Delta City PI #20 by DeannaTroi This is a work of fiction. It contains adult material of a sexual nature and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18. Delta City, Ms. Americana and the other heroines of Delta City are the creation of Mr. X. Witchfire / Krystal, Lt. Falcon, Sanctuary and its denizens were created by Silkcords. Nancy and the other characters in this story are my own creation. Feel free to make use of them in your own stories, but please try and keep their characters in line with what is depicted in these stories. You can send any feedback to: It was almost dawn when Cindy finally dropped Nancy off in front of her apartment. The blonde detective had nothing on under her trenchcoat as Lt. Falcon had kept her clothes as evidence and they had been pretty much shredded as it was. Likewise her car was still impounded as evidence until the accident reconstruction team had finished their work. The only good news there was that other than a few more dents, it looked like it would still run. Cindy thought they might be done with hercar by noon and would drop it off for her. Nancy figured she wasn't going to be getting out of bed until then, so she hadn't fussed about it. Jake Wong was the mechanic who kept the Wong's delivery vehicles running and Nancy knew she could count on his help to give it a once over when it came back. As far as Oaks, Sandor and his goons were concerned, they were all under arrest, but there was little news beyond that. They had all clammed up and were awaiting lawyers, so nothing would happen on that front until later in the day. Sadly, there was nothing to directly tie Bridge into the whole mess unless Sandor or Oaks or some of the others rolled on him. While it didn't look good that his security chief and men had kidnapped and raped her, Bridge could and probably would be shocked by their actions and deny any knowledge of it. Falcon thought he might be able to get one or more of the group to turn on Bridge, but that was going to take some time and pressure. Falcon also planned to invite Bridge in for a chat which might or might not require a warrant. In the end, there was nothing more that Nancy could do other than to go home to bed. Inside the apartment, she found Christine sprawled on her bed with the Bog Thing standing silent beside the bed as if on guard. Christine woke up when she heard Nancy and jumped out of bed to come give her a hug. The Bog Thing seemed to nod at Nancy as if in welcomingher home and then shuffled back into the bathroom where Nancy heard the shower running a few seconds later as the creature rehydrated itself. That reminded her that she really needed to find a permanent home for it sooner or later. "Oh Nancy, I was so worried," said Christine, taking Nancy by the hand and leading her to the bed. "After you didn't show up, I called Cindy and then Trudy and Maria stayed here with me. Trudy was pretty cool about Boggy. She said something about how you probably kept it around to wash your back in the shower, but Maria was a bit more worried. I think she was afraid it would scare Juan. Then the boy woke up, looked at Boggy, gurgled something about 'funny looking man' and went back to sleep. After that, Maria was fine. They finally left when Cindy called again to say you were alright and they saw Boggy was here to protect me." Nancy gave Christine a weak smile. the girl still had a tendancy to babble a bit, but it could also be comforting. "I'm glad you are ok, but now I have to crash, because I am just about dead on my feet." Christine looked apologetic. "And here I am babbling on. You get to bed. Cindy said you got the guys who were after me, so I figure it is safe for me to go to work and then go back home. I really liked being here with you and Boggy, but I know I can't stay forever. And thanks to you, I am not quite so powerless. If any bad guys come after me citizen, I can show them a hot time and I don't mean with my legs spread anymore." Nancy nodded. She figured Christine was right, with Sandor and his thugs in jail, there didn't seem to be any threat left to Christine at the moment and at some point Ms. Patriot would have to fight her own battles. Nancy just dropped her trenchcoat on the floor and not even bothering with her sleepshirt, fell face first onto the bed and was asleep thirty seconds later. * * * It was a simultaneous pounding on her door and the ringing of her cell phone from the pocket of her trenchcoat that woke Nancy just before noon. The private eye wasn't sure which one to curse at or deal with first. Nancy was feeling unusually groggy, partly from the late night and partly from the feeling she was just about to descend into that same dream again which always ended with her cutting the man's throat when she was woken up. Nancy elected for the door and stumbled to it peering through the peep hole. She saw the faces of Tonya O'Donnell and Megan Fitzpatrick. 'Go away, I'm not home," yelled Nancy. "Sorry, we are both too good of a reporter to fall for that old trick," yelled Tonya. Nancy sighed and swung open the door. The two women, and their camera people just stood there gaping at her with their mouths open. Nancy looked down and remembered she had gone to bed naked and still was. "Oh crap," muttered Nancy and started to close the door. "Wait a second while I get some clothes on and if those cameras were on, I better not see that footage on the supper news tonight." "You two wait out here," Tonya said to her camera woman, Anita Jackson and Megan's male camera guy. "We'll shout if we need you," and the busty blonde and Megan pushed their way into the apartment before the still sleep befuddled detective could protest. Well, the barbarians are already through the gates, so I might as well talk to them, thought Nancy as she closed the door behind them and headed for her trenchcoat where the phone was still ringing. "Don't bother," said Megan with a grin holding up her own cell phone. "That was me. We figured between the door and the phone, we would get your attention." "I wasn't going for my phone," grumbled Nancy. "I was going to get mygun and shoot the pair of you. I have had about five hours of sleep." Nancy spotted the sleepshirt she should have been wearing before answering the door and slipped it on. Damn, she needed a shower she thought and that reminded her of her house guest and she shot a glance at the closed bathroom door. Apparently Boggy didn't want to meet the press and Nancy wished she had done the same. After the lab tech had taken semen samples from her pussy and ass for evidence, Nancy had cleaned up a bit, but she really wanted that shower. "Ok, if it will get rid of the two of you, you can have an interview, but some of it is off the record and no cameras. I am hardly presentable at the moment." Megan and Tonya looked at each other and exchanged nods of agreement. Apparently the two rivals were willing to share the coexclusive. For the record, Nancy told them that she had been jumped by a gang of thugs on her way home last night or rather earlier that morning from the Pussycat Club. She had been taken to an undisclosed address and sexually assaulted. With the aid of Lt. Falcon, she had escaped and the two of them had subdued her assailants. She had been asked by the police not to mention the names of any of her assailants as their enquiries were ongoing and that information would be forthcoming from the proper authorities. "Can you confirm that Randy Oaks was one of your assailants that was taken into custody?" asked Megan. "The assault seems to have happened at his temple or whatever he calls it, because the police have the place all cordoned off." "On the record, no. Off the record, yes. And also off the record all the others involved worked for Skylar Bridge, including his head of security, Gregor Sandor." Nancy held up a hand to forestall their complaints about not being able to use the information they most wanted. "I promised Falcon to keep my mouth shut until the police hold a news conference. You still have a big headstart on the rest of the pack with what I told you. If someone tries to pull a fast one and cover things up. I promise to give you all the gory details." Tonya and Megan looked at each other again and both nodded reluctant agreement. "Off the record then," said Tonya. "What about Bridge? Is there anything to directly implicate him?" Nancy shook her head. "I am sure he will deny any knowledge of the terrible things some of his employees did, but he had absolutely no knowledge of them. I don't know if many people are going to believe him. I have been continuing to gather evidence against him that will stand up in court, but you would be best to still tread lightly on that score for now." Tonya and Megan were not totally happy with what they got, but Nancy finally showed them to the door, pleading her very pressing need to shower and get dressed as they could observe and possibly smell. As the blonde closed the door on the two reporters, their camera operators were setting up to do an exterior shot of Nancy's front door with the reporters providing commentary on their exclusive. Oh well, thought Nancy, it wasn't like her apartment location was a secret like the bat cave. Nancy peeled off her sleepshirt and headed for her shower. Her talk with Tonya and Megan had reminded her that she had meant to talk to Cindy last night about the policewoman's research into any cold cases that fit the pattern of unexplained deaths that had started with Naomi Rawlings and followed Bridge through university. The post performance orgy had managed somehow to make her forget about that and then the whole mess with Oaks and Sandor had kept her occupied. Boggy gave her a nod of greeting when she stepped into the shower and turned the water on. Nancy still wasn't sure just how sentient the creature was and how much of what he did was based on instinct. Well he certainly had instincts thought Nancy as she saw his ten inch green cock slide out from its hiding place. With a shrug, Nancy slipped to her knees in the shower and let the hot water cascade down on her and took the huge shaft into her mouth and began to bob up and down on it. If you couldn't help a friend in need out now and then, who could you help? Nancy managed to get the entire length of Boggy's cock into her mouth and wondered for the first time how he produced so much cum with no visible balls. The blonde had slid her mouth back so only the tip was between her lips when she was startled to hear a male voice. "Ahem, maybe I should come back later when you are not busy?" Nancy let Boggy's cock slip from her mouth to stare at the dark haired man with a beard who was peeking around the shower curtain and who she had definitely not heard come into the bathroom. Unfortunately Boggy had just been about to let go before the man spoke and now his cock errupted with a massive load of his cum that splattered all over Nancy's face, hair and boobs. "Ooops," said the unknown man. "Who the hell are you and what are you doing peeping in my shower?" demanded Nancy wiping some of the cum from her face so it wouldn't get in her eyes. "Don't be alarmed," said the man smiling. "I am a doctor, so you don't have anything that I haven't seen before though maybe not in such abundance and performing such actions," he added looking pointedly at the Bog Thing. "Well this isn't your office, and I still don't know what you are doing here," said Nancy getting to her feet and crossing her arms over her breasts to glare at the man. She didn't feel threatened by the man, but she was a bit annoyed. Nancy glanced at Boggy and he was just standing there ignoring the man, so apparently he didn't feel any threat from their voyeur. "Ah yes, sorry. I should introduce myself. My name is Dr. Stephen Weird, Sorcerer Supreme for this universe and I dropped by to do a house call and check up on the portal in your shower. I thought you would be at work and wasn't expecting any such vigorous activity shall we say?" Nancy made a face. She remembered that Mr. Wong had told her they had the portal wards checked on a regular basis. "Well, yu can wait in the main room while I finish my shower." She glanced at Boggy whose cock had disappeared back intowherever it went and continued, "I won't be long. All our vigorous activity appears to be over for the moment." Dr. Weird nodded and his head disappeared from the shower and Nancy heard the bathroom door open and his footsteps going out. "Sorry if that gave you performance anxiety, said Nancy to the Bog Thing as she grabbed the shampoo bottle and got to work on her hair. The Bog Thing didn't say anything of course, nor did he make any gestures. He did, however, help her with her back as usual. When Nancy emerged from the bathroom, she found Dr. Weird sitting in her armchair eating a pizza. "Mrs. Wong brought us a pizza. I hope you like pineapple on your pizza. She knows I love it." "I don't care if it has goat liver on it. I am starving," said the detective as she grabbed a slice. Apparently lured by the smell of pizza, the Bog Thing shambled out of the bathroom. He took a slice and seemed to sniff the pineapple suspiciously before shrugging and adding the Miracle Grow sprinkle and devouring it as Dr. Weird watched in fascination. As Nancy ate, she looked Dr. Weird over more closely from his cowboy boots and jeans to his bright coloured shirt and sash. "So, shouldn't you have an amulet and a big red cape or something? You look like a cross between a cowboy and a pirate." "You read too many comics," returned Dr. Weird. "I mean that trenchcoat of yours is pure stereotype." Nancy gave him a dirty look, but didn't say anything more as she took another slice of pizza. Once the pizza was gone, Dr. Weird went into the bathroom, followed by Nancy and the Bog Thing. Weird leaned into the shower, waved his hands in a complicated gesture and said "Hocus Pocus." The sorcerer turned around and beamed at Nancy. "There you go." "That's it?" asked Nancy. Weird shrugged. "It is all in the wrist action. When you get to be a sorcerer supreme, yu can pretty much say any words you want. I could have just said 'corn flakes' and it wouldn't have made any difference." "Out of curiosity, how can I tell if the wards are failing? Do I watch for electoplasmn dripping from the shower head or what?" asked Nancy. Weird shook his head. "No, for this one I would watch out for marshmellow." "Marshmellow?" echoed Nancy, narrowing her eyes at the sorcerer. "Why marshmellow?" "Who you gonna call babe?" smirked Dr. Weird. "Don't quit your day job," replied Nancy rolling her eyes. "While I am here, I can do you another favour," said Weird as he ignored her last statement. "Though after observing your um activity earlier, you might not consider it a favour. Your boyfriend here," and he gestured to the Bog Thing, "needs a permanent home. It turns out that Blackstone Bog gets its water from an underground spring that was blocked. I'm a Gynocologist not a Geologist, so I don't know if it was deliberate or not or even why someone would do it deliberately, but a little more 'hocus pocus' from me and the bog is returning to its normal wonderful slimy, boot sucking self. I can return him home with a wave of my hand if you say so." Nancy looked over at the Bog Thing, wondering how much of this he had followed. "What do you say? Do you want to go back to the bog?" The creature stood there motionless for a ffew seconds then gave a slight nod of its head though Nancy thought it also looked a little sad. "Well, you are welcome to come visit anytime you want," she told it and patted it on its slimy shoulder. "Ok, I am starting to tear up here," said Dr. Weird and began to make a gesture with his hands, but the Bog Thing put up one hand in a plain 'wait a second' gesture. It turned and using a finger drew the number 12 on the steamy surface of the bathroom mirror and drew a line under it. "What does that mean?" wondered Nancy aloud. Dr. Weird shrugged. "Maybe it is the size of his...." "No its not," interrupted Nancy and glared at Weird who was smirking at her again. "It is only ten inches and I should damn well know." "Maybe it is a rating for you?" suggested Weird. "Hopefully on a scale of one to ten and not one to a hundred." "Still keep that day job," replied Nancy. "Well whatever it is, I imagine it is important," offered Weird. "So, I suggest you stop goofing off and find out what it is." "Goofing off? You two bit magical moron," began Nancy and then stopped as Weird and the Bog Thing were gone. Nancy sighed and gave the departed sorcerer her middle finger and went back into the main room to contemplate her wardrobe choices. Nancy's cell phone rang before she could get to her wardrobe and she detoured to pull the cell phone from her trenchcoat pocket. The detective glanced at the number and saw it was Cindy and clicked the accept call button. "Hello Cindy. Please tell me you are phoning to tell me you have Bridge locked up in a cell with is buddy Oaks," said Nancy. "I wish," replied Cindy. "I'm just a lowly Victim Services cop, but Falcon did stop by to chat a while ago. I think we might actually have a competent and honest cop looking after things for a change. Apparently Oaks and Sandor and the others have all lawyered up and aren't saying much. Their lawyers tried to claim you had been caught breaking into Oak's place and they had caught you and were just going to call the police when Falcon busted in without a warrant. When they were asked how to explain a few minor details such as your car havingbeen run off the road a mile away from Oak's house, the chains you were hung up in, the shredded clothes and the obvious signs of sexual assault, they totally clammed up. Falcon is still trying to get Bridge to come in voluntarily for an interview." Well, more or less what I expected," said Nancy. "On the positive side of things, or at least I think it is positive, I finished that search for cold cases. I am just emailing you the details, but it looks like there are four cases in the time period you were interested in that meet your criteria," said Cindy. "That makes eight deaths, starting with Naomi Rawlings, before Bridge moved to his island and four more after that including Fancy makes twelve. Bridge has chalked up a pretty sizable body count, and we still can't put his ass in a cell," said Nancy feeling more than a little frustrated. "The noose istightening," replied Cindy. "Hey, I got to go, but I also wanted to tell you that wee are done with your car, so I sweet talked a couple of uniforms into dropping it off. It should be parked just outside your door. The keys are in the ignition." "Hey, someone might steal it," objected Nancy. "You are kidding right? That car has more dents in it than some demolition derby cars I have seen," snorted Cindy. "There isn't a self respecting thief in Delta City who would steal that piece of junk." "Well, it still runs fine," grumbled Nancy as she hung up and went back to her wardrobe decision. Her options were decidedly limited as her blouses and skirts had been getting trashed at an astounding clip lately. She could wear the skirt and blouse she had loaned Christine which looked like they had been worn by someone escaping from a fire which wasn't far off the truth, orshe still had the blouse with the big red cherry stain over the left tit. Nancy examined the blouse Christine had worn more carefully and saw several burn holes in strategic places in the front. Hmm, it appeared her nipples had gotten the hottest. There was nothing for it, thought Nancy as she put on the "cherry" blouse and her trenchcoat. She was going to have to go on her most dangerous mission in months. Goddess help her. * * * Twenty minutes later, Nancy parked her slightly more battered Honda and walked into the mall with a shiver of dread running up and down her spine. She hated shopping. The private eye crept through the aisles of the ladies wear department of Wade-Mart looking for her quarry. Frankly, she would prefer a nice broken in pair of jeans, but her professional image seemed to require something a bit more dressy. Nancy finally spotted a rack of the type of skirt she preferred. They were a coloured denim that fit loose and hung down to just below her knee. Sturdy enough to take the wear and tear of her job and loose enough that they didn't restrict her movements. Nancy picked out five identical skirts in a charcoal gray and put them in her cart. Next stop was a rack of blouses. Nothing fancy,nice and sturdy with good buttons that didn't fall off the first time you undid them which lately seemed to be too often. Nancy picked out five white blouses in her size and went to put them in the cart and hesitated. Cindy had told her she needed to diversify her wardrobe. Nancy looked back at the rack and sighed. She put one of the white blouses back and took a light yellow one to replace it. There, that ought to make Cindy happy. Nancy tossed a couple packages of plain servicable white cotton panties into the cart and contemplated the bra selection. The detective looked down at her chest. Well, the effects of Pervo's drugs had finally worn off, so she didn't have the constant hard nipple issue to deal with and frankly she was tired of buckling her girls into those torture racks. If Mrs. Wong said she didn't need a bra, who was she to argue with an expert, so the blonde skipped the bras and headed for the checkout. Nancy opened her trenchcoat to pull her debitcard from an inner pocket without thinking. The young cashier stared at Nancy's chest and looked like she was about to faint. "Oh my God! M Miss, you have been shot? All that blood. Here lie down and I will call 911." "It is just cherry," sighed Nancy extending the debit card to the trembling girl. Damn, I hate shopping she thought once more. . * * * Ellen brought the Grey Lady around smartly to take full advantage of the wind and thrilled as the small sailboat picked up speed skudding across the ocean's surface while Raz and Taz easily kept pace off her port side. Ellen didn't think she was as good yet at handling the boat as her dad and Fancy had been, but the daily practice during the past few weeks had shown a definite iprovement she thought and at times she could swear she heard Fancy's voice in the wind saying "not bad kiddo, not bad at all." Once they were far enough out from land, so Ellen could be relatively sure they were safe from prying eyes, she dropped the sails and took out her special headset to start working with the dolphins. She had been estatic about her breakthroughs in communication with the marine mammals, especially finding out their names. Raz and Taz were only the first syllables of much longer names that she and the computer could not pronounce, but still it had been the most exciting thing to happen to her in her young life. Well, maybe what had happened last night at the Pussycat Club had matched it. Ellen still couldn't believe the impromptu orgy that had broken out in the change room after the show and that she had found the nerve to take part in it. Ellen wasn't sure if she was a lesbian or not, but all that bare naked female flesh had just looked so yummy that she couldn't resist. On the other hand, it had also been pretty cool when Trudy took Frank's cock out and jerked him off until he blew his load all over the whole bunch of them. It had been surreal to find herself sucking on Nancy's big tits. Ellen knew intellectually that Nancy was not her sister despite the identical looks, but it had still been a huge thrill to have done that and she wasn't quite sure she knew what that meant. Ellen had been workingwith Raz and Taz for a couple of hours, slowly increasing their shared vocabulary when she heard a long beep coming from the radio in the little enclosed cabin where it was kept to keep the electronics out of the weather. Ellen frowned. That was the distress signal and she reflexively scanned he horizon 360 degrees looking for another boat. There seemed to be a dark dot further out to see, but she couldn't be sure what it was. Ellen stepped into the cabin and activated the radio, but all she could hear was static. The young blonde switched through the channels until she finally picked up a faint signal that she had to strain to hear. "Mayday. mayday. This is Windsong. Our motor has died and we have a medical emergency on board. Can anyone hear me? Please, we need help." Ellen frowned again. She thought Windsong was one of the small motor boats that was rented out to the general public and tourists, but it had no business being this far out on the ocean. Gods, it looked like some idiot thought he was the next great mariner and was now in bad trouble. The motor failing and a medical emergency at the same time seemed a bit odd, but maybe the stress had triggered a heart attack or something. "Windsong, this is Grey Lady, can you give me your coordinates?" Ellen said into the mic. There was more crackling static and then the voice came back on a bit stronger and Ellen thought it was female. "Coordinates? I, I don't know. My husband rented the boat for a cruise and then the motor died and now something has happened to him. Please, I need help. He doesn't look very good." There was a strong note of panic in the woman's voice. "Do you have a GPS?" asked Ellen. "Can you read the coordinates from it?" "GPS?" said the woman. "Oh, maybe this box thing here with the numbers on it?" The woman read the numbers and doing a quick calculation, Ellen figured that the dot on the horizon was indeed Windsong. "Ok, hold on Windsong. I am on my way." "Thank you, thank you thank you," gasped the woman. "Please hury, I am so scared." Ellen began to adjust the sails and Grey Lady got underway. She had tried the emergency channel for the Coast Guard, but all she had gotten was static. It must be some freak weather thing like sun spots she thought. * * * Lola put down the mic and smirked at Pirate King. "How was that?" she asked smugly. "You were great baby," said Pirate King and he patted the little black box next to the radio. "Maybe this thing was worth what I paid for it. With it running, all her communications are blocked except with us, so she can't call the Coast Guard or anyone else for help. Once we lure her out this far, she wont be able to escape us." Lola gave Pirate King a broad smile and leaned in to kiss him. "And tonight we have a full moon at midnight." "Yes, after the ritual, I will have my powers back," agreed Pirate King returning the kiss and cupping Lola's ass with his hands. Well, one of us will have power after tonight, thought Lola, but only smiled her agreement. * * * It was mid afternoon by the time Nancy was done shopping. She considered going home, but decided she had better put in at least a token appearance in her office. She had more research to do and she could do that as easily there as at home. Bypassing the broken and thankfully unmoving elevator, Nancy unlocked her office, hung up her coat and settled into her desk chair with a loud squeak. The detective took out her laptop and fired it up to check the email from Cindy on the cold cases she had turned up. Cindy had found four deaths of women that resembled the ones Nancy had already discovered during Bridge's college years. The first was Virginia Clover, a secretary at a small electronics company. That brought a frown to Nancy's face as Bridge's main business interests were in electronics. A quick check showed that the small company Virginia Clover had worked for had been bought out by the growing Bridge Electronics. Hmmm, that was feeding pretty close to home, thought Nancy and she wondered if the police had ever talked to Bridge about that death. Probably not, she decided as there was no indication the Delta City PD had considered the death suspicious even though they had no clue as to the actual cause. The other three women were spaced out about a year and a bit apart. Likely, Nancy reflected, Bridge had tried to hold off his lust as long as he could, before eventually giving in and finding a new victim. The private eye was astonished that this pattern had not been picked up by the computers that were supposed to be analyzing such data for patterns. That brought a nasty suspicion to Nancy's mind about which companies were providing computer equipment to the Delta City PD. The other three women in order of their deaths were Gail Saunders, Trisha Hemsworth and Sarah George. Scanning the limited information on them, Nancy didn't see anything immediately to connect them to Bridge or even to each other. Trisha had worked as a receptionist for a printing company and Nancy made a note to see if that company had done any work for Bridge Electronics. The other two, Gail and Sarah had both worked in retail which wasn't much help, but both were described as 'aspiring actresses'. Well, sometimes aspring actresses got desperate enough to be discovered that they turned to things like porn which made the detective think again of Erotica Video. Almost as if her thoughts had prompted it, Nancy's cell phone rang with the special tone that indicated the call was intended for the second SIM card her phone had installed which was the number Candy Floss had used for a contact number. "Yeah?" said Candy answering the phone in a bored voice. "Is this Ms. Candy Floss?" asked a female voice that Candy recognized as belonging to the, receptionist at Erotica Video. "Yeah, that's me," affirmed Candy sounding a bit more interested. "This is Carol Papillion from Erotica Video. Mr. Smith was wondering if you were still interested in starring in one of our movies?" "Really? Yeah, that would be awesome," replied Candy. "Excellent," replied Carol. "Please come to our offices tomorrow at three. No, you better make that two. We will start shooting at three, but our HR manager will need you to fill out some forms and personally give you an introduction to the company." Candy agreed to the time and hung up. Nancy sat back in her chair which moaned under her and gave a grim little smile. She was pretty sure that the HR manager intended to do more than just fill in some forms and probably intended to fill something else as part of Candy's introduction. Nancy glanced at the names of the two women who had been aspiring actresses and thought a download of the personnel files from Erotica Video's HR department might prove interesting. As for the movie work itself, therew was always lots of hot water in her apartment to clean up with afterwards. With her attention once more focussed on Erotica Video, Nancy went back to work on her laptop. Who exactly owned Erotica Video? The detective spent a somewhat frustrating couple of hours searching through financial records and filings with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC). In the end, she came up with a list of numbered companies who seemed to own Erotica Video and each other in a tangled mess of intertwined snake tails. * * * Nancy had just nicely gotten home and sat down to contemplate supper, which of course meant pizza, when someone appeared without warning just inside her apartment door. The detective dived for her gun on the table since experience had taught her that unexpected visitors normally meant trouble, but her gun vanished just as her fingers touched it, only to reappear on the other side of the table. By that time, Nancy had a chance to take in the visitor and she rlaxed as she recognized Witchfire. “That’s a bit extreme,” Witchfire said with a hint of a chuckle. “Do you always try to shoot visitors?” “No, but most of them have the courtesy to knock,” Nancy replied with a touch of sarcasm. “Fair point,” Witchfire said. “Secrecy was vital this time though.” Nancy raised an eyebrow. “I was hoping for a few less secrets actually,” she replied. “You were pretty vague last time around, and so was Brenda Wade.” “We’re… working on getting Brenda’s act together,” Witchfire replied. “The others as well.” “I’m not sure what you mean,” Nancy replied coyly. The blonde knew Witchfire was actually referring to Brenda Wade's alter ego of Ms. Americana and the other members of the She Legion, but walls have ears and without her tablet to provide a security screen, she was not about to talk about their secrets aloud even though she knew Witchfire was already privy to them. “Look, I know you know,” Witchfire said. “This isn’t the place though,” she added, looking around. “Wow can you pick them.” “Hellmouth at the office and a ley line nexus point at home.” She shrugged. “At least the nexus keeps your frequent office guests away.” She turned back to Nancy. “Look, I’m sure you’ve figured out there are bigger things than the gangs and second rate supervillains going on in Delta City.” “There’s some bad, bad juju going on in the shadows.” “I think it’s past time we compared notes and got you up to speed.” “It’s the only way we’re going to put a stop to the madness.” Nancy looked at Witchfire and sighed. “You’ll have to pardon me for having mixed feelings here.” “I’ve been up to my armpits, or since this is Delta City, my boobs in my own messes; demons, corrupt politicians, Skylar Bridge. That last part being something Brenda Wade dumped on my lap because she was unwilling to deal with it herself. Nancy paused as this had invoked painful memories of Fancy Pope, a woman she had never met and Blue Bird whose heroics had saved her life. . "So, you’ll have to understand if I’m a little wary of directly involving myself with her little group,” Nancy continued. Witchfire’s expression remained stoic. “I get it…” she said. “I feel pretty burned by them too at this point.” “Like it or not, they’re the best hope for getting this disaster straightened out, and both of us getting to go home.” Nancy considered this and nodded. She had been sent here to investigate this very weird reality. If she thought it needed it, she was prepared to try and nudge it a bit along the right road, but ultimately it would be up to those who lived here to do the heavy lifting. Ms. Americana and her band of well meaning, but sadly flawed heroines was this reality's best hope. “You hinted at that before,” Nancy said. “You care to finally fill me in about that?” “I’m here to tell you everything… at least everything I know, and suspect.” Witchfire replied matter-of-factly. “Also, to show you what we’re fighting for.” “Just not here, where your ‘friends’ might be listening.” “When I get us where we’re going, you’ll understand my caution.” “Fair enough,” replied Nancy. "I've been following you as well, though I don't have the advantage of magic," or the use of my tablet added the private eye mentally with a touch of bitterness. "I've seen you put your life on the line against menaces like the Aberration, so I am willing to trust you." Still, Nancy couldn't help arching an eyebrow when Witchfire suggested she bring her gun along, though like American Express she never left home without it. It was a little something she had learned from Karl Malden and Inspector Stone. "Are we expecting trouble?" she asked as she slipped it into her trenchcoat pocket. “Quite the opposite,” Witchfire said. “Always keep your tools at hand though.” “We may be just a little more alike than I thought,” Nancy said thoughtfully as she put her hand on Witchfire's shoulder as instructed.. With a snap of her fingers, Witchfire teleported, taking Nancy with her. * * * An instant later, the duo appeared in the bar area of Sanctuary. Nancy did a quick three sixty to take in her surroundings as Witchfire was hailed by the young female First Nations woman behind the bar. “You’re making a habit of this lately.” the woman said. “Probably a good thing the Doc isn’t here.” “He’d probably be having a fit.” “He’ll get over it.” Witchfire said flatly. “If we have to clean up the mess, then we get to decide how to do so.” “Well, you’ve certainly got fire,” the other woman said in an amused tone. “I think that’s why he likes you.” “News to me,” Witchfire grumbled. Nancy had only been half paying attention to the conversation between the two other women, but her ears perked up at the mention of "Doc". "Doc?" she asked breaking in. "Tall jerk with a moustache and beard can't make up his mind if he is going to be a cowboy or a pirate when he grows up? Fancies himself a sorcerer?" Witchfire nodded. "I already met him then. He helped me with a plumbing problem this morning," said Nancy. That seemed to both surprise and puzzle Witchfire which secretly pleased Nancy a bit since it had seemed up until now that the young witch knew everything and that was supposed to be her job as a professional snoop. Witchfire gave her head a small shake as if to get her thoughts back on track.“ "Anyway, Nancy… Dani… Dani… Nancy.” “Hiya,” Dani said with a slight smile. “Welcome to Sanctuary.” “Sanctuary??” Nancy said, a modest amount of surprise slipping past her usual calm facade. “It’s real…” She looked around at the aged bar. “Cyril’s mind would be completely blown if he found out,” she added with a wry chuckle. “Needless to say, that can’t happen,” Witchfire replied in a serious tone. “I’m pretty sure you get that.” “If not, take a look around.” “Everybody here is trying to hide from and forget drama back in Delta City.” “Wait…” Nancy interrupted. “BACK in Delta City?” “Where the hell are we?” “A pocket dimension.” Witchfire replied. “About as isolated and safe as you… or these folks... can get.” “And you get cable too…” Nancy said, raising an eyebrow as she saw the baseball game on the large screen tv hung on one wall. “Magic,” Witchfire replied with a smirk. Her expression turned serious again. “These folks have suffered everything from hate crime related assaults to being hunted, raped and experimented on by gangs, people like Bridge and another high tech group they call hunters.” “I suspect these ‘hunters’ are low level soldiers for the group behind everything.” “OK, you’ve got my attention,” Nancy said, her expression turning to a slight scowl. “Let’s sit and talk.” Witchfire nodded and then turned to Dani. “Have Pari bring us a couple of bottles of Guiness when her shift starts.” “The real stuff too, not that imported piss they serve in the US,” she added with a smirk. Witchfire led Nancy to a booth in the back. They sat down and Witchfire filled Nancy in on everything from right before her arrival through all the recent events, including her suspicions and evidence for a conspiracy. [Author's Note: Ok, if you haven't been reading the Witchfire series by Silkcords then shame on you. You can, however make up for this serious fault and read parts 1-10 to learn about everything Witchfire is telling Nancy.] “That… was a lot to take in,” Nancy replied. “Not just your origin, but the whole conspiracy as well.” “It does certainly put a few things in perspective though.” “Bridge has connections beyond what one would expect for the owner of a moderately sized telecommunications company.” “I have to agree there’s too many odd coincidences also…” “Something bigger has to be behind this.” “They’re careful, but not above taking solid action when needed.” “Dragon Queen must have had them really scared.” Witchfire nodded. “My thinking too.” “We’re still trying to figure out what to make of her reappearance though.” “My guess is she’s a clone.” “I have some experience there said Nancy after a moment's thought. The blonde's mind drifted for a while as she pondered what she knew and didn't know about her own life history. If she was a clone, she couldn't tell, but lately that question had become a reoccurring one and maybe explained the damn dreams that had just started to trouble her. Maybe they weren't dreams so much as memories leaking back from previous lives. That had never happened before, but then she had never been cut off from her home base and her employers before. “It’s the most logical explanation,” Witchfire said. “Cloning is still far beyond most corporations and governments though.” “That limits the suspects.” “Limits them to some potentially very dangerous people,” Nancy added. “Which is all the more reason we need to keep Sanctuary hidden,” Witchfire said. “On top of providing a temporary reprieve for some, it acts as an underground railroad when we can get to somebody truly endangered in time.” “I know what you’re thinking, but resources are limited.” “I wish we could do more as well.” “That’s why we need to get the She-Legion truly functional.” The mention of an underground railway made Nancy think briefly of Cyril again and how he had used that same analogy when talking about this place that he hadn't thought really existed. Well, Nancy thought, Cyril would totally understand my not telling him about it. Then the blonde brought her focus back to what Witchfire had told her. “You really think this… Special Agent Surly… is right about the drugging, and can turn them around,” Nancy asked skeptically. Witchfire snerked. “It’s Sully,” she replied knowingly. “And just because he helped them get organized on his own Earth doesn’t make him an oppressive male.” “I’ll reserve judgment,” Nancy replied plainly. She glanced around the room. “So how do we come and go here?” “Up till recently, there were doors… gateways hidden around Delta City,” Witchfire said. “As things have gotten crazy lately, those were closed and there are talismans that will let you teleport here.” “Seems riskier that doors.” Nancy replied. “The talismans are keyed to their owner.” Witchfire said. “Anybody else tries to use it, it melts down.” “Even their appearance is pretty unremarkable,” Witchfire added as she tossed Nancy a silver dollar sized coin that looked like tarnished brass. “An AA sobriety chip?” Nancy said, looking over the coin. “You’ve got to be kidding me…” “Can you think of a more likely to be ignored object, especially found on a poor person?” Witchfire asked in reply. “Nobody seeing it is any more likely to think anything of it than they are that arcade token I gave you.” “I suppose you’re right…” Nancy said, laughing inwardly at the irony of her carrying an AA medallion when alcohol had no effect on her. “The only catch is it won’t activate if anyone is watching you.” Witchfire continued. “It’s for safety for you and Sanctuary both.” “Beyond that, you’ve got access now.” “Use the bar as a Sanctuary.” “Maybe you can even get some of the regulars to open up to you for your investigations. "They’re skittish there though.” “No luck in that regard?” Nancy asked. "I figured between working here and being on TV, you’d be golden with them.” “They respect me,” Witchfire said. “Respect and true trust are different things though.” “They see me on TV, but they’ve also seen me with the She-Legion and the police.” “Neither of whom they particularly trust.” Nancy shook her head. “We really have our work cut out for us,” she said with a sigh. “That we do,” Witchfire replied. “The alternative is pretty ugly though.” The conversation was interrupted as a very busty East Indian girl walked over and put two bottles of Irish Guiness on the table. “You’re getting to be quite the snob with your drinks,” she said to Witchfire with a teasing giggle. Nancy surmised that this must be the Pari that Witchfire had referred to when talking to Dani. Hmm, from the looks of things her rack probably topped her own and might rival Ms. Americana. “More like the She-Legion making me need good booze to forget their screw ups.” Witchfire said, taking a sip of her bottle. “Still brooding, hmm?” Pari replied. “I’d thought you’d be in a better mood now that you’re back together with your love.” “I don’t want to talk about it,” Witchfire grumbled. She reached into the pouch that hung on her hip and pulled out Nancy’s bricked tablet, then tossed it to Pari. “Here, show us what you can do.” “My tablet!” Nancy protested. “Where did you get that?” Witchfire chuckled. “I think you know where it came from.” “I removed the dark magic energy permeating it.” “Pari is a technopath; she talks to machines.” Nancy crossed her arms in front of her and stared at Pari . “Oh my!” Pari gasped, her eyes going wide as she stared at the screen. “Such language!” She continued to fiddle with the device for a few more minutes, then placed the rebooted tablet on the table in front of Nancy. “Your device has some very unladylike vocabulary,” she said. “Some of the things it told me to do I don’t believe are even anatomically possible.” She shook her head, blushing and then turned and scurried off to the bar. Nancy raised an eyebrow and stared in disbelief at the now functional tablet. “Was she kidding?” “I…doubt it.” Witchfire said. “She doesn’t have much of a sense of humor.” “Probably leftover influence of the demon magick that shut it down.” “That should be gone now that it’s rebooted.” “Advice; keep it in a lead lined box when not in use.” “That’ll block any magic directed at it.” “I’ll keep that in mind.” Nancy said uncertainly. She picked up the tablet and stuffed it into her coat pocket. “OK… I’ve given complete disclosure as a sign of good faith,” Witchfire said. “Your turn.” “I’ve tried to keep a superficial eye on you when I can… to help if needed.” “There’s still a lot I don’t know however.” “I’m particularly interested in any proof of this “reset device” I’ve heard you speculate about.” “There’s no physical proof… yet,” Nancy said, taking a swig of her own ale. “Hmm, not bad…” she lied. Witchfire had obviously meant the ale as a treat, so the detective didn't have the heart to let her know the effort was wasted. Something in her genetics made all booze taste like dog piss, though maybe this stuff was a slightly higher quality of dog piss. Nancy glanced at the bottle before returning her attention to Witchfire. “OK, here’s what I do know however…” Nancy knew Witchfire knew some of her story already, but went through it all to be thorough, merely editing out some details in the interest of saving time. She describe the numerous unmaskings of the heroines, their disappearances as they were sold into white slavery or prostitution and their return. "I'm not sure I can buy mass hallucination and / or hypnosis as an explanation" she concluded, "but I will try and keep an open mind until we know more. At the very least, there is some serious technology being used on the heroines" Nancy then recounted her meetings with Danielle and Danial, her trips to Valley Springs and Blackwater Bog, the investigation of Fancy Pope's death, her trip to Bridge's island and meeting Blue Bird. She finished by recounting the previous night's fun and games with Oaks and Sandor. "I nearly have Bridge. I just need a few more facts. I have the clue from Boggy and I hope to learn more when I go back to Erotica Video tomorrow." Nancy thought Witchfire looked a little appalled at some of her avenues of investigation, but everyone had to use what worked for them. Witchfire had her magic, thought Nancy and I have my own methods. Strange though, that Witchfire's reaction rather mirrored that of her employers at times when she made her reports to them. It was what she thought of with some amusement as their 'you did what?' tone. Witchfire nodded then finished her bottle off. “Well, I have to agree that this… reset device is a possibility.” “Some sort of mass hypnosis or memory eraser seems more likely to me.” “That would imply the people behind this have some vested interest in the She-Legion though… guinea pigs perhaps?” “Another piece of the puzzle to figure out…” “The info you’ve provided will give us a few more clues though.” Nancy nodded, then got up. “Agreed.” “We both have more work ahead of us.” “If this conspiracy is as big as it seems, we’d both better be very careful in how we move forward also.” “For now…” Nancy said, glancing down at her tablet in her pocket, “I have to figure out my next moves.” Witchfire nodded silently as Nancy pulled the teleport token out of her pocket and used it to teleport home. Nancy looked around her apartment. Hmm, right back where I started, she thought. I suspect that is probably not a coincidence either. It would keep people from being tempted to use the tokens as a magical transportation network which would draw attention to Sanctuary. Pity, it might have been a big help in fighting climate change. * * * Before Nancy had time to reflect more on her conversation with Witchfire, she was interrupted by the ringing of her phone. . This time it was her normal number and she glanced at the display to see it was Heather Pope calling. "Hello Heather," said the detective pressing the accept call button and holding her phone to her ear. "What's up?" "It's Ellen," said Heather and Nancy could hear the strain and concern in the woman's voice. "She has been going out every day lately on the Grey Lady, but she has always been back before dark, but today she isn't. I can't raise her on the radio and when I went down to the cove, Raz and Taz were going mad." "Raz and Taz?" asked Nancy, not having a clue as to who Heather was talking about. "The dolphins," explained Heather. "Ellen's computer work has been improving her ability to communicate with them. She says it is pretty limited so far, but they gave her those names for themselves. Ellen said it wasn't their real names, but it was the closest the computer could come to them. I take it that they are sort of a short form or nickname." "I see," said Nancy. "And er Raz and Taz are going nuts?" "Yes! They are swimming around in the cove, chirping like crazy, splashing water with their tails. They are trying to tell me something but I am not Ellen and can't understand what they are trying to say other than they are very upset. I think something happened to Ellen and they are trying to tell me. I just don't know what to do." "Ok, hang on Heather. I will be right out there," said Nancy as she disconnected and grabbed her coat heading for the door. * * * Heather was waiting for Nancy at the front door when she drove up and quickly led the blonde down to the cove by the secret stairs in the basement where indeed the two dolphins were thrashing around wildly in the water and chirping as loud as they could. As soon as they spotted Nancy, however, they swam over to the little pier and looked up at her expectantly and began to chitter in softer but urgent tones. Nancy sighed. "I know they realize I am not Fancy andnd can't understand them, but I think they forget that sometimes." "So do I," admitted Heather. "You two are or were absolutely identical." "But what are they trying to tell me?" wailed Nancy in despair. "I think you are right about Ellen being in trouble, but what do they want me to do about it? I don't have a boat or even know where to look for her if I went over to the marina and rented one." "I, I think," said Heather pointing at one of the dolphins who had now turned sideways and was now parallel to the dock. "I think, he wants you to get on his back." Nancy peered down at the sleekgray form and nodded. "I think maybe you are right. Well I have done some weird things in my life, so why not ride a dolphin?" she asked almost whimsically. The private eye regarded her working clothes which seemed rather unsuited for this type of adventure. "Damn, I wish I had a swim suit," muttered Nancy as she kicked off her boots and began to remove her blouse. "I've got one that I know will fit perfectly," said Heather heading for the stairs. "Just give me a second." Nancy was standing there naked when Heather returned clutching a gray swim suit in her hands. The woman stopped short, staring at the blonde. "God, no wonder Ellen wanted to do it with you," she blurted out before she could stop herself. Nancy gave Heather a startled look and once again felt a bit guilty about the little orgy at the PUssycat Club last night and how Ellen had been so attracted to her breasts. Heather saw the startled look and gave a small chuckle. "Remember what I told you once about how young people think us old folk are so clueless? Ellen came home last night from that club practically dancing on clouds and she didn't seem to think I would notice. She raved about your act and mind you that is a little strange for a girl to be so interested in another woman stripping, especially when that woman is identical to her own older sister. But, I could tell there was more to it than that." "I, um" Nancy for once fumbled for words. "I love Ellen and would never do anything to hurt her. I swear." "I know," Heather nodded. "As much as you look like Fancy, you are not her. I suspect Ellen indulged in a little curiosity last night with you." "You aren't mad?" asked Nancy softly. Heather shook her head. "She is over eighteen and has to make up her own mind about things. I know you would never do anything to hurt her and if her first experience with another woman was with you then I know I have nothing to worry about. I also met all your friends from that club when they came for Blue Bird's funeral, so I know they are good people too despite being perhaps a little unorthodox in some ways." "I think you are a pretty special mother," said Nancy simply. Heather laughed lightly. "Most mothers are. Now try this suit on. It is the one they found on the beach with Fancy. Considering how identical you two are in all respects," and Heather gave Nancy's breasts a pointed look. "I think it will fit quite nicely." Nancy slipped into the gray swimsuit which indeed did fit her perfectly. The blonde detective was also glad to see that Fancy had been more practical than most of the other heroines and didn't have some silly low cut top that her boobs would be forever trying to fall out of. On the other hand, it was as tight fitting as her black body suit was and thrust her large 38F melons out in front of her like a pair of big round outboard motors. Heather handed Nancy the mask to go with the suit. Nancy was going to refuse the mask, but saw it had special water goggles built into the eye slits and quickly put it on. "Dolphin Woman 2.0," she said wryly and turned back to the patiently waiting dolphin. Gingerly, afraid to do anything to hurt it, Nancy settled herself onto the powerful back. The private eye laid herself lower on the dolphin's back pressing her breasts into it and awkwardly wrapping her arms around it. "Ok, Raz or Taz, whichever you are, I am as ready as I ever will be." Nancy had ridden a variety of animals on her missions from mundane things like horses and camels to more exotic things like elephants. The closest she could come to her current situation was the time in a rodeo when she had ridden a bull. And in case there were any perverts listening to her thoughts, she had been on the back of the bull, thank you very much. Like then, she had the feeling of raw power between her legs and while the dolphin was not actively trying to shake her off its back like the bull had been, it was going to be a longer and stranger ride as they headed out into the dark open ocean. * * * The Grey Lady was creaking as it swung about aimlessly as Nancy and the dolphins approached it almost two hours later. The night air was getting colder and the ocean was freezing as the private eye clung to Raz's back as much for the warmth of its body as anything. Even before the dolphin pulled along side the small sail boat and Nancy hoisted herself over the side onto the deck, she was sure the boat was empty and that left a lead weight in the pit of her stomach. "Ellen?" she called out hopefully, but there was no reply. Inside the small cabin, Nancy found a sealed flashlight and forced herself to search the entire boat carefully from stem to stern. Finally, satisfied that Ellen was not on board, the detective went back into the cabin and set the radio to the frequency that she and Heather had chosen. "Grey Lady to Mama Bear," said Nancy feeling like she was back in the CB radio days. "Mama Bear here," came the quick breathless reply from Heather Pope. "I'm on board," continued Nancy. "There's no sign of Ellen. I don't think she fell overside or anything like that." That drew a chittering and head nodding from the dolphins. "Raz and Taz, confirm that." "Then what happened to her?" said Heather in a scared sounding voice. "I'm not sure," replied Nancy. "I've checked the boat over and there seems to be a few fresh scratches on the paint and the deck. If I had to make a guess, I think the Grey Lady was boarded by someone who took Ellen with them." There was some more loud chittering and head nodding from the dolphins. "The boys seem to confirm that too," said Nancy mildly. "Here are the coordinates for the Grey Lady. See if you can raise the Coast Guard." "What are you going to do?" asked Heather. Nancy looked over the side of the boat where Raz was once more offering his broad back to her. "I think the dolphins know where she has been taken, so I am going with them." "Thank you Nancy," said Heather and she seemed to be holding back a sob. "I think you are more alike to Fancy than just looks. I know she would have done the same thing for her sister. Mama Bear out." Nancy slipped back over the side onto Raz's back and looked up at the sky where a storm was gathering and a full moon peeked through the clouds from time to time. It was about an hour to midnight and for some reason that sent a shiver through the blonde that the night air and the cold ocean hadn't managed to match in intensity. * * * Pirate King glared down at the naked girl tied to a couple of wooden saw horses and sucked on the scratch on his wrist. The little bitch had fought like a wildcat when they had finally caught and boarded her little ship. Lola had made more thana few snarky remarks when the six bloodied pirates had finally managed to subdue the girl and carry her on board the Mary Sue. Not for the first time, Pirate King winced when he thought of the name of his ship. What the hell kind of a name was that for a pirate ship? It should be something like the Demon Dog or Blood Sword. Wat the hell was a Mary Sue supposed to scare? He had wanted to change the name, but the crew wouldn't hear about it. They said it was bad luck to change the name of a ship after it had been christened. Oh well, fuck it, he had the bitch and it was ten minutes until midnight then he could cut her throat which no longer seemed such a bad thing as he spat his own blood onto the deck. Pirate King then glanced from the girl up to the sky and now he wondered where the hell this storm had come from. It had blown up out of nowhere and it promised to be a dandy. * * * Raz and Taz swam silently up to the huge bulk of the pirate ship. Where the hell did this thing come from, wondered Nancy. This old wooden sailing ship belonged in a maratime museum somewhere and were they serious with that Jolly roger flag? She remembered the empty Grey Lady and decided they were, but what kind of a dorky pirate names their pirate ship Mary Sue? Nancy glanced at her watch and saw it was about five minutes to midnight and suddenly felt the need to act quickly even though she didn't know why. The private eye grabbed hold of the anchor chain and began to haul herself upwards even as she heard voices drifting down to her from above. * * * Pirate King unfolded the paper with the incantation on it and began to read as thunder rolled overhead and a flash of lightning split the sky somewhere to the east. The pirate captain was watching Sampson carefully, waiting for the treachery that Lola had warned him about. Well the traitor wouldn't catch him by surprise. Sampson watched the captain as he started to read and slipped his knife from its sheath. The man was a wimp. This would be over with one quick thrust and then he would be the captain of this ship with all the power coming to him. Smiling like a wolf seeing a lamb, Sampson lunged forward with his knife raised. Pirate King saw Sampson tense to spring and prepared, he suddenly brought up his own knife to meet his attacker. Sampson saw the knife and his eyes went wide with shock. He had expected to take the fool totally bysurprise and only his tremendous athletic ability allowed him to turn and twist in mid lunge and the captain's blade only scored a shallow wound across his ribs and not the fatal stroke it was meant to be. The large black crewman grunted with the pain and seezed the captain's knife hand with his free hand even as the captain did the same to his knife hand. Lola watched Pirate King and Sampson go tumbling to the deck, rolling around. Each trying to free their knife hand from the other while desperately klinging to the other person's knife hand. The paper with the incantation fluttered to the deck, but Lola snatched it up and produced a knife from her belt as she bent over the frightened and gagged girl tied to the sawhorses. As she resumed the incantation, Lola was suddenly aware of a new commotion. Pirate King and Sampson were locked in their desperate struggle behind her, but the crewmen in front of her were going down like ten pins in an earthquake and Lola saw a blonde woman in a gray swim suit plowing through them like they were nothing and oh fuck the woman had huge hooters. * * * When Nancy reached the deck of the pirate ship, she crept silently forward towards the knot of pirates on the foredeck. The detective caught sight of Ellen, alive, but stripped naked, bound and gagged. Nancy growled to herself. If those bastards had raped Ellen then she was damn well going to send them to Davey Jones Locker and screw niceties like trials and juries. As Nancy crept closer, she saw the captain start to read something on a scrap of paper and then he was attacked by a huge black crewman. Was the crewman trying to save Ellen for some reason? But even as the two men thrashed and rolled about, Nancy saw the lone woman in the group, a large breasted dirty blonde, pick up the paper and continue to read from it while holding a knife above Ellen as if ready to strike. Nancy moved in and attacked the pirates from the rear sending them flying with punches and kicks as she tried desperately to win her way through to Ellen and the woman who was clearly threatening her. Everything suddenly seemed to converge in one instant of time. Pirate King and Sampson rolled back towards Lola, colliding with the back of her legs just as she spoke the last word of the spell and the knife started to flash downwards. Nancy disposed of the last pirate between her and Lola and leapt forward trying to put her body between the knife and Ellen. Thunder shook the ship and a flash of lightning shot down striking the knife in Lola's hand and the medallion around Ellen's neck and catching all five of them in its blast. * * * The pirate captain was the first to recover. "What the hell happened?" said Pirate King. "What in the name of Blackbeard's ghost happend ye swabbies?" said Ghost Pirate. "Who said that?" asked Pirate King looking around confused. "Aye, who be the scurvy knave who spoke?" demanded Ghost Pirate "Er you did....both times," said Pike, as the crewman stared at the captain. "What the hell are you talking about?" demanded Pirate King. "Aye ye bloody fool, ha ye been drinking on duty?" swore Ghost Pirate. Now Lola, Sampson and the rest of the crew began to pick themselves up from the deck. The bound would be sacrifice lay unmoving as did the blonde woman who had appeared out of nowhere to attack them. "No, he's right," said Lola giving her head a shake and wishing that she hadn't as it threatened to fall off her shoulders. "You are talking nuts you idiot in two different voices." "Oh don't be an idiot," snapped Pirate King. "Aye, you be a daft bitch," agreed Ghost Pirate. Pirate King and Ghost Pirate tried to stare at each other, but this only resulted in them nearlyturning their eyeballs inside out. "We be in the same body," gasped Ghost Pirate. "You have got to be kidding," cried Pirate King. Then both beings started to become aware of each other's thoughts. "It was all a double cross," yelled Pirate King. "I wasn't going to get magical powers, you were planning to eat my soul and take my body." "And yur point be you whiny little runt?" snarled Ghost Pirate. "Well this is great, just fucking great," snapped Pirate King. "Now what do we do?" "Well ye could just let me eat your scurvy soul," grated Ghost Pirate. "Fat chance," replied Pirate King. "Why don't you just vamoose out of my body? It is my body afterall." The two beings glared some more at each other which is quite hard to do when sharing the same body. "Well, we be seeming at a wee bit of an impasse, Ghost Pirate finally allowed. He looked down at the two women. "We can fight things out later ye daft moron, but for now lets deal with these two bonnie sluts." Pirate King also regarded the two women. "Well, I suppose I can agree with you on that one," he allowed. Lola stumbled over to Ellen and touched her throat. "Well, this one is dead," and then she looked down at Nancy. "The blonde with the huge knockers is still alive. You can see her tits going up and down." "This is all your fault you know Lola," gritted Pirate King. "You were trying to take the power for yourself." Pirate King spun to also glare at Sampson. "Or give it to your lover, but either way I am going to be rid of you both." "We be in agreement on that," said Ghost Pirate. Sampson was back on his feet, however, and now he drew his sword. "Man or demon or both, I am not afraid of either of you or both of you." Ghost Pirate regarded the large man and his large sharp sword. "Well, maybe we been a wee bit hasty. How do ye feel aboutbecoming me first mate." "You mean our first mate?" said Pirate King. "Hey that's my job, said First Mate Barracuda stepping forward angrily. He suddenly found Sampson's sword brushing the hairs of his neck. "On the other hand, I could be quite happy as second mate I am sure." Second mate Pickeral decided he could also be happy as third mate and since there had been no third mate previously, the new command structure seemed decided. "Well now then to some pleasant business me swabbies," said Ghost Pirate and he took a couple of steps towards Ellen and tried to unbuckle his belt. "She is one pretty looking lass ain't she?" "She's dead you moron," snapped Pirate King and took two steps back. "So?" demanded Ghost Pirate. "A cow be dead and ye dont worry about eating it do ye?" "That is totally different and oh so gross," snapped Pirate King. Once more the two beings in the same body stood and glared at each other. "Alright, fine ye snivelin little twit, we throw the dead one overboard and let the sharks have her while we enjoy the big titted one. Will that make ye happy?" demanded Ghost Pirate. Pirate King looked down at Nancy. "Works for me," he allowed. Following orders, Third Mate Pickeral and crewman Pike stepped forward, cut Ellen loose of the sawhorses and carried her body to the gunwale and dumped her overside and the splash could be clearly heard. * * * Nancy lay on the deck unmoving. She was awake, her eyes were open, but she found herself frozen, unable to move a muscle. The lightning had scrambled her entire nervous system and she was paralyzed. She didn't know if it was permanent or temporary, but there was nothing she could do as she listened to the pirates talking and then screamed in mental anguish as she heard them say Ellen was dead and heard her being tossed overboard. The detective would havecried, but even that release was denied her. Then the private eye found herself looking up at the demented visage of Ghost Pirate / Pirate King. In many ways it was a handsome face, but behind it was a pityless demon and a ruthless human pirate. Nancy wasn't sure which disgusted her more as both had conspired to kill Ellen and now discarded her body so callously into the depths of the ocean. Dully Nancy wondered what had happened to the storm which seemed to have dissipated as quickly as it had arose, but then her attention returned to her own plight asGhost Pirate / Pirate King began to strip the swim suit from her body. Eager to reingratiate herself with the captain, Ola was quick to help strip the detective and Nancy heard a smaller splash as the suit and mask were tossed overboard as well. "The bitch won't be a needin no clothes," laughed Ghost Pirate as he undid his belt buckle, this time without any opposition. "Fuck, look at the size of those tits," said Pirate King as he let his pants fall to the deck and began to stroke his rapidly hardening cock. "They are even bigger than Lola's." "And she has nae hair on her pussy," laughed Ghost Pirate as he pulled Nancy's legs apart and stepped between them, slinging a shapely leg over each shoulder and positioning his cock over her pussy. "Now this is why I became a pirate," gasped Pirate King as he thrust his cock to the hilt into Nancy who could only lie there unmoving like some kind of sex doll. "Aye," said Ghost Pirate. "We be in agreement on that score ye dog. The treasure be nice, but the pussy ye get from the captured ships is always better." Of one mind on this at least, Ghost Pirate . Pirate King began to thrust in and out of Nancy's pussy while the blonde was discovering that while she could not move, she most certainly could feel the large cock slamming into her over and over again. "Oh fuck, this slut be having a mighty fine tight cunt," gasped Ghost Pirate as he paused his thrusting for a moment to reach down and grab two handfuls of Nancy's boobs and squeeze them hard. "And she has great soft tits to play with too," agreed Pirate King as he pinched the nipples hard. Nancy would have gritted her teeth at the sharp pain as her nipples were pinched roughly, but she still couldn't move a muscle. "I think I be creaming a load in her tight twat in just a few more strokes," laughed Ghost Pirate as he resumed ramming his cock hard and fast into the blonde detective. "Yes, yes, I am going to empty my balls into her cunt," agreed Pirate King as he hilted himself into the unmoving blonde and began to shoot his load into her pussy. Nancy felt warm blast after blast of the pirate captain's cum jetting into her, but still no matter how much she tried, she couldn't move a single damn muscle to stop it. Ghost Pirate . Pirate King pulled their cock out of the private eye and shot a few last ropes of thick cum over her stomach and tits, with a few drops going as high as her face. The pirate captain then stood back and suddenly with a speed that indicated an agreement between the two beings who inhabited the same body, they siezed Lola by the arm and threw her down onto her knees beside Nancy. "Tis time to try and prove yur loyalty lass," said Ghost Pirate with a sneer. "Lick all our cum out of this whore and we will let you live," ordered Pirate King. Lola gaped up at them and wanted to refuse, but saw the crazed look in the eyes of the captain and swallowd her protest unborn. The large breasted dirty blonde gazed down at Nancy's dribbling pussy and swallowing her pride, bent her head and began to lap at the cum as it dripped out. "Now that be a sight to gladden me black heart," laughed Ghost Pirate and he reached down to rip Lola's top off and let her double D breasts plop out. "Get every drop Lola," snickered Pirate King, "or it is shark food for yu." Neither Ghost Pirate or Pirate King in truth had any plans for doing any such thing, but Lola didn't know that. The pirate captain had looked around the rest of the totally male crew and had decided that he was going to keep her at least for now. Afterall, the next best option was the slightly efininite looking third mate Pickeral. "How about ye First Mate?" asked Ghost Pirate to Sampson. Would ye like to sample the wench's mouth while the lassie licks her twat?" Sampson shrugged and sheathed his curved sword and moved over to Nancy's head and unsheathed his other weapon which was already hard and dribbling precum from watching Ghost Pirate / Pirate King fuck the blonde and from watching his sort of girl friend eating pussy. Nancy stared up at the huge black cock as it was lowered towards her face. She could not turn her head or do anything as the new First Mate pried her mouth open and inserted his cock between her lips. The detective was incapable of moving her tongue or doing anything else to give the man pleasure with her mouth, but she needn't have worried as Sampson plunged his cock into her throat which seemed to tighten around it of its own accord and then he began to thrust in and out with obvious relish. Lola paused in her pussy licking to glance up and smiled despite herself at the sight of Sampson's hard black cock disappearing into the blonde's mouth inch by inch until those massive balls were resting on the woman's nose then catching a warning look from the captain, she went back to licking up his seed from the blonde's cunt. Her own pussy was tingling like mad now and maybe if she was lucky, she would be allowed to satisfy her lust on the woman's face. "Fuck, if it feels so good fucking her mouth when she is unconscious, I can't wait until she is awake," laughed Sampson as he began to pick up the speed of his thrusts, pumping his cock back and forth in the blonde's throat. Meanwhile, Nancy was discovering that while she couldn't move a muscle yet, her sense of smell was still working and she was wishing Sampson had bathed a bit more regular as his smelly, sweaty balls kept smacking into her nose and cheeks. The private eye was also discovering that her pussy wad definitely responding to Lola's oral assault as her juices werre flowing freely and she could feel an orgasm building. Suddenly Sampson gave a loud cry and Nancy felt him start to blast a steady flow of warm goo down her throat into her stomach. The huge black man seemed to have an almost infinite capacity as he kept pouring his spunk into her stomach for what seemed like several minutes until he finally extracted his cock from Nancy's throat and wiped it clean on her blonde hair. A short while later, Nancy felt herself cumming as Lola continued to lick and probe her pussy with her tongue. The pirate woman choked and gasped as her mouth was flooded by Nancy's juices and this seemed to very much amuse the captain who had stood by watching the assault with a e leer on his face. "Drink down all her sweet honey there lassie," snickered Ghost Pirate. "Swallow every drop and clean her up good if you know what is good for you," agreed Pirate King as his cock started to return to full mast. "I be thinking we might sample the bitch's ass next," sneered Ghost Pirate. "Which bitch?" asked Pirate King looking from Lola to Nancy. Nancy gritted her teeth. Then she realized she could grit her teeth and yes, she could now flex one of her fingers. Her paralysis was starting to wear off. She just had to hope it was soon enough before they got tired of fucking her and threw her over the side. Thus it was with slightly renewed hope that when the captain pushed Lola out of the way and turned Nancy over and propped her ass up in the air for better acess that her face was pushed into the wooden deck and she couldn't see what happened next. A blonde, gray suited figure came over the ship's railing and tore into the assembled pirates with a savage fury that sent them flying in all directions. "Get away from her you bastard," yelled Dolphin Woman and she advanced on the pirate captain. Second Mate Barracuda and crewman Pike rushed at her from either side and Dolphin Woman barely noticed them as herfists lashed out and sent them flying. Sampson recovered himself faster than the others and drew his sword cutting at the woman's head, but she ducked under the swing and lashed out with a foot that caught him on the chin and sent him tumbling to the deck stunned. Ghost Pirate / Pirate King quickly stuffed his withering cock back into his pants and tried not to panic. "Well, hit her with some magic," screamed Pirate King. "Shut up ye damn pup. What do you think I am trying to do?" snapped Ghost Pirate and he made a complicated hand gesture like he was throwing something at Dolphin Woman. A fireball suddenly whizzed past Dolphin Woman's ear and then she ducked as a second flew towards her. Around her, Sampson and the other pirates were regaining their feet. "Coast Guard!" yelled third mate Pickeral as he looked over the shoulder of Dolphin Woman and saw the modern ship bearing down on the Mary Sue. "We need to get out of here," gasped Pirate King. "Agreed ye cowardly dog," agreed Ghost Pirate and he made another gesture with his hands and the entire pirate ship began to rise unsteadily into the air. "What's the matter? Why are we shaking so much?" demanded Pirate King. "It's you that be the problem you twit," cried Ghost Pirate. "I only seem to have half me powers thanks to sharing this body with a weak useless cuss like you." Pirate King looked again at the Coast Guard ship and then closed his eyes trying to concentrate in helping Ghost Pirate. It seemed to be working as the ship started to steady and rise higher and faster. Dolphin Woman felt and saw the ship surge under her feet and decided it might be a good time to abandon ship. She reached down, grabbed Nancy in her arms and dashed to the rail opposite the Coast Guard ship and leapt out diving into the black water. * * * Nancy moaned and sat up. She was lying on the deck of the Grey Lady and a concerned Dolphin Woman was standing over her. "Are you alright Nancy?" she asked softly. "Let's see," said Nancy. "I am naked, freezing cold and I just got my ass raped again. I am losing track of how many times that has happened in the last week." "Damn, I thought I got to you before he raped your ass," cried Dolphin Woman in distress. "Figure of speech," grunted Nancy. "I only got my pussy and mouth fucked this time. I guess I should be grateful. That is you isn't it Ellen? I thought you were dead." Ellen took her Dolphin Woman mask off and smiled at the detective. "I have a few gaps in my memory. I remember seeing the knife start to come down and thought I was dead. Then there was this flash of light and I still thought I was dead because that is how they sometimes describe crossing over to whatever there is. You know...walking into that bright light. Next thing I know though I am waking up in the water with Taz keeping my head above the water. I didn't know how long I was out and it took me a while to get myself together which I am really sorry about because now I know what they did to you while I was floating there." "Don't worry about it," sighed Nancy. "It seems getting raped is an occupational hazard for me." Nancy waved an angry hand in the air. "Ok, ok, that is a stupid thing to say, but it is sort of true. I don't have a normal job like a secretary or a Waid-Mart clerk and they and every other woman often have to deal with sexual harassment or worse. In my job though, I have to deal with the worst of the worst and they don't play nice. I know getting sexually assaulted is a very real risk and I can generally deal with it. You might say I was designed to deal with it." Ellen gave a weak smile. "Well next Raz shows up with my costume or well it was Fancy's costume, but now I think it is mine. We swam back to the pirate ship and I think you know everything after that." Nancy nodded. "But have you taken a good look at yourself? I wasn't totally kidding when I had to ask if that was you." "What?" asked Ellen and then looked down at herself. "Oh my." "Oh my indeed," agreed Nancy as she looked at the young girl. "I am not a boob expert like Mrs. Wong, but your nice itty bitty B cuppers are at least a DD I would venture. You don't strain that suit like Fancy and I did, but who knows, you might grow a bit more yet. Then there is your hair which you can't probably see. It used to be more dirty blonde and now it is as gold as mine. If it weren't for your eyes which are still green instead of blue like mine and Fancy's, I would say you look like me ten or so years ago." Nancy didn't mention that she had no memory of actually being that age, but one could extrapolate. "Then there is the little matter of your skin," conclued Nancy. Ellen's skin was not her normal lightly tanned beige, but a medium gray which looked about the same colour of Raz and Taz. Or it had been,. As Ellen stood there on the deck of the Grey Lady, her skin returned to its normal colour. "I think it is kind of like water proof?" said Ellen. "When I was in the water, I didn't feel cold at all. In fact I felt totally fantastic, like I was a totally new person." "I think your aphrodite gene got activated," agreed Nancy. "I ended up riding over here on Taz's back, but you swam along as fast as they did. Somehow, I think you ended up with some dolphin like powers. Maybe you had some dolphin DNA on you when that lightning hit. It was something freaky between the lightning, that medallion, the incantation the woman was speaking." Nancy shrugged. "The end result is that while I joked to your mom about being Dolphin Woman 2.0, I think you really are now." "I'm a super heroine?" said Ellen her eyes going wide. "well I think saving me makes you one," said Nancy. "You still have the choice though. You can be Ellen Pope or you can add Dolphin Woman to your resume. It is up to you. I won't try and counsel you one way or the other since you are old enough to make up your own mind. I will only tell you that it is a big decision and being a super heroine has both its rewards and its dangers. There are a lot of nasties around Delta City and it is getting nastier all the time. If you decide to be Dolphin Woman, you might run into the same problems I had tonight. Then again, you might turn out to be better than I am and can avoid getting your ass raped like I did." "Well, the only reason you got raped was because you were trying to rescue me," pointed out Ellen. "But yeah, I think I like the idea of being Dolphin Woman and trying to carry on what Fancy started. I don't know about fighting all the crime in the city, but maybe the beaches and ocean are where I belong. Just don't tell my mother." Nancy rolled her eyes. "I don't know how to tell you this Ellen, but your mother is no dummy and even if I don't tell her, she will figure it out in about three seconds. Among other things, she is going to notice your new boobs. Also, for your information, she pretty much figured out that you and I got a little frisky last night at the club. Frankly, I reccomend that if you decide to stay Dolphin Woman, you let her know and get her help. Batman had Alfred. You can have your mother. I think you will find she is a most capable woman and will be a big help to you." Ellen gaped at Nancy. "Mom knows that you and I....oh god, she must think I am a total slut!" "No," disagreed Nancy. "She thinks you are a fine strong young woman and she is right." Ellen nodded looking a bit uncertain at first and then gave Nancy a slightly more wicked grin. "Does that mean we can do it again?" she asked hopefully? Nancy got up and walked over to Ellen and gave her a kiss on the lips. "Yes, it does if you want. But right now I am literally freezing my ass off, so can we get back to Heathclifff please?" Over the side of the ship, Nancy could hear the dolphins splashing the water and laughing their heads off. The End