Tomb Hunter

The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 4

Larra and the Lost World

Chapter 8 The Ullabomba

Kinsa and his five companions stumbled upon the two women quite by chance. They were on a raid to capture female slaves and had been moving cautiously through the forest when the sound of voices came to their ears. They were in Ansmara territory and it was best to be cautious. The Ansmara were crude barbarians but they could be dangerous in large numbers so it was best to be watchful. And so the six raiders melted back into the forest and waited. After a minute it became obvious that the voices were not coming any closer, but were emanating from one place.

Kinsa signaled to his companions to remain behind while he scouted out the situation. He crept down the canyon toward the sound of female voices. As he drew near he was able to determine that the language being spoken was one that he had never heard. The trail he was following opened out into a small clearing. Peering through the leaves of the dense undergrowth he was able to make out two strange women setting up camp. He watched them for quite a long time. Both women were pale skinned. One of them was a magnificent, golden-haired woman. Although short by Kinsa’s standards, she was quite voluptuous, and her gleaming hair was spectacularly beautiful. The other woman was about the same height, with long dark hair and a darker complexion, but she too was beautifully proportioned. Either woman would make a fine addition to Kinsa’s tribe.

But more interesting from Kinsa’s point of view was the clothing that the two women wore. In Kinsa’s society it was the norm to go naked. It made good sense in the hot and humid environment in which he and his people lived. But these two women were almost completely covered with some sort of cloth. Even their heads were covered.. Kinsa had never seen anything like it. He had encountered pale skinned people before, like the cannibalistic Ansmara but they always went naked like the Ullabomba, which was what Kinsa and his people called themselves.

What really amazed Kinsa was the amount of noise the two women made. They chattered almost constantly, as it there was no danger of discovery by any enemy. Did they not understand how dangerous it was to be caught alone in the part of the forest they were visiting?

"Perhaps," he thought, "They are just foolish. But maybe they were witches! Yes, that was a possibility!"

He continued to observe them. The dark-haired woman was taking something from a bag that she had been carrying on her back. Kinsa could not exactly see what it was, but suddenly there was a flash of fire and the woman lit a small pile of wood she had gathered. This was interesting magic! The other woman was cutting branches and building a crude shelter. Most of the things the two women were doing were quite routine, but Kinsa noticed that they carried an assortment of strange devices with them He guessed that these also had some magical purpose, but he was unable to guess what it was. He watched for a few minutes more, until it became apparent that the women were settling down for the night, then silently he crept back to his waiting companions and told them what he had seen.

The six men decided that the best plan of attack when dealing with such strange adversaries was to take no chances. They would wait until it was completely dark before dealing with the two bizarre females. There would be no moon tonight, and in the total darkness, Kinsa and his companions would be almost undetectable.

Kinsa and his comrades had time to work out a safe plan while they waited for complete darkness. They decided that the best way to deal with the two women was to attack them from a distance using the rope they had brought with them to bind the captives they had expected to take. They would creep as close as possible and then lasso the unsuspecting women before they had a chance to react.

The plan worked even better than they had hoped. When they approached the camp they found that one of the woman, the dark-haired one, was asleep. The other was tending the fire, but Kinsa could tell from her posture that she was on the point of falling asleep, and so they waited a few minutes more. Eventually, the golden-haired woman’s head fell and she began to breathe deeply. It was obvious that she was no longer awake.

The six black warriors moved closer. One of them, disturbed the brush as he moved, awakening the golden-haired woman. It was time to strike!

Kinsa threw his rope. It was a perfect cast, settling over the golden-haired woman’s shoulders and pinning her arms to her sides. She arose with a shout, but a second rope thrown by Kinta dropped over her from the other direction.

Almost instantly the lithe form of the dark-haired woman burst from the shelter, but she did not see Kunda waiting for her. As she dashed forward to help her ensnared friend, Kunda struck her hard across the front of her legs with the shaft of his spear. The blow took her legs out form under her. The dark-haired woman sprawled on the ground. Before she could rise Kunda finished her off with a blow to the back of her head. After that, all of the warriors closed in, and seizing the dazed and struggling females trussed them up before they could recover.

"They might be witches," shouted Kinsa triumphantly, but they are our captives now!"

The two stunned women were roped together. Kinsa and Kinta gathered up the women’s possessions and then they marched them off into the darkness.