
RAZORMANE CASTLE started out from an email exchange with Mr. X. I was going on and on about how I thought his knockout rape maze idea in the Captain Knock Out short comic over at Danger Babe Central was so utterly cool and I decided to steel the idea yet again for a story called, RAPEMAZE CASTLE. I typed up a fast page and a half to get the opening down and then went on to other more pressing matters of the day/night. Another night a week or so latter I returned to the story changed its name from RAPEMAZE CASTLE to RAZORMANE CASTLE and finished it. That’s how we roll, baby. Rook.



 From amidst the dark knot of thick hairy roots a persistent clang erupted. It echoed dully with rhythmic muffled shrill pings as showers of dirt hissed down at its flat sharp echo. The knocking continued until with a wrenching grinding a rusted heavy pitted metal grill flew out of the dark tangle of roots and summersaulted to the stone flagging floor below. The pealing gold foil grill gleamed upon the mossy puddled stone floor as more showers of dirt fell down upon it.

Slowly from the stygian darkness of the roots a small white shape emerged. It was a leg, and then another leg, then an arm, then a short shriek as the emerging young girl fell abruptly. Her fall suddenly halted by a further tangle of roots. The young girl breathed a sigh of relief. But then found herself stuck in the web of dirt clod clinging roots and she grew increasingly angry as she struggled to free herself. Exhausted and exasperated she gave up struggling and sighed. Just then the knot of roots confining her snapped and she plummeted to the stone floor landing hard upon her butt with a teeth jarring smack.

“Owe!” the young girl reached behind her and rubbed her smarting rear while looking around at her surroundings. She was in a very dark tunnel or hallway. The floor ceiling and walls were covered in rough stone blocks that sagged and buckled and were covered in miter, moss, and dark icy pools of shallow water. The only light came from a nearby lone rusted bronze cylinder whose ancient dust covered cracked glass gave off an eerie faint blue light. Next to the leaning short cylinder of weak light lay piles of stone working tools and a cart of flat stone blocks and a stack of iron capped wood support braces. More carts and a mason’s trough and trowel and puddler’s rake and pick axes and shovels lay at the edge of shadows.

The young girl got up and looked past the heavy water fall of dark roots behind her, there the passage quickly narrowed into a crevasse of raw earth and rock. She turned back toward the finished passage and giving her still smarting backside one last rub, took a step forward into the ankle deep icy water and cringed. “Well at least I did not land in a puddle,” instantly a shower of dirt rained down on her head leaving her blinking and spitting.


The young girl crept along the dark passageway in a ring of orange-yellow light. The light came from the severed head of a large cat. The cat’s head was smiling with very large eyes and the light spilled out from its open mouth smile and its wide unblinking eyes. A leash led from the cats collared sewn neck to a wrist band hung on the young girl’s right wrist. The cat’s head slowly danced around like a balloon and bobbed this way and that casting its odd light like a floating cloud of mute dazzling random sunrays.

“Hmm, this is a little bit worse than I thought,” the young girl peered about her at yet another junction of intersecting stone corridors. “Maybe I should have traded for that little man’s map after all, but he was asking an awful lot for such a little map, and a girl has to be careful these days about who or what she puts in her body.” The young girl nodded vigorously at this good advice and replaced her finger in her wet mouth as she decided what passage to take. “Goodness but there’s so many twists and turns and branching offs and such.”

The girl decided to continue heading straight ahead as that is what she had done at the last six such junctions and soon found herself entering a wider longer stone hallway of much more solid construction with stone arch supports instead of sagging wooden ones and with less icy icky slimy puddles upon the floor.

This wider taller passage soon had a wall scone of bronze metal and glass which gave off a dim blue light that blushed the surrounding area with its hue. These large glowing glass cylinders soon became common enough posted at irregular intervals along the passage walls casting their dim glow so one could more or less make out vague shapes and general direction. Her own stripped large floating cat head gave off much more light and of a much brighter nature but she could still see the dim blue flickering cylinders in the distance of each long passageway and it helped her judge the length and breadth of possible routes where before there was only her small hemisphere of light and darkness, so she was glad for that.

Soon after the first wall cylinder of light she came across her first staircase, these too like the lights soon became common enough. In fact, the staircases increased their frequency at an almost exponential degree which sadly the wall lights did not match. The first staircase she came across led down. It was little more than a rectangular hole in the stone floor that had several dozen stone steps leading down into the darkness. The angle and pitch of the stone steps was sharp and there was not any kind of handrail to help with the descent. Steady trickles of water issued out of cracks in the stone walls of the sides of the stairwell and she paused for quite a while at the lip of the staircases abyss eyeing both it and the passageway that lead on past it with her finger in her mouth.

“I guess one should head down, as I have heard it often said that sometimes one must go back to go forward and so to go down may indeed led one back up to the surface?” She nodded again at her advice but not so vigorously this time and the dead floating cat head could offer no hint of an opinion as it only winked at her as it always did when she looked directly at its wide smiling face.

So the young girl headed down into the pit of the stairwell with teeth clenched and lips wide against the unsure footing and the steep descent of the wet slimy stairs.


The staircase descended a surprising ways. It sunk deep into the earth abruptly turning sharply this way and that until it finally bled out upon a short stone walk way that ran along the wall of a large square room. This was the first truly open space she had seen since she had entered the tunnels of hallways and she breathed a bit of a sigh against the constant fear of being leapt upon in the close confines of the dark passages that had led to it.

Still the room was not overtly large. In fact, it was little more than a giant’s broom closet in size, about twenty feet long and wide but the ceiling was high almost double that of the other dimensions and the construction looked sturdy and the walls were rimmed with seven of those blue light cylinders though only three seemed to be working. Still, after the claustrophobic confines of the passageways and the even narrower inky shaft of the stairwell it seemed a very open place and she decided to pause and rest upon the upper platform before venturing further.

Despite being deeper into the earth the air appeared to be less musty and fresher than the upper passage had been and she noted that two large metal vents with slow moving fans set in the right and left wall opposite of one another steadily pushing the air around.

The girl gave the room a quick once over from her perch and found it empty of any potential malice or harm and carefully sat down on the lip of the parapet dangling her legs and rested. She had traveled a very long ways in a very short period of time and she was feeling a bit sleepy but she was not certain that this place was a proper place to make camp for the night. It appeared safe, but… there was the open stairwell to her right that she had just come down and it sat there inky black and threatening to let anything at all wander upon her while she slumbered. And there was the room below her, true she was almost twenty feet off the floor below but there was a stone staircase leading down to the floor that began at the far edge of the parapet opposite of the open staircase that angled back across the front of the drop until it reached the floor back at the side of the above staircase. That meant there were two avenues of approach that could let someone or something sneak up on her while she slept. For in the center of the far wall of the lower room directly across from her was an open stone arch portal that was filled with inky blackness and could lead anywhere or house anything. She had not explored it and so to rest here was very dangerous. And yet she was suddenly very tired after sitting down to rest a bit and there was a good likelihood that the portal would lead only to more hallways and tunnels and stairs and yes she was suddenly very tired indeed and she raised up her arms and yawned.

“It would be the height of folly to rest here and yet I can go not a step further!” The girl eyed the far corner of the platform she was on. It was as far away from the open staircase portal that she had come down as one could get but it put her only a few feet away from where the stone railing-less staircase leading up from the room below rose up to join the platform. Still she was very sleepy now and she just had to sleep for a little while at least.

She was left handed so she left the balloon like head of the cat floating on her right wrist as she made her way to the far corner of the platform and hurriedly set up a quick camp. She removed her small back pack and unrolled her bedroll. “At least the stone here is nice and dry if a bit hard.” She needed a nap she could try and eat something when she woke up. Once the bed roll was in place she sang a short song little more than a whisper of a lullaby putting her cat lamp to sleep. Its large eyes and wide eyes slowly closed and once it was out she removed the band off her right wrist and placed the now shrunken gently purring head into her back pack.

With the cat head lamp out the room was now only dimly lit by the remaining blue cylinder wall lamps which gave off their feeble dim glow so that all was shadow and darkness. But the girl did not want to waste the charm energy of the cat head lamp and so she was willing to sleep in the inky void of the near silent room. Only the low thumping sound of the large fans and the odd slight buzzing sound of the chemical burbling blue wall lamps filled the room as she lay down on her bed roll and instantly fell fast asleep.


The girl awoke sometime later having passed her nap without incident. “It appears my luck is still holding,” she sleepily muttered as she stretched and looked about her at the unchanged surroundings. But she still felt somehow sluggish and dull even after her deep sleep. “Hmm. I have heard rumors that parts of the maze are thick with random venting of sleeping gas. I must be near such a place and it is already effecting me.”

She fished out a small wrapped pouch and began to munch on handfuls of honey coated nuts, oats, and cereals. “A fast breakfast and then I must decide what to do about this sleep inducing air. It is only making me a bit sleepy at the moment but if I proceed further it is inevitable I will stumble upon the more powerful oblivion fog that one hears whispers of that seems to wander the maze almost like a living thing!” The young girl shuddered despite herself and hurriedly ate her small merger meal.

“Also I might venture into an area where suddenly the vents fill the hallway or room with sleep gas rendering me helpless. Against the oblivion fog there is no defense but against the random venting gas and the lesser sleep wisps I have a charm that may protect me. Still I am leery of it for it is fabricated out of the foreskin of an incubus and the clitorises of a succubus. The more sleepy one gets the more sexual arousal is produced by the charm. It converts the effects of sleep gases and sleep toxins into sexual arousal. However, one runs the risk of becoming too sexually aroused by a powerful exposure to a sleep inducing apparition or gas that will render one just as helpless as slumber but writhing on the floor in relentless orgasm instead! Worse too long of an exposure to sleep inducing gas or magical charm will cause one to fall into a near coma of ecstasy. Unable to wake up out of the orgasm dreams without outside assistance. Still I know of no other charm that can save one from sleep gas or sleep based magic!”

The girl wrapped back up her pouch of grains and put them back into her back pack and carefully removed a small silver heart-shaped box and snapped open its lid. She slowly picked up the charm inside and held it in front of her wide staring large eyes and bit her thick pillow lip, “the incubus/succubus charm! So pretty, like a drop of ruby blood how unfortunate that in order to function properly it must be worn on one’s… uh,” the girl rose up to her knees and spread her legs while pulling up he short white skirt and yanking her panties aside, “One’s girly part.” The young girl cleared her throat and then carefully opened the gemstones alligator clip and pinched it into place upon her clit well under its fleshy hood. The electric shock of pain of the metal teeth’s bite gave way to sudden sensations of pleasure that startled the girl. “OH MY! It seems to be working already!” She cleared her throat, “ah yes the heaviness upon my limbs are gone and the cloudiness of my brain has lifted and-wow, that is really feeling good! I-I guess I can get use to that! Ohhhhh, dear, I ah, well yes. Yes, one just has to OH! Make the best of things.”

The girl cleared her throat and wiggled her white thong panties back into place where they became instantly soaked and lowered her short pleated skirt. “Well, that should take care of the lesser sleep gasses and such,” she cleared her throat again and pushed back her long golden hair out of her blushing face, “my but that feels very invigorating!” The girl laughed and hummed as she shook her head and busied herself with putting everything back into her back pack and retrieving her cat head lamp. She sung the cat head lamp back awake and its mouth and eyes opened and poured forth its yellow-orange rays of light as it danced slowly along at the end of its wrist tether.

With her small backpack in place and her wrist leash cat head lamp lighting her way the girl made her way down the stone steps to the lower room’s floor. Here she found that in addition to the black maw of a stone arched portal she had first seen from the stone porch above there was a second open portal set in the wall that made up the foundation of the above stone walkway. This second door was set at the point where the stairs that angled across the surface of the sheer wall of the platforms base met the floor of the room itself. Since she had to walk directly in front of this newly discovered doorway upon descending the staircase the young girl decided to look into it proper and see where it led. It led to a staircase the descended down at another alarming pitch into gloomy darkness.

“I have had about enough of going down to go up and enough of gloomy darkness and all it may contain,” the girl mused and with a curt nod turned away from the portal and its descending stairwell to cross the open empty stone floor to the other opening in the room. This stone arch open portal sat inky black until her cat head lamp revealed it lead into a narrow hallway that ran straight and even until it disappeared in darkness outside of her lamps always spinning irregular ring of light. “Well… at least there is no steep stairs to pitch down and break my neck.” And the girl proceeded out of the room and into the hallway.


“The gas must be a tad thicker here. For I have cum about six times in as many minutes and my knees are feeling very weak,” the girl bit her drooling lip and pressed her hands against the side of the narrow stone hallway to help steady herself against her wobbling knees. A thick sheen of joy drops slicked the inside of her quivering thighs and she had to reduce herself to a panting shuffling gait as the strange acid fog swirled around her awkward ankles. “Good thing I was not trying to go down any stairs! I would have tumbled for sure!” The girl gave a ragged gasp as her eyes rolled back in her head and she let out a soft high pitched open mouth moan, “ohhhhhh that would be seven. Ha-ah, I must either turn back or else find an end to this sleep gas corridor or I will surely reduce myself to doing things with my hands that would not be lady like at all!”

The girl pressed on trying to force her legs to move as fast as possible though it was little more than an increase in the gait of her sliding shuffle rather than any quicker motion of her legs or feet. Her cat head lamp continued its dead face open wide smile at her and winked. She snarled back at it as more drool pooled out of the corner of her open mouth and dripped down and off her chin to splatter upon her shuddering cleavage.

“I cannot go back. That would be seven more orgasms and I do not think I could take that and still be up on my feet and not on my back with my ankles behind my head! Ohhhhh my, that would be eight now. Getting stronger and longer.” The girl now clung to one wall half crumpled forward as she forced herself to stagger on, sliding her feet and pulling herself by her hands. “One more like that one and I will be crawling on my kneeeeeeees. OH GWAD! THAT’S A BIG ONE! UUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH! AH AH AH AH, NINE! I CAN’T TAKE ANY MORE!”

Suddenly she was falling. At first she just assumed her spinning head had tossed her helplessly to the ground and that she was now doomed to be a quivering masturbating slobbering slut hand humping her mound until monster or famine or death by climax got her. But no it had been the wall which had set her tumbling. The right-side wall she had been leaning more and more against as she moved slower and slower until she had been more moving her feet driving her as much against the wall as she had been moving her shuffling sliding feet in progression down the increasingly gas filled hallway, had simply vanished.

The wall had not really vanished but it had swung wide as she slid across its surface and pressed so hard up against it. A secret passage had opened up at her pressing bodily weight and a door sized panel of cleverly blended brickwork had swung wide and then snapped shut; to let her fall rather ignobly head over heels down a thankfully short flight of stairs landing upon her bum with another teeth jarring stop. “UGH! This is starting to become an unwelcome trend of late,” the girl whined through gritted teeth as she reached behind her and rubbed her stinging buttocks. “But at least I am out of that hallway full of sleep gas! Whew! I was about ‘over-cummed’ to death in there!” She spread her already sprawled legs and pulled aside her sopping wet panties, “ah, yes, eckhem, might need to change these as soon as I get a real chance, a tiny bit moist.” She readjusted the small glowing red gem clamped on her clit, “well you certainly do your job! I guess that old witch I traded you off of was telling the truth about that! I only wish she had been a little more hygienic; I nearly choked to death on those pubes of hers!”

The young girl got up to her still unsteady legs giving her smarting ass a few good rubs as she did so. “I suppose there is no choice but to see where this hallway leads as the prospect of venturing back up these stairs and reentering that gas filled hallway is not an option I relish.” The girl readjusted her attire after her tumble and after a few deep breaths to try and clear her still somewhat climax addled head set off on a little bit more steady footing along the narrow stone hallway to see where it might lead her to next.

The narrow hallway lead to a right angle turning left and this lead, in turn, after a few steps to a staircase leading down into a very large open room. This room was very large. Much larger than the previous one she had slept in before. The staircase that descended into it was open on the right hand side as it slanted down the left-side wall, so she could see out into the open room quiet clearly, well as clearly as the feeble light of countless scattered blue wall lamps and her floating cat head lamp would allow. She was higher up then most of the open room which was crisscrossed with walls that had no ceilings and some areas that did have ceilings. The walls juxtaposed at right angles and twisted and turned this way and that often ending in dead ends for no apparent reason. “It’s a maze. An underground maze!” The girl gave a half startled laugh as she peered this way and that and could make out over grown half collapsed fountains and statures and walls and rooms and passages and stairs descending and ascending and she realized the tops of the walls were paths in the maze as well. “My such a complex maze!”

The girl descended the stair case with her left hand trailing along the stone wall against the fright of slipping off the uneven stairs right-side and pitching head long for hundreds of feet to certain death. Between her awe at the imposing structure of the subterranean maze and careful glances back down at her uncertain footing she soon found herself standing before a large iron gate much to her surprise. The gate was set upon a stone landing about halfway along the stairs descent so she was too high to jump down to the floor below and therefore had to pass through the sturdy looking towering structure.

Passing through seemed problematic as the thick bared gate was well locked. She gave it several tugs and pulls but it did not budge. The vertical iron bars where attached to heavy cross pieces of horizontal iron that was placed at the bottom of the gate and high near its top. The gate was set in identical iron bar works and after a few tentative futile attempts the young girl gave up any notion of climbing the soaring structure. She stamped her foot and then climbed back up the staircase a ways to survey her options.

“A set of lock picks and several months of study would have been helpful about now,” the girl mused as she sit down upon the stair tread and pulled out her water skin and took a long pull. “A small house one lives in for many years can become very large with memories. I wonder in such a large space such as this with so many small rooms and passages how many stories it contains. How many hidden myths of memory it has swallowed up and hidden away?”

The girl rose to her feet and studied the ample view she had of the maze lying below her, “there are many dead ends that I see lead to hidden rooms; no doubt hidden secret doorways in those dead end walls! If only I could remember them all and their location once I look away! Ugh! Well nothing for it. I do not like the idea but I see little choice.” The girl pulled her floating cat head to her and whispered into its large ears and started to sing. The cat head winked at her and purred. Then it got bigger and bigger and bigger until the large floating head was pulling the girl off her feet and she was dangling over the edge of the deathly drop to the floor far below. She kept singing until the slowly floating cat head had sailed her over the top of one of the maze walls. Here she stopped singing and the cat head rapidly shrank and she descended down until her toes and then the balls of her feet and then her feet stood solidly upon the top of the wall.

The top of the wall was about four feet thick making a narrow path an up raised maze in its own right almost thirty feet above the floor of the maze below. From its heights she could make tops of the other walls nearby her hinting at the path she could take if she could but find the connecting part where a dead-end passage or covered section of the maze would let her cross to it. the gap between the walls was about eleven feet and she doubted she could ever jump such a distance and she was not happy with using up the charm energy of her only means of light in propelling her up and over to them. Her short flight from the blocked stairs to the nearest wall had already noticeably depleted her floating cat head lamps light and she did not relish risking weakening it much further as she had no handy means to recharge it.

For the only way to recharge the lamp was to refill it. And the fuel it ran on was seaman. The mouth of the cat had to be placed upon an erect penis and then it would clamp down and suck until it got every last drop. Normally it took a considerable amount of penises to fill the kitty as it held a considerable amount of spunk and she endeavored to keep the lamp topped off at any and all opportunities that presented its self but she had been too busy and in too much of a hurry of late to tend to the lamp and whenever she swished the head she could hear how frighteningly low it was on fluid!

If she could find and defeat a few well hung stud monsters she might be able to recharge her lamp but so far the infamous monster maze of Razormane Castle was devoid of any signs of life! Of course she was still many miles away from the center of the maze and this small outer maze might prove to provide her with a male adversary or two?

From her perch upon the top of the maze wall she began to wander around careful of what lay around her layer of the maze and what might lie below her on the maze floor. There were several staircases leading up from the wall tops into enclosed higher reaches of jutting out from the surrounding walls long buildings and small rooms and several tall towers seemed to only be reached by the upper wall top where it met the tower and an opening sat there waiting. There were some arched bridges that span from one wall top to anther and she could see closed and open gateways of iron or wood that sealed off sections both on the maze floor below her and on the wall tops themselves. Each of these doors was brightly painted a color and from her perch she could see a small gold treasure chest below her at one dead end and in the distance a yellow gate. “Obviously the key to that yellow gate was in that yellow treasure chest!” She smirked to herself, “but if I drop down to get the key can I easily get to that yellow gate from either on the wall top path or in the maze down below? There does not appear to be any easily discernible connections to it from here. In fact I imagine one of those stairwells leading down under the mazes floor must lead back up somewhere else and eventually to that near yet far door. I could risk using my cat head to fly me straight over to it but do I even need to get through that door?”

The girl wandered along the wall trying to get a mental picture of the overall maze. It was not that big. Only a few hundred square yards this way and that, but being at least three levels if not four it was much larger than it first appeared. “What purpose does it serve?” She wondered as she peered and pondered in her pacing along the walls edges.

“It’s a prison,” a voice calmly answered her.

The young girl looked around wildly and then looked above her where a young woman leaned over in her bronze cage and looked down at her.


“Thank you for freeing me. I have been up in that cage for quite some time. And thank you for the food and water too. I really needed that.”  The woman still looked rather weak and the young girl handed her another pouch of honey covered nuts and the last of her dried smoked bull penis meat jerky. “I was looking for treasure when I stepped into that spring trap and found myself suddenly catapulted up into the air in that gilded bird cage there.” The woman pointed at the now lowered and over turned bronze caged with the bashed in bars. “I had used up the last of my supplies a couple of sleeps back so I am certain you saved my life. Guess that means I owe you. And I always repay my debts, here.” The woman reached under her leather cape and pulled out a large gem.

“Wow! But really I can’t take that-”

“Suit yourself,” and the woman rapidly replaced the gem back onto her person somewhere under her cape.

“Ah,” the young girl was slightly miffed at how fast the offered payment had been so unceremoniously withdrawn and had to clear her throat before continuing, “It’s just that I am here looking for a friend of mine. Not any treasure, though that WAS a rather nice gem you had there… eckhem, anyway you wouldn’t have happened to seen her have you? She’s about-”

“I haven’t seen anyone since I slipped over the wall until I met you. The outer areas of the maze seem rather deserted unless you head to the old towns that were swallowed up by it and such. Plenty of things with knives and fangs there… did she come in of her own free will or was she taken and brought here?”

“Well I am not sure? I would think she must have been taken? Does that matter?” The young girl watched the thief polish off the last of her food with a sigh.

“Well depends who took her. If it was one of the Razormane’s then she will have been cursed so she can never cross back out of the outer wall.” The thief finished off the last of the water and shook the bag in disappointment and then tossed it over her shoulder where it fell down with a flat slap onto the maze floor far below them.

The young girl frowned and looked down at her tossed away water skin and instinctively moved her other already empty water skin hanging on her belt further around her hip out of the thief’s grasp as she absently spoke, “the Razormanes?! Surely they are all long dead! That was over a hundred years ago!”

“The thief belched and raised an eyebrow, “what do you know about the Razormane’s anyway? Or about the history of this sorrowful place?”

“Ah, well, let’s see there was um, and-” the young girl tapped her chin and placed a finger alongside her high cheekbone beautiful face.

“Humph! No wonder you were so willing to come in here to rescue your friend. Here I shall repay your kindness with a bit of information. Long ago, well over two hundred and fifty years or so they tell. There was a great family called Razormane. These were a prosperous and very wealthy family and they reigned over a very rich and fertile land. They built a castle in the center of their land as their wealth grew more and more attention from scavenging barbarian hordes to the Far East and envious warlord neighbors to the West. Many wars were fought and many of the people died as did many of the Razormane who lead them into battle.”

“Finally only a handful of the Razormane line remained. One of them was a bastard son who was as bent in mind as he was in body. He was banished after forcing himself upon his sister and mother as well as some nieces and nephews; Real winner that one was. This monstrous cur of a man, known to history only as ‘Razorman the Wretched,’ then sided with the several of the tribal hordes that his family had been fighting for two generations and he led them by some secret means to the very castle its self and opened the gates for them. The raping and plundering went on for weeks.”

When it was over he was the new head of the Razormane family line. And his once wealthy subjects were now his penniless slaves. He set the entire country side to labor to build a huge wall maze around his castle. The hordes thought his mind snapped and broken but as long as the tribute came flowing in they simply laughed at the mad man and his miles and miles of mazes.”

“Soon the maze reached past the castle lands and up to the towns and villages that once surrounded it. These were ate up and turned into the maze as well. The worker-slaves who worked on his maze now found themselves living inside of his enormous maze. And still the endless maze and warrens of tunnels and dungeons and lone towers crept ever outward and upward and downward. Forests were swallowed and lakes and all hedged in by winding twisting walls and staircases leading up and down. Entire quarries were emptied one after the other and tens of thousands of men women and children died in the ceaseless construction.”

“Then after nearly sixty years the tribute stopped and the hordes came roaring back in but they found the walls of the maze so vast and filled with endless monsters and terrible traps and devices. They slaughtered themselves by the tens of thousands in the endless passage ways and their mighty siege crafts were thwarted by moats and swamps and pits of fire that seemed to lie beyond each battered wall and toppled tower. Needless to say they never made it to the center of the maze. Or even a third of the way if you believe the tales. What remained of their number limped back home where they were devoured by back to back harsh winters and several raids by tribes from the South.

“Others came and tried to fight or break their way through to the great castle in the center of the miles and miles of mazes, but every warlord either died or was swallowed up or escaped with but a handful of men to slink back to their strong hold only to find it quickly besieged by opportunistic neighbors. And so soon, no one came to enter the always open main gates of the great maze or burrow or bash through its stout high walls. Time passed and the workers on the maze grew fewer and fewer until they just vanished.”

The outer maze was all but abandoned and brigands and a few bands of thieves moved in and even a small town has taken up residence upon the far Eastern edge near the mouth of the Sunken River. The monsters have for the most part been killed or driven away from these few places, but just a few rings inward and the maze is still crawling with them.”

“There is the overall giant maze measured in miles upon miles and there are smaller mazes like this one here just little islands of miniature mazes scattered about the larger maze meant to trap those trying to gain passage through the larger maze to the castle in its center.”

“A castle still rumored to hold mounds of treasure despite the decades of constant expensive construction and paying for hunters to find and capture all sorts of monsters from all over the world and bring them here to this maze. The great Black Docks on the Bay of Sirens may stand decrepit and empty now but for over a century they howled with slaves and monsters under the lash. Both plant and animal of all nasty sorts was ferried through its twisting bowels and into the maze. Many of those beasts still live to this day feeding on the multitude of wildlife that wanders there; and much of that mutated as well by living for countless generations inside of the walls of the maze. The deer have grown smaller and are hornless with longer bodies slimmer; the rabbits hairless with long claws for digging. It is a strange place of horrors now.”

“And that castle? Cut off from the outside world for centuries now? It is full of men, twisted vile; they live on the parks and gardens of the maze immediately around the castle. They still have their slaves and they delight in the most fantastical of hideous torture. Aye, there are still Razormane’s. But only in name for all nobility has been inbred out of them and the darkest most inhuman aspects of sub-humanity now mark them in crowns of ebony evil splendor.”

“Occasionally they sneak out into the unsuspecting world and snatch a young maiden to take back to their foul brood and perform the most terrible things upon the poor wretch. For it is said they now worship some of the foulest of the monsters as if they were gods and offer up to them sacrifices unspeakable.”

“Clarinda!” The young girl sobbed and clutched at her bosom.

“If that is the name of the one you seek here then yes weep for her for she is better off dead if she is not dead already. There I have told you something about this most wicked place. and now that you have freed me I will make my way back out of this pit of horrors with what loot I have thus far found for this place was indeed a trifle more challenging than even I had expected. Again I thank you and wish you well.” With that the thief did several backwards flips and cartwheels and flipped up into a backwards summersault and disappeared beyond the edge of the outer wall of the maze.

“Wait! I don’t even know your name!” The young girl called out but there was only a whisper of a laugh from the distant shadows, ‘Ceria the Master of Thieves!’ and then silence… upon the ground at the young girls feet lay a single key with a skeleton head for a handle.


The young girl did not want to dawdle in the small maze what with her friend facing who knows what in the central castle of the Razormane’s. But there was no point in heading back the way she came and there was no knowing which way the ‘Master of Thieves’ had gone once she had acrobatic herself out of sight! So she had little choice but to continue threading her way through the maze as fast as possible but as warily as possible considering she had already rescued one person from one of the small mazes traps and one she rationalized probably had a better knowledge on what to look out for when it came to such things as traps. So her hurried pace was not much faster than an agitated pillow lip biting cautious crawl along the upper top of the maze wall.

As she proceeded she made out that the center of the maze, once one had gone past a natural protrusion of a rock wall which had apparently been left as a main support for the high ceiling as much of the large room was becoming clearer to her as being half hewn out of a natural cave formation; that there was a large opening in the roof of the cave with a large beam of white light slanting through. Rising up in a long thin arch from the center of the maze was a lone staircase that gracefully arced up to the lip of that jagged sun ray opening. “THAT is the way out,” the girl nodded at the lone staircase rising up to the sun streaming hole in the cave roof.

“But how to get to it?” The distance to the lone steep staircase and thus the center of the maze and the hole in the roof was considerable. And she hesitated at the thought of using her cat head lamp to float over there. “If I can get closer to the center of the maze then I can risk using my cat head lamp to fly over to the staircase its self, but I fear if I use it now I may drain all of its power and be left without any source of light?!”

The young girl carefully made her way to as close as she could via the top path of the maze wall she was on but it dead ended in a right angle turn and there was no way to progress any further. She backed tracked to a crossing point and ventured further but it was leading her further from the center of the maze. More over the top of the maze now had several metal circle plates set into its surface these were identical to the ones that Ceria had stepped on in the maze floor and it had sprung up around her as a birdcage trap and hoisted her up in the air on a long thin pedestal of metal. So far the young girl had been able to run and leap over these metal circles but now they were starting to be placed side by side and the distance was simply too far for her to leap. Again and again she had to turn away from a promising path and backtrack to find another way.

It wasn’t long before she realized she would have to descend down into the floor of the maze to progress any further. She had seen several stone stairs leading down and thus up to the top of the wall top path but since she was already up on the top of the wall path she decided to look around for a place as close to the center of the maze as possible and simply drop down to the floor below. It would be a long drop, thirty feet is nothing to sneeze at but she rationalized that if she lowered herself down the side of the wall and then dropped she could land without injury. As she was a tall girl of six one and thus the height would be less than twenty four feet from her tip toes to the ground.

No it was not a very bright idea and thankfully the part of the wall she decided to drop from had several large vines and deep pitted stones that provided her with hand and toe holds and she was able to make it most of the way down before slipping and landing with a teeth jarring smack upon her backside.

“Owe!” the girl with long naturally curly blonde hair whined and almost cried as she reached behind her and furiously rubbed her much put upon bottom. She climbed to her feet and lifted up her skirt to see how bruised her derriere was. It did not appear to be bruised but it was the color ripe strawberries and it burned as if she were being spanked by a well-paying old man.

She softly brushed the dirt off her round pert posterior and lowered her short pleated skirt back down in place and set about carefully eyeing her surroundings before setting off in the direction she knew would at least get her a few turnings closer to the center of the maze before she would have no idea what lay ahead of her.

She kept an eye out for the metal floor traps and when she saw small round metal disks in the walls she dropped down to her knees and crawled her body under their immediate line of sight just to be safe. There were also great lengths of chains that crackled with strange energies which seemed to serve no other purpose except to block ones way stretched in great sagging webs across the path secured from wall to wall in great rusted rings. Through these she had to climb and wiggle and it was most frustrating and much undignified. Thus it was several minutes before she had made it to the general area where her upper surveillance had been cut off by the sheer distance and angle of the walls around her so that she now had no idea what lay in the offered turnings around her. She considered using her cat lamp to raise her up to the wall top again but its light seemed already rather weak and there was the additional worry that it might run out of power while she was thirty feet up in the air!

So with much trepidation the young tall blonde girl made her way towards the nearest right angle turning and with much lower lip biting set off in what she hopped was the general direction of the center of the maze and the lone thin finger of a staircase leading up and out of it to the surface world beyond.


It was a much besmirched be-smudged dirty faced beauty with frazzled golden hair and scrapped knees that made it up out of the open hole and found herself in a small garden with fountain and statues and over grown hedges and flowers now rank with weeds. The girl approached the smashed fountain and was thankful to find that the water still burbled out of it, even if it had turned its surroundings because of the broken lower section into a swampy mess, to be still clean and clear and she sated her thirst and filled her water skin.

There were dark blue and black and red berries growing in the briars nearby and she helped herself to handfuls of those until her lips and fingers were stained purple and she could no longer feel the sides of her stomach rubbing together. She was still hungry but at least she no longer felt dizzy and weak from it.

The sun in the sky was now setting fast and only the faint glimmer of day remained and the young girl looked at her sagging flickering cat head lamp and frowned. She sang the cat head to sleep and placed him back into her backpack. “Hopefully there will be a moon or I will have to wait until sunrise before I proceed out of this small courtyard and back into the maze proper.”

“Since I must wait for the moonrise I might as well make use of this fountain to wash myself for I am rather filthy!” And the young girl set about removing her garments and belongings until she was utterly naked and set about bathing her body in the splashing spout of clear cold water from the broken fountain.

It was while bathing that she heard the distinct sound of humming. Curious she shook her body as dry as possible and then sorted through her back pack to put on what clean clothes she had left as well as supplementing the remainder of missing garments with putting back on her dirty worn ones. “Well that is the last of my clean panties let’s hope we don’t run into any more sleeping gas traps for a while! Now” she said while stuffing the last of her things into the backpack and hoisting it up on her shoulders, “to find out the source of that curious humming sound?!”

The swampy area around the fountain drained off its deeper overflow down a square hole in the ground on the farter side of the shattered remains of the fountain head. The square hole had evidently been a wooden trap door set a foot down in the now soggy earth upon a stone lip at one time but it had rotted away and unobstructed the happy giddy water cascaded down it in a steady but slight stream. The humming sound was issuing up out of the hole in the ground. She hesitated for a moment at that. Going back underground with her cat head lamp on its last pale glimmerings was not something she was ready to willingly do, but as she poked her head down past the rim of the hole she could see the steady faint blue light of one of the metal and glass cylinders and the sound of the humming became very loud and clear indeed.

“Whatever the source of the sound it is nearby this opening and it must be near that source of light. I should be able to lower myself down and investigate it and jump up and pull myself back up again as it does not seem to be a very far drop down to the stone hallway evidently running below this courtyard.” With that the girl shimmied over the edge of the square hole and dropped herself down landing on her feet but slipping immediately in the icy shin deep pool of water to land smack on her ass with a teeth chattering ice drenching of her lower half!

Brrrrr! That’s c-c-cold! The sun must have warmed that water in the fountain all day long because it was not THIS cold!” She scrambled up to her feet as quickly as she could splashing until she was out of the pool of water and its cascading stream that ran down the center of the hallway that slopped gently down before her. Once again the young girl found herself rubbing furiously at her lower half but it was not a smarting backside this time but a desperate warming of her genital that set both her hands flying as she blew and chattered her teeth.

After she had warmed her little coochie as much as she could with her rubbing hands and made sure her little red gem was still fastened in place to her ice water numbed clit, she made her way down the slanting hallway in the direction of the humming sound. “Panties soaked again. And not in the good way either!”

Despite the rather loud sound of her splashing about the humming had not slackened or stopped in its steady tuneless mumble. The young girl began to wonder if it was some kind of environmental sound caused by the water or wind as it passed through some small aperture or across some kind of strange surface. But as she cautiously drew closer to its source she became increasingly convinced that her first instinct that it was human was correct.

She had to move slowly along the edge of the hallway where the stone flagging had a raised lip upon which the first course of the stone walls were laid as the natural concave center of the stone floor carried the icy water in an increasing fury down the steadily slopping hallway. The blue wall light had been right below the square stone opening and she would have advanced little further but that the water cascading down the hallway hit a ‘T-section’ where the hall ended not in a stone wall but a stone balustrade of finely carved stone posts. Here the water rushed through the open stone work and fell with some loud crashing to the large open room beyond distant stone floor. She could see little of the distant room but for the narrow opening the hallway she was in terminating at the ‘T-shaped’ intersection but from that little sliver she could see and the sound of the falling water she guessed the room into which it poured was very large indeed.

The stone railing was bisected in equal lengths by stone pillars used to hold up the ceiling of the adjoining hallway which proved to be more a balcony because of its open nature to the great room beyond the odd waterfall and to these some had randomly received the ubiquitous metal and glass cylinder lamps. But these lamps glowed now with an orange color and not the blue as the ones she had seen previously or the one directly under the square hole she had lowered herself down into just a moment before. “The lamp color is changing I wonder if that means one has entered into a new layer into the maze? Like the peeling away of an onion skin?”

She walked carefully toward the waterfall and the orange light but was stopped up short when she realized she was now even with the humming noise. The wall to her left had suddenly given way to the bars of a holding cell?! Inside of it was another blue light tube but the more brighter orange light of the wall tubes a few yards further on had drowned out the light from her peripheral vision so it was that it was the humming that spun her head around to view the otherwise unnoticed cage.

Inside the cage room was a small man about waist height to her who was bound to the far wall next to the wall mounted tube of blue light. The man saw her and evidently had seen her several seconds before she had noticed him but only when her head had turned and her eyes had lighted upon him did he stop humming and speak to her, “don’t suppose you have the key on you?”

The girl recoiled back at the combination of the image of the small man chained to the wall of the cell and his speaking directly to her but then she suddenly remembered the key the Master of Thieves had left her and removing it from the side pouch of her backpack she tried it on the lock and was surprised to see it unlock the door with ease!

“Ah, a master key, eh? That skeleton key should work on these manacles here as well.” The small man nodded over at his bound wrists and the girl moved toward him but then stopped to eye his apparel. The small man was fitted from head to toe with black straps of leather including a hooded mask and a very large black cod piece. The girl stared at the giant cod piece and then looked the small man in the eye and raised an eyebrow as she pursed her lips.

“I was one of the court jester torturers until I was put on the outs with the upper ups. Huh, do you think you could use that key on the cuffs here, missy? I sure would appreciate it. Been hanging her on this wall for what must be two days now.”

The tall blonde girl tossed back her golden silky locks and nodded down at the bound man’s cod piece which hung down to his knees. “Is that thing all for show? Or are you packing more than padding?”

Er, look girl I would love to accommodate you in any way you so desire and please, but first how about unlocking these cuffs and maybe a bit of food and water so I can do my best work?” the short man jangled his cuffs which he was able to do as his tip toes just touched the slate floor of the cell.

“Hmmm. First off have you recently seen a young red headed girl? She would have been brought to the castle a few days ago?” the young blonde tapped the key against her chin as she arched her eyebrows at the man and waited for his answer.

“Ah, yeah come to think of it there was this young red headed girl. Just arrived. I can take you straight to where they are holding her if you just release me!”

“She is tall, long red hair, about my build?”

“Yes, yes I distinctly remember the girl and we should hurry as they are planning some very nasty things for her even as we waste time here speaking!” The man shook his manacles again but he was evidently worn out and he slipped off his toes and hung by his wrists as he panted at her with an angry look. “Hurry! Unlock my shackles so we can save your friend!”

“Oh I will save her but first how about we make a trade for your release?” The girl took her cat head lamp out of her back pack and shook it. It made a very faint liquid sloshing noise. “Here’s the deal; you fill this up for me and I will unlock your shackles and set you free? Deal?”

“What about your friend?”

“Oh I couldn’t possibly ask you to risk your life for a complete stranger you hardly even know. No I will take care of that. You just fill up my little kitty and I set you free, deal?

Uhhh, sure, okay, whatever you say but please hurry as my wrists are killing me!” the small man whined.


The young blonde woman left the holding cell shaking her cat head lamp and listening intently to its sloshing sounds. “Well, I am sorry but you did not even come close to filling it up. Though I am impressed by the amount of spunk of each of the fourteen ejaculations I was able to force out of you produced; except though that last one was a dusty bone-dry well. Still very impressive for the other thirteen. Of course I can’t set you free because one; you didn’t come close to holding up your end of the bargain and filling my kitty for me. And two; you are an evil vile monster who spent your life torturing people and don’t deserve to be free to continue doing the same. And three; you lied about my friend. She has short light brown hair, is about five feet two, and is rather flat chested at least compared to me, and can’t possibly have arrived at the castle yet. And most importantly number four!” the girl spun around at the iron bar door and pointed at the short man still shackled to the wall and snoring in his chains. “YOU FELL ASLEEP RIGHT AFTER THAT LAST EMPTY DRY WELL SPURT! FALLING ASLEEP ON A GIRL WHO HAS JUST SPENT THE BETTER PART OF THE LAST FEW HOURS JACKING YOU OFF IS THE WORST POSSIBLE INSULT YOU CAN DO!” She slammed the iron door shut and locked it, “BASTARD!” and with a her chin up in the air and a snarling ‘humph!’ she spun on her heel away from the snoring short man and his prison cell.

Now there was a quandary at hand. She had all her things with her and enough lamp fuel to use her cat head lamp for several more hours without too much worry about it failing to light her way. So she could just explore this new large underground room where the water fall was cascading down just a few yards down the hallway from where she was haughtily standing. Or she could return up the hallway and back up the square hole she had dropped through back into the courtyard and check out some of the upper surface of the maze.

Regardless she was still many miles from the castle and she was worried about her friend and if she could possibly make it in time to save her from all the bad things she was imagining happening to her in her mind?

Her only saving grace was according to the bandits living just outside the huge outer wall it would take the slave traders who sell their wares to the Razormane castle ten days’ time to for their ship which left the pirates dock of Make Shift Harbor four days ago to make it around the shoals and through the maze of outer sea walls to reach the dreaded Black Harbor Docks. So if she could make it to the castle before the next six days passed she might be able to cut them off or intercept them before they sold her and she vanished into the impregnable castle.

It was the bandits who had showed her how the maze was bisected by huge concentric ‘outer ring walls’. And how as the maze kept expanding outwards these outer walls with their few heavy fortified gates were passed by with more mazes and eventually a new set of outer walls; these outer walls were enormous and certainly unassailable but in places they were unfinished. These massive walls lay in half built states or lay in ruin from previous sieges, but it was revealed to her that by entering the basement and root cellars of the old town the bandits had taken over just outside the final outer wall, there she could find various ways into the subterranean hallways of the maze which reached out further than the great walls and upper maze had yet reached before the work had ground to a slow trickling halt. And all that priceless information had cost her was just one little thirty man gang bang! Ha! Some men just didn’t know how to barter! Ha! She wished she had thought to fill her cat lamp head then, but oh well.

She was certain a full day had passed since she had entered the underground maze that protruded out past the last constructed large outer maze wall, so she now only had five days to reach the castle ahead of the slavers and Clarinda. And there was no telling how many hours she had spent hand pumping the large cock of that worthless little man? “Ha! How he had howled for spit to lubricate his dick! And I kept giving him my innocent face and pretending I didn’t understand and just jacked him harder and faster! His dick was as red as a lobster! Ha-ha! And when the cat head would bite down every time he came?! Ha-ha! And then at the end when nothing came out and the cat head being understandably pissed naturally chomped down really hard! You would have thought his whole wiener had been chomped off instead of just the tip! What a baby!”

The young blonde turned away from the orange light and the cascading water fall and the cell with the snoring bleeding man and decided to return back up the square hole to the small court yard. “Now that I am inside the first circle outer wall proper I should check out the upper maze and see if it is any easer going then these lower maze levels have been?”


The young blonde girl pulled herself back up and out of the square hole and back up into the courtyard with some effort for she was inherently bad at judging distances as most young girls were. And found that night had settled in with a cloudy sky that was masking the large full moon and thus rendering the floating glass spheres that hovered above the maze from showering down their usual light. These large glass spheres were a common sight in larger more advanced cities. They collected up ambient light such as moon light and magnified it so they acted like mini-ghostly suns cascading down their weak white pale shimmer lighting up much of the area directly below them. Direct sunlight had little effect upon their milky globes but moonlight and starlight caused them to shimmer and hum slightly as they spun slowly in place. With a cloudy night sky like this full of its broken thunderheads moving slowly along the hanging glass spheres did little to illuminate the land around them.

“It’s a good thing I had that little man do what he could about filling up my kitty as it looks like I am going to need it!” The girl brushed off her palms and pulled out her cat head lamp and fastened it to her right wrist and sang it awake so that it grew in size from a few inches to a foot or more in diameter and rose up like a balloon and opened it eyes and smiled with an open mouth and a bright yellow-orange light issued from its eyes and mouth as it bobbed along at the tether of her wrist and smiled and winked at her. “There that should do it,” the young girl gave the floating head a few tugs with her wrist and watched it wobble this way and that.

The young girl re-adjusted her shoulder straps to her small backpack and moved cautiously around the open square hole in the ground and skirted the fountains small swampy area until she was on more firm footing and then began to look about her to get her bearings. The small courtyard had the shattered fountain in it, the swampy area from the water seeping out from broken fountains base, the square opening of what must have been a hidden trap door at one time through which the swampy area now drained, the large rectangular opening which the staircase leading down on the slim sliver of stairs to the small subterranean maze below in the half natural cavern, and a perimeter of hedge walls. In places these green leafy walls had been ripped away or burned away or simply died off revealing a sturdy iron fence which the shrubbery grew up to its spear pointed top about fourteen feet above her head. The base of the shrub walls was a raised brick wall-container three feet in height in which the shrubs had been planted and from the center of which the iron spiked wall rose upon which the hedge was climbing upwards. Studying the red brick container wall base the young girl decided it must be almost six feet in thickness and had several layers of the iron spears set checkerboard fashion in the base making it a serious deterrent for trying to just plow ones way through instead of following the weaving pattern of the mazes path.

This towering green wall had three openings set into it and she now pondered these resorting in the end to ‘ennie meenie minnie moe’ to pick one to further her exploration toward the distant castle of the Razormanes.

She did not travel far down the shrubbery wall path when she heard the sound of water. Sure enough around the next sharp turn she found the narrow maze gave way to a wider stretch of an alleyway where a small natural brook had been curtailed to run down the center of the walled path. Several flat stones had been set somewhat randomly in the varying depths of the burbling fast moving stream to act as stepping stones to traverse the areas length. The fast moving brook came out under the last of the four steps leading down into the stream hallway and disappeared around the far sharp right angle turning. The sides of the splashing water did not reach the edges of the stone wall of the base of the hedge maze containers but the mossy bank here was very steep and offered no easy footing.

There were several verdant overgrown arches above the otherwise open top of the high walled pathway and the young girl hesitated before venturing off the final step and making the small leap to the first flat stone. She made several more cautious leaps and found the wide brook offered her more and more choices with each progression forward. She continued thus until she had passed the third vine covered arch where she was crouched down to make an especially long jump when she froze at the sudden sound of a voice!

“I wouldn’t step on any of the stones that are of a particular dark blue hue if I was you.”

The girl looked around her somewhat panic and then confused and then quizzically as she rose slowly out of her crouch and frowned until she suddenly decided to look up. There in a cage still dripping a few drops of water was Ceria Master of Thieves!

Once again the young blonde girl found herself leaping up and catching hold of the hovering bottom of the floating cage and pulling it down to earth and smashing and pulling its bars open so the thief could slip out and escape her trap just as she had in smaller maze before.

“Thanks… again,” The Master of Thieves looked down at the wreckage of the once floating floor trap cage. This one was made out of flat iron bars and was square in shape where the other one had been made in a circle shape with long thin bars that had risen up to lean into a narrow aperture at the top.

“I thought you were leaving the maze?” The young blonde asked the thief who was helping herself to more of her offered water skin.

“Say, I did not really notice it before, maybe because the bars on the other trap had been so thin but you seem incredibly strong for such a young girl.” Ceria now eyed the girl after finishing her drink and studying the twisted flat bars of the trap.

The young girl quickly snatched the water skin pouch that Ceria was about to toss over her shoulder and carefully replaced it back on her hip. “I am not so young. I am several months past my nineteenth year. But you are right; I am very, very strong!” And the girl giggled and raised up her arms and flexed her biceps.

The Master of Thieves eyed the girl’s arms which looked thin and weak and reached out and pinched the young girl’s bicep which felt soft. “Okay I give. There is obviously some secret magic going on here so what is it?”

The blonde girl blushed and then reached down and rolled up the soft downturned lips of her leather thigh high boots. Under the folded over tops of each boot was a large purple metal ring. “I,er, borrowed these when I was in the Land of the Giants. They are pinkie rings that some of the giants wear to help further their strength and endurance and stamina. The dwarfs make them for the giants and trade them for goat milk and butter and cheese.”

“Hmmm,” Ceria leaned forward bending low at the waist and placed a finger on her lower lip as she peered closely at the two purple rings and their rune etchings which knowing dwarvian craftsmanship as she did would no doubt glow whenever the girl drew upon their power. She also noted the young girl was wearing soaked tiny panties under her very short pleated lacy skirt and that she was a natural blonde. “Say, why would a giant need any extra strength or stamina or endurance? Wait a minute have you studied these runes at all? These are not pinkie rings… these are cock rings! You are wearing giant sexual performance enhancing cock rings on your thighs!” The Master of Thieves looked back up into the face of the now blushing girl, “how did you come across these again?”

The girl stuttered and then took on an indignant air, “obviously you are mistaken. And I do not have time to stand about here mindlessly chattering. My friend Clarinda needs my help.” The young girl began to saunter off. Well saunter off as well as one can do when one is forced to make tricky jumps from one stone to another in a fast moving waist deep icy water stream.

“Humph, well thanks again for saving me,” the Master of Thieves folded her arms under her bosom and frowned and then smiled after the hopping girl. “And mind the sleep mists in the next turning down below.”


The brook disappeared through a half circle grill at the base of the hedge wall and the path split two ways right and left up a short staircase that went up on the right and down a long staircase on the left. The young blonde girl did not hesitate and went up the staircase on the right having no desire to tangle with the sleep mists or the idea of heading underground so soon after spending the better part of a day in the dark underground turnings.

The short stair case led her to another branching of hedge maze walls and she decided not to wait or ponder but keep her momentum and press ahead without letup so that she had made several more turnings and passages before she found herself descending down a short staircase into another courtyard of flat squares set deep in mossy green grass. The moon globes, that is the pearl white three foot diameter floating glass spheres which collected up night light and concentrated it and recast it to help light the area around it, were all shattered here and her booted stiletto heels crunched on the broken glass and odd pink powder that they once contained.

The sky was still heavily overcast by the parading shattered war machines of storm cloud banks and her little cat head lamp danced crazily in the picking up wind upon her right wrist tether spinning rapidly so its light could offer only a feeble illumination in the cool night breeze tossing the hedge maze suddenly furious black walls embalming the courtyard rift with heavy swaying shadows. So that she walked down the short flight of steps and into the small open courtyard staying to the sliver of area in its center not sunk deep with heavy shadow by the madly tossing walls as the night wind picked up even more and her little circle of yellow-orange light given off by her cat head lamp was more a spinning flash of sudden then and gone then and gone then and gone hellish lightning bolt rather than a reassuring steady illumination. As such it is little wonder she saw the sleeping ogre on her right until she was drawn up even to it and only a hand reach away from its hideous gnarled body.

She recoiled back even as the flat forehead raised and the massive large nostrils quivered. The thing opened its large yellow rummy eyes and looked at her through the tangled knots of its long greasy black gray hair. The things long thin arms shot out and in an instant snatched up the girl and held her up in front of its broad ugly face, “food?” The creature which was still squatting on its haunches would have easily been twelve feet tall had it stood upright.

The girl squirmed in the creatures grip until she got her lower arms free and she quickly grabbed a hold of her skirt hem and yanked it up with one hand while pulling aside her panties with her other hand. “Not food… fuck?” The young blonde girl gave the startled ogre a nervous smile as a dim purple glow seeped out from under her downturned boot tops.


The young blonde girl staggered along the winding twisting hedge maze path she was covered in cum and a little bit tired and she still walked with a slight bowlegged weak kneed gait but her face glowed and a dazed smile refused to leave her enraptured face. She had a large stone club over her shoulder. Actually it was once a carved stone support pillar with a long stone node that was meant to sit down into a carved niche base but which now made a handle for the girl. “At lease I have a weapon now!” the girl hoisted the large stone club up in the air and gave it a few practice swings that shuddered the air with its mighty passing. “Those brigands camping in the ruins of the small town at the edge of the outer maze took all my weapons when I first approached them. And after the thirty-man gang bang I did not have the time to recover them before making my escape down into the cellars and breaking in the lower maze and finding a passage leading under the first outer wall.” The girl set the club back on her left shoulder and looked around her as she had entered yet another courtyard. “This maze is rather odd. It is so haphazard in its design. Most places look utterly different from one another and yet every now and then one place looks identical to another place. There are signs too of the armies that have tried to smash their way or find their way through this outer circle.” She stepped over a pile of corpses now little more than skeletons in their rusted suits of armor and moldering silks and winced at the spreading of her legs to do so, “oh that ogre certainly had a most entertaining sized cock! Too bad he had no staying power at all. I did not know that monsters could have heart attacks like that? Humph!”

The young girl made her way through the small courtyard it was sunken down below the natural rise so some hills and so the strong wind was muted here and her cat head lamp bobbed and weaved slowly giving her ample light to twist and thread her way through the piles of dead soldier’s corpses. “The large circular main stone walls of the maze have several gates and were left open. But the locals in fear of the wandering monsters have shut and secured most of those gates in the outer two walls. I will have to find a lower passage way under the giant stone wall of the second circle wall as soon as I get closer to it. For the gates and their houses will have been walled and sealed shut with sigils and wards to keep the worse of the monsters contained in the final two circles of the maze. But once I get past that wall I should find all the gates open and unbarred. Or so said the bandits I traded my body for in the town at the edge of the outer maze.”

A few more turnings and the hedge maze began to give way to walls of stone. Some of these were very short only five feet in height and some were very tall over twenty feet in height and some were passages very narrow so that she had to drag her stone club on the ground behind her to avoid bumping it continually against the walls. She now began to come across wooden and metal doors that were set frequently in the stone walls of the twisting branching off passages. Many of these doors had been previously forced open or lay smashed upon the ground. She made her way cautiously as she scented the cool wet dawn starting to encroach upon the dark hush air.

“It will be light soon and that will be good as I will need to save my lamp for the journey underground as much as possible to get under the second circle wall. I am glad to be out of that hedge maze it had many swirl dead ends where one would just wander along in increasingly smaller and smaller circles until you got to the dead end center; though some of those centers had trap doors leading down or a ladder leading up into the raised section of the labyrinthine.” The young blonde girl looked up now at a raised stone parapet that passed overhead. There were more and more zigzagging walkways passing this way and that overhead now that she had left the hedge maze and was now in a stone wall maze. Some of the shattered doors lead immediately into a staircase leading up or down or into a small room where an empty wooden chest lay. Many of the doors were etched with symbols with large keyholes set in their center. The maze was growing increasingly more and more complex.

After a few more hours of walking and long after the sun had finally made it over the walls and through the lumbering clouds and the girl had put her cat head lamp away she suddenly found herself at the foot of the great circular curtain wall of the second circle. The wall was even more massive than the first outer wall. It towered above her and several of the smaller maze walls deadened into its mountainside like face.

“The circle walls get bigger larger thicker taller as you make your way inwards,” the young blonde girl spun around to see a woman sitting on the ground eyeing her who continued to speak. “There are nine ring walls in all. Though the outermost was never fully completed but the locals stopped up most of its unfinished places and patched up a lot of its siege smashed holes in order to keep the monsters of the maze trapped inside and from wandering out to ravage the countryside. A few industries or plain stupid people have gone so far as to repopulate the small towns and villages in the shadow of the first curtain wall where the maze had just started to leak out and spread. There are good savaging resources there indeed but it is still a highly dangerous place even with the holes patched.”

The woman was half sitting half kneeling at a small camp fire which she was tending. The fuel seemed to be some of the many bristling hairy creeper vines that covered the walls of the maze. The fire gave off a foul stench and burned smoky but it still looked inviting in the early morning chill.

“My name is Karen of Arklay. I am a knight errant sent upon a quest to retrieve the Holy book of Toth which the Razormanes stole almost a century ago. However Arklay is many weeks journey from here. There were twenty in my party when we started and now there is just me. Though in truth I became separated from my five remaining companions so perhaps they still live?”

“So you are traveling to the castle as well?” the blonde girl inched her way up the fire trying to stay out of its choking plumes.

“Actually no. the book is not in the castle it is said to have been housed in the church of the town of Vex. That town was overtaken by the maze and now lies inside the second circle. On the other side of this circle wall here.” The knight jerked her thumb over her shoulder at the towering wall and then went back to feeding small bits of vines to the fire.

The blonde waved a hand in front of her face coughing as a sudden wisp of smoke caught her full in the face. “I am making my way to the Razormane castle.”

“The castle eh? Well you will want to find an access point to the Sunken River in the second circle. It is said there is a great magic stone there that can transport anyone or anything from that point to the Black Docks. The Razormane’s used it to transport great volumes of stone and large monsters from the docks to the outer rings of the circle walls. You should find that and see if you can figure out how to make it work for you. Otherwise you could a life time or lose a life trying to traverse the maze from the outer rings to the central castle.”

Suddenly the knight leapt up to her feet with such speed that the startled young blonde fell back an landed hard upon her ass with a sharp yelp. The knight immediately ripped open her short cloth tunic and grabbed her front metal breast plates of her armor top. The metal coverings of her breast plates came off in her hands and quickly reconstituted themselves into two large metal knives. The knight raced past the smoldering fire and with a bloodcurdling shout brought her twin blades down upon the skull of a giant snake which had been creeping up behind the young blonde! The battle was over in a second. The snakes severed head quickly lay amongst the twisting coils of the thrashing beast. The young blonde found herself looking up into the straddled white pantie crouch of the knight who flicked off the blood from her weapons and then held them back up to her chest where they transformed back into her protective chest protector armor covering back up her naked heaving sweat dappled breasts. “It gets much worse beyond this second wall. The monsters and traps are virtually untouched whereas out here they have been almost systematically cleansed.”

The young blonde looked up starry eyed into the red headed knight’s thickly haired pubic mound barely concealed behind her tiny white panties and swallowed hard as a blush came to her still crusty cum covered face. “You saved my life… I should thank you.”

“Well,” the redheaded knight smiled down at her blushing herself though not on her face. “Mine is a lesbian order forbidden to know the touch of man. And it has been a very, very long time since I last seen my sisters. And I have never before beheld such impossibly huge firm tits like the ones you have on that tight little body of yours.” The red head touched her armor and at each finger press, piece by piece of it transformed into weapons and shields falling away to the ground until she stood in a pile of arms naked and panting as her flame red snatch ran with juices.

“Oh my,” the blonde girl shuddered a bashful smile. “It looks like knight has cum early.”


The young blonde cautiously approached the small waterfall issuing from the stone carved face of the underground staircase and making sure no one was nearby stripped and washed herself scrubbing hard to remove the crusted cum of the dead ogre and the silky fresh trails of the red heads juices. “Oh, that knight sure left a lot of bite marks and hickies on my boobs and butt! Oh I will be bruised for a week! I am glad I can’t see my neck; it must be as purple as berries! And my thighs are as raw as an oyster! I told her not to use that sword hilt so savagely!”

The girl washed her clothes as well as possible and then redressed herself and set off down the staircase until she reached the large iron gate set across the path. “Hmm, this must be the gate the knight spoke of? Beyond it lays paths that will eventually lead down to the Sunken River and that stone transport portal. The knight said the gate slammed shut as she crossed through it but that I might be able to force my way through with some luck.”

The young blonde girl eyed the gate carefully and its massive design etched lock. “Obviously there is a set key somewhere in the maze that is meant to unlock this gate and let one pass, but I do not have time for all that nonsense.”

“Obviously,” it was the etched carved lock which spoke in a high snooty effeminate male voice. “But I might be induced to open the gate for you if you do not have time to search for the aforementioned key.” The lock cleared its throat and then began, “first there is a matter of my needing a good polish, and then something has to be done about all this rubbish upon this staircase I am tired of looking at it all these years, and then there is the mater of the riddle of course… let me see… ah yes, eckhem, ‘Why is-”

The girl squinted one eye and held out her tongue and then reared back and brought her stone club down upon the gate. It shuddered and she laid into it again and again until with a wrenching scream it swayed aside and let her pass. The lock cussing at her roundly as she did so.

The staircase lead down to a round room with spokes of doorways radiating out on its walls. The doors were all of different sizes and styles and appearances. “The knight said nothing about such a room. Hmmm, maybe she did not think I would get past the iron gate and its rude ass lock?”

Even as she pondered which door to take she accidently stepped upon the large circular metal dial in the center of the room and a door slammed close upon the staircase she had just descended and entered the room by and the room began to spin and lower as layers of doors swung slowly past her. She counted five such layers of doors swirling slowly past her until the floor came to a stop and then after a pause started to slowly spin back up past each cake layer of doors.

The young blonde girl decided to pick a door quickly as it rotated past her as she did not wish to ride the stomach queasy ride up to its top again. She grabbed the handle of a door and pushed it open and stepped into it before the floor could push her past its opening. The open door quickly was replaced by a wall of stone of the uprising cylinder but then suddenly there was another open space of a cylinder floor that also rose slowly until it covered the doorway with a wall of stone and then another open space. “It would seem to go even lower into the depths of the maze one has to wait for the lower platforms to rise up and then reenter the circular room and thus descend lower when it travels back down. Since my object is the shore of the Sunken River it would make sense to use this elevator to descend as low as possible… I guess?”

The young blonde waited for the last level of opening to rise up which she could guess at as it rose up and spun in place even with the sill of her doorway but proceeded no higher to cover up the open doorway with its sides and she moved quickly out onto its surface as the door automatically slammed closed behind her. She stood in the center of the room next to the large metal dial and when the room became still she stepped upon it and it slowly began its corkscrewing descent down until it again stopped at what must have been the shafts bottom most level. The doors here were all of iron gates and she made her way to the nearest and examined it. Again there were locks made of faces and she did not bother to listen to them but raised her stone pillar club and wacked at the door until it gave way in ‘ouches’ and curses and she passed on her way by it.

The walls here were unfinished raw rock roughly hacked through the stone earth with much of the rubble still left lying upon the uneven floor and the air was heavy and it was hard to breath. Her head was getting dizzy from the lack of clean air to breath and she wanted to turn back to the circular room but her knees were knocking together and she was leaning heavily against the cave wall panting for breath.

“Humph, a surface dweller and in a bad way too, your kind needs a breathing stone to wander about at these levels.” The nearly asphyxiated blonde raised her leaden head and looked blurry eyed at the speaker, a dwarf about three feet tall and about three feet wide stripped nearly naked in a leather thong. He had his well-muscled body covered in tight leather straps and wore a gem lamp upon his forehead. There was a pickaxe in his left hand and his right hand rubbed his long bearded chin. “It just so happens I have a breathing stone upon me but I am not sure I am so willingly to part with it as such things are valuable these days what with the trade drying up with those such as yourself who need them.”

The blonde dropped down to her knees and then clumsily spun around on all fours turning to look over her shoulder she reached behind her and yanked her panties aside, “yes, yes, I will trade you for the breathing stone only hurry!”

The dwarf raised and eye and then smiled, “very well I accept your offer. I have been down here mining for gems for over a year now and have not had the company of a female for twice that long. So I hope you can handle me girl for I have a lot of backed up spunk that needs draining! Heh-heh.” The dwarf yanked aside his large cod piece of his thong and the sudden heavy slap of his huge cock striking the blondes ass made her give out an excited unexpected shriek.

“Now lets us see about enlarging this shaft of yours girl.” The dwarf began to whistle as he pressed the fist sized head of his cock against her soft pussy lips.


“Wow this breathing stone thing really works,” the blonde girl held up the blue stone she now wore around her neck on the leather thong and breathed deeply again and again. Then she looked back along the passageway where the dwarf miner lay dead impaled upon his own pickaxe. “Too bad he slipped as he climaxed and fell backward upon his pickaxe like that. I could have really used his help with filling up my kitty.” She reached up and took hold of her floating cat head lamp and sloshed it around and bit her lower lip, “just as I thought getting low on spunk. The next male I find I have to get him to jack off into my cat head or else I will be out of light soon. Now where does this tunnel lead? Oh I wish that dwarf had not been so clumsy he could have given me directions or at least finished what he started now I am all anxious and needing a cum bad!”

The girl frowned in anger and continued her way along the uneven tunnel with her cat head lamp bumping along the sides of the narrow cave and the stone club being forced to be dragged behind her again. “I love my new basher, but it is rather impossible to use in these caves and tunnels. There simply is no room to swing the thing. I mean if I were attacked here I would not be able to use it at all! I should keep an eye out for something a bit more practical for a weapon in these confined areas.” The young blonde shifted her backpack straps it was now rather heavy with the bag of gem stones the dwarf had on his person. She had seen no reason to leave so many very large and precious gems on a corpse and had placed them in her backpack before continuing on her journey.

The tunnel finally lead out of its snaking course past several smaller cave openings that she deemed too narrow for her to lug her club along and too uncomfortable to crawl through ending at a large cavern where much to her relief the sunken river rolled through!

This black river flowed from the Great Mountains to the East to the edge of the Great Plains to the West. Most of its wide and rushing passage was underground but flowed through great natural caverns that for the most part allowed the passage of ships to haul cargo along its length. There were only a few places where a portage around a large low ceiling area was needed and here tunnels had been carved for this task. For the most part the river had been used to haul items from the mountain kingdom of the dwarves to the plain villages. The maze had little touched it but the monsters introduced into it made it now impossible to safely navigate by ship and highly dangerous to walk along its ebony shores for any great stretch. The river was widely known for its strange unexplainable aspect of reversing its flow every other month. For one month it would rush down out of the mountains till it reached the edge of the plains and debouched into a marsh land that ran for miles and then the next month it would rise up out of the marsh land flowing back up into the mountains. One could only safely travel the marsh lands when the sunken river was flowing up into the mountains and trade use to flow up and down it depending on the direction of its course that month. Recently a small town had set up in the edge of the maze at the mouth of the sunken river where it bled out into the marshes but no effort had been made to try and reestablish trade with the far away dwarven mountain kingdoms.

Many dwarves had been hired to do the stone work for the maze and many had died. Most of the nearest mountain clans had been utterly depopulated by the labor of the maze or its marauding escaping monsters or the attacks of other dwarven clans who took advantage of their weakness. It was rare to see dwarves venturing far outside of their mountain ranges these days.

The young blonde surveyed the cavern and the roaring black river that ran across its wide stony floor. There had been a few stone steps cut into the path leading down to the cavern floor but for the most part this was an area lacking in refined touches and she had to unceremoniously slide slowly down on her ass to reach the black stone floor below.

“Ugh! My ass is really getting a work out these past few days. It’s like no one remembers what the puss if for?! Really men are so strange!” She whipped off the rocks which had become stuck to her full round buttocks in the still clammy damp spunk of the dwarf who had shot his wad all over her ass as he had fallen backwards tripping over his pickaxe and impaling himself with it.

“Now let’s see,” the girl looked the shore line over for beady monster eyes as her cat lamp bobbed and weaved it’s slowly eye and mouth lights around her. “Hmmm, that looks like some kind of albino cave variation of ‘Rape-Me-Lots’ plants covering most of that river bank there. They must have brought those vile things here and covered the shore line with them. They are pretty dangerous if you stumble across them unprepared but if you know what you are doing they can make a useful resource.” The blonde girl eyed her floating cat head lamp which winked at her and she began to cautiously inch her way to one of the lone smaller plants near the edge of the slowly swaying horde.

‘Rape-Me-Lots’ plants are usually found in wild forested places growing in small patches. They reproduce by capturing a victim with their twining tentacles which are thin but hard to break like wire and are covered with lots of small thorns which have small sacks containing a powerful muscle relaxant at their pricking base. The thorns inject the toxin and the struggling creature grows helpless.

The plant then searches out a body cavity and inserts a proboscis tendril that seeks to ascertain if the cavity is capable of receiving an egg pod. It does this by stimulating the area with rhythmic thrusts and absorbing the chemicals produced by the cavity through its penis like proboscis skin. If the chemicals match up to what a female mammalian species would produce from a climax the seed pod is inserted. If not then it tries again. Either a seed pod is planted in a female host or the creature is left to die and act as fertilizer for the plant. The seed pods take only a few hours to grow into a small version of the adult and work its way out of the host womb. The adult plant usually will try to then re-impregnate the female at this time.

These plants are quiet useful if properly harvested as one can use the toxin sap to place on weapons or arrow heads or the vines can be used for very tough lightweight ropes once the thorny skin is peeled away or the proboscis can be eaten or used for a very potent sleep inducing compound in chemical alchemy or if one is very careful the egg pod can be removed from the roots before it enters the proboscis tube and its activating spunk laced lining and the inert unfertilized egg can be used for a multitude of items for crafting purposes. Now sneaking up on a Rape-Me-Lots plant is something even the most talented ranger finds challenging. But the young blonde girl had found that the best way, the very best way, to harvest an unfertilized egg from the roots was to simply let the plant grab you and savagely rape your pussy four or five times. By the time the creature was on its fifth or sixth rape it would so weakened that a girl could easily struggle out of its grasp and yank up the roots and snatch up an unfertilized egg or two. Of course by the time the plant was raping you even just once the muscle relaxant would have you so paralyzed you wouldn’t be able to do much but moan a little by the time the fifth or sixth rape came around.

But this is where the young blondes special charms came into play; first the ruby gem clamped to her clit worked not on just turning sleeping gas attacks into sexual stimulation but turned the muscle relaxant toxins of the plant into little needles of pure sexual lust injections (as long as she could survive the lust and not be driven insane by it she had little to fear of being rendered helpless by the toxins.) second her giant pinkie/cock rings on her thighs gave her the supreme strength needed to pull herself free of the vines once they weakened and gave her the endurance to survive the plants piston like pumping and the throws of giving birth five or six times!

As such the girl let herself be raped by several of the plants and harvested eight of the precious eggs before deciding she needed to get back on her quest to rescue her friend. She wandered away from the bankside full of white plants a bit unsteady on her cum covered legs and with a dopey smile set firmly on her dazed half-lidded face.


The stone platform with the sigils and wards used to transport items from the Black Docks to this area of the maze was nearby. It proved to be on the other side of the Sunken River but a stone high arched bridge was next to it and she made her way over the bridge easily.

Activating the stone platform was a little more difficult as the control stone had been removed. But the girl had expected this and taking an egg from her sack she pressed the freshly harvested unfertilized slimy jelly sack into the slot where the control stone should go. Then she carefully peeled back the skin of the leathery egg and slowly poured the firm yoke into the cavity of the control stone receptacle. Next she straddled the yoke and pulling her panties aside began to rub her clit and pussy lips and then to jab her fingers into her hot wet pussy until she lost all semblance of control and pounded her hole with her fist! Soon her juices where dripping down her humping body, and her climax splattering drops were coating the yoke which twitched and pulsed and throbbed under the nectars down pouring rain.

The young girl moaned loudly as her eyes rolled back in her head and her mouth gapped open as her tongue lolled out on her drooling chin. Suddenly there was a flash of light and the girl found herself blinking around her at the ruins of the Black Docks. The yellow yoke in the control stone receptacle was now a pile of black charred ash. She lowered her leg and cleared her throat as she yanked her panties over her swollen dripping snatch. “Rape-Me-Lots eggs the ultimate sorcery lock pick. Hee-hee. Now to find Clarinda!”

The Black Docks of Razormane Castle lay in the shadows of an enormous overhang of a cave mouth. The cave led back through several twisting passages into the very roots of the castle which was not far back from the edge of the towering cliff side of the cave face. The docks were composed out of stone masonry and wood. Much of the wood was rotted away and this left the docks more a series of islands of stone works than a continuous set of wharfs. Tall half collapsed wooden storage buildings lay in rubble amongst the crashing surf of the bay. Little could be seen of the bay proper as it was now a maze of towering stone and metal walls in its own right making the passage of ships almost impossible and certainly deadly if one took but a single wrong turn and found one’s self and ship in a dead end passage a churn with crashing surf or whirlpools that would almost instantly smash a ship into kindling.

The young blonde looked around her but could not see any sign of the black ship the slavers used at any of the few spots one could still safely moor up. “Either I have beaten the ship here as it winds its passage through the miles of maze and small islands of the bay or it has come and gone and now my dear sweet Clarinda is on her way into the heart of the Razormane castle?! There is no way to be certain now how many days I have passed in the catacombs of the maze. To just sit here and remain on the docks may prove fruitless and Clarinda’s undoing. Besides they may not even come this close to the old docks I have heard rumors that some of the small outlying islands in the maze bay have transportation stones and the guards there take the slaves and use powerstones to transport them straight into the castle!”

The young blonde girl sang her cat head lamp to sleep as it was daylight and placed the shrunken head back into her backpack before she turned her back on the roaring crashing surf of the bay and made her way with leaps and bounds back along the broken spine of stone rubble into the cave mouth and toward Razormane castle.


She had not gone far up the stalactite and stalagmite floor of the cave following the stone large walkway when she came across her first sealed stone door. There was the niche for a powerstone to unlock it empty and glaring at her. She removed another egg from her backpack. “These Rape-Me-Lots plants have a unique cell structure that is designed to read and mutate them so they can use an almost unlimited multitude of hosts to breed. By triggering an unfertilized egg with my own orgasmic juices it forces the cell structure of the egg to activate and try and match the genetic structure it is in contact with. In this case the powerstone or control stone lock which is designed to receive a structure to correspond to and unlock. The egg reads that and then mutates its cell structure to meet that thus triggering the lock to unlock. It is destroyed in the process however, so I hope I have enough eggs to get past all the control stone gates that may be between me and the castle!”

The young girl placed the peeled yoke sack in the stone cup and then raised up one leg so her heel of her boot was against the wall surface her leg thus vertical with it and her pussy now perched over the cup. “Good thing I am a rather flexible girl,” she began to diddle. “OH! And good thing I am rather a horny little slut too! OH!”

She breathed a sigh of relief when the stone door rumbled open but also a bit of a disappointment lingered on her lips as she was turning herself on with all this bean flicking. “Well that is one gate down. I expect the next one must surely be guarded?” with this in mind and the large mouth of the cave slanting in day light she left her cat head lamp resting in her back pack and picked her way carefully along the winding wide steps leading back and up into the cave.

The young blonde girl had been right to suspect that the next gate would be guarded. She approached slowly and in a crouch hiding as much as possible behind the jutting pillars of stone. At the bend in the path before the next door she observed that there were two guards dressed in black walking along a balcony and looking very bored. They kept lowering their spears and setting down their large tower shields and taking off their black conical helmets to scratch their heads and chat to one another. They were still too far away from her hiding place for her to make out what they were saying. The dim crash of the bay surf behind her droned out any sound in front of her yet.

Down below the balcony containing the two guards were a pack of zombies! The zombies milled around with great iron collars on their necks. These collars were attached to black chains. These chains ran from the zombies necks to a ring set in the wall on either side of the closed gate. Up each of these rings the black chains of each set of zombies on either side of the gate ran up to where the chains reached the balcony with the guards and here two large spoke wheels set in the stone of the gate wall sate. “Wow, now that is a new one. They are using zombies like guard dogs. At any sign of trouble and those guards can loosen the chains leading to the collars on the zombies necks letting them rush forward and attack anyone foolish enough to try and make it to the gate. Hmmm, going to be tough this one.”

The young blonde looked at her ‘basher’ stone club and gave it a heft. “Well I would prefer some long range fire spells but this basher should take care of those zombies better than a sword as I cannot really kill what is already dead but I can knock them aside and out of the way with this. Pity zombies prefer brains over boobs as I am certain I could readily fuck my way through a horde that size. Oh well, my real concern is those two guards up there on the balcony. I don’t see any range weapons but there is a horn hanging on the nail next to one of the wheels. While I am down below whacking zombies and trying desperately not to get bit those two blow that horn and then whatever remains of the Razormane army comes crashing down on me. Not good.”

The girl looked around her at the cave walls. There was no other way through the cave except to follow the path through that gate. The cave wall its self reared up suddenly where the path turned toward the gate and its zombie milling horde. There did not seem to be a power stone or control stone aperture in the wall next to the gate either. Apparently one had to wait for the gate to be opened from the inside as the metal gate had no key lock of any kind on its surface. The girl’s face soured at this revelation.

“Even if I defeat the zombies and those guards don’t happen to have crossbows lying out of sight nearby and that horn blast does not bring a hundred armed knights or some really nasty monster running up to the other side of the gate I am still going to be stuck there pounding on that door and hoping my basher can knock it open. And it looks rather sturdy. Hmmmm.”

“Well there is one possibility…” the girl smiled and giggled and then removed her back pack with its shoulder straps and set it upon the carved staircase of the cave floor. Next she removed the leather straps that crisscrossed across her chest; these ran over her shoulders and then crossed across her front so both straps rand down the valley of her cleavage where they met a leather strap that ran around her lower chest under her enormous boobs. She unbuckled the leather belt that ran under her breasts and slipped the piece off over her head. This left her in her white blouse which she promptly removed and shimmied over her head as well.

Now she spread out her white blouse upon the ground and carefully put all her remaining Rape-Me-Lots eggs in the folded out blouse. She then replaced her leather harness back over her naked torso this leather harness had several small pouches fastened to it and acted as a belt which she did not have. She popped open one of these small pouches now and removed a small sheathed knife and set to work to carefully peel and discard all the leathery skins of the eggs until just their yokes remained in the blouse. She then replaced the small knife to her harness pouch and her egg empty backpack back on her slipping her arms through the shoulder straps. She now gave the zombies and yawning guards one more smirking look though the pillars of stone and the carefully stepped over the blouse until she was straddled over the pile of wet slimy yokes and then she began to diddle her clit furiously for the unskinned eggs would dry out if she took too long and she needed to cover them each with significant cum from her hot twat!

It did not take long thanks to her high revving heater of a pussy for the girl to drench the eggs in girl goo and with her head and legs still shaking from the intense orgasms she gathered up the edges of the blouse and made her way boldly around the bend in the path and eyeing the gate door and the horde of zombies began to whirl the gathered up sling shot of eggs over her head. When she could twirl it no faster she let go and the blouse and eggs soared through the air and splatted upon the surface of the door above the zombie’s heads.

Instantly the magical sigils she had barely seen glowing on the smooth seamless surface of the door began to shine and crackle and with a loud sighing moan the door lurched open! “I knew it had to have a magical ward!” and the girl leaped back around the corner of the bend wondering at the simple fact that neither the zombies nor the guards had seen her at all!

Once again hidden behind the pillars of stone stalagmites and stalactites the girl kneeled down and watched as the guards with shocked faces watched the zombies begin to shuffle through the open doors on to the other side of the open portal. As she expected they both panic and then set about cranking on the wheels yanking the zombies off their feet as the chains contracted up through the loops and up onto the large wheels. The girl waited until all the zombies where dangling off their feet gathered up like shocks of wheat at the rings set in the lower wall of the gatehouse and then as the guards whipped their brows and ranted at one another she raced around the corner of the bend in the path and up to and past the zombies who could only wave at her with outstretched hands and moan and hiss as she passed through the open gates.

The guards never once saw her in her mad dash and after a few threatening chin knocks from her own huge breasts she breathed a sigh of relief as she passed through the gates and continued past the gateway and rushed to the nearest shadowy spot behind a jumble of stone. She crouched there panting waiting to make sure the guards had not seen her and after a few short minutes one of the guards came down and worked a large wheel to manually close the open doors which he then physically sealed with a metal bar. After scratching his head and rubbing the door and peering at it several times he shrugged and made his way back into the gate house disappearing through a small iron gate which he swung closed and locked behind him. As she got back up on her feet she could hear the wheels releasing the zombies from their hangman position on either side of the closed gate and giving them slack enough to once again mill around and moan. Though a few of them seemed to claw at the door they had seen her pass through a few minutes before.

The small courtyard she was in led from the gate-keep straight into a guard house with a very solid looking door. As this was the only passage forward she had no choice but try the door. The wooden door was unlocked and opened upon gratefully well-oiled hinges. The young blonde slipped quickly and quietly inside and closed the heavy door behind her. It opened directly upon a room where several guards sat at a table and ate some foul smelling food and muttered in hushed whispers. Another man sat with his legs up on the table asleep in his chair. There was an open portal beyond them through which she could see stairs leading up but she chose the stairs immediately next to her on the right and slipped down them as quickly and quietly as she could before any of the men in the room could notice her standing at the door.

She needed to get through that room and up those stairs to continue on into the castle but as she was there and the place seemed full of men she remembered her cat lamp head nearly empty of fuel and decided to see if she could top it off a bit before heading into what would undoubtedly be some dark dungeons ahead of her.

Her first unwitting sperm donor was a young man who was walking along a corridor just a few yards away from the stairwell she had just come down. The place was dark and had only a few small torches set in the wall scones flickering away. The man was not wearing any armor only a green tunic and some boots. The young blonde quickly opened up one of her harness pouches and carefully removed a yellow sack. It was one of the many muscle relaxant thorn sacks she had removed from the Rape-Me-Lots plants she had fucked into submission. She snuck up behind the man and quickly squeezed the yellow pustule in front of his startled face while punching him in the stomach. She sucked in the small cloud of yellow gas and fell to the floor as she clamped a hand over his mouth and tossed the empty now brown small sack away. She rode the man for a few seconds until the muscle relaxant overcame him and then she placed a finger over her mouth and ‘shushed’ him. She sat on top of him and she smiled as his wide eyes fastened upon her huge naked breasts and remained fixed there. She pulled out a wad of cloth from his own belt and shoved it into his mouth. Then she winked at him and slid down his body until she could pull up his tunic and yank his cod piece aside and his tights down. She then set to work on his penis with her mouth. It was always tricky to get a man hard when he has been overcome with muscle relaxant but luckily she had a lot of practice with ‘whisky dick’ before and she soon had a prized boner pulsing before her. She looked at the man again and smiled with her pre-cum glazed lips and then she removed her backpack and pulled out her cat head lamp which she promptly sang awake. She placed the cats head mouth over the wide eyed man’s penis and began to jack him off with the head with her left hand while kneading his scrotum with her right and sliding her right hands fingers in and out of his anus to hurry his ejaculation on. She looked around her back over her basher lying on the floor at the foot of the stairs and over her shoulder but no one seemed to be around and she winked back at the man as his body twitched and he shot his first full load into the mouth of the cat which began to purr.

Fifteen guards latter and the girl decided the whole guard house had contributed to her kitty except the four men in the main room who continued to eat and sleep and mumble. She was out of the yellow sleep sacks from the Rape-Me-Lots plants and had run out of places to hide the drugged wide eyed bodies so she decided it was time to deal with the men in the main room and make her way past them to the staircase that seemed to be the only access point to gain further entry into the castle.

She decided there was no time for any more pussy footing around and raising her basher above her head raced into the room to deal with the four men. In six swings they were nothing but bits of jelly on her basher and on the walls of the small room. She made her way past the pools of goo and up the staircase into the bowels of the castle proper.


“It’s a good thing I fed the kitty,” the girl murmured to herself as her cat head lamp danced merrily about her head on its wrist tether. “For it is very dark through most of these parts of the castle. This must surely be the dungeons for all the corridors are lined with locked rooms full of skeletons of all shapes and sizes?!” she peered again through the barred square cut opening in another wooden door and recoiled at the stench of rot and the shaft of light that revealed yet again another cadaver lying chained to a wall or lying in a heap upon the flagstones.

It felt strange to walk down relatively straight hallways that lead to rooms and other hallways that made some coherent sense after days wandering mazes. It was taking her awhile to thread the layers of the dungeon for one, they were very vast and two, as she made her way up through them she stopped and looked in on every room or torture chamber in case Clarinda should be there.

So far everything had been long dead and there was no sign of any guards or wardens. There was a straight path of stairs that led up from the guard house where she had left everyone either paralyzed or dead and the gate house with its zombie guard dogs that lead up into the lower levels of the castle but she had stopped at every turning off branching staircase from the main stair to search the branching corridors and cells and rooms in case she should unwittingly pass her friend by. But so far all these areas seemed unused for a very long time. It was as if the occupants of the castle had retreated from much of it, shrunk back further and further into its center or retained use of only main lines or routes through areas abandoning much of the structure of any use.

“Perhaps there are very few of them left?” She wondered. “After all the guard house below was very large and capable of housing hundreds of men and yet I had found only twenty men and they had ranged considerably in age and health with many being too old or young to have made a solider anywhere else.”

She found the upper levels of the castle almost as equally deserted. A few dozen soldiers roamed around in pairs looking bored or surly but far from watchful and none wore any armor or carried more than a sword and spear as weapons. She simply snuck around these seeking for the actual owners of the castle, the lords and ladies, for whom these lackeys served for it would be in their questionable company she, would most certainly find her missing Clarinda.

She found them in the large central tower that had once over looked the front approach of the castle before it had been buried in the maze. Here were gathered around a dozen twisted bent haggard shapes both young and old in crimson robes. Their twisted faces sagging with debaucheries and inbreeding as harelips spit their prayers before the withering helpless chained body of Clarinda!

The poor helpless girl was chained by the wrists to a wooden yoke and was being lowered from the third floor tower window to a large courtyard full of a monstrous beast! The shambling hulk was easily thirty feet tall and was a jellified mass of tentacles tipped in mouths and teeth.

Yag-gag-go-soroth! God of decay and debauchery we offer you this sacrifice to wet your insatiable appetites!” the robed figures shouted and gestured with half birth-defect half self-inflicted crippled limbs as they struggled to work the apparatus controls that swung the girl swaying out of the window and dangling over the lashing beast just yards below her kicking feet.

There was no time to lose and swinging her basher wildly the young blonde charged into the chamber and splatted through the throng of red robbed inhumanness. However this caused the wheel controlling the central chain to spin helplessly out of control and with a shriek Clarinda plummeted down upon the glutinous mass.

The young blonde did not hesitate but leapt out the open window after her friend with basher raised.


The battle with the mad god was not a victorious one for the young blonde, her blows fell like hammer crashes upon a deep pool of water, the thing shuddered at every blow and quivered and quaked but it did not seem to be damaged in any perceivable way and it was only with some luck that the blonde was able to rescue her friend and flee for their lives into the nearby confines of the maze where the large creature could not pursue them. To do this she had to rely upon her floating cat head lamp which she burned through almost all of its fuel to carry both young girls up and over the sealed first wall of the courtyard of the towers base and back down into the maze proper; where they fled down the nearest staircase to escape its flaying tentacle reach.

Still the young blonde had one comforting thought in that during the battle she had used her basher again and again on the tower base to rain stone rubble down upon the slithering beast and to break the chains holding her friends wrists fast to the yoke. The result of this was the creature lashed out more and more at the offending tower and yanked and pulled confusedly upon the now empty offering chain which resulted in the beast pulling much of the tower down upon it. This did not kill the monster but it spilled the red robe figures that did not die in the collapsing tower out into the court yard to face their enraged god who promptly raped them with its tentacle teeth and ate them from the inside out.

The last of the Razormane’s were dead and the twisting wandering weeks long trek back out of the maze, was made that little bit sweeter for the young blonde with that realization in mind and a blushing thankful Clarinda in her arms.
