Tomb Hunter

The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 4

Larra and the Lost World

Chapter 25 Klein’s Triumph

Klein had been very lucky to escape. Amazingly, the fat Nazi had escaped any harm in the fusillade that mowed down his men. He had been lying exhausted beside a scenic waterfall, splashing cool water over his body. At the first shot he had leaped to his feet, and without even waiting to see the result of the attack had taken off down the canyon, moving with incredible speed for a man of his bulk. Crashing blindly into the vegetation lining the canyon, he fought his way clear into a small side canyon. His clothes were torn and his body was covered with numerous scratches and bruises, but he was temporarily safe from Steiner’s bullets. Stopping only briefly to catch his breath the obese Nazi surged up the side canyon. Fortunately, the slope was not too great and he was able to move quickly away from the sound of fighting. He kept on moving until it was clear that he was not being followed, then he sat down to rest.

The unaccustomed exercise had left him completely winded. He could not remember when he had been forced to run so hard. "God damn, Steiner! What gave him the moral right to interfere with his plans?"

While he rested he assessed his situation. The outlook was not good. He was alone in the wilds of Africa with no real idea as to where he was. He was weaponless, except for his service pistol and had no food or other supplies. There was really only one thing he could do, and that was to work his way back to the base camp and hope that he got there before Steiner returned. Then maybe he could bluff the lower ranking soldiers into cooperating with him. It was a last desperate chance, but it was probably the only one he had. The only problem with the plan was that he was not sure what direction the camp lay from his present location. He could always go back the way that he had come, but that would risk being caught by Steiner, so he couldn’t do that. He would have to try and work his way around to the camp. If he moved in an easterly direction he might get lucky and stumble upon it.

"Not much of a plan," Klein muttered to himself, "but it’s all I’ve got."

He made reasonable progress for the first hour or so. The branch canyon he was in even curved in the direction that he wanted to go. But eventually he came to the inevitable fork in the trail. He would have to make a choice. Klein chose the left fork, it seemed to be a bit more downhill and that made for easier walking.

He was glad of the downhill slope, his exertions had tired him out. He drank from his canteen. There wasn’t much water left. He would need to find a stream or pool soon. He had already passed several springs seeping down the side of the canyon. He would stop at the next one. The canyon curved slightly, but he could hear what sounded like the splash of a significant stream. He quickened his pace. It would be good to splash water over his sweaty body.

It turned out to be even better than he had hoped. A small waterfall plunged from the top of the canyon creating a natural pool where he could refresh himself.

Klein plunged into the waist deep pool, reveling in its coolness. He drank his fill and let the falls wash the dust and sweat from his body. Then he lay down in the sun to dry off. He remained wary, however. He was still mindful of the fact that enemies might be near and so kept a watch in the direction that he had been heading. Thus it was that he spotted a tall dark-haired woman weaving unsteadily down the canyon before she saw him.

Klein realized at once who it was. He had seen many pictures of the famous Larra Court and the woman moving toward him matched those pictures perfectly. This time luck seemed to be on his side. The woman seemed almost totally oblivious of her surroundings, seemingly fixed on the splashing waterfall. Without any difficulty Klein was able to conceal himself in a position to come up behind her when she passed.

A broken branch was lying on the ground by Klein’s hiding place. He picked it up and moved silently behind the tall adventuress as she stooped to get a drink. He struck her hard on the back of the head. Surprising, the blow seemed to only stun her. She fell to her knees, but tried to get up. Klein struck again. This time she went down and stayed down. Klein was exultant. He had captured the great Larra Court!