Tomb Hunter

The Adventures of Larra Court

Episode 4

Larra and the Lost World

Chapter 16 Amy’s Ordeal

Completely humbled, Amy was marched back into the camp. Her clothing hung in shreds and her arms were tightly secured by several ropes. Her aborted escape attempt had failed completely and she was now at the mercy of her captors. Steiner marched her into the center of the camp. Their arrival drew numerous stares from the assembled members of the German expedition. Amy’s tattered shirt and pants exposed a great deal of comely flesh, and it was a long time since most of them had seen a woman.

Amy found herself blushing under so much attention, but she was soon herded out of sight. Steiner escorted her to her own tent and sat her on the bed. Horrible thoughts raced through Amy’s mind, but Steiner did not seem interested in sexually molesting her.

"Now that you have had your fun," said Steiner, "perhaps you wouldn’t mind answering a few questions?"

He spoke English with only a slight accent. Amy had no trouble understanding him. "What do you want?" Amy answered.

"I would like to know where your companions are. I understand that there were four women in your expedition. That means three are missing."

"I don’t know where they are," Amy replied. "They left to scout ahead. They could be anywhere by now."

Steiner did not like the answer. It told him nothing. He knew the women were missing and he wanted to know where they had gone and when they could be expected back. He continued to ply Amy with questions, but could not get her to change her story. Finally, in frustration, he left the tent.

"I’ll let her stew in there for a few hours. I’m sure she’ll tell me what I want to know when she gets thirsty enough."

"Why don’t you let me question her?" offered Klein. "I’m sure that I could get her to tell everything in short order."

"I’m sure that you could," Steiner replied, "but I don’t want her beaten. There is no need for us to act like barbarians."

"Have it your way," said Klein, "but I have a hunch that she won’t give in without a bit of persuasion."

Klein turned out to be right. Even after several hours in the sweltering tent without water Amy told them nothing. Finally Steiner relented and allowed her to drink. Posting a heavy guard on her tent he turned in for the night. There would be time to question her again the next day.

* * *

Amy slept fitfully. It was difficult to relax with her hands and feet immobilized, and she kept on waking up all through the night. Morning found her quite exhausted and incredibly ravenous. She was glad of the water Steiner had given her. The man was a bit of a mystery. He seemed to be carrying out his duties regarding her somewhat reluctantly. Perhaps there was a spark of decency inside him that made him view mistreating women as improper. Klein was anther matter. The fat Gestapo officer made her skin crawl. She wouldn’t want to be left alone with him for very long.

The tent flap was thrown back and Steiner entered, followed by Klein. "If you give me your word that you will not try and escape in the next hour I will have you untied," said Steiner.

Amy nodded her consent. She had nothing to lose, and her circulation was almost cut off by the tight ropes that bound her.

After being untied, Amy rubbed her wrist and arms vigorously. The pain of returning circulation was agonizing, but she hid her discomfort. Steiner motioned to one of his men and food and water was set before her. Amy ate ravenously. She hadn’t realized exactly how hungry she was.

After she ate, Steiner put her through another round of interrogation. He did not use any force against her or even make any threats. "This is a different type of German," thought Amy.

The results of Steiner’s questions were the same. Amy would not tell him anything more than what he already knew, that the other women of the expedition were not in the camp. He would just have to find them on his own. He did have one advantage. A number of the porters of the English safari had been found hiding in the woods. They were able to tell him what Amy would not; that Larra Court had not returned from scouting out the canyon near the camp, and that the other members of her party had gone to look for her. He decided to follow in the direction the women had gone and try to locate them.

It took Steiner a full day to organize his reconnaissance team. Much of it was spent going through Larra’s maps and journals in an attempt to determine where she might have headed. But he found little to aid him. He, of course, did not know about Larra’s meeting with Grey and so did not realize that she had information that was not included in the documents she had taken with her. One thing puzzled him, however, and that was Klein’s lack of interest in most of what he had found in Larra’s tent. He had expected the Gestapo man to be most curious about Larra’s intentions, but the fat Nazi showed almost no interest at all.

Before leaving he paid one last visit to Amy. She was, as usual, under heavy guard and bound hand and foot. Steiner entered her tent and sat on a stool next to her bed. Looking into her fascinating green eyes he made her an offer.

"I do not like dealing with women the way I have been forced to deal with you, Miss Miller. It is not my way and certainly not the way of a German officer."

"You could have fooled me," Amy retorted.

"I do not blame you for being angry. Our treatment of you has been quite shameful. Rest assured that I would not resort to such tactics unless I was absolutely forced to do so, but this matter of the Lost World is of utmost importance to my superiors. However, I do not want you to suffer any more than necessary. If you give me your word that you will refrain from any escape attempts while I am gone I promise that upon my return you will be released. In the meantime, I can see no need for you to be bound hand and foot."

"What assurance do I have that you will keep your word?"

"None I am afraid. You will have to trust me."

Amy gazed steadily at the clean-cut German officer. "Damn," she thought, "he was such a handsome man. But could she trust him? Did she have any choice?"

Finally she spoke: "Alright, I give my word. I will not try to escape during your absence. I only hope that your word is as good as mine."

Steiner stood up. "Untie her. Miss Miller will not try to escape. She is to have the freedom of the camp."

As he turned to leave the tent Steiner saw Klein standing in the entrance. As he left the paunchy Nazi puffed along side of him.

"Do you think that is wise?" said the fat German. "She’ll be out of the camp in a minute. She led us a merry chase last time."

"I’m not concerned," answered Steiner. "I think she will honor her word."

"Do you really think you can trust her?’ questioned Klein.

"As much as I trust anyone, including you." And here Steiner looked directly at the fat German.

Klein fumed, but he knew better than to confront Steiner directly on any matter. "So be it," he said. "It will on your head if she takes off."

Steiner decided to wait one more day before leaving. He wanted to see what Amy would do now that she was no longer confined to her tent and under continual watch. As he had expected she honored her word. She went where she wanted and when she wanted throughout the camp, but made nor effort to escape.

This satisfied Steiner, but not Klein.

"She will see everything we do," he raged. "She will know all of our plans. You have released a spy among us."

"And what of it?" replied Steiner. "She has pledged not to leave the camp. A spy who cannot tell anyone what she knows is not much of a spy. I am quite happy with her conduct."

Klein could think of no reply to that argument and let the matter drop. But he was far from happy with the arrangement.

The next day Steiner moved out. Before he left camp he reiterated his orders to Klein. "I’ll be back in a week or less. You are in charge in my absence. I want no questioning of the woman while I’m gone and no change in the arrangements I have made with her. I don’t think she can tell us much anyway."

Klein nodded. He stood watching Steiner with a smirk on his face. "One day I’m going to wipe that look off his face," thought Steiner as he headed off up the canyon.

* * *

Klein went to work as soon as Steiner was out of sight. It took him a couple of days to get everything right. Most of the men in the camp were loyal to Steiner. For what he wanted to do, Klein had to replace Steiner’s men with his own stooges. Sine it would have been unwise to openly flout Steiner’s orders he proceeded gradually. Eventually he arranged the camp so that those men most loyal to Steiner were given duties that took them out of the camp. Klein sent them on "scouting expeditions" and other futile assignments. In their place he appointed his own henchmen. In this way he was able to gain complete control without seeming to overrule any of Steiner’s orders.

He proceeded to organize his own little safari. Klein moved through the camp, rounding up members of the German expedition that were loyal to him. He snapped out orders briskly, setting up his own reconnaissance party. He would let Steiner head off in search of those other bitches. In the meantime he would forge off on his own. He had his own ideas about where the expedition should be headed. And he would take the stunning redhead with him. Ever since he had first laid eyes on the gorgeous beauty he had lusted after Amy. The only thing holding him back was fear of Steiner’s wrath. He knew that if he tried anything while Steiner was around, the men of the expedition would back up their leader. But now Steiner was gone, and he was in charge.

He called Sturmscharfuehrer Schwartz to the tent to tell him what he was doing. Schwartz was Steiner’s most loyal supporter. It was important that he not interfere with Klein’s plans.

"I am going to lead a reconnaissance party myself," he explained. I will be taking the English woman with me. I believe that she has information of vital importance to the Reich. I will, of course, honor Herr Steiner’s orders concerning her."

Noting Schultz’s look of concern he added: "Don’t worry. This was all prearranged with Standartenfuehrer Steiner before he left."

Schwartz nodded. He was a good soldier, used to following orders. As along as Klein did not seem to be flouting Steiner’s orders openly, there was little he could do.

Klein went immediately to Amy’s tent. She was sitting outside, the tent flap forming an awning over her head, while she read a book. She looked up as Klein approached.

Klein had three men with him. As they approached all four of them drew their sidearms and pointed them at the redhead.

"I want her tied so that she can’t move her arms," Klein said to one of his henchmen. The man nodded. He approached Amy with a rope in his hands.

"What is this?" Amy protested. "Steiner agreed that I was not to be tied. I have upheld my part of the bargain."

"Ah yes," said Klein, "but Steiner is not here at present. And I am taking you outside of the camp, where the agreement might not apply."

Amy made ready to resist.

"Please do not make me shoot you," said Klein. "I am not a very good shot and my attempt to wound you might cause more severe injuries than intended."

Amy hesitated. The thought of being at Klein’s mercy filled her with dread, but she was in a hopeless situation.

"Kneel Frauelein!" barked Klein. "Kneel before I put a bullet through one of your legs!"

Reluctantly, Amy dropped to her knees. Immediately her arms were pulled behind her back and tied securely in place. She was helpless.

"That’s better," said Klein. "Now we can get out of here."

By now Klein’s little expedition was ready. Amy was placed in the center of the of the column and they marched off.

Amy was very apprehensive. Of all the men she had seen in the German camp Klein was the least savory. Questions crowded her mind. Where was Klein going? What were his intentions? Why had he taken her with him? The possible answers to the last question filled her with dread. She had not liked the way Klein looked at her. It made her skin crawl.

Klein was in a jovial mood. Finally, he had gotten free of Steiner. Now he could act on the information that only he had access to. One of the peculiarities of the Third Reich was that the men who ran Hitler’s empire were more like robber barons than the leaders of a great country. Personal rivalries and overlapping jurisdictions created numerous conflicts within the power structure of the Reich. So it was that Steiner had been sent out as the leader of the expedition, but Klein had been inserted into the operation to keep an eye on him and take advantage of any situation that offered itself.

Kidnapping Amy was not exactly what Klein’s instructions covered, but she was certainly what Klein had in mind. He could kill two birds with one stone. He could satisfy his sexual desires and strike out on a more promising line of exploration than the one Steiner was following.

Klein had access to secret documents that had not been given to Steiner. They were a part of the rivalry that existed between the S.S. and Gestapo. In theory, the two organizations should have shared information, but in practice they rarely did. As a result, Klein had information about the target region that Steiner did not, including a map of an alternate route to the mysterious Lost World. He would go that way, while Steiner went off on a wild goose chase following the missing women in Larra’s safari.

Klein’s expedition marched for most of the day, finally halting for the day at four in the afternoon. By this time everyone was hot and tired, especially Amy who had struggled to keep up all day. Klein produced a pair of handcuffs, which he used to clamp Amy’s ankle to a tree. Only then did he allow her wrists to be untied. Amy wondered why he preferred to use rope to tie her up when the cuffs would have been more secure and convenient. She decided that it was probably because rope was more painful than handcuffs. The man was decidedly cruel.

The next day progressed in much the same way as the first. More marching with only occasional rests. Wherever Klein was taking her it was a considerable distance from the base camp.

By the end of the second day, Klein decided to so something about Amy. His search for the Lost World was only part of his motivation for heading off on his own. His lust for the beautiful redhead was an equally powerful motive. By now his trek had taken him about thirty miles from the camp. He was proceeding down a side canyon when he came to an open, sunny glade near a picturesque waterfall. "This is as good a place as any," he thought.

* * *

Amy was mystified. What was Klein up to? She had been able to feel the man’s animosity when Steiner had been questioning her. She knew that if he decided to give her a proper interrogation that it was very unlikely that he would be as gentle as Steiner had been. What she could not figure out was why he had bothered to bring her with him. She had no idea where they were going and could offer no information of use to him in whatever quest he was on. Surely, he did not want her merely as a hostage.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she stumbled over a root. It was very difficult for her to walk properly with her hands tied behind her back. She had tried to loosen the bonds, but the soldier who had tied her knew his knots. There was almost no give to the tight cords. The German walking behind her caught her before she fell and straightened her up.

The trail the party was taking wound up the canyon climbed steadily. Amy found it difficult to keep her footing and was frequently pulled or pushed by the guards when she faltered. On a particularly steep section of the trail where the progress in the entire party was slowed down she spotted a rock outcrop that drew her rapt attention. She was actually standing still at the time, waiting for the men in front of her to move out of the way. She timed her stumble perfectly, so that she seemed to land hard. Crying out in pretended pain, she rolled over on her back a picked up a small piece of jagged stone. It was just large enough to fit into the palm of her hand.

"Dammit!" yelled Klein, "Can’t you keep her on her feet? I don’t want her crippled before we start on her."

Klein had given away his plans. Amy was sure that she knew what "start on her" meant.

If she were lucky, however, they would not be able to start on her. What Amy concealed in the palm of her hand was a piece of flint. Its razor sharp edges would make short work of the ropes that bound her if she was able to work on them unobserved. She got her chance at one of the rest stops. Klein was in very poor physical condition and had to make frequent halts to catch his breath. Amy wondered how he had managed to trek all the way from the coast to central Africa without being carried.

Amy sat with her back against a large boulder. Across from her Klein sat, sweat pouring down his face and staining his clothes. It would be a few minutes before he was fit to continue. In the meantime, her hands were perfectly concealed from her guards. With as little motion as possible, she rasped the sharp edge of the flint against the rough cords that bound her. She could feel the fibers parting with each stroke. In only a matter of minutes, she felt the ropes part. Her hands were free. Now she just had to wait for an opening and make a break for it.

Klein stirred. "Check her ropes. Make sure that none of them have come loose."

Amy tensed. She had not expected this. Had Klein seen her surreptitious attempts to cut the ropes or was he just being cautious?

Events had forced action upon her. As one of the guards hauled her to her feet, she shook off the ropes. Her arms and hands were still numb from the lack of circulation while being bound, but she had the element of surprise. She struck the guard who was reaching for her just under the jaw with the heel of her palm. Although she was not able to put her full weight behind it, the man’s head was snapped back and he was sent sprawling in the dust.

This sudden action caught everyone off guard. For an instant the way was clear and Amy took it, vaulting over the sprawling body of the man she had struck and leaping back down the trail. For a few seconds no one in Klein’s party moved. "After her!" Klein screamed. "Get her you idiots!"

By this time, Amy had a good twenty-yard head start. It was not much, but she ran with reckless abandon, jumping over obstacles and leaping down steep slopes without even trying to slow down. Her pursuers followed more slowly, not wanting to risk a bruising fall. Back at the rest stop she could hear Klein screaming hoarsely for his men to hurry up.

Amy widened the gap between herself and her pursuers, but she realized that her flight was taking her back the way that they had come. If she kept on going in the same direction, it would probably be only a matter of time before the Germans ran her to ground.. As she ran, she looked for any opening that would enable her to move off the route she was taking, but for several hundred yards, the canyon walls channeled her back to the camp.

Amy settled into a more relaxed stride. She was in excellent physical condition and could keep up a steady pace for miles. Her initial rush had taken quite a bit out of her, but she still had enough energy left to maintain her distance from her pursuers. However, she would soon have to find a way to throw them off her trail. Either that, or she would be forced to turn at bay and fight.

An opportunity finally presented itself a few hundred yards further on. A small side valley joined the main canyon. There might be a chance for escape there. Almost without thinking, Amy darted into it. She had to take the chance that it might offer an opportunity for escape.

For a hundred yards of so the side valley ran straight back from the main canyon, then it began to narrow alarmingly. It seemed possible that she would find herself trapped in a narrow defile with no chance of escape. The narrow gorge took a sharp turn to the right, heading steeply uphill, but widening slightly. Relieved, Amy jogged determinedly up the confining gorge.

She was now breathing quite heavily and in need of rest and water. Even at these higher elevations, the tropical heat was still intense. Her clothes were completely soaked with sweat, and droplets of perspiration dripped into her eyes, hindering her vision. Her only hope of escape was that the ravine might lead to some place where she could hide.

The narrow cleft took another sharp turn and then without warning opened into one of the most beautiful places Amy had ever seen. It was a green leafy glade at the bottom of an impressive waterfall that spilled into a crystal clear plunge pool. It was as idyllic a setting as she had ever encountered.

She had no time, however, to enjoy the scenery. Without slowing down and with great relief Amy dashed directly into the pool. The water cooled her overheated body. Gasping with pleasure she submerged herself and drank deeply. Then, mindful of the fact that her pursuers could not be far behind, she clambered out of the pool, searching for some avenue of escape. She had two choices. The water from the pool overflowed to form a rushing creek that splashed down the canyon. The other side of the waterfall was lined with dense vegetation, but seemed to lead nowhere. The only direction that offered any possible hope seemed to lie directly down the canyon.

Amy took only seconds to make up her mind. Following the stream in its wild course, she trotted down the gorge. She knew that her pursuers could not be far behind her, but hoped that they would be as exhausted as she was. Despite being refreshed by her stop at the spring, she was moving much more slowly now. She had to pace herself until she found some secure place where she could safely hide.

Behind her Amy heard a shout. She glanced back over her shoulder. Klein’s henchmen had caught up to her. She quickened her pace trying to get beyond their line of sight of her pursuers so that she could duck out of sight when the opportunity offered. She found such an opportunity when the gorge branched off once again. Almost instinctively Amy darted down this new avenue of escape.

She found herself in a ravine that was so steep sided that it was almost dark at the bottom. No sunlight could reach the bottom of such a narrow slit. How far the ravine went there was no way of telling, Amy could only hope that it did not end suddenly in a blank wall of stone that would trap her at the mercy of her pursuers.

The narrow chasm twisted and turned as it wound through the rock. Here and there small waterfalls plunged from the lip of the canyon to splash on the floor of the chasm. This made the rock surface quite slippery and Amy had to be careful of her footing to avoid falling. Thick tangled vegetation also grew around the plunge pools formed by the falling water, further slowing her progress. Amy could only hope that the Germans chasing her would find it equally difficult to pass through the canyon.

Amy was by now almost exhausted. She had been running steadily over broken ground and in stifling heat and humidity for almost a quarter of an hour. Even her splendidly conditioned body could not keep up such a pace for much longer. She had to hope that somehow she would find a place to hide.

As she forced herself through a particularly thick mass of vegetation, the ground on the other side suddenly fell away. Caught unaware, Amy almost tumbled headfirst over the edge of a steep embankment. She quickly looked behind her. Already she could hear the nearest German smashing his way through the thick grove that she had just pushed through. Amy had only two choices. She could stand and fight or she could jump. The men chasing her were armed with rifles. There seemed no alternative. Taking a deep breath Amy leaped into space.

The upper branches of a large tree broke her fall. Unfortunately, the particular species that she landed on was well supplied with protective thorns, which tore at her clothing and flesh as she smashed through them. She landed heavily at the base of the tree, bruised and bleeding, but alive. Her clothing had been slashed to ribbons, but it had provided her some protection against the cruel barbs. For a full minute, Amy lay dazed on the ground. Then, slowly she sat up. Despite numerous cuts and bruises she seemed to be uninjured. At least she could detect nothing broken. Still winded from her fall, she slowly made her way to her feet, steadying herself against the bole of the tree that had broken her fall.

Her mind told her that she could not remain long where she was, but it was difficult to get her body to obey. She was finally prompted to move when she heard a noise above her. Looking up she saw one of her pursuers descending from above by means of a rope. Doggedly, but even more slowly than before Amy moved away from the direction of pursuit. The ground sloped down in the direction she was moving, and it was far easier to move downhill than up. However, there was no discernable trail and she was forced to push her way through fairly thick vegetation. In her current condition, this proved her undoing. Within five minutes the Germans had caught up to her.

Amy turned at bay, but she was not able to offer effective resistance. The first man that caught up to her simply waited, circling her warily until he was joined by a second German and then a third. Then they all came at her at once. Had she been in peak condition, she would have beaten off their clumsy attack with ease, but Amy was now close to collapse. Her fall had hurt her more than she knew and her movements were weak and lacking in force and speed.

The first German swung his fist at her head. Amy was able to dodge this blow with only a slight movement of her body, but a second punch, thrown by the second German on the scene, caught her temple a glancing blow. In her weakened condition, it was enough to knock her off her feet. Instantly the three men piled onto her. One man pinned her arms to her sides and another grabbed both of her ankles. The third produced a length of cord. Held down by the other two men, Amy was helpless to prevent the third man from tying her hands behind her back once again. Within a minute, she was completely hog-tied; her wrists tied to her ankles so that she was almost completely unable to move. Then the largest of her captors tossed her across her across his shoulder and carried her back the way they had come.

Amy’s captors did not attempt to reclimb the cliff from which she had jumped. Instead, they moved around the base of the cliff until they found ground that sloped gradually toward the top. Then they scrambled up the slope, taking turns carrying the helpless woman. After a hard climb, they reached the top and more level ground. They were high enough that they were above the maze of canyons down which Amy had raced. The rocky upper surface supported relatively sparse vegetation, so they were able to make their way back to the area where Amy had broken away fairly quickly.

Within a short time, they were overlooking the waterfall and pool that Amy had plunged into to cool off during the first part of her flight. Amy was dumped on the ground and a length of rope was attached to her ankles. Then, she was lifted over the edge of the cliff and carefully lowered to the canyon floor below. Waiting for her by the waterfall was Klein.

"Well, you gave us a merry chase," said the fat German, "but now the game is up."

Klein looked at her and licked his lips. Amy saw in that glance the realization of her greatest fear. She now understood Klein’s reason for bringing her here. She tested her bonds, but there was no give. Two of Klein’s men closed in on either side of her. Klein moved over to a grove of trees and used his machete to hack down a length of green wood. After he had trimmed off the branches he had a pole about ten feet long and two inches thick. He took the branch and lashed it horizontally between two trees about two feet off the ground. Then Amy was led over to the branch and forced to her knees in front of it. Klein seized her bound wrists and forced them over the pole. Then he lashed Amy’s wrists to her ankles.

Amy found the position incredibly awkward and painful. She was almost hanging on the horizontal crosspiece. It forced her to arch her back so that her full breasts were thrust out in front of her and her knees were barely resting on the ground. In addition, her tattered costume was so badly torn that in many places it was barely hanging on her body. Only her undergarments afforded her any real privacy, as these had survived the damage done to her shirt and trousers by the thorn tree.

Klein stepped back to admire his handiwork. "Now we can get down to business," he said speaking in heavily accented English.

"What do you want of me?" quavered Amy. "I can’t tell you anything more than what you already know." She was totally worn out, her resistance almost at an end. Desperate to end her suffering, she was prepared to tell Klein what he wanted to know if only he would give her a chance to rest and spare her further punishment.

Klein, however, was in no mood to bargain. He had Amy where he wanted her and intended to take full advantage of the opportunity his helpless victim would provide.

"We will see what you know," said Klein. "I was not satisfied with the answers you gave Steiner. I think you were holding something back. However, I do not believe in forcing a woman to divulge information against her will. I will let you tell me when you are ready."

"Untie me," begged Amy, "and I will tell you what you want to know."

"You have already had that chance," jeered Klein. "Tell me what you know and I will consider making your position more comfortable."

Amy was terrified. She was sure that she faced a cruel trial at Klein’s hands. She was willing to give him her limited information in the hope that he would show her some mercy, especially since she did not think that the information would help him very much.

"I told you that I did not know where my companions were. That was true. Miss Court did not return from a scouting mission as arranged. The other two women went looking for her and also have not returned. I do not know where they are."

"We got that much information from your porters," said Klein. "You have given me nothing new."

"That’s all I know. I was supposed to follow the others with the rest of the expedition. You showed up before I could leave."

"I’m afraid that is not good enough," replied Klein with a cruel leer on his face. "You will have to be punished."

With cruel deliberation, Klein began to unbutton his trousers. Amy, already on the verge of panic, gasped when she saw the size of his massive member.

"No, please!" she begged

"If you had cooperated when you were given the chance I might have been more merciful," Klein gloated, "but now, I believe it is time to teach you a lesson."

"You bastard!" exclaimed Amy "You never intended to show me any mercy."

"Oh, that is not true, my dear," rejoined the fat German. "With a little more cooperation you might have been given the opportunity to voluntarily share my bed. But you have chosen the hard way and I am quite satisfied with that."

As he spoke, Klein shook his penis free of his clothing. Pulling off Amy’s hat, he grabbed her long bright red tresses and yanked her head back. The angle of her head forced her mouth open. The sweaty odor of the German’s body invaded her nostrils as he thrust his swollen member toward her mouth.

"Take it my dear," Klein ordered, "And if you bite, I will remove all of your teeth."

"Ooomph!" Amy grunted, as Klein’s organ invaded her mouth. She could no longer speak as the huge phallus was pushed right to the back of her throat. Slowly he began to move it back and forth between her lips. Semen began to mix with the saliva in her mouth and she was forced to swallow continuously. Almost gagging, she endured the oral rape as Klein thrust in and out of her repeatedly.

Klein was sweating heavily, his fat paunch juggling with the movement of his pelvis. He felt the tension rising in his gonads as he approached orgasm. Steadily, he continued to pump into Amy’s mouth, jerking her head back and forth with each powerful thrust.

Helpless, and struggling to breathe, Amy was reduced to muffled grunts as Klein’s phallus filled her mouth. Almost sickened by what was happening to her she had no choice but to endure and hope that eventually Klein would satisfy his lust.

"Ahhh!" rejoiced Klein, "I have so long wanted to fill that beautiful mouth of yours. Those pouting lips are so tantalizing."

Tears of rage and humiliation flowed from Amy’s eyes as Klein forced himself deeper into her mouth. During his exertions, his shirt had popped open and sweat ran down his chest onto his stomach and dripped on to Amy’s upturned face. The stink of his heaving body mixed with the smell of his semen, filling her nostrils with his stench, until he finally ejaculated full into her mouth. After reaching orgasm he kept his penis in her dripping mouth, forcing her to swallow his semen. Then he slowly withdrew, allowing the panting woman to properly draw a breath again.

"That was wonderful, my dear," he taunted, "Now let’s see what that lush body of yours looks like."

Klein nodded to his men. He was too exhausted to continue himself. Two of Klein’s henchmen closed in and began to tear what was left of her shirt and pants from her body. "Leave her undergarments," cautioned Klein, "I want to attend to that part myself." Amy realized with a feeling of total helplessness that her ordeal was just beginning.