The Enslaving of Isis By The Goon! ********************************************************* *************** Writers note: This story is based on a live-action Saturday morning super heroine show that ran for two years in the late seventies. For those of you who remember this show enjoy. ********************************************************* *************** "Would you look at this," said Rick Mason as he sat down next to Andrea Thomas, in the teacher's lounge, and unfolded the morning newspaper on the table."What is it Rick?" Andrea inquired as she sat down her coffee cup and casually glanced over at the article that Rick was pointing at."There's an open letter from the chief of police to Isis on the front page," Rick replied. "Isis?" Andrea asked in surprise, "you're kidding right?" Even as she said it she knew that it had to be true. Rick Mason was a lot of things but a good kidder he wasn't. Pushing the science test she had been grading to the side, Andrea pulled the newspaper over in front of her and looked at the front page. Sure enough, about halfway down the front page on the right side was a short note from the police in bold print. "An open letter to Isis," it read. "Isis. Please contact the chief of police at police headquarters as soon as possible. Urgent!" "What do you suppose it means?" Rick asked as he reread the note over Andrea's shoulder. "I don't know Rick," Andrea replied. "I can't recall the police ever trying to get in touch with Isis like this before." As she said this, the school bell rang, announcing the end of the school day. Outside the lounge, the sound of laughing, shrieking teenagers filled the air as they made a beeline for the nearest exit. "I guess this is the only way they can contact her," Rick said. "In a small town like ours, the police just can't afford anything extravagant like that bat signal they have for Batman in Gotham City. Whatever the trouble is, I'm sure that gorgeous goddess Isis can handle it," Rick continued with confidence as he gathered up his textbooks and headed for the exit. "Have a nice weekend Andrea," he called over his shoulder as he opened the door and slipped out. "Well!" Andrea thought as she glanced at the closing door. "If only Rick knew that his mousy friend and sometimes lover Andrea is really Isis. I wonder what he'd think then," Andrea mused as she picked up the test papers, put them in her briefcase, and headed for the exit as well. As she headed for her car, Andrea reminisced on the events that had led to her becoming the goddess super heroine Isis. She thought of the expedition to Egypt three summers ago, finding the hidden chamber and the box with the amulet. After she had puzzled through the accompanying scroll, she had placed the amulet around her neck and spoken aloud the words in the scroll. "Oh Mighty Isis!" Much to her surprise, a magical transformation had taken place. One second she had been Andrea Thomas, schoolteacher. The next second she had been the living embodiment of the ancient goddess Isis. Able to wield the awesome powers of nature by speaking rhyming spells aloud. Andrea reached her car, got in, and drove home. As she drove, Andrea thought of the positive impact she had had on her community. When she first started appearing in town as Isis, no one had known what to make of her. Super heroines were definitely an uncommon sight in her small town. Gradually, support for her efforts had grown as she performed good deeds for the community. She caused rain to fall during last summer's drought, dispelled that tornado three weeks ago, and captured the occasional criminals she came across. Arriving home, Andrea parked in the lot behind her apartment. She took her things into her apartment, sat them down on the couch, and proceeded to feed her pet raven Tut. "Sorry I can't stay Tut," she said after she finished feeding him. "I have to go out again as Isis." With that, she left her apartment and quickly proceeded back behind her apartment to the empty parking lot. Seeing that no one was around, Andrea reached down the neck of her blouse and pulled out the golden Isis amulet. "Oh Mighty Isis," she said aloud. Instantly, there was a loud thunderclap. Seconds later, Andrea Thomas was gone. In her place now stood the sexy goddess Isis. Andrea briefly checked over her outfit. Brown ankle boots on her feet with thick tappered high-heels. A sinfully short white sleeveless cotton dress. Around her waist was a six inch wide brown leather belt, heavily worked with gold. Centered on the front of her belt, the ancient symbol of Isis, golden cow horns framing an amber sun, was used as a belt buckle. She wore matching bracelets of leather and gold. On her forehead was a golden tiara, adorned with an Isis symbol that matched her belt buckle. Draping her shoulders and neck was a matching leather and gold mantle, on which was mounted the solid gold Isis amulet that gave her her powers. Andrea briefly checked out her features in the mirror of her car. The transformation spell had altered her appearance slightly. Just enough so that she only vaguely looked like Andrea Thomas now. Additionally, her shoulder length dark hair now reached well below her waist. Looking down at her body, Andrea marveled at how her already strong athletic body gained significant strength and looked just awesome in the sexy Isis outfit. Completing her inspection, Isis spread her arms and spoke aloud, "Oh zephyr winds, which blow on high, lift me now so I can fly." Instantly, a strong yet gentle wind spun up around her and lifted her into the sky. Leveling out Isis quickly flew to the police station. Upon landing, she was greeted by several officers and then quickly escorted in to see the police chief. "Isis!" the chief exclaimed with relief as she was ushered into the his office, "Am I ever glad to see you.""What's the matter chief?" she said as she strolled up to the front of his desk, spread her legs slightly apart, rested her fists lightly on her waist, and looked down at him. "We have a catastrophe in the making here Isis," he said. That demented arch criminal from Gotham City, King Tut, has been seen in town along with an entourage of his henchmen. We think he's here to raid the museum's Egyptian exhibit," he added with worry clearly evident on his face. "That seems like too obvious a target for a master criminal like King Tut to be here after chief," Isis replied. "Besides, although it's a nice exhibit, there's really nothing of special significance in it, certainly nothing expensive or historically valuable," she continued. She knew this of course because many of the items on display had been brought back from Egypt by her expedition three years ago. "That's the only thing he could possibly be here for," the chief replied. "At any rate, our police department is ill-equipped to handle this kind of case. Will you please help us by guarding the exhibit until the state police arrive tomorrow?"She could readily understand the chief's plight. Only occasionally did Isis ever encounter burglars, car thieves, or any of the other assortment of petty criminals that were pretty much the norm in a small town. More often than not, her super heroing adventures in town consisted of breaking up drunken brawls on a Saturday night or helping little old ladies cross the street. She could clearly see how a super criminal like King Tut could easily overwhelm the police department's resources and have them jumping at shadows in no time. "Of course I will chief," Isis replied. As she said it, she could see the troubled look on the chief's face calm into relief. "Oh thank you Isis. Thank you very much," the chief bubbled as he stood up from behind his desk and eagerly shook her hand, before escorting her to the door. "Just be careful Isis. There's no telling what this madman is capable of," he continued as he followed her out. "Don't worry chief," Isis replied with confidence as they stepped out the front door. "I'm sure I can easily handle anything he can possibly throw at me." With that, Isis turned and stepped away from the chief, spoke her flight spell, and lifted into the sky to fly to the museum. As she flew, she reflected on her Isis powers and on the current situation. She knew she was not really the actual Egyptian goddess. When she spoke the spell to become Isis, all that really happened besides a few physical enhancements to her body, was that she was now able to wield the Isis powers in the amulet. Inside however, she was still just a mortal named Andrea Thomas. She knew that she was easily one of the most powerful beings in the world, although she didn't really think of herself as a super heroine or a goddess. She also knew that outside her town, she was virtually unknown. Outside of the local newspaper and TV station, the only real national attention she had ever received was when a popular woman's magazine had profiled several small town super heroines. The article had featured Mary Marvel out in Fawcett City, the super heroine team of Electra Woman and Dyna Girl over in the next state, and herself as Isis. Andrea had saved the article with the secret Isis scrapbook that she kept. "I doubt if King Tut even knows that this town has a super heroine as a guardian," Isis thought as she landed on the walk in front of the museum. Still, the idea that a mad Egyptian king was here to rob a town guarded by an Egyptian goddess was slightly unnerving. Isis determined that she would be extra careful in her dealings with Tut and his men. Proceeding inside, Isis saw that she was already too late. Men and women were rushing everywhere, gesturing at broken display cases, and shouting back and forth in obvious distress. "Isis!" cried the museum curator as he rushed up to her. "That hooligan King Tut and his henchmen just made off with our main Egyptian display. They just left here minutes ago in a red moving van heading west." Immediately, Isis turned and rushed back outside. Speaking her flight spell, Isis lifted into the sky and flew off in pursuit of Tut and his minions. From her vantagepoint in the sky, Isis quickly located the fleeing vehicle as it sped through the warehouse district. As she swooped toward it, the driver quickly pulled into the open bay of an empty warehouse. By the time she landed in front of the building, the doors had been wheeled shut and locked. Slowly, Isis walked up to the doors, placed her hands on her hips, and shook her head in amusement. "This seems entirely too easy," Isis thought as she spoke a spell to force open the doors. The doors screeched as they rolled open. As Isis proceeded inside, startled men dressed in ancient Egyptian regalia started shouting back and forth and gesturing wildly at her. As she walked around the side of the truck, she saw them all fleeing through a doorway. Before she could utter a spell to shut the door on them they were all gone. Quickly crossing to the door, Isis saw that it was the entrance to a hallway that led deeper into the warehouse. At the end of the corridor, she could just see the last henchman, quickly shutting the door behind him. Cautiously, Isis followed the fleeing felons down the hallway, the clicking of her heels echoed loudly in the silence. When she reached the door and tried the knob, she found it unlocked. Sensing a possible trap, Isis concentrated slightly then cast her mind into the chamber beyond. Her mind swept through the room in careful examination. She quickly discovered that Tut's men had no guns, however their minds seemed entirely too confident in their ability to deal with her. Satisfied after a few seconds that she wasn't about to walk into a hail of bullets, Isis opened the door and strolled confidently into the room beyond. The room was extremely large, about twenty-five feet wide by about sixty long. Dimly lit, it was made up in what Isis recognized as a royal Egyptian motif of tapestries, curtains, furniture, and rugs. At the far end of the room sat an immense dais topped by a royal Egyptian throne. At the foot of the dais, four henchmen turned to face her. On the throne sat a big fat man. King Tut, outfitted in his royal robes, calmly regarded .her as she boldly walked forward. When she was about twenty feet into the room, the door suddenly slammed shut behind her. Instantly, a powerful spotlight from high on the right wall illuminated her. Another one further down on the right quickly followed it and then two from the left clicked on. Peering up into the rafters, Isis saw four more of Tut's henchmen operating the spotlights. Seeing that nothing else odd had happened, Isis continued her jaunty stroll down the center of the room, the spotlights tracking her as she went. As she neared the dais the four henchmen parted before her, two to each side and staying well back. Reaching the foot of the steps leading up to the throne, Isis half-placed her left foot up on the second step, rested her right hand on her right hip, put her left hand on her left thigh, and calmly stared up into the eyes of her quarry. "King Tut, I presume?" Isis said after several moments of absolute silence. Slowly, the man of ponderous bulk rose to his feet and raised his hands in the air. "Men!" he announced loudly for all to hear. "Today is an auspicious occasion for all of you. You're all in the presence of an actual goddess," he said as he gestured toward her and paused for dramatic effect. "I give you the goddess Isis." "You're insane Tut," Isis said. "Surrender to me now and I won't have to hurt you or your men. "I rather doubt that you can do that my pretty princess," Tut said as he began rubbing his hands together in evil glee. "You're the one who's in trouble here. Get her! Get her!" he suddenly shouted. At his order, the four men drew clubs and rushed her. Spinning quickly about, Isis gestured at the charging men. Instantly, all four were picked up and magically flung backwards several feet to the floor. It was one of the few feats of magic that Isis could do without speaking a spell. Spinning about to face Tut and backing up several feet Isis started to speak a rhyme that would lift the villains up to the ceiling and drape them over the rafters of the warehouse. About halfway through the spell, however, something absolutely bizarre happened. One second she was speaking aloud, the next second no sounds were coming out of her mouth at all. In startled surprise, Isis tried to speak the spell again. Nothing! Absolute silence! The sensation was eerie. She could feel her vocal chords rumbling in her throat, feel her mouth forming the words, feel the exhale of breath that should give life to her sentences, but shout as loudly as she could, none of her words pierced the air. In shocked horror, Isis listened as Tut explained her dilemma. "Those spotlights you're standing in are actually used to focus special sonic absorbing devices on you. Every sound generated in the zone around you is completely absorbed and drawn away. However, sounds generated from outside can penetrate the zone and be heard without difficulty." Isis quickly clapped her hands together to test what Tut had told her. Nothing! Stepping backward, Isis listened for the clicking of her heels on the tiled floor. Silence! Worse, the spotlights continued to track her as she moved about, insuring that the zone of silence around her was absolute. "A trap! This has all been just a trap to get me and I've walked right into it. I've got to get out of here," thought Isis in growing panic as the spotlights, now set on automatic, continued to track her movements. To the sides, she could see the other four henchmen entering the room to join their comrades. Even with her strength, Isis knew that she could almost certainly not prevail against eight men in physical combat. For one thing, she was almost totally dependent on her magic powers. The few moves she had learned as Andrea Thomas to handle unruly boyfriends, were the extent of her knowledge of hand-to-hand combat. She knew that that wouldn't even be enough to handle the henchmen of a demented super criminal like King Tut. She knew she could use the repelling spell again for a while but continued use was very physically draining. She would not be able to use it for long before she became totally exhausted. Isis turned and fled for the door. Behind her, she could hear Tut's men pursuing her. Reaching the door, Isis tried the knob. Locked! With a burst of her strength, Isis tried the knob again. To her dismay, the knob broke off in her hands. In desperate panic now, Isis threw herself against the door in an attempt to break it down. Immediately, she could tell that the thick door was heavily barred from the other side. Given time, she knew she could easily break it down. It was time she didn't have as the first of Tut's men raced up to her. Spinning quickly, Isis repeated the repelling spell that threw most of Tut's men back away from her. Unfortunately, she didn't get them all and two got in behind her. Isis felt a club crack hard across the back of her head. She dropped heavily to her knees and futily tried to shake away the stars and rockets that danced before her eyes. Another club struck her hard across her shoulder blades and she slumped to the floor on her face in a daze. Now the two men crouched down on either side of her. One grabbed a big hand-full of her long hair and wrenched her head back sharply. The other man produced a huge red ball gag and forced it into her mouth. Before the groggy goddess could react, the gag was buckled firmly in place around her head, under her hair. Now the two men flipped her over on her back, grabbed her firmly by the arms and began to half carry, half drag her head first back toward Tut's throne. The heels of her boots skidded back and forth on the floor as she clawed for traction in a desperate attempt to somehow regain her feet. Suddenly, two more of Tut's men moved in on either side of her and grabbed her flailing legs. Lifting the startled woman all the way off the floor now, the four men carried the struggling heroine to a low sturdy table and threw her down on it. With her head draped slightly over the edge, Isis's long hair hung now almost to the floor. Throwing her on the table, however, was a mistake on their part. With the table beneath her now, Isis could bring her strength into play. Thrashing her right leg about, Isis was able to get the man holding it centered on her foot. A sudden kick launched the startled man back about ten feet to land on a table, collapsing it. Now she turned her attention to the man holding her right arm. Isis grabbed a handful of his shirt and began lifting the surprised man off his feet as another man rushed in to try to grab her kicking leg. Suddenly, Tut was standing above her at the head of the table. He reached down and grabbed hold her amulet with his right hand and spoke a rhyming phrase in what Isis recognized as the ancient Egyptian language of the Old Kingdom. Instantly, her strength faded away to nothing. From then on, it was a simple matter for the henchmen to hold the surprised heroine's struggling body spread-eagle and reasonably still on the table. "You seem surprised, Isis my dear, to discover that a man could command the powers from your amulet," Tut cackled. "Although the enchantments on your amulet were designed to be best used by a woman, a man can still command them in a limited fashion if he knows how to do so. Especially," he added, "if the woman using it has failed to cast a binding spell on the amulet as you have failed to do, oh inept one." Now Tut walked around to the side of the table to continue the conversation. "Yes Isis my sweet, I have such deliciously evil plans in store for you when I get you back to Gotham City. You should feel honored my dear, for a criminal genius like me to come halfway across the country to a little two-bit town like this, just to capture you." Leaning low over her now, the villain placed his right hand high on the inside of her right thigh. As he spoke again, she could smell the rancid odor of sour goat cheese on his breath. "Before we proceed, however, I think we'll have some fun with you first," Tut said. With that, Tut slid his hand up under the short hem of her dress and began to eagerly finger her pussy through her white cotton panties. Isis' muffled squeals of horrified surprise brought lots of laughter from Tut's henchmen as she frantically renewed her struggles to escape their clutches. "What's the matter Isis?" Tut said in mock concern as he slowly worked his fingers inside the leg of her panties to finger her crotch directly. "Perhaps you'd prefer some of this instead?" he asked. At his nod, two more of his men came in to the table on either side of her. Each one slid his hands into her dress through the open sleeves and began to evilly fondle her firm naked breasts. Isis shrieked loudly into her gag and began to thrash her body even more violently back and forth in a futile attempt to somehow escape this vile molestation of her body. After several moments of futily struggling against her molesters, while they taunted and jeered at her, Tut suddenly stood up and removed his hand from her now sopping wet pussy. "Take off her panties men," Tut ordered as he licked her juices from his fingers. "It's time for a royal penetration," he proclaimed loudly as he raised his fist in the air and walked to the foot of the table. Instantly, the two men holding her legs apart forced them back together enough for a third man to reach up her dress and pull down her panties. First to the knees, then to the ankles, and finally off completely. Immediately, the two men holding her legs wrenched them painfully back apart while one of the men holding her arms reached down and pulled the hem of her dress up almost to her chest, revealing her wet pussy for all to see. Looking down between her legs now, Isis saw Tut lift the hem of his own robes up to his waist and begin to stroke himself erect. She could see that Tut wore no underwear under his robes. She could also see that Tut was absolutely huge. When he was fully erect, the villain slowly climbed on the table between her legs and began evilly playing the head of his organ over her desperately writhing pussy. "Here it comes Isis," Tut said as he slowly positioned himself to penetrate her."This can't be happening to me," Isis screamed in her mind as the vile villain prepared to rape her. As if in denial of her thoughts, Tut suddenly leaned over her and drove his full length into her body, opening her up as she screamed into her gag in pain. "Oh Isis, this feels so good," Tut cooed after several seconds as he slowly began thrusting himself in and out of her struggling body. "I had no idea how much fun it could be to fuck a virgin goddess." As the fat pharaoh evilly had his way with her, Isis reflected on one of the strange quirks of her Isis powers as she tried to bite back bitter tears of humiliation. Whenever she used her powers to become Isis, the spell magically revirginized her body. Evidently, the powers of a goddess of nature and healing also extended to closing a broken hymen. Fortunately, the effect did not last when she became Andrea Thomas again. Otherwise she would have had a difficult time explaining to her friend and lover Rick Mason how he was repeatedly able to pop her cherry. She had briefly toyed with the idea of trying to seduce Rick in her guise as Isis, so that she could re-experience her loss of virginity. She had decided against it when she realized how much Rick had a thing for her as Isis and secretly feared losing him to her as Andrea. All that was academic right now as she turned her attention back to the rapist on top of her. Isis began struggling even harder as the fat man's massive bulk easily pinned her smaller body to the table beneath him. Between her legs, Isis could feel his huge throbbing shaft slowly pulse in and out of her. Suddenly, Tut began thrusting harder and faster and she realized in horror that he was about to cum inside her. "No!" she screamed in silent horror in her mind. "I can't let him cum inside me." Even as she thought this, she knew she was too late. With a triumphant shout, Tut exploded inside her. Around them, Tut's men began hooting and cheering him on in his conquest of the helpless heroine. In total misery, Isis could only lay there helplessly while she felt the heat of his discharge as it shot deep into her body. For several more moments, Tut continued to thrust and throb inside her. Then, slowly he withdrew from her body and carefully climbed down off the table and dropped his robes. As he slowly walked around the table to her side, Isis could feel a few drops of blood leaking from her pussy, slowly sliding down between her legs to the crack of her ass. When he reached her side, his hand shot out once more to her amulet and he spoke a rhyming spell in the ancient Egyptian tongue. Instantly, Isis could feel a tingling in her loins. Slowly, it dawned on her that he had cast a spell to heal her ruptured hymen, making her a virgin once again. However, Tut's next words filled her with dread as he explained what was about to happen to her now. "Yes, Isis my sweet, Tut said. "I've made you a virgin once again, but do not thank me. Now my men are going to have some real fun with you. Each time one of them finishes raping you, the terms of the enchantment I have just cast will cause your body to revirginize. Then the next man will have his way with you. Do try to keep my men entertained while I finish my preparations for you. Remove her clothes!" At his order, Tut's men began to whoop and cheer as they realized what their demented leader had done for them. Then with gleeful gusto, they began stripping her down while Tut turned and remounted his throne. As the helpless heroine struggled desperately, the leather mantle with her amulet of power was first lifted up over her head and discarded. Next, they removed her belt and tossed it on the floor next to her panties. Finally, her short white dress was pulled off over her head and thrown at the foot of the dais. When they finished, Isis was only clad in her boots, bracelets, and tiara. Next, they tied the gagged goddess's hands behind her back before jerking her to her feet. While this was happening, one of Tut's men scampered around to pick up all of Isis's belongings. He then delivering them into Tut's possession, before bowing low and backing away. Now the gagged heroine was dragged to the foot of the dais and knocked to her knees before Tut. One of the men grabbing all of her long hair together into a single strand and jerked her head sharply backward, forcing her to stare helplessly up at Tut. Leaning forward in his throne, Tut now spoke to her. "Yes my dear, I do so hope you're feeling up to entertaining my men while I complete my preparations for your destruction. I know my men are definitely feeling 'up' to keeping you entertained aren't you boys?" he asked as he leaned back in his throne and laughed slightly. An answering chorus of hoots and whistles assured Isis of the awful fate in store for her. In desperation, Isis began shaking her head no in an attempt to somehow appeal to whatever decency Tut might still have. "Take her away!" Tut ordered with pure malice as he leaned forward once more and stared directly into the eyes of the frightened heroine. "Show her no pity or mercy!"Pulling her backward now, the man that was holding her by her hair began dragging her toward a side exit. Isis's screamed into her gag in pain as she was ruthlessly dragged across the floor by her hair. About halfway to the door, the villain slowed his step. Instantly, Isis rolled over onto her chest and tried to regain her feet. She had gotten to one knee when the man jerked her suddenly forward and resumed his pace. To the hooting jeers of Tut's men, Isis was dragged the rest of the way to the door on her face. When they reached the door, two men moved in on either side of her. Grabbing her by the arms, they pulled her to her feet and jerked her through the door into a short hallway. Turning left, they forced the struggling heroine down the hall to the first room on the right. The room was completely empty except for a strange object in the exact center. It looked like a fifty-five gallon drum turned on its side. It appeared to be made of solid wood, thickly padded across the top with black leather and thick, widely spaced legs lifted it about eighteen inches off the floor. As they dragged her toward it, Isis could also see that the legs were firmly bolted to the floor. Draping her face down across the object, the two men untied her hands from behind her back while two others grabbed her by her flailing feet. With that done, they rolled the struggling woman over onto her back and centered her body along the length of the object. As Isis fought, they forced her hands out to the sides and locked her wrists into the waiting set of thick steel cuffs. Strong thick chains lead from the cuffs out to the sides and anchored on sturdy steel rings set in the floor. Her legs, they left free for the moment. With her legs hanging half over the edge of the barrel, Isis found it extremely difficult to hold her legs together on its sloped sides. Now Tut's henchmen crowded into the room around her. "Well goddess," one of the men taunted. "I hope you like having your cherry popped." With that, he moved to the foot of the barrel, lifted his short robe and stroked himself erect. When he was good and hard, he approached her feet and as she kicked and struggled uselessly, he forced her legs apart and climbed on top of her. With an evil shout, the man then impaled the helpless heroine on his throbbing, thrusting phallus. Once again, Isis screamed into her gag in pain as a thrusting intruder again pierced her virgin vagina. Unable to hold back any longer, tears of bitter humiliation began to course freely down her cheeks. Now, the rapist on top of her began squeezing and fondling her nipples and breasts as he fucked her with wild abandon. After several minutes of lusty rape, the rapist shot his load into the weakly struggling heroine's body while she groaned in helpless misery. Slowly then, the rapist withdrew from her body and climbed down off of her. After about half a minute, Isis felt a familiar tingling in her pussy as the henchmen crowded in closer to watch the healing spell in action. Soon, all that remained was the memory of the pain at her brutal reopening. Satisfied after a minute that the spell was done, the man that had just raped her slapped the hand of the next man like wrestlers in a tag-team match. "Your turn!" he laughed as his friend climbed onto the weakly writhing heroine's body. "My god!" thought Isis numbly as the man forced her legs apart. "This can't be happening to me. When I first became Isis, I never dreamed I could end up like this. I'm one of the most powerful people in the world. I can't end up like this at the hands of someone that doesn't even have any super powers." In denial of her thoughts, the next rapist drove himself into her to the hilt and opened her up once again as she screamed into her gag. "Whooie!" the rapist shouted as he started ruthlessly fucking the helpless woman. "This magic virgin stuff really works." To shouts of encouragement from his friends, the rapist soon shot his wad deep into her abused body. By the time the sixth rapist was ready to go to work on her, Isis was too exhausted from her ordeal to struggle against the inevitable any longer. To hooting cheers of triumph, Isis willingly opened her legs for the rapist to mount her. As the rapist sank his shaft into her body, Isis also wrapped her legs around his waist. This certainly wasn't because she was enjoying her ordeal but because it was more comfortable than having her legs hanging off the slopped sides of the barrel. To the rapist gang, however, it was just another symbol of her submission to them. Slowly the gang rape ordeal proceeded. "At last; it's over," Isis thought numbly as the eighth and final rapist ejaculated into her conquered body. As he climbed down off her tortured form, Isis weakly wondered what they would do to her next. Unfortunately for Isis, she soon found out. To her surprised horror, the first rapist started climbing between her legs once again. "Oh no!" Isis thought as the horrible realization hit her that her gang rape ordeal wasn't done at all. In fact it was only just beginning. As the fifth hour of gang rape wound to a close, the rapist gang unshackled her wrists and flipped her over on her belly. Too exhausted to struggle very much, Isis was repositioned sideways and shackled spread-eagle and face down across the barrel. Now, the helpless heroine was attacked and gang-raped doggie style. At one point during her seventh hour of rape, one of her attackers lifted her chin and commented on the crying woman, "She has such pretty lips. I bet she can give good blow-jobs." With that the rapist started reaching to remove her gag. "Stop!" the lead henchman shouted as the man's hands reached under her hair to remove the gag. "King Tut said that she must remain gagged." "Don't worry dude," the man replied with a laugh. "I'll keep her gagged with my cock." "You idiot!" the lead henchman replied in anger. "King Tut isn't sure how far away she can command her amulet. Do you want to take a chance on her being able to cast spells after what we've been doing to her? We'll be lucky to end up being turned into bugs if she gets free." "Okay! Okay! I see your point," the rapist replied. With that he stopped removing her gag and refastened it even tighter than before for good measure. Slowly the hours passed for the helpless heroine as she was gang raped into complete and utter submission by Tut's band of merry rapists. Unable to even cry any more, the gagged goddess weakly wondered how much longer she could hold out against her assailants. As the ninth hour drew to a close, one of Tut's henchmen that had been out of the room suddenly returned. "King Tut is ready for her now," he announced. "We're to bring her to his laboratory." With that, they unshackled her from her face down position on the barrel. They tied the helpless heroine's hands behind her back again, dragged her to her feet, and took her out of the room. As bad as being dragged by her hair had been before, being made to walk after the fucking she had received was infinitely worse. Isis could barely stand up straight. Walking doubled over and bow-legged, Isis was escorted into Tut's laboratory and knocked to her knees before Tut. "Well Isis," Tut cackled at the bound heroine. "I hear you've been doing a good job entertaining my men. Now it's time for your total destruction." With that, Tut directed her attention toward a nearby table where three jars from the Egyptian exhibit sat. "Do you know what's in those jars Isis?" he asked. "They're the carefully preserved ingredients for the most powerful aphrodisiac ever discovered. Modern medicine says there is no such thing as an aphrodisiac but in ancient times there was. It was created with these special ingredients," he added. "The crushed bodies of a species of scarabs," he said as he held up a jar. "The berries of a rare desert cactus and a special Nile swamp fungus," he said, indicating the other two jars. "Even in ancient times these ingredients were extremely rare. Now, of course, they're all extinct. They were thought to be lost forever until some stupid science teacher in this town discovered a tomb with these items intact and brought them back here to put on display. What a fool she was," Tut continued. "That idiot woman had no idea what she really discovered. I owe her a debt of undying thanks for finding these items. I think you'll even be wanting to thank her too before too long," Tut said. Now the delusional pharaoh pulled up a small stool in front of her and sat down. "I've killed two birds with one stone today by capturing you and securing these items, both in this town. It's a sign of providence from the gods," he declared as he reached forward and lifted her chin to look directly into her eyes. "For a man," Tut said, "exposure to this aphrodisiac permanently increases his potency and performance ten-fold. For a woman, however, the effects are far more insidious and devastating. While exposure induces a ravenous sexual appetite, it also induces a corresponding decrease in will power. The woman also becomes fixated and utterly obedient to the first man she meets after exposure. The effects are quite permanent too I'm afraid," Tut added. "In short Isis my dear," Tut said as he began to smooth out her disheveled hair, "you're about to become permanently addicted to sex and totally obedient to my will as my sex slave for the rest of your life. Take her to the chamber," Tut suddenly ordered as he leaned back away from her on his stool. The two guards on either side of her suddenly reached down, grabbed her arms, and pulled her to her feet. Isis began struggling wildly as the two henchmen dragged her toward two waiting plexi- glass chambers, each about the size and shape of an old style phone booth. As she fought wildly, they forced her into the chamber on the left and locked her in. Immediately, Isis began throwing herself at the walls and door in a desperate attempt to break out of the airtight booth but the sturdy chamber easily withstood her attacks. Now Tut ushered his two henchmen out of the room and locked the door behind them. Then he turned, made his way to the booth on the right, and squeezed his massive bulk inside before shutting the door. Isis could see that unlike her chamber, Tut's had both an inside doorknob and a small control panel mounted on one side. Now he turned and spoke to her through a microphone. "Ready to become my sex slave Isis?" Tut asked. "Don't worry. You soon will be." With that, Tut flipped two switches on his panel. Instantly, Isis heard a hissing sound above her head. A thin reddish mist began seeping out of several nozzles mounted at the top of the booth. Glancing over at Tut, she could also see his chamber also filling with the red mist. Immediately, Isis dropped to the floor, braced her feet against the door, and began frantically pushing with all her strength in a desperate attempt to somehow pop the door open. She could feel the bottom half of the door flexing back against the locking mechanism and she realized that she might be able to snap the lock if she just had enough time. Now, however, with sweat poring down her face, the descending cloud of mist reached her. "No!" Isis screamed in her mind as the mist enveloped her. I mustn't breathe in. If I do, I'm finished." She began redoubling her efforts as she felt the mist begin tickling at her nose. Finally, however, the need to breathe became overwhelming. Isis succumbed to the inevitable and breathed in a short shallow breath through her nose. It was like nothing else she had ever smelled before. A slightly musty, slightly spicy smell, that felt absolutely wonderful. Isis immediately breathed in a deeper breath to experience more of this incredible sensation. Now her sinuses exploded with pleasure and she began breathing deeply and rapidly. She felt absolutely wonderful as she inhaled the mist deep into her lungs. "Why am I fighting this?" she questioned herself. "This feels absolutely fantastic." A small voice in her head screamed that this was wrong, dead wrong, but the rest of her mind easily shouted it down. Gradually, she felt a strange tingling in her loins that she had never felt before. It was like an overpowering itch that couldn't be scratched. Suddenly, the door to the chamber opened. Tut reached down and pulled the dazed heroine to her feet. Startled, Isis stared directly into Tut's face. "What a handsome man he is," Isis thought as she gazed upon his features in a dreamy stupor. "I'll do anything for him, anything at all, if he'll just fuck me," she thought as she realized just how her itch could be scratched. Again, the small voice of logic and reason in her mind railed against what she was feeling. "Resist!" it shouted. Resist with all your strength or you're doomed." The rest of her mind, however, realized what a futile plea this really was. She could no more resist these feelings then stop herself from breathing. It was like an elemental force of lust and passion that would simply not be denied, a thirst that could not be slacked. As all of this was going through her head, Tut escorted her to a waiting bed and tied her unresisting body spread-eagle on it. After he finished tying her up, he then began to run his coarse hands across her shapely body. Her nipples immediately ripened into hard little cones and her pussy juices began flowing hard as his hands gently caressed her body. "Yes!" she thought. "Yes, touch me there," she begged in her mind as Tut's fat fingers slowly slid down her belly toward her sopping wet pussy. In answer to her silent pleas, Tut suddenly pulled his fingers back. Frustrated, Isis immediately arched her back toward him in a desperate attempt to have his fingers touch her pussy. "Very good Isis. Very, very good," Tut said. "The results of your first exposure are very promising. When I'm through with you you're going to make an excellent sex slave." With that Tut's fingers suddenly slid through her pubic hair in a single pass. Startled, Isis cried out in helpless pleasure as the most powerful orgasm she had ever experienced rocked through her body. "If his fingers felt this good, I wonder how good it's going to feel with his cock inside me?" Isis blissfully wondered as she came down from her sexual high. Far from being sated from her experience, however, Isis realized she needed more, far more. In answer to her silent pleas, King Tut obligingly crawled onto the bed between her legs and drove his erection into her eagerly waiting body. Contrary to how she had felt during her earlier gang rape, this ordeal was absolutely wonderful. Over the next several hours, Tut almost literally fucked her out of her mind. The discomfort she felt as he kept popping her cherry was nothing compared to the fantastic pleasures she experienced as she felt Tut's thrusting, throbbing member shoot its wad deep inside her. "Tut's performance has certainly living up to his billing of this aphrodisiac. He's cummed inside me dozens of times over the last few hours," Isis numbly thought as Tut came inside her once again. But now, however, Tut seemed finished with her. He rolled his fat bulk off her body, stood up, and straightened his robes and headpiece. Somewhat satisfied from the ordeal, the logical part of her mind could somewhat reassert itself. "My god! What have I done?" she wondered in horrible realization. The memory of how she had helplessly fucked like a wild beast filled her with such intense revulsion. Worse, she realized that all too soon, she would feel the need to do it again and would do so gladly. "Splendid performance, Isis my dear," Tut cackled as he moved to the side of her bed. "By now your mind is probably trying to reassert itself. That's why I've left you gagged," he said. With that, Tut walked to the door, unlocked I, and called in his henchmen. Tut then returned to the bed to stand over her with his men spread out behind him. "Now Isis, you're going to learn one of the more unusual aspects of your new condition. I hereby order you not to feel any sexual pleasure when anyone but myself does anything to you," Tut said. "I also order you to fuck like the slut that you are and make it really good for all of my men when they rape you." He then ordered one of his henchmen to rape her. The sensation was eerie. She could feel the rapist throbbing and pulsing inside her but, try as hard as she could, she simply could not orgasm as she fucked with wild abandon. Worse, the renewed sexual activity began wearing away at her mind again. As the rapist came inside her, she again could feel herself slipping towards the savage lust she had experienced earlier. Isis screamed into her gag in horrible frustration as the rapist climbed off of her, her needs unfulfilled. Laughing hysterically, Tut now explained his master plan for her. It turned out that she would need two more exposures, each set a day apart, to insure the level of obedience that Tut wished for. Since Tut's men had now all received a dose of the aphrodisiac and were now all sexual stallions, they would amuse themselves with her all they wanted to while leaving her sexual fires unquenched. It would drive her right over the edge into mindless despair. After her second exposure to the red mist, King Tut raped her once just to whet her sexual appetite then cruelly left her in the hands of his henchmen with her needs unfulfilled once again. After her third exposure, Isis discovered just how totally defeated she really was. Tut had his men redress her in her costume with her magic amulet. Then he ordered his men to finally remove her gag. "Go on Isis. Cast a spell against me or my henchmen now," he invited the befuddled heroine from his throne. To her horror, Isis realized she couldn't act against them, even though she wanted to so badly. She knew she would never be able to act against them for what they had done to her. Never! To do so would rob her of her only means of quenching the savage sexual lusts that resided within her now. "I can't," she replied as she collapsed to the floor and began sobbing in total despair and misery. "Please masters," she found herself begging them. "Please give me what I need." "No my dear," Tut said as he leaned forward in his throne to her. "First there's something I want you to do for us." Several days later in Gotham City Batman and Robin easily tracked King Tut and his men to their new lair. Breaking in, they quickly defeated his men in a short fistfight. Through it all, Tut sat calmly on his throne with his new henchgirl at his feet. "Ready to come quietly Tut?" Batman asked as the two crime fighters crowded in on either side of his throne. They could see that his taste in henchgirls was as impeccable as ever. She was a strikingly beautiful woman with waist length hair. She wore a thick stainless steel collar around her neck that ran to a leather leash in Tut's hand. She appeared to be crying slightly, probably because she realized she was about to go to jail. "Take care of them Isis my dear," Tut suddenly ordered. The girl stood up and spoke a curious phrase in rhyme. Instantly, yards of thick canvas and gauze, on a nearby table, suddenly came alive and attacked the dynamic duo. At the same time, their utility belts came undone and flew away. In no time at all, the caped crusaders fell to the floor, wrapped up like mummies with only their heads exposed. Tut's recovered henchmen quickly picked up the two crime fighters and deposited them into two waiting Egyptian sarcophagus's laying nearby. Now Tut, his henchmen, and his strange henchgirl crowded in around the two trapped crime fighters. "Finish them off my dear," Tut ordered as he rubbed his hands together in evil anticipation of what was about to transpire. "I'm sorry Batman," Isis somehow managed to whisper under her breath. Then she spoke another rhyming spell aloud. "Deserts winds that bleach and dry, mummify these men to die." "Holy horrors Batman," Robin spoke out as he realized they faced a magical opponent. "She's going to mummify us alive." Batman's only reply was a scream of agony as powerful forces beyond understanding gripped him. Immediately, Robin started screaming too in horrible pain as the supernatural forces dried and preserved their struggling bodies. For eight horrible minutes hideous screams erupted from the two heroes as the mummification process continued. Batman's final scream trailed off into a coughing death rattle. Then all was silent. "We've won," Tut cried in triumph as he turned and regarded Isis. "All thanks to you my dear." "My god," Isis thought as she watched the henchmen lift the heavy lids to place on the two sarcophagus's. "I've just committed murder to satisfy my unnatural cravings." As she looked at the two lids, carefully carved and painted in the images of Batman and Robin, being slid into place, her eyes tried to avoid the third empty sarcophagus. Two days later in Gotham City The news had swept through Gotham City like wild fire: Batman and Robin, dead at the hands of King Tut. At least that's what he claimed anyway. Barbara Gordon didn't believe it for a minute. Changing to Batgirl, she quickly discovered Tut's hideout and slipped inside. Confronting Tut and his men, Batgirl battled valiantly until something strange happened. One second, she was knocking Tut's henchmen left and right, the next she was floating several inches off the floor, her utility belt gone and absolutely helpless. When the strange force released her, Batgirl fell into the waiting arms of Tut's henchmen who immediately proceeded to tie her spread- eagle on a table and then gang rape her. Through it all, Tut sat on his throne watching quietly and stroking the hair of his new henchgirl. "Come my dear," Tut soothed as he finally drew Isis to her feet and led her away from the dreadful spectacle toward his private chambers. "You've done well and it's time for you to be rewarded." Isis's pussy immediately began tingling in anticipation of what she was about to experience. She could almost believe it was worth it if it weren't for Batgirl's anguished screams echoing in the chamber behind her. Batgirl lasted almost thirty-six hours against the continuous gang rape at the hands of Tut's henchmen. Enhanced by the aphrodisiac, however, the henchmen literally gang-raped Batgirl to death. Again, Isis cast her mummification spells, this time on Batgirl's dead body. As Tut's men closed the lid on Batgirl's mummified remains, King Tut summoned Isis to his side. "Gotham City is mine now Isis. Its guardians are defeated and nothing can stop me," he raved. A small part of her mind tried one final time to rebel. It was easily swept away, however, in the avalanche of lust that struck her as Tut ordered her to go to his chamber to await his special attention. Beyond caring anymore, Isis knew that she had finally and completely embraced her slavery when she ruthlessly crushed the protesting voice inside her head. She knew the voice of a small town super heroine was gone forever and would never return. "Hurry master," Isis called over her shoulder as she raced down the hall for Tut's rooms. "I'll be waiting."