Title: The Adventures of the Red Dragon: Episode I The Corsair

Category: Original Fantasy

Description: The adventures of a mythical heroine on an imaginary earth as she battles to survive in a world of villains, monsters, and bizarre enemies. In this episode the Red Dragon is born and develops the special skills that enable her to survive in the mystical world in which she lives.

WARNING: the story contains elements of extreme violence, bondage, and rape. It is intended for adult viewing only.

Author: L’Espion

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Email: mailto:Lespion@msn.com

Red Dragon

Episode I The Corsair

Chapter 25 The Red Dragon Returns

Melissa flexed her powerful wings, gaining altitude effortlessly. “Wings,” she thought, “I have wings!”

It seemed so natural to her to have the body of a dragon, but at the same time, she marveled at her strength and grace. She remembered little of the transformation. One minute she had been chained to the wheel and the next she stood immense and powerful on the floor of the dungeon. She could only remember the terrible rage that surged through her as she watched the Duke prepare to rape Shasara. Her hatred for the Duke had consumed her with an intense white heat. There had been a strange feeling of disorientation. And then she had become the dragon.

She flexed her long neck so that she could see the three girls holding on to her. She was barely conscious of their weight although she knew they were there. Her scaly hide was amazingly sensitive. She could feel their legs pressed against her. They were riding more easily now, enjoying the spectacle of the landscape below.

It all looked so peaceful. She had never imagined what the world would look like from the viewpoint of a bird. Below her were neat farms and towns, interspersed with patches forest and lakes that reflected the colour of the sky. She was so high that animals and people were reduced to tiny dots on the landscape, but her keen dragon sight saw them all.

She twisted her sinuous neck again and looked at the three girls. They gave her a cheery wave, gaining confidence. They had flown long enough now that they trusted her not to drop them and were enjoying the experience as much as she was.

It was most enjoyable being a dragon. It seemed that she had always been in this form. She wondered if there were other dragons somewhere. Dragons that she could meet and converse with, perhaps even taking one as a mate. That was an experience she had seldom enjoyed as a women. Being raped was not the same as being loved. If only Vandar had waited…

But that was behind her now. She was almost back to the ship. Soon she would have to land, and she knew that when she did, she would be a dragon no longer. She did not know how she knew this, but she knew it as certainly as she breathed. She understood now what the red dragon tattoo meant. The significance of the rituals surrounding the carving of the dragon into her skin had been lost on her. Only now did she recognize the magic of the words that had been spoken.

A powerful spell had been bound into the tattoo, one that would awaken for the right person and under the right conditions. She had felt the spell growing within her when Rey had tortured her, but she had not recognized it. It had taken the capture and threatened violation of her companions to finally trigger the spell and quicken the dragon. Che Sha, steeped more fully in the rituals of the Shang culture had recognized it before she had. She glanced back at the girls again and gave them a dragon smile. She turned back. She could see the ship now. Tilting her body, she swept into a long lazy spiral as swooped toward the small sheltered bay.

She landed on the rocky beach. On the deck of the Peregrine she saw the pirate crew scrambling frantically around. Clearly her arrival had created pandemonium. She smiled to herself. In a few seconds she expected to create an even greater sensation.

Her three comrades slid down her wing to the ground. Melissa felt a tremor pass through her body. Suddenly she felt very disoriented. Her senses swam and the ground seemed to be rushing up to meet her. She swayed and stumbled, catching herself on her hands. Hands, not claws. Tentatively she staggered to her feet. Che Sha rushed to steady her, as did Vayasha. Melissa realized with a start, that she was completely naked, and exposed to the stares of her crew only a hundred yards offshore.

Shasara pushed a bundle into her arms and stood in front of her, shielding her from the amazed stares of the pirate crew. It was the clothing that she had worn before Rey had stripped her. Hastily, she dressed, reddening in embarrassment. Her companions sheltered her, small smiles on their faces. Melissa noted as she dressed that all traces of the ordeal she had been put through, including the nipple rings, had disappeared from her body. Apparently the dragon had repelled such objects as she had metamorphosed.

By the time she finished pulling on her boots a small boat had put out from the Peregrine and was pulling strongly for the shore. The bow of the boat pushed into the beach shale. Chance Brown stepped out. He approached Melissa somewhat hesitantly. Stopping just short of her he went down on one knee. “My lady,” he said, “please forgive me.”

Melissa raised one elegant eyebrow in surprise. Brown had never bowed to her before, and his words confused her. “What is there to forgive, Master Brown?” asked Melissa, continuing the formality.

“I should not have doubted you, my lady. I should have helped your companions to rescue you.”

“Be thankful that you did not, Chance,” she said. “You would probably be dead. Your only wrong was allowing these three warriors to come after me. They could easily have been killed or worse.” Her eyes went to Che Sha and the two Silvani girls. “But I suspect that they did not ask for your permission before leaving.” She smiled. “Come. Let us return to the Peregrine. “I have one more voyage to make.”

On the deck of the ship Melissa smiled as the wind filled the sails. “Where to, captain?” asked Brown.

“Take us to the Black Isles,” she answered. “It is as good a place as any. Go there by the fastest route.”

“Aye aye, captain, Brown replied.

“Do we look for prey?” asked Che Sha moving next to Melissa.

Melissa shook her head, sending her unbound hair swirling about her. “No. After being a dragon I could not be a pirate again. This will be my last voyage on the Peregrine. I will give it to Brown.”

“What then?” asked the Shang princess.

“I’m not sure,” said Melissa. “My adventures have just begun. I have heard of strange lands far beyond the horizon. I will seek them out. Somewhere I have heard there are lands with dragons.”

As she and Che Sha had spoken, Shasara and Vayasha had come close. Stretching her arms wide, Melissa embraced them all. “Yes,” she thought, “my life is just beginning. Others will soon learn of the Red Dragon.”