Title: The Adventures of the Red Dragon: Episode I The Corsair

Category: Original Fantasy

Description: The adventures of a mythical heroine on an imaginary earth as she battles to survive in a world of villains, monsters, and bizarre enemies. In this episode the Red Dragon is born and develops the special skills that enable her to survive in the mystical world in which she lives.

WARNING: the story contains elements of extreme violence, bondage, and rape. It is intended for adult viewing only.

Author: L’Espion

Email Instructions: Please insure that any email directed to me contain some reference to one of my stories. I get a huge amount of junk mail directed at me each day and refuse to open any of it. Unless I am sure that the mail is connected to one of my writings it will not be read. I answer all email, so if you do not get a reply then most likely I did not realize that it was directed to me.

Thank you,



Red Dragon

Episode I The Corsair

Chapter 14 Shasara

Melissa awoke. It took her a minute or so to figure out what had happened to her. Her head throbbed with pain. She had been hit hard. How long had she been unconscious? She seemed to be moving, but could not move her arms or legs. Slowly recognition returned. She was bound hand and foot. And bound most painfully. The ropes securing her wrists cut into her flesh and her elbows had been pulled so tightly together that they almost touched. It was almost impossible to draw a proper breath. She breathed slowly, trying to calm herself and relax her muscles against the pain and discomfort.

Who had captured her? She was being carried by someone. Someone very powerful. Her weight hardly seemed to matter to him at all. She was slung over his shoulder like a sack of grain. Each step caused her to bounce and sent waves of pain through her pounding head. That smell. What was it? It was not unpleasant but very distinctive, like that of a wet animal.

It came to her. She had smelled that odor when she had been seized by the Hian Dai. She was slung over the shoulder of a very big Hian Dai warrior and being carried she knew not where. For a second fear surged through her, but she quickly fought down the wave of panic that swept over her. She called on her Dragon Warrior training, slowing her beating heart and breathing slowly and deeply. She suspected that she was in the most deadly danger. Only by remaining calm and alert could she take advantage of any opportunity to escape.

Wherever she was, she was no longer in the Hian Dai village. She wondered if that was good or bad. She was certain that whoever was carrying her did not intend her any good. If so he would not have tied her up so thoroughly and painfully. She strained at her ropes that bound her as she thought about it, but there was no give. Eventually, she was sure, she was certain she could work her way out of the ropes, but she feared that she might not get a chance before things became worse.

Even being carried was quite uncomfortable. Her breasts bounced against the hairy back of her captor, her erect nipples chafing against his skin. Her tightly bound arms forced her body to arch into an unnatural position. Every step jarred her. The blood rushing into her head increased the pounding headache she already had. Soon she was straining to keep herself from gasping with every stride. And then suddenly the pace slowed and darkness closed around her.

The sudden absence of light confused her. But then the Hian Dai set her down on a cold stone floor. He kindled a light and lit a torch. She saw that she was at the entrance of a large cave. She also saw to her dismay that the Hian Dai who had been carrying her was the very one who had been so angry when he had been prevented from raping her on the ceremonial platform. She now knew why she had been taken from the village. She broke out into a cold sweat.

The giant Hian Dai warrior did not pick her up again. Instead, he set his torch into a bracket on the cave wall and then bending over cut the ropes binding her ankles. But he took no chances. He pushed her face down into the floor of the cave while he did it so that she could not use her deadly legs. Then he retied her ankles so that she could take small strides. Grabbing the ropes binding her elbows he yanked her too her feet. Melissa almost gasped in pain at the brutal treatment. If she harbored any doubts about her capture they had been quickly dispelled. His rough handling of her clearly indicated that he was not interested in her welfare.

Standing behind her and carrying the torch, the big Hian Dai warrior pushed her deeper into the cave. The passageway led straight back for about one hundred feet and then began to curve to the left and descend slightly. It went on like this for another several hundred feet. As they progressed Melissa became more and more apprehensive. Why was she being taken so deep into the cave? She had expected the Hian Dai warrior to rape her as soon as they had stopped, but he had not. Perhaps he was simply taking her somewhere where he would not be disturbed. She remembered that there had been serious disagreement about how she was to be treated back in the Hian Dai village.

Her mulling over of her fate ended when she and her captor entered a large chamber. It was a huge cavern of dazzling beauty. Huge stalactites hung from the ceiling and the light of the torch reflected off thousands off bright mineral deposits. They glittered like diamonds in the uncertain light, filling the cavern with a dazzling radiance. In the centre of the cavern was a large stone. Melissa saw with some trepidation that it was stained with the blood of countless sacrifices. She had been brought to another of the sacred Hian Dai sacrificial sites.

Her captor gave her little time to react. Pushing her to the floor he cut the bonds holding her ankles and moved between her legs. She saw with horror that his enormous phallus was fully erect. It seemed even larger than she remembered. This close she could see every detail of the four cruel barbs, each an inch long, that protruded from the huge member. She remembered that Vayasha had explained to her that the vaginal canals of Hian Dai females had special grooves to accommodate such an organ. But she had no such grooves. When the warrior inserted his member into her love canal she would be torn apart.

The Hian Dai warrior’s jaws dripped as he loomed over her, dropping long ropes of spittle upon her breasts, but it was the huge barbed phallus that held her attention. It filled her with a terror greater that matched anything she had yet experienced. Her breathing was labored, as if she had run a great distance, and her sweat-covered body dripped perspiration onto the floor of the cavern. She hardly noticed the pain in her backside as the giant warrior pressed her down onto the cold stone.

He was trying to spread her legs, his hand on each of her knees pushing outward. She resisted with all the strength she had, desperately trying to close her legs. Arching her back and straining against his hands, her splendidly muscled body, gleaming with sweat, actually stopped the huge warrior. With a growl of rage the Hian Dai suddenly bent his head and savagely sank his teeth into her left breast.

“Aaagggh!” The sudden pain was agonizing, distracting her from her frantic struggle. In an instant the powerful warrior forced himself between her legs, the bulbous tip of his penis only inches from her vulva. Frenziedly, she clamped her legs about his waist as he pushed forward. Arching her back she managed to raise her body over his thrusting shaft. Gripping his waist as tightly as she could she pulled herself to him. Just beneath her trembling buttocks she could feel the full thickness of his immense barbed rod. His weapon was now rendered useless until he could extricate himself from her grip.

With an even louder roar of rage, the Hian Dai warrior lashed out at his victim. With her arms tied tightly behind her back, Melissa was helpless to block any of the blows, she could only twist her torso, trying to catch as many of his punches on her shoulders as possible. Finally, tiring of the game, the warrior sank his fangs into her other breast. This time he did not let go, but worried her bleeding globe like a terrier shakes a rat. Melissa screamed, louder this time, and relaxed her legs. Immediately the warrior pushed her to the ground and prepared to mount her.

“No!” screamed Melissa, although she knew her protests were wasted on the warrior. It was an involuntary response to a hopeless situation. “No! ´ she screamed again, and then he entered her.

“Aaaaggghhhh!” Melissa’s next scream made her first two pale into insignificance. She felt as if she was being split open, as indeed to a certain extent, she was. The Hian Dai’s phallus had penetrated deep within her. She could feel the sharp barbs pressing against the tender membranes of her vagina. Her already arched back curved into a half moon and her bleeding breasts quivered as her body shook with pain. She screamed again and then the Hian Dai withdrew slightly, readying himself for another thrust.

“Aaaaaaaagggggghhhhhh!” Melissa’s shriek echoed off the roof of the cavern. Blood gushed from her ravaged vagina, spilling in a widening pool onto the cavern floor. All of the previous occasions on which she had been raped paled into insignificance compared to the horrendous pain of her present ordeal. She could not stop screaming, screeching herself hoarse as the Hian Dai began to pump in and out of her.


Shasara could hear the Dragon Warrior long before she saw her. It had taken awhile to track her down. She and Che Sha had returned to the Hian Dai village by a roundabout route, not wanting to fall into a trap. She was sure the Hian Dai would not allow anyone to get above their village again, and so she had moved quietly through the trees and other foliage, working her way ever closer to the village. She had been surprised to discover that the cage she had hoped the Dragon warrior might be in was empty, but there were clear signs that someone had broken out of it. Lying unconscious on the ground beneath the cage were two Hian Dai guards. Then she caught sight of the Dragon Warrior, moving stealthily in the shadows.

Only someone with Shasara’s Silvani eyesight could have spotted so slight a movement. The Dragon Warrior was naked. Shasara surmised that her clothing had been stripped from her. She had been in the cage, but somehow had contrived to escape and overpower the guards. Then as she watched she spotted a second figure lurking near where the wall was lowest. It appeared that the Dragon Warrior was walking into a trap and Silvara was helpless to even warn her! Shouting would have been useless, as any warning heard by the Dragon Warrior would also alert every Hian Dai in the village. Then there would be no possibility of escape.

She watched helplessly as the figure skulking in the shadows stepped behind the Dragon Warrior as she approached the wall and struck her over the head with a wooden club. She cursed the fact that she did not have her bow. Her weapons had been taken from her when she was captured by the Hian Dai. “Should have borrowed Vayasha’s bow,” she thought. But it was too late for that. The best she could do now was to follow the Hian Dai warrior who was now mounting the stockade with the unconscious Dragon Warrior slung over his shoulder.

Che Sha had followed Shasara’s eyes and had also seen the entire incident. She rose to her feet and quickly Shasara placed her hand on the Shang princess’s shoulder, holding her back. “Follow me,” she said. “We will have to try and find her on the other side of the village.” The girl nodded and fell in behind the Silvani ranger.

It took them awhile to pick up the trail. They had to circle the village and that wasted a good fifteen minutes. And then in the dark Shasara had to track her quarry. The tracks led into a dark cave. Cautiously, They crept into it and then they heard the screams.

They quickened their pace after that, moving quickly down the dark tunnel into the bowels of the earth. Neither woman had any idea what she was going to do when she got there. Shasara was unarmed and Che Sha carried only a small knife. It would be of little use to her in a confrontation with the huge Hian Dai warrior who had taken the Dragon Warrior into the cave. They would just have to hope that they could catch him off guard.

It was easier than they could possibly have hoped. A light glimmered ahead in the depths of the cave. As they approached the screaming became truly horrible. Neither Shasara nor Che Sha had ever heard any woman make such sounds. Shasara shuddered as she realized that without the intervention of the woman who was making those sounds she would have met the same fate. That thought made her quicken her pace.

The cavern should have been a wondrous place, but the scene the two women encountered was truly sickening. The Dragon Warrior was being brutally raped by the huge Hian Dai warrior. He was thrusting in and out of her with without regard to his victim’s screams or the widening pool of blood that spread out on the cavern floor. Che Sha drew her knife and before Shasara could intervene, took four quick steps across the cavern and cut the Hian Dai’s throat.

She was hurled across the cave as the huge warrior lurched to his feet. His victim shrieked in agony as his engorged member was wrenched from her body. Che Sha hit the floor rolling, instantly rebounding to her feet, but she had lost her knife. She needn’t have worried, however, great gouts of blood spurted from the Hian Dai’s cut jugular vein. With a gurgling scream, he clutched at his throat and dropped to his knees. Eyes wide with fear, the warrior tried to stagger to his feet, but his strength left him and with a moan he pitched forward, his blood pooling with that of his victim.

Shasara rushed forward. Taking the Dragon Warrior in her arms, she pulled her clear of the bloody lake that was spreading across the floor of the cave. The Dragon Warrior continued to bleed, however, her vagina oozing a continuous flow of blood.

Shasara knitted her brow. How was she to top the internal bleeding? She could guess at the damage that had been done to the tormented woman. If she continued to lose blood it would be only a matter of time before she died. An idea flashed through her mind. The Dragon Warrior was still conscious, but at the rate of blood loss that condition would not last long.

“Dragon Warrior,” she said in Silvani, “we have to stop the bleeding. If we don’t you will die.”

The Dragon Warrior shook her head weakly. The expression on her face told Shasara that the redhead had not understood. She shifted into Shang and repeated her statement. This time the injured woman gave a slight nod. Shasara explained what had to be done.


Melissa gritted her teeth as Shasara and Che Sha helped to her feet. The effort of standing required all her willpower. The agony she was experiencing in her nether region that was beyond anything she had ever experienced. At least the bleeding seemed to have stopped. She was very weak from loss of blood, but it could have been much worse. Che Sha had sacrificed the lower part of her blouse in order to make a compress that Melissa had inserted into her vagina to stem the flow of blood. Probably she was still bleeding, but at least the rate was slowed. If she could get to a healer perhaps more could be done to her. She wished that the Shang healer had not been sent home. Still, the Silvani were gifted healers in their own right. If they could just get Melissa back to the Silvani homeland she might be alright.

Melissa swayed dizzily and almost fell. The two slender young women who had saved her life caught her. Despite their slim builds they were quite strong, and seemed to have no difficulty supporting her.

Melissa took a step and almost fainted. The pain that surged through her loins was incredible. It made no sense to torture her body this way, but she had no choice. The cavern she was in was one clearly frequented by the Hian Dai. It would be most unwise to stay where she was any longer than she had to. She called on her Dragon Warrior training. Had she not been taught to withstand the pain of torture? What she was experiencing was no worse than what she might expect at the hands of a trained inquisitor. Swallowing, she took a deep breath. Calming herself she composed her mind and stepped forward again.

This time she did not stagger. She took another step and then another. She dared not move quickly, but she could manage a slow steady pace. Beside her Shasara gave a murmur of admiration. “I thought we would have to carry you,” the Silvani ranger said.

“You might still,” replied Melissa through clenched teeth. “But I shall go as far as I can.” She continued to move down the tunnel, maintaining her measured step. Every movement was absolute torment, and sweat ran down her naked body. “Step,” she thought. “Step. Step. Step.” She focused on only that one thing, trying to block the agony of the rape from her mind. She would make it. She had to. There was still an issue to settle. One day she would take vengeance on the man who had started her down this sorry road. One day she would have the Duke of Dakmora’s head.