Tomb Hunter

The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 4

Larra and the Lost World

Chapter 27 Katie’s Army

Katie led her little band out of the burning city. Along the way they had stopped in at the house of a wealthy Ullabomban to find clothes for Jia Li. The cotton drapery in this house served the Chinese girl just as well as it had served Katie. There was only one problem. The members of Kamba’s harem insisted that they be clad in the same way as Katie and Jia Li. This was despite the fact that the wearing of clothes in Ullabomban society was completely foreign. As a result, they were forced to break into a second larger house in order to get enough cloth to outfit all of them. By this time it was a little late in the day. Katie did not fancy trying to escape through the forest at night. She suddenly realized that she was dead tired. She had been running on adrenaline and the urgent need to rescue Jia Li. Now she realized that she was too exhausted to go any further that day.

The house they had entered was deserted. "I think," said Katie "That we better stay here for the night."

Jia Li agreed. "You and I have been through too much to go without rest. We will have to take a chance that no one will come after us right away. I don’t think anyone knows where we are. This house is right on the edge of the city. It is a good place to start from tomorrow."

Katie nodded. She communicated the decision to the dark skinned girl. The girl seemed quite pleased. She translated Katie’s message to the other women. Immediately, they settled down in the house as if they had lived in it all of their lives. Within a half-hour they had prepared a meal and served it to Katie and Jia Li. Following the meal they stripped off the two women’s garments and washed their bruised and sweat encrusted bodies. Refreshed, the two women slept while the members of Kamba’s harem kept watch through the night.

The next day they breakfasted and set off early. The Ullabomban city had returned to some semblance of normal so all of the women were on guard for possible contact with warriors from the city. But their luck held. Except for a few frightened blacks who fled before them, they encountered no serious opposition.

A few hours march brought the expedition into territory that Katie and Jia Li recognized. They were very close to the place where they had first been ambushed and taken prisoner by the Ullabomban raiding party. That meant that they were no more than a few hours away from the base camp.

Encouraged, Katie and Jia Li quickened their pace. They would soon be back in their temporary home, and although they had not succeeded in their mission to find Larra it was possible that she had returned on her own. They knew that she was incredibly resourceful. The thought that they might never see her again never entered their minds.

Several of the women in the party were members of a tribe called the Ansmara. They were apparently quite skilled in woodcraft and Katie and Jia Li had allowed them to move ahead of the group to serve as scouts. One of these women now came running back. She was clearly quite excited. Since Katie and Jia Li could not speak her language she spoke to the young girl who had guided her through the city. As she did so the young girl translated.

"There are many men up ahead. Strange white men. They are not like Ansmara. They wear clothes like you."

Katie nodded her understanding. She motioned that the rest of the party was to stay where it was while she and Jia Li investigated.

Slowly the two women crept up to where the advance scouts of their party were waiting. One of the women gestured that they were to follow her and got down on her hands and knees. It was at this point that both Katie and Jia Li realized how unsuitable their toga-like garments were for any sort of rough work. Reluctantly Katie stripped off her toga. Taking out her knife she cut two strips of material from the cloth. The larger strip she tied around her waist creating a short ragged skirt. It was pretty revealing, but allowed freedom of movement. The smaller strip she used to tie up her heavy breasts in a form of crude halter. Jia Li followed her example. The scouts had already discarded their clothes. Now they could move through the forest more easily.

A couple of minutes crawling through the bush brought them to a small clearing. There Katie saw a group of heavily armed men. They wore no uniforms, but Katie recognized their weapons as being of German issue. Her suspicions were confirmed when she was able to edge a little closer and pick up a few words of conversation. They were definitely Germans. This must be the rival expedition that Larra had told them about.

Jia Li nudged her. Katie followed the direction of the oriental beauty’s gaze. She caught her breath. A tall German had just exited one of the tents in the encampment. The flap was only open for a few seconds, but both Katie and Jia Li saw clearly inside the tent. In that brief glimpse they had seen a redheaded woman, lying on a cot.

"Amy?" wondered Katie. She looked at Jia Li. The Asian woman nodded. This complicated things. It appeared that Amy had been taken prisoner by the Germans. Katie edged back from the clearing, Jia Li following.

"What are we going to do?" asked Katie. "There are too many of them for us to launch an attack."

"Yes," said Jia Li, "but we could probably launch a diversion. With a little luck one of us might be able to get into the camp and rescue Amy."

"I suspect that any attack of the camp will result in the Germans immediately placing a heavier guard on Amy. But a diversion might be useful as a last resort. I have an idea. Why don’t we try this…"

* * *

Jia Li crept catlike through the darkness. Any slight nose she made was easily masked by the sounds of the nighttime rainforest. She had daubed mud over most of her lithe body to make it even more difficult to see her and was now only a few feet from the tent that housed Amy. Taking out her knife she approached the back of the tent. She planned to cut her way in and then cut Amy loose. With Any luck, Amy would be alone in the tent. If she was not… Well, the knife had more than one use.

From within the tent came the sound of voices. One she clearly recognized as Amy’s. The other was that of a man. He was speaking English so Jia Li could easily understand what was being said. What she heard astonished her and caused her to completely change her plans.

She edged back to the rainforest and made her way back to Katie. The tall blonde listened incredulously.

"Amy is not a prisoner? She has been injured and the Germans are looking after her? You are sure of that?"

"Very sure," replied Jia Li. "They were engaged in quite friendly conversation. Very friendly, if you know what I mean."

Katie looked hard at her friend. Jia Li nodded. "Well I’ll be damned," she said. "We’ll give them an hour. Then we are going into the camp."

"I think," smiled Jia Li. "that they will need more than an hour."