Chapter 3 The Jade Dragon’s Capture

An icy calm filled the Jade Dragon’s mind. Instantly assessing the situation she backed slowly toward the door. The sheer numbers of opponents gave them an advantage, but if she could take them on one at a time she felt confident that she could prevail. As she backed away, however, the door behind her opened. A quick glance over her shoulder revealed that the hallway she had come down was now filled with men. There was no safe place to which she could retreat.

Lin moved into the center of the room. She had no choice but to try to fight from the position of least advantage. She was now surrounded by about two dozen men. None of them were carrying weapons. It was apparent that they meant to take her prisoner.

Slowly the circle of men closed in on her. Despite their superior numbers, they showed undue caution. It was obvious that her reputation was being taken seriously. Suddenly, as if on a signal, several men lunged for her simultaneously. Lin jumped high in the air. The room had a rather low ceiling, no more than seven feet. As a result she was forced to limit her powers. Her leap, however, still took her level with the height of her opponents’ heads. Then, spinning magically in the air, Lin kicked in all directions. She struck so quickly that the human eye could not follow her motion, but each kick found a target, smashing into the heads of the onrushing mob. Suddenly bodies were flying in every direction as the force of her blows hurled men back. Other men staggered away from the action, clutching shattered noses or bruised jaws.

Watching from the far corner of the room, Boss Crunch was thunderstruck. Two dozen men, and they couldn’t even handle one woman! "Get her! Get her!" he screamed.

The circle of toughs advanced once more. The result was the same, almost. This time fewer men were injured, because fewer men had chosen to expose themselves to Lin’s counterattack. Most of them held back, afraid to get within her deadly range.

Crunch’s eyes almost bugged out of his head. This couldn’t be happening! If it kept up the Oriental bitch would defeat every one of his men. He grabbed Brick’s arm. "Get in there Brick. Distract her. I’ll try get behind her."

Brick lunged forward. If anyone could take a punch, he could. The remaining men saw him coming and took heart. They had seen Brick take on half a dozen men at once and beat them all senseless.

Lin saw the new threat coming. She was impressed by the huge hulk that was lumbering toward her. She didn’t think that she had ever seen a man his size before. The huge man stopped just out of her range. He crouched; extending his arms in front of him and began to circle to his left. Lin followed him, turning as he circled her, keeping herself attuned for any movement from the other men that surrounded her. What she did not see was Boss Crunch moving into position just out side the circle of henchmen. He was carrying a boathook. He had not allowed his man to carry any weapons for fear that they would use them against the Jade Dragon. He wanted her alive. But he had picked up the boathook from the wharf just in case.

Brick was edging closer. Lin noted that as he crept forward the rest of the horde was creeping closer as well.

"AAAARRRRGGGHHH!!!" With a maniacal scream, Brick charged toward her. With a chorus of yells the rest of the mob closed in too.

Lin could not afford to try her former defense. Brick was too big and menacing. She had to concentrate on him first. She ducked under his arms and drove her foot straight into his solar plexus. She struck so fast and hard that her blows actually knocked the lumbering giant back a step. But more importantly, she knocked the breath clean out of him. Brick dropped to the floor, clutching his midsection, temporarily out of the fight. But now, the rest of Crunch’s men were upon her. There was however, one chance. She jumped straight forward, landing on Brick’s shoulders. His great bulk provided her with a perfect launching ramp. She spun like a top, and struck half a dozen times in less than a second. Crunch’s thugs went flying as if thrown from a centrifuge.

Crunch made his move. As Lin completed her deadly pirouette he swung the boathook catching her flying cloak in its sharp point. Pulling with all his strength, Crunch jerked on the handle. That was all it took. The Asian heroine was jerked off her feet. She landed heavily on her back, caught off guard by the unexpected tactic. Instantly, what remained of Crunch’s men swarmed over her. She had disabled over a dozen men, but those that remained were more than enough to hold down the 140 pound girl.

In terrible desperation Lin fought to break free, knowing that she was doomed if she did not. She injured several more, but their sheers numbers triumphed. Two men grabbed each of her powerful thrusting legs, and two others immobilized her arms. A heavy hemp rope was produced and dropped over her arms. As it was pulled tight, it pinned her arms against her torso. After that, it was a simple matter of adding more rope.

Her wrists were tied behind her and then her ankles were bound to her wrists, effectively hog-tying her. Lin strained every muscle in her body, but the heavy rope would not budge. She was helpless and at the mercy of a brutal gang lord!