The following is a work of fiction intended for adult entertainment. The character Fly Woman is one of the many fantastic creations of Mr. X and I use her here in the following story of public domain in keeping with the parameters established upon his wonderful website. Once again I have taken great liberties with this characters background even including making up her civilian name as the ever busy Mr. X has not had a moments peace to whip up a super heroine stat sheet on her yet. Any other writers looking to use this character in one of their amazingly fun stories would be best served to contact Mr. X for the appropriate details or politely bug him until he forgoes all semblance of sleep and cranks out some more super heroine stat sheets or our story thus far pages. He is a nice guy with a lot on his plate, so if you choose to pester him for more works, remember to be nice about it! Rook.


<live cerebral link…established> Alright. Cool. I am making these recordings for my own personal records. Latter I may heavily edit them into a blog or something since no one seems to have the slightest inkling what it is like to be a super heroine… who knows. Right. It is difficult to channel ones thoughts into a cohesive single line of reasoning… but I think I am starting to get the hang of it. Yeah.

First off, my name is Camellia Bunns. And I am recording my thoughts directly into this simultaneously transcribed written transcript via my helmet…<loud sharp report> and it appears the helmet is also transcribing the immediate sounds around me as well. That was my hands clapping. So it should filter out most background noise but pick up conversations or sounds it registers from my brain patterns that I find important and am listening to… that should make this log much easier for me to edit latter… right.

Okay… a quick up to speed FYI… like I said my name is Camellia Bunns, but if you know me at all it would be as the super heroine Fly Woman. I was born one of the rare Aphrodite gene women and I was recruited into the United States of America’s C.I.A. at the age of thirteen from the Blank House Orphanage outside of Reading in Great Britain… already at that age I was showing all the outward signs of an active Aphrodite gene woman. Which is to say, I was faster, stronger, and healed quicker than anyone else around me, and I had a set of knockers the size of cantaloupes and a sex drive that just wouldn’t quit! As half the bruised groin lads twice my age could have groaningly admit in the surrounding countryside!

The Central Intelligence Agency put me to work at once in the field gathering information and establishing contacts using my…er…unique physical endowments and abilities. 73% of all CIA operatives are women but the entire upper brass is all male. And the vast majority of its recruits are approached and work outside of the continental united states. That is it use to be that way before 9/11, now most of its recruits work inside the United States under the dubious blanket of the Home Land Security program and spend their days and nights spying on American citizens. But though the numbers have shifted a bit and the location of operations has turned increasingly in upon its self, it is still males only in the upper brass and it was these typical short sighted males which failed to see that my own unique genes talents were more mental cognitive problem solving than the more common two fisted punching of most Aphrodite gene super heroines. So by my sixteenth birthday I was considered a top field agent who was expected to gather my intel via pussy or punching. All those men could see was my lithe hour glass figure, my forty-four EE cups, my twenty two inch waist and my thirty six perfectly bubble butt ass, buy not my brains! That is to say, that one set of my frontal lobes so overridden their perceptions that my other set of frontal lobes was fully ignored! Though, in retrospect, I will have to admit with my insatiable sexual appetite born of the Aphrodite gene aggressive need to breed, may indeed so colored my day to day conduct that it may not have been suggestive of a desk job. He-he.

Still it wasn’t until my eighteenth birthday that the whirl of globe trotting bed hopping came to a stop. It consisted of several small events but I will only brush upon a couple here as they appeared the most significant at the time. The first was that the CIA had only five other Aphrodite gene super women working for them, other than myself, and all of us were of course working as plain clothes civilian spies. No fancy costumes or masks, no leaping about in front of tv crews in our underwear for the evening news, we did most of our work in our underwear in the bed rooms of prime ministers and kings watched by a very different camera crew!

But it was around this time (the actual year of 9/11) that I stumbled across multiple strings of evidence that the CIA had been behind the September 11th terrorist attacks on the United States of America and had used them to further their ongoing global game of power domination. The fallout of the tragedy brought the CIA the Patriot Act and in a single pen stroke made them the most powerful and deadliest and richest terrorist organization in the world! I would have been surly marked as a rogue agent and hunted down as I had hunted down so many others before me, if it weren’t for the very maze within a maze sloppy nature of the CIA. It’s design by chaos helped to cover up my own discovery of the various other cover ups, and I was able to slink back into the shadowed corridors of bright florescent lights in a mob of clicking high heels and high cut skirts.

The other more important thing that occurred was that it was at this moment that the CIA became involved in dealing with the BREEDERS. This is a group of aliens who infest the Earth from several hidden bases scattered around the globe. With the intent to capture and breed with women to create offspring to further their numbers until they deem themselves worthy of open conquest of the planet. They can only mate successfully with virgin earth women and have a predominance for Aphrodite gene women. The Omega sisterhood is their prime quarry as every time an Omega super heroine re-summons her suit of power her virginity is reestablished making her an ideal brood queen for the BREEDERS. Various splinter cells within the CIA had been in contact with the Breeders for almost a quarter of a century! Often trying to exchange Aphrodite women in barter for advance alien technology.

It was decided to form the six Aphrodite gene women then working for the CIA into a crack unit to root out and destroy these Breeders once and for all. As most of my fellow female agents had greatly over developed frontal lobes but no brains, I became the leader of the group. In typical male pig small mindlessness they code named my team, ‘the dairy dozen’ despite our only numbering six members. It was both a smirk of a nod to one of the directors favorite westerns and an obvious sexual slur at our bountiful breasts! We destroyed a Breeder base in the Canadian wastes and in the process discovered there was a large orbital Breeder space station hovering above Antarctica. We used the teleport pod in the Breeder base to beam aboard the space station only to find out the whole thing was a trap! The CIA had set us up as sex slaves for the Breeders in exchange for more alien weapons! After some time being subjected to some of the largest cock raping of my career (which is truly saying something! Especially if you consider the time the kinky Pasha of Delomae insisted I pleasure his entire stable of polo ponies!). I managed to escape and free my fellow captives. The fight that followed destroyed the space station and my fellow super heroine team mates fled into the teleport pod as I stayed behind trapped under the still exploding wreckage.

The CIA put a star on the board for my sacrifice and fed the angry remaining team mates a pack of lies which they greedily swallowed, before re-naming them the ‘team ten’ and sicking them on a splinter cell CIA group which they blamed on everything. But I hadn’t died in the space station explosion, obviously. Instead, a sole remaining Breeder over come by my Aphrodite pheromones inadvertently freed me from the entrapping wreckage and I was able to over cum him, if you get my meaning. I was also able to stop the chain reaction of explosions that was tearing through the base. The space station was about two thirds destroyed, thin black twisted wisps of metal in the void of frozen space, but the third remaining still housed the teleport pod and the cloaking device. I quickly switched on the cloaking device leaving the CIA satellite monitoring the space station convinced it had been utterly destroyed.

I had no intention of returning to the Earth just yet, and certainly had no desire to ever work for the back stabbing world enslaving CIA ever again! I severed all the various base relays of the Breeders to my teleport pod thus convincing them that the orbiting space station had been utterly destroyed as well, and set to work investigating the remaining elements of the crippled but still functioning space craft I was now on.

I quickly found that the ship contained several hibernation pods chock full of slumbering Breeders. These Breeders were surprisingly the power source of the craft. A machine milked the enormous Breeder cocks and collected the sperm which was sent directly into a DNA reactor that split and re-split the double helix strands releasing vast amounts of genetic energy. The problem was that the milking machine was damaged beyond my ability to repair it! However, I quickly found I could use my considerable skills to manually milk the enormous slumbering cocks of the Breeders and collect this fuel for the genetic reactor tanks. Some quick calculations and I arrived at the conclusion that I would need to milk roughly thirty to forty hibernating Breeder cocks every seventy-two hours to maintain the full power of the space station and at least half that many to just maintain equilateral orbit! This was of course doable and so I decided to remain aboard the space station and make it my base of operations!

Through trail and error I found that the teleport pod only functioned in a stripped down bare bones manor when not directed and tied to one of the Breeder base telepods on the Earth bellow. I could transport myself to anywhere on Earth in a blink of any eye from the space station remains (providing the space station had been positioned directly above that location first!), but I could only wear clothing and equipment scavenged from the space station. My own garments dissolved into dust upon arrival and anything non-living I tried to teleport back with me to the space station, such as tools or clothing or machine parts also dissolved into dust upon arrival! This was apparently some form of security filter working at set parameters within the telepod system that despite my most feverish efforts I could never fathom the alien programming solution!

This wouldn’t have been so bad if the Breeders actually wore clothing, but they didn’t! they generally chose to skulk about entirely naked, their exceptional skin being more than resilient enough for most atmospheres. So I rapidly found myself using what few inches of cloth I could find from the burnt out hulk of the ship to fashion myself a super heroine costume. This proved to be some semi-transparent plastic like cloth from one of the empty containment membranes that acted as a hammock cocoon for the slumbering Breeders, there wasn’t much to use but it covered my girlie parts fine enough and more important it was of a material the stripped down telepod recognized and did not dissolve upon arrival on Earth or when teleporting back into the space station. I fashioned a helmet from scrap pieces aboard the craft that allowed me to remain in constant contact with what remained of the ships mainframe allowing me to call for teleports back up to the ship. It also allowed me to monitor all forms of communication immediately around me and allowed me to use various spectral visions on my visor to see figures moving on the other side of walls or zoom in on areas normally out of my line of sight. The technology was powered via the space station genetic reactor and only worked when I was directly under the space station in about a ten mile square swath. The power of my equipment diminishing rapidly in this square as I moved away from its epicenter and losing all power if I moved out of the squares radius completely. The space station hovered above me and did its best to sync its orbit with my moving location, but if I moved too fast or too far it could lose me for several valuable hours as it maneuvered to track me or lose me entirely until I found it again! Following me around like that used up a lot of genetic energy and I had to keep the helmet monitoring how much Breeder spunk was left in the tank so to speak. I had to make sure there was always enough left to keep the ship orbital and enough for me to teleport back on board to milk out some more! This wasn’t always as easy as it might seem and there were several anxious moments in my earliest experiments.

In addition to my helmet I created some shoulder pads made out of alien metal which used the super stretchy fabric upon my arms to turn said fabric into a set of wings! I couldn’t fly really, but I could launch myself up into the air several hundred feet and hover for a brief period of time and then I could glide and hover over a considerable distance if the winds and weather were right. I also fashioned a choker collar about my neck which cast an invisible light which my helmet visor could pickup thereby letting me see in complete darkness without casting any discernable light myself to give my prescience away. This choker collar also worked as an emergency teleport so I could beam myself back up to the ship while in my civilian clothing without having to lug my helmet around with me. But it was a blind teleport and not very reliable in that I needed to be directly under the space platform for it to work at all! Other than some foot wear which allowed me to create a small zero gravity static field which in turn allowed me to walk up even the sheerest of walls, the rest of my costume consisted of the few remaining scraps of aforementioned membrane fabric which I wore in the traditional super heroine bikini manner. What it perhaps lacked in modesty it more than made up for in male distraction and proved its self even from the outset as worthy accouterments.

Though it should be apparently obvious that my main goal was a revenge against the dreaded ever growing invisible cabal of the world dominating CIA, I wisely chose to test out my costume and my powers as well as establishing a separate passive identity as a super heroine from scratch that the CIA would not link to its former member, by attacking small time crooks in the crime plagued Delta City.

It was here in Delta City that I also created several new civilian identities as necessity demanded. But the one I walked the streets with the most was as, Penny Faye, a respectable sexually repressed be-speckled highly clumsy easily flustered loan officer working in the Delta City Bank specializing in low interest loans to impoverished families. Since the bank its self was one of many CIA double front for laundering its many illegal money making operations, it gave me an immediate hard copy access to sensitive files that the orbiting space station could not monitor nor access directly. I had already decided by this time that a full frontal assault upon the CIA, or the Breeders as well, would end up in ridiculed failure and had decided to spend my immediate endeavors to hurt the CIA via its pocket book and wait for the occasional surgical precise occasions to strike by monitoring it and any further Breeder activity. In the meantime, watch, listen, and practice!

My first attempt at using the space station teleport to land in full costume nearby some petty thieves I had monitored near a warehouse when the space station had picked up a silent alarm. Proved humbling to say the least! The teleport had left me dazed for several vital minutes, due to the helmet remaining in contact to the space station and a sudden unexpected flood of information over ride in the helmets sensory array. I latter tinkered with this and got the teleport daze factor down to roughly thirty seconds, which isn’t bad unless you are teleporting directly on top of a hostile target which in this case I was!

Luckily I was unobserved and spent my spinning groggy minutes staggering about the weeded abandoned parking lot next door to the warehouse in question. By the time I came to my senses only one thug was still in sight and I had to conclude the other perp was now inside the warehouse in question. Though I was having difficulty getting my helmet to screen through the waves of input to ‘see through the wall’ before me for the missing fellow I felt confident enough to take out the immediate target and adapt my further actions from the situation as it arose. I approached and announced myself to the sole remaining man and he did an almost comical double take of fear and then unmasked lust upon seeing me appear out of nowhere and then went into hormonal overdrive as he focused in on my super heroine stance. I realized this fellow was going to be no match for me, despite my not having the extra strength that my sister Aphrodite gene super heroines generally possess, at least not to that overwhelming degree they tend toward, I still regarded my agility and years of combat training and the obvious distracted nature of the target male by my nearly naked body and utter beauty, to more than give me the edge in the situation at hand.

I announced myself and demanded he put himself into my custody, which resulted in a torrent of sexual slurs upon my person in what in hindsight might have been obvious to expect but which took me somewhat off guard as I had thought the whole situation so blatant as to my being his superior in every regard that his refusal of my offer to accept his humble submission in such a loud vulgar manner sent me off into a bit more of an teeth on edge anger than I had thought possible of me, considering the field testing nature of the moment. And the caution and forethought oversight I had consoled myself with evaporated into a red cloud of furry as I leapt forward to roundly dispatch the verbal garbage spewing goon!

I realize now this impulse was a mistake and much my undoing as the fellow got in a few lucky blows as my anger undid my years of mainly defensive training, but I recovered and despite his desperate situation I smirked with glee to note he could not keep his eyes off my quivering bosom! I was all ready to subdue him when his fellow accomplice appeared not out of the warehouse before me but from the city street to my left and laid a heavy blow to the base of my skull which my helmet absorbed but which then did more damage to me in flashing some mental sparks as it where of white noise at this shock. I latter recalibrated the mental interface and set up some more emergency filters but basically speaking, any strong blow to my helmet causes it to briefly emit a white noise wave that momentarily stuns me for a few seconds and there is nothing I can readily do about that!

But it was the chloroform that was my undoing. Every Aphrodite gene’s super heroines weakness! It hits us so fast and so hard and leaves us utterly defenseless against the Aphrodite curse! The thing is, what most people don’t understand is that the sole purpose of the Aphrodite gene is to create a superior woman to mate as often as possible to produce more superior women! Everything about it is geared to sex! Reproduction! Getting laid and knocked up! The desire of the gene is to trigger an Adonis male gene to procreate with it, but while the Aphrodite gene stirs up constant lust in the woman the Adonis gene male equivalent is almost utterly impotent! It’s a dirty trick of nature to make the female so needy and the male utterly indifferent! There are the gene variants of course, the Artemis gene seems to be an incomplete Aphrodite gene which has some of the awakened powers but none of the drive to do good. One finds it in most super villainess. Then there is the Ares gene almost identical to the Artemis gene but appearing in the male, again you get the large cocks found in the Adonis gene but here they are hard and lusty, but one finds none of the restraining need to do good as the Adonis male possesses. Considering the physical power of the Aphrodite gene gone active in a super heroine there aren’t too many normal males who can simply handle such a woman when she enters the deeper throws of passion and loses her self control over her mind and body to the boiling insatiable lusts of the full blown gene in orgasm. The Aphrodite curse then is the constant conscious state the super heroine battles against her subconscious insatiable lusts and drives to engage in sexual activities! And chloroform and other such drugs put that higher consciousness to sleep and let loose those unbidden passions!

Lucky for me these punks merely tied me up in my helpless state and stripped me bare of my bra and panties! They left a crude sign around my neck for the cops to find me thus humiliated, and scrammed before the sirens could close in on them. My Goddess! If they had but stimulated me in any sexual way, I could have been so easily reduced to a mindless cock sucking whore! Begging for dick in my every orifice! I was lucky they were as amateur as I was! And that they had been so obsessed with my incredible tits and pussy that they hadn’t thought to remove my helmet! I can thank my perfect body for that and the unusually powerful sex inducing pheromones which my body secrets. All Aphrodite’s waif out very powerful hormones that stir the lust of both female and male passersby, which increase in scope and measure if the super woman is sexually stimulated and rise in rapid proportion to each and every orgasm she experiences, but my own pheromones are of an even more potent allure and I often have to keep an eye about me on its not so invisible effects it has on others especially when I am in my civilian disguises! As it was with my helmet still secure on my noggin it was only a moment for me to command the space station to teleport me back on board.

There I was able to satisfy my chloroform stirred lusts that had been magnified at my having been stripped naked before these two strange men by mounting and milking several slumbering Breeder cocks. Thereby not only sating myself to a more sane and thinking degree but replenishing the ships fuel tanks in the process. So though the initial outing had not gone as planned I at least found my secret base in space supplied me with the one thing every super heroine needed but could not readily possess and that was an unlimited supply of large bountiful cocks which could handle my un-pent Aphrodite gene lusts when needed! How many of my fellow sisters would have jealously fumed at the knowledge of my secret stash! He-he!

With my obsessive ‘needs’ at least fed enough so I could walk and chew gum at the same time again, I set myself down to the task of finding another soft target before the night was over to set to learning from my previous encounters mistakes.

This second outing faired a little better than the first, in that I at least managed not to get knocked out, stripped naked, grouped, and hog tied in the first fifteen minutes of my showing up!

I had managed to tinker with the helmet so the disorientating effect of the teleport was now only a minute or so and I had set myself down across the street from the target location in a darkened empty alley. So I wobbled my self back to my wits and this time making full use of my helmets scanners searched the jewelry store across the street from which the space station had intercepted the silent alarm. My visor showed me three perpetrators hunched over the jewelry cases making short work of the inventory and thrusting rather clumsily the contents of each case into their duffle bags. Not exactly a brainy bunch, the iron grating on a back window had been pried away tripping the alarm and they had thought enough to wear stocking masks to hide their faces from the security cameras, but other than that, it was a smash and grab job. Sloppy as hell, the CIA would have been proud to have such recruits.

Small time thugs, I located the idling rusted license plate stripped no doubt stolen family sedan half a block away with one lone guy with a cell phone and a lot of anxious energy. I used my helmet to tap into his call to his buddies open line in the jewelry store and made my announcement of my name and presence and demanded their submission. There was a moment of perplexed silence and then chaos as angry diatribes began. I was expecting it this time and took it in stride. Apparently and not entirely unexpectedly no one had heard of the super woman calling herself ‘Fly Woman’ yet, but that would soon change!

I took out the punk in the car first. Using my helmet I simply caused an electrical short in his motor that fried the solenoid and half the fuses and burst the battery! It ate up a lot of the genetic power up stairs in the space station in one burp and I noted it with some trepidation. But the unmasked goon had no choice but to exit his smoking vehicle and high tail it on foot. I summoned my wings, the shoulder pads on my costume slurping up my arm sleeve fabric and regurgitating it back out as large firm two sets of wings which buzzed into a humming bird blur as I launched myself after him.

I landed fully on his back bringing both of us crashing to the pavement, not the original plan as I was intending to land a few yards in front of him. But it brought him down and in a few svelte moves on my part my fists and knees and heels brought him down in a slump to the ground for a final time!

Unfortunately this left the thieves inside the jewelry store the precious moments they needed to skitter back out of the jarred window and scatter pell-mell down the dark city streets. I managed to corner one of them and smacked the little snot around until he crumpled in a daze and once again I noted that my large breasts in their skimpy see through bikini top had worked wonders of distraction on the punk! But all the others had got away and with them much of the stolen loot! I bit my lip and realized that this was a hell of a lot different than pumping information out of a congressman in a Las Vegas motel room! I was going to have to start using those ‘brains’ I knew I had possessed but had been discouraged from using for so many years if I was going to get the hang of this crime fighting business!

I left the two hoods tied up with a complementary card of regards for the arrival of the police which were a tad tardy in their response to the silent alarm and high tailed it back to my spinning pad in the sky. I had got the idea of a calling card from those jokers earlier that night hanging a card around my neck, by focusing my neck choker invisible light upon the appropriate surface I could change its spectral intensity and literally burn my mental message into the surface.

It was a far better ending than my first endeavor had been but far from satisfactory as well! Most of the criminals had got away, but then again at least I hadn’t been brought to the edge of nymphomania this time and had barely escaped too horny to think straight!

Still the night was over and my last escapade had drained the spunk tanks to almost half their original level?! I would have to learn to use my powers carefully and on a budget! For now I made my way back to the hibernation pods and straddled what would be the first large cock of the next several hours and tried to not enjoy myself too much!

Thus in making my first mental notes for this new journal idea of mine let me skip ahead to the remembrance of my first real test, before I start using this thing as a live feed of me while on the ground and in action! Tweeter ear your hart out!... After two weeks of further test runs and more tweaking of the basic equipment I found myself this morning in my civilian guise of Penny Faye, Delta City Bank loan officer pushing my way out of an elevator which my powerful pheromones had turned into a soupy mess of half dazed coworkers who confusedly were left tugging their clothing back into place in my wake. (I am so fortunate that my pheromones not only turn everyone around me into sexual zombies but also seems to erase their antics from their mind! Or else I would be unable to be around anyone for more than a few minutes at a time!) Out into the brisk autumn Delta City street air I breathed a deep sigh at my near escape and considering my overt dampness due to the conduct of my fellow passengers in the elevator whished that it was not my habit to forgo underwear when in civilian attire. Whew!

No matter, I soon made my dripping snatch way to my simple little third story walk up flat and whisked my helmet from its hiding place under the fake plant inside the plastic vase and dropped it out of sight on the chair outside the bathroom. Then I threw open the heavy drapes and quickly disrobed in front of the front room window to give the high school boys across the street their cheap thrill of the day and to add to the ever growing amount of internet voyeur photos of me which were helping establish my fake identity as a hapless horn rimmed glasses tight bun haired teacher type bank clerk suppressed hottie that would confuse any random CIA agent who might stumble across my former and present identity. Once convinced I had put on a sufficient pecker tease show, I left the front room snagged up my helmet and entered my tiny all white tile bathroom.

I had found out rather unexpectedly that though the Breeders remained convinced the space platform had been utterly destroyed and could not detect it in its cloaked state from their bases on Earth, they could perceive every time I used the teleport upon the Earth. It registered somehow and that momentary faint blip of their technology being used by someone other than them concerned them greatly. It would only be a matter of time before they tied the Fly Woman’s sudden appearances and disappearances with the use of their stolen machinery! I could no longer risk a teleport from any of my secret civilian places to the space station as the Breeders had already found two of them and thus rendering those aliases dead to me before I realized what had lead them to those apartments and set them to trashing them in futile searches!

Luckily the helmet was malleable and could be wadded up except for the visor and shoved somewhat discreetly into one of my purses. But this time I decided to use my gym bag to hide the helmet in and use my membership at the gym three blocks away as an excuse to get away from my apartment in order to use my helmet to teleport me up to the space station to suit up and begin my nightly patrols. The problem was my irregular jaunts to the gym always prompted a parade of the entire blocks males and several females who either followed me directly or showed up shortly after my arrival to gawk at my body as I worked out. The trick was to maintain my ice princess cold aloofness despite how terribly horny it made me to have anyone stare at me so lustily!

I would do a quick cock tease work out and then when everyone was staring helpless at my sweating body I would make as if I were going into the sauna to cool down in the heat bath and secretly slip out the back into the near by abandoned condemned building. There was a quick entrance to the subway station just beyond that and after a short ride I would be at the park entrance and plenty of easy cover for a teleport up to my secret base! I had done this sort of thing twice before now and it seemed to keep the Breeders fooled!

With this goal in mind I picked out the smallest pair of sheer hot pants I had and with several moments of grunting and wriggling just managed to squeeze and tug them into place. They were camel toeing nicely and would become nearly transparent the moment I began to sweat, even now, juicy as my pussy was, they did nothing to hide my proud pubic mound nor its opulent thick patch of fine curly raven black hair. I slipped a white just as sheer two sizes too small halter stretch top on over my perfectly round full breasts and had to marvel at how readily my always pert puffy nipples were on display and how the hem of the garment failed to reach beneath my breasts swell and dug in deeply into each full spherical tit letting a large swollen globe hang squeezed in two bellow the garments sunken lip. Some tiny teeny-bopper socks and white tennis shoes finished out all the attire I would need today. I set off for the gym and the stiff pecker parade that would entail!

I put on a much longer show then I had originally intended and almost utterly lost my tenacious self control over my raging hormones in that gym surrounded by so many throbbing cocks wanting me so badly, but luckily all of them were woefully small little ten inch peckers and with my mind focused on the twenty inch fist thick meaty fuck poles obediently waiting for me on my space station hideaway, I managed to slip off into the murky autumn night and just managed to resist rapping a sleeping drunk college student with a nice throbbing fifteen incher scarcely tucked in his shorts on the subway and made it into the park with no notable incident. In a few minutes I was in the bushes and helmet on teleporting back up to my hovering hideaway in the stars! My clothing, what little there was of it, dissolving into a cloud of dust just as I vanished from sight!

I did, somewhat to my embarrassment spend more attentive time to the milking of the Breeder cocks than the refueling of the tanks warranted and thus lost some more precious hours of the night that should have been spent perhaps better on monitor duty, but such it was. I did eventually stagger back to the ships monitor screens and only in a slightly cock dazed post orgasm state blink a little stupidly at the info being fed both into my helmet and upon the screens before me.

But it was only a few stuttering seconds before my somewhat befuddled mind in its euphoric post climax daze managed to piece together what the ships sensors were trying to impart to me. There were several ways with dealing with unwanted pesky super heroines but the most efficient by far was also the most low cost and most direct, and that was by ‘taming’ her and taming her with large cock raped sex! The Aphrodite gene reacted to multiple forced orgasms by consolidating the genetic power of the super heroine into her breast fatty tissues and then triggering her to lactate milk. Milking her after this had occurred literally stripped her of her powers for some time while leaving her psychologically crippled for an even longer time. The willful belligerent arrogant super heroine once large cock fucked into submission of uncontrollable orgasms against her will and then milked dry fell into an almost catatonic stupor for some time and lacked her brash will to further pursue any criminals for a short period of time. The milk its self was able to briefly give any man who consumed it the super heroines powers in a somewhat diluted manor but was also highly addictive. As for the super heroine, if milked dry, her Aphrodite gene would respond by increasing her bust size as it refilled her breasts with her genetic powers. Setting up the whole cycle again and again.

Considering the lusty nature of the Aphrodite gene it was far easier to fuck a super heroine into a milk-able state than to say kill her outright! And considering how inadequate the vast majority of the male population was equipped to satisfy or even attempt to keep up with the average super heroine in the sheets, it was little wonder that sooner or latter all sexually frustrated super heroines some how found themselves alone and on hands and knees helpless before an Ares arm lengthen throbbing cock super villain and finding herself very, very confused indeed!

In fact, so many super villains were raping and milking and then selling that milk upon the ever lucrative black-market that one expected a main street industry to become commonplace in the purview of the general public, an opening for public share holders on the wall street stock market to ticker tape across the bottom of television screens during the news hour every evening, ’super slut titie milk incorporated’. But somehow the whole insidious pattern remained hidden from the blissfully dim public and opaque enough to most elected officials and even the majority of criminals and super heroines themselves that each went about their days with little over view of the actual proceedings general matrix. The overall patterns remained oddly unseen by all those most effected by them? But still remained visible to those who watched everything! And with my little eye in the sky squeaking into my head, that now meant me!

What my ships waterfall of info was panning through based on my filters settings had uncovered was the frayed ends of a plot to capture and milk several of Delta Cities super heroines for a quick lucrative sale of their bountiful jugs waxen honey dew contents! It wasn’t spelled out in black and white but it was there just tantalizingly beneath the surface of telltale bits and pieces. The bait was simple enough; some of the biggest penises in the world! The twenty-third annual adult movie star awards was to be held in Delta City at the Michael Cox estate, one of the richest porn producers in the world and himself the proud owner of a twenty-two inch prick that had made him a teenage star in his early days. Before rising to directing and then producing what one could call, ‘art house’ porn. He specialized in finding men with, er, ample talent in their pants and had cornered the then little sought after female audience porn market, by combining romance with decent scripts and acting and some of the largest fuck poles on the planet! His little niche had exploded into a multi billion dollar industry as the number of women buying porn soared into the millions! Even top ranked mainstream actresses ‘acted’ in several of his films proudly putting their Oscars next to their newly coveted porn awards?!

The gathering not only brought some of the largest cocks in the world together in one place at one time, it brought some of the richest most prestigious women and mainstream Hollywood actresses scrambling to get tickets to attend. There was already back alley rumors of mid-level gangsters plotting a heist of the almost priceless jewels that would be on display in the ample cleavage there! But I had already pieced together that all of that was just the bait to lure in the super heroines of Delta City for a capture and milking! How could they resist the chance to both thwart criminals and be around so much large man meat sticks?! They couldn’t and according to the buzz my screens and helmet were telling me, they weren’t planning on missing a thing!

It was a trap pure and simple, a sort of penis fly trap, and those ditzy super babes were going to jump feet first right into it! It would be up to me to save their collective asses from their own blind lusts! Well, this was one fly who wasn’t going to get caught! My initial smirk at my own genius was instantly whipped off my puss by the sudden realization that the whole Michael Cox shebang had started two hours ago!? I was late! I keyed the telepod for an immediate teleport.


Teleporting inside of a building in which I had not yet used my helmet scanners to map, was incredibly dangerous and simply beyond my space bases emergency or fast teleport abilities. I therefore found myself understandably about a block away from the loud crowded well lit grounds and opulent manor house of the Michael Cox estate with my head still reeling from the teleport and my wobbling knees not knowing how they were to get me into that heavily security thronged fortress?!

In the end, I shuffled past the long line of limos and crowds of onlookers to find a seemingly remote part of the large twenty foot tall wall white marble carved and using my boots I simply though a bit awkwardly walked right up its vertical surface and then after a brief struggle with the iron bars set upright at its top, walked down its backside stepping gingerly onto the ground with a slightly ungainly stride that sent me sprawling amongst the topiary.

The point at which I entered the grounds was rather far from the main house its self and though the sounds of the party was loud I was still some distance from the brightly lit windows of the four story mansion its self. Luckily my helmet made locating the security details easy enough and I used it to hack into their walkie-talkies and confuse them, thus clearing a path to the back of the house. Here I again used my boots to walk up the surface of the house past busy yellow bright windows until I reached some of the darker unlit windows of the third floor. My wings though flexible are almost indestructible and after summoning them to my shoulders I used them to easily cut through the small almost decorative bars covering the third story window before me and with another focused smite reduced the windows themselves to a shower of glass and hopped into the darkened room.

As I had expected the crashing of the glass was utterly droned out by the loud party going on through out the rest of the fun filled house and after a moments pause to adjust me choker light waves I crept through the room and its adjacent hallways. Once inside my obvious super heroine costume would make me as welcome as the other super heroines mugging about thin lipped in the welling crowd, but it would also make me a target for the trap yet to be sprung and so I avoided the lit stair cases leading down into the hubbub and instead made my way through the maze of ill lit rooms and hallways until I found the small cramped stair case baring all the hallmarks of a servants only use. Sure enough it lead down though the mezzanines with only small wooden closed doors marking each landing until it brought me to the sub floors of the basement.

It was here that I was sure the would be criminals would have set up their milking operation. In this I would be proved wrong. But it was here that I discovered the tanks of knockout gas that had been hastily patched into the houses heating and air-conditioning system. Unfortunately I was a tad too late. The tanks had already been opened and while I puzzled over the tanks and the lack of any thugs to pummel in the immediate area the sinister gas was already seeping out of the various floor vents above me and rendering all the occupants unconscious!

In fact by the time I had figured out what the tanks were for and shot up the near by servants back stair case and shuffled through the unconscious pile of party goers, there was no sign of the criminals nor any sign of the super heroines who had pranced proudly through the bustling throng not but a few minutes before. The criminals had obviously been close at hand and in masks not I’m sure much unlike the gas mask I had worn myself from the space station teleport as I had deduced that chloroform on rags was the most obvious form of capturing the super heroines and thus the greatest danger against myself stopping the would be kidnappers!

But where were they?! I took a visor look through the walls and found only the yet unaltered security details wandering about. There was nothing on the floor immediately above me. I took several seconds to force myself from taking some visor peaks into the pants of several of the male guests, my goddess what cocks! And not even awake! Wow! I made a mental note to pick up some of Mr. Cox’s works for, er, future reference, and decided to check out the noises my helmet was picking up from the floors above me. Couldn’t see anything as the vision range of my helmet was greatly reduced by all the stone used in the villas construction, but my helmet was picking up sounds from above that weren’t the sodden moans of the party goers trying to wake up from their gas induced sleep.

It was back on the third floor that I caught up with them! They were shifting their super heroine bundles of hostages from the third floor onto the roof via a landing. Men in fifteen thousand dollar suits panting under gas masks struggling to flop their unconscious burdens up onto the roof. I hit the one still on the landing who was awkwardly holding up what may have been a comatose Champion Girl? Green Specter was curled around his knees. He went down in a flurry of punches never knowing what hit him. I had to use my wings to catch the other fellow who was up on the edge of the roof and had gone spinning off over the verandas railing. I couldn’t fly him back up nor hover with his additional weight but I could slow both our descents to a light landing on the grass bellow.

A few well placed blows kept him down on the dewy sward. I looked up and was amazed to see a large stealth dirigible slowly lisping away from the mansion roof with a handful of men quickly scrambling up dangling rope ladders and ropes. I launched myself into the air upon my wings and soon was abreast of the fleeing craft. I could see down bellow me the limp bodies of the super heroines still lying prone upon the large moon lit roof. Apparently I had foiled their plans to such an extent that they had been unable to have time to get any of the super heroines aboard their blimp!

While I marveled at this good fortune gun shots began to ring out from the dangling men and large caliber rounds fired from the blimp its self began to whiz by me! I was a sitting duck! More ever the dirigible was picking up speed! I knew that such craft could easily reach a speed of seventy plus miles per hour and maintain it easily for an entire day or more. There was no chance I could catch this thing that having made its deceptively lumbering turn was now rapidly disappearing into the night gloom.

As I watched it go I could just make out the large print of “Booby Trap” painted on its side. And noted for the first time that the basic shape of the dirigible was that of two such ships side by side and painted up to look like two jutting breasts! Who was this ‘Booby Trap?’ obviously the brains behind the operation. Shots now rang out underneath me! The security forces were finally figuring out something was amiss and had somehow decided I was the most viable target to vent their confusion at?! I spun my self away in a mix of glides and wing hovers. I couldn’t teleport with my wings deployed and using up such direct power. I had to find a nice dark place to land and then return to my ship. My first big break into spotlight crime fighting wouldn’t be tonight after all. But I had rescued Delta Cities premier super heroines even if no one would know about it for some time, and that made me feel pretty good about myself.