How the Doll Stole Christmas By DeannaTroi This is a work of fiction. It contains adult material of a sexual nature and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. all characters depicted in sexual situations are 18 or older. Ms. Americana (Brenda Wade), Flag Girl (Lydia Willis), Green Spectre (Axanna Morgan), Spectre Girl (Summer Morgan), Got Gal (Tonya O’Donnell), Got Chic (Anita Jackson), Azure Angel (Yummi Wong), Omega Woman (Cameron Drake), Amazing Babe (Jessica Lockheart), Lady Midnight (Angela Greer), Lady Kraft, Jungle Babe (Dana McQueen), Texas Star, Champion Girl (Candace Graham), Night Raven (Lydia Borden), Power Lass (Karen Clark) and Shield (Carla Rogers) are the creation and property of Mr. X. Other characters created by Mr. X who appear or are mentioned in this story include Dragon Queen, Elsa, the Aberration, Psycho Santa and the Christmas Goblins. The concept of Sanctuary was created by SilkCords and modified by me with his permission. Mr. G and Max are possibly loosely based on some other story. I doubt even Disney can claim copyright on Santa and Mrs. Claus. All other characters in this story which includes Void (Emily Arcand), Fellah / Charcoal, Keith, Nancy, and Captain Glory (Steve Hodges) are my own creation. Feel free to use my characters in your own stories, but please try and keep their characters in line with what I have depicted in these stories. You can send all feedback to: Keith was not a happy elf as he stared at the toy on the shelf of the huge downtown Wade Mart in Delta City. At least the thing was kept behind the sales counter where adults had to ask for it with giggles and blushing faces instead of being on the general toy shelves where innocent children could see it. Considering again that this was Delta City, Keith wondered for a few cynical seconds if there was such a thing as an innocent child in this city, but that probably wasn’t being fair and he wasn’t being asked to be a modern day Lot. Keith sighed and wondered what he should do. As the head of Santa’s counter intelligence agency and in point of fact its only member, he knew he had to do something about this before things got really nasty. Things had been bad enough some years back with that Elf on a Shelf toy fad. It had perhaps started as a somewhat cute and innocent family story and then had gotten run through the buzzsaw of crass commercialism. It had ended up with some people thinking Santa actually spied on children which was just a bit creepy when you got right down to it. Since then, there had been a number of “spin-offs” and that had culminated in this abomination. “Slut On Her Butt” proclaimed the box that contained the offending toy. The size of a Barbie Doll, the thing made the much maligned child’s favourite look positively flat chested which took some doing. It was also according to the box and the smarmy ads, anatomically correct. Furthermore, if the doll was properly “stimulated” and Keith could see the copy writers smirking when they wrote that phrase, the doll would respond realistically. Translation for the criminally stupid, if you played with the doll’s tits and pussy, it would get wet just like the real thing and the nipples would harden. You could then use some of the equally realistic accessories that came with the doll such as the dildo which could also be strapped in place to use with a second one of the things. “This really looks like the work of your old boss,” said Keith looking down at the small, mongrel dog standing beside him. The store had a “No Animals” policy, but since everyone knew elves weren’t really real, there couldn’t possibly be one talking to a dog as if he understood every word which meant there was no dog either. “Woof,” said Max. Keith considered this statement. Max had neatly summarized his own thoughts and fears. Mr. G, Max’s former person, if you wanted to be generous and apply that term to him, invariably tried every Christmas to make life as miserable as he could for the world in general and the Delta City heroines in particular. He rarely acted directly, but used pawns such as Psycho Santa and the Christmas Goblins to do his dirty work. They were both the creation of Mr. G, though very few knew that, including Psycho Santa and the goblins themselves. Psycho Santa was a clone of the real Santa whose DNA had been run through a genetic sieve to remove all the good bits. Psycho Santa in turn sometimes worked directly and sometimes inspired or corrupted others to do his dirty work which had led to things like shopping mall Santas going rogue and raping heroines left and right. Keith wasn’t sure where the goblins came from, but suspected and feared that they had started out as elf clones run through the same genetic sieve that had produced Psycho Santa. The only good thing about Psycho Santa and the goblins were they could only enter this world from their pocket dimensions for a short time around Christmas. Mr. G had tried to change that last Christmas, so that Psycho Santa and the goblins would be free to terrorize the heroines all year long, but Max had alerted him to the plot and then he had enlisted special help to stop it. It looked like he would need that special help again and with a snap of his fingers, Keith and Max disappeared from the store. The doll on the shelf behind the till stuck out its tongue and flashed her boobs at the spot where Keith had stood. ]][Author's Note: You can see last year's Christmas story - If Only Christmas Could Last Forever, if you want more details.] “Yeah, go ahead and try and get some help,” snarled the doll in a low voice that only she could hear. “Fat lot of good it will do you this time. This year things are going to be different and its going to be a really fun Christmas, at least for some of us.” ** * Keith and Max popped back into existence a microsecond after leaving the store and now they stood looking around them in shock. The fortress in Limbo where they had expected to find allies was in ruins with huge gaping holes in the wall looking out into the infinite blackness. There was no sign of the woman called Nancy who was also called affectionately Detective Boobs for two very obvious reasons. It had been Nancy who had helped thwart Mr. G the previous year and Keith had counted on getting her help again this year. “Woof,” said Max sadly as he sniffed at the shredded remains of the dog bed where Nancy’s golden retriever Rascal should have been. “Woof?” he asked now looking up at Keith. “I don’t know what happened,” replied Keith as he continued to stare around him in shock. This was bad, very bad. Nancy’s employers were among the most powerful beings he knew and obviously someone had done a real number on their supposedly secure and impregnable fortress. That was bad in the big picture and the long term and also for his short term plans of stopping Mr. G’s latest plot. The unique nature of Nancy and her employers meant that they knew beings like Santa and Mr. G. existed and could deal with them while most other people in the universe considered such beings to be myths and legends which meant they tended to be useless in trying to stop them. Even the heroines of Delta City who almost annually were subjected to the ravaging of beings like Psycho Santa and the goblins were incapable of remembering their existence after the holiday season ended. Keith grimaced at that thought since it meant every year the depredations of those seasonal enemies always came as such a total and complete shock to the heroines. [Author's Note: For more details on what happened to Nancy, who was the title character of Delta City PI, see The Other Adventures of Nancy #5: On the Eve of Destruction] “Woof?” asked Max. “I just don’t know,” admitted Keith. “I need some time to think.” “Woof,” replied Max. “Yeah, I know we don’t have much time with tonight being Christmas Eve,” sighed the elf and he snapped his fingers once more to abandon this now deserted and forlorn place. * * * “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh,” moaned Lydia Willis aka Flag Girl as she lay sprawled naked on her queen sized bed with her legs well apart. One hand was playing with her large DD breasts while the other was between those spread legs with two fingers snicking in and out of her dripping pussy while her thumb rubbed her clit. “Oh yeah girl, do it,” said the doll from its seat on a bookcase overlooking the bed. Lydia didn’t hear the doll as it spoke far too low and she was far too gone in her lust. As far as the pig tailed blonde was concerned, this morning masturbation was entirely her own idea and she would have scoffed at the ridiculous idea that she had been influenced into it by anything, especially not by some inanimate doll that she had whined about incessantly until her mentor Brenda Wade had broken down and bought her one. “Oh fuck, I’m cumming again,” screamed the young blonde as her back arched, her eyes glazed over and then a moment later her hand was soaked by the juices squirting out of her pussy. “Mmmmm, tasty,” said Lydia with a smile as she licked her fingers clean and then glanced at her bedside clock to see if she had time for another round. She and Brenda as their superheroine alter egos of Ms. Americana and Flag Girl were due at the children’s hospital in two hours for a moral boosting appearance. Lots of time for another orgasm or even two, thought Lydia with a smile and immediately set to work. Brenda Wade, meanwhile leaned her back against Lydia’s bedroom door and pulled her hand out of her panties and with her own glazed look, licked her digits clean. She had been on her way to remind her ward about the afternoon hospital visit, but had paused outside Lydia’s door when she heard the sounds of moaning coming from inside. Since she was quite certain they were not under attack from one of their many foes, it had been easy to deduce the cause of the moaning. Brenda knew she should have given Lydia privacy for this personal and quite natural function, but instead had found herself leaning against the door listening to the moaning while her hand slid down into her own panties. Damn, like Lydia, she needed more. /straightening up, Brenda half staggered down the hall into her own bedroom and not bothering to close the door, stripped off her clothes and pulled out her biggest dildo from her lingerie drawer and collapsed onto the bed on her back. The dildo was a new acquisition and had been highly recommended by Hexanna. It claimed to be an exact duplicate of the massive schlong that hung between the legs of the Aberration. ‘That’s it sweetie, fuck your own brains out with that monster,” encouraged the doll sitting on Brenda’s computer desk as she watched the brunette start to slide the massive fake cock into her needy pussy. The clerk had said it was a two for one sale when she had bought the doll that Lydia had been begging for , so naturally she had kept one of the silly things for herself to see what the fuss was all about. For some reason, it never occurred to Brenda that as the owner of the entire Wade Mart chain of super stores, she could have gotten as many dolls as she wanted. It certainly was not a thought running through her mind at the moment as she rammed the huge dildo in and out of her pussy. * * * Santa’s workshop wasn’t really at the North Pole since you couldn’t hide something like that from spy satellite’s, but the inter dimensional portal that transported one to his workshop was located at the North Pole. It was undetectable by human science and could only be activated by someone who knew the security activation phrase. “I want to go to the teddy bear picnic,” said Keith. “Woof?” asked Max. “I didn’t make up the pass phrase, so don’t blame me,” replied Keith as the portal opened and the two of them stepped through into a large kitchen where the smell of baking cookies filled the room. “Welcome home Keith dear,” said Mrs. Claus as she turned from the oven with a cookie sheet in her hands. “Woof” said Max. “It’s nice to see you again too Max,” replied Mrs. Claus. “Yes, this is a new dress, an early present from Santa and nice of you to notice.” She paused and gave Keith a mild glare. “I would have mentioned it, but loud mouth here beat me to it,” said Keith who gestured at Max and then stuck his head out the kitchen door for a moment, listened to the clanging and banging noises, then closed it and slumped down in a chair beside the table. “The boss is still busy with preparations from the sounds of things.” Mrs. Claus arched an eyebrow. “Of course, this is Christmas Eve and you know there are always a billion or so last minute details to look after. Is there something the matter?” Keith sighed. “Yeah, we might have a real problem with those dolls I told you about. It look’s like Max’s old boss is behind them and I don’t know what to do. I tried Nancy, but she is AWOL and maybe dead, permanently dead that is.” Mrs. Santa nodded. She had met Nancy on several previous occasions over the centuries and knew about her “resurrections”. “I wouldn’t be too sure we have seen the last of her,” said Mrs. Claus as she opened the fridge and took out a jug of milk. “She is a pretty resourceful lady.” Mrs. Claus brought a glass of milk and some still warm chocolate chip cookies over to the table and set them down in front of Keith. “Here, milk and cookies always help me think better.” “Thanks Mrs. C,” said Keith as he bit into a cookie and chewed. “The problem is I need some help to deal with this problem and even if Nancy isn’t permanently out of the picture, it doesn’t look like she will be back in time to help with it, what with this being Christmas Eve and all.” “Woof,” said Max. “Yeah, I know you will do all you can buddy, but we are still going to need more help,” replied Keith. Max shrugged and looked at Mrs. Claus. “Woof?” he asked. “Oh, sorry dear,” said Mrs. Claus who poured some milk into a bowl and put it on the floor before holding out a cookie to Max. “Are you sure the chocolate chips won’t bother you?” “Woof,” replied Max with absolute certainty as he quickly gobbled down the cookie and then put on his most pitiful, woe is me face until he got a second cookie. “I can’t even go to the heroines for help,” continued Keith, “since they are all adults, even if they don’t always act like it, and adults can’t see magical beings since they know they don’t exist.” “Well then, why don’t you get some help from someone who can’t see you,” suggested Mrs. Claus. “Huh?” replied Keith screwing up his face in thought. “That doesn’t make any sense …,” he trailed off. “I take that back Mrs. C. In fact, you are a genius.” “Woof?” asked Max. “I’ll explain it on the way,” replied Keith shoving almost a whole cookie in his mouth and then draining his glass of milk. The muffled noises of banging that trickled through the kitchen door suddenly stopped and Mrs. Claus went to the door and listened. “Oh dear, it sounds like Santa hit his thumb with a hammer again. I don’t know where he learned such language.” “Woof,” said Max. “The dog is right,” replied Keith. “He probably spends too much time on Twitter.” The elf gave Mrs. Claus a peck on one rosy cheek, looked at Max to see if he was ready and opened the inter dimensional portal back to the world. “Back to Delta City we go,” he told his four legged companion. “Woof,” said Max. “Yeah, sure we can stop at a pole on the way,” he agreed. “I know exactly where to fine one.” * * * “Help, someone!” yelled a distraught female voice from somewhere in the middle of a crowd of Christmas shoppers. “That man stole my bag of presents!” “I’ll get them back for you ma’am,” said a confident female voice from somewhere close by. The victim of the robbery looked around and saw a beautiful African-American woman in a skimpy, tight one piece purple costume leap onto the back of a bench where people waited in the vain hope a bus would appear. The masked woman balanced there like an Olympic gymnast as she scanned the crowd and then spotting her prey, set off in pursuit. The thief made what Lady Midnight considered a tactical error when he slipped into one of the near infinite number of dirty alleys that lurked in downtown Delta City. The man might have lost her in the press of the crowd, or at least it might have slowed her enough for him to vanish, but now as she too turned into the alley the heroine closed the distance quickly. The heroine made a diving tackle and brought the petty thief down, the impact causing him to drop his stolen bag and the contents to spill out onto the ground. “You should have had more holiday spirit,” said Lady Midnight as she hauled the thief to his feet with one hand and pinned him against a wall facing her. “Now it looks like you are going to spend the holidays in jail.” “Why don’t you suck his cock instead?” asked a female voice from behind Lady Midnight. “What the hell?” growled Lady Midnight who kept one hand on the throat of the thief, pinning him to the wall, while she looked around for the source of the crude comment and saw no one. It never occurred to the heroine to look down at the ground or she would have seen the doll that had crawled out of the bag and now stood right behind her. Even if such a thought had occurred to Lady Midnight, she would have been unlikely to consider the doll any kind of threat. Thus, she was totally unprepared when the doll leaped up and punched her in the back of her knee and made her leg give way under her and resulted in her unexpectedly kneeling in front of the bemused thief. The doll promptly leapt onto Lady Midnight’s shoulder, grabbed her ear and began to whisper into it. “You want to suck his cock like some common street whore, right here in this dirty alley. Do it, you know you want to.” “No,” protested Lady Midnight in a less than confident tone. “It, it would be too humiliating, too degrading.” “That is why it would be so much fun,” whispered the doll. “Bring out that inner slut you keep inside. Undo his pants and take his cock out. Suck on it like it is the best lollypop you ever had.” “Not right,” moaned Lady Midnight even as her hands undid the man’s belt and then worked at the button. Her fingers were shaking as she finally got it and then she pulled down the sipper. She could see the bulge in the man’s shorts and her tongue ran over her lips as she stared at it. “I shouldn’t,” she moaned as her fingers slid under the elastic waistband and tugged downwards. Suddenly the man’s hard cock sprang from its prison and swung up to bang her on the chin. It hovered there in front of her face for several long seconds while she tried to resist, but then her full lips opened and closed around the throbbing head of the cock. “That’s it whore,” encouraged the doll. “Suck on that hard cock until it fills your mouth with a nice sticky load of cum. It’s the reward you crave.” ‘Yes, what I crave,” intoned Lady Midnight and began to slide her mouth up and down the hard shaft, her tongue pressed tightly against the veiny underside. The thief didn’t have a clue what was going on. One moment he thought he was about to get a good beating and the next he was getting one of the best blowjobs of his life. This black bitch sure knew how to suck cock and she really seemed to be getting off on it. Finally, he just went with it, staring down at the sexy face as his cock disappeared into her mouth. “Oh fuck baby, that feels so good,” he moaned. “Now show me those big titties of yours too while you suck on my dick.” “Mmmmmmhhh,” replied Lady Midnight as she used one hand to pull her top down and let her massive chocolate brown melons flop free. They continued to bounce, jiggle and sway enticingly back and forth as her mouth worked over his cock like a true professional. Soon, as much as he wished to prolong the experience, the thief felt his balls twitch and knew he was close to cumming. He grabbed two handfuls of the heroine’s curly, black hair to steady himself and then a moment later he began to blast his spunk into her willing mouth. “Well at least you got my parcels back before you decided to blow the bastard,” came a voice from behind Lady Midnight. As if in a daze, the black heroine let the thief’s cock slip from between her lips to see the woman who had been robbed standing there with her hands on her hips looking disgusted. Lady Midnight hadn’t got a good look at her in her rush to chase down the thief and now she saw the woman looked to be in her mid thirties with curly, dirty blonde hair. As Lady Midnight stared at her, not sure what to say, she heard the sound of a zipper being done up and when she looked back, the thief was legging it down the alley, apparently having decided the blowjob was enough for him as he ignored the parcels. “Are you as good at licking pussy as you are at sucking cock you whore?” asked the woman disdainfully. Neither Lady Midnight or the woman seemed to notice the doll which had somehow moved to perch on the woman’s shoulder to start whispering in her ear. “Yes, I do,” affirmed Lady Midnight as she began to crawl towards the woman who had lifted her skirt and now had her eyes glued on the heroine’s swaying jugs. A flick of the woman’s wrist tugged down her panties just as Lady Midnight reached her and then Lady Midnight’s tongue flicked out over the wet cunt lips. * * * Carla Rogers, otherwise known to the world as Shield, stood close to the door of Sanctuary, keeping a careful eye on the main room. The Christmas Eve party that Cyril had organized was beginning to wind down. Steve had spent the entire day in the kitchen and had produced a free turkey supper with all the trimmings for anyone who wanted it and now people were starting to wander out to their apartments or maybe a place under one of the bridges to spend the night and await Christmas morning. They all carried presents supplied by Cyril, so they had at least something to celebrate besides the food. The presents weren’t expensive or lavish as much as they were practical. The poor didn’t want and couldn’t use the latest iPhone with seventeen cameras as they didn’t have WiFi or a data plan, but they could make use of things like clean socks and underwear or a few Hot Wheels cars to keep the kids happy. There were also bundles of leftovers being pressed into hands by Trudy whose sexy elf costume brought back more than a few memories and mammaries of her topless bartender days at the Pussycat Club. The door behind Carla banged open and closed and she frowned when she turned around as there hadn’t been anybody near it. Wind, she thought and indeed she felt or thought she felt something brush against her legs a second later. Odd, she thought, she didn’t think the wind made a noise that sounded like “woof”. Emily Arcand finished running in the ends on the pair of mitts she was knitting and started to pack up her stuff to go home. It had been a good evening, though she still felt a core of sadness that she couldn’t shake. This was her second Christmas without Mama and it still felt wrong. They had never had much money to celebrate Christmas, but they had always had each other and that had been enough. Emily gave her head a little shake to try and drive out the self pity and once again tried to dwell on the good things that the evening had brought. The turkey dinner had been excellent and she could still hear Fellah under the table gnawing on the huge drumstick that Steve had slipped him. She had also sold several pairs of mitts and two scarves, so she wouldn’t have to worry about having enough money to live on for a few days. Santa, or rather Frank dressed up as Santa had given her a case containing knitting needles of several different sizes and a couple large balls of wool. She was going to have to knit him something special for that kindness. “Hello Ms. Void,” may I join you for a moment?” asked a pleasant male voice from just a few feet away. Emily turned sightless eyes in the general direction of the voice and arched an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, but you seem to have me confused with someone else. My name is Emily Arcand, not this Void person you were looking for.” “No mistake Ms. Arcand,” replied the voice. “I don’t normally snoop in the boss’s records, but you are Emily Arcand. Age 23. Born June 12. Your mother was Cecile and your father ,” the voice hesitated, “is probably not something you want to discuss. You were born blind and when your mother died a little over a year ago, she gave you that ring on your finger which is a very special ring. Do you still think I have the wrong person?” [Author's Note: Emily Arcand / Void first appeared in Tales From Delta City #4: Who's a Good Doggie?, if you want more details on her background.] Emily was flabbergasted and only dimly heard Fellah growl under the table as if something had gotten too close to his drumstick. “What is it you want from me?” she finally asked. “I need your help,” replied Keith. “On Christmas Eve?” asked Emily doubtfully. “I’m trying to make sure there will be a Christmas,” replied Keith. Emily started to reply that statement was ridiculous, but paused. The man had known all about her and this was Delta City, ground zero for weird things. “Alright,” she finally said. “You can tell me all about it while you walk me home.” “Are you sure you want to trust me that far?” asked Keith. “I might be some kind of crazed killer.” Emily finished putting her belongings in her backpack and picked up her white cane as she stood up. “Well, if you are and you try anything, there are two possible outcomes,” she said with a slight smile. “Which are?” asked Keith curiously as he too stood up. “Possibility one is I drop your ass in a black hole or the center of the sun,” replied Emily. “The second one isn’t so pleasant.” “Oh?” inquired Keith. “What’s the second one?” “I sic Fellah on you,” replied Emily as she tapped her way towards the main door to Sanctuary. Keith looked down as the ugliest looking dog he had ever seen came out from under the table with a turkey drumstick clutched in its jaws. The elf frowned and looked closer at the dog and for just a second, he saw a massive fur covered form with lots and lots of very sharp teeth and claws. Yes, the black hole did look like the better option. “Woof,” said Max as he too emerged from under the table. “Wouldn’t share eh?” asked Keith with a smile and the dog merely shook his head from side to side. Keith followed Emily towards the door and they were almost to it when a voice called out. “Merry Christmas Emily,” said a large black man with a red Santa hat perched on his head and which looked rather out of place with his neat, tailored black suit. “Merry Christmas Cyril,” replied Emily. “Thanks for the dinner and the present.” “You are welcome,” replied the man. “I have to tell you before you go though, that you are standing under the mistletoe and you know what that means.” Before Emily could reply, Cyril leaned down and gave the woman a gentle peck on the cheek. “He lied to you Emily,” called Trudy from the bar. “There was no damn mistletoe there, that was a bit of parsley he was holding over your head.” Emily just gave them both a friendly wave and went out the door with Fellah at her heels and Keith and Max beside her. “You sure she will be ok going home alone?” asked Carla who had witnessed the entire thing. “Trust me,” replied Cyril. “Anybody who tries to accost her is going to be in the running for a Darwin Award.” * * * It was about a mile from Sanctuary to Emily’s basement apartment and Keith began to explain the problem to her as they walked. “It’s all the doing of Mr.G,” explained Keith. “You know him by another name, but we don’t use it for legal and copyright reasons. Besides being a vicious, murderous maniac, he is one litigious son of a bitch. His ‘Slut On Her Butt’ dolls are the hit of the holiday season. The things stimulate the libido of anyone who comes in contact with them and that sexual energy is fed back to Mr. G. From normal folks, it is enough to give the bastard a nice buzz, but the dolls are especially attuned to Aphrodite women, so they amplify and give him huge amounts of energy. With all that energy, there isn’t much he can’t do, but the main thing he would use it for is to control inter dimensional access.” “Meaning what?” asked Emily who didn’t notice the pair of muggers lurking in the mouth of the alley they were passing. The muggers couldn’t see Keith, so all they saw was a pretty woman who if she didn’t have much money, did have a body that would keep them entertained for the whole night. They were about to lunge and grab her when they saw the little dog beside her flicker and for a split second change into something over seven feet tall with more fangs and claws than a pack of wolves and they turned and bolted away as fast as they could run. “For starters, unleashing Psycho Santa and the Christmas Goblins on the world for an entire year and not just for a few days around Christmas,” replied Keith as he watched the thieves tear off down the alley. “If you think the streets of Delta City are bad now, you don’t want to imagine how much worse that would make them. Even worse though, Mr. G. might have the energy to block Santa from entering the world to do his deliveries.” “Oh come on,” said Emily impatiently. “I am 23 years old and I know Santa doesn’t really exist!” Keith sighed. “It’s too bad that adults are so much smarter than kids, or at least think they are. Look at it this way then. Even if you don’t believe a jolly, fat man goes around delivering toys to all the good girls and boys every Christmas, you do know as a rational adult that a lot of people act just a bit nicer during the holidays. People will do random acts of kindness and other things they don’t do the rest of the year. That’s partly the effect of Santa Claus and that bit of extra kindness is what would be lost. Think of the world without that party you came from and the turkey dinner and little gifts they gave out. Maybe it isn’t much in the big old cold universe, but just tonight it meant a lot to some of those people.” Emily was silent for a few minutes while she thought this over. “Ok, I am probably being a sentimental sucker, but I will help. What do we do?” “We have to collect as many of those dolls as we can and dispose of them,” replied Keith, “especially those that found their way to the hands of Aphrodite women. We probably can’t stop Psycho Santa and the goblins from putting in an appearance, but we should be able to free up the heroines to deal with them and let Santa get on with things.” * * * The doll sat on top of the skull’s head playing with itself as it watched the demon fuck Hexanna. The demon in question was kind of frog like with a few additions such as a set of teeth a shark would be proud to display and claws that Wolverine wouldn’t have scoffed at. Finally, there was the huge cock between its legs that would have looked more in place on a bull. The demon certainly seemed to be possessed with the bestial energy of an animal as it rammed its huge member in and out of the dark haired sorceress. The sound of its huge balls slapping against Hexanna’s ass as it fucked her doggy style filled the back room of her magic shop. “That’s it Froggy, give the bitch a good hard dicking,” moaned the doll as her juices ran down the ivory surface of the skull and into its mouth. The skull perched on the head of Hexanna’s magic staff didn’t complain and in fact would have licked its lips at the taste if only it had lips that is. He had tried to warn the witch about the doll, but as usual the arrogant slut hadn’t listened to his advice. The skull supposed he could have been a bit more specific in its warning than “Hey Hexxy, buying that thing isn’t a good idea,” but he doubted it would have made any difference. They had barely gotten back to the shop from the mall when the doll started whispering in Hexanna’s ear about what a powerful sorceress she was and how easy it would be for her to summon a really hung demon to satisfy her carnal needs. The next thing the skull knew, bing,o, bango, thank you ma’am the witch was drawing a pentagram and taking off her clothes. “Oh yes that is it,” moaned Hexanna as her large jugs swung back and forth under the powerful thrusts of the demon. “Fuck me, oh yes fuck me harder.” When Emily transported herself and Fellah into the room, none of its occupants noticed her arrival at first. Hexanna’s eyes were half closed in ecstasy as she felt the huge demon cock slam into her over and over again while both the doll and the skull were too busy watching the live sex show in front of them. While she couldn’t see the erotic action, Emily could hear the lewd sounds and smell the sex that filled the room. She could feel the urges and desires that assaulted her own Aphrodite genes, but she fought them off and called on the power of her ring to fill the room with the black void that gave her heroine name its meaning. As the room darkened and stole the vision of all those around her, Emily’s own vision improved. It wasn’t a normal kind of vision, more shapes and light with less detail than normal vision, though the more her surroundings became darker, the better she saw. There was certainly no mistaking the rutting demon as it slammed its massive shaft in and out of the moaning sorceress. “What the fuck is going on here?” exclaimed the doll as it finally noticed the dimming of the light. “Who the fuck turned out the fucking lights? Is this your doing bitch?” asked the doll as it peered into the shadows at Emily. “I prefer Void to bitch,” replied Emily. “I’ve come to put a stop to your little game.” “Fuck you bitch, you have no idea who you are fucking with,” snapped the doll as she hopped down from the skull and began to advance on Emily. “From that body of yours, you are another one of these Aphrodite whores and I will soon have you begging to be fucked just like that whore,” and the doll waved a hand at Hexanna. “Maybe if I gave you the chance,” smirked Void as a small black disk appeared immediately in front of the advancing doll who couldn’t stop herself in time and stepped right into it and vanished. “Send me a postcard from Pluto,” called Void. “I hear it’s lovely this time of the year if you like close to absolute zero and no air.” “Bitch!” came a fading scream from somewhere in the blackness of the disk. Emily had been a little concerned about disposing of the dolls in such a permanent manner, but Keith had told her that despite appearances, the dolls weren’t really alive. “They are just extensions of Mr. G’s power,” he had assured her. “Think of them as being like his fingers, but not attached to his body.” That made it easier to do what she had to do, but still it hadn’t been as easy as her glib comments might have made it seem. She had been also a little nervous about facing the dolls alone as Keith had explained the doll’s power nullified his own abilities in close proximity, so that was why he had needed her help so badly. With the doll gone, Hexanna began to emerge from the fog of lust that had consumed her, though she was still having to fight against her Aphrodite nature which was quite enjoying the ramming she was receiving from the demon. It took all of her will power, but she managed to slam an elbow back into the stomach of the demon and then shove it off her. “You will pay for that bitch,” snarled the demon. “I was promised I could cream pie that cunt of yours and then I planned to feast on your living heart while you watched me devour it.” Something tapped the demon on the shoulder and it turned around and then up, way up at Charcoal in his Hell Dog form that Fellah had transformed back into. “On the other hand,” said the demon hastily. “I think I left the water running. Bye!” There was a small flash of light and the demon was gone. When Void allowed the light to return to the room, Fellah once more wagged his stubby tail at her. * * * Esha gave a smug smile of satisfaction as she studied the little display on the smart watch strapped to her wrist. The mansion’s top of the line alarm system was now turned off and all the treasures inside were hers for the taking. She knew she was pushing her luck by doing this job, but the adrenaline rush she got from it was worth more than the money she would make from it. She figured that even if her superiors in the FBI became suspicious of her involvement, they were still going to be willing to look the other way because of the value she was to them. It wouldn’t do to test their indulgence too much or too often Esha knew, but a girl just has to keep her hand in to stay sharp. This all crossed her mind in the few seconds it took her to walk across the line she had strung from the outer wall to the second floor window like a tight rope walker. The window slid up soundlessly and the black bikini clad thief turned sometimes FBI agent slipped into the darkened room. The mansion belonged to one Harold Urban, who the FBI believed to have strong underworld ties beneath his public façade of just another rich businessman in Delta City. Those possible underworld connections had helped choose him as Esha’s target as she figured he would be unlikely to pursue any retribution against her too openly for fear of having eyes pry into his private affairs. Silently, Esha slipped out of the empty spare bedroom and down the main stairs and into the living room. There, a massive ten foot Christmas tree stood, festooned with lights and ornaments. The flickering lights made interesting and suggestive shadows and shapes on her mainly naked skin as she considered the array of gift bags under the tree. She would look for the safe later, but here right in the open, were gift bags from every luxury store in Delta City and beyond. Lingerie, shoes, purses, jewellery and more bought by Harold for his latest girlfriend and his two spoiled daughters. The loot displayed here was worth at least a hundred grand and all she had to do was put it into the sack she had brought with her and walk out the door. “You really are a stupid slut aren’t you?” asked a voice as the blonde thief began to load up her sack. Startled, Esha spun around and was quite unable to locate the source of the mocking voice. “Down here dearie,” said the voice, “but you probably can’t see your feet past those huge udders of yours.” Suppressing a curse, Esha looked down and saw a Barbie sized doll that had had apparently crawled out of the box in one of the gift bags she had been about to scoop up. “What the fuck are you?” asked Esha gaping open mouthed at the small, naked woman. “I wouldn’t be worrying so much about what I am as much as what I did,” snickered the doll. “Mainly, that I reactivated the silent alarm system ten seconds after you deactivated it.” Esha’s blood froze in her veins. If the little creature was telling the truth then …. A strong hand grabbed the thief from behind by her long, blonde hair, yanked her painfully to her feet and then slammed her even more painfully face first into a very hard wall. Esha staggered back from the wall, seeing stars and then doubled over as a fist slammed into her gut which first bent her double before sending her to her knees as she tried to regain her senses. “I don’t like people trying to steal things from me and mine,” said a calm voice from the doorway to the room. It wasn’t the speaker who had attacked her realized Esha as she gulped for air. “Strip her,” said the voice and Esha tried vainly to fend off the hands that now came at her to accomplish that humiliation. There were too many for one person and now that she could get her eyes to focus somewhat, Esha saw there were two of them. For a split second, the thief thought she was seeing double from being slammed around, but then she realized the two large, muscled men were identical twins. They were a good six and a half feet tall and probably weighed in at around 250 pounds of pure muscle with short cropped blonde hair. One of them easily held the still half stunned thief while the other quickly ripped off her top and bottoms, exposing her magnificent, large breasts and her shaved pussy to the room. “The gentlemen who are about to rape you are called Tony and Tiny,” said the voice from the doorway who Esha now assumed was Harold Urban himself. “As to why he is called Tiny, you will soon learn.” Esha was forced onto her hands and knees and held in place by one of the twins while the other pulled his cock out of his pants and slapped her across the face with it. The cock was enormous, thick and long and dribbling precum that ran down her cheek. Behind her, Esha felt, but couldn’t see the cock of the other twin rubbing over her ass. “I know they are hard to tell apart,” said Harold as he and a top heavy Asian woman who was wearing only a near see through nightie came into the room and sat down on the couch, apparently intending to watch the upcoming show. “I shall enlighten you though by informing you that the one in front of you is Tiny.” Esha’s mind tried to process this information and she felt herself go pale. If this massive cock belonged to Tiny and if the names were derived from what she thought they were then that meant …. Esha’s speculation was abruptly cut short when the thief felt the even larger cock of Tony slam balls deep into her pussy in one savage thrust. Her mouth gaped open in that perfect O of astonishment and Tiny literally Seized the opportunity as he grab two handfuls of her hair to hold her face in place and slammed his smaller cock down her throat. “Oh baby this is a great Christmas present,” said the Asian woman as she moved one hand to Harold’s lap and began to rub the bulge in his pajama pants. “Nothing is too good for you Krista,” replied Harold with a moan as he kept his eyes fixed on the spit roasting of the blonde thief in front of him. The doll was perched on one of the branches of the large Christmas tree rubbing her clit and enjoying the results of her handiwork when the light in the room began to dim. The doll didn’t notice at once since its plastic eyes were moving between the shuddering body of the blonde thief under the double impact of having her mouth and pussy fucked simultaneously and the sight of Krista now going down on Harold as he too watched the show. “Fucking hot,” muttered the doll. “Not as hot as where you are going,” said Void stepping out from behind the tree and dropping a transport disc over the doll. She had opted for the center of the Earth instead of the sun, but Emily figured it would be plenty hot enough to turn the doll into melted plastic slag. Krista actually still hadn’t noticed Void’s arrival and the dimming of the light as she had been so concentrated on swallowing the entire length of Harold’s cock. At first, Harold had thought maybe he was having a stroke which would have accounted for the fading light and while that was slightly worrisome, the blowjob he was getting was so good that he was content to let himself go out that way if he did. It was, after all, hardly the worst way for a man to go. It was only after he finished shooting his spunk into Krista’s mouth that his thoughts turned to other things and he wondered why the room had become so dark that he could no longer even see Tony and Tiny fucking the blonde intruder only a few feet from where he was sitting. He did hear a noise which sounded something like what you would get if someone very strong had yanked the two enforcers off the blonde as there were the rather lewd sound of two large cocks being extracted from two wet holes. Then there was the sound of what might have been two heads being banged together. When the light returned a few moments later, Harold did indeed see Tony and Tiny lying unconscious on the rug with no sight of the blonde thief. Harold shrugged, took Krista by the hand and led her back to his king sized bed where he promptly fucked her brains out for the rest of the night thinking his troubles were over. He would find out a few days later that wasn’t the case as federal agents would raid his place, armed with a search warrant. Emily had dropped the naked Esha on the steps of the local FBI building after removing a notebook from Harold’s safe and handing it to the busty blonde. Keith said that Santa wasn’t decided yet whether Esha should be on the nice or the naughty list, so Emily had compromised. Winding up naked on the FBI steps would be humiliating, but the notebook with its incriminating information should be enough to cover her ass if only figuratively. * * * Elsa was riding up and down Kellog’s cock in a reverse cowgirl position and barely noticed when the lights began to dim in the underground apartment she shared with the mutoid whose cock she was so deeply impaled on. “Er, excuse me,” said Emily as she let the light level come back up after waiting for a full two minutes for the energetic couple to notice her. “Oh hi Emily,” said Elsa as she paused in her riding to give the blind woman a smile. When she had first met Emily at Sanctuary, she had been somewhat uncomfortable since her neo Nazi upbringing had taught her that anyone with such a handicap was inferior and should be eliminated so as not to pollute the gene pool. Since then, she had gotten to know the person behind the handicap and was well on her way to exorcising that particular prejudice. She had in fact bought a scarf from her that very night to give to Kellog as a Christmas present. “What’s up?” asked Kellog as the large gray-green mutoid craned his neck around Elsa’s naked body to look at Emily. “Well, um, this is probably going to sound a bit weird,” said Emily, “but I came looking for a doll that er is sort of alive.” “Oh, that thing,” said Elsa. “Kellog bought me one of those ‘Slut On Her Butt’ dolls for Christmas since they are all the rage.” Emily nodded and tactfully didn’t mention that most of the things that Kellog “bought” were actually stolen via underground passages that ran all over the city. The ethics were a bit tricky, but a few “liberated” items seemed to be not a bad trade for having given up raping, robbing and killing. “Er, is it around here?” asked Emily. “It’s over there,” and Elsa pointed to one corner of the room. Emily dimmed the lights again in that area until she could “see” the doll. It was dismembered into quite a few pieces. “Um, what happened to it?” she asked as she stooped and gathered up the pieces. “It came alive and got rather rude,” explained Elsa. “It told me to fuck that ugly, inhuman monster and ride his cock like a good little whore.” “Um, but you are er riding his cock,” pointed out Emily, “and you call him all kinds of names when you are together at Sanctuary.” “Sure I do and sure I am,” agreed Elsa, “but I’m the only one who gets to call him things like that. I mean he is so ugly he just has to look at the milk in the fridge to make it go sour.” That’s a bit of an exaggeration dear,” complained Kellog. “Oh shut up you ugly monster and don’t you dare let that cock go soft on me because I’m not done riding you yet, not by a long shot,” said Elsa looking down at him. “Yes dear,” replied Kellog. “Well, I was going to warn you about the doll being some part of a demonic plan to steal Christmas,” said Emily as she conjured up another transport disk, “but it looks like I didn’t have to worry.” “No, you didn’t,” agreed Kellog, “but thank you for thinking about us. Merry Christmas.” “Merry Christmas to you too,” said Emily as she disappeared. “Ok, now get back to fucking me you ugly freak,” said Elsa looking back down at the mutant. “Yes dear, at once dear,” replied Kellog as he began once more to thrust his hips up and pound his cock deeper into his bedmate. * * * Back out on the streets of Delta City, Emily showed Keith the remains of the doll and they decided it had been rendered quite harmless. “You don’t even feel a tingle down there from it?” asked Keith to be sure “NO!” replied Emily as she blushed red at the innuendo. “Ok, ok, I was just asking,” said Keith holding up his hands in a placating gesture. “Please don’t drop me in the center of an active volcano or anything like that.” Emily glared at the elf for a few more seconds and then relaxed. “Where do we go next?” she asked. “Woof,” said Max. Keith looked down at the dog. “He says to check out the television,” said the elf in a puzzled voice as he began to look around him. “He said all that with one ‘woof’?” asked Emily dubiously. “Uh huh,” affirmed Keith. “He is actually quite eloquent.” Finally, the elf spotted the television set in a nearby shop window and the four of them walked over to look at it , or in Emily’s case to at least listen to it. “This is Tonya O’Donnell reporting from the downtown Wade Mart,” said the good looking blonde reporter who was wearing a white blouse that seemed to be at least a size too small and clung tightly to her ample chest which was also partially revealed by a couple of undone buttons. “This year’s hottest toy isn’t for the kiddies. We are talking about the ‘Slut On Her Butt’ doll which has become all the rage this holiday season.” The reporter paused at this point and held up one of the packaged dolls for the camera. “Nice tits blondie, why don’t you show them to everyone watching,” said a voice whose source wasn’t clearly identifiable. Tonya looked rather startled and despite her years of experience in front of a camera was rattled enough to look around her with a startled expression on her face. “Er, We are sorry for the technical difficulties,” she finally got out, plastering a fake smile on her full lips. “I think there was some kind of feedback from the store’s intercom system.” “That’s a load of horseshit and you know it,” said the same unknown voice and despite her disbelief, Tonya shot a look at the doll in the box she was holding. “Come on baby, give us a glimpse of those big fun bags of yours,” continued the voice and suddenly the buttons on Tonya’s blouse began to undo themselves. Tonya looked down at her chest in stunned shock as the last button undid itself and her blouse gaped open to display her large breasts straining at a little black lacy bra that she had never intended to be seen by anyone and certainly not her entire viewing audience. “Turn the damn camera off,” hissed Tonya as she tried to pull the edges of the blouse together with one hand while still holding onto her mic with the other. “It won’t turn off,” came Anita Jackson’s voice from behind the camera. “I’m pressing the off button and nothing is happening.” Before Tonya could decide on a course of action, she heard a tearing sound and looked down in renewed shock to see her blouse disintegrating as it fell apart along the seams, eventually leaving her holding just a small scrap of cloth. The blonde made a whimpering sound almost as if she knew what was coming next which was the catch on her bra giving way and her boobs flying into view to jiggle on her chest, completely exposed to the camera and the crowd of shoppers around her in the busy store. “For the love of the goddess, point that damned thing somewhere else if it wont turn off,” Tonya found herself shouting at Anita. “I am trying,” Anita Yelled back as she struggled to turn the camera away. Even when she just let go of the thing, it hovered there in midair pointing unerringly at the topless reporter. There was a small “snick” sound and with dread Tonya looked down to see the belt on her skirt had just opened and then as if unseen hands were tugging at it, the skirt dropped to a heap around her ankles and exposed the little black thong that was the only cover left to the reporter. “Please no,” whispered Tonya staring down at her panties which very slowly and tantalizingly also began to slip down as if those same unseen hands were at work again. “This is all a dream,” whispered Tonya. “I’ve had it before, getting stripped naked while on camera. It is just a dream and I will wake up any second now.” The thong reached the point of no return as gravity took over and it also fell to puddle around Tonya’s ankles and exposing her shaved pussy to the self operating camera. “Any time now I will wake up,” said Tonya. “Why don’t you have a seat on the sales counter and give everyone a real good view of that twat,” said a voice. “I’m going to wake up and have a good laugh,” moaned Tonya as she found her body responding to the suggestion. To the shock of the middle aged sales clerk, the blonde reporter hiked her ass onto the counter and spread her legs wide to give the in store viewers and the camera a crystal clear view of her pussy. “Play with yourself dear,” said the voice which seemed to be coming more clearly now from the box the reporter had dropped on the floor when she got onto the sales counter. “It’s all a dream,” giggled Tonya as she slid a hand between her legs and began to rub her clit. “Feels good doesn’t it?” asked the voice, but all the reply she got from the blonde was a moan of pleasure which was probably answer enough. “I know what would feel even better though,” continued the voice after a few more moans escaped Tonya’s lips. “A tongue licking that cunt would feel even better.” The voice now seemed to be addressing someone else. “Lose your clothes too honey and get to work.” The camera continued to focus on Tonya, but in addition to her moans, the view showed many of the shoppers turning shocked faces in the direction of the camera and a faint rustle of clothing could be heard. A moment later, a naked Anita Jackson stumbled into view in front of the camera as if she had been pushed or was sleep walking. Another gasp rose up among the watchers as the black teen leaned her head down between Tonya’s thighs and began to lick at the now dripping pussy. “Excuse me, let me through,” came a new voice from the back of the crowd surrounding the sales desk. No one, however, seemed inclined to move not even when the store lights began to dim drastically. A path suddenly opened through the crowd as if a 250 pound middle linebacker was carving his way through an offensive line made up of girl guides. By now, the light was so dim that it was hard for the camera to pick up much beyond the suggestion of a shapely and shadowy form moving through the newly created opening. “What’s this?” said the unknown voice. “Another Aphrodite bitch come to join in the fun?” “I think we have different concepts of fun,” said Void looking down at the smirking doll. “Tell me, have you ever seen that big cement thing they use to crush cars in a scrapyard?” “No, why?” asked the puzzled doll. “I haven’t seen it either,” admitted Emily. “I’ve just heard it described in books. Let me know what you think of it will you?” A black disk enveloped the doll and a moment later it found itself staring up at the descending block of concrete. “Damn, this is going to hurt,” was all it had time to say. * * * “What do you mean, no one will remember what happened to them?” asked Emily as she and Keith walked away through the mall. “It was on live television for goddess’s sake.” “Woof,” said Max in a knowing tone. “He’s right,” said Keith. “Everyone knows that such a thing couldn’t possibly happen, so people will just blank it out of their memory. If asked, all they will remember is Tonya giving a report about a risqué new toy that made a bunch of people giggle over its implied, but never explicitly stated features.” Emily gaped at the elf or at least tried to and then just gave her head a shake. “It’s too weird to be true, but then this whole night has been like that.” * * * Psycho Santa stepped out of the dimensional portal from his bubble universe into the larger one of Delta City and smiled broadly as he took in a lungful of air. It was Christmas Eve and a bit later than usual for his annual appearance, but somehow he sensed that there was a chance that this would be made up to him in a very permanent fashion. Hmm, now what was he in the mood for as an appetizer. He snapped his fingers and his smile grew even broader. He felt like a power snack And he knew just how to get one too. * * * Power Lass soared over the streets of Delta City alert for any signs of crime. When she saw it, the buxom, blonde heroine had to circle it twice to make sure she was seeing what she was seeing. On the rooftop of one of the downtown skyscraper’s, the word “HELP” had been spelled out with Christmas lights. Well, that was as obvious as a call for her aid could be she decided as she drifted down to land on the roof between the “E” and the “L” and looked around. “Er, is anyone here?” she called out as she gazed around the rooftop and saw no signs of life, let alone any crime going on. There was no reply to her inquiry except one of the bulbs in the “H” popped and went out. This was barely noticed by the powerful heroine and of course she couldn’t see the little whiff of invisible gas given off when the bulb blew. As she continued to stand there wondering what to do, however, more and more of the bulbs making up the letters began to pop and a little more gas was released with each one. Power Lass stared in confusion at the continued popping of the lights. There was something weird going on here and why was she suddenly feeling a little woozy? It wasn’t like she could get air sick from flying she thought and giggled. Then she wondered why she was giggling. The heroine frowned. She knew from past experiences that exposure to anaesthetic type gases would make her do that, but she was standing on a rooftop in the open air and so where could such a gas possibly be coming from. Even as she pondered this, more and more of the lights went poof and suddenly her eyes went wide with realization. I have to get out of here she thought desperately and launched herself into the air, or tried to. She got about a foot off the ground before crashing back onto the roof and falling to her knees as more and more of the lights winked out around her and released another whiff of the gas. The rooftop now seemed to be whirling around Power Lass as she knelt there and heard heavy footsteps suddenly approaching across the rooftop towards her. “Ho, ho, ho my busty little slut, Santa has a big hard present for you,” boomed Psycho Santa as he rubbed his cock over Power Lass’s face. “now open your mouth like the good little whore you are and start sucking.” “What?” asked the confused heroine and as soon as her mouth opened, Psycho Santa slid his thick cock inside and gave a soft sigh of contentment as her lips closed automatically around it. “Now we need to unwrap some of your other presents for Santa,” chuckled the fat man as he reached down and ripped open Power Lass’s top to let her large jugs spill out into view. “Just the thing to make old Santa hornier,” he laughed as he gave each of the already erect nipples a tweak between thumb and forefinger before going back to face fucking the now topless blonde. It had been almost a year since he had gotten some head and already Psycho Santa could feel his nuts throbbing as they prepared to deliver the first of what he planned would be many loads this Christmas Eve. “Here cums Santa Claus, right down Power Lass’s throat,” he sang a little out of tune, but with perfect accuracy as he began to blast a load of warm goo into the heroine’s sucking mouth. He let Power Lass swallow several thick mouthfuls before pulling his cock from between her lips and giving her face a generous coating of his cum. “Whew, old Santa needed that,” he laughed and stroked his still hard cock as he leered at the glazed heroine and eagerly looked forward to planting his cock in her pussy next. Void appeared on the rooftop behind the sadistic Santa clone and considered her options for dealing with him. It was already dark enough up here that she could “see” dimly the white gunk dripping from Power Lass’s face and boobs almost seeming to glow in her altered vision. That sight decided Emily on her tactics as she figured the heroine deserved to get some personal payback. Carefully, she dropped a transport disk over the heroine of a special type she had thought of and wanted to try for a while now. The disk sent the blonde six hours into the future where the gas had worn off and instantly brought her back before Psycho Santa could even blink and realize something strange had happened. “Now be a good little bitch and lie back and spread your legs for old Santa,” laughed the pervert as he sneered down at the still kneeling woman in front of him. Power Lass smiled back up at the bastard who had just painted her face with his cum, reached out, grabbed his cock in one gloved hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. The “gentle” was relative when you considered Power Lass might be the strongest member of the She Legion and her “gentle” squeeze came close to turning the fat man’s cock into jelly. There was a piercing scream of Pain as he sagged to his knees on the rooftop. Letting go of his bruised member, Power Lass surged to her feet and then yanked her opponent to his feet by his beard which by the new scream from Psycho Santa must have hurt almost as much as having his dick squished. His scream of agony, however, was cut short into an “oof” as a powerful fist sunk into the wrist as it impacted with his belly and doubled him over. This brought his chin into a downward trajectory that met Power Lass’s knee coming up. Psycho Santa’s eyes rolled back into his skull as he pitched over backwards to lie moaning on the rooftop. “If you have had enough fun with your punching bag,” you can toss him in here to send him home for another year,” said Emily as she now stepped forward and formed a vertical transport disk in the air near Power Lass. “Do I know you?” asked Power Lass glancing from Psycho Santa’s prone form to Emily. “we met briefly once,” replied Emily thinking back to the first time she had gone out as Void to transport a nuclear bomb away before it could level the city. “Things were pretty hectic though, so no worries if you don’t remember.” [Author's Note: Void's first public adventure was in Tales From Delta City #6: Something Fishy in the City of Delta.] Power Lass nodded a little uncertainly. “Well, I guess I am done with this asshole,” she said and stepped forward to pick up the writhing fat man and “accidently” stepped on his nuts as she did so. “Oops, sorry about that grandpa,” she said. “I guess I must be a little woozy from that gas you gave me yet, but don’t worry, you won’t be needing those nasty things for a while.” Once more she pulled Psycho Santa up by his beard and with a flick of her wrist tossed him through the portal Void had opened and sent him back to his bubble dimension for another year. “I really need to get something to drink to get the taste of cum out of my mouth. Can I buy you a coffee or something to thank you?” asked Power Lass as she tried to tie the shreds of her top over her boobs to give them a little coverage. “Let me take a rain cheque,” replied Emily. “You can find me at Sanctuary most nights, but now I have to go as there are some others needing my help still this night.” With that, Void disappeared into one of her transport disks. * * * Yummi Wong, aka Azure Angel, gave a little shriek of joy when she unwrapped her secret Santa present in her dorm room. “What did you get?” asked Jessica Lockheart as she paused in opening her own present to look at her roommate. “Just the hottest thing going,” exclaimed Yummi as she held up the “Slut On Her Butt’ doll triumphantly for her fellow heroine to see. “Lucky you,” returned Jessica who was also known to the world as Amazing Babe as she went back to unwrapping her own present. “What did you get?” asked Yummi. “I bet it’s not as cool as my gift.” Jessica’s eyes bulged out of their sockets a bit when she got the last of the wrapping off and held up her gift to examine it. She blushed bright red when she saw the words “Strap-on Sally” written on the box. Through the clear plastic front of the box was a very realistic looking dildo, complete with equally realistic looking balls and the leather straps that would affix it to the groin of any woman who wanted to see what the other half felt like, or so the smaller writing on the box proclaimed. “You should try it out on this slut,” said a voice. “Huh?” asked Jessica looking up with a stunned expression on her face to look at Yummi. “What did you say?” “I didn’t say anything,” replied Yummi who was now looking around the small room to try and determine where the voice had come from. “I said to strap that baby on and give this bitch a good fucking,” said the voice. “That wasn’t me!” protested Yummi who still hadn’t looked at the doll in her hand as everyone knew dolls couldn’t talk, or at least not normally until you put batteries in them. “It does sound like a good idea though,” replied Jessica as a lascivious grin suddenly spread over her face and she began to remove the fake cock and accessories from the box. “Now wait a second,” protested Yummi as she watched the top heavy blonde start to pull off her clothes and don the strap-on. “Oh come on Yummi, I can’t think of a better way to spend Christmas Eve than nailing that tight cunt of yours,” replied Jessica as she adjusted the last buckle and then stood there naked stroking her cock. “It’s dripping precum,” moaned Yummi. “That isn’t possible.” “Shush now and just get naked,” said Jessica as she gave her cock another stroke and moaned softly. “Hurry up, I can’t wait to slip this thing into your pussy.” “I really don’t think this is a good idea,” whined Yummi even as her hands began to undo her top. “I mean it’s obviously not a normal strap-on.” “I’m too fucking horny to care,” returned Jessica as she moved towards Yummi’s bed as the Asian teen’s large J cup boobs spilled into sight. Never taking her eyes off the cock as it bobbed up and down, Yummi licked her lips and quickly stripped off her jeans and panties with one downward tug. The young Asian hero laid back on her small bed and spread her legs wide in invitation. A little portion of her mind said she was acting crazy and wondered why she was doing this, but the larger portion of her mind and all of her body wanted to get fucked real bad. “Oh yeah plough that pussy,” said a voice from the floor where the doll box had fallen. The encouragement wasn’t really necessary for Jessica as she climbed on top of her friend and lined up her strap-on cock with Yummi’s glistening slit. “Oh fuck yes,” moaned Jessica as she slid the fake cock home into her friend’s tight love tunnel. She swore she could actually feel the velvet lined pussy squeeze the dildo as if it were the real thing. Damn, it was amazing what they could do with technology these days. Jessica leaned down and kissed Yummi hard on the lips while pressing their tits together for a full minute before starting to move her hips and drive the dildo in and out. “Oh goddess Jessica, fuck me,” moaned Yummi. ”Fuck me with that huge cock of yours.” The two young heroines were now so far gone in the thrusting of their bodies together that neither of them noticed the doll now sitting on the pillow by Yummi’s head watching as it plunged its own fingers in and out of its pussy. The doll’s attention and activity were interrupted by the finger tapping it on the shoulder.” Excuse me,” said Emily “What are your thoughts about cremation as an alternative to a normal burial?” “Huh?” asked the doll staring at Void in confusion. It was still staring when the transport disk enveloped it and then it had maybe a millisecond to stare at the heart of the fire around it as it appeared in the heart of the furnace at the Delta City Funeral Home and Crematorium. ** * “They kept going even after I got rid of the doll,” complained Emily when she rejoined Keith outside of the dorm building. Keith shrugged. “Without the doll to amplify and feed the sexual energy to Mr. G, it won’t do any harm,” he told her. “Let’s face it, they are Aphrodite heroines and expecting them to give up sex would be like expecting fish to give up water.” “Yeah, but I am an Aphrodite too,” muttered a slightly despondent Emily as she recalled the tantalizing and shadowy view she had gotten of those two curvy heroines joined together by that fake cock as they made love. * * * “Thank you so much for coming Green Spectre,” said Erin Mudge, the public relations director for Wade Mart, “especially on such short notice.” “It’s my pleasure …,” began Green Spectre and broke off when she felt an elbow in her ribs and she glanced at her daughter and sidekick who had delivered the not totally discreet elbow. “Er, I mean our pleasure, mine and Spectre Girl’s to be of service to such a laudable cause as your annual Christmas heroine picture event. It is extremely important that young girls have positive female roe models, so having their picture taken with a role model such as myself, er ourselves instead of with a blatant symbol of the patriarchy such as Santa Claus is very important to providing positive feminist examples for impressionable minds.” “Holy run on sentence Green Spectre,” muttered Spectre Girl under her breath. “Oh we think so too,” gushed Erin. “Of course, we normally get Ms. Americana and Flag Girl for this as Ms. Americana is the premiere superheroine of Delta City, but we haven’t been able to reach her today.” “I’m sure she is busy with some threat to the good citizens of Delta City,” replied Green Spectre, trying her best to hide her annoyance at being automatically dropped into a second tier of heroine and hence second choice for this PR activity. “Spectre Girl and I will do our best to fill in for them.” “Of course we then tried to get Got Gal and Got Chic as our second choice,” went on Erin, “but they weren’t available either.” “I am sure they are busy with important matters as well,” said Green Spectre through gritted teeth. “I’m just grateful you thought of us next.” “Well, we wanted to get Lady Midnight as a symbol of our commitment to diversity,” said Erin, “but it seemed she was busy as well.” “Was there anyone you didn’t consider before us?” Green Spectre got out finally after a few fulminating seconds. “Oh, we didn’t even consider Azure Angel,” went on Erin, quite oblivious to the green clad volcano she was now standing next to. “Not because of her being Asian of course,” said Erin hurriedly, “but the girl does seem to have a real tendency to lose her top in public.” Erin paused and glanced at the scantily clad pair of blondes and to recall some of their own exploits that had made the news. “Even more so than others in the She Legion,” she amended a trifle uneasily. “Well, we will just have to do our best to live up to your expectations,” replied Green Spectre with what might just possibly have been a smile and not a predator displaying its teeth to a victim it was about to rip the throat out of. Things didn’t go very well, starting with the first child led forward by her mother to get her picture taken. “That’s not Ms. Americana,” whined nine year old Becky Simpson. “You said I was going to get my picture taken with Ms. Americana. I even brought my Ms. Americana colouring book with me for her to autograph.” “I’m afraid Ms. Americana got called away on important heroine business,” said Green Spectre doing her best to keep smiling. “I’m taking her place tonight and I can even give you one of my own colouring books to take home as a free present.” “I thought all presents were free,” muttered Spectre Girl. “Who are you?” asked Becky looking up at the green clad figure. “I’m Green Spectre, the greatest detective in Delta City,” replied Green Spectre as she put her hands on her hips and adopting the classic heroine pose confidently. “I thought that was Night Raven,” said Becky. “I am afraid you were misinformed,” said Green Spectre as she did her best to keep her voice light and friendly. “Ms. Americana has bigger boobs than you do,” said Becky as she somewhat reluctantly shifted around to smile less than enthusiastically at her mother as she snapped a picture. “Yes, well I think her back problems that kept her from being here tonight were caused by them,” grated Green Spectre as she shoved the girl in the direction of her mother. “Next,” she half shouted at Spectre Girl who had been put in charge of organizing the lineup of parents and children. “She doesn’t look anything like Ms. Americana,” said eight year old Tiffany Mullins as she stopped dead and looked up scornfully at Green Spectre. “I know dear,” soothed her mother, “but it is the best I can do.” “I want Ms. Americana,” sobbed Tiffany as tears began to run down her face. “I don’t have enough green crayons for this one.” “I’m sorry dear, but That isn’t possible,” began the frazzled looking mother. “I want Ms. Americana!” wailed Tiffany who now fell to the floor screaming and banging her fists on it. “I want Ms. Americana! I want Ms. Americana! I want Ms. Americana!” * * * “Thank the goddess that is done,” said Green Spectre an hour or so later when the last of the little monsters had departed. She and Spectre Girl slumped down on a large, comfortable sofa in the now empty store. “Don’t you ever tell Ms. Americana about this or I will cut off your allowance.” Spectre Girl rolled her eyes. “Do you really think I want Flag Girl ragging me about this for the next year? Besides, you cut off my allowance last week over that little misunderstanding over my new purse.” “Something that costs $30,0000 is a bank vault and not a purse,” returned Green Spectre. Spectre Girl opened her mouth to reply as she sat there sprawled on the sofa with her eyes closed resting from the ordeal and a splatter of thick liquid fell into it. She tasted and swallowed it before she could think and then the first thought to stir her tired brain was that the liquid tasted a lot like cum. She opened her eyes and saw a small, green scaled little goblin hanging from one of the lights stroking his ridiculously large cock compared to his size and that was what had dripped the liquid into her gaping mouth. “Oh damn,” she muttered. “Now what are you swearing at Spectre Girl,” demanded Green Spectre. “If you ever expect to get your allowance reinstated, you had better watch your language young lady.” “Um, maybe you should open your eyes and look up,” suggested Spectre girl as she saw several more of the little green creatures moving around overhead. “What are you blathering about now?” demanded Green Spectre as she opened her eyes and then sat up quickly in shock when she saw a dozen or more of the little goblins above her. They were all stroking their cocks as they stared down at the two blondes in their skimpy green costumes. “Oh damn,” she said. “Now who has a potty mouth?” asked Spectre Girl as she looked over at her mentor and then without any audible discussion, they both came to the same conclusion. Mother and daughter sprang to their feet and sprinted for the nearest exit from the store. They hadn’t gotten more than a few feet, however, when several dozen of the goblins dropped on top of each of them and they went down under a pile of slimy, groping goblins. In no time, the two heroines felt their costumes being shredded from their bodies and then their naked forms were dragged back to a pair of identical love seats that could be yours for $799 or twelve equal payments of only $99. The two groups of goblins surrounding each heroine seemed to then start a competition to see how many cocks they could stuff into the holes of their target. Green Spectre gagged as first one and then two of the goblin cocks were shoved into her mouth and then her pussy and ass were stretched wide to accommodate a pair in each. Another cock was shoved in each of her hands and she was forced to jack them off. That made a total of eight cocks and not to be outdone, Spectre Girl’s gang quickly matched that number. One of the less bright goblins, which was saying quite a lot actually, tried to fit his cock up Green Spectre’s nose, but had to give that up after a few futile minutes. * * * Emily had dimmed the lights in the store enough so she could see the two writhing masses of bodies as the goblin swarmed over the two heroines and gang raped them, but the heroines were in no position to notice and the goblins didn’t seem to have the brains to care. Emily sighed and looked down at Fellah. “Ok, I have been avoiding dealing with this directly, but I can’t keep doing it forever. I know you’re not an ordinary dog. I don’t know exactly what you are either, but I do know you are my friend and would never hurt me.” Fellah just looked up at her and wagged his tail. “Ok, then you pitch and I’ll catch them.” Fellah nodded his head and Emily dimmed the light even more as she opened up a portal to the goblin’s bubble universe. She saw a very large, shape moving away from her towards the two heroines and their attackers. A moment later, that massive shape grabbed two of the goblins , one in each hand and tossed them with ease through the portal. When the last goblin disappeared through the opening, Void closed it and let the light come back up Fellah was once more a normal looking, if rather ugly mutt sitting beside her as the Spectres peeled their sticky bodies off the love seats and staggered to their feet. “Um, I think there are showers in the employee locker room,” said Emily helpfully. “Th …th …thanks,” Green Spectre finally got out the entire word after swallowing several times to clear the thick layer of cum coating her mouth and throat. “Merry Christmas,” called Emily as she listened to the two heroines squelch away towards the locker room. * * * Omega Woman stomped down the hallway of the lair, determined to finish off her errand as quickly and efficiently as possible. Reports had come into She Legion HQ that Dragon Queen was holed up in here and putting that insane bitch behind bars would be a very good Christmas present for all the heroines and the city in general. She had been out on patrol when the information had reached her along with notice that Wolf Woman and Night Raven were also responding, though so far there had been no sign of the other two heroines. Abruptly, the floor under Omega Woman’s booted feet gave way to expose one of the slide traps that Dragon Queen was so fond of. “Nice try bitch,” said Omega Woman smugly as she looked straight into the security camera a little ways down the corridor. “In case you are too stupid to realize though, that kind of trap isn’t much good against someone who can fly like I do.” Omega Woman then paused with her arms folded across her ample chest as she floated there in midair letting that lesson sink in. “Why don’t you just save both of us the trouble and surrender now?” Omega Woman was still waiting for an answer when the piano fell on her head. That was what it felt like anyway, though she knew it had probably been something much less prosaic such as a huge slab of concrete. Stunned, the blonde heroine fell out of the air and slid right down the slide trap which twisted and turned as her ass got uncomfortably warm as it slid over the sleek metal. At the bottom of the slide, a trap door opened and Omega Woman fell another twenty feet straight down to land at the bottom of a pit. The heroine got groggily onto her hands and knees, intending to fly out of the pit as soon as her head cleared a bit. Before she could make the attempt, however, a tentacle wrapped itself around her torso. “What the mmmmmmhhhhhh,” began Omega Woman as another tentacle wrapped itself around her face and muffled her question. “Now which one of us is the stupid one?” called a leering voice from the rim of the pit far above. Omega Woman’s eyes rolled up to see Dragon Queen clad in a red silk dress that was slit up to her thigh and cut so low in front that her huge breasts were in danger of falling out as the rogue geneticist bent slightly at the waist to look down at Omega Woman. The blonde heroine made a growling sound in her throat and grasped the tentacle wrapped around her face in both hands, intending to rip it away only to discover she completely lacked the strength to do so. “Feeling a little weak are we?” sneered Dragon Queen. “Could that be because my latest creation secretes Bliss through its pores and you have already inhaled a significant amount from that tentacle over your lovely mouth?” Omega Woman felt the blood in her veins go cold at this information. Bliss, in its many variants weakened an Aphrodite and also made them extremely horny. That certainly explained her inability to free herself from these tentacles as she should have been easily able to do and why suddenly her pussy had begun to drip. Omega Woman felt herself being pulled by the tentacles and only now did she take in the true horror of her predicament. Dragon Queen’s latest monstrosity was enormous and possibly had started life as some type of giant squid that could only be found at the depths of the oceans. From the looks of things, the creature had been well fed to make it even larger and then crossed with some of Dragon Queen’s rape plants to give it several dozen more tentacles. A half dozen or so of the tentacles were engaged in holding her tightly, but the others were busy with a pair of other lithe figures. Dragon Queen noticed where Omega Woman was looking and smiled evilly. “I see you have noticed your two fellow heroines who got here before you and so obligingly fell into my traps.” There were only tatters of their costumes left to the pair, but Omega Woman had no doubt she had discovered the whereabouts of Night Raven and Wolf Woman. Both were being held by several tentacles while others thrust into their mouths, pussies and asses, eliciting soft moans of pleasure from them. “Time for you to share their fate,” announced Dragon Queen happily as one of the creature’s tentacles shredded the heroine’s costume from her body as if it were tissue paper. “Mmmmmhhhh,” protested Omega Woman as her eyes went wide with shock and anger at this indignity and her large, round melons rocked back and forth on her chest now that they were freed from any restraints. Dragon Queen cocked her head and smiled even wider. She had gotten quite good over the years at understanding the muffled protests of the heroines who were so muffled because of the assault of one of her pets. “Oh yes, I most certainly would dare!” “I can never figure out why you cows always feel the need to say such things.” “mmmmmmhhhhh!!!!” yelled Omega Woman as she felt the tentacles of the creature begin to probe at both her pussy and ass. “Three of you heroines in one night,” remarked Dragon Queen as she sat down at the edge of the pit, feet dangling, but safely out of reach of her pet “If things keep going at this pace, I will have a complete collection by dawn.” The villain’s gloating was abruptly cut short and turned into a scream of outrage when unseen by her, the doll she had purchased earlier that day walked up behind her and pushed her into the pit. One of the tentacles of the creature caught her in midair and another one shredded her dress from her body so the Asian scientist was already naked by the time she reached a suspended position at the bottom of the pit. “Let me go this instant,” screamed Dragon Queen even as she was quickly reassessing her decision to use her newest creation before implementing the usual conditioning which would have kept it from seeing her as a target. It was just that the arrival of the heroines had been such a good opportunity to field test her latest experiment that she had not wanted to squander it by waiting. Now as she saw several more tentacles taking aim at the most vulnerable parts of her body, she truly wished she had stuck to the tried and true members of her collection. “Don’t you dare …mmmmmhhhhh,” her words were cut off as one of the tentacles slammed into her mouth and down her throat. This was followed milliseconds later by the tentacles that drove into her pussy and ass. The look of stunned outrage on Dragon Queen’s face would have made Omega Woman laugh had she been capable of doing so. At the moment, however, her laughter couldn’t make it past the tentacle that was fucking her face and the ones shoved deep into her cunt and ass were more than a little distracting. “Damn, I could watch these bitches get fucked by that thing all night,” smirked the doll as it sat down where Dragon Queen had been only a few moments before. “You won’t be able to see it from where you are going,” said Emily as she lowered a transport disk over the doll which a moment later, found itself at the very bottom of the Mariana Trench where the water pressure squished it into a plastic smear on the rocks. “Woof,” said Max as he and Keith appeared now that the doll and its influence on his powers had been removed. “He says you have a bit of a vicious streak, but he likes it,” translated Keith as he peered down into the pit where the creature continued to royally fuck Dragon Queen and the three heroines that had been fed to it. “um, thanks I think,” replied Emily. “Er, I’m not sure what to do about that thing. I don’t think I can transport something that large.” “Hmm, I bet Queenie kept stuff around here in case of a situation like this,” answered Keith as he somewhat reluctantly turned his gaze away from the sight in the pit and started looking through cupboards. “Ah, this should do it,” he said returning to the edge of the pit with a fire extinguisher type cylinder. “What is it and are you sure it won’t hurt the heroines?” asked Emily with concern. Keith shrugged. “The label says it is harmless to humans, but will emulsify any mutant it comes in contact with. Just to be safe though, I’ll aim it at the tentacles holding Dragon Queen. I assume she wrote the label, so if she lied it is going to come back to bite her in the ass and what a nice ass it is too,” he added as he grinned down at the villainess. Dragon Queen saw the cylinder being pointed at her, though not being magical, she couldn’t see Keith and to her it looked like it was floating in midair. She wasn’t sure if her mouth had been free whether or not she would have screamed a warning at whoever was manipulating the cylinder not to use it or not. The label was accurate as far as it went in that it would not hurt humans as far as she knew without doing extensive double blind studies which was not exactly standard procedure in the world of the mad scientist, but the label also wasn’t complete when it came to its side effects. Whatever her decision would have been, it was quickly rendered a moot point as a cloud of gas from the cylinder enveloped her and the tentacles assaulting her. The creature gave an almost human sounding scream of agony and as for Dragon Queen… “Aaaaaaaeeeeeiiiiiioooooouuuuu,” screamed Dragon Queen as a massive orgasm rocked her body. “Oh my god, it sounds like we are killing her,” gasped Emily “Um, I don’t think that’s pain you are hearing,” replied Keith as he now aimed the gas towards the bulk of the creature and the three heroines. Omega Woman sensed the gas as it surrounded her and then felt a quiver run through the creature. The three tentacles buried deep inside her retracted instantly and she fell towards the floor of the pit. An orgasm hit her before she hit the floor. “Aaaaaeeeeiiiioooouuuuu,” screamed Omega Woman as she lay on the ground having one of the most intense orgasms of her life. She felt her juices squirting from her as if a dam had broken and heard echoing moans of pleasure from Wolf Woman and Night Raven. The orgasm finally subsided, but she still felt incredibly horny as she started to crawl towards the other two heroines. They apparently had the same idea and the three of them met and dissolved into a heap of naked flesh with tongues and fingers reaching out to stimulate each other. “Hmm, I guess we should give them some privacy,” said Keith somewhat reluctantly as he and Emily exited the lair with Max and Fellah trotting after them. “I think that gas must have had a Bliss base to it. They should be fine once it wears off and Omega Woman can fly them out of that pit.” * * * Keith and Emily found Lady Midnight in the same alley she had chased the parcel thief many hours previously. Under the whispered influence of the doll, she had apparently spent the entire time sucking cocks and being fucked by anyone who wandered by the alley. Some of these had been crooks and other low lives who habitually visited dark alleys, but many had been ordinary citizens who had spotted the naked heroine on her knees or bent over a pile of trash and had ventured in to have their turn. By now the Nubian beauty had a thick layer of cum on her face and breasts while her stomach was somewhat distended from all the spunk she had swallowed. “Fuck this whore is like the Energizer Bunny,” sneered the doll as it watched Lady Midnight gulp down yet another load of sperm. “Excuse me, but do you like the circus?” asked Emily from just behind the doll. “What the fuck are you talking about?” said the doll turning to give Emily the stink eye. “I just figured it was time for you to run away and join the circus,” replied Emily as she dropped a transport disk over the doll. A millisecond later, the doll found itself at the winter quarters of the Delta City Travelling Circus. More specifically, she was in the elephant pen and the last thing the doll saw was the rear end of a very large elephant as it sat on her. In a way she was lucky, as there are some things worse than being squished when your last vision is of an elephant’s ass. “I, I don’t feel so good,” said Lady Midnight with a burp that produced a large cum bubble. “Just hang on and I will send you to She Legion HQ to get cleaned up,” said Emily as she summoned up another transport disk. A moment later, Champion Girl who had been stuck on monitor duty at the HQ saw a naked and totally cum slathered Lady Midnight step out of the disk in the middle of the monitor room and rushed over to her. She was about to put her arms around her fellow heroine to comfort her when she had second thoughts about doing that. She contented herself with patting the cleanest bit of skin she could find and then guided Lady Midnight down the hall towards the showers by her elbow. “Come along Angela, we will get you cleaned up and find one of your spare costumes for you to wear.” “Goddess bless us everyone!” said the dazed and confused Lady Midnight as she gave Champion Girl’s ass a squeeze.. * * * “There’s only two of the dolls left we need to worry about,” said Keith. “The ones that went to normal people don’t matter much, it’s the ones that ended up with Aphrodite women that are dangerous.” Emily stifled a yawn. “Let’s go deal with them then. It’s ben a long night and it has taken a lot out of me. I’ve never used my power this much before and I am starting to feel like a drained battery. Where are the last two?” * * * Brenda didn’t want to do it, but it felt like someone was whispering in her ear, or maybe directly into her brain ever since she and Lydia had gotten home from the hospital visit. She was to put it mildly, incredibly horny. Her favourite dildo, an exact replica of one of the most famous porn stars, had never failed her before, but now it just wasn’t enough. She lay naked on her sweat soaked sheets and wanted to scream in frustration at not being able to cum. Her mind kept darting back to images of Lydia on her bed, also naked and playing with herself. She imagined how warm and soft the girl’s skin would feel under her fingers. No, that was wrong. Lydia was her sidekick and ward and she couldn’t have thoughts about how soft her lips would feel on her own. True, they had made love before, but that was when they had been captured and forced. Mmm, those full, round teen breasts had felt so good when she had squeezed them and those hard teen nipples had been such a delight to lick and suck. “Do it,” said the voice whispering in her mind. “Go to Lydia and have sex with her. She is in her room, naked and waiting for you.” * * * Lydia lay on her bed panting and desperate to cum, but no matter how fast or how deep she shoved her fingers into her pussy and no matter how much she rubbed her clit, an orgasm eluded her. In her fever of lust, she was sure she heard a voice talking to her, talking about Brenda. “Wouldn’t you love to have Brenda between your legs?” asked the voice. “Can’t you imagine her tongue on your pussy, probing and licking?” “Yes!” moaned Lydia. After all, it wouldn’t have been the first time that she and Brenda had done it. Their captors had often enjoyed forcing them into lesbian sex with each other to entertain them. Surely it wouldn’t hurt to do it just this once of their own free will? Goddess, she needed to cum so bad. Even as she was thinking this, Lydia heard a soft knock on her door. “Who’s there?” Lydia called even though she knew who it had to be since it was Christmas Eve and all the servants were gone home leaving her and Brenda alone in the large house. “It’s me Brenda,” came the voice through the door. “Can I come in?” Lydia hesitated. She was still naked and maybe she should cover herself. “Tell her to come in,” whispered the voice. “Let her see you as you are.” “It isn’t locked,” called Lydia. “Come in.” The door swung open and Lydia saw a naked Brenda standing in the doorway. They stared at each other as if they had never seen the other person before. “You are naked,” whispered Brenda almost to herself as her eyes took in the sexy form of the young blonde. “So are you,” replied Lydia as her eyes roamed over Brenda’s naked body, lingering at those fantastic breasts with their huge areoles and the bullet sized erect pink nipples. “Do you want some company?” asked Brenda almost shyly. “Yes,” breathed Lydia as she opened her arms wide in invitation. Brenda paused a moment as if fighting some inner battle and then slowly walked the few steps from the door to the bed and collapsed on top of her naked ward, feeling Lydia’s arms wrap around her as their lips met in a long passionate kiss. “Oh Brenda, I have wanted you so bad,” moaned Lydia when they finally broke the kiss. “Me too,” panted Brenda. “I know it’s not right, but I don’t care about that right now. I just want you so bad.” Unnoticed by the two women, their dolls were locked together in the exact same position on one corner of the bed as they were. When one doll bent its head and began to suck on the breasts of the other, Brenda also leaned down and took one of Lydia’s hard nipples into her mouth. * * * Emily moved up the stairs, dimming the light around her so she could see better as she went. From the top of the stairs, she could hear the soft moans of passion coming from the bedroom just down the hall and she started to move in that direction when a figure blocked her way. “So you are the one that busybody elf got to help him,” sneered Mr. G. “A blind girl and her faithful if rather ugly dog. The plot might even make one of those sickly sweet Hallmark movies.” “I’ve come to put a stop to your scheme,” replied Emily calmly. “Really?” sneered Mr. G. “I’ve absorbed quite a lot of energy tonight through my dolls. I could have gotten a lot more without your interference, but that pair of bimbos are giving me quite a buzz. I don’t normally take a direct hand in things, but this time I think I will make an exception and enjoy myself in the process.” Mr. G’s body began to shimmer and transform, growing much larger and acquiring plenty of sharp teeth and claws. Between his legs, a sickly green cock was erect and dribbling slime as it pointed at Emily. “Oh, I am so going to enjoy this.” For her part, Emily could only tell in the most general way of the nature of the transformation. The dim shape in front of her had grown larger and broader and she could feel the heat and menace radiating off her adversary. She felt a powerful hand reach out and grasp her own and then guide it until her fingers rested on a steel hard shaft of throbbing flesh. Emily gasped and tried to pull her hand back, but Mr. G held her hand in place on his cock and leered at her. “Stroke it girl,” he ordered her. Emily felt her Aphrodite genes tugging at her, trying to seduce her into doing what this creature told her to do, what she wanted to do too for that matter. To give in to his demands and do all those naughty things running through her mind. All those things she sometimes dreamed about doing when she lay alone on her pallet in her cold basement apartment all alone. Her mind and body told her it was okay to give in and do it, but there was a third part of her that rebelled. Emily was not especially religious. It hadn’t seem that any god or goddess had given much of a damn about her ever since she was born, but maybe that other part was what someone more religious would term her soul. It was the bit that made her Emily Arcand even more so than her body or her mind. “Fellah,” she said glancing down at where she could feel the dog was. “How would you like a nice big bone to chew on?” * * * Brenda and Lydia were startled out of their make out session by the sound of a scream coming from the top of the stairs. They were still frozen in position, Brenda lying on top of Lydia, their large breasts pressed tightly into each other when the bedroom door opened and they sensed someone come in. The room had gone nearly pitch black around them, so they couldn’t see who or what had entered. You two have been really bad,” said a female voice out of the darkness. Both Brenda and Lydia were sure the voice was talking to them and they felt their cheeks flush with shame, but then they realized somehow that the voice was not addressing them at all. “These two sluts are ours,” said a small voice from elsewhere on the bed. To heroine and sidekick, it sounded an awful lot like the voice they had heard whispering in their minds for the last few hours. “We control them. They are ours to play with.” “You know I am awfully tired from using my power so much tonight,” said the young female voice. “I don’t think I have enough energy to transport the two of you into the heart of the sun like I had planned.” “Well isn’t that just too fucking bad,” snickered the voice of their whisperer. “I guess I will have to settle for just sending you as far as Mercury,” said the other voice with a sigh. Startled, Brenda and Lydia looked in the direction where the whispering had come from and were surprised that they could see a black disk in a black lightless room. Then the disk was gone and so was the source of the whispering. “Um, Merry Christmas ladies,” said the remaining voice. “I, um think it would be a good idea to put some milk and cookies out downstairs to make sure you are still on the nice list. Er Keith says Santa likes shortbread cookies the best, but chocolate chip will do if you don’t have any.” There was the sound of the bedroom door opening and closing and the room was empty when the light slowly came back up. Brenda and Lydia lay there for several moments staring into each other’s eyes and wondering what in the hell had just happened. “Um Brenda, maybe we er shouldn’t be doing this,” said Lydia. “I think you’re right,” agreed Brenda as she hastily untangled herself from her ward and made a dash for the door. “I’ll meet you downstairs. You get the milk and I’ll get the cookies.” “Um, Brenda,” called Lydia and her mentor paused in the doorway. “Who the hell is Keith?” Brenda shrugged. “Damned if I know, but suddenly doing what he suggests sounds like an awfully good idea!” ** * A very tired Emily Arcand slipped through the window into her basement apartment with Fellah under one arm. She shivered in the unheated space and then glanced over at where she knew the old chair where her Mama used to wait for her to come home sat. There had been no miracle and the chair was still sitting there sad and empty. Emily didn’t bother to undress, but crawled fully dressed under the blankets on the mattress on the floor beside the small bed she could never sleep in since that had been Mama’s. Fellah laid his head on her shoulder and she hugged him to her as his body heat slowly warmed her up and stopped the shivering. In just a few minutes, they were both fast asleep. It was close to noon when Emily awoke and realized it was Christmas day. In her dream, she thought she had heard a noise as if someone was in the apartment, but still feeling that slight panic you sometimes have after a too vivid dream, she realized there was no one there. When she got up though, she found Mama’s old battered record player sitting on the small kitchen table against one wall and she frowned. That wasn’t possible. Mama had loved to listen to music, but Emily had been forced to pawn it and all Mama’s records one winter to buy Mama some antibiotics. By then, Mama had been too far gone to notice the record player was missing and anyway she knew all the songs by heart and could sit there singing them to herself without it. Emily was fumbling at the catch to open the lid when she found a sticky note stuck to it. To her surprise, it was covered in braille and her fingertips skimd over the dots reading it. “Thanks for all the help. Merry Christmas from Keith and SC. PS. Max says ‘Woof’.” As Emily stood there staring at the note, she heard a record drop inside the closed lid of the player and the needle swing over to fall into place. There was a little crackling static that you got from a needle that wasn’t as sharp as it should be playing a record that had been played too many times. “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas, just like the ones I used to know,” sang Bing. It had been her Mama’s favourite Christmas carol and outside the basement window white flakes of snow fell and they had already covered up the garbage and filth of the alley. There was a sound from behind her coming from the empty chair as if it was moving back and forth like it used to when Mama was sitting in it and rocking in time to the music. Emily knew the chair was still empty,, but nevertheless she seemed to feel a comforting presence in the room. “Merry Christmas Mama,” she whispered as tears streamed down her face. The End