<name tag: rook>

Time dictates when these stories end. When I run out of time I just end them. They usually get three to four hours and they often start at the end of a long day of working on other things. I am tired when I begin them and I am exhausted when I end them. And it shows.

Sometimes Mr.X and I send emails back and forth in which we chat about ideas. Well, I rant and he replies in laconic asides, between the two extremes I suppose one could call it chatting. Sometimes ideas get exchanged or blurred or twisted or just set aside for months on end. I say I steal a lot from him because it is true. He has this wonderful habit of smashing back a wide out of bounds off the back heels lob of mine that scores one hell of a surgical precision match point effortless return.

I mention this as I am not really sure that the character or even plot elements I am using below is going to be one of mine, his, or some kind of sticky meld. When that happens, I like to say it is one of his, because there is a good chance it is or mostly is and it keeps things pleasant. The characters that are all his I don’t touch until there is a copyright stat page or pin-up image in place. That is called politeness. Strange you can find that here on a porn site but not in the halls of congress. Rook.  

Hyan Mytee

“You can’t tell she is from another world by looking at her, I mean other than her height. She stands eleven feet tall and her body is justly proportioned to that extremity of size, but otherwise she has all the normal physical characteristics of a very attractive twenty year old Earth woman. However, here the similarities end. For on her planet there are no males of her species. Instead the planet is covered in monstrous all-male beasts and plants that rape her all-female race and the pods that the thus fertilized females reproduce as a result of this forced union gives birth to either another monster or plant of the male sire species or produces another female of her own species. The ratio seems to be nine to one; that being nine times out of ten it is the male monster that is reproduced rather than a new female humanoid. As this is the only way both the all-male monsters and the all-female of her species can reproduce one can call it a symbiotic relationship, abet a rather bizarre one at that.” The male, speaking from the shadows aside of the flickering large monitor screen where images of a beautiful tall woman was fighting a group of armed men, paused to clear his throat and adjust his glasses.

“A planet of women,” a deep female voice spoke from the darkness, “covered in raping male monsters and plants… sort of a paradise gone wrong. I want to meet her.”

“Ah yes,” the man in the white lab smock cleared his throat again and continued. “Well in addition to being large in size she is very strong and neigh indestructible. The site of her crashed ship was in the jungle mountains of Venezuela. The local military found her and took her into custody. From which our Intel says she escaped after several weeks of detention. There have been several sightings since then. As one can imagine it is not hard to notice a twelve foot tall woman with that kind of build in such a well, er, revealing outfit as she is wearing. But after each incident or encounter she as simply vanished. She does appear to be heading north toward the United States border.”

“Well then,” the velvety smooth female voice cooed, “it looks like I may get to see her after all.”


Hyan Mytee, refused to admit that her mission was going badly. She had been demoted from the rank of captain of the guard upon her native planet, ‘Woman World’, after being found in a somewhat compromising position with the Queen’s daughter and heir and a large massive strap on dildo. Her protests that the young flirt had started it fell on deaf ears and now at a rank of privet in the royal kitchen staff she had been given one last chance to redeem her questionable rollercoaster career by squeezing herself into a captured Addadictoma spy pod and proceed at once to the Addadictoma home world; a people growing more and more suspicious in their interests of late in Woman World. Once there record any and all information she could before returning and filing her report with the Queen.

Now Hyan Mytee found herself crash landed upon the wrong planet in the wrong galaxy with her ship destroyed beyond repair and having been captured and humiliated with several wrong first steps by the local simians, but she refused to give up! No, maybe she had the wrong planet in the wrong galaxy but these were technicalities, she was still going to fulfill her scouting mission and gather information for her report even if she had no idea how she was ever going to contact her home planet of Woman World and file it.

Hyan Mytee stood in the dark back alley with a stenographers pad and pen in hand and questioned the moaning man with two broken arms and two broken legs who had just tried to mug her with a switchblade knife. “Now, would you call that a sever pummeling, a beat down, or an ass kicking that I just gave you?” She stopped writing and looked down at the man who could only whimper. “I see, but could you be more specific? This is for my report.”

Suddenly a military jeep swerved up casting its headlights full upon her from the mouth of the alleyway. Another jeep could be heard screeching to a rocking stop followed by the whine and whirl of a large truck slowly crunching on the rutted and pebbled weathered tarmac of the roadway. The still night air of the impoverished jungle town came to life with the rapid cascading tramp of leaping scurrying steel toed boots. Dozens of silhouetted figures in green military fatigues armed with automatic assault riffles quickly layered themselves around the mouth of the alleyway on either side of the jeep’s headlights.

Hyan Mytee frowned at the shapes milling about the only opening to the dead end alleyway. She could hear the crashing stomps and surprised shrieks of women and children as more of the bothersome ill-mannered green clothed simians broke and shattered their way through the hovel of buildings on either side of her no doubt seeking the windows and roofs of the two story structures that hemmed her in on three sides.

In front of her at the alleyway’s mouth the movement had for the most part ceased except for a single silhouette smoking a foul smelling item that looked like a Woman World rambott turd. Even without seeing his face clearly in the night shadows and the headlights blinding light in her eyes she could recognize the man. “You!” Hyan Mytee quickly flipped through her stenographer’s notepad cursing this miserable planets low grade technology, “Ah! General Alcazar! Hmmm, no I have no need for any further information from you or your green suited simians. You may go, for now. Now, where was I? Oh, he’s passed out!?” The tall scantily clad woman prodded a booted toe at the unconscious man at her feet. “That’s most inconvenient and rude! To pass out right during a girls report and all! Humph!”

“You will accompany me back to the base madam Hyan Mytee where we will finish our interrogation,” the smoke wreathed head spoke in a low yet firm voice as he placed his hands on his slim hips.

“Your so called base and its crude equipment provided me with access to your planets convoluted history, though I must admit history was never my best subject back in school. As well as the languages of your planet; of which I have promptly learned and mastered them all  up to and including dead languages such as French Canadian, ‘bon jure eh?’ And for that I thank you. But your insistence of stripping me naked and milking my baby feeders while plunging vibrating gizmos into my various bodily orifices has proved in no way beneficial to my mission. As I have no further need of information about you or your fashionably challenged monochrome acolytes you are hereby dismissed but remain ready should I have some need of you in the future. Though I have no idea what that could possibly be considering your overall inherent uselessness and inability to carry out even the most simple instructions.”

“Huh,” General Alcazar sighed and crossed his arms over his chest, “just shoot her.” The soldiers around him opened fire on the eleven foot tall alien woman instantly filling the entire alleyway with a hail of death.

“Owe! Owe! How many times have I told you how rude that is?!” Hyan Mytee instinctively covered her face with her arms though the lead bullets were of little harm or danger to her, though in such volume they did sting a little. The steel jacketed NATO rounds bounced off her body and joined their brethren ricocheting around the increasingly pitted brick walls. “Looks like some ape-boys need another spanking!” she lowered her arms just in time to take an RPG at point blank range in the face. “UGH!” The voluptuous vixen of outer space staggered back. Hyan Mytee shook her head, “now that hurt! Oh! Look what you did! I broke a nail! Oh now I am mad!”

The soldiers quickly turned tail and ran as the pissed off warrior of Woman’s World came stomping out of the alleyway and tossed the jeep high into the air with one hand as she grabbed a hold of General Alcazar with the other hand and shook him as she spoke. “What part of dismissed don’t you understand monkey man?!” General Alcazar had emptied his clip of his .45 in the space woman’s face and he now threw the empty handgun bonking it off her forehead. “Owe! That’s it! Someone needs a spanking and then some nap time!”

Hyan Mytee turned the General over her knee and began swatting his ass with her open hand. ‘SWAT-SWAT-SWAT’ “This hurts me more than it hurts you.” ‘SWAT-SWAT-SWAT’ “But you knuckle dragging tree swingers are really starting to annoy me and I am a busy girl here.” ‘SWAT-SWAT-SWAT’ “Now I want you to find a nice quiet corner and stay there until you think you have learned- oh my, his head has fallen off?!” During the crunching of bones of each spanking General Alcazar’s body had been tossed and thrown by each powerful open handed blow on his backside while the steel grip of the other hand still holding notepad and pen upon his shoulder constrained him until his head had not fallen off but shot off like a champagne cork and landed several meters away.

Hyan Mytee dropped the headless body aside, “I keep forgetting how fragile these men-things are on this planet.”

“Alright Miss Hyan Mytee this is Lieutenant Hades of Strategic Joint Command. You will cease any and all further activities and lay down your weapons-”  Hyan Mytee looked at her note pad and pen in her hand and frowned back up at the hovering helicopter and its rude blinding spotlight. “and place yourself under my arrest right-” the jeep which she had thrown up into the air suddenly came down right on top of the helicopter where it drove both of them into the parked army truck and second jeep where they all exploded filling the street with a ball of fire and a rain of metal.

Hyan Mytee winced from the wall of flame that engulfed much of the street and village. Around her a shower of debris fell crashing all about. A smoking jeep tire rocketed down hitting her hand covered head with a loud ‘boinging’ noise as it bounced back up into the air. She pulled her hands off her head and looked at her fingers, “you got to be kidding me?! Another nail?!”


“We have been monitoring her fights with the various armies of South America as well as run-ins with the much better equipped and trained paramilitary forces of the drug lords and war lords of the region.” The man in glasses and white lab coat looked up from his electronic note pad at the flickering large monitor screens that showed images of Hyan Mytee tossing tanks and climbing out of missile craters coughing and waving her hands in front of her squinting face against the smoke.

“The North Americana’s sent in some token Joint Strategic Command forces which fared little better. I would assume they won’t get serious until she reaches Panama or Mexico, their so-called back yard. That said she does not appear to be overly hostile. Left alone she appears to be simply wandering in a vaguely northward direction and observing fauna and flora. She does however respond very aggressively to any form of hostile aggression or attempts to confine, contain, or restrain her.”

“Combat summery?” the smooth sleek female voice purred.

“Hyan Mytee appears to be almost impervious to physical damage though she does feel the pain of the blows and can be beaten as it were into temporary submission by sheer physical force if it is extreme or extended enough. She has very advanced healing properties making most injuries vanish as soon as they occur. She appears to have normal sensitivity to light and so could be temporarily blinded, as well as normal hearing and again could be stunned by loud sounds of the right sonic pitch or wave length. She breaths and should be susceptible to various gases that produce unconsciousness or even death. Though none of these have been attempted upon her and are merely empirical data built upon observation.”

“The use of electroshock might prove interesting? Heat seems useless as a deterrent as well all physical blows.” The man adjusted his glasses and eyed his electronic notepad. “According to the records we tapped into when she was briefly held at the point of her crash site in the Venezuela military base, her native planet of Woman’s World has naturally occurring chloroform based plant life and pools. The alien women there use these as a sort of recreational sexual stimulant. It produces a powerful orgasm when inhaled by these women which leaves them momentarily weakened and confused but not unconscious.”

“The plants and animals that rape them often use variations on this gas or liquid to produce this orgasm state of euphoric dizziness to render the women semi-helpless in their struggles to free themselves. As such our use of such gases or drugs on Hyan Mytee should be viewed as more a hindrance to her ability to defend herself and not as a means to securing her capture as it would be with most Aphrodite gene super heroines. It must be noted that almost all of the data taken by the Venezuelan military is in discourse with the alien as soon as she arrived at the base. It is not by experiment. She may be lying of course as to her weakness or any and all information concerning her home world.” 

“As far as combat abilities; from what we have observed she seems to possess some martial combat skills as one would expect from a military trained solider but nothing of exceptional ability such as a hand to hand expert would have. As far as super powers other than her incredible strength and near invulnerability to physical attacks, she does not seem to possess any other powers. She can’t fly, can’t emit any kind of energy beams or waves, does not appear to possess any kind of heightened senses, nor does she appear to be overly intelligent or strategic.”

“Hmm, I see.” The female voice hummed. “Let us try the Abomination on her.”

The be-speckled man blinked, “excuse me ma’am but we lost over four hundred of our combat robots and seventy hired mercenaries to containing that creature are you really sure it would be a wise idea to now release it simply to test out this new arrivals capabilities?”

“Wise? No, but I am sure it will be fun. Besides what’s a little collateral damage between neighbors?” The female voice cooed and laughed.

“Ah, yes ma’am.” The lab coated man looked at the bank of computers from which the female voice originated. “I will give the orders to have the creature known as the Abomination transported to the alien known as Hyan Mytee’s position at once.” He bowed sharply and put his fist into his open palm, “All hail the Yellow Queen and may the rule of the Thullua Empire of Venus justly enslave this planet.”


Hyan Mytee gritted her teeth and grunted, “These tanks are cumbersome.” She tossed first one and then the other aside and whipped her hands together, “And dirty too.”

Behind her you could trace her path along the mountain side by the occasional smoking burning flickering dots of light in the inky black jungle night. Suddenly a very large twin rotor helicopter rose over the top of the forested hill crest just above her. “Ugh, not another one?! What’s with these monkey men?” Bellow the helicopter under a cluster of spot lights swung a large metal container with metal hoses running from the top of the container into its sides. The perplexed girl watched as the helicopter disconnected the hoses with spurts of gas and the container suddenly fell from the sky leaving the top of the container and its hoses and tanks behind. The helicopter zoomed off disappearing behind the tossing night foliage of the jungle trees.

“Hey you dropped something!” She waved after the vanished helicopter, “litterbugs! Humph, what a planet.”

A low dull pounding began to issue from where the metal container crashed to earth amongst shattered trees a few meters away from her. The sound increased until it was a metal rendering roar followed by a loud growl. Hyan Mytee looked back up into the inky black overcast night sky where the helicopter had disappeared over the crest of the hill and shouted, “I am not taking care of your pets while you go on vacation! You hear me?! Such rudeness!”

“Wow! I am fairly certain I have never raped your sweet ass yet.” Hyan Mytee looked back down from the sky where in the dim flicker of the still lowly burning crumpled mass of what may have been some military vehicle or aircraft or missile but now a ten thousand pound smoldering paper weight she could just make out the hulking shape of a horned humanoid creature. “And I do mean yet. After that long sleep I got myself quiet the morning woody pecker here, if you know what I mean girl.”

Hyan Mytee frowned. “I see this planet has its share of mutant monsters as well. Though they seem to be rare here rather than abundant as they are on my home world and they appear to be, well,” she smiled and wiggled her pinky at the hulking brute in the intergalactic sign of ‘you have a little penis.’

“Oh reeeeeeally now? Why is it every super heroine I first meet starts out a smart ass and I leave her with a smarting ass? I am going to enjoying pounding your holes until you are nothing but a condom on my cock for the next bitch I fuck.”

Hyan Mytee gave an exaggerated yawn, “I had a cute little pet like you once. He also was the runt of the litter,” she again raised up her pinkie and wiggled it as she began to snicker.

The hulking creature stepped out from the shadows and straddled pieces of the burning wreckage. It was an olive skinned monster with a horned head, well-muscled, and standing about twelve feet tall, but otherwise humanoid characteristics typical of the males of this planet. “Do you even know me girl?”

Hyan Mytee stepped forward so she straddled some of the burning wreckage throwing her own impressive body into a more revealing light. “Do you know me monkey-monster?” She stood a statuesque eleven feet tall in her bare feet and she had stiletto heeled thigh high boots on those feet increasing her towering visage. She had long white hair with a slight bluish tint and wore a bright gold diadem that rode on the top of her head and crossed across the top rather than around the front of her head. This crown consisted of gold spikes in the symbols of sun rays that rose up quiet high around the top of her head again adding to her imposing height. She had a beautiful youthful face with large eyes of an orange color to the iris and a pale skin. She wore several white straps of cloth for a uniform that did swathed and tightly bound but did little to cover her massive breasts which tapered down into a dangling front and back loin cloth that was held in place by a gold belt from which a few simple cloth pouches hung.

“Damn! It’s about time this hairball of a planet kicked up some decent pussy! Yes, I know you girl. You are my spanking brand new fuck toy.” The green skinned creature grunted and smiled.

Hyan Mytee rolled her eyes, “please… well unlike you I am well versed now in the records of this world. You are one; Abomination, the apparent bane of the so called super heroines of this planet. Due primarily to your unusual strength coupled with your high resistance to physical injury. Well that and your crude insistence upon raping those women you defeat, and your utter lacking in manners or personal hygiene, not to mention that it must be really, really both humiliating not to mention boringly frustrating to be raped by such a tiny, little, itty –bitty, piggly-wiggly, miniscule micro, ant-sized, shriveled shrimp, pinkie of a penis.” Again up went the hand with a wiggling pinkie.

“That’s it tap dance on the landmine, honey. Like I need more fuel for my ire.” The Abomination crossed his massive arms across his barrel chest.

“Seriously, maybe it fell off back in your doggie house? You go ahead and go back and search for your manhood and several cases of Viagra and I will wait for you here.” Hyan Mytee crossed her arms under her even more massive chest and scowled. “Because honey, you are going to need it.”

“You know I usually just fuck a super slut for a few hours and then I step over her drooling moaning twitching cum shattered ass to get on with more important things like knocking down a city or two; but bitch I am going to pound your holes for days… fucking days!” The Abomination dropped his hands and leaned forward and snarled and roared at her with eyes glowing menacing fire.

“Yackity-yack-yack, I think this doggie is all bark and no bite. I have never met a rape monster who gabbed so much. You know what I think? I think-”

“Don’t-think-bitch-just-suck!” The wall of green muscle came at her with a lunging two handed fist attack to her stomach. She had never seen anything on seven planets move that fast and still manage to hit that strong! “That’s all a sluts gotta do!” He raised up a foot and brought the stomp down directly on her head shattering the earth underneath in a spider web that was still cracking when he raised it up for another stomp.

He never landed it. Hyan Mytee pulled her head from where it lay half buried in the earth and swung her legs out in a sweep kick. The beast fell full upon its back and found a boot smashing down on his own head before he could react. He caught the second foot stomp and shoved and twisted the leg away sweeping his own legs for a leg lock take down but she was nimble enough to flip aside and crash down the slope of the forest coming to rest upon her ass at the base of a tree.

His first punch missed and buried its self into the trunk of tree but the second landed a glancing blow but he realized she had allowed that so she could grab his wrist and twist while she put another boot heel this time into his exposed ball sack! “UGH!”

Hyan Mytee swung away from the beast whose right fist was still caught in the trunk of the tree and came up behind him. She landed a punters kick from behind in his exposed still shuddering nut sack and shouted, “sing something in soprano for me baby!” and then she grabbed the dangling two foot long football thick cock with both hands where it hung between the howling beasts quivering legs and yanked back and up with it slamming its head into the tree trunk. “Now, be a good little monster and cough.”

The Abomination launched a jack-ass backward kick that caught her full in the breadbasket and knocked her on her ass again and the wind out of her sails. “I feel I am a modern understanding type of man. In touch with both my ying and yang!” The creature grabbed its own penis and slapped her across the face with it as if it were a lead filled blackjack knocking her head over heels. “In fact, I like a little foreplay sweetie.” The monster picked her up by her dazed head and held her there as he cocked back his right arm for the punch. “Howabouts a little kiss!” He slammed his fist into her face with such force that it ripped her head out of his iron grip leaving strands of white hair behind as she went rolling backwards through the dark jungle growth. She came up in a crouch dazed, nose bleeding, and pissed. The fact that she came up at all caused the Abomination to pause and raise an eyebrow, “you got moxie kid. I will give you that. But no one takes on the Abomination and wins! Let alone a skirt!” The creature launched its self at her in a savage roar and found his face eating the business end of a freshly snapped tree trunk.


“Your majesty, Yellow Queen please come in.” The man in the lab coat fiddled with dials and flipped buttons and typed at his keyboard.

“Report,” the velvety smooth voice of the Yellow Queen hummed from the bank of computers and its lone speaker.

“The encounter between the space alien woman Hyan Mytee and the monster Abomination has finished.” On one of the large computer screens Hyan Mytee was seen staggering out of the jungle forest onto a paved road. She was walking bowl legged with a hand to her head and every inch of her body was covered in cum. Over the small computer speaker one could just make out her moaning and speaking, ‘oh, I feel like a splooge factory.’

“The actual combat itself lasted several hours and showed the fighting abilities of the new super heroine to be of a much higher quality than first imagined. The Abomination however did win and the rape that followed lasted well over forty eight hours of non-stop brutal cock hammering sex. In fact, it probably would have lasted even longer but it was interrupted by Wolf Woman whom attacked the, er, preoccupied and somewhat depleted Abomination. Those two then fought for a few punches at least before the monster easily conquered the non-super powered heroine and tossed her over his shoulder and vanished into the jungle; mumbling something about, ‘desert?’”

“I couldn’t care less for cosplay girls with attitude. My only concerns are those few Earth women with brains who might discover our plans before we are ready or the few who have the super powers to challenge our invasion once it’s underway.” The voice trebled.

“Yes, ma’am. The super heroine Hyna Mytee woke up shortly after the Abomination left with Wolf Woman over his shoulder. She then proceeded to stagger about in an orgasm ‘fucked-silly’ daze for half an hour until falling down and giving birth to a green pod. This quickly hatched into a junior Abomination that scurried away into the jungle. Apparently the super heroine Hyan Mytee has the ability to conceive from the sperm of the monster using her, unique to her species, pod reproduction system. As no other super heroine has been known or recorded on record, to be able to maintain a pregnancy to term by this level of a monster before.”

“Excellent! Recover the infant Abomination at once and secure it back in our secret staging base!” The female voice whirled like wind chimes as she spoke. “This new super heroine may prove very useful to us after all! If she can be used to unwittingly provide us with an army of monsters to soften up this world prior to invasion; why so much the better! Quickly, send another creature from the pens to accost her and let us see what she spawns next with her inevitable defeat! If she proves to brood yet another monster offspring then we will match her with one of our own immensely superior Venus monsters!”

“Yes my Yellow Queen,” the man in the glasses and white lab coat bowed low and switched off the computer.

“Herbert! Herbert!” The muffled shouts became suddenly louder as the door between the upstairs kitchen and the basement banged open. “Herbert! I told you no messing around today! I want you get that lawn mowed and the back fence painted today! None of your excuses! You won’t be wasting your day off this week down in the basement tinkering on that computer crap of yours! Humph! Just wanking to internet porn I imagine!” The fat woman at the top of the stairs in her apron and dress and slippers put her hands on her wide hips and snarled. “You get up here this instant I have plenty of things for you to do! Why on earth I ever married a Wal-Mart overnight stocker is beyond me! If it wasn’t for my bingo winnings we’d starve! Now get your worthless butt up here! Sixty hour work weeks and you bring home less than the Henderson teen girl next door does baby sitting on the weekends! Now, I want to hear that mower running! And I want that fence painted! A grown man wasting your time with computer games! A man with ambition is what I should have married!”

“Yes ma’am,” the man removed his lab coat and slowly walked up the creaking basement stairs.

“To think I once believed you would amount to something! HUMPH!” The fat woman in curlers folded her arms under her flabby chest and scowled at the man as he adjusted his glasses and tried to force a smile.

“Well, I am trying dear… I am trying.” The man paused and nodded at his exasperated wife.

“You most certainly are!” his wife threw up her hands and stomped off into the kitchen. He looked back at his crackling wall of computer towers from his perch half way up the dark cobwebbed staircase, “it is not easy amounting to something in a world where something as worthless as money has taken on the mantle of true power. But dear… I am trying.”
