I do not need to involve myself personally nowadays. I only need to pit my enemies against one another.

Of course, I can always get Tom Serra to eliminate them, but using him too often dilutes the effect of his presence.


It was an early morning in Gateway City, at the top of the newest skyscraper in the business area, a gleaming edifice of concrete, metal, and glass. The Citadel, Ares Macrotech’s primary headquarters, just recently constructed. A symbol of the corporate world’s might, and the lofty ambitions of men.

However, its owners were less than happy at the newspaper headlines for the day, which were almost identical all over the United States of America.

Lex Luthor Acquitted of All Charges!”

“Multi-Billionaire Asserts his Innocence!”

“Former President of the United States Returns in Triumph!”

LexCorp Reestablished! WayneCorp takes massive hit from loss of subsidiaries!”

The sound of a newspaper being slammed on a desk echoed off the walls of the large office, one which suited the owner of a powerful corporation like Ares Macrotech. Phillip Delacroix looked up from his chair at Joshua Peres with a wry grin on his face. “Murphy’s Law, Joshua. You can tell Ares that.”

The Earl of Greed, standing before his colleague, swallowed hard. “It doesn’t change our situation. Sure, Lex Luthor is back, but it doesn’t mean anything.”

Phillip smiled, the twist of his mouth cruel and malicious, “Oh sure! LexCorp’s return, almost immediately to the list of triple A rated corporations, I might add, means that they’ll be breathing down our necks in a few months. We don’t really have the depth or experience to wage a sustained economic campaign against Luthor, not this year, or the next.”

“You’re exaggerating.” Joshua spread his hands out in a placating gesture, “Look, our basic plan is flawless. In these three months, we’ve done the impossible. Ares Macrotech is now a top five corporation. Only WayneCorp and a few others are in front of us, and that doesn’t matter as much.”

Delacroix stared at Phillip for a while, before leaning back in his seat. “I don’t like the margin for error. We’ve spread ourselves damn thin as it is. Here in Gateway, New York, and then Boston.” He held up a hand to forestall Joshua’s protest, “Yes, yes, I know why. Ares wants to undercut the Amazon’s influence, which is why he has selected these three cities which contain Wonder Woman’s firmest supporters.”

“Well, we do what he tells us to do.” Joshua shrugged helplessly. “On the bright side, if it fouls up, you could always claim that it wasn’t your suggestion. It was his.”

Phillip shook his head ruefully, “Peres, I once heard a saying about leadership and command. The shit always rolls downhill.” He turned his chair to look out from his office at the sun in the sky, steadily clawing up. And I’m often in the way at the bottom of the hill, in the valley of the shadow of shit!


Wonder Woman flew through the air, taking an askance look at the massive skyscraper which now dominated Gateway’s cityscape. The corporate logo of Ares Macrotech, an archaic Greek helmet in front of crossed spears, was curiously absent. But the motto of the company was pasted proudly all over the city, along the streets, on the buses, on top of taxi cabs.

“Striving for your better future!” went the words all over Gateway, Boston, and even New York, following the glut of new products made by Ares Macrotech that had appeared in America, and apparently selling at incredible rates to consumers, taken in by their high technology appliances, their cheap prices, and the slick marketing. The only possible flaw she found was that many of their products, particularly for clothes and food for their supermarket chain, were made in Third World countries at pathetically low labor costs.

She was not sure what Phillip Delacroix and Ares were up to, but she did try to find out. Careful analysis of their products yielded nothing. Even their advertisements were just that, unlike other criminal organizations like Kobra and DEMON which tried to insert in hypnotic messages in their products.

She had met Phillip a few more times since she had left the dinner at the embassy in a hurry to attend to Donna’s matters, but he had appeared every time with Veronica Cale on his arm, and Wonder Woman had found herself reluctant to step in. That did not mean she felt any better about it though; the twinge of jealousy remained.

She couldn’t explain why she felt so drawn to Delacroix. He had stated outright to her that he was her enemy, but strangely enough, she knew without a doubt that he did not hate her. He was just doing Ares’ will. She wanted to meet him, try to get him to leave Ares’ service, anything to make him less of an enemy.

Ares was also apparently playing on the up and up, and Diana didn’t know if she should feel worried that he had apparently figured out some way to gain power that didn’t involve war. But today, she had other problems to take care of first.

“Detective Schorr,” she greeted Mike Schorr as she descended onto the rooftop of the police headquarters.

“Wonder Woman,” Mike Schorr greeted her gratefully. “Good to have you here.” He offered her a hand, which she caught in an easy and relaxed grip. There had been a period when he had been romantically interested in her, but Diana had rejected him firmly. Since then, he had accepted the fact that they were only going to be friends.

She smiled warmly at him, “I saw your message about the theft of ancient artifacts from homes all over Gateway, and I decided to take a look.”

“Yeah, here’s an updated list,” he handed her a slip of paper, “Looks like it’s mostly stuff from Africa. Can’t think of any reason why anybody would want these though.”

The Amazon Princess scanned through the list. “Have you tried checking on the origin of these artifacts? Like who discovered them, sold them, this sort of thing?” She had a suspicion from the items stated. If she remembered correctly from her time working at the Gateway City Museum, many of these archeological items had been discovered and sold by none other than Barbara Minerva, otherwise known as the Cheetah.

Mike rubbed his jaw thoughtfully, “Hmmm… that’s a good idea. I’d get on it right away.” As she continued to scan the list, he asked her, “Was there any other reason you wanted to see me?”

Wonder Woman nodded, “Yes, there was something else.” She paused, then plunged on, “Can you check up on Ares Macrotech for me?”

Mike blinked in surprise, “Huh? Ares Macrotech? The corporation that seems hell bent on having Gateway as its private turf like WayneCorp in Gotham and LexCorp in Metropolis?”

“Yes, that’s the one.”

“You don’t suppose it was just a coincidence that Mister Delacroix named it after Ares?” Mike asked cautiously.

“No, it was not a coincidence.” Diana answered. “Delacroix is working for the god of war to further his goals, much as I seek to advance the cause of my patron goddesses. I need to know what he is up to.”

Mike shook his head in amazement, trying to get to grips with her statement, “You’re serious about this?”


“Jesus…” The policeman groaned, “First Lex Luthor comes back, and now this. Why don’t we just get these two gazillionaires to beat each other up and save the rest of us more trouble?”

Diana stifled a laugh, “That’s a nice idea, but I don’t think it’ll work.” Or maybe it will, she amended to herself silently. “In any case, keep an eye on Delacroix. Just in case.”

“Got it, Diana.” Mike grinned. “So, you’re back in town. Are you thinking of staying on?”

Wonder Woman sighed, “I’m afraid not. There’s still too much to do at the embassy.” Her feet left the ground, as she prepared to leave.

“Well, remember to have some downtime for yourself!” Mike waved at her as she flew off. “All work and no play makes Diana a dull girl!” He yelled good naturedly at her as she left.

Wonder Woman smiled. He’s right. I haven’t really had a rest in quite a while. The past few weeks had been a blur of Justice League missions, trips to the Middle East to try to install some semblance of peace in the region which failed miserably, and soirees in New York in her attempts to raise awareness of human rights, which she felt more and more strongly that did not really accomplish anything.

Other than a few quick conversations over the phone, she had not even managed to spend a day with her sister Donna.

Then she was shaken out of her musings when she saw a feline figure spring out of a building, shards of broken glass trailing behind her.

Diana recognized her old foe. Cheetah!


“So, Mister Delacroix, how does it feel to be one of the richest men in the world?” His host for the day, a financer by the name of Richard Smith, took a sip of his champagne. The rest of the rich and famous of Gateway milled around, making small talk.

Phillip glanced around Smith’s home, an expensive and up-class apartment in one of the prime pieces of real estate in the heart of Gateway. “I feel great. It’s good to be rich.” Truth to tell, he couldn’t give a damn either way, but he had a part to play.

“Richard, really, you should not ask such a silly question! Whoever once said that the rich are often unhappy is obviously delusional.” Veronica Cale stood next to him, and Phillip was momentarily struck by the heady smell of her perfume. Then again, maybe being rich does have its perks. He wondered if he could get away with placing an arm around her waist.

Smith smiled, “And being rich enables us to have things which others can only dream of. Speaking of that, I just acquired some pieces of relics and artifacts from a dealer specializing in Africa. What do you think?” He gestured around the scattered artifacts displayed throughout the room in glass cases.

Phillip actually only had eyes for the more archaic weaponry, but he did nod his head appreciatively. There were a few gem laden cups, some masks worn by the tribal people, and even the ornaments they wore.

He was about to speak when the doors of the apartment were suddenly thrown open.

A female figure walked through, and everybody present stiffened in surprise at her tail, swinging easily by her side. A brown mane of wild hair hung around her shoulders. If not for the fact that she looked like a cheetah, with spots all over her naked body, she was the epitome of feminine(or is it feline?) beauty. Not to mention the trail of blood behind her, the blood of the building’s hapless security guards.

“We’ve got to get out of here, now!” Ronnie whispered harshly into his ear, and Phillip could tell that she was terrified. And with good reason. The Cheetah was one of the most dangerous female supervillains around, with incredible strength, speed, and agility that placed her on par with Wonder Woman.

He replied softly, “Don’t worry. Let’s see what she wants first.” And wait for an opportunity if there is one.

Richard bravely walked up to the Cheetah, and asked, “Miss, is there something you want?”

Cheetah smiled, “Yes. Your blood for Urzkartaga!” She moved with unbelievable speed and savagery. One moment Smith was standing next to her, the next he was on the floor with his throat ripped open. Phillip noted there was little blood spillage, which was weird.

The guests all screamed as the Cheetah leapt forward, her claws slashing out at the panicked people. It looked as if somebody had set a cat upon the pigeons. And these are some very plump and well-fed pigeons, Phillip thought uncharitably.

He looked to one side. Fallon was already next to Ronnie with his own sidearm drawn, and the two men exchanged quick glances. Phillip nodded as he drew his trusty Beretta, watching Fallon guide Ronnie away to hide in some toilet in relative safety. It was as if the bodyguard knew what he was capable of, and didn’t want to get in the way.

What is Cheetah up to? Phillip couldn’t figure it out. But people were dying, and he had to do something. She stayed near the entrance, killing whoever tried to escape. Most of the smarter guests had retreated deeper into the vast apartment. The heavy security forces would hopefully be on their way soon. But not soon enough for his peace of mind.

He moved forward, crouching behind whatever cover he could find, while observing the bloodless slaughter dispassionately. After tonight, a lot of firms are going to be ripe for takeover. Coincidence?

It didn’t matter. He managed to get within 30 meters, and that was when he opened fire. The shot was straight and true, but Cheetah somehow managed to duck away in time, warned by some supernatural sense, the bullet only creasing her on one shoulder. She spun to face him, her fangs gleaming brightly. Shit.

“Prepare to die, little man!” She started running towards him, and he fired away as he backpedaled calmly, but she somehow managed to avoid every single one of his shots, her movements almost quicker than his eyes could see.

She was almost upon him when Phillip threw the empty gun at her, which she caught easily in one clawed hand. “Out of bullets?” She tossed the gun behind her casually.

That’s the first mistake you’ve made, not pressing the attack. Phillip took the opportunity to break the glass of a nearby display case, taking out a well-worn sword from its holder. “Let’s dance, bitch, or should I say, kitty cat?”

Rawwwwrrrr! Cheetah sprang at him with that same deadly speed, angered by his insult, but at the same time overconfident of her powers.

Fighting with a sword was far different from shooting a gun. And Phillip had been trained by the best, his skills honed in deadly and very real combat where those not standing on their feet at the end of the fight were always dead corpses on the ground.

There was no margin for error, and he never made an unforced one anyway. Speed was important, but so was anticipation and technique. For the barest of moments, Cheetah reminded Phillip of the lightning fast bandit Gui Long he had killed years ago. But Gui Long was an expert in the scimitar and dagger, while Cheetah seemed to have only the bare rudiments of combat training. Albeit with enhanced strength and speed.

Delacroix easily parried her first predictable swipe of the claw, then slid under her other claw coming around in a roundhouse slash, before slamming the hilt of the sword into her sternum, followed up by a quick rotation of the blade upwards which would have sliced her open from chest to neck if Cheetah had not jumped away quickly in alarm.

He chided her as if talking to a child, “You’re fast and strong, but that’s not enough.” He held the sword with its tip pointed to the ground in an unorthodox guard stance, while his left hand beckoned her forward mockingly. He raised the pitch of his voice, “Come, kitty kitty!”

“DIE!” Cheetah did not run this time, using her strong legs to propel her forward in a long leap.

Phillip smiled cruelly, and suddenly whipped the sword about him, smashing the display cases and sending shards of broken glass all over the floor.

Just in time for Cheetah to land with her bare feet right on top of the jagged shards.

She shrieked in agonizing pain, and Phillip took the opportunity to advance, his expression cold and focused.

Cheetah looked up at him, and for the first time in her career of villainy, felt real fear. She somehow knew instantly that the man before her did not grant mercy, that he was more vicious and deadlier than anybody she had ever met before. This was no Boy Scout hero type she was dealing with. This was a born killer, with the eyes of one who already knows he’s dead.

The villainess flung herself out of the nearest window.


Wonder Woman saw the Cheetah manage to claw a grip on the vertical wall surface of the building. She must have caught Cheetah’s attention in her flight because the supervillain then leapt for her!

The Amazon flew upwards to avoid Cheetah, but Cheetah caught her left leg by the ankle with an outstretched hand. The villain squeezed hard, her sharp claws sinking into Diana’s firm flesh, and the Amazon Princess bit back a cry of pain.

Her concentration broken by the pain in her leg, Wonder Woman lost altitude. She plummeted like a rock while Cheetah used her other hand to stab into her lower leg, further adding to the pain.

Diana grimaced and pushed away the agony in time to avoid smashing into the ground. She drew up the leg Cheetah was clinging onto and used her other leg to kick away the villainess.

Cheetah was almost propelled by the power of her kick into a car, but managed to somersault over the vehicle in time.

“Barbara, stop this immediately!” Wonder Woman shouted.

“I’m not Barbara Minerva! She is just a weak human female! I am the Cheetah!” Cheetah stepped forward with her claws flashing.

Wonder Woman raised her invincible bracelets and used them to ward off Cheetah’s blows. The bracelets sparked with sparks from the impact of the claws, but they held. They were gifts from Athena, and indestructible. Not even the thunderbolts of Zeus could break them.

“You need help, Barbara!” Diana persisted, still holding back from any attacking moves, “This will only destroy you!”

“I like myself this way!” Cheetah retorted, still pressing. Her tail whipped up and around to trip Wonder Woman, but the Amazon had been prepared for just such a move, and she just moved back.

Hera, forgive me for what I am about to do,” Diana took her lasso and spun it like a whip, lashing out at Cheetah. The villainess managed to dodge the lasso.

“Damn you, Wonder Woman!” Cheetah roared in frustration at her inability to hurt Wonder Woman.

Wonder Woman tried one last time to reason with her foe, “Give up now, Cheetah, and you shall receive mercy!”

“Never!” Cheetah spun around and started running off at incredible speeds, limping slightly for reasons unclear to Diana. The Amazon was about to pursue, but she stumbled slightly, favoring her left leg, which had been injured by Cheetah’s claws. The villainess disappeared into the startled crowd.

“Wonder Woman!” Mike Schorr and a posse of policemen arrived on the scene at that same moment. “Are you all right?”

She managed a smile, “I’m fine. But Cheetah got away.”

Mike looked worried, “Yeah, and she killed a bunch of people attending Richard Smith’s tea party.”

Wonder Woman pointed to the building Cheetah had jumped out from. “That building?”


Diana looked at the broken windows of the penthouse apartment. “I’m going there to have a look. Want a lift?”

“That’ll be great.”

She flew to the penthouse, and somehow she wasn’t surprised in the least to see Phillip Delacroix watching over the battered survivors, a sword in his hands.

He faced her as she put down Mike and said, “She got away.” It was a statement.


Delacroix stared at her, “I watched what was going on. You could have stopped Cheetah instead of talking to her!”

Wonder Woman was unfazed, “I was trying to reach her innate goodness…”

“You could do that when she’s locked down, not in the midst of the street!” Phillip shouted angrily, “Lives were at stake!”

“If Cheetah had tried to hurt any of the pedestrians, I would have stopped her,” Diana replied calmly. “Phillip, listen to me…”

“This is a world of lies. Life is nothing but pain, hatred, and death.” His voice was bleak as he swept his arms across the bodies being laid across the floor by their sobbing servants while Mike wisely stayed away, asking questions of the other survivors.

Phillip shook his head, “Princess, your goodness of heart will cause your downfall one day.” He looked up at her, and for a moment she could see the deep sadness in his eyes, “And that’s not something I would want to see.”

He has never known anything else… Diana realized with shock. She wanted to tell him otherwise, that there was love and compassion too. And maybe if he saw the light, he would turn away from Ares’ path of destruction.

She was about to speak when Cale appeared in front of her. “Well, Wonder Woman, it looks like you’ve not done your job!”

Phillip took Cale gently by one arm, “Ronnie, it’s not her fault. Not this time. Cheetah was out for something.”

Mike Schorr came up to them, “I asked Mrs. Smith, and she told me the artifacts around the house were bought from a certain Bryan Sturgis.”

Diana nodded, “The same dealer who sold all the other artifacts that were stolen.”

“Yeah, and that means Cheetah was probably trying to get the other artifacts here.”

Diana frowned. But it doesn’t fit. Cheetah simply stole the other items without killing. Why would she change now? There’s something else to this.

She broke out of her thoughts when Phillip offered his hand to Mike in introduction, “I believe we haven’t met. I’m Phillip Delacroix.”

Mike glanced at her in surprise, then returned the handshake firmly, “Detective Mike Schorr.” He looked critically at the billionaire. “You’re the boss of Ares Macrotech? The Delacroix?”

Phillip smiled uneasily, “None other.”

Mike took out his notepad and wrote something down. “Could you have pissed Cheetah off?”

“I think I’ve taken over enough companies to be quite hated, but not to the extent of having somebody sending Cheetah for my life.” Phillip paused, “Besides, she was killing indiscriminately.”

Diana sighed, “If I’d known that, I would have tried taking her down earlier.”

Phillip said with obvious disgust, “Yes, you should have.”

Wonder Woman did not reply. She could not help but feel that he might be right this time, and that her compassion and mercy could lead to more suffering. Still, she knew there was something that did not fit the picture, some crucial piece they were missing. Why did Cheetah attack the way she did?


“You’re late.” Morgan Carter said to a disgruntled Phillip Delacroix as he entered the gym. Joshua and Stanley were sprawled out on the floor, panting hard from their 5 klick run. Ares had insisted on his minions attaining a certain level of fitness, hence PT sessions conducted by Morgan 3 times a week, which the Duke of Deception and the Earl of Greed hated. Meanwhile, Schroeder continued on his treadmill. Baron Blitzkrieg never had any problems, and he just sneered at their inability to keep up, which Morgan detested.

“Got some slight problems in Gateway.” Phillip shrugged off his jacket, and stepped up on a treadmill to begin his own run. “A Cheetah came calling.”

“That’s no excuse!” Joshua shouted out aggrievedly, lifting his head off the floor to look at Morgan and Phillip.

Morgan grinned, “Shut up, Josh. Phillip can run you into the ground, so he doesn’t need the PT as much, and you know it.”

Awwww, Morgan, why should we be doing this at all?” Stanley complained. “We got lackeys, myrmidons, android soldiers, what have you. Why can’t we be slobs and be the evil masterminds lazing around?”

“Because there are no lines in war,” Phillip replied while running on the treadmill at what Morgan considered to be a gut busting pace, yet still speaking normally, which was no easy feat. “Everybody from the lowest cook to the highest commander is a target. Ares wants you to be able to run fast enough. When you need to.”

Morgan clapped appreciatively, “Heard that, fellas?” Joshua and Stanley just groaned together and dropped their heads back on the floor in exhaustion. Morgan smiled at their antics.

Joshua Peres and Stanley Burnside were fun to be around, and Morgan treated them like the younger brothers he never had, even if they were loads richer than he was. Phillip, on the other hand, was simply unapproachable, and Morgan suspected the deadly killer had his own reasons. In any case, Phillip was still better than Schroeder, who treated everybody else with disdain, exactly like the bigoted Nazi he was.

Twenty-five minutes later, Ares walked in. Phillip was still going strong on his eighth kilometer, and if anything, was going even faster now, and Morgan could see the raw determination on his face, a frightening mask of concentration, running his heart out, his legs a blur.

Ares was clad in the black shirt and pants ensemble that he used for his new contemporary image. “Phillip, get off the treadmill now. I need to speak with you.”

The King of Pain slowed down to a jog, then a steady walk. Morgan understood. Stopping immediately after such a hard run could result in pulled muscles and cramps. Phillip was nothing if not careful.

Phillip stepped off the treadmill, and he exchanged meaningful glances with Ares before Ares nodded imperceptibly and left. Morgan threw a towel to Phillip, who caught in easily. Lord Conquest asked through their mental link, what’s up?

Phillip did not look back as he left the gym, his reply grim, nothing but trouble for me.


Ares sat back in his seat, Philip entering his office with the towel draped across his shoulders.

Delacroix, to his credit, went straight to the matter at hand, “How did you arrange that?” That referred to the slaughter at Smith’s apartment which was undoubtedly making the evening headline news.

“Maybe you could hazard a guess?”

Delacroix closed his eyes, deep in thought. “Cheetah has her powers granted by Urzkartaga, or at least that’s what she said back there.” He opened his eyes and glared at Ares, “You made a deal with the Plant God?”

“A plant demigod,” Ares corrected. “And a deal which could yield some very nice benefits.”

“Care to tell me? Or is it another of your secret plans?”

Ares took out a cigar from a drawer, and placed it in his mouth, “Oh, you do have a right to know, since I need you to do something for me.” He took out a lighter and lit up the cigar. Ares sighed in satisfaction at the burning sensation through his lungs. Immortality had its advantages.

Phillip frowned, “I don’t quite get you.”

“You will. See, I offered Urzkartaga some of my power, in exchange for a favor. Kill Wonder Woman.”

His minion blinked, “Or else?”

Ares grinned wider, and blew a smoke ring, “The Plant God becomes my vassal for eternity. In other words, I get a new and useful lapdog. I don’t need the Amazon dead. Not yet, because her patron goddesses might just bring her back to life. And I’d be back to square one. But if Urzkartaga fails…”

Delacroix, to his credit, understood immediately. “And you want me to stop him. It. Whatever.” Then he grimaced, “But I don’t even need to interfere. Wonder Woman seemed to have no problems against Cheetah.”

Urzkartaga has used the extra power I gave it to tilt the odds in its favor.” Ares bent forward, and dropped his bombshell in a soft tone. “You see, it made two Cheetahs out of Minerva and Ballesteros.”

He challenged Delacroix, “Stop them. If you can.”


“Cheetah, how do you feel?” Sebastian asked Barbara, who insisted on being called Cheetah. He wondered if he should get her to change her name from Cheetah to Cheetara, but he winced as he realized the name was already taken by some cartoon character. Ouch.

The feline woman sat down on the bed they had started sharing recently, and proceeded to pluck more shards of glass out of her feet, “I’m fine, all things considered. Did you find out who that man was?”

Sebastian nodded, “Phillip Delacroix.”

That made her sit up and pay notice, “The guy who owns Ares Macrotech?”

“None other.” Sebastian started to pace around the room, making sure that the claws on his feet were retracted. He didn’t want to pay for a new floor. “I have a suspicion he’s one of Ares’ men. And that means Ares doesn’t want us to succeed.”

“Backstabbing bastard.” Cheetah said bitterly. “So what does Urzkartaga think?”

Sebastian smiled wryly, “He thinks that an ordinary mortal like Delacroix is no threat. Not compared to Wonder Woman anyway.”

Cheetah snarled, “No threat? He almost killed me!”

“It won’t matter.” Sebastian reassured her. “Our plan still goes on. You’ll draw in Wonder Woman, and then I’ll spring the trap. With the additional power boost from the blood taken tonight, the two of us will take her down easily.

There had been a reason for the attack at the apartment. Cheetah had taken care not to spill too much blood in the slaughter, and right now his men were draining the blood from the morgue. The blood would be watered on Urzkartaga, and the Plant God would pass some of the power onto him and Barbara.

Cheetah purred at his confidence, and she stretched out a claw, and pulled him off the floor and onto the bed, his muscular body falling on top of her slimmer female form. “Since you’re so certain of victory, how about some relaxation before tomorrow?”

Sebastian smiled as he bared his own fangs, his claws reaching for her firm breasts, gripping them tightly. Cheetah moaned in pleasure, her tongue licking his fur and arousing his senses. Their animal scent permeated the air, stimulating his penis to full attention in mere seconds.

Their tails curled around each other, and her claws raked his back in long bloody furrows as he entered her roughly without much foreplay. She liked it this way.

“Oh! Sebastian!” She cried out his name as he started to thrust into her, his eyes wild with pleasure. She grunted her ecstasy out in rhythmic response to his movements in and out of her.

Her juices began to flow, and Sebastian could feel her tightening around him, further increasing the pleasure for both of them. He sped up his thrusts, and the two lovers climaxed together, then collapsed onto the bed, spent for the moment.

“Ready for round two?” Sebastian asked after about a minute. How he could ever take this woman as an enemy in the past, he didn’t know. All he knew was that he lusted after her now, and the sex in their Cheetah forms was better than anything he had ever had.

Cheetah rolled over and looked at him, “Well then, let’s get your little brother up first!”

Sebastian growled in satisfaction as she sidled down the bed to his groin, and started to suck him off.


“The bodies were drained of blood?” Wonder Woman asked one of the pale doctors. Mike stood to one side talking with the guard, who had been knocked out.

“Yes. I don’t know how they did it.” The doctor shuffled uncomfortably.

After a few more minutes of questioning, she left the hospital with the detective. Mike asked, “Any ideas?”

Diana nodded, “I believe Urzkartaga is behind this. It needs the blood as nourishment to replenish its powers. Still, I had never seen Cheetah so aggressive before.”

Mike shrugged, “People change, I guess.”

The Amazon Princess continued, “I believe that several artifacts procured by Doctor Minerva are now sited at the Gateway Museum. It’s very probable she’s going to strike there next.”

“But she would know that you know… Damn, my head is beginning to hurt.”

Diana nodded. “That’s why I’m need your help. I want your men on-call in case it’s a trap and I need help. Wonder Girl has her own business, but I have the JLA ready.”

“What if the JLA is off on some other emergency?”

She turned to face him, and her words somehow made Mike feel even more uneasy, “Then it’ll be up to you.”


That’s it for this chapter. A bit of wild animal sex(sorta), more fighting, and a setup for yet another action packed chapter! Wonder Woman vs both Cheetahs! Wonder Woman vs Cheetah 1(Minerva)! Wonder Woman vs Cheetah 2(Ballesteros)! Delacroix vs Cheetah 2! Mike Schorr and the Gateway PD vs Cheetah 2! Urzkartaga vs whoever is left standing!