Ms Americana and Flag Girl are the creation of Mr. X.  I came up with the villains, so how clever am I?


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By Dark One


          Brenda Wade drummed her perfectly manicured fingers on her vast desk, in her sprawling executive suite atop Wade Towers.  Every day was pure torture since Lydia went missing.  Two weeks ago she was seen leaving college after her last class of the day.  She went home -- Brenda found her clothes of the day thrown atop her bed -- dressed up as Flag Girl and left.

          She hadn't been heard from since.

          "Dammit," Brenda cried, snapping another pen in half.  "What was she thinking?  Where did she go?  What could've been so important that she had to hurry home and go out, without taking the time to let me know?"  Then another thought struck her.  "Or…was she trying to impress me by going out and patrolling on her own?"

          The not knowing in many ways was the worst part.

          It was a delicate balancing act Brenda was performing.  As yet, neither Lydia nor Flag Girl had been reported missing.  If it became public knowledge that both pretty blondes vanished at exactly the same time, then some of the more clever members of the media, police or criminal element might put two and two together, and then figure out who Ms Americana had to be.

          That would be a bad thing.

          As it were, Brenda was being doubly vigilant whenever she traveled to and from work, or ventured out on the town for shopping or meetings.  Whoever had Flag Girl probably knew her true identity.  Of course, Brenda had a limo with bodyguards and high security to protect her.  But still.  And, there had been no phone calls.  That surprised her, since surely the malefactor that captured Flag Girl had unmasked her by then.  Why weren't they trying to blackmail her?

          "The criminal mind is so hard to fathom some….eeks!" she cried, when that special cell phone she carried rang.  She was alone in the office, so answered with her Ms Americana, most commanding voice.  "Hello, Ms Americana here."

          "Hey, Americana, it's Phil."

          Phil the Pill.  Petty criminal.  A small time operator with a newsstand on the edge of Sugar Town.  He saw and heard a lot.  Enough to be one of her better informants.

          "I know," she said.  "What do you have for me?"

          "I was wondering, where is Flag Girl?"

          "None of your business.  Why?" she asked suspiciously.

          "I just heard she is working as a streetwalker over at Anita and Cox."

          <Yes!> she thought, heart racing and lungs tightening up.  But first she had to deal with Phil and rumor control.  <This should be easy enough.>

          "I bet," she said, sounding bored.  "Last week another of my informants called, wanting to know if it was true that I gave up crime fighting and moved into the Palace, working for King Pimp.  How absurd."

          "Then it isn't Flag Girl?"

          "Please.  Don't insult my intelligence," she said.  "Anything else?  Anything I can use?"

          "I don't suppose you'll pay me for that rumor?"


          "Damn.  Never mind."

          Brenda hung up and reached for the intercom to her secretary.  "Alison.  Clear my schedule for the rest of the day.  I have a killer migraine and I am going home."

          "Yes, ma'am," Alison said.

          An hour later, Brenda strode into her bedroom.  She'd left orders not to disturb her for any reason, on pain of immediate termination.  Her staff knew she meant it.  She wouldn't be disturbed.

          She quickly stripped out of the blue silk dress, that matched her eye color almost perfectly.  Brenda carefully put everything back in its place, including putting her white thong undies in the dirty clothes hamper.  When the statuesque multimillionaire passed through the hidden entrance to her secret room, she wasn't wearing anything but make up and perfume.

          Brenda hurried to her dressing area, where she wasted no time pulling on red calf boots with the red stripe up the front and tall stiletto heels.  Next, she put on her Americana red, white and blue, stars and stripes bikini costume.  The bottoms were French cut, making her legs and well rounded hips look fantastic.  The top was strapless and held her 44DDs up spectacularly.  Then she put on the golden power belt.

          "Ooooo, so I love that," she groaned, feeling her skin gooseflesh and a chill run up her back.  Putting on the power belt was like having a really big dick shoved up her pussy.  It felt incredible, but without the climax that would undo her.  "That felt like I'm full to the bream with sexual energy."

          It was really sexual frustrations.  And the way she tossed and turned every night, it was hard for her to not be full of sexual frustrations to fuel her power belt.  All she ever thought about when she went to bed was sex.  Especially how much she missed getting it, how much she needed it.  Bedtime was the hardest part of her day.  She questioned her life as Ms Americana a couple times a week, but the next morning she was usually better.

          Next, she put on her blue choker and red star earrings.  Then she pressed the blue, star-spangled mask to her face and pulled on the red gauntlet gloves, before crowning herself with the golden tiara.  That done, she felt like the Queen of Justice.

          "Perfect," she said, after looking herself over in a full-length mirror with critical eyes.

          She quickly put together a small kit.  It consisted of a dozen syringes and a small bottle of a top secret drug.  The drug would suppress any memories she wanted a person to forget.  Ms Americana claimed it completely removed the memories, but it really just suppressed them.  According to the Wade Research scientists that created it, it cut off the links to the memories targeted.  That's why Kid Rotten still worried her.  One day he MIGHT remember he had owned her body and soul, kept her as a street whore for over two years, but hopefully believe it was just a dream or even just an idle thought.

          She tried to run him out of town several times since she escaped sexual servitude to him.  But each time she went up against him, her own memories of him betrayed her.  She ended up submitting to his will each time, and barely escaped.  The drug's creators warned that continued contact COULD reestablish lost memory links.

          So she stayed far away from him, just in case.  Unfortunately, that meant he had a free pass as far as she was concerned.  Fortunately, Green Spectre and Lady Midnight had done their parts to pick up the slack.  So far he had avoided prison time, but he got picked up occasionally by them.

          With her "Memory kit" in hand, Ms Americana got in her car and headed for Sugar Town.  It was still midafternoon.  She rarely went out in broad daylight.  That would probably surprise them all.

          Ms Americana soon arrived in Sugar Town and parked her car deep in an alley a block over from the intersection of Anita and Cox.  Sitting in the car she considered her options.

          The territories of four pimps met at that intersection.  Kid Rotten, JJ Rod, Sweet Willie and Angelique.  Sweet Willie was a large Asian man, and new to Sugar Town and Delta City.  He worked thirty girls, mostly college students he was blackmailing into prostitution.  JJ Rod grew up in the sex business, since he mother was a hooker and his father her pimp.  He was only in his early twenties, but had been pimping for ten years.  He was a big, strong black man that too many women found irresistible.  Angelique was a beautiful red head, who was a former prostitute turned pimp after she captured a super heroine five years back, and whored her out for two years before selling her to Erica Sambino.  Other hookers liked what they saw, and joined her stable of girls.

          She figured it was a toss up whether Sweet Willie or Angelique had Flag Girl.  Angelique had a history of capturing, taming and whoring off super heroines -- five so far that Ms Americana knew about.  But Sweet Willie had a history of blackmailing college girls.  Lydia might've gone out to save one of her girl friends being blackmailed.  Either way, Sweet Willie was closer.  It was decided.

          Ms Americana started her car and headed for the street.  His girls worked on Cox up to Anita.  Angelique had Cox past Anita.  All of Sweet Willie's girls used Big Mamma's Sweet Dreams Hotel, a notorious hooker hotel.  Of the four pimps, he worked the fewest girls.  Angelique had sixty-five girls last Ms Americana heard, while JJ Rod controlled eighty-two.  Kid Rotten had seventy working Anita, another forty over on Cummins and even more divided between two other smaller red light districts in Delta City.  He was one of the biggest street pimps in Delta City.  And that didn't count his call girls, of which rumor said he had fifty-five, mostly college girls and young bored housewives.

          Within minutes Ms Americana was sitting at the intersection of Fuller and Cox, looking up Cox at all of Sweet Willie's girls.  Half were blondes, but none of them was Lydia or Flag Girl.  But she spotted William "Sweet Willie" Huang in the midst of all that illicit trade in human flesh.  It was enough to make her blood boil.

          Sweet Willie was a six foot five inch Chinese American.  Though tall, he was slim but muscular.  Like a basketball player.  In fact, he was a star college player until the seedy side of life sank its claws into him, and he began pimping off his "girlfriends" and college cheerleaders and other coed lovelies in Sugar Town during his senior year.  Before his arrest for pimping by Lady Midnight, he was on the fast track to a pro basketball career.

          About that time the street cleared of all traffic, and Sweet Willie headed across the street.  The Queen of Justice saw her chance.  A grim smile spread across her beautiful, masked face.

          "It's party time," Ms Americana muttered, and hit the gas.

          Ms Americana whipped around the corner and raced straight at the notorious pimp.  The Asian American pimp froze in the middle of the street, staring at her speeding car like a deer caught in headlights.  For a second, Ms Americana thought about running him down.  But at the last second she swerved aside and opened her door.  The door smacked him down instead.

          "Ooff!" he cried, hitting the hard pavement.

          Ms Americana leapt out of her idling car amid the gasps and screams of Sweet Willie's stable of beauties.  Most started into the street to help their beloved pimp, but stopped short when they realized just who ran him down.  Fear of super heroines kicked their self-preservation instincts in, and they hung back.  Few departed the area though.

          "Hello, Sweet Willie, amazing RUNNING into you today," Ms Americana said, striking a classic pose over the stunned pimp.  "We need to talk."

          "Bitch," Sweet Willie groaned.  "That was just rude."

          "No, that was karma," she said.  "PIMPING is rude."

          "Yeah?  As rude as this?" he said, and lashed out with his foot.

          Sweet Willie's foot caught the sexy super heroine by surprise.  She leapt back, avoided his foot, but smashed into the door of her own car and bounced back forward, while the door slammed shut.  The pimp leapt up and sent an uppercut into the surprised super heroine's chin.

          "Ugh!" she cried, surprised more than hurt.  Her power belt gave her remarkable endurance.

          Ms Americana's arms flew up and out, her head snapped back.  Sweet Willie was deceptively strong.  And even more deceptively fast.  The uppercut was followed by a knee to the gut, then a combination to the head.  Now the sexy super heroine was stunned, and hurting.

          The Queen of Justice had never dealt with Sweet Willie one-on-one before.  Lady Midnight seemed to be his main nemesis.  Her, and Green Spectre, mostly.  They'd fought him many times.  Pimps never went easy.  But aside from cold-cocking Spectre Girl once, he'd never had any success fighting super heroines.  And none of them were super powered like her.  So, up until that moment, she'd thought Sweet Willie was the least threat to her of the four pimps in the area.

          She dropped to hands and knees, gasping for breath and shaking her head to clear the cobwebs.  Despite some disorientation and pain, she'd just withstood a thumping that would have put a normal woman in the hospital.  Being a stupid, arrogant man, Sweet Willie would surely believe her completely whipped and cowed.  She almost smiled.

          Sweet Willie stepped up close, reached down and grabbed her by her silky black hair.  He yanked her head back, forcing her to lock eyes with him.  With his free hand, he began fondling her 44DDs through her costume top.

          "I'm going to enjoy pimping your sweet round white butt," he sneered.

          "Not as much as I am going to enjoy this," she growled, and brought her right fist straight up into his groin.

          "Uuuuggh," Sweet Willie grunted, eyes rolling up and dropping to his knees beside her.

          Ms Americana moved fast.  She reached down and unzipped his pants, then reached inside.  In a flash she had his hyper sensitive and aching balls in hand.  And she SQUEEZED until his eyes were almost bulging out and he was making tiny animal noises.

          "Do I have your attention?" she said, baby blues flashing fire.

          "Uh-huh," he said.

          "Do you have Flag Girl?" she said.  "If you lie to me I'll rip your balls off."

          "No," he gasped breathlessly.  "I…I…I don't….Oh, please…"

          "If I find out you lied to me….," she said, glaring daggers at him.

          "I'm not!"

          Ms Americana released his balls, and wiped her hand off on his shoulder.  Then she stood up, opened her door and slammed it into his face as she did so.  Sweet Willie collapsed at her booted feet.  She looked down upon his crumpled, pathetic form and smiled smugly.

          "You're not the first foolish man to think he's captured me, only to learn otherwise to his despair," she said.  "I am Ms Americana, the premier super heroine in the country.  No mere street punk can capture and hold me."

          Ms Americana got into her car, fired up the engine and left.

          "One down, three to go," Ms Americana muttered.  "If not Sweet Willie, then it is most likely Angelique."

          Sweet Willie was the main blackmailer of coeds, while Angelique had a thing for super heroines.  Angelique was clearly a woman with the Aphrodite gene, for she was tall, busty and gorgeous.  She also had a reputation as a fighter, with amazing endurance and recuperative abilities.  All indicators of that all important gene.  But unfortunately, Angelique chose to use her gift for evil.

          Kid Rotten and JJ Rod were both quite capable of putting a sexy little thing like Flag Girl to work hooking.  They were both brutal, vicious pimps.  But she didn't credit either one of them with the same degree of intelligence and cunning as Sweet Willie and Angelique.

          As she approached the intersection of Anita and Cox, Ms Americana spotted JJ Rod crossing the street back to his side of the intersection.  He looked to be leaving Big Mamma's, where he probably was checking up on his working girls.  She scowled at him, knowing he would go into hiding once he spotted her car so she had to take him down right then.

          JJ Rod glance in her direction then, did a double take and took off running.  She smiled.  Terrorizing pimps was one of the perks of the job.  The big black pimp took off running up Cox.  She suspected he was trying to lure her away from his girls, so they could continue working and earning him money.

          "I'll run them off later," she said, baby blues locking on her target.

          Ms Americana had to stop at the intersection to let another car with the right of way go.  Then she floored it and took off after JJ Rod.  He was about halfway down the block when she caught up with him, swerved in front of him and hit the brakes.  The hapless pimp crashed into her car.  He was sprawled across her hood as she slowly got out of her car and walked around to the front to look him over with a smug smile.

          "It does my heart good to see a sleazy pimp sprawled out in pain," she said.  "Hiya there, JJ?  Remember me?"

          "What do you want, Americana?" JJ Rod groaned as he slowly slipped off the car and regained his feet.  He watched her warily.  "I should file a complaint with the police, for attempted murder.  Attempted vehicular homicide."

          "Yeah, they'll believe that," she said.  "I just want you to answer some questions."

          "Fuck you," he said, eyeing her hatefully.  "You've sent me up the river three times.  I spent three months in County lockup because of you last time."

          "Should've been thirty years in State," she grumbled.  "You must have something on the judge to get such a light sentence."

          "If I had anything on the judge, Ameri-twit," he sneered.  "You would've been arrested and sent to prison."  He looked her shapely form over from head to toe twice, smiling with supreme appreciation of the feminine form.  "You would be very popular in County or State lockup."

          "I bet," she said.  "Not going to happen.  Though, you might be looking at another trip, if you don't cooperate."

          JJ Rod pulled himself to his full six foot four, two-hundred fifty pounds of hard packed muscle.  He wore black dress pants, with a skintight black muscle shirt and twenty pounds of gold bling.  The pimp was clean shaven with a shaven head as well.

          "You got a pretty mouth," JJ Rod said.  "One day it's going to be wrapped around my big black cock."  She gasped, baby blues flashing.  "I'm going to enjoy that day, then I'm going to make you whore yourself.  That'll be even sweeter."

          In a rage, the statuesque Queen of Justice rushed the disgusting pimp.  JJ Rod backpedaled.  She smiled when he backed into her still open car door, slowing his retreat.  Ms Americana chose that moment of distraction to lung at him, flinging herself at him.  JJ Rod pushed through the door, then grabbed it before it closed and flung it wide again.

          "Oooff!" Ms Americana grunted as she smashed into her own car door, smashing out the window.  JJ Rod grabbed the door, pulled it back and smashed it into the hapless heroine again.  "Uugh."

          Ms Americana staggered back.  She wasn't as hurt as JJ Rod thought.  True, she was hurting, and falling back like that gave her a few more seconds to recover, thanks to her power belt.  But within seconds she would turn the tables on the overconfident, arrogant man.  She was about to show him why she was the QUEEN of Justice.

          Falling back quickly, she was followed by JJ Rod with triumph in his dark, cruel eyes.  He thought he was master of his fate.  But she was, and about to slap him down.  So she had to fight the smile that threatened to spread across her face as he quickly closed with her, preparing to pound his fists into her shapely body and beautiful face.

          <Just a little closer,> she thought, almost ready to stop pretending to fall back and go into the attack.  <Keep coming…keep coming…yes, that's it….ready, here I ….>  Then her left foot stepped into a pothole, completely throwing her off balance.  "Oops!"

          Ms Americana threw her arms out to help catch her balance as she start to trip and fall backwards.  JJ Rod charged in and pounded a fist into her chin.  The legendary Queen of Justice grunted and fell straight back.  A second later her head slammed into the unforgiving concrete, bounced.  Light and darkness flashed behind her baby blues.  Her ability to discern up and down, right and left was lost momentarily.

          "Yes!" JJ Rod cried, as he kicked her with all he had in the chin.

          Her back arched as she grunted in pain, then her body relaxed and Ms Americana lay unconscious at his feet.  JJ Rod squatted beside her and cupped her titanic tits for a long moment, before reaching between them and unfastening the top.  The red, white and blue top sprang open, releasing its gorgeous contents.

          The pimp was mesmerized by the sight of her legendary tits, now naked and vulnerable before him.  He started mashing them together, squeezing and caressing, just thoroughly enjoying those monster tits.  The big pimp was so caught up in her tits he didn't realized the city's premier super heroine was recovering remarkably fast beneath his hands.  At least not until it was too late.

          "Wait," he cried, jumping to his feet as Ms Americana suddenly sprung to life, or at least that is how it appeared to him.

          "Vile miscreant!  How dare you lay hands on Ms Americana!" she cried, leaping to her feet.  "You stripped my breasts!"

          Ms Americana's red gloved hands immediately went to her power belt.  Thankfully, the golden belt that gave her super powers was not removed.  While conscious, it cannot be removed from her body.  Unconscious, well that was another story.  Without it, she only gave herself a little better than even odds in a no hold's barred street fight with an experienced street fighter like JJ Rod.  The pimp grew up in the mean streets of the city and was as tough and vicious as they got.

          Ms Americana charged the wicked pimp.  He backpedaled as he weaved and bobbed, just barely blocking or avoiding her knockout punches.  Then suddenly, his right fist came out of nowhere to smash into the side of her left tit.  She hadn't expected an attack on her titties, so was unprepared to defend them.

          "Ow," she cried, stopping her attack to rub her injury tit.  "Pig!"

          JJ Rod took advantage of her distraction.  He stepped into her and landed hard fists on her belly, ribs and side of her head.  Ms Americana staggered back.  He followed, pressing his attack now that he had her on her heels.  But he couldn't help but be impressed and amazed at the amount of punishment she was taking.  He couldn't withstand such a beating and remain on his feet.

          "I'm going to kick your half-naked ass, then fuck you up one side and down the other," JJ Rod said.

          "In your dreams," Ms Americana said, then spun around and connected with a roundhouse to the side of his head.

          Now it was JJ Rod falling back, stunned and desperate.  Ms Americana pursued, in a rage and determined to have her vengeance as well as rescue her sexy sidekick.

          "You will tell me where Flag Girl is right now, or I will beat you to a bloody pulp, pimp!" the Queen of Justice command.  "Where is she?"
          "Getting her sexy ass reamed good," he said.  "I know, I hired her myself last night, and I fucked her for two full hours, in every orifice of her incredible body."

          JJ Rod found his back up against the brick wall of a building.  He was growing weaker.  Soon, she would be standing over him in victory, and he would be hauled off to jail again.  She would send him up the river yet again.  The other pimps would steal all of his girls, and he'd have to start from scratch yet again when he got out.

          Ms Americana was gloating as she saw JJ Rod start to weaken.  She had no hope he would tell her anything useful about Flag Girl, but he would be off the streets again.  Maybe she could apply enough pressure as Ms Americana and Brenda Wade that the notoriously liberal and criminal coddling judicial system would give him a longer sentence.

          Suddenly, an arm encircled her waist from behind.  A female arm.  Then a wicked looking knife, with a good twelve inch blade, was pressed against her long, slender throat.  She felt large breasts pressed against her back as she was pulled in tight.

          "Freeze, Ms Americana," Angelique said in her deep, husky voice.  "Or die.  You're power belt won't save you from a slit throat."

          Ms Americana raised her hands to either side slowly, afraid to move.  She had no doubt the evil pimp would kill her without batting an eye.  In fact, killing the legendary Ms Americana would give Angelique incredible street cred, and she'd be put on a pedestal by the denizens of Sugar Town.

          "Angelique," Ms Americana sneered.  "You won't get away with this."

          "Of course I will," she said.  She released the Queen of Justice's waist to reach up and fondle her naked tits a moment.  "Nice tits.  You're going to make me lots of money, Ameri-streetwhore."

          "Dream on, miscreant," Ms Americana said, lifting her chin proudly.  "I am a superior woman, and the Premier super heroine in Delta City, I will not allow myself to be forced into prostitution."

          "Yeah, right," Angelique laughed.  "I'm sure all those super heroines before you that fell and were whored out said the same thing.  The bigger you are, the harder you sexy super heroines fall.  Did you know that last night King Pimp caught Got Gal and Got Chic, and within an hour both women were happily selling their bodies inside his brothel?"


          "Oh, quite possible, and true," she said.  "By nightfall you WILL be on the street hooking.  I can promise you that."

          JJ Rod was recovering fast from the thumping she'd given him.  He looked both pissed and excited.  That didn't bode well for her.  The thought made her throat tighten up and butterflies erupt deep in her belly.  She looked around at all the happy, excited hookers, johns and other street people, then licked dry lips and tried to swallow.

          "You want to help me with this, JJ?" Angelique said.

          "Oh, yes," he said, locking angry eyes with Ms Americana's wide baby blues.

          "You're just digging yourselves in deeper," the sexy super heroine said.  "Let me go now and I'll put in a good word with the police.  You might even get probation."

          "How generous," Angelique said, and laughed.  "So we have a choice to make, my friend.  We can release Ms Americana and go to jail…or we can strip her, fuck her soundly, and then peddle her sweet round ass on the streets for fun and profit."

          "Yeah, such a tough decision," JJ Rod said, grinning.  "What will we do?"

          "My first thought on that….we fuck her."

          "I like the way you think, Angelique."

          "I thought you might."

          The voluptuous vigilante felt her face burning as JJ Rod proceeded to pull her costume bottoms down her mile long, shapely legs, thus exposing her bikini waxed pussy to the world.  She was forced to step out of the bottoms, whereupon JJ Rod lifted them up high for the street people to applaud, before he pressed them to his face and breathed in deeply.

          "Ah, the sweet scent of super horny super heroine!"

          A second later, JJ Rod tried to remove her power belt.  He couldn't get it to release.  She smiled grimly at him.

          "My information was correct," Angelique said.  "Her belt cannot be removed against her will.  BUT it can be removed if she is unconscious, OR if she is fucked into orgasm.  Climaxing her both TAMES her mighty spirit and drains her of super strength."

          Ms Americana grimaced.  Word really was spreading fast.  Some crafty criminal discovered super heroines' most guarded secret.  The Aphrodite gene most of them possessed gave them their incredible physiques and made them truly superior women, but it was named the "Aphrodite" gene for good reason.  A curse went with that gene.  Aphrodite women were more susceptible to sexual stimulation than normal women.  An Aphrodite woman could be climaxed more easily, and could be TAMED sexually.  Most often, they become sex starved whores.

          "I could beat her unconscious," JJ Rod said, looking eager.  "That would be fastest."

          "But fucking and taming her would be more fun," Angelique said.  "And she'd be awake when we removed her power belt, so she'd be ten times more humiliated."

          "Fucking and humiliating Ms Americana?  You sold me on Plan B," JJ Rod said, laughing.  He unzipped and pulled out a massive, ten inch black cock.  Ms Americana gawked at it a long moment, horrified.  "Let's get started.  My Ameri-bitchtamer is ready and more than capable."

          "Sweet rod, JJ Rod," Angelique said.  She smacked her lips.  "I remember it fondly."

          Ms Americana was forced to turn around.  Angelique held the knife to her throat the whole time.  Never wavered.

          Now facing Angelique, Ms Americana got her first real up close look at the notorious female street pimp and former hooker.  She was six feet tall, with titanic 40DDs and shapely body.  Definitely the body of a superior woman, a woman possessing the Aphrodite gene.  She had big green eyes in a gorgeous face and a magnificent main of fire red hair that cascaded over her shoulders and down her back in shimmering waves to her waist.  Angelique wore an electric blue bustier and matching spandex pants, wide black belt and black stiletto knee boots.  She was a young looking thirty.

          "Take the power belt off, Ms Americana," Angelique commanded.

          "I'd rather die."

          "I'll cut off your head and hanging it from a light post."

          "If you do, all the super heroines of the city, and possibility other city's would be so enraged they will descend upon Sugar Town en masse," the helpless heroine said.  "You will not escape them.  You might not survive, because some super heroines are a bit more brutal than others."

          It was a threat that struck home with Angelique.  She frowned at the sexy super heroine.

          "Okay, JJ, why don't you show her what that bitch tamer of yours can do," Angelique said.  "Up her ASS."

          Angelique grabbed a big fistful of silky black hair and forced Ms Americana to bend over, her knees locked so her shapely hiney was thrust out sexily.  The voluptuous super vixen felt JJ Rod's big rod start to rub against her pussy from behind.  Suddenly, his cock head pushed past her slippery nether lips and plunged deep into her vagina.

          "Uuughhhh!" she groaned.  "No.  Stop.  I am a superior woman.  I cannot be raped and abused like this."

          "Duh, you ARE being raped and abused.  Right now," Angelique said.  "Arrogant idiot."  Then she frowned at JJ Rod.  "I said fuck her up the ass, dimwit."

          "I know," he said.  "I'm just getting my cock lubricated inside her sopping wet cunt.  Now watch this."

          "NO!" Ms Americana cried, baby blues going wide as his cock slipped out of her pussy and rose up to press against her sphincter.  "That is taboo.  Forbidden!"

          Forbidden or not, his pussy lubricated cock easily penetrated her poop chute.

          "Uuughhh!" she groaned, head thrown back and back arched even as she was bent over.  "Great Liberty, I can't believe that I'm being sodomized in public by a pimp!"

          Ms Americana felt his huge cock profoundly.  The butterflies were quickly consumed in an erotic liquid heat that welled up from her groin to flood her shapely body.  Then she was forced to stand up straight again, where he reached around and grabbed her tits from behind.  Then he wrapped his arms around her, and started bouncing her body up and down his huge cock.  Her feet came off the ground and started beating the back of his thighs as she felt her body change, starting to build up to a monster climax.

          "Great Liberty," she groaned.  "I must be strong.  I cannot allow myself to be tamed, or I'll surely be lost and whored off by these evil pimps!"

          "Surely," Angelique said.  She reached down and pushed her fingers into Ms Americana's hot, wet slit.  "You are a genius!"

          The super stacked super heroine's jaw dropped and she stared incredulously at the sexy female pimp.  How could the hapless heroine fight both of their sexual stimulation of her body like that?  And then Angelique found the Queen of Justice's hypersensitive clit and began to rub it with experienced and wickedly talented fingers.  Then, as her fingers drove Ms Americana wild with forbidden pleasure, Angelique leaned in and claimed her full red lips as her own in a deep, sensual lipstick kiss.

          "MMMmmmm," they both groaned together.

          "Please," Ms Americana groaned once Angelique released her lips.  "I have to save Flag Girl."

          "That's funny," Angelique said.  "I don't think Kid will give her up so easily."

          "Kid Rotten has her?"

          "Of course.  He had you for two or three years a few years back," Angelique said.  "I remember that fondly.  I used to watch you hooking for Kid, you know.  You were the best, hardest working whore on the streets.  I really admired your work ethic."  She looked at JJ Rod.  "Keep up the good work, my friend.  She's very close to climaxing.  She's almost tamed, and then I can remove her power belt.  After that, we OWN her sweet white ass."

          She was so right.  Ms Americana was using the last of her crumbling self control to keep that mother of all climaxes at bay.  The sexy heroine understood that the longer she held the orgasm off, the bigger and more devastating it would be when it hit.  IF it happened.  If she could just outlast them.

          "Great Liberty, give me strength!"

          JJ Rod's super rod was beating her down.  Her back was arched and she rolled her head back on his shoulder as Angelique began sucking on her 44DDs, and continuing to masturbate her clit with wicked talent.  She was so close to climaxing, so terribly close, but so was JJ Rod.  She'd spent enough time as Kid's woman and whore to know.

          "Do you remember the time you were hired for that bachelor party?  By the outlaw bikers?" Angelique whispered in her ear.  "I was the redhead you had to do sex acts with on the pool table."

          Ms Americana remembered like it was yesterday.  She was hired along with a spectacular redhead and blonde.  Until Angelique told her, she hadn't remembered her face.  But it was Angelique that she worked the party with.  The blonde was a pro football cheerleader.

          "That same biker gang approached me yesterday to provide another blonde, brunette and redhead for another bachelor party this coming weekend," Angelique said.  "I'm going to send you."

          The memory of that night, and the revelation she was about to repeat it rattled the desperate Queen of Justice.  She almost lost control and climaxed, but as it was she was pushed so close to the edge she doubted she could stop it now.

          "That sounds great!" JJ Rod said, then suddenly started slamming his huge cock hard into Ms Americana's ass.  She felt cum starting to spurt deep inside her body.  "Oh, god, I am….cumming."

          And that was all she wrote for the titanic titted super heroine.

          "Aaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  Great Liberty, I've been TAMED!" she cried in despair and shame.

          "Cool," Angelique said, smiling wickedly.  She reached around Ms Americana and unfastened her power belt without a struggle.  "And now it is official.  You belong to me, Ms Americana."

          "I've been de-powered!  I am powerless to stop them from peddling my sweet round ass," Ms Americana cried.

          The vanquished vigilante gawked at the golden power belt in Angelique's hand.  The sexy street pimp stepped back, removing the knife from her slender throat.  But Ms Americana was de-powered and tamed.  She was in no position to fight them.

          While Angelique sucked on her wet, pussy lubricated fingers, JJ Rod spun Ms Americana around, forced her to kneel and thrust his wet, sticky cock into her face.  She gasped and tried to pull her face away, but he wouldn’t allow that.  The sexy Queen of Justice had no choice but let him trace her full red lips with the head of his dick.

          "Lick me clean, Ms Ameri-whore," he demanded.

          "Give him a tongue bath, whore," Angelique said.

          Ms Americana, discombobulated from the sound fucking she'd just received, licked her full red lips and took JJ Rod's cock in hand.  Then she started licking.  She licked him from the head of his dick to his balls, then sucked on those sweaty balls.  Before she realized it, the vanquished vigilante vixen wasn't just licking him clean, but actually SUCKING him off.  His cock was big, hard and more than a mouthful.

          "Mmmmm," she groaned wantonly as her head bobbed quickly along his long shaft.  Then she rolled her tongue around the head of his cock, before starting to give intense head just the way Kid taught her years ago when he owned her body and soul for so terribly long.  "Uuummmmgggghhh."

          "Look at her go," Angelique said, smiling.

          "Oh, she gives great head," JJ Rod said. "Such talent!"

          "We shouldn't waste such talent, then," Angelique said.  She turned to the crowd watching.  "Who wants a super blow job from this sexy super heroine?"

          Dozens of hands rose up immediately.

          "Line up, boys," she said.  "Fifty dollars a man."

          Ms Americana sucked JJ Rod until he filled her mouth with hot, creamy cum.  She milked him dry in that special way Kid Rotten had taught her so long ago.  Then JJ Rod stepped aside and the first man stepped up.  The big Hispanic man handed Angelique fifty dollars, unzipped and waited.  Ms Americana licked the last of JJ Rod's cum off her lips, rose up on her knees and took her first john's cock into her mouth.

          The first john took ten minutes of slurping and sucking to suck off before he creamed her mouth.  The second and third men came in less than a minute each.  Then it was just one cock after another -- black, white, brown and yellow.  She sucked them all with all the talent she could muster.

          Ms Americana remembered everything Kid had taught her. And she remembered how much she loved the taste of cock and cum.  She recalled how much she loved to give head, and suck cock and balls.  Nothing turned her on more than sucking cock, and soon she was squirming with need as she sucked man after man after man.  She so needed relief, sexual frustrations building up so much she thought she might cum while sucking cock.

          After five hours on her knees sucking john after john, making Angelique a ton of money, Ms Americana finally came to the end of the line.  To her surprise, there were no more men waiting in line.  She was disappointed, but the next phase of her captivity occurred to her and she was eager again.  Surely Angelique and JJ Rod would fuck her again.  She REALLY needed a good sound fucking.  Of course, she was so frigging horny and aroused, it would only take a couple strokes of JJ's rod and she'd explode.

          "Is my fat titted heroine helplessly hot and horny as hell?" Angelique said, smiling knowingly.


          "Yes MISTRESS."

          "Yes, Mistress," Ms Americana said, dropping her eyes.  "Now what, Mistress?"

          "Oh, look, my tamed beauty, isn't that Flag Girl on the corner?" Angelique said, pointing.

          The Queen of Justice stood up and looked.  It was Flag Girl, looking alive and vivacious.  In fact, she looked great.  Just knowing she was prostituting herself made her seem even more sexy and desirable.  But at the same time, it reminded Ms Americana why she came to Sugar Town.  Reminded her that SHE recruited Flag Girl as a young teen and trained her to be a super heroine.  It was her fault that the sexy blonde coed and sidekick was bound in sexual servitude.  And if she didn't do anything, NOW, then Lydia would send all of her youth and beauty servicing horny men for a disgusting pimp.

          Ms Americana savagely backhanded Angelique.  The sexy redheaded pimp cried out and fell back.  The super heroine turned and kicked JJ Rod in his rod, doubling him up, then kicked him in the side of the head.  She left the hated pimp sprawled unconscious on the sidewalk as she turned on Angelique, her wannabe mistress.

          Angelique attacked.  Ms Americana charged in, too.  They met and fists and feet began flying.  The sexy female pimp was a better fighter than Ms Americana thought she'd be, but she still didn't have the experience and expertise that the Queen of Justice possessed.  Soon, Ms Americana had the upper hand and the pimp was fighting desperately.

          "Ugh!" Angelique cried as Ms Americana kicked her in the groin.  Then a chop to the throat, and the sexy pimp hit the pavement.  "Oooooh."

          "Good riddance," Ms Americana sneered.  "I'll be back for your butt after I save Flag Girl."

          Ms Americana collected her scattered costume.  First thing, she put on the power belt and smiled blissfully as she felt super strength and endurance flood through her.  All those BJs paid off by making her so needy, so sexually frustrated, that she was able to power her belt even after being climaxed and ALMOST tamed.

          "You were fools," she said.  "I was helpless and easily manipulated, but you didn't have the sense to recognize it.  All you had to do was fuck me every now and then.  Blow jobs don't keep me tamed, babe."

          With that, Ms Americana got into her car and headed for the intersection.  Flag Girl was leading a fat businessman into Big Mamma's Sweet Dreams Hotel.  The eight story, red brick building loomed over the intersection.  Most of the windows were lit up.

          Ms Americana roared up and drove onto the sidewalk in front of the hotel.  She jumped out and raced into the front lobby.  She spotted Big Momma behind the front check-in counter.  She was a tall, buxom African American woman.  A former hooker, she was too old to hook anymore, but had saved her money.  She bought the abandoned hotel at a police auction a few years back and opened up for business.

          Big Momma, real name Monique Jackson, used to be one of Kid's girls, going by the street name of Sassy.  Ms Americana had worked with her when they both worked for Kid.  They had gone on jobs together.  Had sex together for money, and just for the fun of it on their off hours.

          "Big Momma!" Ms Americana yelled angrily.  "Where is Flag Girl?  What room?"

          Instead, Big Momma picked up a cell phone, punched a pre-dialed number and said, "Kid!  Ms Americana is here.  Now!"

          Ms Americana reached her then and ripped the phone from her hand.  Then she lifted the phone to her own ear.

          "Kid Rotten, you baseborn bastard, where is Flag Girl?  Give her to me, or else," she threatened.

          "Hello, lover," Kid said, and laughed.  "Long time no see.  Have you been avoiding me?  I get the impression from Flag Girl that you are afraid of facing me, afraid you'll remember all the good times and fall to your knees at my feet and beg me to take you back."

          "Lies!" she cried.  "Come here and face me, you craven coward."

          "I am here," he said, and tapped on her shoulder.  Ms Americana turned around in shock.  "Surprise."

          And he sucker punched her.

          "Ugh," she grunted, falling back.  Kid kicked her in the stomach, then punched her in the face again.  He drove her across the lobby with a series of brutal kicks and punches.  He had lots of experience in beating women, keeping them suppressed and under his thumb.  "Great Liberty, stop it."

          Ms Americana finally flipped over a sofa she didn't see.  It proved a good thing for her, since it gave her some relief from his constant abuse and attack.  She was able to scramble away and get some distance between them.  It was enough, with her power belt's help, to recover and regain her senses.

          She glared balefully at the hated pimp.

          "Nice try, Kid, but no cigar this time," she said.  "Now, tell me where Flag Girl is or I'll start pulling off arms and legs until you tell me."

          "You know, you super heroines threaten death and destruction all the time, but I know you CAN'T follow through," he said, chuckling darkly.  "You are one of the GOOD guys, so have to take the high road.  If you didn't a quarter of what you threatened then YOU would be arrested and sent to prison."

          Suddenly, two big black guys showed up and stepped to either side of Kid.  His bodyguards, she realized.  They were big and mean looking.  She eyed them darkly, wondering how many times they'd fucked her sexy sidekick.  Just because they could.  After all, when she belonged to Kid he was very generous with his boys, giving her to them all the time.

          "Let's dance," Ms Americana said, and attacked.

          The sexy super heroine raced straight for Kid.  He jumped back, as expected, then she feigned right, and struck left.  That bodyguard went down with a brutal fist in the belly.  She lashed out with her foot and caught Kid in the side of the head, before she charged the other bodyguard.  He ducked under her knockout punch, and landed a combination to her belly.

          "Ooff," she said, and spun away.

          When he reached for her, she grabbed his wrist and tossed him over a well-rounded hip.  Then she attacked Kid again.  He turned and ran up the stairs, while his other bodyguard tackled her as she passed.  Ms Americana rolled him over until she found herself straddling his waist.  Two punches to the face left him stunned.

          "Not so fast, Americana," the other bodyguard snarled, and kicked her in the head.

          It was a brutal kick.  So hard her power belt was overwhelmed and she fell off the bodyguard with a pained grunt and lay writhing beside him.  She felt the kicker flip her over on her belly, and remove her power belt.

          "Yes!" he cried, lifting his trophy triumphantly.  "Ms Americana is defeated."

          The two pimps in training each grabbed a wrist and dragged her over to a sofa.  Then the one that kicked her down dropped his pants and sat down.  The other man pulled off her bottoms, lifted her up and sat her down on his lap.  They were good, because his erect cock went straight up into her cunt.

          "Ooooohhhh," she groaned.  "No, not again."

          He grabbed her sweet round rump, and started forcing her to bounce up and down his thick cock.  Meanwhile, the other man bound her wrists behind her back using her own bikini bottoms.  Then he took off her top and pulled her face around to the side.

          "Eat me, Americana," he commanded, and thrust his big black cock into her mouth.

          "Mmmmm," she groaned, immediately beginning to suck.  "Uuuuuuummmmm."

          He tasted so good, and his comrade's cock inside her was driving her wild.  Ms Americana knew she was moments from being tamed, a second time that day.  But it all felt and tasted and smelled so damn good!  She didn't really want to escape, but knew she had to.  She was a superior woman, above such base desires and weaknesses.

          The super horny super heroine sucked and fucked the two big black men.  She savored every second, too.  But her mind was working, too.  She was plotting and planning.  Maybe they would drop their guard, like Angelique and JJ Rod had.  If they didn't, and they climaxed her, then she was lost.  She would be Kid's whore all over again.  She might not escape again.  Both she and Lydia would sell their youth and beauty by the hour, for years to come, for Kid's pleasure and profit.  They would join the ranks of the great and mighty super heroines who'd fallen and were put to work in the sex industry as hookers, strippers and/or porn stars.

          There was no escaping porn stardom.  She'd already whored herself for Kid once, for a very long time, but was able to go straight back to work as Delta City's most respected, most beloved super heroine.  Everyone KNEW she'd been a hooker, forced to be the thing she reviled the most, but since she rose up from that stinking gutter they seemed to respect her even more.

          You couldn't keep a good woman down.

          "Call me master," the man fucking her mouth said, pulling his cock out and rubbing it all over her full red lips.

          "Master," she whispered.  "You are my master, my conqueror.  I submit to you, body and soul, Master."

          As expected, both men became super aroused.  He thrust his cock back into her eager mouth.  She sucked him with enthusiasm, as she gyrated her hips in such a way to enhance the other man's pleasure fucking her pussy.  She moaned and groaned wantonly, driving them mad with desire.  It was also having an affect on her.  She knew it would be a horse race to see who came first, her or them.

          Then mouth fucker lost it, spewing hot creamy cum into her mouth, ballooning her cheeks.  Ms Americana slurped and gurgled, and managed to swallow most of it right down.  When he pulled his semi-flaccid cock out of her mouth, the sexy heroine started licking her lips and smacking them with pleasure.  That was too much for the other man, and he came inside her pussy.

          <I won!> she thought.

          She was pulled off the junior bodyguard's lap and forced to kneel on the floor.  Then her face was pushed into his crotch and she had to give him a tongue bath.  Of course, he got hard again, and the tongue bath turned into a blow job.  Meanwhile, while watching, the other man got horny again and shoved his cock up her cunt from behind.  Again, they pushed her to the brink of climax, but were so excited themselves about fucking the legendary Ms Americana they climaxed first.

          That done, the self-satisfied pimp wannabes left her on the floor, belly quivering and panting, and still more than a little amazed she got through it without climaxing.  On top of all of that, she was brimming with pent up sexual frustrations and needs.  Now, if she could just get her power belt back.

          Ms Americana covertly struggled with her bindings.  Her bikini bottoms were not intended as binding material.  It was no rope.  So she felt it slipping loose.  The question was, would she slip free before her captors claimed her again?  Or would they make her one of Kid's whores.  Again.

          The scariest part…part of her wanted to be claimed by Kid again.  She hated it, but ever since her time as his dick candy sex slave, Ms Americana had dreamed of him, dreamed of his hands on her, his lips and cock teasing her, pleasing her.  Thoughts, fantasies and dreams of Kid mostly fueled her power belt in the years since her escape.

          Though the two men were speaking in hushed tones, facing away from her, Ms Americana managed to catch a few words.  To her shock, but not her surprise, she realized one of them wanted to take her and run, where they would use her as their first girl, whoring her on the streets, and be independent of Kid.  They wanted to keep her for themselves.

          <I'm free!> she thought, exultant as the knots came loose and opened up.

          Kid's bodyguards were still discussing their next move, arguing the pros and cons.  She rolled onto her back, slipped the now wrinkled up bottoms up her legs and snugged them up tight into place.  Then back to her knees, she slowly, quietly crawled over to her discarded power belt and fastened it around her narrow waist.  Super strength and endurance flooded her shapely body, sending the most erotic sensation through her.  Then she found her top and put that back on.

          Ms Americana, back in costume, walked over to stand behind the two quietly arguing men.  She listened with a smug smile, waiting for them to realize the tables had turned.

          "If I had the choice," Ms Americana piped in, "I'd rather be Kid's whore.  He, at least, is man enough to climax me.  Whereas, both of you together, fucked me twice each and failed to climax me.   Not good."

          "Nobody ask you, bitch," one said as they turned around.

          They immediately looked toward where they expected her to be.  On the floor.  Kneeling submissively.  She wasn't.  The Queen of Justice stood before them with a smug smile.

          "I've decided not to be a hooker, and instead kick your stupid butts," she said, and commenced to doing just that.

          She kicked one of them in the head so hard he completely flipped over in midair, then lay still afterwards.  The other young man slammed a fist into her unprotected ribs, then shoved her away.  Ms Americana stumbled a few steps, then dropped low and kicked her leg out in a savage sweeping kick that took the charging bodyguard's feet away.  Pulling him to his wobbly feet, the sexy super siren ran him head first through the front window of the hotel, and left him unconscious on the street outside.

          Returning to the check-in counter, "Where is Kid and Flag Girl, Big Momma?"

          "I don't know."

          "Do you want me to go upstairs and start ripping off doors, and smashing up furniture in my very ANGRY search?  Can you afford to fix and replace all the damage I can do?  Will your insurance cover it, if you have insurance?"

          "Bitch," Big Momma said.  Her dark eyes flash, but she said, "Flag Girl has a room on the third floor.  Room 303."

          Ms Americana headed for the stairs.  Never take the elevator when you can take the stairs.  Elevators can be turned off, knockout gas dropped down the elevator shaft and then the bad guys have you.  She'd never make that mistake again.

          Spotting the front door Ms Americana hesitated.  Should she cut her losses and leave?  Did Flag Girl even want to be rescued?  Many super heroines, after being fucked stupid and put to work whoring, didn't want to be rescued.  They preferred their sexed up lifestyles to the chaste lives of super heroines.  Unfortunately, Ms Americana had once been one of them, but her super heroine friends helped her overcome Kid's brainwashing and be free and strong again.  She could do the same for Flag Girl.

          Of course, Kid terrified her.  If she did anything to spark a suppressed memory, he might regain all of his old, drug-suppressed memories.  Then her sweet white ass would be working for him again, right beside Flag Girl.  Probably loving it as much or more than before.

          "I have no choice, I have to take the chance and try," she said.  She returned to her car, pulled out the kit with the memory drug and syringes.  She stuffed the kit behind her back, under her power belt.  Then she returned inside and started up the steps.  "I suppose I could use this on Flag Girl, to make her forget her time as Kid's whore."

          The voluptuous super vixen went up the stairs alert and cautiously.  She expected an attack from above at any second.  But she went up without incident, which she thought proved Kid was an idiot.  She was her most vulnerable on the stairs.  Idiot.

          Room 303 was straight across from the top of the stairs.  She found the door ajar.  That made her scowl.  Most likely he grabbed Flag Girl and ran.  She glanced at the elevator and licked her full red lips.  A fear that he took the elevator down while she trudged up the stairs overcame her.

          She couldn’t just ignore Flag Girl's room.

          The patriotically attired super heroine eased over to the half-open door and slowly pushed it open.  She leaned in, looking for any sign of Flag Girl or Kid Rotten.  When she didn't see anything, she leaned in more and took a tentative step inside.

          "Ha!" Kid cried, and kicked the door.

          'Ugh," she grunted, her head caught between the door and doorjamb.  Black and white flashed behind baby blue eyes.  She'd taken a pounding that day, been beaten down a number of times and thoroughly fucked and debauched.  Even her belt had its limits, and her body was just too battered to take much more.  "Uuummmmggh."

          The door was flung open and she spotted Kid looking at her triumphantly.  He seized her left wrist, and yanked her stumbling into the room.  Then he flung her bodily atop the queen-sized bed.  She rolled up onto her knees and looked around wild-eyed, silky black hair all tousled and falling in her face.

          Immediately, she knew there were two other people in the room.  Kid was next to the door, walking towards her in nothing but an open terrycloth robe.  Flag Girl was laying on her belly in the corner, hogtied and ball-gagged.  The sexy sidekick turned hooker was watching them with big blue eyes.

          "How dare you tie up my sidekick like that!" Ms Americana cried, sliding off the bed and assuming a classic super heroine pose.

          "I dare a lot, BRENDA," Kid said, grinning smugly.  "Kneel, whore."

          Ms Americana just gawked at him, mouth open and baby blues wide in shock.

          "You remembered?"

          "Flag Girl told me," he said.  "But it did bring back some memories.  Sexy memories of how I taught you to give great head."

          The Queen of Justice's mouth began to water.  She felt her breasts swell just a bit, like they do when she gets aroused.  Even her nipples were suddenly tingling and hypersensitive.  She gnawed on her lower lip as her belly began to quiver, butterflies gone wild deep inside.  Even her already much abused and sopping wet pussy began to burn and tingle, making her want to reach down and rub it for a little relief.

          "Gre -- Ugh," she grunted, trying to speak but couldn't past the lump in her threat.  She had to swallow three times to loosen up her throat.  "I'm a super heroine, not some sleazy whore to be pimped off on the streets."

          "Oh, but you are," he said.  "Flag Girl told me how you pine to give yourself to me again.  How thoughts of me and making love to me kept you up at night, tossing and turning and moaning."

          His words sucked the air out of her lungs.  She gasped for air, stumbling back a step as she laid her left hand across her deep cleavage, over her hammering heart.  Flag Girl had no right to tell him of her weakness, of her vulnerability. 

          "No, you can't know that," she groaned.  "That would mean…mean…"

          "That you belong to me," Kid said.  "Yes, you are once and always MY whore, back to being my fuck toy.  I owned you then, and I own you again."

          "No," she said, regaining some of her senses.  Reaching back, she pulled the kit out from under her belt.  She dropped it on the bed and opened it up.  Within seconds, she had a syringe full of the powerful serum.  "This will make you forget all about me again."

          "I don't think so," he said.

          "We'll see who the strongest is," she said, feeling more confident now.  She looked him over with distaste.  How could she have allowed herself to be tricked into that ill-conceived wager so many years back?  How did HE tame her?  Well, it wouldn't happen again.  "You're so pathetic.  Pimp, of all things.  If you can defeat me at the height of my power here, today, then I DESERVE to be your whore."

          "Oh, you do," he said.  "You will be again."

          Ms Americana carefully put the syringe and kit aside.  She would need that AFTER she kicked Kid's butt, and subdued him.  Then she would have to brain wash him of all memories of hers and Lydia's dual identities.

          "Well, Kid, if you want me whoring myself on the street for you, then you have to PROVE you're man enough to make me," she said sultrily.  "Come on.  Try.  Take me down and make me your bitch."


          They glared at each other, both standing at the end of the bed, one at each corner.  Just a couple feet apart.  He grinned at her, infuriating her.  She screamed and attacked.  Kid reached down and pulled the covers off, and flung them into the air.  Ms Americana raced into them, unable to stop or avoid them.  Kid stepped aside as she plowed into the covers, became covered and then smashed into the wall.

          Ms Americana bounced off the wall with a grunt of pain, twisted around and stumbled.  Now she was tangled in the sheets, and Kid started kicking and punching her from all directions.  Even though she was beginning to weaken, the sexy super heroine managed to shed the covers after a couple minutes.

          "You look HOT all tousled like that, Brenda," Kid said.

          "You…not," she said, and kicked him up side the head.

          The notorious pimp stumbled across the room.  She followed, smiling victoriously.  Men couldn't withstand the power of her kicks and punches as well as she could theirs.  That was one benefit to being a super heroine.

          "Give it up, Kid," she said.  She grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the wall, then tossed him across the room.  The statuesque super heroine walked over and gave him her most haughty, disdainful look.  "Give up nice and easy, so I can administer the memory drug and wipe your mind clean again.  It'll be easier for both of us, and less painful for you."

          "I don't do easy, Ameri-twit," he snarled.  He kicked straight up into her groin.  "Take that, cunt."

          Intense pain lanced up through the shapely super babe.  She gasped and stepped back one step.  The bed pressed up against the back of her legs.  She noticed Kid gather himself to launch himself at her.  But she wasn’t' fast enough to stop him, and a second later he tackled her, ending up straddling her waist atop the bed.

          Kid's legs were pinning Ms Americana's arms to her side.

          "You can't defeat me.  I'm your master," Kid said.

          "Master this," she said, and lifted her arms with all of her strength.

          Kid flew off her and over the side of the bed.  Ms Americana rolled to her hands and knees.  She glared daggers at him as he climbed to his feet.  Then he shocked and terrified her by reaching over and picking up her memory drug kit.  He pulled the prepared syringe out, and pressed the plunger.  The serum squirted into her face.

          "Oops, was that important?" he said, and laughed.

          When she gathered herself to attack him, Kid held up a hand to stop her.  She watched him warily.

          "If you don't do exactly what I say, I will destroy the rest of this serum," he said.  She gasped.  "That's right, babe.  Without this serum, here right now today, you cannot escape me.  You have to wipe my mind BEFORE you leave.  Otherwise, I start blabbing all over Sugar Town and Delta City to anyone who will listen, that Brenda Wade is Ms Americana, and Lydia Wills is Flag Girl."

          Ms Americana couldn't tear her eyes off that all important kit.  Without it, she had to way to escape Kid's evil clutches.  Without it, she had to submit to his will.  Without it, she would become a streetwalking whore again.  And neither she nor Lydia would likely ever escape Kid again.  He would surely set it up so that even if they wiped his mind, that super secret information would be revealed.

          Licking full red lips, she sat back on her legs atop the bed and asked, "What do you want, Kid?"

          He took out the bottle and opened the top.  He gave her a meaningful look.

          "Cross your wrists behind your back," he said.  She reluctantly complied, not liking how it sounded so far.  He reached over and yanked the heavy curtains open, to reveal a beautiful black woman, dressed up like a hooker, but holding a video camera.  She had been filming their entire encounter up until that moment.  She did not stop recording that historic event, either.  Ms Americana scowled at her.  Kid walked around behind the sexy super heroine, picked up a pair of handcuffs and eased up on the bed behind her.  "One false move, and I pour all of this wonderful drug out."

          She looked longingly at the bottle of serum, and then at the camera recording it all for Kid's "insurance" policy.  Ms Americana had never felt so weak in her life.

          "You won't get away with this, Kid," Ms Americana said as he snapped the handcuffs onto her wrists.  "When the other super heroines of the city learn that you are forcing Flag Girl and me to prostitute ourselves, they will come down on you like a ton of bricks."

          He jerked her head back by her hair.  "You mean like you just came down on me?"

          "It'll be….different," she said weakly, dropping her gaze.  "You have an unholy power over me.  I should've had Lady Midnight and Green Spectre come here tonight and free Flag Girl."

          "You mean Angela Grier and Axanna Morgan?" he said, shocking the sexy super heroine.  "Or maybe Candy Graham as Champion Girl or Dana McQueen as Jungle Babe, or…"

          "Great Liberty, Flag Girl did you give him every heroines secret identity?"

          Flag Girl whimpered.

          "When they come for you, I will own them, too," Kid said.  "Business is about to pick up around here.  I suspect it'll be SUPER."

          "Bastard," she groaned.

          Kid reached around her, unfastened her top and pulled it off.  The once Mighty and Proud Queen of Justice looked into the camera as her 44DDs jounced and jostled sexily.  If she did anything to Kid, all of her enemies would watch that video and know who she was, would see her shame and humiliation.  Kid, a depraved pimp, possessed ultimate power over her and Flag Girl, and now she had no hope of rescue.

          Kid hooked his thumbs under her bottoms, on each well rounded hip, and pulled those red, white and blue bikini bottoms down to her knees.  She had to rise up on her knees and bend over, whereupon her pimp guided his huge cock into her slit, and then shoved it deep into her vagina.

          "Oooooooooo," she groaned, back arching and eyes closing.  It felt divine.  It felt…so right.  After so much fucking that afternoon and evening, Ms Americana's body was primed for it.  Remarkably fast the butterflies turned to a burning, erotic heat that seemed to consume her from the inside out. "Great Liberty, my greatest nightmare, and fondest daydream are coming true.  Kid Rotten owns me again.  I am his sex slave.  Again!"

          "I prefer cock candy," Kid said, laughing as he began to pump in and out of her.

          "Uuuggghhh," she groaned, trying desperately to hold off the threatening climax.  That climax would seal her fate for once and all.  Not that she believed she would escape, but….

          Kid's two bodyguards arrived then.  They didn't look pleased, but smiled darkly once they realized Kid had her subdued.  Since watching the pimp fuck Ms Americana got them horny again, they picked up Flag Girl and set her on the end of the bed.  The sidekick was stripped out of her costume, and one of them mounted her from the rear.  They never bothered untying her, so the other removed her gag and shoved his cock down her throat.

          Watching her sexy sidekick getting double teamed by those two huge cocks hit the sexy heroine hard.  It was her fault Lydia became a super heroine.  It was her fault her sweet, innocent ward would be a sleazy whore for the rest of her life.

          "You getting all of this on film, Tanika?" Kid said.

          "You betcha, boss," Tanika said.

          "Good," Kid said, then reached up to Ms Americana's face and pulled off her mask.  "Ms Americana is Brenda Wade.  Her sexy sidekick is Lydia Wills.  Unmask the blonde bimbo, boys."

          "Great Liberty!" Ms Americana cried.  Suddenly the climax overtook her, and she exploded.  "Aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!  I am ruined!  Oh.  Oh.  Oh!  Aaaaaaaaaiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee!  Great Liberty, I am TAMED and claimed by a pimp!"

          "That video Tanika is making is NOT my insurance, Ameri-babe," Kid said.  "I already sold it to about 1500 internet porn sites.  I made millions.  You and sweet little Flag Twat here will be instant internet porn stars before midnight.  And the whole world will know your secret identities."

          "You've ensured I will never escape my fate," Ms Americana said.  "I am yours forever."  Kid shot his wad deep in her pussy, sending her over the top.  "Aaaaaaaaaiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!"

          The two vanquished vigilantes were taken into the bathroom afterwards.  With the help of other hookers, they had their faces made up brightly.  Then they got their costumes and masks back.  Finally, Kid led them downstairs.

          "Big Momma, I want the room next to Flag Girl for Ms Americana," Kid called.

          "You betcha, kid!" Big Momma cried, looking quite pleased to see Ms Americana a humbled and helpless hooker.  Again.  "I knew you'd take her down again.  Yes!"

          Kid pointed at the door, "You girls both know what is expected of you.  Ms Americana, you are in Room 305.  Get to work peddling your sweet round ass, baby."

          Ms Americana, full red lips quivering, swallowed hard, took a deep breath and nodded.  "Anything you say, Kid."

          With that, Ms Americana led Flag Girl out to the street.  They struck super heroine poses next to the curb and studied the slow moving cars.

          "I'm sorry Ms A," Flag Girl whispered.  "I am weak."

          "I understand," Ms Americana said.  She looked down at the intersection, and spotted Angelique, JJ Rod and Sweet Willie huddled together and pointing at her.  They looked both pleased and envious of Kid.  "So am I."  Then an old pickup rolled to a stop in front of the Queen of Justice.  A lanky young man that looked like he was fresh off the farm grinned nervously at her.  "Hey handsome, you looking for a super date with a super heroine?"