Delta City PI #5 by DeannaTroi This is a work of fiction. It contains adult content of a sexual nature and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. Commissioner Borden, Ms. Americana and the other heroines mentioned are the property of Mr. X. The other characters including Nancy are mine. Feel free to use Nancy and my other characters in your own stories as long as you keep them true to their character. You can send any feedback to: The morning after her meeting with Danial, Nancy was sitting at her small two person kitchen table eating the last slice of Wong's pizza cold for breakfast while creating a to do list. Nancy sighed sadly as this was likely to be the last of Wong's pizza until the restaurant rebooted back from its current Chinese food status to a pizza place. Her only consolation was that a pizza place seemed to be the most frequent incarnation. Nancy took another bite and contemplated her list. 1. Check on Maria. 2. Determine if Mr. Wong was involved in this cosmic mess 3. Find out if the Others like Danielle and Danial had actually created this universe 4. Find out exactly what the Others were up to since there seemed to be multiple factions or at least two 5. Find a way to defeat the Others 6. Find a way to mitigate the worst side effects of the Aphrodite gene or reboot the universe to a better state 7. Find some way to fight Tendril if she ever met him again 8. Pick up milk, bread, eggs and some sandwich meat Well she was sure she could do numbers one and eight, but the rest of the list looked like more of a challenge. Of those, number seven and Tendril was the most immediate concern. The busty PI thought it likely that their paths would cross again and she didn't like her chances in a straight up fight with him or it. How did you fight a creature that could be as insubstantial as smoke and still grab you with tendrils as hard as steel? At least Tendril appeared to be the kind of trouble you would only run into in the dark, but that hardly helped much since the darkness was when she was most active in her intelligence gathering and super heroine rescue work. Hmm, she mused. Maybe the darkness was a clue after all. Nancy made a mental note to do a little shopping for something that might just give Mr. Tendril a nasty surprise. Thinking back over her dealings with Danielle and Danial, Nancy thought she had come out of it lucky with only a pair of humiliating fuckings to show for it. Most likely, both brother and sister were capable of killing her despite their claim to be unable to do so. The demons were simply used to banishing their enemies with a moment's thought and would never think of stooping to use actual physical force to accomplish their goals. That was beneath them, but it was certainly not beneath any minions they employed such as Tendril. Nancy's musings were cut short by the ringing of her cell phone. The blonde glanced at the incoming name and number and arched an eyebrow. Caller ID said the caller was Commissioner Borden and surely no one would be stupid enough or brazen enough to spoof the police commissioner's phone number? "Hello?" answered Nancy after quickly swallowing a bite of pizza and gave a strangled gasp as she got a piece of hot pepper and reached frantically for her glass of milk and then remembered item eight on her list and stumbled to the sink for water. "This is Commissioner Borden," said the self important voice in her ear. "Is this Miss Nancy Peye, the private detective?" Nancy thought he said "private detective" with the same tone that most people would say "cockroach" and she corrected him "It is Ms. not Miss," but her voice came out rather hoarse thanks to her mouth still being on fire from the pepper. Damn, she didn't like the hot peppers, but the pizza had been a free one that Mr. Wong's son Jake had given her for a flash of her boobs when he couldn't deliver it to the address it was ordered from since some stupid mutant monster had trashed the entire subdivision before Omega Woman had defeated it. Of course the thing had fucked the heroine silly first, but that almost went without saying. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" asked Commissioner Borden. "I said it is Ms., not Miss" replied Nancy who could now speak more clearly after another long drink of water. "Oh, one of tho...." the Commissioner broke off "I mean of course, Ms. Peye. I am calling to ask you to come to my office as soon as you can. We have a situation on our hands and our city needs your" "What is this all about?" asked Nancy as her mind raced. The detective hadn't thought that Borden even knew she existed though they had actually met twice at some civic functions. The man had never looked higher than her chest and had certainly not bothered to ask her name. In the various reboots in the last year, Borden was rarely competent. He tended to be either a dithering idiot or a corrupt idiot. The key word was "idiot". Nancy agreed, however, to come to Borden's office immediately and disconnected. Nancy gathered up her morning newspaper from the steps up to street level as she went outside and headed for her car. The PI couldn't afford the newspaper subscription, but the paperboy kept leaving her one anyway in the hope of getting a glimpse of her boobs one day. Nancy told him he would have to wait six years until he was eighteen, but that didn't seem to concern the boy as he apparently considered the free paper a good long term investment and who was she to discourage the entrepreneurial spirit? The front page story was about a breakout or maybe she should say another breakout from the high security mental institution. The paper said the police were looking for the lone escapee, a girl, age 18 to 20 with strawberry blonde hair and only modest sized tits. Nancy rolled her eyes. Only in Delta City would a fugitive be described by their boob size. There was a picture of the girl, but it was rather grainy and seemed to have come from a security camera. The story said the girl was extremely dangerous and was not to be approached, but to call the Police. Nancy wondered if this was what Borden wanted to see her about, but doubted the Police would call in a lowly private eye for a girlhunt. {Shameless plug: For more on the breakout, see the first two chapters of Silk Cord's Witchfire story also found on this site.] * * * Police Headquarters was bustling with activity when Nancy got there, but she was shown right into Commissioner Borden's office. The man actually stood up when she entered and it only took him five seconds to find her eyes as he offered her his hand. "Thank you for coming so promptly Miss, er Ms. Peye," he said extending his hand. Nancy shook the offered hand and took the indicated chair in front of the desk and glanced at the uniformed man standing beside the desk. Borden noticed her glance and waved a hand at the dark haired man of about fifty. "Captain Hawk, he heads up our special Anti-Terrorist, Monster and Alien Squad." "Oh yes, fine work your people did the other day when that alien ship landed next to city hall." "Pity Omega Woman took care of it for you." Nancy couldn't resist the jab as she remembered Hawk and the rest of his squad doing absolutely nothing while Omega Woman was being raped other than to take pictures and cheer the creature on. Hawk flushed and began an angry retort, but Borden cut him off with a sharp look. "Frankly Ms. Peye, we have a situation on our hands and we need someone with your um qualifications," and his eyes slid down to linger on Nancy's chest which even her trenchcoat did little to disguise its size. "What kind of situation Mr. Commissioner?" asked Nancy trying not to give in to her impulse to slap the man which would certainly not improve her tenuous relationship with the cops. "We have some punk holed up in a hotel room who says he has bombs planted around the city which he will detonate unless his demands are met," snapped Borden. "To prove he wasn't bluffing, he detonated one of the bombs while he was on the phone with me this morning. The million dollar scoreboard at the Baseball park is now scattered all over the outfield. The stadium was empty at that time of day, so no one was hurt, but he assures us that the other bombs are in much more populated areas. We are of course searching for them, but he is giving us only three hours to meet his demands." "What are those demands?" asked Nancy when he paused to take a sip of water. "He wants ten million dollars, a jet to take him out of the country and a big boobed whore." cut in Captain Hawk. Nancy tried not to gape at the man. "Well I am not rich and I don't know how to fly a jet, so I don't think I like where this conversation is going." "Your city needs you Ms. Peye," cut in Borden and once more his eyes flickered down to Nancy's chest. "The city wants my boobs and for me to spread my legs apparently," responded Nancy angrily. "Isn't this something you would get one of the super heroines to handle like Ms. Americana?" "We can't for a couple of reasons," said Borden looking over at Hawk and then back to Nancy's chest. "For one thing, it would require the heroine to remove her mask to play the part and I doubt any of our heroine's would want to do that. Second, they don't seem to be available at the moment." Nancy blinked and cursed the Others. Her tablet with its special apps was bricked by them and so if there was something up with the heroines of Delta City, she had not had any warning of it. "What do you mean, they are not available? Has something happened to them? All of them?" "I am not at liberty to say much," said Borden shortly. "You saw the report in the paper about the breakout at the mental institution?" When Nancy nodded, he continued, "it is possible that the super heroines or at least some of them were involved in that incident. We also have not been able to contact any of the heavy hitters like Ms. Americana or Got Gal. We even tried Azure Angel." Nancy looked slightly shocked at that. If the Police were desperate enough to stoop to the klutzy Asian heroine, they were really really desperate. To be fair, Azure Angel was a trained ninja, but she always ended up getting captured and raped. "Why me then? Frankly, I didn't think you even knew I existed. Why not use one of your own policewomen?" "None of them are nearly as qualified as you," said Hawk looking directly at her boobs. And my brother-in-law is the city clerk and when I contacted him to ask about any qualified female private eyes, he highly recommended you." Nancy all to well remembered the city clerk and the blow job she had given him to pass her background check when she arrived in the city. Nancy rather suspected that Hawk at least knew about that little fact and the leer on his face confirmed her guess. Nancy was worried about what was going on with the heroines, but she needed to put that out of her mind for the moment and concentrate on the current problem of the terrorist and the bombs. "I assume the idea is for me to keep the terrorist occupied shall we say while you try and find the bombs?" When Hawk nodded, the PI sighed and went on "alright, I am prepared to go along with this stupid plan," she said trying not to grimace. The detective wondered briefly if her distaste was hypocritical. She let herself get groped for free pizza for god's sake, so now she should be holier than thou? The difference, she reflected after a moment's thought was whether it was her choice or not. "Fine, fine," said Borden pressing a button on his desk and a pretty uniformed red haired female officer came in the office door in answer to the summons. "This is Officer Kelly, she will take you down to the vice squad where they have er a suitable wardrobe for your role." Yippy, thought Nancy to herself, but she only gave Borden and Hawk a tight smile and followed Kelly out the door quite aware the two men were staring at her ass as she left. Down in the vice Squad area, Officer Kelly produced an outfit that pretty much lived down to Nancy's expectations. It was a red dress, what little there was of it. It was so short it would barely cover her ass and with a scoop front that left very little to the imagination. A pair of red satin panties and a pair of six inch spiked heels completed the outfit. Well, a bra would be pointless in this thing thought Nancy as she started to strip out of her clothes. When she glanced at her, Nancy noticed Kelly was almost drooling as she watched. "What?" snapped Nancy a little more angry than she meant, "never seen another woman undress before?" Kelly's face quickly became as red as her hair and she mumbled an apology and looked away. "I'm sorry," she said, "I did volunteer for the job, but they said I wasn't um big enough." Nancy looked at Kelly's chest which was a nice C size she figured. No, it probably wasn't big enough for pigs like Borden, Hawk and the fucking terrorist. "It's OK Kelly," said Nancy trying to ease the woman's hurt pride. "I am sure you will get your chance one day to prove your bravery. Don't let the bastards beat you down." Kelly nodded her thanks and when Nancy had finished changing into the hooker outfit, the female officer handed Nancy a sticky note. "When this is know...if you like women that is," mumbled Kelly as she produced a mirror for Nancy to check herself in. Nancy took the paper and slipped it into her trench coat pocket. Looking in the mirror, she frowned. "I really am the woman in red," she commented, "but the look isn't quite right. I think I need some make-up." Kelly looked Nancy over and agreed. "You really don't need any," said the red head, "but a hooker would still be more dolled up." Kelly hunted around and produced a make-up kit and went to work tarting Nancy up with bright red lipstick, lots of eyeliner and mascara. When Nancy looked in the mirror for the second time, she gave a nod of satisfaction. Yep, I now look more like a lady of negotiable virtue." * * * Kelly drove Nancy to the Ritz Hotel and dropped her off in front. The deal with the terrorist was that there were to be no cops in the hotel, but Nancy spotted at least seven plainclothes cops as she crossed the lobby to the front desk. The smartly dressed female clerk looked up at Nancy's approach and the PI saw her look of disapproval. "Ah, you are the prostitute we were told to expect for room 701," and she handed the blonde a key card while doing her best not to make contact with Nancy's hand. Nancy suppressed a retort at the looks she was getting from the other hotel staff and guests as she moved to the elevators. The entire hotel should have been evacuated she thought, but the terrorist had insisted things carry on as normal. Nancy was to let herself into the room using the key card, so he could watch the door from a safe distance and not be rushed. The elevator binged as it opened on the ground floor with several guests getting off. When Nancy got on, two women and a man got on with her. The two women looked at Nancy and then exchanged glances with each other and one mouthed the word "whore" under her breath. The man reached out and ran his hand over Nancy's ass and she brushed it away. "You have to pay to play," she growled and stomped out of the elevator at the seventh floor. Outside of room 701, Nancy took a deep breath to calm herself then knocked on the door three times as she had been instructed and then opened the door with her key card. The blonde PI stepped slowly into the room with her hands clearly empty and visible in front of her, again as instructed. "Close the door," said a rather squeaky voice that Nancy realize was coming from someone crouched behind a chair in a corner of the room. The detective did as she was told and then turned to give the room a more complete survey. She was in a short hallway with a closet to her left and the door to the bathroom to her right on the wall. The hallway opened up into the main body of the room which was nothing special. On the left was a large king sized bed with a night table at each side. On the right side of the room was a dresser with a flat screen TV on top of it and beside it a small desk with a rolling chair. Against the far wall under the window were two chairs, a small matching sofa and a coffee table. The only nonstandard items in the room though riveted her attention and they were three video cameras mounted on tripods and pointed at the bed along with a couple of high intensity lights. "What the hell are those doing here?" asked Nancy angrily gesturing at the cameras and lights. "Recording things was not part of the deal." "Yes it was," said the figure emerging from behind the chair. "I told that moron Borden what I intended to do." Nancy pursed her lips and mentally cursed Borden, Hawk and herself. The two men were probably cumming in their shorts at the thought of getting to see any video that was produced and Nancy knew she should have been more suspicious. Still, even if she had been, it wouldn't have changed the situation in any meaningful way. "OK, fine," the PI finally said grudgingly, as she got her first good look at the terrorist. Nancy had to exert all her control to not gawk or laugh when she saw the terrorist who was holding the entire city hostage. He was a kid, maybe not more than eighteen with a dark mop of hair that needed a hair brush in the worst way. He wasn't exactly skinny,but you would be hard pressed to call him muscular. He looked like your average high school senior or maybe first year university kid. Hell, Nancy was not sure he was even shaving yet. "So what's this all about?" asked the detective, deleting the word "kid" from the end of her question. Best to be tactful when dealing with a possible nut job with bombs. "You aren't really a whore are you?" asked the boy, seeming to ignore her question as his eyes roved over Nancy's body, predictably lingering for some time on her breasts. "Are you a police woman?" "Private detective," confirmed Nancy, seeing no reason to lie. "Does it matter?" "Not really," said the boy. "I didn't think they would find a whore stupid enough to come here. I kind of figured they would send a female cop which is probably better since I probably won't catch anything nasty from you like I might from a real hooker. And anyway, you got real big tits which is all that matters to me." "There is more to a woman than her boob size," countered Nancy, bristling a bit. "Yeah, well, maybe," muttered the boy. And there is more to a guy than his dick size or so I thought until I tried to date Ms stuck up bitch Lydia Willis. She said she didn't have time for losers with small six inch dicks, laughed in my face and then told all the other girls in school how small I was and then none of them would give me the time of day." Oh great, Lydia Willis, a.k.a. Flag Girl, the biggest size queen among the super heroines was more than capable of being so casually cruel. "So some girl tossed you off and now you are going to blow up the entire city to get revenge? That makes no sense. What is your name anyway?" added Nancy as she needed to stop thinking of him simply as "the boy". "Todd. Todd Brooks," replied the boy. "And it was not just one girl, but every girl in the entire fucking school and then they told every girl in the entire fucking city. Because of them, I am still a virgin and almost 19!" shouted Todd. Nancy made a supreme effort not to roll her eyes at this teenage tragedy. "OK, so why don't you just do what a lot of boys like you have done over the years? Get a hooker, find a hotel room and become a man which by the way is a pretty lousy definition of what a man is." "But that is pretty much what I did," protested Todd. "I got a hotel room and a hooker," he said looking once more at Nancy's cleavage. "I just went one step farther with the bombs and the ten million. I am going to show them all.. I am going to have a great time and then blow this town to live on a beach on a tropical island." Nancy bit back a sigh as the kid had totally missed the last part of her message about becoming a real man. "Look, just tell me where the bombs are and turn yourself in. This is Delta City. You will probably get a slap on the wrist." "NO!" yelled Todd looking really angry. "I want my ten million and I want to get laid." With that, the boy pulled out a tablet and showed it to Nancy. "Here is the deal. The screen showed a grid of five rows and three columns. Each row represented a bomb. The first column held a green button, the second column had a status report and the third column had a red button. The status for the first row / bomb read "detonated". "I got four more bombs," said Todd. "Pressing the green button disarms the bomb. Pressing the red button detonates it." Nancy noted the status for the other four bombs said "Ready". "The deal is you give me four orgasms by the method I choose and for each one I deactivate a bomb. Don't even think about trying to get this tablet away from me to deactivate them. When you press a button, you are prompted for a code to verify it and only I know the codes." Nancy could see a major flaw in this plan, but did Todd see it too? Surely he could not have overlooked it, but if he had then she didn't want to bring it to his attention. "Well then, we might as well get started," said Nancy gesturing at the tablet. "What is your choice for number one?" "Not so fast," smirked Todd. "First, I want you to go over and kneel on the bed. Put your hands on your hips. You know, the old Playboy centerfold pose and smile for the cameras." Nancy gritted her teeth, but did as she was told, kneeling on the bed, leaning forward a bit to expose the maximum cleavage while Todd fired up the lights and the cameras. Then his next action took the blonde PI by surprise as he turned on the television. What the hell? thought Nancy as a female anchorperson came on the screen and started talking. "This is Megan Fitzpatrick for WXYZ News in Delta City, bringing you live coverage of the events unfolding in the Ritz Hotel behind me. As we reported earlier, a terrorist is holed up in the hotel who claims to have planted bombs in highly populated locations around the city. The terrorist is demanding ten million dollars and a plane to take him to a destination of his choice. First however, he wants to have sex on live TV to prove his virility to all the women of this city who have scorned him." The reporter paused to let this sink in. "Naturally, such explicit sexual material could not be broadcast over the public airwaves, but we will be doing so tonight at the request of the Mayor and Commissioner Borden in order to safeguard the people of Delta City." Nancy knelt on the bed gaping at the TV screen. There was no fucking way she had agreed to this. When the whole mess was over, she vowed she would make Borden and Hawk pay very painfully. But she could hardly go storming out now and risk all those lives. She had gotten Officer Kelly to drive by the Baseball stadium to make sure the first bomb was not some kind of hoax on Borden's part and she had seen the scoreboard scattered all over the playing field. This just cant get any worse though she thought and then it did. "From a source within the Police department who did not want to be identified," went on Fitzpatrick, "we have learned the identity of the prostitute who has volunteered for this evening's um entertainment." "Prostitute?" thought an outraged Nancy glaring at the screen, and she could also make a damned good guess as to who the source of the leak was and his name began with either a B or an H. Damn them. "The prostitute has been identified as one Nancy Peye. Ms. Peye is also a part time private eye, or at least she has a PI license. Other sources tell us, however, that she is often seen at the notorious Pussycat Club and might work there as a stripper." Nancy watched in increasing shock and anger as pictures appeared on the screen showing the Pussycat Club both inside and outside, the former showing a big boobed blonde stripping on stage with the implication it was Nancy. Death is too good for them thought Nancy. I will kill them, resurrect them and kill them again. Next on the screen were short video clips showing her apartment door and her office building door with the addresses so helpfully listed below on the screen. Megan Fitzpatrick's face reappeared on the screen looking very earnest. "In order to be totally fair, we did find and contact one of the woman's clients who said she employed her solely as a private eye." The screen flashed to show Mrs. Snobbush and Nancy wanted to scream. "Yes, I did hire the woman to find some missing property for me. She was totally incompetent and I fired her. Had I known of her history as a prostitute, I would never have allowed her into my house. As it was, I could certainly tell she had little in the way of morals, so I find the revelations about her occupation as hardly surprising." You stupid old biddy, raged Nancy who would have happily strangled the old bitch if she was present. "There you have it," smiled Megan. "Now that we have provided that fair and unbiased background, we now go live to the Ritz Hotel. It goes without saying that what you are about to witness is for adults only and parents should take steps now to protect the innocence of their children from this depravity." The reporter disappeared from the screen and suddenly Nancy found herself looking at herself on the TV screen. "Show time," said Todd. "Take your clothes off Nancy and show us all your goodies" When Nancy hesitated, the boy brandished his tablet, finger poised over the next red button. Nancy tried to think of the most painful ways to kill Borden and Hawk and maybe Megan Fitzpatrick as well as she gave the camera the phoniest smile she could and slipped the thin straps of the revealing red dress over her shoulders one at a time. The garment dropped down around her waist and her EE melons were fully exposed to Todd and however many millions were watching this impromptu porn show. The blonde detective could see one of the cameras zoom in for a close-up of her tits as they bounced and jiggled. Then the camera pulled back as she raised her knees and slipped the dress off and tossed it on the rug. It was time for another closeup as she hooked her fingers into her red silk panties and started to tug them down giving a clear view to the watching public of her shaved pussy. Unseen as yet behind the cameras, Todd gestured for Nancy to lie back and spread her legs wide to give a better view of her pussy and then to spread her lips apart to show the wet pinkness within. It was then that Nancy decided on staking the bastards out naked on a fire anthill after coating them in honey, especially their genitals. Finally Todd stepped forward to stand by the bed as he stripped and he pulled out a throbbing twelve inch cock which he stroked a few times. "This monster could have been yours Lydia," he fairly screamed into the camera as he got onto the bed beside Nancy. The boy saw the look of surprise on Nancy's face about the size of his manhood and grinned at her. "I decided to get an upgrade for my screen debut. Now open your mouth and suck me off!" First red hot splinters under the fingernails and then the fire ants thought Nancy as she got back onto her hands and knees and lowered her mouth onto Todd's dripping cock. She felt his hands on the back of her head pressing her down and forcing his dick into her throat. He continued the pressure until his entire length was buried in the blonde detective's mouth and she gagged a bit. Todd eased up his pressure to let her pull her head back so only the tip was in her mouth. "Now you see how I want it, get to work Nancy and earn your money." Boiled in oil, flaming splints and fire ants, thought Nancy as she began to bob her mouth up and down the boy's hard cock, taking it all the way down on each movement so his balls banged on her chin. Nancy could hear Todd moaning louder and louder and she rather doubted that upgrade or not that he was going to hold out much longer. He had the equipment, but didn't really know how to use it. A big cock didn't mean you were good, it just meant you were big. Sure enough after not more than a dozen ups and downs of her mouth on his cock, the boy began to shoot his load into her mouth and the blonde locked her lips tight about the spurting cock to swallow the white goo with just a trickle leaking out around the corners of her mouth. "Oh fuck that was good Nancy," gasped Todd who finally pulled his cock from her mouth and picked up the tablet from the end of the bed where he had left it and pressed the second green button to deactivate a bomb. Nancy tried to see what code he used, but Todd was careful to block that with his hand. Nancy ran her tongue over her lips and the inside of her mouth to gather up all the cum and swallowed before asking What do you want next?" Todd put down the tablet and smirked at her. "I want to try that sweet pussy." The boy got onto his back, hand wrapped around his still hard cock. "I want you to ride me Nancy so I can see those big hooters bouncing around." Then Todd grinned down at his cock "and don't worry, my upgrade here is good for the whole night. I am going to make you earn your money." Drawn and quartered, boiled in oil, burning splinters and fire ants, amended Nancy to herself as she positioned herself on top of the boy. The blonde detective reached down and guided the hard cock towards her pussy as Todd was clearly too excited to do much more than make inexpert stabbing motions with it. Nancy got the head pushing at her nether lips and then slowly began to lower herself down onto the thick rod. She could see Todd's eyes almost bulging out of the sockets with pleasure as he felt his cock start to slip into her wet love tunnel and he lost his cherry. Nancy couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the boy. He was part of this whole stupid experiment, but there was still the issue of taking personal responsibility for your actions. Being rejected by vain, immature girls was no reason to plant bombs and extort money and sex. And speaking of sex, Nancy gave a grunt as the cock banged into her cervix and then pushed through it into her womb. Now with the entire thing inside her pussy, the blonde PI began to bounce up and down on Todd's cock, doing her best to ignore the damn TV screen which showed a wanton blonde slut playing cowgirl. There was a loud "slap slap" noise as Nancy's boobs banged against each other and her chest as she used her strong leg muscles to lift and lower herself on the cock. After a while, Todd got his breathing under control enough to reach up and grope her dangling tits, with little skill, but plenty of enthusiasm. Perhaps it was his "upgrade" or simply his lack of experience, but Todd clearly was not going to last very long thought Nancy. Deliberately, the busty blonde began to slow her pace, making each thrust up into her cunt slow and languorous as she wanted to give the cops time to search for and defuse the bombs. Nancy hated herself for doing this, but she started to encourage the boy to hold on and not cum so quick. She was all too aware of everything she said and did going out live on TV, but she had to place a higher value on lives than her dignity. Still, it took all her acting skill to smile down at the boy and talk sexily to him. "Oh baby, your big cock feels so good inside me. Don't cum yet baby. Hold on and enjoy your first time with a woman." Nancy ground her body into the boy's groin with his cock completely inside her, rotating her hips to increase his pleasure and stimulate him more, but not too much. The blonde stretched it out for another ten minutes, but finally it was too much for Todd and he gave a yell and started to blast his seed into Nancy's womb. "Oh fuck yes, take my cum, bitch" screamed Todd which unknown to him lost him a few sympathy points with the detective. When Nancy rolled off him onto her back, the camera zoomed in for a close-up of the cream pie and while she cringed a bit internally, Nancy was also wondering who the hell was operating the cameras for these shots as they were unmanned. Todd picked up his tablet again and deactivated the third bomb which left two to go. Or, Nancy thought suspiciously only two left that we know about. "What's your pleasure for the next round sweetie?" she asked Todd whose cock was impossibly still very much hard and ready for more action. And I have to wonder where this geek got his "upgrade" from thought Nancy, not to mention the materials and expertise to build those bombs. Was it possible that there was only one bomb and the others were just a bluff? It was certainly a possibility, but one she didn't dare gamble on. "I want a titty fuck," said Todd as he motioned Nancy to get on her back on the bed. "I always wanted to see my dick sliding between a big pair of jugs like yours." Hung, drawn and quartered, boiled alive, burning splinters and fire ants updated Nancy as she thought about Borden and Hawk. She did, however, manage to keep a big smile on her face as she positioned herself on the bed and gestured for Todd to straddle her chest and she wrapped her breasts around his cock, all slimy with a mixture of his cum and her own pussy juices. At least she had not climaxed yet to totally humiliate herself, but it had been a near thing when the boy came inside her pussy. Nancy was pretty sure the Todd hadn't noticed or maybe even thought about her pleasure as he was so focused on his own. As Todd began to slide his cock back and forth in the valley of Nancy's cleavage, she once more saw a camera zoom in for a good close-up which showed the big cock head pop up out of her boobs and rub over her lips on the upstroke. Still plaing her part, Nancy started to flick out her tongue and run it over the tip of the cock on each thrust as she felt the boy's balls banging into the underside of her breasts. Someone is running those cameras by remote she was sure and that meant Todd had a partner or accomplice. But who? And why had the partner not been included in the bargaining for a free trip out on the jet? Nancy found contemplating these questions much more palatable than wondering what this prime time porn show was going to do to her low profile and public image. Maybe if she was lucky, the next reboot would remove this experience from the public memory, though unfortunately she would still have the wonderful memories for herself to enjoy. Todd was once more inexpertly groping her boobs and out of sheer exasperation, Nancy began to give him instructions on how to better do the job both for her and for him. "That's it baby, pinch my nipples with your finger and thumb. Not too hard. Yes, that's better baby." Nancy gave a half faked moan of pleasure, only increasing the volume as part of the show. Yeah that's it baby, fuck my big tits with that big hard dick of yours," encouraged Nancy. The blonde licked his cock when it came up to her face and her cleavage was now wet and slippery with saliva, cum and sweat so the boy's cock moved easily back and forth. There was little warning this time when Todd's cock started to spurt cum onto her chin, neck and boobs and when he was done, the detective looked down at a perfect pearl necklace. Todd dutifully, almost in a trance it seemed to Nancy, deactivated another bomb, which supposedly only left one. "So what is next baby?" asked Nancy playing the coy partner and running her fingers through the puddle of white goo on her neck and chest. "I want to fuck your ass," panted Todd whose energy was visibly beginning to flag, though his cock was still rock hard and erect. Either this boy took a whole fucking bottle of Viagra or someone really did a number on his genes thought Nancy. Nancy looked at the still hard cock and gave a mental groan. Anal was not her favourite form of sex to begin with and having a cock that big up her ass was definitely not her idea of fun. The detective knew that Amazing Babe was nicknamed by those in the know as Anal Babe because the heroine seemed to really get off on having a hard cock shoved up her rear entrance, but Nancy was not looking forward to this. Men, she thought with a hint of bitterness would stick their dick into any opening they could, whether or not it was designed to go there or whether the woman wanted it there. "Sure baby," was all she said aloud and reached for the bottle of lube she had thankfully spotted on the table beside the bed. First, the PI poured a large dollop into her palm and coated Todd's cock with it, jerking and rubbing it as she did so which made him gasp with pleasure. Then Nancy turned over onto her stomach and feeling the damn camera move in for a closeup, she worked a liberal dose of the lube into her ass with her fingers. I will flay them alive, hang them, draw and quarter them, boil them in oil, use burning splinters and then the fire ants, she promised herself as she buried her face in a soft pillow and spread her ass cheeks with her hands to give Todd better accesss to her anus. Even with all that lube, Nancy grunted and panted, grabbing two handfuls of the sheets as Todd began to push his thick cock up her ass. Once it was all the way inside Nancy, Todd paused to enjoy the sensation and then began to thrust in and out. Slow at first and then starting to pick up steam. Nancy tried to distract herself from the discomfort which thankfully lessened as her ass got used to his size, by reciting prime numbers to herself. 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31....Nancy got as far as 209 when she felt a warm load of spunk shooting into her bowels and then heard a pop as Todd pulled out of her and sprayed her ass and back with more cum before collapsing onto the bed. After another minute, the boy got up the energy to pick up his tablet in shaky fingers and deactivate another bomb. Nancy glanced at Todd and saw his cock had finally gone soft and the boy staggered towards the bathroom. "I'm going to clean up and then they can take me to my jet. You were great Nancy, really gre..." but Todd never finished the sentence as his head exploded in a shower of brains and blood and toppled to the floor. Nancy heard the crack of a bullet only after she heard the thud of Todd's body hitting the floor. Instinctively, the PI rolled off the bed on the far side from the window, grabbing the tablet as she rolled. There was another crack and a bullet smashed into the wall an inch over her head. Nancy threw a frantic glance at the TV and saw the live feed had been cut. Nancy rolled to her right heading for the door as a third crack sounded and more plaster flew from the wall. Something was very wrong here she realized. She was not in line of sight with the window, those bullets were actually coming right through the wall of the hotel room. Whoever was shooting at her was using some very high tech hardware, possibly alien in nature, and was probably firing from the roof of the Delta City Opera Hall across the street from the hotel. Alien tech? Who might have access to that wondered Nancy and then thought about who ran the city's anti-terrorism, monster and alien squad and who might have been running those cameras by remote. "Hawk," screamed Nancy taking a wild shot in the dark that she was right and that he could still hear her through the cameras. "For god's sake, stop shooting. You killed him. Todd is dead. Stop shooting." There was another crack of a supersonic bullet as Nancy rolled across by the dresser and the TV exploded in a shower of glass and sparks. "Stop moving and I will make it quick and painless," came Hawk's voice through the cameras. Nancy didn't have to ask, but she needed to play for time. "What are you doing this for? I told you the terrorist is dead. You can stop shooting." Crack and a hole was blown in the top of the desk which Nancy was fervently glad she was not hiding under as she flattened herself on the floor. "No witnesses," replied Hawk calmly. "Who do you think helped the moron get connected with the people he needed for his little upgrade and for the bombs? The jet is waiting with ten million in cash. I kill you and by the time everything gets sorted out, I am on a nice tropical island with no extradition treaty. A whole lot better than the crappy police pension plan don't you think?" "And what about the bombs?" asked Nancy moving again, this time away from the door as she expected Hawk would think that was her goal. He had a high tech gun, but he didn't seem to have the sensors to pick her up very well or maybe he just didn't know how to use them properly. Crack. The hotel room door suddenly had a large hole blown in it. "The bombs are all deactivated," replied Hawk, "so why should I care?" "You moron," shouted Nancy. "There has to be a sixth bomb. How else would he have been able to be sure the police would let him get on the plane? The last bomb wouldn't be deactivated until he was safely away." "I still don't care," snapped Hawk. "I don't care who dies or how many once I am safely away on my plane." Nancy jumped up and dashed for the door, diving through it and rolling to her right and toward the stairs when another crack of a bullet shattered the wall in front of her. The blonde dived again through the stairwell doors, hoping the extra concrete would stimey Hawk's advanced weapon, but she was moving too fast and found herself rolling down the steps to the next landing. Fuck, if I live through this, I am going to be one huge bruise she thought as she came to a halt and amazingly still clutched the tablet in one hand. Nancy glanced at the tablet and her heart froze at what she saw. A simple message had replaced the grid on the screen. "If you are reading this, I am dead and you fuckers double crossed me. Well, the laugh is on you. There is a sixth bomb and it works on a dead man switch. When I die, the last bomb is activated three minutes later. I never liked the fucking Opera. Yours in death, Todd Brooks" Still naked, Nancy started to run down the stairs, but she knew she would be too late. She was just passing the fifth floor when she heard the explosion. * * * Nancy exited the stairs at ground level and ignored the glass from the broken windows that cut her bare feet. She had a healing factor that could take care of that. Thankfully the people in the hotel lobby looked only stunned with minor wounds from flying glass. The uninjured were a little more stunned when they saw the large breasted naked woman run out the shattered front doors of the hotel and look over at the Delta City Opera House where the sixth bomb had been planted. In the end, there was somehow miraculously only one casualty. Borden had been slightly more competent than Nancy had expected and the police had evacuated all major public buildings as a precaution. There were a lot of injured people from the glass and debris, but they would all live. The only death was one Captain Nathan Hawk of the DCPD who had been on the roof of the Opera Hall overseeing operations from that vantage point and who had toppled over the edge when the bomb went off and whose body had cracked the cement sidewalk when it struck. * * * "And so thanks to the heroics of Police Commissioner Borden and the late Captain Hawk, Delta City was saved from the terrorist attack," said Megan Fitzpatrick on Nancy's little black and white TV in her apartment. Officer Kelly had been still parked outside when the naked Nancy had emerged from the hotel and had been quite happy to drive the detective home. Borden had phoned her and was not happy, trying to somehow blame her for Hawk's death and the damage to the Opera House. Apparently the official version of the story was Brooks had been either operating alone or Borden hinted that she might have been in collusion with him and might be arrested. Nancy had put a stop to that by playing the Commissioner the recording she had "accidently" made of their meeting in his office using her phone. Borden had blustered a bit more and then just hung up. Reporters were still camped out across the street and they had kept knocking on her door until Nancy had threatened to shoot the next one who bothered her. They wanted to talk to the big titted prostitute who had so shamelessly performed obscene sex acts on live TV for money. Nancy wondered how much Borden had told them that she had been paid. Too bad it wasn't true. There was another knock on her apartment door which she ignored until a voice called out through it "Hello Detective Boobs, I have a delivery for you." Nancy cautiously opened the door to find Judy Wong standing there with a take-out bag in her hand. "No charge," the girl said with a smile. "That was a great show you gave on TV. Grandma Wong says you are a filthy white whore, but she watched it too. The reporters tried to ask us about you but we wouldn't talk to them." With another smile, the girl was gone and Nancy closed the door and took the food back to her kitchen table. Nancy wondered if there would be more fortune cookies. She also fingered the sticky note with Officer Kelly's phone number on it and wondered what to do with that. Nancy sighed, and opened the bag. The End