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Part 3

By Lorebreaker

Another goddamn meeting, was Lacey's first thought when Miss Miracle came to fetch them. It seemed that the women in this 'Coalition of Superheroines', as they called themselves, really liked their meetings. When Lacey had first been approached to become a member, she had expected something a little more... action-packed. Pro-active. Kicking the ass of guys in ski masks, something along those lines. Not briefings, debriefings, status updates and other random crap, and NOT when she was in the middle of a training session.

She glanced at Amp, sitting next to her, still wearing that outfit. She seemed happy enough wherever she was, relaxed in the chair with a faintly rebellious air about her. She noticed Lacey looking and gave a friendly wink. Lacey smiled a little, Amp's irrepressible nonchalance beginning to rub off on her.

Still, she was hoping this latest turnout would at least finish with marching orders and the address of some warehouse. Miss Miracle in particular seemed to be into the whole handout sheet thing, doing a brisk circuit of the table, passing the pieces of paper to each of the twenty or so women present. This done, she took her place near the head of the table, smiling a little as she adjusted her bouncy hair. Lacey shifted in irritation. Miss Miracle was sweet, but somehow so annoying at times.

Starlight had had the right idea, she thought. Finally here was something to do, and they were still reading handouts. The more she thought about that lively meeting where the buxom brunette had aggressively voiced her concerns, the more she wished that she'd stormed out of that room with her.

* * * * *

Starlight still had plenty of fight left in her. So she couldn't shoot fire from her eyes or play piano with her mind. She wasn't about to use that as an excuse for this bitch to break her. She struggled every step of the way as the two figures held her firmly, arms bound securely behind her, forcibly marching her down the tunnel, past pipes and heavy doors.

Her current captors were incredibly strong, she knew. She guessed that part of the reason for that was that they probably weren't human. Not that you'd know by looking at them - although superbly muscled, their skin and faces were so realistic that they could easily pass for the real thing. It was the expressions that gave them away... something in the eyes that looked empty and independent. They were efficient in their movements, yet they were still the movements of living creatures.

Androids? It was certainly possible. It was already apparent to her that ArboGen's research had gone much further than the public knew. At the moment they were certainly making easy work of moving her to what she assumed would be a holding cell of some kind - hopefully one she'd have to herself this time, she thought with a tingle as she remembered the gang-rape she'd received earlier.

Besides, now she was immeasurably more vulnerable. If Maybury had spoke the truth, then the birth control formula that had been protecting her had now been rendered defunct. She was still fully naked, her curves jiggling as she struggled against her sparsley clothed android jailers, and she still felt horribly exposed and sensitive after Maybury had shoved that thing inside her.

And Cubic! She had to be her somewhere as well... God, what had they done to her? Starlight's feeling of helplessness twisted into thoughts of protection as she thought of the technician and genius being taken on the floor of her Australian home by that brute Kagor.

As they progressed further, the tunnels became darker, more industrial and foreboding, until Starlight finally gave up and stopped struggling altogether. Save your strength, she thought. You don't have superpowers, but you can throw a punch and you're no idiot. Just hang in there until you see an opening.

As the androids relentlessly marched her nude form into the dark, she breathed deep, hoping one would turn up soon.

* * * * *

Arcania, the woman formerly known as Mystic Queen, calmly regaled the room wth the subject of the Coalition's latest meeting - namely, the disappearance of Starlight. It seemed the hot-headed warrior had been right about ArboGen, or at least the signs were certainly pointing toward it. Security cameras had captured footage of a woman clothed in skintight silver leaving the building. When she hadn't turned up since, and Cubic could also not be contacted, it was suspected that a little more than a bruised ego was to blame.

"So Starlight was right all along?" Lacey exclaimed, almost surprised at her own nerve. Amp looked at her briefly with a hint of appreciation.

Arcania regarded her with her usual expression of inscrutable mystique and superiority. If she was angry, she didn't show it. She was a tall woman, with long, dark hair that hung down her back, and wore a dark green and black outfit, with black gloves to finish. She could supposedly perform all kinds of bizarre feats through the use of hand gestures, although Lacey had yet to see her do anything other than point at things. "She was possibly correct about ArboGen. She was NOT, however, correct in her actions, and would have done well to respect our chain of command." She paused, before returning to addressing the entire room once more.

Lacey shifted in her seat again, uncomfortable with sweat after the recent workout. As Arcania droned on, Lacey looked again at Amp, who was twiddling her thumbs, leaning back. Her costume exposed most of her skin, and the sweat glistened in the light from above. She was a hard woman to ignore.

Why the hell did Arcania have to change her name anyway? It wasn't like 'Mystic Queen' was any less dumb. It seemed to Lacey that most of the women in this 'Coalition' were more interested in things like titles and club rules rather than working for a living. She wondered if this was what one should expect of a group of determined superheroines who thought it imperative to eschew men from their ranks altogether. Ah, men. She missed men.

Hell, she was just annoyed. Annoyed and restless and horny as hell. Fingers crossed, this next assignment would be to turn over ArboGen and shake it hard till something fell out of its pockets. If not, she was going to take Amp back into the gym and spar all night.

* * * * *

Starlight grunted as she was thrown forward into the clean, dimly lit cell. As she hit the floor, her perfectly round rear was raised provocatively in the air, and as she realised how exposed she must be, she quickly turned over, snapping her legs shut. However, to her surprise, and in a change from the day's events so far, nothing was thrust into her vulnerable body. Instead, androids merely slammed the thick metal door closed behind her. The sound of bolts locking into place was unmistakeable.

She quickly looked around, taking in her surroundings. The room was large, white and largely featureless, bar several small panels spaced evenly around the walls. What little light there was shone lazily from lamps set into the ceiling. The only other thing in the room, and easily the most noteworthy, was another prisoner, who only now spoke once she could see Starlight's face.

"Sophie!" Cubic squealed with joy and relief.

"Cubic! Oh my God..." Starlight smiled in pure unabashed joy at the sight of her friend alive and well, and darted quickly toward her. Like herself, Cubic's arms were also bound behind her, each wrist to the opposing elbow, so that their hands could not work together. She was also completely naked, the only item still present being her glasses, which were intact but ever so slightly dishevelled. Her curved, shapely figure was glistening with sweat in the warm air.

"How long have you been here?" Starlight said in a low voice. Someone might be listening, after all.

Cubic shook her head. "Not long. A day or two maybe. I don't know how long I was out after..." She blushed as she recalled her encounter with Kagor.

Starlight sighed. "Yeah, the big guy packs a punch, huh."

Cubic looked back up at her, eyes wide. "He-- got you too?"

Starlight nodded. She was starting to feel a little more confident now, like she had her proper role to play once more, with someone to reassure, and hopefully protect. "Listen Cubic, your birth control stuff--"

"The Cascade Interruption Serum--"

"Yeah yeah, the Cascade stuff," Starlight cut her off hurriedly. "Look they gave me something..." Her voice turned more serious, and she looked at Cubic hard. Cubic avoided her eyes.

"Cubic, what did you tell them?"

Cubic sighed. "Nothing else! Just about the serum, some of its chemical structure..." Her tone was defensive, but only half-heartedly so. She knew that she'd caved, and if Starlight was being honest, she didn't blame her. She was a genius, but she was no fighter. After Kagor had had his way with her, that Maybury bitch must have used all kinds of techniques to get something out of her.

Cubic looked at Starlight worriedly. "They gave it to me too."

"What does that mean? Can it really nullify your serum?"

"It HAS nullified it, Sophie! Right now the only thing protecting us from impregnation is keeping our legs together!"

"Alright, alright," Starlight said in a part-soothing, part-exasperated tone. "Look, I can fight, you can think - together we're gonna get out of here, I swear. Just tell me what that fucker has planned."

Cubic opened her mouth to speak, but suddenly the lights brightened sharply, causing them both to squint and spin round. Starlight suddenly had the nasty feeling that not only could someone hear them, but someone was watching as well.

* * * * *

"Our first priority is intelligence," Arcania continued. "Mist, Valoria and Sunstrike, you three will use the communications facilities to gather as much information on the ArboGen building and company as possible. Slipstream, you will look into Emma Maybury herself, although you are not to enter the ArboGen building itself. Understood?"

The catsuit-wearing heroine nodded.

"The rest of you, take no action for now. But I want you ready to act at a moment's notice."

Lacey started in confusion, then looked at Amp, who shrugged her shoulders. Lacey then leaned forward and gripped the table, staring at Arcania. "That's it? 'Stand BY'?"

Arcania sat back slightly, obviously ready for a confrontation. "Correct, Melee. Those are your orders."

Lacey was disbelieving. "We have something like twenty people round this table with superpowers, and Starlight and Cubic are having God-knows-what done to them - and three-quarters of us are going to sit and wait?"

Arcania was quietly dismissive in her tone. "It was exactly that kind of reckless attitude that put Starlight in jeopardy in the first place. She would have done well to respect the--"

Lacey stood up sharply. "What we SHOULD have done is go in force in the first place and raze ArboGen to the ground! You all knew what Starlight was talking about was real! You were just too fucking busy with your..." She picked up a handout and shook it around. "Bullshit!"

Arcania stared at her, her sultry eyes narrowing. "I am currently Suprema's second in command, Melee. I can see you are inexperienced, impatient and very concerned for Starlight. Therefore I understand your position, even though I do not agree. But until Suprema returns, you will obey my orders if you wish to continue to remain with us."

Lacey striaghtened up, eyes a little wider. The bitch is stonewalling me too, she thought. There was a second of very uncomfortable silence, and then before she even knew what she'd done, Lacey put a hole in the table with her fist. There was a ripple in the assembled audience, except for Arcania, who did not flinch.

Lacey stormed out, slamming the door. Amp got up from her chair, tossing her blonde hair behind her shoulder. Her incredible figure dominated everyone's vision.

"What she said!" She grinned and marched out after her.

* * * * *

"You'll never fucking get AWAY with this shit!" Starlight spat the words at the ceiling.

"Honey, you should now by now that you're pretty much wrong about everything," Emma Maybury's voice replied tinnily from hidden speakers.

Cubic stood quickly from her former defensive position, her ponytail and large breasts bouncing briefly. Having listened to the details of Maybury's plan, she could not remain silent. "But - it's not even possible! How could you manufacture the DNA in such a way as to--"

Laughter interrupted her. "When a genius tells me that it's not possible, I have to wonder. Baby, it's DONE. And all those androids on their way to your precious Fortress Femidom or whatever dumb name it has are all loaded with the same stuff. Your serum, mixed in with my 'impossible' formula," Maybury sneered.

Starlight breathed, her sweaty bosom heaving. She suddenly had the worst feeling. She looked at Cubic, whose mouth opened, her eyes widening in horror. She was incredibly intelligent, and had just worked through events in her mind, deduction and logic leading her to the conclusion that Starlight was only aware of on an instinctive level.

The voice continued. "You superheroines, ALL of you - so easy to dig the trap beneath your feet. All the while you thought you were consolidating, fortifying... and I was getting ready to pull it out from under you. My creation will bring me untold power... and as for production, that's where you two can help!"

The panels on the walls suddenly slid open. Cubic cried out, panicking. Starlight readied herself, her adrenaline rising rapidly, trying to ready herself for whatever might be about to happen. As it was, she couldn't prepare herself for what happened next, and what Cubic seemed to already have deduced.

From the openings around the room, tentacles slid wetly and swiftly out, dark green and glistening with wet, sticky fluids that oozed over the floor as more and more length emerged. Starlight gasped, her eyes widened with shock. She was ready for anything but this. Cubic was behind her, looking about her frantically.

The tentacles were just under two inches thick most of the way along, and wherever they were coming from was out if sight. But it was their tips that really made Starlight worried. They were undeniably phallic, with a substance that could only be a form of semen oozing from the bulbous, shiny tip. Starlight gasped, momentarily stunned as several of them began to rear up in front of her, dripping. Some moved individually, and some in bunches. But there were at least five or more in the room already, and they were clearly after one thing only.

Starlight tried to regain her composure. The only person who had a chance of knowing a weak spot before things got messy was behind her. They might both have been bound, but she was not about to give up yet. "Cubic! CUBIC!"

Cubic snapped out of her wide-eyed trance. "Y-y-yeah?"

"What are they? How do we STOP them?" she called over her shoulder, unable to take her eyes off the tentacular penises aimed threateningly at them.

"They're- they're plant-based - they must key on - uhh--" She tried desperately to concentrate. "Pheromone signatures!" Her eyes lit up a little. "Our bodies, it's-- EEEEEKKKKK!" She shrieked as she was cut off by a tentacle wrapping swiftly around her waist from behind.

Starlight moved to try and help her, but then to her horror felt two more thick, slimy tentacles slide securely around her ankles. They were strangely warm to the touch.

Cubic yelled and squirmed as she was brought to the floor. With her arms bound, she looked like a fish out of water as she wriggled around in a desperate attempt to escape. More tentacles were sliding around her thighs, smearing them with the warm secretions. She yelled at the fresh contact.

Starlight fell onto her plump rear as the tentacles pulled on her ankles, and she grunted fearfully through bared teeth. Without the use of her arms, her instinct was to hold her thighs shut and bring her knees up to her large chest. However she quickly found that to such attackers as these, such tactics were useless. They were agile, fluid - they could attack from any angle, and needed much less space. One, moving faster than she could respond against, looped over her knees, under her hips, and paused before plunging hard into her ripe, succulent vagina.

"UUUAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" Starlight arched her back, eyes tightly shut, screaming to the ceiling as the thick phallus pushed deeper and deeper inside her. Her strength left her, and the tentacles pulled her legs high and wide, putting her fully on her back and exposing her completely. From here she could no longer maintain her resistance, and the tentacle went all the way in, filling her utterly. "NOOOO!!!! UHHHHH--" She cried out, her body hot and sweaty, shaking her head in resistance as more tentacles slithered stickily over her exposed body. The tentacle within her began to thrust tightly and deeply, fluid oozing over her twitching labia. She began to grunt and groan erotically, her head back, and her eyes beginning to water from the sheer overwhelming sensations being forced onto her.

Cubic was brought down onto her front, the tentacle round her waist working with the one that had wrapped around her slender neck to get her into a suitably exposed position. Eventually she found herself on her front, breasts against the floor, her face on its side, gasping, her glasses at an awkward angle. Her ass was high in the air, leaving her vagina as well as her anus fully exposed. "NO-- NO!!" She shrieked. "DON'T--"

One tentacle darted forward and punched into her pussy, widening it as it forced juicily inside. "AUUGGHHHHHHHH!!!" Cubic screamed, the sweat soaking her as she trembled with forced sexual pleasure. As her body was rocked and thrust by the member plunging along her vaginal passage, she gasped and moaned, struggling to endure it.

Starlight was not faring well. She was still far too sensitive, and this was driving her crazy. The tentacle kept thrusting inside her, as deep as it could go, and it occasionally changed speed, sometimes switching to slow, firm strokes, and then going back to fast, hard ones again. Starlight, who was twisting and bucking her hips, trying to fight it, could neither adjust or keep up. Over the squelching sounds and her own cries of helpless, forced arousal, she heard Cubic screaming with complete submission to what the tentacle was forcing her to feel. She lay back, her hips, stomach, breasts and face wet with hot sweat, and tried to steel herself against this impossible level of stimulation. Each thrust rocked her body, and as she tried to move with it, her big breasts rolled exquisitely back and forth, sticky fluid beginning to ooze over her skin.

What happened next, though, was enough to break down the final barriers of her resolve. Beneath the first tentacle, another moved in, and the oozing tip was forced hard against her exposed anus. Starlight's eyes shot wide. She twisted and arched, tightening her body as much as she was able, but slowly, her orifice began to stretch, and with the tentacle thrusting into her vagina, she was unable to maintain control. The tentacle overcame her and thrust up her ass.

"NOOOOOOOO!!!!" She screamed. As both tentacles began to thrust together, the rivers of fluid running together over the pumping in her anus, she knew she couldn't last much longer. Within her, she felt the heat of forced sex kindle and swell into something stronger - the onset of a powerful climax.

Cubic moaned sharply, disbelievingly, her mouth held open and wet eyes tightly shut, as the second tentacle pushed its way inch by inch into her ass. Prying her open, they thrust together, determined to break her in the same way they were breaking Starlight. Cubic spread her thighs further in a desperate attempt to make it easier. Her gasps and groans were rapidly becoming more high-pitched as the climax was slowly pumped out of her. "UH!! UHH!! SUH-- SOPHIEEEEE--"

Starlight could no longer control herself. Grinding her hips, she was helpless as she was pushed toward her fate. Her anus and vagina tightened reflexively as she opened her wet mouth in the first moments of silent, helpless defeat.

Then, as the free tentacles wriggled around her body, things went from bad to impossibly worse. Within her, she felt the tentacles tremble, and snapped her head up. Her eyes widened in horror.

A section of each tentacle was swelling, the bulges moving steadily along their lengths toward her body. She felt panic seize her as she realised what it was. In moments the plant's seed would reach her body, and without Cubic's formula to protect them, there would be nothing to stop it taking hold.

"NO!" She screamed, and began to struggle anew. The two tentacles responded by thrusting vigorously, their own climax perilously close. Starlight's protests were forced aside by crashing, surging waves of sexual pleasure, forced through her with each double thrust. She couldn't resist, and now the final stage approached.

Cubic, while unaware of how close the end was, nevertheless found out as she felt the bulges being forced into her. Her eyes widened and her cries of pleasure took on a higher note of surprise as her vagina and anus were widened by the increase in girth. She knew as well as Starlight what it meant.

"UAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! UAH! AH!!" Starlight struggled as much as she was able, but as the bulges disappeared slowly inside her, warm and swollen with thick, potent semen, she was too overwhelmed with sensation to fight. Her own orgasm and the plant's were both but seconds away, and the unthinkable was about to take place.

Cubic panted hotly against the floor, crying out with every thrust as her own endurance was tested. Her body tightened as the tentacles swelled within her, and she too felt her body betray her, the fierce, relentless fucking she was receiving finally bringing her to screaming climax.

Starlight went even tighter, panic and mind-blowing sexual ecstasy rushing headlong together as she felt the two phalluses swell and ripen within her hips. She struggled one final time, her legs jerking as the tentacles around them held them firmly in place. Nothing would frustrate the plant at this point.

The time had come. Both tentacles discharged fiercely within the struggling, gasping heroine, warm, rich seed jetting into her anal cavity as well as into her totally unprotected vagina. It burst around the pumping, dripping shafts, splattering her body and flowing over the floor. Starlight screamed as her orgasm broke like the crest of a hot, sticky wave. Within her, the seed surged up her womb, and insidiously took hold, forcibly impregnating her. Her defeat was now total and complete.

Cubic fell shortly afterward, somehow managing to last slightly longer than Starlight. She squealed as her body quivered, the bulges fully inside her, and then semen burst around the deeply inserted tentacles. Her squeal suddenly deepened to the hoarse, undignified cry of sexual climax as she was seeded deeply and thoroughly.

Starlight moaned, her body tingling as the tentacles slid slowly out of her and off her now-sticky, soiled figure. Utterly exhausted, her hair stuck to her sweat-soaked face, she looked down at her hips, knowing she had been impregnated. Panting, still fiercely aroused, she looked over to Cubic. She too had been released, the tentacles sliding back into the walls, and had passed out, having fallen onto her side in a puddle of fluid.

Starlight looked at her belly again. Cubic, I think I might join you, she thought, and laid her head back on the sticky floor. 'Doing her bit' for ArboGen was starting to seem too much like hard work. But she would fill the time planning in minute detail what she would do to Emma Maybury once she had the chance.