her and moved on her. And again she submitted to the dissolution of her consciousness in the pulsating heat of passion.

After they had recovered their strength, Ravenne got out of bed and pulled Supergirl out of bed as well. Ravenne untied her prisoner's hands after she took the kryptonite handcuffs from their lead box and then commanded Supergirl to take off her nightcap and her nightie. Following instructions, Supergirl put the nightie into its lead-lined box and closed the lid, then submitted to Ravenne cuffing her hands behind her back. Next Ravenne put the transparent-green plastic raincape that she had acquired at The Supergirl Shoppe the previous day on her and pulled up the pixie-style hood. Satisfied that her prisoner was ready, she called a young woman to take her to Rann Kaur. "She gets to play with you today," Ravenne explained.

The woman led Supergirl from Ravenne's quarters to Rann Kaur's and knocked on the door. Rann Kaur answered the knock almost immediately, thanked the escort, and pulled Supergirl into her quarters. She was barefoot and was wearing a satiny-looking green robe that had silver penis plant patterns embroidered on it.

"You're late," she snarled.

"I got here as soon as I could," Supergirl replied. "Not that I had a whole lot of say in the matter."

Rann Kaur put her hands on Supergirl's shoulders and looked her prisoner in the eye. "The only reason I do not use you for a punching bag today," she said, "is that Ravenne has forbidden it. But do not forget that someday soon you will be my slave."

"Are you always in such a happy mood?" Supergirl asked.

"Only when you are near me," Rann Kaur said sourly. "Now come and be my toy!"

Rann Kaur put her hand on Supergirl's back and pushed her through the greeting room, through the wide, airy parlor whose large windows looked out over the estate, and into the bedroom.

As she came into Rann Kaur's bedroom Supergirl saw the opaque-lilac plastic of a punching bag standing inflated by the bed. But instead of the Supergirl in Chains image that she expected to see, the bag bore the Pregnant Supergirl image that she had seen on shower curtains in The Supergirl Shoppe. Then she noticed the cage that was set against the wall away from the windows. And in the cage she saw a pretty young woman with purple hair kneeling with her head down. She was naked and had her hands bound behind her back. She looked up as Rann Kaur and Supergirl came into the room and Supergirl saw bruises on her face and chest. Supergirl went to the cage and knelt before it. She saw that the woman seemed terrified by her presence.

"Who is she?" Supergirl asked, "And why is she afraid of me?"

"She's not afraid of you," Rann Kaur said. "She's afraid that you are her replacement, which means that she will be going to the barn today. Perhaps I can have some fun with that." She spoke to the woman in a language that Supergirl did not understand.

The woman began to cry, to beseech Rann Kaur in her own language. She cried with desperate sobs, begging Rann Kaur.

Before Rann Kaur could react, Supergirl stood up and strode briskly out of the bedroom. She went to the parlor and sat herself down in a plush chair, slouching down and putting her feet up on the nearby hassock. She had barely got settled when she saw Rann Kaur storming out of the bedroom and toward her.

"What do you think you're doing?" Rann Kaur demanded.

"I'm not going to watch you torment that woman," Supergirl said. She noted that her slouch made it almost impossible for Rann Kaur to get a good enough grip on her to pull her out of the chair.

"Very well," Rann Kaur said with a wicked smile, "we shall do something else."

She untied her robe's belt and let the robe slip to the floor. Then she took off her bra and tossed it onto a nearby chair.

Supergirl tried to get up out of the chair she was in, but Rann Kaur simply pushed her back down.

"You're such a clever little girl," Rann Kaur said as she pulled down her black plastic half slip, stepped out of it, and tossed it onto the chair with her bra. "And look at where it's gotten you."

Supergirl tried to get up out of the chair again, more forcefully this time, but again Rann Kaur merely put a hand on her chest and pushed her back down. Then she took off her panties and tossed them onto her half slip.

"Rann, I don't think...," Supergirl started to say.

Rann Kaur put her left hand over Supergirl's mouth to quiet her and then slung her right leg over her to straddle her. Sitting herself down on Supergirl's thighs, she leaned forward, keeping her hand over Supergirl's mouth, and put her right hand between her legs.

Supergirl watched with a mixture of horror and resignation as Rann Kaur' nipples swelled before her. A look of dreamy-eyed wonder came over Rann Kaur's face as her breathing became deeper and faster. She was rubbing her genitalia and pushing her hips to and fro. Supergirl became intensely aware of the soft, smooth plastic of her raincape warm on her bare skin and of the warm, quivery feeling that it was currently arousing in her as Rann Kaur rocked to and fro on her legs. She felt herself getting hotter in spite of herself as Rann Kaur cried out with quavery squeals and then jerked and writhed in orgasm.

Supergirl's arousal faded quickly when Rann Kaur went quiet and simply sat panting on her. After several minutes of resting Rann Kaur got up and used her panties to wipe her wetness off of Supergirl's raincape. Then she opened the front of the cape and pulled Supergirl up out of it and stood her up.

"Now, my little toy, let's set you up properly," she said.

She pushed Supergirl back toward her bedroom and up to her bed. She shoved Supergirl onto the bed and then took a cord and tied her ankles together.

"You won't walk out on me now," she gloated.

"So, who's your roommate?" Supergirl asked, looking toward the cage.

Rann Kaur looked at the cage and then looked back at Supergirl. "My slave," she said with a puzzled expression.

"Does she have a name?" Supergirl prodded.

"How would I know?" Rann Kaur replied with some exasperation.

"Maybe you could ask her?" Supergirl suggested.

Rann Kaur heaved a sigh and then spat a stream of Feminagish at the woman in the cage. The woman replied softly, but with a faint look of hope in her eyes.

"She says her name is Kurelli," Rann Kaur said to Supergirl. Then with a shake of her head, "Why do you care?"

"Caring about others takes me out of myself and makes me tougher," Supergirl replied.

"That makes no sense," Rann Kaur said as she went to her Supergirl punching bag and began bopping it. Soft rubbery thumps punctuated her remarks. "A tough person cares only for herself. Caring is for weak people."

"No, Rann, think about it," Supergirl said. "Compassion cultivates toughness, because you have to be tough to care about another person, to take another person's feelings as if they were your own. You don't have to be tough to abuse some woman in a cage, but you sure have to be tough to feel for her."

"Bah!" Rann Kaur said. She walloped the punching bag so hard it bounced off the floor. "You think I am weak?"

"Yes," Supergirl said. "If you were not weak, you would not treat people worse than they treat you. You enjoy abusing people because you get hurt so easily."

"Well, then, perhaps I should not be so abusive," Rann Kaur said with a wicked grin.

She crawled onto her bed and mounted Supergirl, sliding her right thigh between Supergirl's legs. She hiked herself up on Supergirl and pressed her left breast against Supergirl's mouth.

"Here," she said, "let's put that sassy tongue of yours to good use." Then she masturbated again on her hapless guest. When she had finished, bringing herself to a shuddering, groaning climax while leaving Supergirl unfulfilled, she lay herself out on her prisoner to take a nap.

"Uh, Rann," Supergirl said after a time. "Ravenne didn't tell me what to do about bathroom breaks, but I'm guessing that you don't want me to make a mess on your bed."

Rann Kaur heaved a sigh and then heaved herself up off Supergirl. She got up off the bed and untied Supergirl's ankles. She pulled Supergirl up off the bed and marched her into the bathroom. Supergirl hesitated and held her bound hands back toward her captress.

"Unless you want to wipe my butt for me," Supergirl suggested.

A look of rage flashed across Rann Kaur's face, then she got the hint. Going back into her bedroom, she retrieved the handcuff key and then came and unlocked the right cuff, giving the left cuff a squeeze to make sure that it was secure on Supergirl's wrist. She then gave Supergirl a push toward the toilet and leaned against the door jamb, facing away from her.

Supergirl sat down on the toilet and began by letting loose a stream of urine that hit the water noisily. At the same time she put the right cuff around her left wrist, closed it, and squeezed it locked. Then she went on with her business.

As she sat she noticed the shower curtain and the image that had been printed onto the soft, smooth, transparent-white plastic. She was seeing the image reversed: it was clearly intended for Rann Kaur's enjoyment when she bathed. The artist was clearly well skilled, even if the subject matter was not quite to Supergirl's liking. It consisted essentially of Rann Kaur, Supergirl and a giant penis plant in a horrifying tableau. In the scene she was struggling desperately against the plant, which had already put its ovipositor up her skirt and, presumably, into her vagina, while pleading with Rann Kaur, who was standing over her holding high the kryptonite dildo that had weakened her for the plant.

She finished her business, wiped herself, flushed the toilet, and then washed her hands. When she went back into the bedroom she saw Rann Kaur give her an exasperated look and motion for her to turn around. She responded by smiling at Rann Kaur, going into a half crouch, and holding her hands out palms up, making little beckoning motions with her fingers.

"Are you defying me!?" Rann Kaur asked in shocked astonishment.

"You wanted to play with me," Supergirl said. "So let's play!"

With an angry growl Rann Kaur strode forward. When she got close enough Supergirl jumped her, grabbing her around the waist and throwing her off balance. Too shocked to retaliate effectively, Rann Kaur stumbled backward and then went down onto the carpet. Supergirl quickly got on top of her and held her arms over her head.

"Get off of me, you spogg!" Rann Kaur demanded. She struggled to throw Supergirl off her but to no avail. True, the kryptonite in the handcuffs had weakened Supergirl, but Rann Kaur, that lazy playbag, was way out of shape.

"Oh, Rann," Supergirl purred, "you are so soft and warm! Will you let me lie on you for a while?" Out of the corner of her eye she saw Kurelli watching in rapt fascination.

"I will beat you into a whimpering pulp," Rann Kaur snarled. She tried to bring her legs up around Supergirl's neck to throw her off, but Supergirl merely leaned forward and avoided the leglock.

"You know, Rann," Supergirl said, "you really have a nice body. You should give serious thought to giving it a nicer guidance system."

"Get off of me now!" Rann Kaur demanded.

Supergirl leaned forward and executed a somersault, then stood up to face her enraged captress. More warily this time, Rann Kaur approached Supergirl, then suddenly cocked her fist, and threw a punch at Supergirl's cheek. Supergirl ducked the punch, grabbed Rann Kaur's arm, and flipped her onto her back on the carpet again.

It really wasn't much of a fight. True, like all bad girls Rann Kaur was a dirty fighter, but Supergirl was the more disciplined. She had learned jiu jitsu and little of something the Chinese called "gong foo" from allowing Batgirl to use her as a punching bag/tackling dummy/sparring partner. And although the kryptonite on her handcuffs made her weaker than Rann Kaur, it did not entirely affect the faster reflexes that the Kryptonese had evolved in order to exist on a world whose surface gravity was more than five times as stiff as Earth's. Rann Kaur spent a lot of time on the carpet and wasted her energy in wild flailings at her opponent. Not much time elapsed before Rann Kaur lay panting and crying on the carpet, unable or unwilling to get up to face Supergirl yet again.

Gently but firmly, Supergirl lifted Rann Kaur up and sat her down on the bed. She sat down next to her, put her left arm around her shoulders, and held her as she cried.

"I was supposed to be having fun with you today," Rann Kaur sobbed.

"Well, if you don't like wrestling," Supergirl said, "perhaps we should try something else."

"I just want to beat your damned face in," Rann Kaur said angrily.

"I was thinking more of something that would be fun for both of us," Supergirl said. "What did you actually have planned for today?"

Still sniffling, Rann Kaur said, "I wanted to keep you tied up on my bed so I could get on top of you and fuck you all day."

"Well, I don't like the idea of being tied up," Supergirl said, "but I don't object to you lying on me. You do feel kinda good." She kissed Rann Kaur's shoulder.

"But you have spoiled the mood," Rann Kaur said petulantly.

"Then let's play a game that will unspoil the mood," Supergirl suggested. "Do you always wear a plastic half slip?" she asked.

"Only when I don't wear pants," Rann Kaur said. "Why do you ask?"

"I'll show you," Supergirl said. She stood up, took Rann Kaur's hand, and pulled her up off the bed. "Do you have more than one?"

"Yes," Rann Kaur said. Catching the hint, she went to her dresser and opened a drawer.

Supergirl looked into the drawer and saw a short pile of neatly folded half slips, all made of soft, smooth, transparent plastic in a variety of tints. She selected a transparent-blue one and held it up. She put it on, enjoying the feel of the plastic growing warm and softening even more on her bare skin. Then she performed a belly dance like the one she had seen Arab women performing on a television program, giving Rann Kaur hot come-hither looks.

Rann Kaur took the hint, selected a transparent-gray half slip, and put it on. She approached Supergirl and copied her movements, pressing her belly against Supergirl's. Soon both women were breathing heavily... and not from exertion. Supergirl stepped forward to press herself harder against Rann Kaur and kissed the larger woman's breasts. Soon she had Rann Kaur backed up against the bed. She pulled down Rann Kaur's half slip, pushed Rann Kaur down onto the bed, and then took off her half slip.

She crawled onto the bed and, before Rann Kaur could react, got on top of her. She slid her right thigh between Rann Kaur's legs and came down on her.

"Wait," Rann Kaur said. "I'm supposed to be on top."

Supergirl shushed her and kissed her. "Let your slavegirl do all the work," she said as she slipped her arms around Rann Kaur's back. She began thrusting her hips to and fro slowly as she gazed into Rann Kaur's eyes.

"Oh, Rann," she sighed, "You are so pretty. And so very hot," she added in a voice beginning to tremble. She kissed Rann Kaur's cheek and put her head on her shoulder as she began moving her hips faster, rubbing her thigh against Rann Kaur's eagerly extended clitoris while running her own clitoris up and down Rann Kaur's thigh.

"I want to love you, Rann," she said in a quavery, half-sobbing voice. "Please, when I'm your slave, please don't beat me. Let me love you and make you happy in bed. Let me be your super sex prisoner."

Rann Kaur went into convulsions, shuddering with long, hard spasms and crying out with tremulous, desperate-sounding groans. She hugged Supergirl hard and her bucking and writhing brought Supergirl to her own hot climax. Caught up like leaves in a fire-storm of passion, the two women continued rubbing and kissing each other until their energy was spent and all they could do was lie together and pant.

At last Supergirl rolled off Rann Kaur and lay, still breathing heavily, next to her. After a time she rolled back toward Rann Kaur, nestled up against her, and kissed her cheek.

"You know, Rann," she whispered. "We really ought to let Kurelli join us."

"No," Rann Kaur whispered back. "I will play with her tonight."

They dozed off then for perhaps an hour. Then Rann Kaur got up and spent some time punching her Supergirl punching bag.

Supergirl watched for a few minutes, then got up off the bed and went to stand by the bag, watching as Rann Kaur knocked it over and punched it again when it came back up at her. After one such blow was delivered, when the bag bounced up, Supergirl quickly stepped behind it and embraced it, spreading her hands across the bottom of the character's bulging belly. She felt the soft plastic kiss her body every time Rann Kaur punched the bag and soon she was starting to feel hot again. She saw that Rann Kaur seemed to be getting hot too. In a few more minutes her suspicion was confirmed when she saw Rann Kaur's nipples swell up and noticed her clitoris protruding from the top of her cunnus.

This time Supergirl allowed Rann Kaur to get on top of her. Again the two women strove together to blow up their libidos and again Supergirl set off Rann Kaur's climax by begging her for mercy. By now Rann Kaur had to admit that she was enjoying her play day with Supergirl.

All too soon, it seemed, the escort came to take Supergirl back to Ravenne's quarters. Supergirl and Rann Kaur shared a last kiss, then Supergirl allowed Rann Kaur to recuff her hands behind her back. Rann Kaur put her transparent-green plastic raincape back on her, kissed her again, and then gave her a gentle jab in the belly.

"I want you," she whispered to Supergirl. She seemed as if she were struggling not to cry and simply led Supergirl to the door and the waiting escort.

After Rann Kaur closed the door Supergirl thought she heard her break into laughter. She turned away from the door and allowed the escort to take her back to Ravenne's quarters. As she walked down the hall she reminded herself of her own version of Reinhold Niebuhr's Serenity Prayer: Let Rao dream that I have the grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, the courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.

That night in Ravenne's bed Supergirl had nightmares. She was on trial in Ravenne's throne-room. Rann Kaur was complaining about the way Supergirl had behaved in her home and with every complaint Ravenne sent beams of green light from her eyes stabbing into Supergirl, causing her intense pain and cramps. Through the pain Supergirl thought that she caught glimpses - well, actually, impressions - of a brown-haired woman lurking in the shadows taking care not to be seen.

She tried to resist the conditioning by recalling to mind her favorite passage from the Kryptoniad, Thura Kuyn-Lor's exhortation to her people to avenge her son Val-Lor's murder by revolting against the Vrang, who had come to Krypton to enslave her people:

"If it be the wish and the will of the Ashoa that we be free, then let us strive to be worthy of such favor!"


The next morning Tiem p'Rah took her turn at playing with Supergirl. When Supergirl arrived at her door with her escort, Tiem p'Rah answered the escort's knock wearing only a camisole and half slip made of a black satin-like fabric. Only after the door was closed and she was alone with her prisoner did Tiem p'Rah pick up a transparent-black plastic raincoat draped over a chair and put it on.

Supergirl's heart sank when she heard the swish of the soft, shiny-smooth plastic sliding over Tiem p'Rah's underwear. She understood why Tiem p'Rah had not worn the raincoat to answer the door when she saw her pull the helmet-style hood up over her head: it was a man's raincoat, something that was presumably a "dirty little secret" on Feminax. She stood submissively as Tiem p'Rah put her hands on her shoulders and stroked the smooth green plastic of her raincape.

"Now you're mine," Tiem p'Rah gloated.

She lifted the back of Supergirl's raincape over her head and then took a key from an open safe. She unlocked the cuff on Supergirl's right wrist and then put the key into the safe and closed the door. Supergirl took the hint and closed the open cuff around her left wrist as she had done the day before.

"Come," Tiem p'Rah said, "let's go play Marriage."

She pushed Supergirl toward her parlor and Supergirl saw that she had set up a dozen inflated Supergirl punching bags in two parallel rows, six Pregnant Supergirl bags facing six Supergirl in Chains bags.

"Here I will enslave you with my wedding," Tiem p'Rah said. "I will be the groom who becomes master and you will be the bride who becomes slave."

"Uh, won't Ravenne get upset that you are claiming me as your slave?" Supergirl said.

"Silly," Tiem p'Rah said. She playfully pinched Supergirl's cheek. "We are only playing."

She took Supergirl's left hand and towed her into her bedroom. There she took Supergirl's green raincape off her and dressed her for a wedding. From off her bed she took a baby-doll nightie and a half slip, both made of transparent-white plastic densely printed with white and silver floral patterns, and told Supergirl to put them on. When Supergirl had complied, she picked up what looked like a pixie-style raincoat hood that had been merged with a bridal veil, also made of transparent-white plastic densely printed with white and silver floral patterns. She put it on Supergirl and closed the magnetic patches down the front. Supergirl felt the limp, shiny-smooth plastic warm instantly on her skin. Tiem p'Rah put her hands on Supergirl's shoulders, held her at arm's length, and looked her over.

"Perfect," she said. "You are now my hot plastic bride!"

She turned Supergirl around and pushed her toward her parlor. She positioned Supergirl at one end of the double row of punching bags and stood behind her.

"When I push you," Tiem p'Rah said, "you must take only one step. You will take seven steps altogether as you allow me to enslave you." She then said something in Feminagish and a recording machine at the opposite end of the punching bag gauntlet began to play back a recording of a woman reading what sounded like Feminagish poetry.

The recording paused and Tiem p'Rah put her hand on Supergirl's back and shoved. Supergirl took a stumble-step forward. She became intensely aware of a dozen humiliated images of herself staring at her and she blushed in shame. The recording paused again and again Tiem p'Rah shoved her. Seven times Tiem p'Rah shoved and seven times Supergirl stumbled forward. Then they were standing directly before the recording machine. The recording offered a series of questions, to which Tiem p'Rah offered the same, simple response, and then made a statement. Tiem p'Rah responded to the statement by turning Supergirl around, taking her in an embrace, and kissing her, bending her over backward as she pressed their lips together.

The recording made another statement and Tiem p'Rah released Supergirl, who was gasping for breath, and took from off the recording machine a long silky cord. She looped the cord around Supergirl's neck and then led Supergirl back through the embarrassing gauntlet and to her bedroom.

"Now we are married," Tiem p'Rah said happily, "and now we will enjoy our honeymoon, slavegirl."

"Uh, Tiem," Supergirl said. "You know, marriage isn't really slavery." She thought of Dick Malvern and of how much she wanted to give him her freewoman's trothplight.

"It is here," Tiem p'Rah said. "And on your own Earth, when you marry... one of them... do you not vow to love, honor, and obey?"

"Well, yes," Supergirl said. "But it's not slavery, 'cause it doesn't really mean total mindless obedience. I mean, I wouldn't be obliged to do something immoral if my husband ordered me to do it."

"So partial slavery, then," Tiem p'Rah said, "but slavery nonetheless."

"But what do you do when you want to have children?" Supergirl asked in a perplexed tone.

"I would find a woman whose pattern I wish to share," Tiem p'Rah said, "and if she agrees, we would go to the House of Procreation. The Inseminators would mingle our patterns and make me pregnant. And, yes, I would probably marry a slavegirl to look after my child while I work. And," she added, "I would bring her here to play with her as I am going to play with you."

She took Supergirl in an embrace and then released her. She opened the front of Supergirl's bridal veil-cum-raincape and took it off her, tossing it lightly onto a chair. Then she took off her other garments until Supergirl was standing completely naked but for the bracelets glowing soft green on her left wrist.

Tiem p'Rah took Supergirl in an embrace and hugged her, rocking slightly to and fro and allowing her to savor the feel of her raincoat's soft, skin-smooth plastic warm on her bare skin. Supergirl began to breathe heavily as her heart picked up its pace and her body began to tremble.

Just as Supergirl felt her clitoris begin to grow, Tiem p'Rah released her and undressed herself. She took off her raincoat, rubbed it lovingly on her cheek, then tossed it onto the chair with Supergirl's plastic bridal costume. Her camisole and half slip followed her raincoat, leaving her wearing only black panties with an ominous bulge in the front. Slowly, watching Supergirl's reaction, Tiem p'Rah took off her panties to reveal that she was wearing a skin-tone rubber bikini that had a rubber penis jutting from its front. She seemed pleased at Supergirl's horrified stare.

Tiem p'Rah pushed Supergirl toward her bed, on which a large plastic air mattress lay inflated. It was a four-chamber pool raft whose outer two chambers, mere extensions of the pillow, were almost twice the diameter of the inner two chambers. There was a soft, smooth, transparent-white plastic something lying on the pillow and Tiem p'Rah pointed to it.

"Inflate your bridal shower cap," she said, "and put it on for me."

Supergirl picked up the limp plastic thing and looked it over. It wasn't the standard disc of plastic film with a rubber band sewn to its rim that she thought of as a shower cap. The plastic had been heat-sealed into a cone and the rubber band was inside the rim where the plastic had been doubled over and heat-sealed to itself. Inside the cone a disc of plastic film with a plastic valve in it had been heat-sealed to the cone, making the upper three-quarters of the cap inflatable. With a few puffs of air she blew up the cap. As she put it on she thought of it more as a dunce cap than a shower cap. But then, she thought, perhaps that was the whole idea, to compel a slave to wear it as humiliation. Then she noticed Tiem p'Rah staring at her with slightly glazed-over eyes and trembling lips.

At Tiem p'Rah's command Supergirl laid herself down on the air mattress, draping her legs over the outer chambers to open her cunnus to her captress. She watched in resigned horror as Tiem p'Rah climbed onto the bed, then onto the air mattress and mounted her.

She felt Tiem p'Rah's breasts come down soft and hot on hers and felt Tiem p'Rah's belly pressing heat onto hers with her every inhalation. Tiem p'Rah's breath, coming in quivery gusts, was warm on her face and neck. Then she felt the rubber penis probing her cunnus, finding her vagina, and pushing into her. She felt the flesh around her vagina bulge outward and push on her clitoris, which reacted by growing and sliding forward in its sheath. She was trembling and her own breath was a series of quavery inhalations and exhalations. She felt especially warm inside as her heart beat faster and harder.

Tiem p'Rah slid her arms around Supergirl's back and hugged her. Supergirl responded by hugging Tiem p'Rah to her as if trying to squeeze more heat out of her. Supergirl was giving out little quavery squeals to match Tiem p'Rah's tremulous grunts as she thrust the rubber penis into Supergirl, pulled it out, and pushed it in again. Supergirl felt her clitoris growing harder and harder and at the same time more sensitive. She hugged Tiem p'Rah desperately as she felt the rubber bikini tickle her clitoris and then felt her libido detonate. She bucked and writhed under Tiem p'Rah, dissolved in a firestorm of exploding passion and soon Tiem p'Rah shuddered and quaked in her own climax, still ramming the rubber penis into her prisoner.

Soon incandescent lust dimmed to a soft glow. The two women lay togther in mutual embrace, panting from their exertions. Tiem p'Rah dozed off for a time and Supergirl lay quietly, stroking her back and trying to understand what was happening to her.

She knew that these women conceived her as a threat. That certainly explained their capture and imprisonment of her. But why did they want to have sex with her? Then she noticed what she had missed before. The symptoms of anxiety - rapid heartbeat, trembling, erratic breathing - were the same as the symptoms of lust. Somehow asserting dominance over her was transmuting the Feminaxian women's anxiety over her into lust for her. By exercising total control over her, Ravenne and her henchbags were rewarding themselves for their daring.

After her nap on Supergirl, Tiem p'Rah got up and turned on the television sitting opposite the bed. But instead of tuning it to some station, as Supergirl expected, she picked up what looked like a silvery phonograph record, laid it in a tray on top of the set, and closed the lid over it. She pressed a few buttons on the front of the set and sat down to watch.

Supergirl was horrified to see that what Tiem p'Rah wanted to watch was recordings of women being attacked and seeded by the big penis plant she had seen the day she was captured. Unable to bear watching such abuse, Supergirl turned her attention to planning her escape from the little Hell on Feminax that Ravenne and her helpers had created.

Supergirl knew that she only needed to get the key to the handcuffs or somehow pick the locks, then get more than one hundred feet away from them and she would regain her superpowers. She might be able to recover her clothes. But in any case she would go to the Feminaxian authorities, tell them what she knew, and help them bring down Ravenne's nasty criminal empire. She would do it for all the women trapped in the barns; she would do it for Kurelli; she would do it because freeing herself without freeing others would deeply offend her Kryptonese Honor.

She noticed that she was trembling. Those thoughts of freedom were terrifying her, raising intense fear in her mind. She imagined that she could feel kryptonitic radiation savaging her body and quickly turned her attention to other thoughts.

She spent the whole day lying on her back on the air mattress, watching Tiem p'Rah's inseminoid videos and submitting to Tiem p'Rah's lust. She was only too glad to see the day end and to be escorted back to Ravenne's quarters.

Again she had nightmares while she slept with Ravenne and she knew now that the nightcap she was wearing was the cause of them. Somehow it was connecting her day's experiences to Ravenne's mind and Ravenne's mind was sending the dreams that fulfilled Ravenne's desires. And whenever her actions did not fit those desires perfectly, the Ravenne figure in the dream blasted her with beams of intense kryptonitic radiation.

In this dream she was being asked about her play date with Tiem p'Rah. She described what had happened, but whenever she described any of Tiem p'Rah's male-oriented toys or behaviors, Ravenne green-beamed her. Soon she began leaving those aspects of her experience out of her description.

Before she went into deeper, dreamless sleep she saw Tiem p'Rah standing before. The woman was hugely pregnant and was wearing only a transparent-white plastic full apron that had pale blue floral patterns printed on it. Supergirl was compelled to kneel before Tiem p'Rah and press her cheek against her bulging belly, feeling soft, skin-smooth plastic warm on her skin as the baby kicked her.


She knew that today Lattora would take her turn at playing with her. And Lattora left no room for doubt about what kind of play she had in mind: she came to the door wearing only a transparent-green plastic full apron that depicted on its ankle-length skirt a life-sized image of Supergirl kneeling before her and kissing her cunnus.

"Doesn't anyone around here want to have a simple civilized conversation?" Supergirl asked.

Lattora took her in an embrace, kissed her on the lips, and said, "Certainly. What shall we talk about?"

"How about the probe that you use to see things at a distance?" Supergirl suggested. "I'd like to know more about it and how it does what it does."

"If I tell you about my probe," Lattora said with a smile, "will you submit quietly to me?"

Seeing no real alternative, Supergirl said, "Yes, that seems only fair."

"Good," Lattora said as she released her embrace of Supergirl and then, with her right arm around Supergirl's shoulders, escorted her to the room where she kept her probe machine. She showed Supergirl where the probe came from, the kugelblitz generator, and gave her a brief explanation of how the generator shaped otherwise inchoate plasma into a semi-living television camera that could fly about under Lattora's direction. She showed Supergirl the controls and explained how they worked.

"So you can send it anywhere and see anything that you want," Supergirl said.

"Yes," Lattora said, "but with some exceptions. I can't send it through solid walls, for example. And as useful as it would be, I can't send it into space."

"Why not?" Supergirl asked. "I think it would be great to see Feminax through it. After all, I didn't get to see much of the planet when we arrived."

"And you won't see any more of it," Lattora said. "At least not through the probe. I can't send it into space because the plasma it is made of requires the support of air. If the air gets too thin, the plasma can't be maintained and the probe fails. If that were to happen on a mission, I would have to create a new probe in my machine and send it out anew." She paused and looked Supergirl over. "Now," she said, "let's go play."

She led Supergirl to her bedroom and Supergirl noticed that she kept several of the various Supergirl toys inflated by her bed. Lattora went to a long pad that stood leaning at a sixty-degree angle, supported by a frame behind it. She leaned back on the pad and beckoned Supergirl to her.

"I've worn my apron as a favor to you," she said. "Now kneel before me and kiss me to orgasm! Pretend that I am your punching bag and that you are blowing me up!"

Supergirl obeyed the command. She knelt at Lattora's feet and contemplated the sight before her. Then she leaned forward and put her lips onto soft, warm plastic. She pushed against the plastic to press it against the insides of Lattora's thighs and to rub it on her skin. She kissed Lattora's thighs as a sexual tease and also to give herself time to overcome her revulsion at kissing another woman's cunnus.

She cleared her mind of all conscious thought and desire. She knew that active wanting would suppress the dream that she wanted. Freed from context, the warmth and softness that she felt on her lips became nothing more than that. The sensations of Lattora's clitoris pressing against the soft, warm plastic of the apron and pushing into Supergirl's kiss lost meaning and thereby lost the power to evoke revulsion.

To distract her attention further from what she was doing, she used her lips to explore Lattora's clitoris and cunnus. She reduced the experience to an intellectual exercise to drain all feeling out of it. She tried to compare Lattora's clitoris to her own and used calculation as a shield against disgust. She developed something like a Zen version of kissing.

She couldn't block out the sensations entirely. She could hear Lattora breathing heavily and moaning with pleasure. She certainly could feel Lattora pushing her hips forward to rub her clitoris harder against her lips. And she could never have failed to feel Lattora's climax as Lattora jerked and bucked against her, bouncing her cunnus, through her apron, off Supergirl's lips.

Lattora leaned back against her pad and panted. "Now I am fully inflated," she said breathlessly. "But I am a leaky old bag, so you will need to blow me up again soon."

After resting for a time and then drying herself and her apron, Lattora took Supergirl back into her laboratory. There she demonstrated her probe machine. As Supergirl watched in fascination, Lattora started the machine and used it to make a probe.

With a guttering hum the machine created the little ball of plasma and set it afloat in the air above the controls. Lattora showed Supergirl how she used the motions of her hands around the machine's antennae to manipulate the probe and sent the probe out the narrow window.

In the television screen attached to the probe machine Supergirl saw Ravenne's mansion drift away. Then the scene shifted as Lattora turned the probe and sent it drifting over the estate. Soon the probe drifted over a large swimming pool where girls and women were playing with a wide variety of inflatable plastic Supergirl toys.

Supergirl saw punching bags, of course, scattered around the pool deck and in the shaded lanais that surrounded it. Both the Pregnant Supergirl and Supergirl in Chains varieties were there, along with one she hadn't seen before, one that depicted her wearing only boxing gloves and metallic-green boxing shorts with her red-and-yellow emblem displayed across the front and sporting a black eye and a shocked expression. In and around the pool she saw Supergirl pool ponies, some floating by themselves and others with women or girls sitting on them. Supergirl air mattresses and beach balls were there too. And one toy that women were using in a game that resembled volleyball was an ellipsoidal bag on which her image appeared life-sized, essentially a punching bag without the weight.

As the probe hovered over the pool Lattora noticed a girl get out of the water with a pool pony tucked under her arm and wander away onto a path that led into the garden that surrounded the pool area. She made the probe follow the girl, keeping it between the girl and the sun so that the girl would not see it. She and Supergirl watched the girl go to a secluded spot in the garden, behind a hedge, and sit down on a blanket with her toy. The girl quickly took off her bathing suit and began stroking the pool pony's plastic. Then she hugged the toy and kissed it before tucking its butt end between her legs, embracing it, and rubbing her cunnus on it. Moving carefully, Lattora got her probe close enough to the girl to overhear her mutterings as she masturbated on the inflated bag.

"She wishes that she had you, instead of that toy, as her helpless fucking bag," Lattora said. "I'll make note of that. Perhaps Ravenne will make her wish come true. Would you like that?"

"I... I don't know," Supergirl said. "I suppose it depends upon what kind of person she is and whether she would be nice to me."

"Of course," Lattora said. She quickly brought the probe back to her laboratory and dissipated it within the machine. Then she slumped over the machine as if stricken.

"Lattora!" Supergirl cried out. "What's wrong?"

Lattora stood up and smiled at her. "I am deflating and I need you to blow me up again." She took Supergirl's hand and towed her to the bedroom.

"Uh, Lattora," Supergirl pleaded, "couldn't we sorta do something else?"

"Don't be silly," Lattora said. "I love this game."

And so it went for the rest of the day. Supergirl would be obliged to kiss Lattora through her apron (and Supergirl was thankful that at least Lattora loved her apron enough to wear it for all of their 'blow-me-up' sessions) and then Lattora would use her probe to show her some more of the estate and the ways in which the women and girls enjoyed their Supergirl toys.

Finally, the end of the day approached and Supergirl was beginning to hope that she would soon be going back to Ravenne's quarters. But Lattora had one more chance at her. Again she took Supergirl by the hand, but instead of stopping in the bedroom, she towed her prisoner into her bathroom. Supergirl wasn't surprised to see yet another variety of punching bag standing inflated by the toilet, one that stood waist high and bore a picture of her kneeling with her lips pursed in a kiss. Lattora took Supergirl's raincape off her, then blew up a transparent-green plastic slavegirl's shower cap and put it on her. Then she put on her own shower cap, a simple beret made of a sea-green rubber band and transparent-sea-green plastic that had purple sea-grass patterns printed on it, and took off her apron.

Supergirl felt the bottom fall out of her stomach as she watched Lattora turn on the water in the shower. When Lattora judged the water to be at the right temperature, she pushed Supergirl into the shower, got in with her, and pulled the curtain closed. Supergirl was certain that she could have described the image on the opaque-white plastic of the shower curtain without looking. Sure enough, it depicted her kneeling before Lattora and kissing her crotch.

"This is what I want now," Lattora said, pointing to the picture.

With a whimpery sigh Supergirl knelt before Lattora and with water coming down on her waited for Lattora to press her face into her crotch. She had no opportunity to approach Lattora indirectly at first, as she had the first time. As she knelt she heard Lattora breathing heavily and saw her clitoris extended a full inch from the end of its sheath. And then she felt Lattora's hand on the back of her neck, pushing her head between Lattora's legs. Wanting to get her ordeal over with quickly, the alternative of avoiding it not being available, she applied all that she had learned of Lattora's desires during the day and strove to bring Lattora to climax quickly.

She pressed her lips against Lattora's clitoris and made little moues to stimulate it. She moaned as if in ecstasy, knowing that the vibrations would excite Lattora all the more. She was rewarded, if that's the right word, with Lattora thrusting her hips into her face, turning her clitoris into a bucking bronco that her lips had to ride. Soon she felt Lattora shudder and heard her cry out with tremulous groans. Her sense of satisfaction at having ended her ordeal quickly was tempered by the sensation of something wet, warm, and slimy oozing onto her mouth. She clamped her lips together as tightly as she could and kept pushing on Lattora's now slippery clitoris.

After Lattora stopped climaxing on her, Supergirl kissed her thighs, using the water running down them to wash Lattora's crotch drool off her lips. She was starting to feel sick and actually wished that Lattora had played with her on the bed as the other women had done. At least she gained something from the experience: she now knew what her friend Jan Butler meant whenever she said, "Boy, this sucks the big pink pickle."

When the day finally ended, Supergirl actually greeted her escort happily. She would have hugged and kissed Ravenne if she had not been bound. She was so glad to get out of Lattora's little den of horror, that she actually begged Ravenne to get on top of her and strove to give her a hot, ecstatic climax when she did.

That night's nightmare was, in some ways, the worst. Ravenne didn't green-beam her over any obvious misconduct with Lattora, but rather she tortured her for her conversation with Lattora about her probe. Somehow the nightcap had decided to discourage any curiosity on her part. She was to be frightened away from any path that would lead her to new knowledge.


The day after her play date with Lattora Supergirl was handcuffed yet again and then taken naked to Ravenne's throne room. She saw that the room was packed with women and girls who seemed to be waiting for some kind of performance and she saw Rann Kaur, Tiem p'Rah, and Lattora sitting in chairs set on the left side or Ravenne's throne. She also saw several women wielding what looked like miniature television cameras. Her escort brought her before the throne and left her standing on what felt like a terrycloth rug.

"Now, Supergirl," Ravenne said, leaning forward on her throne, "you will obey my every command! You will deny me nothing. You exist solely to satisfy my demands. Is that clear?"

"Yes, Mistress," Supergirl said. "I will obey you." As she spoke the words she understood that they were not her words at all, but had likely been programmed into by her nightcap.

"Very well," Ravenne said. "The time has come to test you as my slave. You are now an inflated plastic punching bag. When you are punched you will bounce back up and offer yourself to be punched again!"

Supergirl felt a shiver of fear shoot through her and felt the pit of her stomach lurch when she heard that pronouncement. She began to tremble when she saw Rann Kaur get up and approach her with a wicked smile on her face.

"Now this is how I want to play with you," Rann Kaur said.

"No, Rann," Supergirl begged, "please don't. Don't you remember the fun we had together?"

"Bah!," Rann Kaur spat. "I merely pretended to be nice to you in order to help Ravenne enslave you. This is what I really want!" She drove her fist deep into Supergirl's belly with a dull thwack.

Supergirl doubled over. She had never been able to tolerate pain well: her invulnerability had made such endurance unnecessary. But now the intense ache in her belly made her want to curl up on the floor until it went away. Nonetheless, to her horror, she stood up straight again, making herself a target anew for Rann Kaur's fist. The women in the room cheered and called out to Rann Kaur, apparently egging her on.

Rann Kaur punched Supergirl again and again Supergirl straightened herself up, only to be punched yet again. In spite of the pain in her belly, she submitted to being Rann Kaur's helpless punching bag. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she gasped out pleas for mercy, to no avail. Rann Kaur stopped only because punching a flesh-and-bone person is hard work and she was still an out-of-shape lazy playbag.

Tiem p'Rah was next to play with Supergirl. She swaggered toward her victim, who was crying and begging for mercy. Tiem p'Rah didn't say a word, but simply began punching Supergirl's aching belly. Supergirl's legs were growing weak. A mortal woman would have been dying from so many organ-rupturing blows, but Supergirl's Kryptonese physiology, even weakened by kryptonite, was tough enough to survive such mistreatment. Supergirl was beginning to wish it were not so: death would have come as a relief. Soon, though, Tiem p'Rah stood panting from her exertion and then stepped away to let Lattora take her turn.

Lattora sauntered around Supergirl, prodding her and pushing her. Supergirl felt a pressure growing inside her and desperately whispered a plea for mercy. Again it was to no avail. Lattora paused in front of her for dramatic effect and then gave her a punch that nearly sent her sprawling backwards. The pain took away all of her control and she urinated on the rug, feeling the burn of humiliation as the thick yellow stream splashed her leg.

"Filthy Kryptonian pissbag!" Lattora sneered and punched her again. Supergirl was staggering under the impact of each blow, barely able to stand up, but compelled by her conditioning to do so. When Lattora finally stopped Supergirl stood trembling from the effort to stay upright.

Ravenne motioned to Supergirl's escort. "Take her to her quarters," she said, "and let the air out of her!"

The escort took Supergirl by the arm and led her out of the room. As she walked back to Ravenne's quarters, Supergirl wept and dreaded finding out what "let the air out of her" meant. The escort led her into Ravenne's bedroom, where, she saw, a cage had been assembled. She pushed Supergirl into the cage and turned her around.

"You may now deflate, punching bag," the woman said. And she punched Supergirl in the belly.

Supergirl fell to the floor of the cage. She heard the door close and the lock engage, then heard the front door of Ravenne's quarters close as the escort left. Lying on her side, bent into a fetal curl, Supergirl cried with deep wracking sobs until she cried herself to sleep.


A week after her arrival on Feminax Supergirl was brought back to Ravenne's throne-room. Ravenne, ever devious Ravenne, had given her Supergirl costume back to her and had demanded that she put it on. Only when Supergirl had complied with that demand did Ravenne bind her hands behind her back with the kryptonite-plated handcuffs. Ravenne then left her in the custody of another woman and left. Perhaps an hour, perhaps a little more, later the woman received a call and escorted Supergirl to the throne-room.

Remembering her nightmares only vaguely but vividly recalling the beating she had received, Supergirl felt afraid as she entered the room. She saw Ravenne sitting on her throne and her three henchharpies standing nearby. The escort brought Supergirl to the throne and left her standing there.

"Well," Ravenne said, "our analysis is complete. Your Earth is a much more interesting place that we could ever have guessed. It seems that its population includes an inordinate number of people who possess strange powers and use them to benefit the others. When I authorized Rann Kaur's expedition to begin seeding the planet for production of Sexanol, none of us anticipated the danger that those people posed for our project."

"How could you not know that about Earth?" Supergirl asked incredulously. "Surely you had studied the planet before you planned your mission."

"We did. We sought a primitive planet whose people would be defenseless against us," Ravenne said. "We believed that we needed only to confirm that the planet's people had no spacefaring capability to ensure that they had no means to interfere with our project."

"We never expected to find a world infested with superheroes," Rann Kaur said, sneering the last word.

"But it's an infestation that we will end," Ravenne vowed. "Or, more precisely, one that you will end for us."

"H... how do you mean?" Supergirl said.

"You will serve as bait for the traps that we will set to capture and destroy the supermeddlers," Rann Kaur said.

"We will begin with the easy one," Ravenne said. "Superman is clearly like you in abilities and vulnerabilities. I have created a potion that I believe will weaken him so that we may torture him and kill him at our leisure. But I want to be certain. Tell me how I can be certain!"

"I... I...," Supergirl stammered. She wanted to refuse to take part in such a ghastly project, but the thought of denying Ravenne what she wanted terrified her. "I... would take a prisoner from the Phantom Zone and test it on him," she said weakly. "There are men in the Zone who are the same size as Superman."

"And how can we get our specimen from the Phantom Zone?" Ravenne asked.

"You would have to build a Phantom Zone portal," Supergirl replied. "I know how to build one, so I would have to guide you."

"How long will this take?" Tiem p'Rah asked.

"Between one and two years," Supergirl said.

"And how long would it take you to build it if you had your superpowers?" Ravenne asked.

"Ravenne...," Lattora cautioned.

"A week," Supergirl replied.

Rann Kaur, Tiem p'Rah, and Lattora spoke to Ravenne in Feminagish then, speaking rapidly, loudly and harshly. For several minutes the argument raged, then Ravenne barked a command and the three younger women fell silent. At Ravenne's direction Rann Kaur went to a table and brought a lead box to Ravenne's throne.

From the box Ravenne took a thick, ornate collar and held it up, then she slipped it around Supergirl's neck and locked it in place. As she did so, Lattora removed the kryptonite handcuffs from Supergirl's wrists and put them in the box. The box lid closed and Supergirl felt the world become more intense, more vivid, sharper and larger. A fog seemed to lift from her mind and she felt superstrength flow back into her. She felt giddy for a nanosecond as her kinesthesia became sensitive enough to feel Feminax's rotation and she felt a faint sensation like that of ultrathin gossamer threads being pulled en masse through her body, telling her whither lay Feminax's magnetic north.

"Now Super-...," Ravenne said as she took....

<In a fraction of a second, in less time than Supergirl spent on a single blink of her blue eyes, days elapsed in the world behind those eyes. She found herself in what looked like an undersea realm, but it had no water. A school of what looked like jellyfish pulsated around her and she saw that they were actually plastic shower caps. She saw a flock of Fairy Princess shower caps with their white and silver stars in a tiara pattern swarm around her. Well, it was her favorite style. And she saw the Supergirl shower caps that she had actually modeled for the magazine ads.

She remembered how the Pert and Pretty™ representative had contacted her through the Daily Planet and how she had gone to the photo shoot with a one-piece bathing suit. She had to look like she was taking a shower, so she took off her costume and wore the bathing suit and the new shower cap, made of transparent-blue plastic with little pink and silver versions of her ess-on-a-shield emblem printed on it in a tiara pattern. She had held up the towel that they had given her, blue terrycloth with her emblem embroidered on it with red and gold thread, and had looked coyly over her shoulder at the camera. Eventually that picture had shown up on clandestinely made posters that seemed to be inordinately popular with teen-aged boys. She wasn't quite sure how to feel about that.

Suddenly all of the shower caps scattered, swimming frantically away from something ahead of her. Then she saw a swarm of the white and black nightcaps like the ones that she and Ravenne had worn to bed. Curious, she took one of the black nightcaps and slipped it into a white one, bringing them into perfect congruence. The two caps disappeared with a soft pop and a shower of sparks.

Now it was the nightcaps' turn to panic and flee. But they were too slow. Supergirl caught them all, merging the white ones with the black ones to make them disappear. When they were all gone the shower caps came back and she felt warm inside when she felt one of them kiss her cheek with its soft, smooth plastic.

Then the shower caps were gone and she found herself standing on a railroad track. The scene seemed oddly familiar. Ahead the track ran toward a sinister city. Fields of buttercups extended away from the track on both sides and drew her. She stepped off the track and suddenly Ravenne popped up in front of her and hit her with beams of kryptonitic radiation from her eyes. She tried to evade the beams, but another Ravenne popped in front of her and shot green beams at her. No matter where she turned, another Ravenne was waiting to hurt her. There was nothing for her to do but to return to the railroad and follow it.

Then she understood. The very thought of doing something that she knew Ravenne would dislike raised such terror in her that she quickly suppressed the thought. And here she saw whence the terror came. But mind control is never perfect because the victim must retain some autonomy or the exercise is pointless; the victor would have to dictate every single move. Thus she still entertained desires to have her superpowers restored.

As she walked along the tracks she recognized the city before her. It was a seedy version of Metropolis. Now she knew that she had been sent to the city to lure her cousin into a kryptonite trap. As she walked a young woman with chestnut-brown hair fell into step beside her.

"Just before you come to the Daily Planet building," the woman said, "turn down Fourth Avenue and run to the park. Meet me at the Kryptonion, on the Mound of Truth."

"They'll come after me," Supergirl said.

"Yes, they will," Linda replied. "But they will not ray you until they are certain that you are refusing to kill Kal-El. Meet me at the Mound of Truth."

Linda then went to a warehouse beside the track and went inside. Supergirl walked onward, making her way slowly to the Daily Planet building. All too soon she saw the familiar ringed orb looming over her. She turned to her left and began running.

She had no superspeed, but her natural Kryptonese body was still much faster than a human's. She leaped over cars stopped at intersections, leaped over intersections where the light was red against her. She paused to look behind her and saw a mob of Ravennes in hot pursuit. She ran onward, knowing that she had to stay at least one hundred feet ahead of her pursuers. She saw the park, crossed the street in front of it, and bounded over the fence rather than waste time going to the gate. She heard the Ravennes shouting at her now, but she kept running. She saw the statue of her cousin on top of the Kryptonion's dome and ran toward it.

She saw Linda, wrapped in a gray cape standing on top of the Mound of Truth in front of the building and ran toward her. She felt the first green ray stab her in the back and nearly fell. She ran to the Mound and crouched down by it as more green rays stabbed at her and into her.

They had baited and set their trap well. Linda dropped her gray cape to reveal that she was wearing an opaque-black plastic raincoat. Violet light emanating from the plastic indicated that the black came from hypnotite dust embedded in the vinyl. Supergirl wrapped herself in Linda's leaded cape, protecting herself from the kryptonitic radiation being beamed at her as Linda viciously spayed the spell that had been put upon her, ensuring that it would never again give birth to terror in her heart. One by one, the Ravennes disappeared with little pops, either from the radiation emanating from Linda's raincoat or from the beams of violet light emanating from her eyes.

Now Supergirl found herself standing again on the bed of a railroad track that ran through a broad field of buttercups and she recognized the imagery from a story that she had read to the younger children at the Midvale Orphanage. She walked along the railroad. She had been thwarted from leaving the track before by clones of Ravenne rising up out of the field along the track and blasting her with green beams of kryptonitic radiation from their eyes. Now Supergirl left the track and wandered out among the buttercups. A figure rose to her left and she felt a twinge of anxiety until she saw that it was an inflated plastic punching bag on which a life-sized image of Ravenne appeared. In that image Ravenne stood naked, bound and shackled with chains of hypnotite. As Supergirl walked further through the field more of the Ravenne punching bags bounced up to challenge her and she ignored them all, even giving light jabs to the ones that were close enough for her to reach.

She came to a door standing by itself in the middle of the field and went through it. She came out onto a street in Metropolis and saw a crowd gathered in front of the display windows of Gumbel's Department Store. The people made way for her as she walked toward the windows to see what was attracting so much attention and soon she was standing right in front of the window.

She saw Rann Kaur with her hands shackled behind her back and connected by a short chain to her ankles, forcing her to kneel. Before her stood an almost fully inflated, life-sized Supergirl punching bag. The image of Supergirl printed on the opaque-white plastic was one of the superheroine standing proudly with her hips thrust forward and her hands on her buttocks. The valve stem through which the bag was inflated was located where the figure's crotch would be and Rann Kaur had her lips wrapped around it, in essence inflating the bag through Supergirl's clitoris. When she had blown the bag full a woman came to take it away and to set a new deflated bag before her, setting the weighted base by her knees and draping the limp plastic bag over the limbo bar that came to the image's waist and supported the bag as Rann Kaur inflated it.

In the next window Supergirl saw Tiem p'Rah bound into the kneeling position and also inflating Supergirl punching bags. And the next window beyond that she saw Lattora kneeling and blowing. She saw shoppers coming out of the store carrying the inflated bags and as she passed the door a sales clerk came out of the store and gave one of the bags to her.

The image on the bag winked at her and said, "You knew that they were good for something, didn't you? And it keeps them out of trouble."

She walked to the end of the block and then gave the punching bag to a blond teen-aged girl wearing a blue gesh'ta, a short-sleeved, full-skirted Kryptonese dress with built-in pectoral, outlined with red and yellow embroidery, that incorporated her personal computer. The girl thanked her and went through a door that gave Supergirl only a glimpse of the domed city beyond.

She went through another door and came to a swimming pool where she saw blond women and girls, all wearing one-piece bathing suits made of blue fabric that had her ess-on-a-shield emblem emblazoned across the chest in red and yellow. They were all playing with pink plastic pool ponies that displayed the shower-capped heads of Rann Kaur, Tiem p'Rah, and Lattora while Ravenne punching bags bobbed on the water or stood on the pool deck swaying in the breeze. She saw a lifeguard sitting in a high chair by the pool and went to her. Like the others in the pool, the lifeguard was blond and wore a blue bathing suit with the emblem of superpower on it.

"Is there any place to which I cannot go?" she asked the lifeguard.

"No," the lifeguard answered. Then she pointed.

Supergirl looked in the indicated direction and saw the forest surrounding the pool. Then she saw the leaves turn from green, her least favorite color, to red, orange, and yellow, an aetherially beautiful sight to a girl raised under a red sun.>

...her hands off the collar. "...-girl," Ravenne said, "you will obey my every command. This collar contains enough kryptonite to kill you very quickly. If you try to remove the collar, you will die. If you try to betray me, I will open the collar by remote control and you will die. If you show any disobedience, I will kill you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," Supergirl replied. She lowered her gaze in a show of submission. "It is what a disobedient slave deserves." She kept her eyes downcast so that she would not see the sneer on Rann Kaur's face and thus would not be tempted to punch the evil woman's face out the back of her head.

"Good," Ravenne said. "Now go to the balcony and wait there for Lattora to send her probe to watch you. Then you may go and build the Phantom Zone portal. Report back to me when you are done and do nothing else until I tell you."

"Yes, Mistress," Supergirl said. "I will obey you."

She went to stand on the balcony and waited for the little globe of ball lightning to appear. She stood with her hands clasped behind her back in an attitude of submission and she heard comments of approval from behind her. When she saw the probe come around the corner of the building and approach her, she levitated and swung her arms up over her head.

Again wind blew over her as she saw the land fall away from her. She pitched down into a thirty-degree climb and saw the probe pacing her a little ahead of her on her left. She flew over the forest that surrounded Ravenne's estate and then crossed the coastline. She saw wisps of fog glide slowly by beneath her, saw thin lines of whitecaps on the sea below. She rolled right, watched the seascape come around her almost to her right, and pitched and yawed herself through a climbing right turn. Paralleling the coast then, she leveled off at five thousand feet and accelerated.

She felt the air become rough, buffeting her, and from the corners of her eyes saw vapor flicker in and out of existence where her supersonic shock was forming. She gained just a little more speed and suddenly the air become smooth and hot. She accelerated harder, flying ever faster and then with a beatific smile on her face she looked over at Lattora's probe and blasted it with enough x-rays to ionize air to a distance of over a mile. She felt more than heard the bang that came from her ripping a hole in Feminax's atmosphere. In the same millisecond she reached behind her neck with all the finesse and impact of a major train wreck, pulled the collar apart, and in the same move flung it down. She felt an intense stinging permeate her body, felt her powers falter, then felt them restrengthen as the air moving past her, her supersonic slipstream, whipped the collar and its load of kryptonite out of range. The collar would fall into the sea where the water would corrode the kryptonite, destroying it forever.

She stooped, felt her cape slap hard against her back, and dove. Far below her, straight ahead of her, she saw white streaks move lazily across the deep-blue water. The streaks, lines of whitecaps whipped off the crests of waves by the prevailing wind, grew larger as she descended and they turned counterclockwise as she rolled right to set up her new flight path. She pitched up, coming out into level flight headed toward the coastline. She saw that the range of hills she had seen on the map now lay directly between her and Ravenne's estate. The men at NORAD had told her that she had the radar profile of a hummingbird, but she did not want to take the chance that Feminaxian radar could spot hummingbirds, so she flew low and put the hills between her and Ravenne's little fiefdom.

She looked toward Ravenne's estate, staring just so. The hills seemed to leap at her and turn transparent for her. The estate itself rushed at her and opened itself to her inspection. She found Ravenne, Rann Kaur, Tiem p'Rah, and Lattora where she had left them. They were speaking Feminagish, so lip reading told her nothing. But she could read their postures, their gestures, and their facial expressions. She saw the signs of disappointment and contempt, but none of panic or distress.

She couldn't help herself: she laughed and spun herself through a series of barrel rolls. "Ey-tovu shlik'talu bohoontanki k'nitho'shna!" she cried into the wind. "You spayed puffpigs are mine!" The insult ran all the deeper for her having used the hard genitive.

She relaxed and allowed the drag from her headwind to decelerate her into subsonic flight, enjoying the massage she got from the turbulence that buffeted her at the transonic transition. She cruised along the line of hills and soon came to Shangyakita, the city she had seen when she had first come to Feminax. She scanned the skyline until she found what she wanted and then she rolled to her right and sideslipped as she pitched down into a descent. With the city as much to her right as below her, she came down toward the large building that she had identified as a kind of military headquarters. She rolled back left, executed a forward half somersault, and landed feet first at the top of the steps leading up to the main entrance. It took her only a few moments to find someone who spoke kRell, the language of the Galactic Old Ones.


If the women of Feminax had used Earth time, it would have been about three in the morning. Silently squads of women in armor floated over Ravenne's estate, suspended from arrays of ropes, and were lowered to their assigned positions. For half an hour the squads came and occupied the estate. Then over a span of a few minutes the estate's security systems suffered catastrophic failure as, again and again, a pair of dainty hands gripped cables carrying megawatts of electricity and pulled them apart as if they were made of soft cheese. A radio signal went out and the attack began.

Inside the living quarters blindingly bright light and deafening sound filled every room. Jolted from a sound sleep, women went into shock, cowering in their beds or on the floor, with their hands clamped over their ears and their eyes clenched shut. Women in dazzling white armor went among them, applying handcuffs to bind their hands behind their backs and then putting ear covers and eye covers on them.

Inside Ravenne's mansion Supergirl ran at express-train speed. She went to Rann Kaur's apartment and opened the door by the simple expedient of ramming right through it. She saw that Rann Kaur had fled already, but that was not her concern.

She ran into Rann Kaur's bedroom and went to the cage. She gripped the lock on the door and simply crushed it so that she could swing the door open. Gently but firmly she lifted Kurreli up and put the ear covers and eye covers on her. Then she led the trembling woman out of the cage and sat her down on Rann Kaur's bed, sitting next to her and gently holding her and rubbing her back until the Dix'ma's troops had secured the estate.

Soon the noise faded to silence and the light gave way to darkness. The house lights came on and Supergirl took the eye and ear covers off Kurreli, then broke the ropes that bound her hands.

Kurreli looked at the broken ropes in Supergirl's hands and looked at Supergirl in awe. Shyly she reached up and squeezed Supergirl's biceps. On impish impulse Supergirl flexed her biceps so that Kurreli could feel soft muscle turn hard as steel. Seeing Supergirl's friendly smile, Kurreli slid her arms around Supergirl's shoulders, took Supergirl in an embrace, and kissed her tenderly on the lips. She spoke words that Supergirl did not understand and showed no sign of understanding when Supergirl spoke kRell to her. The Dix'ma came in just then and Supergirl took the opportunity to break free of Kurreli's hug.

"I think she's kinda glad to be free," Supergirl said sheepishly in kRell.

The Dix'ma spoke to Kurreli in Feminagish and then told Supergirl, "She is somewhat more than glad. You are a hero to her and she wants you to take her to bed and play with her."

"B...but," Supergirl stammered. "I...I...I can't do that.'s not right."

"It's right for her," the Dix'ma said. "And she will be deeply sad if you do not take your hero's reward from her."

Supergirl sighed. "Does everybody on this planet like me a little too much?" she muttered. Then to the Dix'ma she said, "All right. I'll take her to Ravenne's quarters. But she has to be on top."

The Dix'ma translated and Kurreli stared at Supergirl in open-mouthed, wide-eyed astonishment. Then she hugged Supergirl and cried on her shoulder.

When they first came to Ravenne's quarters they showered together. Both needed a bath and they took the opportunity to explore each other. Supergirl undressed in the bedroom and then shyly took Kurreli's hand and led her into the bathroom. In the shower they took turns soaping each other's bodies and Supergirl used her heat vision to apply gentle deep warmth to Kurreli's bruises in order to stimulate the extra blood flow that would hasten their healing. Astonished, Kurreli put her hand up to feel the warmth emanating from Supergirl's eyes.

With an impish grin Kurreli pointed to Supergirl's eyes and then to her crotch. Getting the idea, Supergirl knelt before Kurreli and, with water running down her back, gently warmed Kurreli's labia and clitoris. Kurreli gasped in pleasure and astonishment. Then Supergirl rubbed soap and gazed warmth onto Kurreli's legs. Kurreli moaned in pleasure.

When they had finished bathing and playing with each other, Supergirl gently pushed Kurreli out of the shower, closed the shower curtain, and shook her head at superspeed. The water flung from her hair by the violent shaking hit the shower curtain with a soft ripping sound. With her hair thus dried, she got out of the shower and she and Kurreli dried each other's bodies. Then Supergirl used her heat vision to warm Kurreli's hair as she blew air through it, turning herself into a living hair dryer. Finally she offered Kurreli Ravenne's shower cap and indicated that she should put it on.

Kurelli took the beret-style cap and looked it over. It had a purple rubber band and was made of soft, shiny-smooth, transparent-lilac plastic that had iridescent blue and yellow curlicues printed on it. Kurelli put it on, tucking loose strands of her purple hair into it, and then followed Supergirl back into the bedroom.

Supergirl prepared for bed by taking the nightie from its lead-lined box and draping it over a chair so that its radiation would suppress her superpower. Smiling coyly at Kurreli, she got into bed and lay on her back. Kurreli got into bed next to her and put a hand on her belly, stroking it and moving up to stroke her breasts. Supergirl felt her nipples swell and stiffen under Kurreli's touch and she felt her heart start to beat harder and faster.

Kurelli hesitated then, but Supergirl reached up and stroked her breasts, then slid her arms around her, pulled her down, and kissed her. Both women were panting now and Kurelli mounted Supergirl, sliding her right thigh between Supergirl's legs.

Supergirl felt Kurelli come down soft and hot on her and began letting out quavery squeals. She felt warm pressure build up in her crotch and felt her clitoris grow and slide forward in its sheath until it poked into the hot, rubbery flesh of Kurelli's thigh.

"Oh, Kurelli!" she half moaned, half sobbed.

Kurelli slid her arms around Supergirl, embraced her, and began to move, pushing her hips to and fro and sliding her own clitoris on Supergirl's right thigh. With each stroke she evoked another quavery squeal from Supergirl. She put her left cheek on Supergirl's and Supergirl felt the plastic of her shower cap warm on her face and grew even hotter. The two women's breathing took on an almost desperate urgency and Kurelli matched Supergirl's quavery squeals with tremulous moans of her own. They kissed each other on the neck and shoulders and Supergirl stroked Kurelli's biceps.

Then Supergirl felt something tickle her clitoris and she jerked. She bucked and writhed as she felt hot libido seem to gush from her clitoris in long, hard spurts and waves of warmth spread throughout her body. Kurelli climaxed a few seconds later and convulsed on Supergirl, her shudders and spasms only inflaming Supergirl the more. Supergirl's consciousness was completely dissolved in a pulsating cloud of sexual heat.

Then it was over. The passion-storm abated and the two women lay in mutual embrace breathing heavily. A moment later, one after the other, they gave each other an extra flash of heat from their post-coital blushes. And then they rested.

Sometime later, after resting a bit from their exertions, Supergirl and Kurelli got out of bed and got dressed. Because she had no clothes of her own, Kurelli put on some of Ravenne's clothes. Supergirl gave her a white pull-over blouse with elbow-length sleeves, a pair of white culottes, and a sleeveless overdress made of limp, skin-smooth transparent-blue plastic that had red and yellow flower patterns printed on it. Then, after Supergirl put the plastic nightie back into its leaded box and they shared a kiss, they came out of the bedroom to find the Dix'ma waiting for them.

"Only Ravenne and her three tsivozhi have not yet been captured," the Dix'ma said.

Supergirl looked at the walls around them and the walls became transparent for her. It didn't take her long to find the tunnel and its four hidden entrances. She traced it far enough to see whither it led.

"They went through that tunnel and out into the forest," she said to the Dix'ma. "I'll go get them."

The Dix'ma put a restraining hand on her shoulder. "Not a good idea," she said. "If they were to attack you with kryptonite, we would not be able to rescue you in time to save your life. Besides, they are not going anywhither we don't want them to go. My girls will have the forest surrounded by dawn and then the sappers will go in to locate and eliminate the booby-traps."

"How long will that take?" Supergirl asked.

"Perhaps a lanatish, perhaps a little less," the Dix'ma replied. "But we will see them before that much time goes by. They will get hungry and when they desire food deeply enough, they will come to us. Meanwhile, I believe we should let them suffer a little. Surely they deserve it?"

Supergirl agreed and made preparations to leave Feminax. She stayed in Ravenne's quarters for several more days, sleeping with a very happy Kurelli, and then she was told that a pilot had been found to take her home in the rocketship that had brought her to Feminax. Carrying two lead trunks, she boarded the ship and watched Feminax recede from view.


So what did happen to Ravenne and her three evil henchwomen? Did the Dix'ma underestimate them? Are they even now plotting revenge on Supergirl? Not bloody likely.

Their ears ringing, their vision compromised by thick galaxies of spots dancing before their bedazzled eyes, they quickly got separated from one another after they came out of their escape tunnel. They possessed in their minds such knowledge that they could each pass through the forest and avoid all of the booby-traps that protected the estate from intruders. But in their bewildered and sense-deprived state they got turned around and got lost. Four times the forest echoed with terrified shrieks that soon faded into ecstatic moans. A month later the sapper teams found four rotting bodies that each had a baby penis plant growing from its midsection.


In the wee hours of the morning the Alpha Lambda sorority house near the campus of Stanhope College is quiet and still. All of the women inside are sunk deep in a sound sleep, all but one. Linda Danvers only sleeps four hours a night and that much only because she is somewhat lazy.

The first night after her return from Feminax she got up out of bed at two in the morning, took off her wig and her pajamas, and brought some special items from a lead-lined box she kept behind a false wall at the rear of her closet. One of those items was a nightie made of limp, slick, transparent-white plastic that gave off a faint green glow. When she took it from the box she felt the world suddenly become dull and small. She became weak and vulnerable and that fact added to her special pleasure.

She brought the other items out into her room. She inflated her Pregnant Supergirl punching bag, the one that she had retrieved from Rann Kaur's quarters. Then she put on the plastic bridal veil the Tiem p'Rah had made for her and knelt before the bag. She placed a small hand towel under her and laid Rann Kaur's shower cap before her. With all of the green plastic she had seen during her stay on Feminax, she had been surprised to find that Rann Kaur's beret-style shower cap was made of transparent-white plastic that had little daisy-like flowers with red centers and pale turquoise petals printed on it. Finally she inflated the Supergirl pool pony that Ravenne had obtained for her at The Supergirl Shoppe and put Rann Kaur's shower cap on it. Then, having prepared herself, she indulged herself in what one of her friends called "rubbing Aladdin's lamp".

<She was naked but for the plastic bridal veil and she was standing in Ravenne's throne room again. Ravenne wore her green apron to weaken her and Tiem p'Rah and Lattora held her arms. She saw Rann Kaur standing by Ravenne's throne wearing her black plastic half slip and Tiem p'Rah's black plastic raincoat.>

Supergirl stroked herself to make herself hot. She ran her hands over her belly and her thighs, then rubbed her breasts until she felt her nipples swell and stiffen. She gazed up at the image of her pregnant body and at the apron the figure wore and she felt her heart begin to beat faster.

<"Bring the slavegirl to meet her mistress1" Ravenne commanded.

<Tiem p'Rah and Lattora dragged her forward, toward leering Rann Kaur. She was trembling with fear at what was about to be done to her. Her escorts compelled her to kneel before Rann Kaur, so close that she could feel the warmth radiating from the woman's plastic.

<"My own plastic punching bag, at last," Rann Kaur gloated.>

Supergirl spread her legs a bit more, tilted the pool pony up, and slid its butt end into her crotch. She embraced the toy, putting one arm under it and the other around its front end. She pressed her cheek against its head and Rann Kaur's shower cap and began to slide her cunnus on the now slick plastic.

<A purple light filled the room and a familiar voice commanded, "Don't move!" Everyone remained still and Supergirl knelt desperately wanting to touch Rann Kaur's soft, warm plastic. Then she saw Kurelli stride into her field of view. She saw Kurelli touch an ornately carved rod to the magnetic patch closest to the hem of Rann Kaur's borrowed raincoat, saw Rann Kaur jerk, and heard a loud whump. Where the rod had touched the raincoat a plastic valve stem and its aureole appeared. Rann Kaur had been turned into an inflated black plastic ellipsoidal bag that had the images of Rann Kaur's face and hands printed on it. The bag fell over backward and rocked on the floor.

<"We can play volleybop with her later," Kurelli said to her.

<Next Kurelli gave Ravenne a clear plastic raincape to put on and turned her into a big roly-poly inflated punching bag. Tiem p'Rah and Lattora, made to strip naked and put on their shower caps, were turned into pool ponies.

<"These are your toys now," Kurelli told her.>

Supergirl's clitoris was fully extended now and was rubbing against the plastic of the pool pony. She felt the toy's plastic press rubbery and pneumatic against the insides of her thighs, her belly, her crotch, making her hotter as she squeezed the toy rhythmically with thrusts of her hips.

<Kurelli handed her a Pert and Pretty™ Supergirl shower cap and told her to put it on. She took off her bridal veil, put on the shower cap, and smiled at Kurelli.

<"Are you going to take your hero's reward from me?" she asked as she stood up to confront her rescuer. She pushed her belly forward and displayed her extended clitoris.

<Kurelli responded by smiling at her and quickly touching the tip of her rod to Supergirl's neck. Supergirl felt something explode withing her and heard a loud whump. She knew immediately that Kurelli had turned her into an inflated plastic doll.

<"I won't let you get away from me again," Kurelli said as she took Supergirl in an embrace.>

Supergirl climaxed then over the thought of being Kurelli's inflated plastic prisoner, her soft blowup bedwarmer. She shuddered and writhed on her own inflated toy, panting with quivering breaths and letting out soft tremulous groans.

When she had finished, she used the hand towel to wipe her wetness off the pool pony, then deflated her toys and put everything away. She put her wig and pajamas back on, got back into bed, and settled down in the hope of enjoying a pleasant dream.


Epilogue: Dick Malvern's Good Fortune.

Rain fell lightly on the campus of Stanhope College and Linda Danvers was loving it. She was wearing her transparent-blue plastic raincoat over a soft, white, floral print dress and was luxuriating in the feel of the limp, skin-smooth plastic of the pixie-style hood rubbing against her cheeks. She liked rainy days because she could leave her raincoat draped over her chair in her room at the Alpha Lambda sorority house without anyone commenting on it and she could simply slip out of bed late at night and put it on her naked body to enjoy the feel of it and of the warm quivery feelings it aroused inside her.

She often fantasized during those sessions, daydreamed of wearing only her raincoat on her naked body on her wedding night. She hope-dreamed of marrying Dick Malvern, the young man she had known since she had first arrived at the Midvale orphanage in that long-ago summer of 1959. She knew that he liked her raincoat, though he had not said so: no, she knew because every time he saw her in it she heard his heart beat harder and faster, heard his breathing deepen slightly, and felt extra heat radiating off his body. Yes, she would wear nothing but her raincoat like a transparent-blue plastic negligee, come to him with a soft swish, and then, when she had got him good and hard, take off her brown wig to show him that he had actually married Supergirl. It would be the perfect ta-da moment and she got hot just thinking about it.

And that hot moment lasted only until she remembered that Dick Malvern (or any other Earthman, for that matter) would be just as well off throwing himself into a ten-ton stamping press as to surrender himself to Supergirl in the throes of passion. The knowledge that she would crush the man she loved like a paper cup always put a damper on her reveries. But this time nothing spoiled her fantasy because this time she knew that she would be wearing her special plastic nightie under her raincoat.

She felt her heart throbbing like the thunderdrums at k'Antor-knitsi. She struggled to keep the fire of her passion banked, didn't want it to flame up just yet. She wanted to get close enough to Dick that he could see her nipples swell and harden over him.

She imagined how he would gaze upon her with awe and lust and how he would reach out with trembling hands to touch her. She would reach out to him and pull him close; she would give him little moans of pleasure when he touched her in the right places in the right way; and she would touch him in ways that would enhance his excitement. Then she would take his hand and lead him into the bedroom, where she would stand by the bed ready to submit to his desire.

She imagined him taking her raincoat off her and gazing at her breasts, at their two-inch wide, brick-red aureoles and their nipples as big as the tip of his little finger. What they lacked in bulk they made up in character. She imagined commenting shyly on how small they were, how unsuitable to be squeezed and fondled.

"No," he would say, "these were made to be kissed." And he would kiss her right nipple. "Made to be caressed," he would add as he ran his right hand over her left breast. "Made to transform my touch into the pleasure that I yearn to give you," he would say as he took her into his embrace and pressed her breasts against his chest.

Very gently, and almost reluctantly, he would push her into bed and put the covers over her. He would go to his own side of the bed, drop his pants so that she could see what he had for her, then he would turn out the light and join her under the blankets. They would both scoot across the bed to come together in a fresh embrace and she would feel his erect penis press against her right thigh as he kissed her yet again. She would feel his hands exploring her special places, sliding over her skin, and she would grow ever hotter until she could stand it no more and begged him to mount her. As he stroked the insides of her thighs she would respond by spreading her legs apart, opening herself to him.

Soon she would feel his right leg sliding over hers, she would feel his body sliding on top of hers, pressing her into the bed firmly with his softness and warmth, and then she would feel his left leg slide over her right leg as he completed mounting her. He would lay his penis into her cunnus like a hot dog in a bun and kiss her again. Breathing heavily, he would push his penis against her clitoris, pressing it down and sliding over it, and she would go into a frenzy of passion. She would feel the pressure in her crotch rise to unbearable levels as if he were inflating her. She would be uttering quavery little squeals with his every motion.

Then he would penetrate her. She quivered to think of it, to imagine what he would do. He would put the tip of his penis onto the entrance to her vagina, then he would put his lips on hers and push his penis into her as he kissed her passionately. She would feel something stiff, yet rubbery soft, push into her, pushing the walls of her vagina apart, pressing the flesh upward against her clitoris, and inflating her with even more libido. Slowly at first and then faster, he would pull his penis partway out of her and then push it back in. Her tremulous moans would take on a tone of abject desperation as he raised her ever higher toward their mutual climax.

It would begin with a tickling in her clitoris. He would be ramming her in a frenzy as she shuddered and convulsed under him. She wondered whether she would actually feel him squirt his jizz into her, but thought that she might be so dissolved in her own orgasm that she would be oblivious to it. She would feel her tension release in long, hard spasms as long as he was moving and her reaction to him would keep him moving until he was exhausted.

"Oh, Linda!" he would cry breathlessly as he came to the end of his striving.

They would lie panting in mutual embrace, basking in the afterglow of their heat-storm. Like the offering of a body kiss, each of them would give the other a flash of warmth from their post-coital blush and then they would be finished. As he rested on top of her she would remind herself that, although sex with women could be good, this is what she truly craved.


Inspired in part by "The Planet of Outcasts" (Action Comics #322; Mar 1965) and its sequel "The Kryptonian Killer" (Action Comics #323; Apr 1965).

If you want to see an honest-to-Reality plastic negligee, go to, click on Boutique, then click on Lingerie/Funwear, and then click on Christina. Susie Boult doesn't look a lot like Supergirl, but close enough that you can use your imagination to good effect. - TdC.