Chapter 2 The Trap

After her first successful encounter Lin had many others. The Jade Dragon became synonymous with terror and retribution for those criminals foolish enough to dare the nights of Metro City. The nighttime crime rate in the city plummeted. The Jade Dragon suddenly found herself a respected heroine. A heroine with many enemies.

"This Oriental bitch is destroying our business," complained James Laroche also known as ‘Boss Crunch.’ "Profits from nighttime ventures are down 70%. We have to do something about her."

"Yeah," agreed Weasel. "Trade in goods from burglaries and muggings is almost nonexistent, and now she is even going after the pimps, encouraging the pros to get clean and leave the street. Prostitution is down by almost half."

"There must be something we can do, boss," said Brick. "Maybe set a trap or something."

"A trap," said Boss Crunch thoughtfully. "A trap. That’s a good idea, Brick. You’re not as dumb as you look."

"Thanks boss," said the hulking giant.

"What we need is some sort of bait. Call Janet in here."

"Right boss," replied Brick. He strode out of the room.

A few minutes later he was back. Behind him was a rather worn looking blonde. She may have once been beautiful, but she had certainly seen better days. "Brick says you want me. It’s been a long, long time."

"Yeah I want you, but not for what you hope. I need you for bait."

"What the Hell do you think I am?" asked Janet, "some sort of fish?"

Crunch explained his plan. It was simple, but it should work.

"Alright," said Janet, "but I want a larger share of the profits. If that Chinese bitch finds out I’m betraying her, she’ll kill me."

"If this works," replied Crunch, "I’ll see you get what you deserve."

* * *

The Jade Dragon was on her usual night patrol. This time her wanderings had taken her quite close to the waterfront. It was part of her usual loop. There were often a few villains up to no good in this part of town. "It’s pretty quiet tonight," she mused. "Not like when I first started. I’m slowly putting myself out of a job."

She fired a line across to a neighboring building. It about three stories lower than the rooftop she was on, so she had to slide down her line to the next roof rather than swing across. She checked her connection carefully. Although she had pulled off this maneuver hundreds of times, she was all too well aware of the fact that a single mistake could kill her. Hooking a pulley over her secure line she slid down to the next rooftop at a dizzying speed. She really enjoyed this particular way of travel. Reaching the rooftop, she absorbed the shock of impact with flexed knees and stood up. The she headed across the roof. At that moment she detected a faint cry.

She stopped. The cry came again. It was someone calling for help. The sound came from the streets a few blocks to her right. Quickly, she raced across the rooftop. The building next to the one she was on was about the same height, but the gap between the two of them was about thirty feet, too far for any normal person to jump. But the Jade Dragon was not any ordinary person. Without hesitating, she hurled herself across the gap. Using her psychic talents, she amplified her jump and crossed the gap easily. It was not something she did ordinarily, as expenditure of psychic energy required just as much effort as that of muscular power, but this was an emergency.

This building took her to the next block. Rushing to the edge of the building she looked down into the street. The cries for help were now coming from directly below her. At first she could not make out anything. The street below had no streetlights. But then in the gloom she made out the figure of a woman struggling in the arms of two men. She was screaming mightily as they dragged her toward the doorway of a large waterfront warehouse just opposite the building on which Lin stood. "Hold on," she thought, "I’m coming."

Quickly, she hooked her grapple on to the edge of the roof and then rapidly dropped to the street. By the time she got there, the woman had disappeared, but Lin could still hear her shouting inside the warehouse. Leaving her silken line dangling from the roof, she raced across the street to the door where she had last seen the hapless woman. Grabbing the handle she found that it was not locked. Loud banging sounds as of someone struggling came from inside. Pushing the door open, Lin found herself in a dark hallway. A single naked light bulb provided illumination. There were several doors on either side of the hall and a large door at the end.

"Oh God, won’t someone please help me!" It was the sound of a woman in terror, and it came from the other side of the door at the end of the hall.

Without any thought as to her own safety, Lin dashed down the hall. Finding the door unlocked she burst through it. She found herself in a large room with a low ceiling. On the other side of the room stood a middle-aged blonde woman. The blonde looked at her and smiled. "About time you got here, cutie," she said, "I’ve been screaming for five minutes."

Lin looked around her. The room was filled with men. At least a dozen she estimated. She had fallen into a trap!