All characters in this story are my own creations and may not be used in anyway without my prior permission.

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By Dark One


      Lady Katana scowled at the two security guards.  They were totally absorbed in their current activities, which did not include either patrolling the museum or watching the numerous security monitors.  Both men were all but drooling over girlie magazines.

      Both men wore the standard light blue shirt and dark blue slacks of security guards, with cheap tin badges and expensive pistols.  Security Officers Elmer Cleburn and Harald Jones were known commodities to Lady Katana, since she was in reality multimillionaire socialite Tiffany Hightower and was on the museum’s board of directors.

      Stepping through the door, she assumed the classic super heroine stance:  balled up fists on well rounded hips, legs shoulder width apart and chin high.  The darkest of blue eyes bore into the two startled guards.  But their shock didn’t last long, for she noted their lusty eyes quickly dropped to her shapely body.  She wore her Lady Katana costume and mask:  Metallic, steel gray bustier and bikini thong bottoms, and midnight blue half-face mask, latex opera gloves and thigh boots.  Her legs were sheathed in midnight blue latex as well, and her all important FEM belt was midnight blue.

      The FEM belt – Force Energization and Manifestation belt – increased her strength to the equivalent of ten strong men.  It was created for the military, to give American soldiers another technical advantage on the battlefield, but she got a stolen one and customized it to fit into her ensemble.  Without it, she was as weak as a normal woman.

      “What do you think you’re doing?” Lady Katana said, eyes flashing.  “Looking at PORN?  While on duty?”  She pulled the magazine out of Elmer Cleburn’s hands and leafed through it a second.  “BDSM crap?  How sick are you?  Uuggh!”

      She tossed the magazine into the trash can.

      “Lady Katana?” Elmer said, too shocked to think straight.  “We….we…uh -- ”

      “We are on break, um, my lady…I mean, Lady Katana,” Harald said.

      “You disgust me,” she snarled, and stepped past them and up to the security monitors.  The two guards’ eyes dropped to her feet as her tall stilettos clicked across the tile floor.  <Pigs!> she thought.  There were nine large color monitors and twenty smaller black and white monitors slowly flipping through two hundred cameras positioned throughout the sprawling museum and parking garage.  “I have it on good authority that the notorious cat burglar, Miss Kitty, will strike tonight.  Somehow, I just knew you two were not up to the task of stopping her.”

      The security officers’ faces flushed red and Elmer began to grind his teeth.

      “Ain’t nobody going to get into this here museum, Lady Katana,” Elmer said testily.  “Every square inch of this here building and garage is covered by security cameras.”

      “Hm!” she said.  “That only works if you are WATCHING the cameras, boys.  And I do mean BOYS.  Grow up, toss the porn, and try to act like adults.  Women are not sex objects put on this earth to amuse and delight your carnal senses.”

      She snarled at them as both men’s eyes raked her shapely body once again, before they looked up to look her in the masked face.  Elmer even had a hard-on, and both looked to be having trouble breathing.  <Men are such predicable pigs,> she thought.  <Who cares, let them give me their power on a silver platter.>

      “Tell me, boys, how did I get in?  How did I get all the way into the security office without you knowing I was in the building?”

      That stumped them.  They just gawked at her, no answer to that question.  Lady Katana was pleased.

      “Break is over,” she said, turning back to the cameras.  “Rest assured, I will report your offensive and highly unprofessional behavior to the head of security tomorrow, as well as the museum’s director, Mr. Ashworth.”  Harald groaned miserably.  She gave them a scathing look.  “But first, I have a cat burglar to capture.”

      “We’ll stop her, don’t you worry, Lady Katana,” Elmer said, chest puffing up and trying to act all professional.

      “No, I’ll stop her.  You two are less than worthless,” she said.  “Just stay out of my way.”

#                    #                    #

      Miss Kitty moved quickly, sensuously down the dimly lit museum hallway.  She was dressed in all black leather and latex, her five inch stilettos tapping softly on the cold tile.  In her latex-gloved right hand was a small black device.  Her thumb was poised over the button.

      “Oooo, there’s another one,” she purred upon spying another camera mounted high on the wall.  Taking careful aim, she pressed the button and a thin red line shot out.  The laser pierced the camera’s side and immediately disabled it.  She glanced down at the dial on the laser’s side and hissed.  “Damn, only one more shot left.”  She looked around, then smiled.  “But I’m almost to my prize.”

      She continued on.  Her well rounded hips swayed as she walked, sheathed in tight black latex stuffed into thigh boots.  From the neck down, she was sheathed in skin tight leather and latex, and even her head and face were mostly covered by a black leather cowl, with her long, curly red hair below it and behind her shoulders.

      Miss Kitty grinned.  As far as the world was concerned, her alter ego, Pop starlet Kourtney Kittens, had just completed her pop concert three blocks away, and was alone in her dressing room “resting” before boarding her tour bus and heading for the next city.  No one knew, not even her closest friends and lackeys, that Kourtney Kittens was the infamous Miss Kitty.

      She smiled and her green eyes flashed with pleasure.  The critics lambasted her “shallow” lyrics and heavy reliance on flashy dance moves and skimpy outfits, but no one disparaged the skills of the world’s most dreaded cat burglar, Miss Kitty.  Tomorrow the world would be horrified to discover to the thief of the ancient Egyptian artifact, the Pharaoh’s Cat.  Diamond encrusted, solid gold cat, at that.

#                    #                    #

      “What’s that?” Lady Katana said, pointing at a small BW monitor.

      “What’s what?  I don’t see anything,” Elmer said, clearly annoyed by the beautiful heroine.

      “One of the cameras was out,” she said.

      “None of our cameras are out,” he whispered loudly.

      “There!” she said.

      “Oh, you’re right,” Harald said reluctantly.

      “And there’s another one,” she said, pointing to another monitor.

      Elmer was busy tapping away at his keyboard.  Soon he transferred the blank images from the two BW monitors to the bigger color monitors.  Then some more typing, and he knew which cameras weren’t working.

      “Six cameras out,” he said.  “And all down a single hallway.  Could be an electrical problem.”

      “No, it’s Miss Kitty.  Where does that hallway lead?”

      “Hmm, to the Egyptian room,” Harald said.

      “The Egyptian Room?” Lady Katana said, thinking.  Then her eyes flew wide.  “Mother of God, she’s going for that new artifact being displayed, the Pharaoh’s Cat!”

      “We have to stop her!” Elmer cried, leaping to his feet.

      “Not we, but me,” Lady Katana said, pulling the razor sharp katana strapped across her back.  “You boys stay here, and once I capture her, sound the alarm and go meet the police at the door.  I’ll bring Miss Kitty to the front door.”

      Lady Katana left before the two morons could think of an argument.  She moved as fast as her stiletto heeled feet would allow.  And that was pretty fast, for she had lots of practice in them.  Soon, she was in the Egyptian Room, hiding behind a sphinx and watching the glass case holding the diamond encrusted, golden Pharaoh’s Cat.

      She didn’t have long to wait.

      Miss Kitty slinked into the Egypt Room just moments after Lady Katana.  She moved with catlike grace, cautiously crossing over to the display case.  At one point, Miss Kitty paused to glance up at the camera high in the ceiling, hidden behind a mirrored dome.  She looked at a small black device in her hand, hissed angrily and pushed it into a pocket of her utility belt.

      “Halt!” Lady Katana called as Miss Kitty reached out to remove the glass dome over the Pharaoh’s Cat.  The cat burglar rewarded her with a look of pure shock and surprise.  “Miss Kitty, you are under arrest.  Surrender peacefully, or suffer the consequences, miscreant.”

      “Miscreant?” Miss Kitty said, and smiled evilly.  “Lady Katana has come to help me celebrate my little theft.  What a puuurrfect party favor for me!”

      “You’ll be partying in prison, Miss Kitty,” Lady Katana said arrogantly.  “I’m about to end your insidious crime spree, for once and all.  Surrender, or else.”

      “Then it is ‘or else,’” Miss Kitty purred and smiled.

      Lady Katana marched straight at the cat burglar.  Miss Kitty stood waiting, a look of evil joy on her beautiful masked face.  The smile irritated her, so Lady Katana silently vowed to remove it forever.  Then Miss Kitty reached out and tossed the glass cover from the display – straight at Lady Katana.  Without thought, Lady Katana smashed it with her sword.

      Glass exploded upon contact, forcing Katana to close her eyes and turn away, all the while cursing her stupidity.  She knew exactly what Miss Kitty was doing – snatching up the statute and running for it.  But she turned around to look for her foe, she found the cat burglar charging straight at her.


      Miss Kitty’s slap spun Lady Katana around, frozen with shock.  Miss Kitty smashed a brutal knee into the super heroine’s lower back, just missing the kidneys.  Katana grunted and spun away, then aimed a slice at the cat burglar’s long legs.  But Miss Kitty wasn’t there anymore.

      “Looking for me?” Miss Kitty taunted from behind Lady Katana.  When Katana spun around, a look of surprise on her beautiful face, Kitty spun and kicked at her face.  “Surprise!”


      Light and dark exploded behind Lady Katana’s dark blue eyes.  She felt her fingers spasm, and the katana sword drop from her unresponsive fingers.  At the same time, she staggered back three steps, blinded by the pain but determined to stay on her feet.  Determined to teach Miss Kitty a lesson in respect!

      “You look tired, sweetness,” Miss Kitty purred.  “Take a load off your feet.”

      The next instant Lady Katana’s feet were swept out from under her by a powerful kick.  She landed head first, and was left sprawled and groaning on the cold floor.

      Miss Kitty picked up the dropped sword and pressed it to Lady Katana’s throat.  The super heroine froze.

      “Eeks!” Miss Kitty taunted.  “Didn’t see this coming, now did you?”

      “You won’t get away with this, Miss Kitty.  I will hunt you down,” she said, eyes flashing.

      “Well, not right away,” Miss Kitty said, grinning wickedly.  She poked her in the neck with the sword.  “Roll over onto your belly.”

      “You’re wasting time, miscreant,” Lady Katana said as she complied.  She found herself sprawled on her belly, staring at Miss Kitty’s black booted feet.  It was beyond humiliating.  It was her first defeat.  <And my last,> she thought.

      Miss Kitty quickly handcuffed the vanquished super heroine.  Then she stood inches from her flush face and grinned evilly.  She moved a booted foot forward.

      “Kiss it.”


      “Kiss it, or I will kill you with your own sword.”

      “You won’t dare!”

      “Wouldn’t I?”

      Miss Kitty took the katana in both hands, blade aimed downward at the middle of Lady Katana’s back.  The super heroine glanced up wild-eyed.  Then she slowly turned her face forward and pressed her ruby lips to the toe of Miss Kitty’s shiny black boot.

      “What a pretty lip print you left, sweetness,” she purred.  She pulled that foot back and moved the other forward.  “Lick it.  Start at the toe, and work your way back to the heel.”

      She jabbed Lady Katana lightly in the back.  Lady Katana growled, but began licking as ordered.  Her face was burning like it never burned before.  She felt the heat of humiliation all down her neck and across her mostly exposed upper chest.  She licked long, and hard, forced to take her time by Miss Kitty’s wicked demands.  She spent a good five minutes licking the tall, stiletto heel to the evil cat burglar’s precise demands.

      Before she was half through licking Miss Kitty’s feet, Lady Katana felt her own body starting to react to such obscene behavior.  Her loins ached, and she felt the heat of desire in her lower belly and chest.

      “Good girl,” Miss Kitty purred sweetly.  She reached down, seized Lady Katana’s silky soft dark brown hair and pulled her to her feet.  Then at sword point, she forced Lady Katana across the room and to a large stone sphinx.  “Bend over the sphinx’s hiney, legs wide.”

      Coming up behind the sphinx, Lady Katana did as ordered, ended up with her legs spread wide and her head and upper torso laying on the sphinx’s back.  Miss Kitty then quickly bound the super heroine’s ankles to the base of the sphinx, and then ran a rope from Lady Katana’s neck around the sphinx’s torso and back to tie off at her neck.

      Lady Katana was bound tightly and securely.

      “Now we can have a little fun, don’t you think?” Miss Kitty said, green eyes a-twinkle.  “You strike me as a prude, so let’s find out.”

      “Wait…what are you doing?”


      She was doing more than “nothing.”  Miss Kitty first used the captured sword to cut Lady Katana’s silvery bikini thong between the legs.  Then she carefully sliced open the midnight blue latex below it, exposing Lady Katana’s twat to the air conditioned air.

      “Ooo, yooouuuu……bitch!”

      “Ouch!  NEVER call Miss Kitty a vile bitch!” she cried, outraged, and kicked the offending super heroine in her newly exposed pussy.

      “Aaaiiieeee!  No!” she cried in agony, then with fierce eyes, shouted, “Bitch!  Bitch!  Bitch!”

      “Aarrrrr,” Miss Kitty growled.  She reversed the katana sword, and promptly rammed the long leather wrapped hilt up Lady Katana’s vulnerable vagina.  Katana gasped and arched her back, then cried out desperately.  “What’s the matter, I thought you were a sword lover?”

      “Halt, Miss Kitty!” Elmer called.

      Miss Kitty turned slowly to gaze coolly at the two security officers pointing pistols at her.  She hissed at them, then slowly turned to face them, though poised to move instantly in any direction.

      “What took you so long?” Lady Katana demanded.  “Untie me this instant.”

      “Go untie her, Harald,” Elmer said.  “Get your hands up, Miss Kitty.”

      Miss Kitty hissed again as she raised her hands, and then she was forced to move away from Lady Katana a few steps.  The guard was too close to miss her, and his aim was alarmingly steady.  She was desperate to find an escape.  And it had to be before Lady Katana was cut free.

      “You’re making a big mistake,” Miss Kitty said.  Lady Katana’s ankles were free.  “I can make you both very rich.  Rich enough to live like kings in Mexico, or some other tropical paradise.”

      “Hurry up, you moron,” Lady Katana growled.  Then Harald placed on hand on her rump, and pulled the sword out of her pussy with the other.  “Hey, watch your hands!”

      That last comment caught Elmer’s attention.  Miss Kitty saw her chance.  She side stepped, then charged him.  Elmer, startled, missed when he fired and was caught by a roundhouse to the side of the head.  He spun around and smashed into the wall head first, and collapsed at her feet.

      “Get the handcuffs off!” Katana cried as Miss Kitty turned on them.  The guard fumbled with the key as the cat burglar rushed them.  “Damn you, idiot!”

      Lady Katana stepped forward to confront the super villain.  They both had enhanced strength due to FEM belts.  But Lady Katana’s hands were handcuffed behind her back.  Miss Kitty looked confident in victory, so she dropped low and swept the cat burglar’s feet away.

      “Bet that hurt, sweetness,” Lady Katana growled mockingly.  She kicked Miss Kitty in the chin as she tried to regain her feet.  “You are so going to pay dearly for what you did to me, BITCH!”

      Miss Kitty tried to scramble away on all fours.  Lady Katana kept kicking her back down, keeping her off her feet and at the disadvantage.  Each painful kick in the side or head or stomach stole more and more of her strength, FEM belt or not.  The cat burglar had to admit the super heroine was good with her feet.

      Finally, Lady Katana backed Miss Kitty across the room and against the wall.  Once stopped, Miss Kitty couldn’t escape even for a second  from Lady Katana’s vicious feet.  She was beaten almost senseless.

      “Harald, forget Elmer, get these accursed cuffs off me and onto Miss Kitty,” Lady Katana demanded, eyes flashing.

      Miss Kitty watched through narrowed eyes as Harald rushed over.  He stole Katana’s full attention, if only for a second.  Once again, made nervous by her anger and demands, he fumbled the key.  Miss Kitty struck out with her feet at that exact moment, catching Lady Katana just above the ankles.

      “Aaeeiiieee,” she cried as she fell.

      In an instant, Miss Kitty was on her feet and bowling over Harald.  She snatched up the object of her desire, the Pharaoh’s Cat, and raced away.  Lady Katana cried out in anger and frustration, struggling to get to her feet.  Miss Kitty made a slight detour, just enough to pass by the struggling super heroine and kick her back down.

      Then she was gone.

      “After her, you moronic buffoon!” she cried.  Harald paused a second, then took off after Miss Kitty.  She locked eyes with Elmer, barely recovered from Miss Kitty’s attack.  “What are you waiting for?  Unlock my cuffs so I can save the day!”

      “I’m sorry, Lady,” he said, rushing over the best he could, considering he was still a little dizzy.  “I’ll have those off in a jiffy, Miss Katana.”

      “That’s LADY Katana, not MISS,” she said, seething as he too fumbled with his keys.  “You’re making me wait.”  He paused to gawk at her.  “What?  Uncuff me, moron.  How stupid are you?  Minimum wage is twice as much as you deserve.”

      “I’m doing my…”

      “You are doing nothing,” she stopped him.  She turned away from him and lifted her cuffed hands.  “Get them off now.  And know I’ll personally see to it you are fired, and never get another security job.”

      Elmer glared murderously at the arrogant super heroine.  Who did she think she was, anyway?  Some strumpet in a tight hooker costume, that was what she was.  She had no right to treat him like that.  He never did anything but try to help her the best he could, and for what?  Verbal abuse!

      “It ends now,” he said, pulling his long flashlight.


      Elmer struck her in the back of the head.  Lady Katana grunted and fell face first to the floor at his feet.  He stood looking down at her, shocked by what he’d done.  Then he noticed the split in her costume, exposing her shaven pussy.  The pink pussy lips glistened in the dim light.

      “You need a lesson in humility, Lady Katana,” Elmer said.  “I’m sick to death of your superior attitude and threats.”  He grinned down at her evilly.  “I don’t think you’ll be telling anyone anything about me and Harald, tomorrow or any other time.”

      First off, the handcuffs stay on.  He was kind of turned on by them anyway.  Next, he knelt beside her and unsnapped the midnight blue FEM belt at the small of her back.  There were six snaps, all very tight to help ensure the belt was not accidentally pulled off.  Two of the snaps were the actual contacts that when snapped closed activated the belt.  He knew all about “power” belts.  Elmer served six years in the Marines, infantry, and wore one during that time.  In fact, the feeling of power and invincibility that surged through him while wearing the FEM belt was the only thing he missed about the Corp.  Then he rolled up the belt and set it aside.  It was too small for him to wear, but worth a thousand times it’s weight in gold on the black market.

      With the hapless super heroine de-powered and utterly helpless, Elmer unzipped her silvery bustier.  Then he rolled her over onto her back, and admired her hefty 40DD tits.  He was pleased to see they were real.  So he straddled her waist and started to knead and squeeze Lady Katana’s titanic tits.

      “Ooooo,” she groaned, starting to come around.

      Elmer unzipped and plopped his cock between her tits.  Then he pushed them together and started to titty fuck the waking super heroine, even as he pinched and twisted her hard pink nipples.  Within a minute, Lady Katana regained consciousness and gawked at him.

      “What are you doing?”

      There was no doubt in her mind what Elmer was doing.  What she couldn’t understand was, why?  She was Lady Katana.  A beloved and highly respected super heroine.  How could he do such a thing to her?  He was a security officer, so was on the same side as her.

      “Are you a virgin?” Elmer said, grinning even more evilly now.

      Then he locked eyes with her.  Her eyes widened by the electricity between them, compounded by her vulnerable position.  He stopped titty fucking her, seized her face in both hands and bent down to kiss her.

      “No!  Don’t you – Mmmppphhhh!”

      Elmer savored her firm, red lips.  He enjoyed the feel of his lips sliding over hers, and the sound of her outraged moans and groans.  She writhed beneath him, kicking her feet.  The sound of her sharp heels striking the hard tiles echoed through the room, punctuating her moans and groans.  Suddenly, titty fucking wasn’t good enough.

      Elmer released her lips.  She fell back gasping, wild-eyed.  As hoped, the super heroine calmed down once released from the lip lock.  So Elmer was able to move down between her shapely legs.  Lady Katana, disoriented, didn’t realize what he was doing until she felt him push her legs wide.  He was between them before she could snap them closed.

      Elmer spent a moment to admire and stroke her shaven pussy.  Lady Katana gasped and writhed some more, but couldn’t escape his clutches.

      “Don’t do it,” she said.  “Right now, you are only looking at about six months in county jail for your crimes.  If you go any further, it will be hard time.”

      “We’ll have to work on your pillow talk, Lady Shaven Cunt,” he said.  His fingers lightly stroked her pink pussy lips.  He felt her whole body shudder as she gasped and her eyes rolled up.  He smiled even wider and continued for another few minutes, until she was shaking.

      “You’re sopping wet, Lady Sweet Nookie,” he said.  Then he noticed something.  “My goodness, your clit is peeking out.  You must be hot to trot!”

      “Please, we can work something out,” she said between gasps.  “I’m will to reconsider turning you in for this.”

      “Reconsider this,” he said, and slipped his finger between her pussy lips.  She gasped, eyes wide, and bucked.  “Liked that, did you?”

      Elmer caressed her the full length of her slit, and finally settled down to messaging her engorged clit.

      “Oh!  Stop it! Oh!  OH!” she cried.  “This isn’t….OH!...right.  Please stop.”

      “Stop my ass,” he said.  “This is the most fun I’ve ever had.  My very own bondage babe to play with, and I don’t have to pay for it.”

      “I’ll give you money!  I’m rich!”

      “Yes you will, but that won’t stop me,” he said.  His own hard on was starting to ache with need to penetrate and put paid on this haughty bitch.  So he let his finger slide down to her vagina and pushed deep inside.  Lady Katana once again began bucking.  “I think I found the spot!”

      Lady Katana couldn’t believe what was happening to her.  First, captured by Miss Kitty and sexually molested, and just as she was poised to escape, waylaid by a security guard.  Now he was taking his turn at molesting her, and was poised to go a lot further, too.

      Worse, by far, was the feeling he was eliciting from her body.  She was all a-tingle now, and like he pointed out, her twat was drenched in anticipation of being royally fucked.  And fucked she would be.  Elmer was not going to be deterred.  And to her shame, her body didn’t want him to stop.

      “Mother of God,” she groaned as an intense jolt of sexual pleasure shot through her body as his other hand started messaging her clit, while he was still finger fucking her vagina.  “Officer Cleburn...let’s be reasonable….Oooo….I will….Oh my…I will…”

      “You will do as told, Lady Bitch,” he snarled, pulling his hands away and scooting up close.

      Lady Katana froze.  Her dark blue eyes locked on Elmer’s hard cock, poised inches from her glistening pussy.  And her pussy ached now.  Ached to be used.  When he removed his hands, with their magical fingers, she somehow felt empty and alone.  Her feelings terrified her.  Then she gasped and grimaced to see him take his member in hand and guide it to her twat.

      Elmer pushed the head of his dick into her.

      “Oooo,” she gasped.

      “Slut,” he said, and pushed in deeper.  Her back arched and she groaned long and low.  “I read that super heroines were all horny tramps, just begging to get fucked long and hard.  You’re proving them right, Lady Slut.”

      His eight inches were halfway into her super tight pussy.  Elmer began pumping, slow and easy.  He wanted to savor this.  He’d dreamed of doing a super heroine for years, decades.  Lady Katana was one of his favorite dream fucks.  And the fact was starting to prove better than his erotic daydreams.

      For her part, Lady Katana was beside herself.  This was the first time she’d been defeated in her five years as a super heroine.  The twenty-three year old socialite behind the mask hadn’t had a boyfriend in three years, and hadn’t had sex in two years.  As she grew as a super heroine, she had less time and interest for boys.  She’d almost forgotten how good sex could be, but this was the first time it was forced upon her.  And it was proving to be the best she’d ever had.  Indeed, she’d never had an orgasm with a man, only with vibrators and dildos.  Something told her that was about to change, for her body was close to the brink.

      Soon, the full eight inches of Elmer’s cock was pumping in and out of Lady Katana.  She whipped her head back and forth, long dark hair flying.  Elmer increased the pace, making her groan again.  It was more than she could take.  But he was not going to stop.  Not for anything.

      Suddenly, Elmer gasped and his cock hardened even more.  She felt him start ramming it home harder and harder, almost desperately.  He was about to cum inside her, and the thought pushed the helpless super heroine over the top.

      “Aaaiiiieeeeee!” she cried.  The climax was incredible.  Mind blowing.  She’d never felt anything like that before.  “Oooooooooo, God Almighty!”

      “Take that, Super Slut Whore,” Elmer said with a grunt.

      She felt his hot jizm surging into her.  It was the sexiest feeling she’d ever felt.  She tugged at her handcuffs, and felt the heat rising again.  Her tits felt too heavy, so taut.  The air conditioning on her bare skin was sensuous, and her nipples all but ached.  She wrapped her long legs around Elmer and squeezed, and felt his cock hardened some more, and another spurt.

      “Oooooooooo….Awwwwww,” she moaned.

      “That was the best yet,” he said, breathless.  When he pulled out, still semi-erect, she let out a tiny whimper.  He grinned knowingly.  Yes, she was a super powered slut, after all.  But who was she?  Who was hiding behind that midnight blue mask?  “But it’s not over yet, sweet puss.”

      Elmer eased out from between her legs and crawled over to her head.  She looked up at him with a dazed look.  He grinned, knowing he tamed one of the most highly touted heroines in the city.  Lady Katana didn’t have any of the super human powers of an Alpha Meta woman, an Amazon, but she stood shoulder to shoulder with her super powered associates.

      Lifting her head with one hand, he guided his semi-erect cock toward her mouth.  Lady Katana gazed at the shiny cock, soaked with her love juices and his cum.  She knew instinctively what he wanted.  It was something she’d never done for any of her boyfriends, back when she still dated.  Licking a nasty cock clean was too demeaning, too humiliating.

      “Please, not that too.”

      Elmer wanted to cry out in victory.  He loved to hear her beg for mercy.  It wouldn’t do her any good, but it fueled his ardor.  His cock hardened a bit more.  So he rubbed it against her full red lips.  She gasped, lips slightly parted, but she didn’t have the strength or will power to turn away from it.  So he rubbed his dick head back and forth, and all around her luscious lips.  Until, to his surprise, he saw her wet, pink tongue peek out and caress his cock head, then vanish back inside her mouth.

      “Suck it, slut, and lick me clean.”

      With that, Elmer thrust his cock deep into her hot mouth.  In a daze, Lady Katana remained slack mouthed and let him have his way.  One of his hands found her right tit, and began squeezing and kneading her hyper sensitive nipple.  Then after another moment, her lips tightened around his shaft, and she began to suck.  Elmer rejoiced as she sucked harder and harder, until she was giving an excellent blowjob.

      “Suck it like you love it, Lady Slut.”


      “Use your tongue,” he commanded.  She complied, clumsily at first.  He gave directions, and she followed them.  She proved a quick study.  “Oh yes, that’s how it’s done.  Oh, yeah, baby.”

      He was rock hard again.  He’d never been able to get it up so soon after cumming, but he’d never fucked a super horny, super heroine before.  He was going to cum again in her mouth, and the thought aroused him even more.

      But he had plans for more than just cumming in her mouth.

      “Who are you, Lady Slut?  Who are you behind that mask?”

      Lady Katana’s eyes went wide as his fingers grasped the edge of her mask.

      “Mmmmppphhhhh!!” she cried around his cock as he began to pull the mask from her face.  “Uuuuhhhhhppppffff!”

      “Suck or else, slut!”

      She sucked harder, but wild-eyed.  He continued to slowly pull off her mask, while enjoying the feel of her lips, tongue and hot mouth around his throbbing cock.  It was going to blow any second now, and he wanted to time the unmasking just right.

      “You are nothing!  I defeated you, Lady Slut,” Elmer said.  “I am your master now.  Accept it, or pay the price.  You have no choice but to obey all my commands now, whore.”

      His words struck her like hammers to the head.  She was reeling.  Being unmasked, even as she gave her captor head, was more than she signed up for.  Who could’ve handled such a thing?  And the words struck a cord deep within her soul.  She felt her body responding to each heady word.  He was so thoroughly dominating her.  It was too much for her to take.  And her heat flushed body went over the top, and she climaxed again.

      “You….are…,” Elmer gasped, “mine!  You are…,”  He pulled the mask the rest of the way off, seeing her face for the first time without it, “unmasked!”

      Elmer lost it then.  Lady Katana was forced to suck down a thick torrent to hot jizm.  She swallowed and swallowed, almost too busy taking in his cum to fully grasp the horror that had become her life.  Elmer knew her face.  She climaxed again at the thought.

      “Heh, I recognize you!  You’re that uppity socialite, Tiffany Hightower,” he declared joyously.  She climaxed again.  “Damn, what a coup!  It just keeps getting better and better.”

      Pulling out, he stood up and looked her over with relish.  Lady Katana – Tiffany – cowered at his feet.  Her fate was in his unmerciful hands.

      “What are you going to do to me?” she said.  “I can pay ransom.”

      “Fuck ransom,” he said, eyes afire.  “I want you.  Every day.  Every way.  And I’m going to have you, too.  You belong to me now, Lady Tiffany Hightower Katana.”

      She flinched at hearing herself named.

      “What do you mean?”

      “You have two choices, milady,” he said, eyes filled with wicked glee.  “I’m not a killer.  So in a minute I am going to release you.  You’ll have to decide if you want to take me as your new boyfriend and live-in lover, or reject me.  If you reject me then I’ll start telling everyone who you really are behind the mask.  I expect Lady Katana’s many enemies won’t waste any time hunting Miss Tiffany down like the dirty dog you are.  So, what’s it going to be?  Me or the hoodlums?”

      She swallowed hard and looked him over.  Elmer was in his late 40s to early 50s, a little overweight and ugly as original sin.  There would be lots of questions about why the twenty-three year old premier socialite of Ocean City, and former Miss Teenage America, would pair up with an impoverished, over the hill security guard.

      Of course, the alternative was death.  Most likely, death by torture.

      “I have no choice, do I?” she said bitterly.  “When will you be moving in?”

      “Right after work,” he said.  “Of course, this is my last day at work, since you’ll be supporting me in fine style.”

#                    #                    #

      While that was happening, Miss Kitty was making good her escape.  She could hear the out of shape security guard pursuing her.  Thank God it wasn’t that meddlesome Lady Katana.  The security guard would be easy to escape, and even more fun to taunt.

      “Yeeoow, I’m so bad,” she purred as she reached the end of the hallway, a cavernous three-story high entrance foyer.  The window in which she broke into the museum was open above her.  “They’ll be talking about this theft for years to come.  And how Lady Katana was defeated by me.”

      She was so pleased the security guards interrupted her abuse of the haughty heroine.  True, it cut her fun short, but now she had two eyewitnesses.  There was no way they would keep their mouths shut about what they saw.  Lady Katana might even be forced to skulk away into oblivion, never to bother the world again.

      The thought amused her immensely.


      She glanced at the security guard.  Harald was exhausted from the short run.  She was hardly breaking a sweat.  Her pop shows were so demanding physically, her activities as Miss Kitty barely affected her.

      “You should join a gym,” she said.  “Poor thing, will probably have a heart attack now.”

      Laughing, she leapt up to the window.  The guard gawked at her.  He probably didn’t realize she wore a power belt until that moment, for she noticed his eyes narrow at her waist.

      “Bye-bye, little man,” she taunted.  Then laughed.  “You are so pathetic.  You never had a chance in Hell against me.  Now be a good little boy and skulk back to your nice safe guard room and hide until daylight.  You’ll be fired first thing in the morning, and will probably never have a decent job till the day you die.  You’re so pathetic.”

      Harald was dumbstruck.  Everything she said was true.  He was too old to become a cop, and failed the entrance examine several times when he was still young enough.  He was a ninth grade drop out, and could barely read and write due to dyslexia.  The museum actually paid fairly well, and it was the best job he ever had.  Now it was back to the slums and working day labor for less than minimum wage.

      “Toodle-loo!  Loser,” she called down, and laughed as she turned to slip through the open window.

      He looked at her escaping.  Clutching her prize, and his downfall.  That woman would cost him everything.  And she thought it so funny.  She was stealing away his life, and all his future happiness.  How could she be so callus?

      Harald considered racing to the door and opening it.  But she was too fast.  He knew she wore a FEM belt.  That’s how she was able to defeat Lady Katana, and leap twenty feet into the air to that window without any visible effort.  If he was unlucky enough to actually catch her, she would kick his ass inside and out.

      He was nobody, and the throught enraged him.

      Pulling his heavy flashlight, Harald hurled it at her.  To both of their surprise, he actually struck her.

      Miss Kitty didn’t see the guard throw his flashlight.  She was looking out the window to ensure the coast was clear.  Then severe pain erupted on her right ankle.  Still clutching the Pharaoh’s Cat in her left arm, she dropped her right hand down to her ankle as she gasped in pain.

      That was the worse thing she could’ve done.

      Miss Kitty lost her balance and tumbled backwards from the high window sill.  Harald watched in amazement as she fell and hit the hard floor with a muted “THAWK!”

      “Uuunnnngggghhhh,” Miss Kitty groaned and writhe in pain.  The Pharaoh’s Cat skittered across the floor.  “Oohhhh.”

      The infamous cat burglar landed flat on her back, her head bouncing off the unyielding tiles.  Intense white and darkness flashed behind her eyes.  She heard Harald’s footsteps approaching at a run, but was helpless to do anything to defend herself.

      “Bet that hurt, didn’t it?” Harald taunted as he rolled her onto her belly and pulled her hands behind her back.  The metallic click of the handcuffs was the sweetest sound.  “How’s it feel to be the loser of the two of us, Miss Defeated?”

      “I will get you for this outrage,” she said weakly.

      “How is that?” he said, grinning victoriously now.  “You’ve been declawed, Miss Kitty.”

      “You don’t really believe you can hold me, do you?” she purred, starting to get her wind and strength back.

      “I can if I do this,” he said, and removed her power belt.

      Miss Kitty lay there stunned as she felt the enhanced strength leave her shapely body.  She couldn’t be Miss Kitty without that FEM belt.  Without it, she was just another woman, weak and vulnerable.  Then he did something that struck terror in her heart.

      “You smell good,” he said as he straddled her lower back and leaned forward.  She gasped when he reached around her body and grasped her 38D tits, squeezing them through the leather.  From behind, he pressed his face cheek-to-cheek with hers.  “And you feel great.  But I think Lady Katana has bigger tits.  In fact, I know she does.”

      “Get off me and put my belt back around my waist, you pervert.”

      “Pervert?  Me?” he said, and laughed.  “Well, now that you mention it, yes, I am a pervert.  I’m REALLY into BDSM, so I LOVE your dominatrix outfit, babe.  Black leather, latex and bondage really turn me on.”  He fondled her a long moment, before continuing.  “In fact, I love everything about your outfit, except for one thing.”

      “What is that?” she asked, but fearing the answer.

      “The mask has got to go,” he said.  “I don’t like them, at all.  I want to see all of your beautiful face.”

      “No!  Please, be reasonable,” she gasped as his huge hand palmed the black leather cowl she wore.  With his palm on her forehead, he thrust his fingers into her eye holes and slipped them under the tight leather.  Double-sided tape held the mask portion of the cowl to her face, but it was no impediment for the burly security guard.  “Don’t, and I’ll do anything you ask of me!”

      “Funny,” Harald said, and began pulling the mask/cowl away.

      “Oooohhhhh nooooooo,” she cried as it was ripped off her face and head.

      A magnificent mane of curly red locks spread out and framed her pretty face.  There was no doubt in Harald’s mind as to Miss Kitty’s secret identity the instant he saw her.  After all, like most forty-five year old men he lusted after pop princess Kourtney Kittens.  The pop tartlet pranced and danced, posed and strutted in the sexiest, skimpiest outfits imaginable.  She was half the male population’s ultimate fuck toy.

      “Oh my God, Kourtney KITTENS is Miss KITTY!” he cried.  “Well fuck me to tears and call me hairy.”

      “I can pay you lots and lots of money to keep my secret,” she begged prettily with her big green eyes and pouty lips.

      He felt his dick harden.  Miss Kitty felt it too, since he was still straddling her back, his crotch pressed into her as he slid back to sit upon her firm, round rump.  Both of their eyes widened at the same time, as they stared into each other eyes.

      “Oh no.”

      “Oh yes,” he said and slid back further, stopping on her shapely thighs.  He produced a pocket knife and quickly sliced a slit between her ass cheeks and down past her twat.  “This won’t take long, Miss Kourtney Long Legs.”

      “Wait, we can work out a deal or something!”

      “Deal with this,” he said, pulling out his cock and letting her gaze at the massive member a long second.  “And don’t worry, we’re going to work out a nice little ‘business’ deal between us before I’m through fucking you, Miss Cock Teaser turned Cock Pleaser.”

      Miss Kitty couldn’t believe it when his thick fingers began probing her anus.  She wasn’t used to such obscene and rough treatment.  She was a star, a pop princess.  She only spread her mile long legs for movie stars and music stars.

      “Heh, Miss Kitty has a pretty pussy.  Mind if I pet your pussy, Miss Kitty Kittens?”

      “Please, anything but this.”

      “What’s the matter?  Never do it with an older or poor or just plain ugly man before?” he snarled.  “Well get used to it, sweetheart.  You and I are about to become an item.”  She gasped and shook her head NO.  “That’s right.  You want me to keep your secret?  I want to you take care of me, financially and sexually.  And I have extravagant tastes in both areas.  So I figure we start out as bodyguard and pop princess, pretend we fall in love, and move in together.  After a year or so of that, we have a big Hollywood wedding and settle down to fucking the shit out of each other.”

      “Never!  I’d rather die!”

      “Actually, I think your fate would most likely be prison,” he said, grinning at her look of shock and understanding.  “You’re wanted in the US, Mexico, France and England, that I know about.  Can you imagine what it will be like in a Mexican prison?”

      All color left her face.  She couldn’t speak.  Couldn’t breathe for a long moment.

      Harald pushed his finger up her ass.  And the other hand found her clit, and began to message it.  She squirmed and gasped, and tried to think.  There had to be a way out of this horrible predicament.  Otherwise, she’d end up this nasty man’s wife and fuck toy.

      “Ooooo,” she gasped as he pushed two fingers up her asshole.  “Please not up the ass.  Take me in the pussy instead.  Or the mouth.  Anything but up the ass.”

      “Have you ever been ass fucked?”


      “Have you given head?”

      “All the time.”

      “You get fucked in the pussy a lot?”

      “Five, six times a week,” she said.  “At least while on tour.”

      “Damn, you are one wallowed out pop whore, aren’t you?” he said, causing her face to flame red.  “I think I want to explore virgin territory this time.”

      “You sick bastard!”

      “Oh, honey, you don’t know the half of it,” he laughed.  “But you’ll learn soon enough.”

      Harald forced the captured pop tartlet to stick her butt high in the air, with her knees and upper body pressed down against the cold tiles.  Then he mounted her from the rear, forcing his cock a good five inches into her ultra tight asshole.

      “OOooooo!  Oooo!  Stop!  You’re killing me!”

      He chuckled at her outcry.  It felt way too good to stop.  Hers was the tightest asshole he’d ever fucked.  Those wallowed out whores he usually hired had nothing to complete with this ultra fine babe and her virgin sphincter.  In no time he had the full nine inches sliding in and out of her asshole.

      “Relax and enjoy, honey,” he said.  “It’ll be nothing to you before too long.”

      Then, just to make it more interesting, he slapped her well rounded, but extreme tone butt cheek.  SMACK!  She flinched at that, but surprised him by not crying out.  Obviously, she’d been spanked before.  But the latex sheathing her hiney probably was protecting her somewhat.  So he smacked her again, and again, harder and harder.

      Miss Kitty’s long, delicate fingers curled into fists and she arched her back just so, because the spanking he was giving her felt sooooo good.  Bad girls needed a good spanking.  <Amelio will miss giving me my morning spanking,> she thought.  And, despite her initial reluctance and resistance, she really was beginning to enjoy the feel of Harald up her asshole.  It was a naughty pleasure she never had the courage to enjoy before.  Just the thought of it hurt, and it did hurt terribly when he first started butt fucking her.

      “Ooohhhhhhhh.  So good,” she purred.   “So gooood to me.”

      Harald grinned down at her as he increased the pace of his fucking.  It was starting to feel good.  Damn good.  Before long, he finally popped his wad inside a woman he did have to pay first.  Wow!  It was better than he thought, because he was about to live out his domination fantasy with one of the most beautiful, most sought after young pop singers in the world.

      “Oh, my Gaawwd!” Miss Kitty cried, eyes wide in disbelief.  The wonderful tingle she associated with sex turned into something more, that heady rush to climax.  “It’s never….Oh!...It’s never happened before!  I’m…I’m cum….I’m really cumming!”

      Miss Kitty’s sphincter clamped down on Harald’s cock.  He gasped and kept pumping.  It was too much for him as well, and Security Officer Harald Jones lost his wad deep inside the gorgeous pop singer/cat burglar.

#                    #                    #

      “Heh, Elmer, where’s Lady Katana?” Harald said as he sauntered back to the scene of the crime.  He was carrying the Pharaoh’s Cat under his arm and placed it back on the display.  Elmer was looking around in disbelief and…grinning.  “Where did she go?”

      “She…um…left,” he said, looking guilty and pleased at the same time.  “No worry from her, though.  She promised not to report us for reading porn, or try to get us fired for any reason.  As long as we never mention what happened to her here tonight.”

      “Who cares about her,” Harald said, dismissing her with a wave.  “I’m quitting this lousy job tomorrow anyway.  I have a better offer, and decided to take it after what happened here.”

      Elmer nodded knowingly.  He looked at Harald strangely, then grinned.

      “I’m quitting, too,” he said.  “Where are you going?”

      “Oh, I have a chance to play bodyguard to Kourtney Kittens,” he said casually.  “And you?”

      “Well, I got a sweet deal, too.  Working for that snooty socialite on the Museum Board of Directors, Tiffany Hightower,” he said, way too casually.

      “Cool,” Harald said, and they shared a leering grin.  “It’s about time a pair of old coots like us struck a bit of luck.”

      “Yeah, I agree.  I feel very lucky,” Elmer said with a beatific look.  Then he frowned and looked around.  “But first we better cover our asses and call the police.”  He gave Harald a strange look.  “We have some security tapes to lose, first, then tell the police how Miss Kitty and Lady Katana did battle here, and vanished.”

      “Yeah, damn if we know what happened to them,” Harald said.  He looked around at the mess.  “Shit happens, you know?”