

I write junk food stories. Soda pop and chips. If you want a real story; Thanksgiving meal with a twenty pound turkey and cranberry sauce that doesn’t come out of can with a disembodied slurp, and all the trimmings, you HAVE to check out superwomenmania once there check out the stories Paradise and Gravity these are by a writer who I have known by a couple of names now, but he also (and I really hope I am not being out of line here?!) has a blogspot called talesofanmazingirl as Scott Hillman. Again hope I did not just cross the streams of non-deplumes there and screw anything up!


This guy writes stories about super heroines that are real characters. Not the cardboard cookie cutter stuff I do. We are talking about emotional continuity complex in-depth drama with scope and scale and lingering viable consequences that have one screaming, “Et Tu Emily Bronte - then fall Caser” in answer to the “Heathcliff!” screeches from across the moors; and yeah violence and sex! So its all good.


I love the stuff I read here and elsewhere but this guy is Faulkner fucking Super Girl with a kryptonite strap on dildo good. If you ever wondered what a noble prize winning novelist would read like if he turned his hand to the super heroine pulps this is the guy for checking that out. This is the guy who should be writing all those super hero scripts that apparently they let hobos off the street stagger in and write and cast in Hollywood these days. Ben Stiller as The Batman?! Please I am going to yak Maddog twenty/twenty all over my clown shoes!


That said here is a quick Hexanna Halloween tale of pure calories and not an ounce of nutrients anywhere to be found! Thanks again to the indomitable Mr. X for the use of his incredible fun characters! Rook.




“It should be called the mirror of madness if you ask me,” The Face of Po -Tang, the small triangular flap the Brazilin sorceress Hexanna had come out of the smoky jungle engulfed unnamed ruins not many miles away from a small unpronounceable named mining town in Brazil wearing over her crotch many years ago as a pre-teen lass and which she still wore to this day over her groin spoke in a dead pan voice. The triangle face flap was all she wore over her otherwise naked heavily overgrown pubic mound and every time the face would speak and open its mouth it flashed the street full of passerby’s a full peepshow of the young woman’s suddenly exposed pussy.



Since the colonization by the Portages in the 1500’s of Brazil found the country was composed of mostly nomadic tribes fighting ceaseless boarder fluid wars with ritualized cannibalizing and sacrifices of captured warriors; these long hidden stone ruins remain a mystery to this day and none who have made the arduous trek to reach them and climb down into their subterranean maze of carved stone and mammoth mortar-less stone block twisting passages have ever returned alive other than Hexanna. So it seems just as likely they will go on being an unfathomable mystery unless Hexanna herself feels like elucidating upon the subject and so far she has not.



But what she had done was climb out of the ruins wearing the Face of Po - Tang and nothing else and clutching a skull to her suddenly inflated chest; which she spent the next several months adhering to a staff of the now extinct Brazil tree which the Portuguese named the country after.  This skull staff now housed all her powers as a sorceress; with the Face of Po - Tang making a somewhat invaluable if somewhat tiring companion of infinite knowledge of all things arcane and all things to be complained about.



“No one asked you Po,” Hexanna nodded at a man staring wildly at the shriveled up talking face covering or sort of covering her snatch or maybe he was staring at the her peek-a-booing exposed snatch its self whenever Po talked through his opening and closing mouth; it was hard for the young woman to tell. Still he stared and did not reply to her nod and Po went on talking.



“I hate Sundays. Why would any deity of any but questionable intelligence create such a thing? It’s like a minnie funeral once a week but without the open bar afterwards.” Po opened his usually squinted shut eyes and thus revealed even more of Hexanna’s pubic hair and stared hard at the man staring down at him. “Bugger off!” Po growled at the man who staggered back in sudden alarm into the street and almost into the passing traffic.



The street light changed and Hexanna crossed the street. “I wish you wouldn’t talk to people you always seem to upset them. And you almost got that man killed.”



“Serves him right, the perv! Why do you just let them stare at your body like that anyway, hum? What is  the point of lugging around that skull of that ancient black priest from Atlantis stuck on that stick if you aren’t going to blast nits like that with it!”



“The powers of magic are not meant to be used to blast men into bits just because they are behaving a bit rudely.” Hexanna swayed through the crowd her firm large double KK-cup breasts bouncing up and down like yo-yo’s in her tanned skin bra where her nipples poked hard upwards in joy against the taut leather cups while the always sour triangle Face of Po - Tang was sent helplessly dancing up and down flashing her clit and pussy lips as she sauntered rapidly through the crowds upon her full round hips and shapely long legs.



“Well, can’t you at least use it to give them a good poke with the sharp end?”



“I suppose in the future I could give them a good poke with the non-business end if they are behaving very badly indeed,” Hexanna smiled despite herself. “Now since you brought it up and we are nearing the house in question; what DO you know of the Mirror of Memories?”



“The Mirror of Memories a cheap magician’s stage prop dating from the courts of Abbasid Caliph Haroun al-Rashid 786 - 809 AD but probably brought as a gift to Yahya from China and latter appropriated by his son Ja’far. After the Barmakid’s falling out and Ja’far’s execution it vanishes in Bagdad until the Ottoman Turks come tongue ululating in smashing the City of Peace and putting down new pillows upon the ruble from which to lounge and smoke their hashish. The twentieth century saw them out and the Mirror suddenly reappears in the shops of Paris probably picked from a German pocket.”



Hexanna smiled and lowered her head in greeting to a wide eyed man in a hat who tired to smile back but only succeeded in letting a flood of drool cascade down his quivering chin where it dripped and splattered  upon his tie. But he did manage on his third try to get his hat off his head and ape a small bow but his eyes darted endlessly from her imposing ever jiggling rack with their puffy areolas and hard thumb thick nipples trying so desperately to slip out in sunrise crescents and say hello to the world, and her ever flashing beaver pelt and clit so glaringly on display through Po - Tang’s gregarious mouth.  When the light changed she smiled at him again and crossed the street; the man tried to follow but the sudden view of her naked ass cheeks (she only wore the Face of Po - Tang on her lower body and that was a triangular tanned skin which she had fastened at his brow to a slim thong that ran about her narrow waist, this left the entire rest of her lower body including her entire naked buttocks exposed.) the man froze in place dropping his hat and his jaw and a few seconds latter getting smacked and sent sprawling by a speeding car.



‘The Mirror of Memories seems to have been one of those cheap carnival tricks dreamed up clever if not talented frauds but somewhere upon its long way something twisted and stuck as is often the case when amateurs get in the mix. It passed through many hands after the Second World War but eventually found its way here!” Po - Tang stopped talking for a moment as Hexanna stood outside a large ornate four story red brick house surrounded by an iron gate and fence and small garden plots just off the heart of down town Delta City. “The Baxter House. The house, the family, and the Mirror, have long tragic and seedy histories. This should be a fun evening!”




The butler showed her in through the highly polished white front double doors and with shaking hands closed the study room door behind her pert exposed backside after politely asking her to please wait.



“We are early. It’s those long legs of yours. You have a stride that would tire out a quarter horse!” The Face of Po - Tang eyed the rows of books and snorted. “You notice they have managed to put us in a room with absolutely not a hint of liquor in it!”



“Shush now Po! Do you feel that? A cold chill just passed through this room,” Hexanna moved about the room slowly holding her staff before her as one might a dowsing rod.



“This may come as a shock to you but considering your attire or more appropriately the lack there of; one would think you would come to expect certain chills now and then. Hmmmmm,” The sour face seemed to furl and unfurl.



“What is it?”



“Don’t know? But your right something is walking between the planes in this house. Better keep on our guard!” The face fell dramatically silent and still as the door suddenly opened and in entered one of the evenings hosts.



“Ah there you are Rivers said you had arrived! It is so good to finally meet the legendary Hexanna!” The Face of Po -Tang blew a raspberry and the man in the white sports coat startled as he shook the young girls hands before recovering himself and clearing his throat. “Ah, yes well we have been setting up the room all day and its almost ready. The rest of the guests will be arriving soon but instead of having you wait for them in the dull old parlor I thought you might want to check out some of these relics in these cases here! Some are quiet old and a few are even my own finds from digs in the India valleys. Now here we have -”



The door to the downstairs study opened a crack and an older woman poked in her head. “Oh sorry Robert I didn’t know the guests were arriving so early. Sorry to intrude but we are having an awful bother with the heavy couches in the upstairs room and you know Rivers is so old and would you be a dear? You won’t miss him if I barrow him for just a second will you? Wonderful!” The head disappeared back out the partially opened door and Robert sighed and then shrugged and smiled and left closing the door behind him.



“What a bore!” The Face of Po - Tang droned.



“Oh he seemed a nice man. The first man I have met in years who did not even once look at my breasts but straight into my eyes the whole time he was talking!” Hexanna hummed as she peered into the small glass display cases that shouldered amongst the book cases along the small rooms walls.



“Exactly! The man is a cad and not to be trusted!” The Face of Po wrinkled its brow which was as close as it could get to a definitive nod of assertion.



“Hmmm, what do you make of this Po? It looks Persian to me? Maybe post Alexander Greek influence?” Hexanna opened a case and picked up a small long jagged stone fetish of black igneous rock.



“The Tooth of Set. Misnamed of course. It is in fact the tip of a horn from an idol of a Babylonian ram statue that was appropriated and brought to Alexandra post demise. The statue was one of a pair later taken to Egypt where it was destroyed in the fires set by Caesar that destroyed the great library. The tip of the horn was latter found and mistaken as an appendage of a statue of Set also destroyed in the same fire. It has some significance in that in the late Victorian era Harry Price mentions it, as the Tooth of Set of course, and says some crazy spiritualist Hallow Earth splinter group parted from the Theosophists and no doubt hopped up on Absinthe started using it to flay the ‘chosen’ of the slums full of homeless waifs and street urchins and you name it in some abandoned tunnels built in roman pre-Boudicca times! Charged the thing up with some intense black magic. It has lain dormant in the White Hall basements for over a century.”



“What on Earth is it doing here?!” Hexanna turned the item over and over in her hand before placing it back down in its case with a shudder of disgust.



“Your guess is as good as mine but the Baxter family and the Price family who married into it and inherited this house both have long histories of sticky fingers. Not uncommon for archeologists but still this group dabbles in relics already found and soon re-lost as they do with unearthing them their selves.” 



“This recent Mister Price seems to have also gained an unhealthy taste for the occult and the macabre,” Hexanna eyed more and more of the various displayed items and yanked her head away with a sneer. “Almost everyone of these items has some taint of the dark arts to it! How rare it is to see such a gathering of mystical relics and not find a mix of good and black magic. It’s as if this Roberts has willingly massed a collection of the perverted arts!”



“Still there is nothing here of any true power to be feared. He has managed to gather himself a rather nice hood ornament collection of occult bric-a-brac but not a single item of any alarm.” The Face of Po - Tang wrinkled up its flat boneless nose and wiggled it as if it were about to sneeze.



“The Mirror of Memories is not mere bric-a-brac!” Hexanna growled, “and from these displays I have serious qualms as to this man’s purchasing or acquiring such a thing!”




“The Mirror of Memories ladies and gentle men!” Robert Price a youthful looking man in his late forties yanked the drop cloth off the display stand to the audiences appropriate applause. He beamed as the crowd closed in around the item upon its velvet cushion as Robert excitedly started talking about its most recent history. “The Mirror as many of you may well known has a rather unseemly history. It has been the rumored demise of over a dozen previous owners. All who perished under the most bizarre and strange circumstances. The Mirror its self is said to possess the unearthly power to show anyone brave enough to stare long into its gauzy surface lost forgotten memories and some say these can also be from past lives!”



Chuckles amongst the tuxedoed men and evening gown women erupted lightly as Robert joined them with a large beaming smile and motioned everyone to take a closer look at the strange item. One of these he motioned to was Hexanna who nodding and smiling at the bowing men and ignoring the jealous snubs from the rest of the women present took her turn to admire the Mirror in its showcase center position upon its velvet draped easel. The large upstairs room had been obviously rearranged for the display of Robert’s latest acquisition and the couches and furniture had been moved back or brought in from other rooms so that everyone could sit at the fringes and chat as they took turns eyeing the Mirror and daring each other to look deep into its smoky glass. As the servants busied themselves with trays of drinks and larger trays of finger foods despite the large dinner they had all just had downstairs moving about the guests like bees in garden grove.



Hexanna took a long look at the fabled Mirror. It was obviously ancient. Once made of burnished bronze the item now had a heavy green and white patina upon it and though a hand mirror it was without handle just a large circle of greened bronze with a milky slightly distorted reflecting glass set in its center. It looked heavy and probably was. The metal work was an elaborate work of cast relief’s  and brazed attachments but it had been weathered by centuries passing so it looked as nothing more than layers of scales anymore with many of the scales missing. Most of the embellishments having been rubbed away or stunted or chewed off by the maw of time. It looked terribly worn and even after a long pondering Hexanna could not place its date.



The biggest stumbling block to guessing its age was the central mirror its self for it seemed not to be polished metal but a clear glass set upon a silvered and black backing such as many of the more modern mirror compositions may still be found to be constructed along similar lines. But clear glass was something that did not become a common place item until hundreds if not a thousand years after this items supposed creation. True Egyptians had been making colored glass around the time of the Mirrors guessed at birth but it seemed unlikely that technique could have created such an isolated case of a clear glass mirror.



Another odd thing was the glass of the Mirror though fogged by time was not cracked in the slightest. It seemed strange that so ancient and careworn an item to such a degree as to wear away much of its metal embellishments would at the same time leave its crystal glass so free of cracks? Hexanna wondered if the glass was a latter addition replacing the polished and no doubt time spotted unusable metal reflecting surface. But if so the addition must have been done a long time ago for the brittle metal could not have survived such an operation in the past few hundred years without showing the signs.



Hexanna was at a loss. But despite her being unable to mark its moment of arrival or makers hands there was no doubt to its intense and evil presence of power. The thing seemed almost to crackle with the dark fires of the abyss and the young sorceress made certain to never once gaze directly upon the center glass that pulled and tugged incessantly at the corners of her cautious eyes!



“What did you make of it Po?” Whispered Hexanna in a low voice as she smiled and thanked the butler who had held her staff while she had approached and made her survey of the Mirror; it was never wise to bring two powerful things of magic into close proximity to one another!


“That’s a bad one miss.” The Face of Po - Tang had become a hopeless addict of the BBC television show Downtown Abbey and Hexanna often found the triangle swath of the skinned tanned face up late draped over the couch seat watching it on re-runs and practicing its horribly bad British accent when it had assumed she had gone off to bed.



“It gets worse. Mister Robert Price and his lovely wife plan on some kind of séance with a medium and the mirror after the more practical party favors are enacted tonight.” Hexanna frowned to herself.



“Dinner and a show! What a noble host! By practical I hope you are eluding to booze as I am rather parched.” The Face of Po - Tang monotone droned. 




“No I am referring to billiards and cards and perhaps some light hearted charades.” Hexanna took her staff and left the upstairs room and proceeded past the stone but red faced butler who was desperately trying not to stare at her groin as the exertion to prevent himself from doing this caused beads of perspiration to pop out on his forehead.



“His wife is not so young as he is.” The Face of Po - Tang snarled in bored thought of charades being so twistedly construed as being considered entertainment rather than some primitive elaborate form of torture devised of the stupid and insipid to be enacted upon the clever and charismatic rendered helpless by polite manners.



Hexanna who was walking rapidly down the main central staircase that swan necked ended before the front entrance doors stopped suddenly. “How old would you say she is?”



“Oh a good ten or fifteen years older than him,” the Face of Po - Tang sighed as if he was about to nod off into sleep. Charades or just the thought of charades put him to sleep as rapidly and effectively as a chloroform sandwich popped Hexanna off.



“I had not really noticed. Come to think of it she keeps away from her guests and scarcely shows herself in that flowing white gown of hers for more than a few minutes at a time before rushing off again. I wonder why?” Hexanna looked back up the large staircase to where the double doors to the room at its head where open and the sound of the milling guests could easily be heard.



“I thought she kept saying it was because she was part of the ‘show’ and had to keep disappearing to confab with the medium. Some big surprise I guess there as they have not yet introduced this medium of theirs.” The Face swayed this way and that jerking back suddenly to center looking just like a man nodding off on a long train ride, providing the man in question did not possess a neck or shoulders.



“Yes,” Hexanna continued with increasing gait down the stairs again. “I wonder who this medium of theirs is? Funny they did not join us for dinner?” Hexanna reached the bottom of the staircase and quickly entered the dinning room.




The lesser forms of entertainment ran until the witching hour approached. As midnight neared the various Halloween madcap gave way to a slow but steady migration to the upper large room where the Mirror had been unveiled earlier that evening. The room had been once again transformed with the central easel being withdrawn and several tables having been brought and pressed together so the dozen guests could comfortably be seated in hand holding reach to one another. In the center of the long rectangle effected by the pressed together tables the mirror sat still on its velvet cushion but now upon its back so that it looked up toward the ceiling.



The expectant crowd were told that the medium would with Amelia Price assistance try to summon up ghosts out of the Mirror which Robert Price and the medium were confident had become attached if not trapped inside by the things long hideous history.



Hexanna was not there. While the others had indulged in their simple pleasures she had found the kitchen staff and servants and questioned them at length about the house and its current occupants. She then had found her host Robert Price and explained to him that it being Halloween Eve she and her powers were required elsewhere but that she had enjoyed the dinner and companionship and thanked him for letting him see his newest acquisition. Robert was disappointed of course but she went on to hint that a sorceress of her power in presence at a séance could have unexpected results. And with that she had taken her leave.



So while the guests had busied themselves with various frivolities and the occasional ghost story Hexanna had been busy casting spells and dealing with real ghosts from the unveiling at six pm until well past the witching hour.



“That last breach in the cosmic either and the horde it unleashed was most tiring! But I think we have kept the world safe from the threats of spiritual meld for another all hallows eve!” Hexanna clasped her head and leaned heavily on her staff. She had lost her top and was covered from head to foot in slimy phantasmagorical spunk!



“I wonder how the Price séance went over at the old Baxter House? That house has seen a lot of questionable deeds over the last century and that mirror they are tampering with could easily be perverted into a doorway between realms.” The Face of Po - Tang was wiping spunk from one part of its triangular face to another in a vain attempt to get clean.



“I hope they are alright! I did not relish the idea of leaving them but once I found out from the servants that the medium was none other than the charlatan Molanbay I felt the greatest possible evil was unlikely to occur.” Hexanna cast a cleansing spell and the inter-dimensional gunk was evaporated off her and Po.



“The second rate snake oil salesman?! Humph! Sort of makes you wonder why someone with Roberts apparent knowledge would bring such a well known hack into his house for his great dinner party.” Po purred at the cleansing spells effects and almost smiled before he caught himself and returned to his normal sour grieved disposition.



“Was Roberts so well versed in the arcane arts I thought him to be a dabbler, a collector and nothing more?” Hexanna realized for the first time in hours that she had been topped and wondered how long she had been racing around the city with her mammoth mammary on full display. She snapped her fingers and a new top appeared.



“You saw his study. Walls of books on arcane lore and spells and several books of shadows. I have not seen such a collection since my days with the Spanish Inquisition. And all of them well worn and full of bookmark strips and pages of handwritten notes. Personally I thought he was trying to show off to you. Maybe he has a crush on you?” The Face of Po - Tang yawned showing Hexanna’s entire naked pussy.



Hexanna blushed, “the man is married Po! Hmmm, I had not really looked at the books I was more interested in his artifact collection. Perhaps we should have spent more time in that library.”



“You know you are running out of tops again. You really should be more careful. To replenish your supply means another jaunt to the realm of the Shadow Lords to hunt the multi-dick demons of the Fell Oasis. You ALWAYS get repeatedly raped there and I have no desire to see so many cocks again.” The Face of Po - Tang sighed.



Hexanna blushed again. “Is it my fault that everything on these cursed plains desires to see my boobies?! Or that only the tanned skins of the Fell grant magical protection to the wearer. What would you have me do go around in a full suit of grrimore armor?! You know how much that stuff weighs? And costs! The skins of the Fell provide just as much protection and I can craft and enchant them my self!”



“Just saying. I gotta stare at nothing but huge cocks reaming your holes for hours and hour and hours on end while you scream out the entire musical score of The Sound of Music. And usually off key.” The Face of Po - Tang started to hum ‘the hills are alive with music.’



“Shut up Po. Someone approaches.” True enough the carved ravens above Hexanna’s shop door opened their beaks and cawed. A few seconds latter a loud knock came from the same door followed by another.



“We’re closed!” the Face of Po - Tang groaned as Hexanna hushed him and moved toward the door.



A large glass orb above the door upon which one of the carved ravens sat glowed and in it an image of a police man could be seen standing in a downpour of rain.



“Cheezit! The fuzz! Better hide the good stuff!” The Face of Po - Tang muttered.



“Quiet you fool,” Hexanna chided the skinned face and waved her hand thus unbolting and opening the door in a single smooth motion.



On the other side of it the uniformed police man startled back and then touched the brim of his plastic rain shielded cap. “Ma’am sorry to disturb you at this hour of the night but captain Riggs sent me to see if you would be willing to meet him at the Baxter House.”



“The Baxter House! Why? Is something wrong?!” It was Hexanna’s turn to flinch back now.



“It would be easier to have you come and talk to the captain ma’am than having me try and explain it all,” the sergeant was half hunched over in obvious discomfort in the cold pouring rain.



“I will leave at once!” Hexanna’s skull staff shot across the room into her hands and the door slammed shut and bolted as she vanished in a flash of light and a swirl of smoke!




In the same instant Hexanna appeared in the downstairs hallway with the closed front door at her back and the large staircase in front of her. She quickly made her way up the staircase where a dozen police officers and forensic men milled about talking in low voices amidst the hard snap of cameras winking their cyclopean eye.



The men parted at her approach and all began to instantly stare at her jiggling heaving breasts. She glanced down to make sure she had indeed remembered to put on a top and then smiled at Captain Riggs as he approached her with hand extended. They shook hands which required her to shift her staff to her left hand and the handshake sent her boobs jiggling into a tizzy that continued long after the handshake stopped. She shifted her staff back into her right hand and spoke, “Well captain what seems to be the matter. You only seem to call me in when you suspect super natural happenings and this being the lees of all hallow eve I can only surmise that something paranormal has indeed occurred.”



“Yes, Hexanna thanks for coming out on such a dreadful night and at such a time. There appears to have been some kind of séance held her as part of the festivities of the evening involving some kind of mirror device supposed to be ancient. There dose not seem to be much about the party or the séance that seems problematic. But latter after the party was over and the guests had left a Miss Margery Melons, an exotic dancer who had been invited to the party as a guest was invited to stay the night rather than walk home in the rain. The young woman had a bit too much champagne and accepted the offer. Around four am the entire household was awakened to the screams of this woman.”


The captain lead Hexanna away from the large room and down one of the hallways past detectives and plain clothes men leading her to the guest bedroom which was in a disarray but otherwise empty. “Miss Melons is now at Saint Mercy hospital. You see she awoke to find, er, breasts missing?”



“What?!” Hexanna frowned.



“Invasion of the Booby Snatchers!” The Face of Po - Tang whined in a snide nasal tone and giggled.



“Right, Po” the captain had worked with Hexanna on many occasions and being a married man with seven daughters he lived in a house of naked women so he could actually hold a conversation with Hexanna without seeming to notice her bountiful assets or find anything about the sorceress, even the Face of Po - Tang, to be unsettling anymore. “The were not removed by medical means. The young lady as you may guess from her stage name was endowed with a full firm pair of natural double GG-cups when she went to bed early this morning and when she woke an hour or two latter she was as flat chested as the preverbal two by four! You can understand the girl was in quiet a state of shock so we had to send her to the hospital for sedation and tests but other than her breasts having been somehow removed from her body leaving her utterly flat chested there seems to be no physical harm done to the girl. I understand from Mister Price you were here earlier in the evening but left before the séance. I was hoping you might be able to shed some light upon this matter?”




“This is most strange? And the Mirror of Memories?” Hexanna frowned at the room and then looked suddenly alarmed at the thought of the mirror.



“Gone. Stolen. Or at least none of the Price house hold or any of my men have been able to find it in the house or on the grounds. It appears to have vanished,” Riggs rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “I hate these spook cases. I would sure appreciate any help you can give me on this one Hexanna. The Mayor and his wife were here at that party last night and I am sure I will be returning to my office with the phone ringing off the hook this morning.”



“I will do all I can! For this Mirror must be found!” Hexanna nodded sharply and began to wave her staff over the room with her eyes closed as the captain left her to it and returned to his men. After a short time she lowered the staff and opened her eyes. “I can feel no evil prescience in this room. But the air is still burnt from a powerful spell that was cast. And the aura of the Mirror was here too.”



“Maybe we should start calling it the Mirror of Mammary?” The Face of Po - Tang glowered. He did not like magic that was badly used and this smelt to him of very sloppy magic indeed.



“I remember the girl vaguely from the party guests. I sensed she was a low level Aphrodite active gene. That would explain her incredibly beautiful looks and imposing body but I doubt she was aware of her awakened gene and may never have experienced any powers. I wonder why the Price’s would invite a stripper as a guest to their party where people such as the Mayor were included as well?” Hexanna began looking in the closet and checking the closed and locked windows in the bedroom.



“She was the kid with the great rack and nice shitter, right? Yeah definite low levels of awakened gene activities as well as heightened pheromone discharge radiating out of her. As far as why she was here I am guessing window dressing. I mean all the rest of the lot were prune faced old gussets!” The Face of Po - Tang chewed at his lower lip as he looked down at the bed sheet in the middle of the room. “So did she wake up and start screaming in her bed or did she get up and make it to the middle of the room before she noticed she could wear a slip and had no need for a bra anymore and started wailing?”



Hexanna looked down at the bed sheet and then pointed her staff at it. “She had this on her or near her when the spell was discharged at her. Can’t make out the spell though? No residual incantations and no signs of sigils anywhere. Must have been a housed matrix like my staff. It had to be the Mirror!”



“Whoa, whoa this house if full of doohickeys and thing-a-ma-jigs that go bump in the night. Just because the Mirror is missing dose not mean its what was used to do this to the girl. I mean why? Why steal some girls tits?”



“For their power, Po. The breast of an Aphrodite gene woman is pure power.” Hexanna left the room and started down the hallway.



“Well it’s a good thing you left when you did because that rack of yours is the freaking Hoover Damn of power!” The Face of Po - Tang chuckled.



Hexanna stopped up short caught up in sudden thought and then proceeded up to the nearest police man, “Can you tell me where I can find Mr. and Mrs. Price?”




As far as I can tell the only thing missing is the Mirror of Memories,” Robert Price walked around his small study looking at the cabinets and running his hand through his short sandy hair.



“That and that poor girl’s rack!” The Face of Po - Tang muttered.



Robert looked up suddenly frowning at Hexanna and then looked around the room before he cleared his throat, “yes of course you are right. As you say, Hexanna, poor girl. I can not understand how that happened. I am certain there is nothing in this house capable of such an assault!”



“I believe I have some idea of how this may have occurred.” Hexanna gave the disheveled man a hard look. “I believe your missing mirror might be responsible.”



“But how could it?! It only shows the memories of one how looks into it! And then only randomly and rarely does it do that! Even our medium at hour séance could not get any spirits to rise out from the mirror.”



“As you well knew he could not.” Hexanna glowered at the man who frowned back at her and took a step back before pulling himself up to his full height of six foot one.



“What EXCATLY are you trying to imply here?” The man eyed her with a mix of caution and malice.



“Who was it that decided to invite me to this party of yours? Was it your wife?” Hexanna eyed the man with narrowed eyes and then widened them with a sneer. “I thought so. You seemed far too nervous with my being here to have willfully desired my company. It was your wife that insisted you invite me. She must have been very disappointed I left so soon. Before your little séance trap could commence.”



The lights in the house suddenly went off leaving only Hexanna’s skull staff with its glowing eyes as the only source of illumination. The door to the study opened slowly and a white cloaked figure slowly slipped into the room. With the opening of the door one could hear the distant muffled echo and thud of the police talking excitedly in the darkened house and bumping into each other and knocking over anything not nailed down.



“Kill two birds with one stone. Was that it Mrs. Price? Get rid of the one person who could understand your crime as well as be your first victim!” Hexanna lowered her staff and pointed it at the cowed figure that continued to move slowly toward her. Suddenly the figured raised its head and where a face should have been there was the Mirror of Memories!



Hexanna immediately reversed her staff and jabbed its butt end into the middle of the clocked figure causing it to double over  and stagger and then she brought it down sharply on the back of the robbed figure knocking it senseless to the ground!



The police rushed in with captain Riggs at their lead. He had a flash light in one hand and a handgun in the other and he looked first at Hexanna and then Robert and then the splayed unconscious figure on the floor of Roberts wife, Angela Baxter-Price who held in one hand the Mirror of Memories.




Captain Riggs carefully turned the Mirror over in his hands in the main hallway of the now well lighted Baxter House. “I am not sure I follow all of this Hexanna could you explain it one more time? I mean I understand the Prices are behind what happened to the Melon girl and I understand that the Price woman had turned off the main breaker to the house in order to plunge it into darkness and attack you in her white shroud get up with this Mirror but -”



Hexanna smiled. She took the Mirror and turned over where on the back side opposite of the smoky round pane of glass was a metal face of an ugly woman with her eyes shut and mouth open in a terrible mask of hate or fear. “You hold it up like this,” Hexanna held up the mirror before her face being careful to point the glass away from the captain. “With the bronze metal mask toward your face. And if a young beautiful person looks in on the other side of the glass while you hold it thus; the eyes of the bronze image will open and their youth, their beauty, or their power will be sucked out of them and placed inside of you. Mrs. Price was in her mid-fifties her looks fading fast. She knew the real magic of the Mirror of Memories and she used her money and her husbands occult connections to get her hands on it. She invited me to the party hoping to use a fraud medium who could not possible conjure up any kind of real situation so could slip out in her white shroud costume with the mirror held over her face and attack me with it. But I had already left so she waited until that poor girl Melons had drunkenly fallen asleep and entered her room and used the mask on her!”



Hexanna returned the mask to the captain who promptly slipped it into a black plastic bag. Hexanna continued speaking, “Mrs. Price had hopped to rob me of my youth and powers and to have done it in such a public way as to have the summoned spirit of the mirror to take the blame. She would thus have gotten rid of me as the only threat to figuring out what she had done while also gaining all my powers and beauty. When I left the party early to tend to my Halloween duties as protector of the city. Mrs. Price used her backup plan of at least robbing the youth and beauty of the unfortunate girl she had insisted her husband befriend and invite to their house for the party. I have already used the mirror and a spell or two to return Ms. Melons’ her missing breasts and her captured youth. Having reclaimed them from the incarcerated Mrs. Price! Of course when I returned to the house at your bequest she thought she could still win the day by using the mirror upon me. She turned out the lights and donned her disguise and thought to startle or frighten me into using my staffs power on her. The mirror would have naturally turned that magical staff attack reflected back against me and I would have been rendered incapacitated while she worked the mirrors magic absorption upon me gaining my powers and youth! However I remembered something a friend had said earlier that day about using the non-business end of my staff and giving someone a really good poke! And so I did! Ha-ha!”



“Well the whole thing is still a bit barmy to me but if you say the mirror is the weapon and that the Price’s are the attackers and the hospital tells me you did indeed use this gizmo to heal the girl then as far as I am concerned this case is solved. Even if I am not sure I quiet understand it. Thanks again Hexanna it’s always a pleasure working with you. Oh and happy belated Halloween! You too Po!”



Po yawned in reply giving everyone in the room a good long look at the proud beaming faced teens naked snatch.



<the end>
